As always, thanks to everyone for your amazing support.
Most heartfelt thanks to Marie Bilheimer and Lauren Haggis — two beautiful, courageous and caring women. Without contributors like them who are willing to stand up and bravely tell their stories, there would be no show at all. The purpose of this program is to provide a venue for the real, painful stories of life in scientology to be told. It cannot happen without those who will sit down before the camera.
Every contributor knows that any remaining scientology friends they may have had will instantly disconnect (even though “that practice is not part of scientology”) and that some of those old friends are going to be dragged out of mothballs to say things about them… They won’t be true, they will be scripted and put N. Korean POW videos to shame, but they will hurt nevertheless. That is what they are intended to do. Hurt.
And again, please remember there is only so much we can fit in the minutes available for the show. I wish we could tell the entire story of every person as the amazing details and information they have is so compelling and so heartbreaking. A&E provides the opportunity to tell these stories, but there are limitations in what can be included and what has to be left out. We have to try to capture what’s important in 48 minutes.
Scientology has no limit on its willingness to “attack the attacker.” But it is comforting to remember as they careen on down the path of self-destruction, every action they take to shame the victims moves them closer to finally driving off the inevitable cliff.
I would love to hear your views about the episode.
And also as I always do, for anyone newly coming to this blog, I include some relevant links to earlier blog articles.
To begin to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it, read this article:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And then read this one:
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally this is a post about the lies they tell about their “expansion”:
I am Aaron Poulin’s aunt. I hope that the “Brian” speaking in the comments here is not his (Aaron’s) father, my brother.
Great show i still think the federal reserve started this with L ron hubbard they seen him coming funded him i think the main bankers started hollywood the fbi works for them .all evidence leads to this they are in on it funding slaves makes money
Gerald, adjust and then destroy your Tin Foil hat. The Fed doesn’t even know who Hubbard is/was. They don’t finance anything but banks. As to the rest of your “post”, adjust your meds.
Thank you so much Marie for your bravery. You and all of the survivors that have come on to the show and shared their stories are amazing human begins
Keep up the good work. I absolutely believe everything I have heard. This is a despicable organization that exploits people under the guise of religion.
Bravo Mike Rinder! The lack of empathy demonstrated by the Church of Scientology, and your on- point recognition of this is very powerful! What Church doesn’t wrap their arms around a family (of course including their spouse) after such a painful tragedy? ONLY the Church of Scientology. It is NOT a normal response by any means. As a Prior Scientologist for 20 years, I’ve too, like many, have personally experienced the lack of empathy, care, and soulless actions by this Church. It remains Disgusting. Your exposure of the Church is needed, wanted, and just plain freaking fabulous! This docuseries is also a healing piece for those of us who were at one time, part of the Church of Scientology. Let me know how I can help.
The downfall of Scientology will be due to the fact that by design it does not allow sympathy or compassion as those are low tones and undesirable traits for someone who believes that everyone is 100% responsible for their own condition. By that measure, the Church is responsible for their being exposed as the most heartless and meanest religion on the planet! They are 100% responsible for their actions and are pulling it due to their own policies, directives and lies! Mike, and Leah are the church’s motivator! IMHO
You asked us to tell you our views of the show. I thought it was perfect. You did a beautiful job of telling us about Aaron and Tayler and what special people they were and that they were loved. You were not exploiting them. You were honoring them and those that loved them. You did a great job of showing how these deaths came about as a direct result of Scientology’s policies. You did a great job of showing the incomprehensible way that Scientology dealth with the deaths. Scientology reinforced that with the immediate release of POW style video’s of the family who obviously had not seen the show. They were saying the same generic accusations of “they are trying to line their pockets” and had no personal comments. Mike, you acknowledged in the previous epidsode, that as a good scientologist parent, you make decisions that are not in the best interest of your children but for Scientology. So we know you understand that these parents were definitely trying to be good scientologist when they acted as they did. So I think you treated them fairly. These newer episodes are a sobering wake up call to most viewers that were “never in” that DM is no schoolyard bully. Billions of dollars are at stake. Power is at stake. People’s lives are of no consequence. Death and complete distruction of a person is not too far him to go. No mercy. Pure evil. Stuff people can’t just think up! So again, it was perfect. So much thought put in to it. So much compassion shown! If viewer’s feel uncomfortable watching, I think it is because the first season while it was awful, was like watching an unlikely hero take on the schoolyard bully in the boxing ring. Might say it was even kinda of fun to watch. Now viewers are seeing our maybe not so our unlikely hero going up against someone so evil that we can’t even comprehend it in a cage fight. It really shines a light on a level of ugliness and evil that most average people cannot related to. It is scary. It is life and death level of consequences. Thank you for doing this very hard thing and for doing it so well.
I’ve been crying off and on since I saw last night’s show. I’ve needed to for a while. I had to remind myself how fortunate I am to have that luxury. I have the saddest song running through my head. I googled lyrics, then wanted to hear the melody. So..on to YouTube. The ad was LEAH!! How cool is that. Then Cathy Tweeds YouTube video caught my eye. This is another COS smear video in response to last night’s episode. What struck me is how Shades of Marty the videos are (Taryns brother, too). Cathy keeps looking at something or someone, as if for approval but not in direction of camera. She rolled her eyes a couple of times. I feel sorry for her, having to do this, after losing her daughter and the guilt they are probably left with.g. They don’t have the luxury of crying.
