Marlow Stern has written quite a number of stories relating to scientology. They have often questioned scientology’s practices and have failed to regurgitate the scientology propaganda they try to feed the media. That makes him an “enemy.” And what does Hubbard say about enemies? You threaten what they seek to protect and cost them their jobs. See this post for the exact words from Hubbard: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
What never ceases to amaze me is how proudly scientology comes right out with the very worst of themselves, proving time and time again what a toxic, deluded and unlikable organization it is.
So, here, once again are scientology footbullets writ large. In fact, their threats and chest pounding became the bigger story than the story itself. Marlow’s latest piece lays bare the absurd threats his inquiries about scientology’s responses to COVID-19 brought forth.
He covered the Mach 30 story by Tracey McManus in the Tampa Bay Times, where she accurately reported Sea Org members were “still packing buses as they moved from living quarters to church buildings” and “sitting shoulder to shoulder.” Remember, this article appeared the day after the video was posted on my blog showing dozens of Sea Org members unloading from a bus in front of the SP Building in Clearwater. They were packed in like sardines.
Note well the DATE of that video.
Note well the quoted passage concerned SEA ORG MEMBERS.
Note well the fact that no mention has been made anywhere about SEA ORG MEMBER BERTHING. Or that Sea Org members are complying with social distancing requirements at all.
Somehow, Marlow managed to get a response from spokespuppet Karin Pouw. Clearly the letter was NOT written by her, but that is nothing new. Miscavige has dictated letters to the media for years and had them sent out in others’ name — quite a number in my name in years gone by.
Because of how outrageous the response was, the Daily Beast published it in full, but without a lot of comment.
Here are some of the key points in her letter:
Well, the “entire” story has NOT been “debunked” — the video is proof that the “most stringent preventive measures for the safety of all” had NOT been implemented at the “onset of the outbreak” or even with the IGNWB 88 on 13 March (far from the “onset of the outbreak”). In fact, Sea Org members seemed to have been entirely excluded from the “safety measures” yet they are the most vulnerable population in the scientology bubble. They live, eat, work and travel together. Like sardines. As the video showed. That was 2 weeks after Miscavige’s missive.
And this post from 21 March showed the Valley Org, right under Miscavige’s nose, encouraging people to come in to take courses. That was 8 days later.
“We have done more than any other organization to respond to the threat”… obviously an absurd claim on the same order as “we are the largest private relief organization on earth” and “we have the only effective drug rehabilitation program.”
And if Miscavige finally canceling the event scheduled for March 13 on March 12th and issuing an announcement about the “planetary bullbait” is “ahead of the curve” then he must be measuring his actions against the idiotic Governor of Florida. In fact, Miscavige has NOT issued a “stay at home” order to scientologists, as of today they are still proudly announcing they are going door to door to “disinfect” and people are still posting on Facebook that they are “completing courses in the Advanced Org.”
As above, the story from the Times is NOT false. And in fact, they do not even address the key question. What about the video of the Sea Org members?
“Our good name”? surely you jest…
The letter then goes on to tell The Daily Beast what they should print:
Nothing like a bit of arrogance to make the cheese more binding.
Marlow then recounts that he received two legal letters. Here is part of one of them — the typical empty threat “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”
How do we know it is empty? I have folders full of similar letters sent weekly to The Aftermath that were equally as over-the-top and equally as ridiculous. They bluster about the “proof” they have, yet the proof of what was said is right in the video, the promotional pieces, the Facebook posts and the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. One would think these lawyers would learn they are damaging whatever reputations they have by agreeing to send foolish letters simply because scientology pays them well. This is the sort of thing that gives lawyers a bad name…
Interesting that Mr. Miscavige, who is absolutely NOT involved in the day-to-day activities of scientology (just read the legal briefs his lawyers routinely file when seeking to prevent his deposition or inclusion in lawsuits) is suddenly making gloves and masks available , overseeing the isolation of individuals and purchasing a “military-grade” anti-viral agent? He is awfully involved for someone who is not involved.
