This is a new one on me — and also a reflection of just how desperate things have become inside the “ideal orgs.”
Why not offer the person who joins staff the $500? It will be the last money they will get from scientology, and they will need it…
Instead they are giving money to anyone who can offer someone ELSE up to join staff (presumably they are too smart to do so themselves). “Hey, if you volunteer someone else for this suicide mission we will pay YOU good money.”
They used to give commissions for selling books and getting money in. Now they are doing it for getting staff arrived.
The crazy knows no bounds.
PS: About that immediate 10X expansion… Aren’t the ideal org staff well paid? What scientologist would NOT want to join staff in that case? AND they get their training and auditing free (and all these orgs deliver the most important services that even the OT VIIIS have to do over and over — Student Hat, Purif and Objectives).
Seems like there is a big disconnect between what is claimed and the reality of these ideal orgs don’t you think?
Zero times ten is zero.
This is not terribly relevant to the post topic but I just had to reach out to all of you with my frustration. We moved away from the Big Blue toilet of LA 15 years ago and live a fairly quiet life. We continue to receive piles of shit mail and “chaplain” letters asking things like “does making widgets really take up that much time” and “are you the owner of Widget Co or just work there?” We do own a company that has several employees, two of them answer our phones. I’m guessing the church is paying Experian or one of those to skip trace former “gave some money & did some services decades ago” type people and is hunting them down in full force. Our company has had a relentless barrage of phone calls asking our people “is Mr. Widget there?” “Is Mr. Widget the owner?” “I am Mr. Widgets friend, can I get his cell number?” it’s beyond horrible. I’ve already started my pile of nasty letters I’ve received for the future filing of the USPS Publication 307. I have dear family still “in” and don’t want to be declared but I’m at the point of ultimate frustration! Since they don’t threaten violence you can’t involve the police, we are on the “do not call” list but businesses seem to have no protection. The people answering the phone have been instructed to just “take a message” but they are starting to call almost every day. This is so WRONG. Oh and they use those random spoof phone things that lead you to believe they are calling from someplace other than FL or LA…
blackandwhite, I understand your situation because that is exactly what happened to me about 6 years ago. After being out and quietly enjoying my post-scientology life, the bastards found me even though I had moved and left no forwarding address no less than a half dozen times. That’s when I got on the internet to see what was up with the current state of the cult and found this website and many other sources of information. I wanted the calls to go away and I wanted the mail to stop.
Here’s what doesn’t work:
Politely asking them to stop calling.
Telling them to stop calling.
Threatening them if they continue to call.
Getting put on a ‘do not call’ list.
Changing your phone number.
Writing a polite letter to have your name taken off their mailing lists.
Writing a serious letter to have your name taken off their mailing lists.
Writing a threatening letter to have your name taken off their mailing lists.
Contacting your local Postmaster to have them do something.
Using USPS Publication 307.
Here’s is what works:
For the phone calls, this is a difficult one for a business but for your personal number there are several options.
If you recognize the number don’t answer. Thank the gods for voicemail tech.
Use the call blocking feature if you have one. This is going to be like ‘whack-a-mole’ though.
Just hang up.
Come clean with your employees and tell them of your cultic past and they will happily do the above.
For the piles of mail, this one is easy and won’t cost you a dime. Save all of the mail. When you get mailings with those handy postage paid reply cards save them. Stuff all the received mail you can back into the biggest envelopes and attach the postage paid reply cards to the envelope. And here’s the key to success. Highlight your name and address so that they can’t miss it. Use a bright, contrasting colored pen or marker and write several uncomfortable things that they can’t miss. “Where’s Shelly?” “Do you have access to your passport?” “How much sleep are you getting?” “How much bridge progress have you been making since joining staff?” “How many people are studying in the academy?” “How is your pay compared to the number of hours you work?” etc. etc. Also make sure that they have some handy references to check out. List your favorite critical books, A Piece of Blue Sky, Counterfeit Dreams, Blown For Good, Bare Faced Messiah, etc. Make sure to include some web resources too. This blog, Tony Ortega, Operation Clambake, Chris Shelton, and so on. Have fun with this but be respectful.