*I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying
But I didn’t see
That the joke was on me, oh no
I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing
Oh if I’d only seen
That the joke was on me”
Just for the record, in 1986, I lost my 15 year old son to suicide. My group at AOLA bent all rules and went out their way to support me in all ways from finances to fly to Alaska and stay through the funeral.
In 2010, I lost my husband to suicide. I phoned the church I’d been a member of for 36 years for help. I live only 30 miles from millions of scientologists and the largest network of volunteers in the world.
Did I get any help?
What do you think?
I’m on the fringes of the internet now and very pleased things work out if ya work at it. Its best the church did not even give a follow-up call. I saw its true colors/tone.
Wow Cece, thank you for sharing these tragedies with us. ❤️?
I’m sorry for your losses but yeah, the church seems to be way more ruthless than I recall. And the volunteer network is a joke. I tried getting assists last year for my injuries from an accident and by the time I reached someone and waited it was weeks. Then they finally sent some exec staff member from the Valley org who came a few times and forgot about me.
Well, I am officially really pissed off. Episode 2 has to be the breaking point. Stop hiding in the closet Tom Cruise.
Hi Mike and Leah. I’m so glad to see you both back on tv. As always, the stories that we hear are atrocious. I will never understand why this is still going on. After the first season, I thought that surely, the government would have done something. Of course, with Mr. Trump as president, what can we expect. Thank you so much to all the survivors. You have all touched my heart.
Please folks, lets do more than just be pissed off and outraged. Sign this petition to revoke IRS tax exemption from Scientology. Then share this in email and Facebook to your friends and family. Spread this around and let’s start something here.
Just signed. For all of you guys on this blog, it is very easy to do and takes about thirty seconds.
Thanks MJ:-)
Thank you, Brian. I just signed and made a donation.
Thanks trumpet dude:-)
Mr. Rinder;. Your comments that the brave tellers-of-truth will experience an torrential outpouring of support as these episodes air is true. Add my raindrops to the torrent. Also, I see your face as these people relate their horrors. Know that you, too, are loved, and that any atonement you felt necessary has long been completed.
Wow…. Iympenfrau… POWERFUL comment. You expressed my feelings exactly. Thank you.
The level of brainwashing to those on the “inside” is almost incomprehensible. The control…the greed…the complete lack of compassion is simply baffling! How can anyone “clear the planet” with such a lack of humanity? I am simply beside myself wondering how ANYONE with ANY influence from the outside is able to continue on with their mission…I was raised (thankfully) VERY differently, so I am going to do what I know how to do and that is to PRAY…for the real truth to save those still on the inside…the courage to trust that there IS safety and compassion in the outside world…the healing of the brokenness of those that have made it out…and for JUSTICE for the little weasel at the top.
To you, Mike, and Leah, and to every SINGLE person that has mustered the courage to share their horrendous stories–you are ALL heroes. ALL of you have laid it on the line in the great wide open, taken huge risks, and made yourself vulnerable on public television. That is no easy feat and I applaud your willingness to fight for this cause. Scientology as it is today is synonymous with abhorrent abuse, and it must be stopped. Stay fast to YOUR mission for the well-being of SO many that have been affected…In time I have faith that it will make a difference.
And finally, to Mirriam, Saina, Marie & Lauren…I wish I had the ability to hug you all for your bravery. Thank you so much for sharing some of the darkest moments of your lives. God’s blessings on you ALL as you continue to learn your new normal…may you be surrounded by love & compassion always.
If you want to see some real brainwashing, watch these scientology videos of the mothers of those poor souls who took their own lives. These are people who are speaking with the church in their ear. Sad, really.
MJ – no not sad, DESPICABLE, these mothers (and brother) are despicable. I watched the link just to see what these women would say and now I want to puke and am sorry I did.
The entire gist of the S.O./Scn community attitude is essentially one in which there’s no room for “dramatizations” or “HE&R” or “out ethics” (LOL!) or compromise or any other “non-optimum”, off-purpose behavior. Such things are strictly “counter-intention” to the great cause… kind of like the Chinese Communist Party. The very fact of being dedicated to something bigger than one’s self is the very essence of the esprit de corps, and it’s addictive. All very well and good if it actually is and achieves what it purports to. If scn ever was a bridge to total freedom, it has long, long since ceased being so. Grades & low level philosophic gains and adopting a particular behavioral code to bolster self-esteem do perhaps open the door to actual spiritual expansion and then serves to keep many ppl dedicated to the higher purpose and determinedly chasing the carrot. Unfortunately, the old warning “you can’t get there from here” is totally applicable. The whole thing amounts to a false hope; certainly as it’s done today. Not that those glimpses of spiritual truth and awakening aren’t for real; it’s just that the vehicle of scn will always fall short of delivering. It’s a catch 22. Anything achievable in human existence which might equate to actual “full OT” is effectively negated by participation in corporate scn. Nonetheless, all manner of insanity becomes justifiable in the cult for the sake of those more or less fleeting glimpses of ultimate truth, ultimate freedom or ultimate anything. If you’re still in, OK, you’ve seen some light. Now look elsewhere…
Mike, I have watched every single episode and you can see the sincerity and honesty of each person that you have had on the show. How Scientology can even suggest that these people are not being truthful or are being manipulated by you & Leah is ridiculous. Thank you so much for educating people like myself that have never known a scientologist or how the church works. My family and friends are also watching your show, the word is getting out, and it is just a matter of time before everyone realizes how dangerous Scientology is. Hopefully the church will be forced to close its doors and all the people belonging to this cult will be free to live their lives.
