They badly need a spellchecker. Which is pretty ironic given the first thing on the list of items they are going to be providing to “raise your ability” is “Study Tech.” And this is supposedly an “inspriational weeked of education…”
Secondly, they scraped together just 8 black people in Harlem for their photo — this might be the entire roster of staff and public in this empty org. I doubt they could round up this many people of color in the Inglewood org at all.
Scientology is as insincere as politicians seeking votes from “the Black community” — what they want isn’t votes, it’s money and recruits. They really do not care about “the Black Community” in any real sense. Isaac Hayes shamed/persuaded David Miscavige to open orgs in black communities and they have been albatrosses since. Outside of those orgs, the representation of people of color in scientology orgs around the United States is not reflective of the population. Scientology, as has been repeatedly pointed out, it pretty much a lily-white activity — see my earlier post White Bread Scientology Does Black History Month.
Watch this blog tomorrow for some thoughts from L. Ron Hubbard on the subject of race.
Black people are at least enough smart to avoid the actual Scientology slavery, and technically no because of an engram, just by learning and learned from history in simple positive evolution, pretend to manned with color people those empty places with policies less fair than16th century slavery is not the way to go, but SO wisdom, compliance and brilliant ideas from the Chairman are the perfect actions to get no one product
Blacks have largely escaped modern slavery because scientology never appealed to them, much. I knew of exactly two blacks on staff in NY Org back in the ’70s. Most of scientology advertising appeals much more to whites. Then, when you read the man’s racist opinions, it’s no wonder there have only been a few blacks in the organization, world-wide. My perception, it could be wrong, is that South Africa’s org was lily-white. NY Org was certainly almost all white. Thinking a bit more, my one visit to DC, FCDC, I don’t believe I saw a single black even though the city is mostly black.
They might get a few curiosity seekers to show up from the typical self improvement advertising promising new abilities to be gained. In the 1980’s some years after I left scn I got some advertising promo and curiosity got the best of me and I ordered the groups book which was quite expensive. The front cover reads:
Neo-Tech Discovery
Neo-Tech Power
and the
Neo-Tech Advantage
for unlimited
Prosperity. Happiness. and Romantic Love
Frank R. Wallace
It turns out it was an Objectivism type philosophy (what’s real is real, existence is self evident, etc.) and the guy had some interesting ideas and it was an interesting contrast to the it’s only real if it’s real to you premise suggested (but not followed) by Hubbard/Scn.
from wiki:
The name “Objectivism” derives from the idea that human knowledge and values are objective: they exist and are determined by the nature of reality, to be discovered by one’s mind, and are not created by the thoughts one has.[10] Rand stated that she chose the name because her preferred term for a philosophy based on the primacy of existence—”existentialism”—had already been taken.[11]
Rand characterized Objectivism as “a philosophy for living on earth”, based on reality, and intended as a method of defining human nature and the nature of the world in which we live.[9]
Harlem – isn’t this the org where back in 2016 a Sea Org member was posted as PPO in order to recruit staff so that the org could go Ideal. This young, very attractive Sea Org girl… to get them to sign staff contracts she was on Facebook or something promoting help in getting Scientologists wog jobs – in direct violation of LRH’s HCOPLs on Class V org staff moonlighting! If I recall correctly you did an article on this, and IMMEDIATELY afterward the Sea Org girl’s Facebook page or whatever it was got taken down. A Sea Ogre flagrantly violating LRH’s staff moonlighting policies! Five or so years later I wonder how many staff are in this org and if this girl got RPF’d.
L Ron never did understand the laws of unintended consequences. While “celebrities” brought in a little few raw meat bodies, when a celebrity gets REALLY pissed from being screwed over, they can & will destroy all your recruiting lines MUCH more effectively than they drew in new recruits.