Usually the people that are writing and receiving letters (letter regges) are lowly new staff. This stuff will get their attention and possibly help them wake up or cause them to ask questions of their seniors. They will almost automatically become PTS. This is a good thing because it is like infecting the org or mission with a virus. Sometimes that virus can lay dormant for years, but it will revive. There is a good chance that nothing will come of it, but I guarantee a seed will be planted that will at least have an opportunity of sprouting someday. Sometimes higher ups and public people are handling these letters. They are usually doing this as a result of being in lower conditions and are making amends for their misdeeds. These letters are especially valuable in this situation because these folks are no doubt repeating these lower conditions that they have worked through many times before. This is good, because they are even more ready to see the insanity of the cult and this may just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. One can only hope.
Regardless of your good efforts, your main point will be to get of these lists. This is what worked for me. It took a couple of months, but I was able to get off of the mailing lists of over 12 orgs and missions that were inundating me with their worthless glossy promo.
As for your still in friends and family, I don’t really have much of an answer for that. In my experience though is it sometimes best to just to the right thing and hope for the best for them. Hopefully one day they will come around and you’ll be there to provide the love, support and understanding that they will surely need after they start to wake up.
Good luck.
Ms. B. Haven I really appreciate you taking the time to reply! It can be lonely out here! I do have a friend with a similar past as mine (grew up in the Cult of Hell) and we thank God we’re “out” all the time. She has almost her whole family “in” so can’t do much but throw her mail in the trash and tell the registrars she’s broke.
Okay I will work on your great suggestions and fortify my employees even more. I think I will still save the nasty letters and any promo asking for money to still try the Publication 307. It is beyond shocking that they try so hard to ferret out people who are long gone and harass them to return, unbelievable. The snarky comments in some of the letters are shocking and I regret I threw some away. It’s hard to not answer the phone for an out of state number when they spoof as we have client from all over the nation. Thankfully the employees can run block most of the time.
Thankfully their numbers seem to be shrinking and yes comments on envelopes could light a spark to someone still drinking the Kool-Aid!
Thank you again!!!
Ms. B your response was a pleasure to read. Thx.
You’re right that it’s so wrong – particularly that they are constantly calling your business. It seems to me that you ought to be able to stop that, though ending the mailings would entail doing things that might get you flagged as disaffected, with implications for your family relations, if not actually declared. It seems to me that you may need to come up with some sort of “shore story” to tell the Scientology callers, implying that you have no money to spend and that their calling the business is creating bad PR for Scientology.
I’d suggest you also ask this question over at ESMB, where they seem to have quite a few people experienced in getting Scientology to leave people alone.
Yes PeaceMaker the fact that it affects our business is extra terrible. We actually attend a Christian church here in our area on occasion and see what a church is really supposed to be doing, helping one another and the community. One “shore story” we considered was indicating we’ve given our heart to Jesus and to please discontinue the calls and letters but I know that won’r deter them in any way, they would be even more disrespectful! Okay I’ll check the ESMB and see what tips they may have.
Preach it brother Mike……Preach the Truth
So sorry I can’t go. I’ve enlisted in the “Church of Rinderology”. Isn’t that what FP called it?It’s so easy to be in Rinderology. Costs nothing, can stay in my jammies, and read cool stuff from exes. As a lazy wog, why would I want to work 20 hour days in Co$? FP should try it. It’s okay if he wants to say he’s smarter than me.
Ummmmm…can you send me the jammies?
I am a supporter of the Church of Rinderology – where truth and sanity reign. We worship no one and nothing. It is FREE too. We can speak freely. We tell the truth.
It takes courage and strength to be a member of the Church of Rinderology.
It takes BALLS of ginormous and epic size – to come out publicly.
The courageous ex members – who are out there on the battle field exposing Scientology crimes against humanity and will not take the gag order blood money buy out in exchange for silence – Thank you!
Such folks as Mike Rinder and Leah Remini, Aaron Smith-Levin, Tory Magoo, Karen and Jeff, Chris Shelton and all of the other brave people who have gone public with their horror stories on how they were abused by the Church of Scientology.
To those brave ex members that do something about it daily – THANK YOU!
You are the true heroes and humanitarians with honors!
You have personal integrity – something Scientologists fail to have.
The truth sets beings free.
Try the TRUTH for a change OSA, David Miscavige and any Scientologist lurking
You are only lying to yourself.