I really respect you mike rinder , and quite honestly, I’ve researched and have probably have watched every sci subject to date , including Leah remini : the aftermath . Last nights show ( episode 2) was so moving and actually personally touched me bc my son , who was only 16 years old , died from suicide 2 in half years ago , and it’s been absolute hell and I wouldn’t wish this pain on any parent or any human being did the matter … I knew immediately when Lauren haggis started crying about her friend that she had committed suicide and even though it is a totally different set of circumstances, it still is so raw and I couldn’t believe that the mother of Taylor was “at peace ” a week after her daughter died – that to be knowing personally what and how suicide has devastated me and my family was unbelievable and only made me realize how pervasive and dangerous sci is when a mother can say something like that about her daughters death . I love the show and I’m so passionate about it and wish I could be doing something to give back the way you do !
Thought for my x Scientology friends:
This heartless disregard for human suffering, loss, grief and tragedy can be squarely placed on Ron’s chain of incidents.
L Ron Hubbard not only put sympathy below hate on the tone scale, he redefined human grief and sadness as having its source in the engram.
The word that has denigrated, in a deviant and insidious way, the pain of loss and grief is the term SECONDARY.
When Scientologists see someone crying or feeling grief instead of feeling sympathy, they have the thought,
“this person is struck in a secondary and needs a session to “as is” this reactive mind.”
By relegating the definition of human loss and grief to a secondary, the humanity of human relations is degraded to a mechanical, psycho scientological term that needs to be audited out.
The loss of human relations, through tragedy, the expression of grief, is seen by the well trained Scientologist as the reactive mind; not a measurement of the degree of love and intimacy between loving and caring human beings.
The effects of this doctrine, of heartless disregard, is being illustrated in these tragic human stories on Aftermath.
L Ron Hubbard was a mentally unstable man who was totally cut off from emotion.
That is why he felt only anger when Quinten committed suicide.
And that is why he felt nothing for his wife when he tossed her out like garbage.
When the sacred bond between human beings is defined as a secondary, that is the threshold to heartless disregard for human suffering.
That is a definitional cheepening of human relations.
This last Aftermath has proved once again:
Following the words of L Ron Hubbard leads unquestionably to a degradation of the soul and destruction of common standards of decency.
The mother who approved of her daughters suicide has L Ron Hubbard thoughts and studied doctrines roaming in her head informing her view.
Malignant Narcissist make for dangerous teachers.
There is an evil in this. Beyond a doubt.
Brian, as always I love your comments. Always blunt and to the point.
I’ll second that. Thanks for the clarity, Brian.
Brian: I don’t believe that “sympathy” is a terribly good thing to have. It puts the sympathizer ABOVE the other person. Here I would humbly suggest “EMPATHY”, the ability to directly connect with another, to feel and same thing they are feeling. It creates a much closer connection. Your thoughts?
Sympathy is feeling for the other person
Empathy is feeling as the other person.
These are my personal definitions
Ron redefined sympathy. Probably because as an emotional being, his heart sphincter was slammed shut like a bank vault.
Peter, this is the actual definition of sympathy. How can this be viewed as a negative?
Empathy AND sympathy are traits of sane and evolved human beings.
What say you?
feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.
“they had great sympathy for the flood victims”
synonyms: compassion, caring, concern, solicitude, empathy; More
understanding between people; common feeling.
“the special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all”
synonyms: rapport, fellow feeling, affinity, empathy, harmony, accord, compatibility
And Peter, do you actually think that hating someone for suffering is higher on the tone scale than caring about their suffering?
Ron Hubbard was a dangerous loon. A smart and supremely creative dangerous loon, but a definite dangerous deceitful lying manipulating loon.
By their fruits………
Scientology is the fruit of L Ron Hubbard. Just look at the outcome. Look at those shattered hearts and families on Aftermath.
These stories are the result of a man who put sympathy below hate on the tone scale.
Sometimes I just don’t understand why more folks don’t see this insight he gave us; a look into the mindset of a Malignant Narcissist.
Redefining the word sympathy was conceptual rape.
Open minded and reasonable were also definitional rapes.
Just look at Scientology. It has no sympathy for the suffering it creates.
And it seeks to destroy freethinking. People who are reasonable and have open minds.
There are consequences in the real world following and applying the doctrines of this charismatic madman.
And those consequences are being played out and illustrated by Mike and Leah on Aftermath.
There is not one tragedy that has been revealed on Aftermath, that does not have some L Ron Hubbard word cleared doctrine behind it, instructing these very outcomes.
So well said.
I believe, however that Ron’s reaction to Quentin’s death had more to do with his extreme displeasure at Q’s homosexuality, than anything else.
I had overheard some OT friends of my parents talking one evening about Q’s death, I could swear they sounded like they were involved somehow or knew what had happened. They described having some exterior knowledge of the incident. Out of body observation. It was troubling to hear. I didn’t want to hear anymore, so I got out of earshot. To this day it haunts me.