And finally, the threat.
But, the truth is that this is all ignoring the underlying fact that scientology believes that ALL ILLNESS = PTS. This is a hard-bound rule straight from the mouth of L. Ron Hubbard. So, all of these “precautions” are just for show. Scientologists believe the only way you can get sick is by being connected to a Suppressive Person.
I had spoke to Marlow about this and he quoted me at the end of the article. I just don’t think people who are not familiar with scientology understand how significant this is.
“I just look at it and I go, all of these things are cosmetic,” says Mike Rinder, a former senior executive of the Church of Scientology and Sea Org turned whistleblower, on the church’s COVID-19 practices. “Scientologists believe that the only reason someone gets ill, or catches a virus, is because they’re what’s called ‘PTS.’ They’re connected to a ‘suppressive person.’ And as long as you’re not connected to a ‘suppressive person’ and you’re not ‘PTS,’ you will not get sick.”
Karma is a bitch and does not make any discount to anyone. I’ve seen already quite a few who made fun of or lessened the seriousness of the ongoing pandemia, who got hit in their faces (Boris Johnson, Donald Trump to name a few) Now it can be predicted that when SO members will get sick and some could also die from COVID-19, it will be kept hidden. I’d like to know if anyone can provide valuable info about the Freewinds. Having been there I know well how deadly it would be if the infection reaches the ship.
The hyperlink at “Marlow’s latest piece” directs to your blog post on how co$ attacks like the previous hyperlink, vs directing to the original article.
Hope you and yours are staying safe and well!
Here’s Miscavige in his own words addressing his “parishioners”:
“…our event hall in Clearwater has cancelled all public events until at least April.” (Bulletin 88, 3-13-20)
Here’s DM in his lawyer letter:
“Before anyone else, Mr Miscavige cancelled all congregations and mass gatherings.”
The cult likes to talk about “proof” a lot, especially when making a statement that includes none. So here are the choices:
1. Believe the lawyer who speaks for DM (i.e. second-hand testimony) claiming that “Mr Miscavige” proactively, deliberately and out of concern for the world at large cancelled all major gatherings even BEFORE he was made to do so by outward factors such as gov’t edicts and logistics (such as third parties providing facilities).
2. Believe “Mr Miscavige” HIMSELF as he states in his OWN words that the cancellation was NOT his but the facility provider’s and insinuating that he would have NEVER himself fallen for a “bull bait” such as all this virus panic.
Speaking of lawyers, it’s pretty clear which version a court of law would accept as the authentic one! Or even a half-way decent journalist…
Todd, good catch. While the contradiction is clear, I still wonder if Miscavige’s hand wasn’t forced not just by the hall – if it was even them at all – but by hesitancy if not even pushback by members concerned Scientology was actually putting their health and safety on the line. Hopefully we’ll get an insider account of what happened, eventually.
I am not so sure how susceptible DM would be to “pushback” in the autocratic organization he and the fat man have fashioned. I am fairly certain that the sea borg wouldn’t dare questioning “command intention.” But even public may not want to incur his wrath as he has plenty of ways to make dissent highly unpleasant and exorbitantly expensive.
I have, however, also entertained the possibility that he was afraid that under the present circumstances the event turnout may be so embarrassing that he wasn’t too unhappy that the hall became unavailable. Not to mention, all his macho bluster notwithstanding he is himself at high risk for the virus, given his age and respiratory ailments. And if he still believes his own BS, there’s also his own personal lack of progress on the bridge and the immunizing effects that such progress is supposed to provide 😉
Holy Cow, Todd, thank you, and a big “Duh” directed at moi for just now fully realizing that, yes, Miscavige IS at HIGH risk for Covid – VERY high risk!
Not so much his age – although he is getting up there – but his ASTHMA!
Severe asthma ALL his life!
Medication, STEROIDS, a compromised immune system – oh, boy, is he at risk, is he EVER!