Your lies will end you up in prison or damaged beyond repair – many DIE to be right about Scientology.
Scientology is nothing but a lie!
I like Rinderology.
I see it as an Applied General Philosophy of high tolerance and wide acceptance of those viewpoints, beliefs, and practices which break no laws and cause no harm and suffering to others.
As a Rinderologist I have tremendous freedom of thought and I can even Mix Practices!
For example, if one night I have a knotty problem with no solution to mind, I can consult the I Ching by throwing coins or yarrow stalks, and be guided by any one its 64 Hexagrams I receive thereby. I love the I Ching! King Wen was a smart dude.
The next night, feeling paganish, I can hang out in the local coven with the Witches and Warlocks of my area, mixing a few potions, cast a few spells, etc.
And if its a holiday like Christmas Eve or Easter, or if I’m just feeling traditional I can go to church and even sing in the choir!
Jesus Christ said a number of smart things, ditto Moses and some of the other prophets so you might find me reading the Bible some night.
Throw in a good dose of Scientology communication tech and other tech, add in what Rhonda Byrne says in The Secret…Its all good.
So, yes, Rinderology suits me fine.
Now, as regards the Founder, be assured that there IS now and forever SHALL be, a bust of Mike Rinder in the foyer of EVERY residence I inhabit during THIS and ALL subsequent lifetimes.
PS: All of the above is true, by the way, EXCEPT my hanging out in a coven and having a bust of Mike in my foyer. That said, I wouldn’t want to rule these out. I mean, you never know.
Since no one is coming into the orgs anymore why would they need a new auditor?
Because they’re pretending to be a fully staffed Org. That new auditor will probably just sit on his ass all day long.
You’re their new auditor, OSD. Given your inexhaustible supplY of high quality bong, the preclears will be lining up for your “tech services”. you’ll be well paid, and the org will quickly go into Affluence and from there into Power.
But never mind how much good it will do you or anyone else I WANT THAT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, Ok, so DON’T sign up for 5 years,
I’ll settle for the $250.
That Elvira there sure found MY button!
I’ll throw ANYONE under the bus to the cult now!
I WANT THAT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m assuming this was to staff members? Also assuming 2 1/2 year contract is 250$ and 5 year is 500$.
I’m also assuming they are desperate for staff LOL Geee, I wounder why?
Alex can do a perfect eval with all the promo and dispatches utilizing all the outside info he was never allowed. Oh and ignor the memo all stats are caused internally.
What a fun show to watch, the down fall of the orgs. (Missions then Management then foundation and day merged now orgs!) All good.
The ad should read, “Get paid 250-500! Who do you want to throw under the bus?”
Oh, that’s easy! Obviously it’s the 250 bloke. Why? Because he’s a down stat. They should really put him through the meat grinder.
Hmmm…$250 – $500..hmmm…
.Ok, that’s it.
Put down the bong, go store your surfboard and dig out your favorite flip flops
I’m offering you up.
Its all over, my friend.
Elvira’s got your address.
Never mind that you’re not an auditor. Details, details.
You’re going back on staff.
As Max Bialystock explained to Leo Bloom in The Producers,
“I WANT THAT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, ok!!! I’m putting down my bong!!! Happy now? Cause I’m going to pick it real soon.
🙂 Bring it with you, OSD. After all, you’re not going to be able to sign a staff contract STRAIGHT.
Glad you all made it out!
To share a story of sucking-in methods I recommend Greg Jamsek’s “Quiet Horizon” his personal story about another group and same promises. As a parent I want my senators and the IRS to know of these dangers.
FBI anyone?
I finally finished the novel “Now and Forever.”
Did it take forever to read?
No, it’s a less than 45 thousand words anti-Scientology novel.
When I check the Orlando org’s social media postings in the week after they opened their “ideal” facility, when they should have at least have been temporarily staffed up to over 100 for the initial dog-and-pony show, their pictures showed just 12 to 18 staff. Orlando has always been one of the worst off orgs, with reports in the past that most of the staff were part-time, and apparently they still can’t get staff.
I just don’t understand how the part-time members can afford anything! It’s tough being a Scientologists.
Part-time? Are you kidding? I’ll bet that even the full-timers can’t afford anything! I know! I used to be one!
I guess it wouldn’t be a real scientology flyer without poor grammar, and this one is true to form.