Beginning in my mid- teens and into my mid-30s I experienced a lot of loss due to death. Parents, men I loved, friends, it happened a lot over a 20 year period.. Now, 3 times, I reacted very strangely. I don'[t want to go into great detail but one instance was a night of immense hilarity and I was the one making everyone laugh at a party, No one knew that I was suffering because I said nothing about it and during that time I wasn’t suffering, I was just kind of disconnected from it and laughing and joking and what I actually was was extremely sad. Its hard to explain. I just somehow walled it off. , I don’t know why I decided to go to that party after getting that crushing news…I really don’t know. And the other time I reacted – I guess you could say, “inappropriately” to calamitous news about a death of someone who was everything to me involved sex – think, “Summer of ’42” except he wasn’t younger.. And the 3rd way I reacted is detailed in my PC folder so I’m not going to share it here but it was BIZARRE and I still don’t understand it. (No worries, nothing juicy. Trust me, it would bore you 🙂 )
.OK, why am dumping all this drama on you, what’s my point, here it is: I believe that sometimes a person can react very strangely and inappropriately to news of a sudden, unexpected death of a loved one, react in a way that gives no indication of the grief that is being experienced.
I’m saying its possible because it happened to me 3 times out of 7 deaths.
Maybe it was like that for LRH. Maybe he walled off profound grief and frantic regret at the death of his sone, with anger.
Again, I really, REALLY don’t know. Only because, unbidden, I I did my own kind of wall offs, a few times.
That’s all.
REALLY well and correctly said Brian. One for the bookmarks
About eight years ago, my sibling (not a scientologist) called me on the phone, frantic-in trouble. It was in the middle of the day and I was at work…
I told her I had to go and get back to work. At the time, I thought, “she’s down tone.” My cult training kicked in, she was “below cheerful on the tone scale.” I was intolerant of someone that “low toned.”
And I turned the other way.
A few days later, I received the horrible news of her suicide..
I’ve grappled with that guilt for years.
And no, I hardly feel “at peace with it.”
TIdal Waves, that must be a heavy burden. Thank you so much for stepping up and telling this story. I just want to give you a hug and say thank you.
We were all operating on false assumptions. We all, to some degree, while in the “church” had sympathy trained out of us.
We all were under the false assumption that auditing handles all human suffering.
Being kind, compassionate, loving and caring was seen as being reasonable with a person’s case.
That was the false knowledge that has been at the heart of it. Auditing handles everything and sympathy is being reasonable with the reactive mind.
We were victims of a very intelligent mad-con-man’s ideas and world views.
I hope with all my heart that you can resolve this peacefully within yourself. I really do. But I also understand what you must feel about this. ❤️
In the late 70s, we had a suicide at the Denver org. A young man decided one night to run his motorcycle into oncoming traffic on a pretty busy street/highway. We all knew he had issues, but chose to let him deal with them with the ethics office. I remember our ED had a staff meeting and told us that someone had found a doubt formula amongst his possessions where he had decided to either leave staff or to leave Scientology. I can’t remember which. For some reason, that was supposed to make us feel better because he was solely responsible for his death and there wasn’t anything the rest of us could have done. I guess it worked for some people, but many of us were devastated. He was one of us and how had we missed that he was going through so much turmoil. His parents were very distraught. Of course we all tried not to show it. There was a Scientology funeral and it was just surreal. I heard that the family members got auditing to “run out the secondary.” I always wondered if they were made to pay for that auditing. The family left the state a year or so after that and I thought they probably left scientology because of the insensitive way his death was dealt with. However, I think I have seen the names of some of his family members as still in. Last I heard, the ED had left the cult and started a group called Informatics. It’s weird how this series and the comments about it bring back things I hadn’t thought of in years.
Thanks Bo, it’s just a tragedy. The doctrines of L Ron Hubbard creates emotionally disconnected heartless zombies.
Scientology trains people to be anti social personalities. This is not an “ASC” sicko imagination.
Anti Social Personality:
“A mental disorder characterized by disregard for other people”
This one definition is the essential characteristic of every fucking story on Aftermath. My emotions are boiling at this point.
L Ron Hubbard was an anti social personality and trained others to be like him.
“What the fuck were we part of?” MIke Rinder
I now put Marty in that catagory; anti social personality.
Almost every post on Marty’s anti social site is the very definition of Anti social personality.
They are all blaming the victims and those who are giving voice to the victims.
I am glad they are doing it. Marty’s site has become a magnet for anti social personality indie Scientology.
So, what would you say, they are about 2 1/2 percent of posters in this huge Scientology internet feeding fest?
After seeing this last installment of Aftermath all I can come up with is that those folks at Marty’s are despicable or they have not seen the show and are intentionally ignorant.
This was a gut wrenching episode, and I’m not ashamed to admit I cried real tears. Kudos to Mike, Leah, Marie and Lauren. Brave souls all.
As an aside, I was driving down Hollywood Boulevard today and saw a Sea Org member crossing the street with a noticeable scowl on her face. I thought, how sad to be so out of communication with your environment while convincing yourself that you’re making a difference.
After watching the show, I thought of a new item to be added to the Scientology tone scale: heartless motherfucker.