The only interest scientology has in Blacks is how much they can contribute to “the Cause”. If that’s nothing, then they ain’t nothing. scientology caters ONLY to the “able” : those who can pay those outrageous ‘donations’ — fees — or who are willing/able to slave away for 18+ hour days without a day off for years and not needing money for food or a place to stay. Those who otherwise would be “starving students” living in their parents’ basement in the wider world. Young, impressionable and thoroughly indoctrinated into what once was scientology. It seems folks are still being taken in by the “lip service” star-high goals which weren’t actively pursued even when they were written. We WANTED the promises to be true; so much that we ignored that each and every one of them was broken, often spitefully, always casually and as cruelly as could be arranged. And that we didn’t receive what was promised was always OUR fault; we’d done something in the past, perhaps in a past life, to ‘pull it in’ or didn’t apply the “tech” properly. No matter what it was, they always had SOME excuse. That was scientology’s best skill: explaining away the failures, WHY things weren’t as good as the brochures pictured them
There might be an upcoming demand for trained auditors to pull overts and withholds in Critical Race Theory sessions. Metered CRT sessions – wow
Yikes Richard,
You are indeed jumping into the fire…
CRT Rundown List #1
1. Were you a white race when the Magna Carta was written by whites?
2. Were you a white race when the Declaration of Independence was written by whites?
3. Were you a white race when the Confederation or the US Constitution was written by whites?
4 Were you now or have you ever been implanted to be a white race?
5. Have you ever felt good that you were a white race?
6. Have you ever felt compelled to be a white race?
7. Have you ever benefitted from being a white race?
8. Were you ever pressed to believe God was a white race?
9. -continue– Jo’berg Seccheck.
Please take this as sarcasm and my bad joke. I was restimulated by implant #72 from my incarnation on Arcturus.
Jim – Those implants are a bitch, ain’t they?
A scn auditor with his trusty e-meter at hand could easily unearth those nasty unconscious biases and micro aggressions. “What’s that . . . that . . . ?” etc. Lol
The human mind works on classification. Male/female, tall/short, heavy/thin, black/white etc. Pre judging based on classification would be the “item” in my opinion.
“They badly need a spellchecker. Which is pretty ironic given the first thing on the list of items they are going to be providing to “raise your ability” is “Study Tech.” ”
You don’t understand. However $cientology spells a word is correct, it’s the rest of the world that’s got it wrong because they don’t have “Study Tech”. At least according to them.
scientology, making the able less able for 70 years, now.
Jere Lull said …
… making the able less able for 70 years, now.
I say…
… and making the impoverished absolutely BANKRUPT for the rest of their lives (which ended pretty much a few days after they became BANKRUPT.
Why has this happened? One reason only!
It was caused by the Cult of SCAMOLOGY.
Avoid this cult like the plague. It will drive you into BANKRUPTCY and destroy your family at the drop of a hat.
Rolling on the floor laughing
inspriational looks just fine to my dyslexia 😇. My spelchkr disagrees, of course.
Although I live in Italy, we are informed of what is happening in the States.
It is not difficult to associate this decision with the fact that special things are happening in your country (as in the case of that policeman just convicted of causing the death of an African American by suffocation).
SCN wants to take a position that can win support especially after years of “attacks” from those who have had the courage to speak up.
They certainly count on having the press and media also talk about it. I agree that they don’t care about black people, otherwise they would have been busy a long time ago.
Obviously it’s just propaganda.
The usual scoundrels.
O/T. Academic paper — Islam & Scientology: A Comparative Theological and Juristic Perspective (2020), by Hossam Ed-Deen Allam.
“Accordingly, in addition to the evident fact that a Muslim does not need to join scientology, it is not permissible for a Muslim to become a scientologist.”
Quoted in full with screenshots of all pages on ESMBR at:
Thanks Mike for continuing to expose the shanty behind the facade. Recruiting is indeed the rub.
On the Dec 1952 PDC tapes Hubbard remarked about there only being 26, or so, students taking his course. He cleverly spun it as simply being the case that ‘there are only that number of you ready for these materials’. It seems that there will NEVER be a flood of people coming in to work on mental and spiritual cleansing, Most folks will prefer a 6-pack and watching the Simpsons or social media.