Each: singular, their: plural. And Hublard said scientology makes people smarter? I sure don’t see it (I know; I should have used the adverbial form: ‘surely,’ but I know what I’m doing – here, anyway – so I can get away with a small colloquialism)
Now that Florida has been declared an ‘Ideal State’, does that mean $cientology is taking responsibility for the expansion of the red tide??
They can have the pythons that were loosed into the everglades. It’s a perfect fit – an aggressive predator that eats everything in it can get hold of, and messes up the entire ecosystem in which it thrives.
Indeed desperate conditions.
And again, the Org must be so disjointed that HCO’s personnel are not capable to do the job themselves.
Perhaps the ‘wogs’ are now better informed via The Aftermath, all the Books revealing the abuses and this type of blog, that no one will dare to join such a criminal organization no matter what HCO does, no matter how many bonuses you promote.
And, is IAS funding these bonuses? (joke of course)
This is just so much bullshit.
What happened to the magic of the ideal org booming and exploding with massive influx of new public?
The pretty shiny new building with all the screens (way smarter than dumb old Div 6 Staff) would route a steady stream of fresh meat into the public course rooms, moving on up to Div 4 auditing and courses, and giving a never-ending pool of excited new public who would be lining up outside the PPO’s office to sign up for staff…….
It’s HILARIOUS that this is coming from Orlando Org. Christ, it just opened… wasn’t that supposed to mean that they had a full complement of staff ?
Why would Orlando need staff so badly that they were being bought and sold like tuna?
It all pisses me off and makes me happy at the same time. I’ve pursed my lips and kept my mouth shut for my own good, only a couple times here and there have I (carefully) dropped a few lines about my opinion of the program. It was off policy from the get-go and made promises that contradicted all kinds of Hubbard policy.
It could never work the way Davy proclaimed.
Hubbard policy of how to build the org couldn’t do it either. It’s all nonsense.
Empty ideal orgs, struggling and proving that DM was full of shit… just pleases me to no end.
” The crazy knows no bounds.”
That’s true, and crazy doesn’t exclude devious. Crazy could be a good defense for Captain Dave if things should happen to crumble. He could plead that scientology drove him crazy and that’s why he was such a butt. With this plan he could continue to pull in more money, buy more useless buildings, but just in case he could blame it on everyone else.
Nice post, Peggy! Crazy is strong in these people.
I know Old Surfer Dude. If only there was some type of medicine they could take!
The “medicine” is being able to read ideas other than what is allowed by the cult. Ideas like those presented by this blog every day. Being able to view both sides of an argument or concept, without having to suffer thru an ethics handling and paying thousands of dollars for the privilege. Plus ideas and blog learning are absolutely free!!
So well said Komodo Dragon.
I’ve been getting emails from a $cion group pleading for help with not only recruiting staff but providing housing and transportation for them. This is in the San Francisco Bay Area where $cion has a long history and a large membership. Very telling that the orgs are having to import new recruits from elsewhere. Seems real desperate.
They’re providing transportation and housing? Wow.
You sound interested Mary. How bout we sign you up then I get the $500 bonus and split it with you when you walk out the next day? 🙂
I love this post. !
I know an attic they can hang upside down in.
Glenn – Scientology LIES
The promises ….it is a bait and switch
San Francisco is a dead and empty morgue
I am connected to many staff and believe me
It is empty
I stay connected to find out the truth
Circling the drain
XSFO Staffer.
Thanks for the update.
I discovered the truth and walked out.
All the best to you in your quest.
See? You do have Super Powers, Glenn! You walked out never to return. Congrats!
Thanks Old Surfer Dude. Yep, erased it all without paying a f…king nickel more. Best DAMN achievement EVER!!!!!
This is actually not unusual. When Nashville Org opened in 2009 most of the staff were from the LA area. Only a few were native Nashvillians. And our PPO would take a friend with him to Chicago to try and recruit people from that org to come to Nashville and join staff. It just never ceases to amaze me how these orgs are trying to feed off of each other rather than try to bring in new public.
All true. And when Harlem Org opened a few years back Mike posted an article about a Sea Org girl posted there to get the org staffed up. This SO had a Facebook Page urging Scn public to help recruit new staff with transportation and housing costs. She was also promoting for public to offer them JOBS. Virtually ADMITTING that they needed to work outside jobs in order to be on staff! Mike posted this article here and soon after the SO girl’s FB page was taken down.