Why is it that Scientology’s answer to everything is more auditing (which is NOT the same thing as counseling by a licensed mental health professional), and vitamins? What about proper nutrition, good sleep, regular exercise, and quality time off to spend as they choose to help combat some of the enormous stress that SO members endure? Plus, to deny and cover-up the fact that a suicide has occurred is both reprehensible and disrespectful. It’s as though that person’s life had no value or meaning. My heart goes out to those involved. Thank you to all who are willing to publicly share their stories.
Another suicide, my former band mate Gordy Gale. Was in the SO and aboard the Apollo for a stint. Always struggling to get by and known for inventive solutions to solve financial problems. I guess he moved to the Philippines in later years, shot himself in the head. Super talented guy who had lots of Scientology training. Tragic loss. RIP Gordy. (Seen playing drums with Danny Wilde on a video shot in the 80’s)
I heard about Gordy; I knew him. He was also the house drummer on the TV show Solid Gold. I remember his financial problems – he was always trying a new angle to scare up some money to pay his rent or whatever. He finally (so I heard) was doing cartage for the band Niacin, and absconded with a bunch of their equipment that he was driving back from one of their gigs. He sold their stuff and moved to the Philippines.
I heard about his death some years ago and wondered why he committed suicide. He had a history of cancer, and I wondered whether he committed suicide due to a recurrence that was terminal, or for emotional reasons. He dropped off the face of the Earth at some point and I lost touch with him. Later I found out that he had moved out of the country.
Gordy was an interesting guy who had a lot of talent and wasted it on chasing the scientology carrot. I think he was OT III. I never knew that he was in the SO or on the Apollo. I liked Gordy and watching that video makes me sad. That’s just how I remember him. I was saddened by the news of his passing. RIP, Gordy.
Damn Doug I didn’t know that about Gordy. We also played together. Sad, sad.
Please pardon the angry outburst/rant!
Lying — Hiding crimes
Lying — Failing at help
Lying — Failing at communication
Lying — Failing at ‘affinity’
Lying — Failing at reality
Lying — Failing at lying
For those willingly inside the bubble it is damn hard for me to muster any ANY empathy for the sorry condition they are in. Perhaps the Buddhists have it right: Let someone living a wretched life continue with it, they may well be living out the karna they need to experience to make them whole again.
For those trapped unwillingly in the bubble there is help on the way. Leah and Mike are showing the public the truth of Hubbard’s experiment gone bad. It is very likely that by the end of season 2, there will be such a hue and cry for justice that our timid authorities will feel embolden enough to rip back the curtains and eviscerate the beast.
This episode was the hardest one for me to watch. Suicides are tragic, but this didn’t have to happen. Tayler’s touched me. When I think of what she could have become, I cry. The sooner we expose this cult, the less victims there will be.
Another very well-produced episode. Heartbreaking. But, reality in the cult. All anybody cares about is “staying out of trouble with the church” therefore, they can’t think rationally. This shows how oppressive the cult of Scientology really is and the depth of “brainwashing” it inflicts on its members. Members can’t just ACT on the dire situation in front of them.
Suicide is a growing problem in this country (one that Scn obviously hasn’t handled) but to know 4-5 people personally who committed suicide? That seems extremely high. Thank you for exposing this ugly truth that the Church of Scientology sweeps under the rug.
Auditing and vitamins through the church will not handle depression or other psychiatric illnesses and the AMA should investigate them for saying so and for denying members the proper medical treatments. According to the church’s policies, parishioners are to seek medical treatment before spiritual treatment, but obviously this isn’t happening. At least a few people I know died, because they thought vitamins and auditing were superior to medical treatments. That kind of thinking IS deadly, as this episode showed.
What kind of life is it when most of your time is taken up tying ‘to stay out of trouble with the church’. They’ve got to be miserable. Even being on staff is miserable.
At the Pasadena Model Idle Morgue, there’s a sign set up saying: Staff Wanted. I’m sure the turnover is tremendous.
Working your ass off for peanuts with constant rejection from those disseminated to and the ever present threat of seniors, make for a high attrition rate.
It took me an hour to calm down after Aftermath last night. My cousin, who had been in Scientology, committed suicide. Though he was out enough not to be involved, his mindset, especially when dealing with mental illness was still in. It caused him to spiral to more mental illness. COS never taught him to deal effectively with his problems and issues, it just created more of them.
I was very close to my cousin. He tried, they tried to get me into cos, they even tried to sell me on the sea org. After every episode of Aftermath I’m ever more greatful for the other activity.
During the beginning of each episode LRH says “. . .to put man in a mental condition. . .” and I always end it by saying “of being completely sick and mental.”
Thanks Mike, Leah and all those brave enough.
CC I am very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your entire family. I hope everyone in your family is free of the cult. Hopefully you can find some comfort in the fact that the dangers of this cult are being exposed.
A big hug to you and your family!
CS, I’m so very sorry about your cousin. My thoughts and prayers to you.
I’ll just leave this here
Whoa! Everyone should click on to this link.
Agreed OSD. INformation that won’t stay buried.
well researched list.Like 100 or so suicides.Commen denominator:people buckling under the blackmail that there will no eternity without them giving money to scientology when the y do not have the money.