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ got a ventilator right there in Hemet already just in case!
I’d say this is one “ecclesiastical leader” who ain’t goin’ NO PLACE for a loonng time.
Not that he mingles much ANYWAY.
Don’t wanna be catching the bullbait virus from no process server…
From everything I’m reading – mostly what Fauci says – Covid-19 is mostly not caught from surfaces but from droplets in the air from close human contact. Its so contagious that just regular talking sends these teeny tiny droplets (I thought I’d give you the medical term) into the air which someone close enough breathes in. Now, if Flag staff are still auditing preclears in those small rooms how are they social distancing – wider auditor’s desks? Longer wires on the e-meter cans? AS for Sea Org berthing and the packed conditions in which they live, how Sea Org members eat, sleep, work, travel, bathe – this is a public relations bomb waiting to be detonated. Frankly its gross and shocking enough without there being a pandemic.
I never auditor trained but I recall reading something about how far an auditor is supposed to be from his preclear in order for his auditing commands to properly “impinge”. I get it on taking temperatures before each auditing session but its also true that some people are asymptomatic carriers. But in any event how can an auditor audit a preclear with six feet between them?
Hubbard wanted to control the PC through the auditor. In my own auditor training, I remember the emphasis on voice and intention. This just makes Scientology that much more difficult to apply in a modern world. As the years went by after leaving Scientology, I realized just how ineffective auditing really was and how the cost was made so high with the auditor. People valued a good auditor above all else. My own realization over the years was that meditation was far more effective. The more isolated you are the better it becomes. There is a funny story in Buddhist literature about a monk who was buried in baggage by a group who did not notice him near a tree. They were surprised when they removed their baggage the next morning.
Got it on everything, George. My take is, whatever gets you thru the night. I think Frank Sinatra said that, back in the day. “Whatever gets you thru the night.” Meditation, prayers, auditing, the I Ching, whatever. So long as no animals are harmed 🙂
Aqua. In session one is asked to do cans squize and takes a deep breath and let it out. Imagine that.
OMG, YES! I FORGOT about that!
“Now take a DEEEEP breath and let it out”…LOLOL!
Well, this cinches it.
How can ANYONE be audited with standard LRH tech with auditors adhering to social distancing rules? I don’t see how its possible!
Aqua. It is no possible. Even if you put the guy 12 feets away in the other side of the room, after 15/20 minutes of breathing you have CoBid 19 (sorry CoVid 19) in the air.
No chances.
Blavatsky was one of the first 19th century Occult leaders to point out the limitations of Science. Hubbard followed and copied from her like a little puppy dog but never gave her any credit. But Hubbard took the idea one more step to the left (evil) and came up with his PTS idea. This concept is totally laughable because Hubbard formulated it in the early 20th century. Science has made massive progress since that time and Scientologists are stuck in the distant past.
Blavatsky was also warned by her invisible teachers that any information she published could not contain any errors or misspellings. She said that after paying the karmic price for her “mistakes”, she was always careful to write correctly.
Blavatsky was a remarkable woman who I grew to admire as I read her books. Amazing that she could write in perfect English when she was Russian born. Hubbard’s books and tapes are full of contradictions. You find a greater consistency in Blavatsky. She is difficult to understand at times as she explains the Occult. I plan to read her again since I find that the virus has Occult properties.
The only woman in the 20th Century who could even hold a candle to Blavatsky was Kathie Lee Gifford … and that was only on her VERY best days.
I don’t get it, Max, but I suspect that if I did it would be funny.
Foot-bullet tech is working, alright. As already noted, this provides further evidence of Miscavige’s role in CofS daily operations, and will likely be used as evidence the next time he tries to claim in a court case that he somehow stands aloof.
Plus two days ago at the Underground Bunker, Tony Ortega posted pictures of trainees at Flag getting awards and hugging – putting a lie to Miscavige’s claims about social distancing. Also, hopefully that will provide grounds for another inspection of Flag, which should be set up to be truly a surprise, and to look into what is actually going on in places like the auditing rooms rather than taking Scientology’s word for it.