The desperation to obtain staff has always been there but for the past several years, not only are they desperate but they’re ADMITTING their desperation.
The halls of the empty M’orgs must be echoing…buuuuahhahaha…..
Oh sure, lots of kick-ass regges and auditors are waiting for someone to give them a hot tip on where to find their next great job.
I don’t doubt that for minute. When I took a tour of OC Org, there were no smilling faces.
Call me jaded, but my guess is that the minute that money landed in that person’s bank account, there would be someone on their doorstep asking for it to “raise their status”.
hi! hi! you are right!
Ok. I’ll call you Jaded from now on. But I still think ‘Valerie’ is a nice name.
Not jaded at all. Astute.
$500 for 5 years (or a lifetime) for selling a person into servitude and indenture? Wow, where do I sign up? It sounds almost kinky! ha ha
If it’s kinky, count me in! Where do I sign up?
Down boy. Learn from your experience. :3
Lets see,…….. my last consulting work in 2006, I was making $600 a day. Count me out for this specious offer.
FOOLproof, if you give me your contact info I’ll nominate you as a hot-shit (in your own mind) auditor, someone who Elvira is looking for to join staff at the Orlando ‘Ideal Org’. I’ll even split the finder’s fee with you. Rumor has it that you are in the top 1% of the population in regards to IQ according to “actual testing”. What more could Elvira want? With you on staff, urging the others on to unprecedented new levels of ‘Affluence’, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Goofy and the others at Disney World will soon be rocketing up the ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’. This sector of the guh-lax-ee will be ‘cleared’ in no time. Take the high road and selflessly do it for Ron. I’ll still split the finder’s fee with you.
ARC, KRC, KSW & ml,
Ms. B. Haven (lowly Chief Lab Rat I/C)
Miss B Haven, thank you for the belly laugh your comment gave me. Best laugh I’ve had all week. Keep it up!
And here is a true story of crazy. Some years back, I met a Scn who wanted to date and marry me right out of the gate before even knowing each other very long. My radar went up on that. I soon realized that I was the solution to his problem. He didn’t divulge it cuz it made him look bad, but I dug and found out he was in the middle of a Sec Check at Flag and was out of money for it and the CS told him he couldn’t go home until he got the money to get through his Sec Check.
So he told me that “since we are going to be a 2D,” (a couple), we can share in pushing each other up the Bridge and share in each other’s account at Flag. He wanted to “share” MY account first and told me that he’d had a registrar buddy look up my account and that I had money on account, and could I give it to him to finish his sec check with? OMG. Next red flag.
I said No to that and ended any 2D thoughts and said, “just friends now.” So then he decides to barter his way out of lower conditions by getting me to join the SO and that would get him out of lowers. I refused to join SO. Next he started regging me to join staff at Narconon Chilaco. Sent me pics of the beautiful sunset etc. He was in comm with their recruiter who was desperate. I think they offered him money to send a recruit so he was heavily regging me for that. I said no. But it shows you the mind set of some of the sheeple. Everyone is a Mark and everyone is to be used as a barter chip to improve their situation, get them out of lowers, get them their next intensive of auditing, or get them a commission check.
It reminds me of a Multi Level Marketing recruiting meeting with Scns where everyone is running fast to get everyone else “under them” in the multilevel heirarchy. No one wants to just sell the product. They all want to build their org boards and be the big chief on top. That’s Scientology.
Thank you for sharing. You have a very good, realistic narrative of what insanity is possible in Scientology. I left in 1989 but my friends experienced what you are talking about. One of the reasons I left is because Miscavige was increasing his power in those days. There were so many that I knew who really did believe that Hubbard had some sort of truth. Looking back at Hubbard, I see him as merely an insane egomaniac. Before the internet, Hubbard was able for to sell his insanity by utilizing the social methods that you so cogently outline.
He couldn’t go home until he finished a sec check for which he couldn’t pay??? Walk out the door, dude.