We were trained in scientology to believe that “you are totally responsible for the condition you are in”. All blame was put squarely in our lap for everything that happened to us. This is hammered into you. If you feel bad, it’s your fault, what did YOU do to make yourself feel bad. What did YOU do to make you think you want to leave.
And the people around those people who are hurting are looking at those people think “ugh, what victims” because that’s what they have been conditioned to think. Victims are bad bad things in scientology, If something bad happens to you and you mention it, you are “being a victim.”
Then you add layer 3. If someone you know dies, you are supposed to be ok with that. “It is only a meat body.”
Add the three of those things together and you come up with a lethal combination that guarantees unnecessary death.
The comments written today by the people who were there or who were close to people during the time these deaths were occurring show the fallout of what happens when you escape that group think and find out just what it means to feel again.
So much unnecessary tragedy.
I just sometimes feel like jumping off the couch and pulling the plug out of the wall while watching these episodes. If I didn’t have my therapy dog, I couldn’t make it through them. Please, make it stop (not the show, the reason for the show).
Well said Valerie on all counts. Scientology indoctrination can be deadly in the way you described it. I’ve seen it up close. Thanks Mike for leaving and creating this blog that still stands today as the most reliable source for frank and open discussion and analysis of “the Scientology problem”.
I’m right there with you, Valerie. I haven’t cried this much in ages.
There is nothing wrong with “being responsible” for one’s life and condition. The ability to respond is a fabulous one. Hubbard, however, spoke of “responsibility’ in the meaning of “blame”. And that is where we can really go wrong in our thinking. Self blame brings on highly negative FEELINGS about ourselves and a downturn in our ability to deal with our situations. Responsibility, really looking at one’s positive and negative actions, can fully support personal growth and the ability to see where the negatives came from, thus opening the door to positive change. And when one is doing that. the emotions can truly support greater happiness and joy.
Another great episode, thank you Mike and Leah. The women coming forward with their stories are incredibly courageous especially knowing the smear campaign coming their way.
What upset me the most was the treatment and betrayal of mother towards daughter. And in the end she was cold and callous, no emotion, just like LRH with Quentin.
I couldn’t help but think last night about the still-in who decided to tune in out of curiosity after signing a petition and how most will not be effected one iota. The think will be “these two were down tone and DB’s so what if they committed suicide”, “they were SP’s”, “suicide in scien. is so rare why bring this up? it’s sensational t.v.” and on and on it goes. I feel there is little hope for the die-hards, sad state of affairs.
For anyone thinking I’m being too harsh here, believe me many are like this heartless mother showing zero compassion for her daughter. And by the way Mike, I LOVED that you showed the mothers photo on the program. I guess maybe she’ll be spending some time in ethics for “pulling that in”.
I just hope that all of the people who have suffered under scientology — whether they have told their stories in a public forum or not — understand that there is compassion and empathy out there for them in the non-scio world.
What George said.
Another heartbreaking episode, this one with a hidden gay angle. Good job!
Finally sitting down to watch Aftermath. It’s been on for literally 8 minutes and I’m so angry I can’t see straight. What can I do y’all? I feel like I should be DOING something to help. What can I do to make a difference? I don’t want to just be a spectator. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Mary Beth, My suggestion is that you could sign and share this link.
Also to write to your congressman and/or senator to get off of their lazy backsides and represent you to get SCN investigated.
Easy things include raise awareness, such as talking to family and friends about it, get them to see the show or a documentary such as Going Clear, or read books about it.
They are also safe to do.
Whatever you do, don’t go into an org.
You’re a good soul, Mary Beth. Just warn people, MB. And tell them YOUR story!
Mike, to be honest, I felt numb after watching last night. Of course I knew the subject matter would be difficult. I have dealt with suicide in my life and I know a little of what these brave women were able to express. To know that they were rejected and ignored by their “church”, families and friends just seems incomprehensible to me. I cannot fathom a mother who would be fine with her child’s suicide. I just can’t wrap my head around this twisted thinking.
Now, reading the comments here, the tears come. Oh, God, I’m so sorry for all the suffering and the loss of these two innocents.
I am haunted by the beautiful painting Lauren created to honor her friend – what a talent! – bless you and Marie for having the courage to speak up – I pray that you each will be comforted by knowing there are so many people out here that care what happened and we won’t let your truths be forgotten.
I wonder if Aaron was Paul Poulin’s son? The ex-B1 Paul that is…
Yes, and I believe his mother is Karen I spent time with on the PAC RPF with.
Right. Paul wasn’t staff due to the G.O. thing and he worked a regular job. I remember both now. So sad.
Paul Poulin had a brother, Mark – who was OT 5 and committed suicide about 5 years ago.
OMG. Two suicides in one family. Anyone who promotes this cult or its founder needs to be jailed.
Is Cathy Tweed still in Scientology? Her behavior as Taylors mother was the most disturbing part of this episode. It seems the higher you climb up the Bridge” you lose more and more of your humanity.
Is the end goal of Scientology to erase all human emotion? To dismantle conscience? Thank you Mike and Leah for exposing this criminal organization. You are the new Dynamic Duo!
Good comment.I am now out for 17 years.I can attest that I have regained 60% of my humanity.Hard to breakold habits.Next year going for 65%.