And I wonder how much Scientology is spending on comandeering Decon7 production – possibly diverting resources that might better be used elsewhere, like in healthcare settings all furnished in the sort of hard surfaces that it is really only effective on, anyway.
Also, I hope that someday we get the inside story of Scientology’s abortive attempt to go ahead with the birthday event at Ruth Eckerd Hall – they tried to re-schedule it, and I wonder what combination of outside pressure from the venue, and maybe internal pushback from some members hesitant to buck sound public health guidance, forced the final last-minute cancellation.
I have seen the video of the sea org members getting off the buses, no masks, no distance, no gloves, just a true belief that they are OK because they have “The Right Stuff.” I wonder how many cases might be already going on behind the doors at the cult.
I see that other religious churches are also having mass gatherings without any protection, as it is “Their Right” as a religious group. Got news for all of them, this virus does not care.
Miscavige is such an odd guy. The narcissism! This is the guy who got some retired serviceman from Columbia to pin a medal on him. These letters from Pouw and his attorney have his ugly face written all over them. I remember when I finished OT VII and OT VIII being told to be sure to thank david miscavige. I KNEW then that this was coming from HIM. He just can’t get over himself.
Mary He has a ‘minor’ inferiority complex due perhaps to height. So he developed an exaggerated “self” (ego).
Scientology doesn’t solve these things because you always have to have an identity they can refer to. So you’re never really free, but you’re now that guy with that identity ….
I hope you understand me.
In short: he can only get worse.
Loosing, I’m sure Miscavige’s lack of height bothers him. He is quite short and if he could wish himself taller I’m sure he would. That said, I’m not so sure that his lack of height is the cause of his narcissism. There are tall people who are total narcissists. I can think of one high profile narcissist who is a tall American. ( I’m sure you know to whom I am referring. I won’t mention his name because I don’t want this comment to veer into the political.) I think narcissism is a mental disorder that can effect someone irrespective of their looks or intelligence, upbringing, uninspired and/or abusive parenting, their race, sex, nationality, political views, etc. I think narcissists are born. Just my opinion and I don’t profess to it being an informed opinion, but I think the vast majority of people are not narcissists but a relative few just…are.
Aqua. Mine was a comment about him and that’s it. Yes he has an exaggerated narcissism. And what most pisses me off is that they pretend that you believe who knows what miracles the cult does but then you see DM still reactive and full of himself and non-self-determined OTs and you simply understand that something is not as they say. Only nonsense. But his height can have a weight on his behavior.
I’m so sorry, Loosing and Cindy, but in my experience a man’ height or lack of it does not necessarily make him nasty and narcissistic. This is my experience only. I’ve had the privilege in my life of knowing very well 3 very short men. They were 5’4″, 5’5″ and these were highly successful and well respected and well liked businessmen. I was lucky to do business with both of them for decades. The 3rd was my uncle – my mother’s eldest brother who took care of all of his much younger brothers and sisters during the Depression. Successful in his own field, he put 4 of his little sisters thru Secretarial school, sent one younger brother to electrician school and his other brother he lent money to buy a bakery so that this brother could have his own business. He was a very smart hardworking man and no fool. He was kind and understanding and patient. I adored him. Everyone did. A Godfather without being a criminal. He was very short. The same way with these two businessmen. Little in physical stature but strong, capable, kind, self made men. Wonderful men. Real men. So they were short – so what? It didn’t seem to bother them. I couldn’t say for sure but I don’t think they had much attention on their height.
Mugsy Bogies was only 5 feet 3, but had a 13 year career in the NBA, and was just a terrific basketball player.
!!! Bogues, not Bogies!
That’s amazing, Joe! 5’3″ in the MBA – wow.
I meant “NBA”, not “M”.