Hubbard loved admiration and the only way a narcissist can feel good is if there are more and more admirers so, let’s go mainstream and formalize and religionize his ideas. This has been done eleventy hundreds of times before and has been proven to work. And, predictably it has crashed on the rocks just like other movements, corrupted from within.
Only Lao Tzu , when stopped at the gate as he was leaving, wrote down his wisdom and then left. A ‘no ego’ gesture if true.
Hubbard REQUIRED admiration so pathologically that he kept retreating to ever-more-controlled venues where he could be the unopposed dictator who could and did legislate it. First St Hill, and when that got too big and bustling, the “Sea Project”, a subset of his most ardent subjects
jim rowles said:
“…… for continuing to expose the shanty behind the facade. Recruiting is indeed the rub.”
I say:
Hello Jim. You sure do have a nice way with words. The above sentence has a way of just rolling off the tongue. I have always admired the talent it takes to write in such a way that people can say these kinds of things in this way.
But I’d like to tell everyone about an experience I had shortly after I first told the clunks in charge that I was no longer interested in returning for any more courses or anything else. I told them the whole thing really didn’t make any sense to me and I wished them “good luck and goodbye”. I was so naive.
As most of you know, that was when the phone calls started. The first phone call I got was from some guy who I had met once or twice before while doing TR0 “on course”. He sounded extremely concerned for my future health and welfare. He said to me:
“Oh Skyer, you may not realize this. But when you start in on these courses, it’s like a brain surgeon has opened up your brain (actually your mind) and it would be extremely dangerous for you to just stop now. It would be like opening up a serious wound and never closing it again.”
I thought about that for a sec and decided I wanted to tell him that had to be the most ridiculous load of shit I had ever heard and he could take his courses and his bullshit and he could just ram them straight up his ass. But then I realized that I had told these bastards all kinds of things about myself that would be extremely embarrassing should they ever come to light and so I agreed to return to the course the following day but I just never came back.
The only lingering effect that could be considered harmful was that I carried the memory of this creep in my mind and forever after considered him and the whole rest of this awful cult to be complete A-Holes and I would never have anything more to do with them. Never again.
Whenever I think back to this incident, I contemplate that what he told me may have sounded like something unique for me. But I betcha that most everyone who ever made some negative noise was told the exact same thing.
What a bunch of lying, thieving BASTARDS!!!
Thanks Skyler.
Telling them a shore story about returning is simply playing their game and their reality. You did good.
In the 70’s I got away with the reply of ‘NO’. Early 90’s I did have to tell a SO scheduler : What part of NO don’t you understand? Then I faded out of their view, forever.
I am filled with trepidation on what Lron said about the various ‘races’ of mankind. No I’m not. Lron was a racist sob and he deserves the Klan robes.
Preach on Mike, preach on.
It wasn’t just “races”, Zee. ANY difference was sufficient to spark off his xenophobia. He particularly was afraid of those who were his intellectual equals or WORSE, actually knew what they were talking about.
In my decades in $cn the only African Americans I ever ran across were Lutein and Alethia Taylor. Nice couple who as I recall lived with the Hubbard family at King Arthur’s Court in Dunedin. They were there in the mid 70s but I never saw them in all the years after.
The only black *I* ran into was Stanley Clarke at Flag about 1978 and in ’73 or ’74 the D of P at NY Org, a gorgeous woman. I could never remember her name and after trying for awhile to describe who she was to another student, he said” Oh, the black girl?”(There was only one at the time) Oh YEAH. She’s the one.
OMG! Life changing LRH technology???
Sound good? They don’t tell people that the kind of life changes they will experience include things like:
Instant Crushing Debt!
Unbelievable Credit Card Debt followed by: Maxxed Out Credit Cards,
Financial Insolvency
Vanishing Credit Ratings followed by: BANKRUPTCY!