Oh Yes, she was going to Flag to getting handling. (I think auditing and ethics as it was a few months after her daughter died) One of the last times I saw and spoke with her she showed me her new wrist tattoo of angel wings she had recently gotten in Tayler’s memory. About the same time Cathy also commented to a mutual WOG (non-scientology) acquaintance that “it was the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics that her daughter committed suicide”. I honestly do not know why Cathy thought “her suicide was the greatest good” but I actually reported this to a Flag person This non-Scientology acquaintance told me when Cathy Tweed made this horrible comment that (he/she) was sickened by it; not to mention, totally confused as to why a mother would say such a thing about her own daughter’s death. I replied that “She’s a crazy bat-shit Scientology nut. “
MP, I, too, can testify to that mother being the most out-there scino I have ever encountered. I wrote my own report on her back in the day and even called Flag EO to ensure it arrived in their hands.
It’s gonna be hard for me to watch this episode. Working on getting myself ready to watch in Tayler’s honor.
Wow. I would have gotten that bad perhaps…I was well on my way. I used to think it was all about forgiving others but the past years since breaking off have had to be about forgiving my self. I sincerely hope these shows let loose a lot of my old friends and family and more will post with their names and reunite. There’s nothing like old friends and family to go with all the new ones since leaving. 🙂
“Scientology has no limit on its willingness to “attack the attacker.” But it is comforting to remember as they careen on down the path of self-destruction, every action they take to shame the victims moves them closer to finally driving off the inevitable cliff.”
I like that “cult clown car careening cliff-ward” visual imagery a lot, Mike, but I’d suggest that it’s even worse than that right now for the cult.
It’s more like the iconic moment in every Roadrunner cartoon where Wiley Coyote finds himself suspended in mid-air, where he remains until the moment that he realizes that he is indeed suspended over nothing, at which time gravity kicks back in and he plunges to earth. The cult has already gone off the cliff of public opinion and floating around in its current state of delusional denial isn’t going to save it from crashing to earth
One way or the other, this killer cult is going down, but it’s already being brought down through its own inability to take responsibility for its many crimes and abuses or to institute fundamental reform of its policy and practices.
That Wiley Coyote image is pure poetry.
I hate to even bring this up but the cult’s smear videos this time around are the vilest that they have come up with after any episode so far. And that is truly saying something!
It’s showing their desperation. Sticks &a stones can break my bones, but what the cult puts out doesn’t affect me.
I was at the base in Clearwater when Yvonne Gillam died. As many of you know, she was very loved and highly regarded. I tried finding out what happened. No one would say. Her passing was swept under the rug. It was as if nothing had if she never existed. There was no humanity, no tribute to her huge contributions throughout the years.
Staff aren’t important as human beings…they’re only important to the cult as far as they can contribute. Same thing goes for public…they’re only important for the money they pay for services. The cult’s existence supersedes the individual’s worth. You don’t abide by the many rules, you’re punished. You show human emotions, you’re punished. You question an order or policy, you’re punished. You have bad thoughts, you’re punished. You don’t disconnect from a family member or friend who is no longer in Scn…you’re punished. You are taught and expected to let management know if your co-workers are not doing what they should. You become a robot. You live in fear.
This is a religion? This is a prison.
Since when do prisons get tax exempt status?
I used to hang out at the old CCLA so I knew Yvonne quite well. This was back in the late 70s. She was certainly a class act. And very sweet too.
It was a highly informative, well done show. In fact, it made me wish that we would have a “death tally” of the cult. Similar to the disconnection tally on Tony’s blog.
I don’t think the subject of people losing their life in connection to the cult is talked about enough. All too often I find people who are either cult apologists or only have superficial knowledge arguing, “Oh well, so they take a mark for a few thousand $$$. But what’s the harm, if they’re stupid enough to pay up. At least they don’t cut people’s heads off.”
Other than this hardly being a worthy level where to set the bar, it is also untrue: From Lisa McPherson to Cat White with numerous other incidents (not to mention Narconon) that are less known, people have been losing their hands “with scientology involvement.” I put it that way because the circumstances vary. For example, I am NOT saying the cult killed Cat White. But if she had received proper care…
The info on cult deaths is out there but it’s scattered and obscure. I don’t know of any source that has pulled it together into one place.
Thanks. Very informative
Todd, the death tally is a great idea!
Mike, watching the people on your show pouring out their hearts and clearly showing the insanity of the cult is both heartbreaking and illustrative of the depravity of the group that we once belonged to, things we were totally ignorant of.
As I see people posting here who I have not seen before I get the full impact of what you and Leah are really accomplishing. With this groundswell of support there is no way the church can survive. I feel so relieved to have gotten out mostly intact yet feel nothing but sorrow for former friends who will go down with the ship. May the torpedoes come fast and furiously. Thank you.
I personally can not believe that you and Leah have gone down the road of blaming parents for their children’s suicides. That’s something I would expect Scientology to do, but not you.
Personally I think that this episode has worked to further dehumanize Scientologists. I would expect that from someone like David Miscavige. But I hoped it would not happen with you. Perhaps all the attacks from Scientology have radicalized you and Leah and you have lost your way. It happens often to critics of Scientology.
Have you and Leah forgotten that Scientologists are human beings? Have you forgotten that Taylor Tweed’s mother could never have predicted that her daughter would commit suicide, and that this is most probably the greatest tragedy of her life?