Aqua. You are just right. WASN’T intended as a generality. I hope is clear. My parents were not tall. But great hearts. Believe me. Was just a talk on him. No generalities on heights.
Oh, I knew that, Loosing 🙂 No worries at all 🙂
Yes, we call it the Napoleon Syndrome or the Short Man Syndrome. I wonder if he overcompensates for other short things on his body.
Are you suggesting that wee davie masterbates in a thimble?
Cindy. Lol. It could be. I want just stress that any thing is said on him not on people’s height in general.
@ Loosing, seriously, will you stop being so serious? 🙂 🙂
Aqua. Laughing. I stopped.
It’s always amazing that somehow, someway, Scientology never cured his height. It never does. All those “OT” powers that heal cancer, do away with bad eyesight and a host of other ills, never, ever, have made him an iota taller. Such a tiny man. In a slowly shrinking tiny body. I’m sure it creates a tiny rage in him every little day.
“How do we know it is empty? I have folders full of similar letters sent weekly to The Aftermath that were equally as over-the-top and equally as ridiculous. They bluster about the “proof” they have, yet the proof of what was said is right in the video, the promotional pieces, the Facebook posts and the writings of L. Ron Hubbard.”
The usual standard on policy crap. And my usual standard off policy piss off for the no coherence they show. They are not getting in new people. That’s it is time to hammer hard. People must know.
Mike you are doing great.
When I read the not so veiled threat of lawsuit which would cost them both his job and his paper it’s business, and citing a lawsuit they won previously, it sounded like the mob threatening people with, “you saw what I did to Joe — well he swims with the fishes now.” How dare they threaten them. I hope the paper doubles down on its reporting on Scn to show them they can’t be bullied.
The ridiculous things that they’re not citing a prior victory they had. In fact Gawker had helped expose scientology in the past. Gawker was bankrupted due to a billionaire with a grudge helping to bankroll a case against them involving Hulk Hogan. Scientology/dm had absolutely zero to do with what happened to Gawker.
It’s similar to their claim that they “got Aftermath canceled” when in fact they had nothing to do with that, either.
Saint Louis Saint – you are spot on. I love this: “research and science proves that Scientology is a strain of covid viruses that has been around since L Ron Hubbard (animal) was spawned. It mutated and attacks homo saps interested in self improvement and feeds off of their efforts until they are drained dry and discarded without sorrow. Scientology is DEADLY.” You really are able to describe Scientology with exact precision. VWD. Scientology is deadly and it kills. Lurkers – you need to do a little looking while you don’t have to go on the cans. GOOGLE is your friend. UTR’s – It is time for you to find out why your orgs are empty and you have a terrible reputation. It is time to LOOK.
I hope the lawyers involved with all of the ongoing cases, or who might even be thinking about taking on a case against $cientology, save these letters. They are written proof, from $cientology’s own attorneys and spokesperson, Defendant David Miscavige does in fact control every aspect of $cientology. Thank you for the confirmation $cientology.
They should call slimytology’s bluff and do a follow-up article pointing all of this and how they will just hide full busses (with more video evidence) and give details about PTS/SP beliefs and any other hypocritical points they made. Let’s see them file a groundless lawsuit against TBT or Daily Beast.
Slimytology! It’s tough to get your hands on it!
Slick and slithery like a snake.
The kind that will bite you!
Badafuco. Dave has an overall exact picture of the REAL stats of scn. The fact that he has to micromanage everything has to do with him including the topic of this post tells you that he starts feeling the heat behind his ass. Burn baby burn
Yes, Loosing, he’s on the hot seat. OUCH!
Midget man may have all that money and those suits and properties and motorcycles and expensive scotch but as with all things scientology, he will end up just like LRH. Hiding in seclusion, not being able to go out in public. He will have alienated every loyal person and he will die alone. I take a little bit of joy in that. Apathy and misery will be his downfall. The suspense is killing me.