But that’s not all. There is also all of the following:
Disappearing Family Members followed by: Dissappearing Families,
False Imprisonment,
18 hour work days ,
Crushing Back-Breaking Labor
For the finale, just watch Valerie Haney’s episode on Mike & Leah’s TV Show: Scamology and the Aftermath and see how Valerie experienced all of her life changes.
The kicker? Valerie isn’t black. Being black is not required. This cult is happy to abuse and scam anyone. All that is required is that you know how to rub two nickles together and make a dime appear! Then you get to donate that dime to the Fearless Leader’s alcoholic addiction! Sound like fun? If so, you will be a perfect candidate!
P.S. I am reminded of Mel Brooks’ film “Blazing Saddles” in which he explores the current racial relations between the races in America.
Save yourselves a whole lot of anguish and instead of going to this cruel event, just watch Blazing Saddles to learn how this cult truly views black people in America. Then take any money you might be thinking of handing over to these criminals and instead, use that money for your own families future education. Maybe donate to the NAACP or the United Black Peoples College Fund (also known as the United Negro College Fund).
If you are black, do yourself a big favor and do not throw away your money by giving it to these crooks. Instead, invest your money into your own family’s future and please remember the single most important thing to know about this cult. It is:
FUCK SCAMATOLOGY! Your family will be much better off if you pay attention to them instead of this scam that just wants to rip you off and destroy your family.
Bingo, Skyler! Do NOT buy what they’re trying to sell you. They’re world-class salespeople and have no compunction about lying as long as the get the sale closed and the check deposited by end-of-week, Thursday at 2 PM.
The last time the Black Scientologists Conference was held, Minister Louis Farrakhan told Nation of Islam members not to attend. Does that instruction still hold? Will he tell them not to attend this year? Or will they participate in the Conference this year?
I will note that this year’s Black Scientologists Conference is not being promoted on Repair of the Black Family (formerly Dianetically Speaking), the public Facebook home of the Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology. Thus, my guess is that Minister Farrakhan’s instruction still holds and Nation of Islam members have again been told not to attend. Otherwise, the Nation of Islam Sister who runs the Facebook group, Scientology Clear, Super Power Completion, Cause Resurgence Rundown Completion, PTS/SP Course Graduate and Classed (i.e., E-Meter) Auditor-in-Training Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad, would be heavily promoting the Conference.
Are you saying that the impossibly long-named “sister” isn’t promoting it for all her followers are worth? Otherwise, the FSM fee kickbacks would have her beating the bushes for possible victims. IIRC, she’d get 10-15% of not only the ‘course’ they first buy, but ALL subsequent “donations” to Davey’s little enterprise.
COS obviously sees & is beginning to understand “gentrification”…..wealthy investors buying out or more or less forcing out the current Harlem poor black population in order to sell high priced condo apartments to the wealthy.
125th St is one of their prime targets to upscale to the highest bidder, leaving the poor nowhere to go that they can afford.
Still dangerous in many areas, but as soon as “the wealthy investors” get “those people out”….these new luxury condo apartments are going way up in price. That former rat infested tenement is no more…are being demolished along with some older buildings, night clubs, & churches.
Will the wealthy want to be part of “it”… anyone’s guess. They’ve already got Cruise, Travolta, & a host of other celebs.
“HOST” of other celebrities? Perhaps 3 or 4 other minor celebs any more by my reckoning. Some are celebrities only by their own declarations, kinda like guys declaring themselves super lovers: There’s usually a woman behind them pantomiming “Nooooo!” or laughing uproariously.
True that! Most are “aging out” in the world of today’s up to date more popular & well knowns among the younger generations who are willing to pay $10+ a head to go to a recently released movie.
Cruise, Travolta, Alley, Bell have had their day & aren’t relevant nowadays. After all how many Mission Impossible movies can one make. Or how many more “Good Witch” TV series are being viewed. MOST are “legends in their own mind”.
As long as those celebs keep “funding the cause” to “Clear the Planet”…& until the oldsters are dead & buried….it goes on.