Oh, that’s rich, Ms B. Haven! Get the whole Disney gang routed onto services at Orlando Org and then route them onto staff! But how are we going to post these new public from the Magic Kingdom? Okay, I got it:
Mickey Mouse can be the ED
Minnie Mouse will naturally be Deputy ED
We’ll put Goofy in charge of HCO(no, he’s probably not HCO qualled but when has that ever stopped anybody?)
Then we put Donald Duck in charge of the HGC with Daisy Duck in charge of the Academy(I look forward to hearing her lovely voice asking one of her students to ‘ squeeze the cans, please’).
Naturally, Scrooge McDuck will be Treas Sec.
Let’s see, uh, lets post Huey, Dewey, and Louie to Promo and have them run all around Walt Disney World handing out Truth About Drugs booklets.
Have I missed anybody?
Alcoboy, the ‘Org Board’ must be filled.
The Seven Dwarfs can take care of ‘Div 6’ and do the body routing. They may have to abandon their body routing efforts though because once word gets out about the miracle results that scientology produces they will have to retreat and do crowd control at the door of the Orlando Ideal Org. The rush of raw meat public will surely be overwhelming.
Another division that you missed is Qual. There is no more qualified candidate for this post than FOOLproof hisself. This outstanding being will be able to single hand this position and take care of all the other less competent floof goofers who need correction. Because of his superior intellect he will self grant hisself the prestigious title of Dr. FOOL with a gen-u-ine sheepskin bestowed by Sequoia University. Just like the Founder before him did. And who wouldn’t want to emulate the Founder?
Thanks, Ms. B! Will you accept the post of PPO?
We know that the bodies are in the shop, but where do they stack the heads?
I believe they have a dungeon in every Idle Morgue. That’s where the bodies are. They’re having trouble masking the smell, though.
You’re right, OSD! There is such a dungeon in every Idle Org! It’s called the Div 6 Course Room!
Well, with no new public coming in they gotta use it for something.
ROTFLMFAO! Now that’s some funny shit!
This “religion” is not owned by the people but its people are owned by the “religion”.
I’m part of a small church where the people who go there decide what projects we do and what money
is spent. This brings us together in the common goal to help our town and its people who are in need.
Scientology does neither, as its a business not a Religion. They really should be taxed. Maybe in that way
they truly can, in some respect, be part of the community.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Willie. What an utterly decent and sane litle group. It almost makes me want to join this church, heretic that I am.
It seems funny to offer a referral bonus for an unpaid position, but then again, maybe not. Suckers like that probably are very hard to find.
(Even though they can HAVE IT ALL, like the staffer posing in front of the Benz last week – probably just a Colorado Rockies fan’s car? Haha.)
Anyway, with what little staff they would need to dust and clear cobwebs around the Idle Orgs, they must really be hurting if they can’t even find ONE in a major city and have to import one.
The value extraction from an unpaid full-time resource with a multi year commitment, whose job is direct revenue generation, is near maximum, so the headhunter fee makes good sense.
I’m cracking up. You old-timers who were once Innies, those of you who were In back in the 70s and 80s, can you imagine Hubbard’s reaction to this recruitment promo using this $250 – $500 commission ploy to obtain staff? Can you imagine the reaction that such a stratagem would engender in Hubbard? Sound and Fury, Thunder and Lightning – OMG! can you just READ in your own minds the HCOPL he would write about that? Whew! Run for cover! Cracking up, I tell you.
Former PPO here, recruitment bonus for staff members signing up a new victim are on policy and never paid. Just adds to the irony I guess?
I guarantee that when (not even saying “if”) the recruit leaves, they’re going to take their $500 back.
The person who brings them in will get the money as soon as the person fulfills their billion year contract.
I’ve heard that it’s now a 2 Billion Year Contract.
Yea, but the 2nd billion you get Saturdays off.
Seriously??? Saturday’s off? Oh, I am so there!
Hell, yeah! Sign me up, too!
I already did.
Lulu, they won’t ask for it back because they’ll never pay it. No one will EVER see that money!
Only $250 – $500 reward? I guess the prices for selling someone into slavery have fallen!
Damn! I missed out!
Mike, I’m $hocked. $cientology $taff i$ obviou$ly a $piritual calling, ju$t like any other religion. To $ugge$t otherwi$e i$ $imply prepo$terou$.
Moop, your ob$ervation i$ right on the money!
$o $ayith Mi$carriage $o it $hall be. Atleast for now……LMFAO