Badafuco. Right. This is what I think too. Sooner or later the informative work done by Mike and Leah will bring the police to his door. So either he ends up in front of a judge or disappears as hubbard did and will appear to his followers only through videos or voice messages, from some hidden place. Ready to bet.
Gordon: You nailed it. Would you drive by the Church of Scientology Morgue at 6901 Delmar and see if anyone is going in?
I noticed over the years that you have been counting cars in the parking lot at the vacant, dead and empty Scientology Church in St Louis. I am stoked to hear it is still DEAD and EMPTY as it was when I was in the cult, getting manipulated and deceived out of my money and precious time.
I am curious if the big ED’s are showing up during this pandemic. ED’s Matt Hanses and Chad Lane, These two goons allegedly fleeced their entire field out of $17 million dollars for the property they purchased in 2007 at 2345-2351 Lafayette in St Louis City, Missouri and are now selling it. They won’t release the sale price because they don’t want the clubbed seals to find out, according to the spy.
Just a reminder, the big ED’s in St Louis did a Scientology Debug, conveniently after collecting the $17 million over a decade, and they discovered they did not need an Ideal Morgue after all. It is alleged that these guys got big commissions and purchased big homes with increased their debt with big mortgages. A clever trap Scientology uses to suppress and control. Put them in debt after taking all of their money.
When Scientology sells the property, Scientology keeps the dough and has successfully defrauded the poor fools under the influence of Scientology who gave all. Many lost homes to foreclosure and filed bankruptcy. My mole in St Louis who is on staff told me they are still doing some type of musters via some type of telecommunication which is completely off policy and I will be writing up KR’s to RTC for this off policy behavior that is crashing stats in St Louis.
They better not be going into that building or I will contact the authorities. I think this virus will kill the other deadly virus known as ” Scientology”. It will kill Scientology slowly because they worship MONEY and no one will have any for a while.
By the way, research and science proves that Scientology is a strain of covid viruses that has been around since L Ron Hubbard (animal) was spawned. It mutated and attacks homo saps interested in self improvement and feeds off of their efforts until they are drained dry and discarded without sorrow.
Scientology is DEADLY.
Saint Louis Saint. Great comment. Yes, at this point we can say that this cult is truly a spiritual virus.
But beware that since some time it has managed to change (mutation). Now it’s called: COBid 19.
I just checked, and the St. Louis ideal morgue project property is still in the name of the CofS, so they have apparently failed to sell it – and given current and likely future market conditions, will now be stuck with it for a long time unless they dump it at a real fire sale price. Plus, in perfect illustration of the incompetent mis-management of many of these projects, they’re stuck paying $55,000 a year in taxes on the vacant former German House property in the meantime, as it sits and deteriorates and goes down in value.
They did, by the way, finally managage to unload the Alexandra Hotel property in Boston, at a good profit nonetheless thanks to the luck of the then-hot local market – unless they did some behind-the-scenes financing deal where they’re still carrying a note on the property, in which case the current downturn might still leave them holding the bag. There’s certainly been no sign yet, that the org was left flush with cash from a deal and ready to move ahead with renovation of the replacement project property they bought, one of the ugly office building type in Allston. Not to mention which, the org is relatively small and shrinking, unable to benefit from the overall boom in Boston that was going on.
I wonder if counting cars is really a good indication of what is going on. After all, my understanding is that once the Reges get their hands on people, hardly anyone can afford a bicycle – let alone a car.
And if they do have a car, it is very difficult to find enough money for gas. So how would they get any cars into the parking lot?
Skyler. You have a way to spot and look at things so simple and free that is great.
“… once the Reges get their hands on people, hardly anyone can afford a bicycle – let alone a car.”
Just obvious. Maybe they do car sharing to go to the org.
Hello LMR. I hope you won’t mind if I shorten your name. It makes it so much easier to type.
I want to offer you my best hope and prayers because we see in the news that Italy’s rate of infection has slowed and there is reason to believe she may have turned the corner.
I pray that you and your family will all come through this scourge healthy and happy.
After all, it can’t be any worse than Scamology is.
Best wishes to you.
Skyler. Thank you this is very appreciated. I got my family including daughters and granddaughters all togheter in a safe place since over 1 month. Here’s it seems starting to improve, the protocol to make thing right takes few other months,
Not like when the cult does an ideal org push push push than they leave and 2weeks later is back as before the push. Do well Skyler and my pray goes also to you
Skyler, from previous reports, there used to be a car count in St. Louis that roughly corresponded to the number of people who could be expected to be in the org – as amazing as that sounds.
Since Scientology was caught having people park away from the org in Cincinatti, so as to hide activity, I wouldn’t now trust that a small number of cars proved that almost no one was in the org, and that auditing or courses weren’t going on, however.
I don’t know how Scientology can continue to claim to its members that auditing is so essential, if they don’t try to continue to deliver it (though it has certainly been de-prioritized in comparison to other things including pure fundraising); and yet I also don’t see how their high control structures claiming that it can only be delivered properly in the regimented setting of an org could be broached to allow them to go out and perform it at members’ homes, either. They must be stuck with a real dilemma that will only get worse as closures and restricts drag on, and are even enforced more strictly.
Thank you for that info PeaceMaker.
I am now an old man. I have not learned all that much in my life. But the one lesson I seem to learn over and over again is that I must remain patient to see the things I want to see.
It was when I first saw Mike & Leah’s Aftermath TV show that I began to realize just how monstrous this evil cult really is. It was then that I first wanted to see its destruction – mostly so that its many slave victims could be freed and reunited with their families.
It was Mary Kahn who really drove home that point for me.
I know that every day we meet over this blog and we see how this terrible evil keeps coming closer and closer to their own destruction – mostly because of their own stupid actions. It reminds me of the saying I have heard many times about WW2. The Nazis were not really beaten in WW2. Hitler lost that war for them by his many stupid mistakes.
Like invading Russia and rejecting jet fighters and … the list goes on and on. But I see the parallels between the Nazis and the scam. It seems to me the scam would be bound to lose this struggle and would eventually be destroyed. But it would take a much longer time than it will thanks to the rat who calls himself pope. His stupid blunders are causing this scam to be destroyed much sooner than it would were it not for him.
Until it is eventually destroyed, I have resigned myself to just sit back and have a good laugh at all the stupid blunders he makes. It’s almost one every day. IMO, the end of this scam will likely be accompanied with many great laughs at all the idiotic and ridiculous blunders he makes.
I hope it will come quickly. But regardless of how long it takes, I am resigned to enjoy every minute it takes – every blunder he makes. Oh! That rhymes!
Great intel. Thanks for sharing it, Saint Louis Saint.
Saint, I will take a spin by tomorrow and report in.
Thank you Gordon! You deserve a big gold medal with a blue thingy that goes around your neck…like Tom Cruise. A medal of Valor. We appreciate your reports. It makes us happy to hear how dead Scientology is in St Louis. My bet, they have no one there because there is no one to audit or train anymore. They all got spooked that there is an SP in the Org and moved to Clearwater. The latest victim moving to Clearwater is Eve Hanses Forney Rodriguez, the daughter of Robin and Mark Hanses. Mark is an OT 8 and told sources that he wants to re do his L’s so he can figure out how he pulled in the cancer that killed his wife, Robin a few years ago. How tragically sad that at the top of the bridge, Mark feels he pulled in his wife’s cancer.
Eve Hanses Forney Rodriguez got divorced from Kevin Forney several years ago (son to OSA Spy Ellen Forney) and recently got married to OT Ollie Rodriguez and moved to Clearwater. My sources down there tell us she is having a baby. Well, that will be convenient for Eve and Ollie. They can get that baby genned in to join the Sea Org and become a Slave at Flag. If Scientology survives the pandemic. I postulate that Scientology does not survive and goes away for eternity like the covid19 virus.
Hi Saint, I took a spin by the Delmar mission today about 10:30. There were only 2 cars in the parking lot. The beater green jeep and a small maroon SUV. I don’t count the VM yellow van and a maroon van that are always sitting together in the NW rear corner. I’m not sure if the green jeep or maroon van are in running condition. The parking lot has more than its share of pot holes. They are going in and out of the side door by the parking lot. It also has signs on the side door.
Excellent work there Agent Weir. They have people sleeping in the building because they are so paranoid people are going to break in and steal their bribery extortion folders. A few degraded beings who have no life are probably sleeping in the shit hole making sure they protect the 1 roll of toilet paper they are allotted for the year. Scientology Shit Hole Morgue is DEAD in St Louis. Hip Hip Hooray. YEAH!!!
Hi Saint I drove by less than an hour ago. Two cars in the parking lot. The beater jeep was parked in a different spot so it must be running and the small maroon van were the only cars in the parking lot.
Saint, what condition is the interior of the building. What the heck do they do I there all day?
The interior is a shit hole too. The place is a total DUMP. They try to make it look presentable but they never have any money so everything is cheesy and cheap. There are two doors on the side of the building that come out to the parking lot. The one farthest to the back of the building is to the Purification Room where the indoctrination begins. The first floor also has a large reception desk, a few rooms used for course rooms and book stores and two really raunchy smelly bathrooms .
The Scientologists believe that scents are re stimulative to their reactive brains so they don’t use deodorant, perfume, cologne or air freshener. Ron Hubbard, the manic depressive criminal hated smells. So they do everything he does. The place reeks like cigarettes, stale coffee, ramen noodles infused with shit and the smell of FEAR, sweat, and urine.
They seem to like the smell of rotting carcass steeped in diarrhea because that is what the restrooms really do smell like.
The 2nd floor has auditing rooms and a large auditorium with Masonic symbols everywhere. There are also some rooms on the other side and that is where the DSA, Ellen Forney keeps her Intel on suspected SP’s. I looked. LOL
Last I knew, the third floor had the Executive Council rooms for the clubbed seals Matt Hanses, Amy Hanses, Chad and Stephanie Lane. They talk about everyone behind their backs as they plot and scheme. This is where they brainstorm how they are going to get all of the members money and have them sign billion year contracts to be slaves like themselves. They are very phony and fake people with serious cult programming which disables them from living normal lives.
I am afraid, they will all go down with the sinking ship of Scientology. What they do there all day is wait for people to come in and then do musters where they brainwash and hypnotize each other that Scientology is great and they are expanding. They study Hubbard propaganda and mind control methodology. They drill for hours, weeks and months on what to do if someone says they don’t want to do Scientology. The registrars drill on how to get every last dime out of members. They practice deception and manipulation so they can commit fraud and sell you a piece of Blue Sky.
You should drop by and just take 1 class. The cheapest class you can take. Make up a fake name. Wear a camera and send the video to Tony O. It would be a hoot. You can report back to us who is left there in that morgue.
Many years ago I drove by and there were protesters with signs across the street.I didn’t realize the Masonic Temple had become a $ci building. Must have been the Anonymous protest. Were you still in then?
I have never heard $ci followers don’t wear perfume, Cologne, deoderant or use air fresheners. That is crazy.
Yes. It is true. They don’t use any products with scents. I recall ED Chad Lane’s breath smelling like an ashtray infused with coffee, nicotine and death and his clothes reeking like sour laundry and body odor.
I was in doubt during Anonymous days. I kept a healthy Under The Radar distance. I was investigating Scientology and L RON Hubbard, which is a high crime in Scientology. Those were some powerful protests and it did irreparable damage to the cult. I love Anonymous!
Hi Saint,
Hope you are well. I have driven by the Delmar mission a couple of times and there has been the maroon SUV that brings 2 people and the old green beater jeep each time. Once there was another SUV parked in the SW corner and the other time an old Volvo that the paint fading. Looks like they are limiting the number of people coming to the mission.