I’m sorry, Mike. But this is really fucking low.
The unthinking cruelty of Scientology can not be fought with more unthinking cruelty.
You really didn’t listen to what the mother did, She cut off the last lifeline her daughter and thought that was ok. Are you a Scientologist?
Alanzo, I did not find that the show blamed the parents at all. It showed the level of brainwashing that occurs, where thinking becomes so obscured that each person mentioned does nothing to ACT on the dire situation of the suicidal person because of how their “church” will react.
I felt empathy and sympathy for all of those involved.
Alanzo – “Have you and Leah forgotten that Scientologists are human beings? Have you forgotten that Taylor Tweed’s mother could never have predicted that her daughter would commit suicide, and that this is most probably the greatest tragedy of her life?”
Have you forgotten already Alanzo what shit the mother was saying about Taylor on FB and telling people how to treat her? No she couldn’t predict the suicide but in the end she had no remorse no compassion. The tragedy here for Taylor is that her mother betrayed her and withdrew any unconditional love that all mothers should have towards their children. And most probably the greatest tragedy in this woman’s life right now is that she’s been exposed on national TV. And today that’s all she’s thinking about.
You’re entitled to your opinion, Alonzo, but you’re wrong. Mike and Leah did NOT attack the parents of these children, The very reason they work to bring this awful situation into the light is to save others from making these same mistakes. When someone threatens and attempts suicide, we might think they need help, not the withdrawal of support and love of parents and friends. I believe that mother could have predicted her daughter’s death, and she turned her back. That is subhuman in my opinion and it is not unthinking cruelty to make others aware of how Scientology works. You missed the whole point.
I don’t want to be rude or mean, but Alanzo, I believe you have missed the point. Did you not hear the mother saying she was fine with her daughter’s death at the funeral?
This time I must confess that I agree with you on some points. There is something VERY uncomfortable about the direction that this season 2 is taken, but as I STILL haven’t figured out what it is that is making me feel uncomfortable about it, I will refrain from commenting. Even though that I read about those two stories in different media, I confess that I haven’t watched the full episode 2 yet. So it would be irresponsible for me to comment about it. But I do not agree with how this season 2 is being developed. When I feel ready to comment – either tomorrow or the next day – then I’ll do so. I don’t want to make any mistakes in judgment. I want to think this thing through really well.
This last Aftermath is cracking the heart open like a lobster Theta Clear. When the emotions are closed it can hurt to open. That’s what it is doing. We are still waking up from this dream.
Scientology closed down the heart and emotions. That’s why Hubbard did not care when he harmed his real or imagined enemies.
Our emotions Theta Clear. Our heart’s feeling. Ron squashed it because he himself had mental problems.
I was uncomfortable too. Until I embraced the uncomfortableness. Then I felt what was going on.
Cathy Tweed disconnected from her own daughter because she was a PTS and issued instructions via Facebook that Scientologists in good standing should not give her daughter support. If that doesn’t deserve blame, what does, Alan?
Are you arguing that Cathy Tweed’s actions did not contribute to and exacerbate her daughter’s descent into depression and suicidality (i.e., partial causal contribution) or just that it was unnecessarily cruel to publicly highlight her actions which contributed to her daughter’s decision to kill herself?
If it’s the latter, then I’d argue that one of the most direct and vivid ways to convey just how destructive this cult can be is to show how the cult can turn parents against their own children, just as Cathy Tweed turned on her own daughter, and Saina’s mother abandoned her child to be raised by the cult.
To me, the cruelty lies with the cult, and with those who become an unwitting instrument of its evil, not with those who recount the kind of cruelty and and abandonment which really can push emotionally unstable young folks over the line into attempting suicide.
Exactly, Harpoona. I did not see “blame” in the show. I saw the reality of the cult.
Hi Alanzo – On your final blog topic I posted “You too, Alanzo.” By that I meant “You also keep things interesting, Alanzo” if that wasn’t clear. I was going to clarify that the following morning but you had taken down your blog. 🙂
I also got your email mentioning “revenge” as a motivation and I agree. I’m so low tech that I don’t use email or I would have replied. lol Thanks again for your feedback when I first started reexamining my scn experience. I often think of you when I post on a scn blog. Those final topics on your blog were a lot of fun and also presented many valuable viewpoints. “The sinless man in the cornfields of Illinois” laughter!
Regarding the episode it was disturbing that nobody comforted the woman when her husband committed suicide. Not that it’s in any way justified, but that was sea org. I find it totally unlikely that non sea org scn-ists would be so callous. I certainly would have given her any comfort I could without any fear of retribution.
ARC, Richard
My blog’s back up, Richard.
I guess there was no way that Alanzo could keep silent, or have any peace.
I just want Leah and Mike to know that I respect what they are trying to do.
I believe that they can both exhume the constructive spiritual purpose they’ve had all your lives to make the world a better place, and make the world a better place.
I believe they can shake off the cruel attacks against them from the Church of Scientology. They can denounce cruelty of all kinds, on all sides – including the urge for their own. They can dump the destructive Anti-Cult Movement’s ideology, and get their loving spirit back – the one they’ve always had as a Scientologist AND WAY BEFORE.
They can do this. We all can do this.
Post Ex-Scientology
Alanzo – “I guess there was no way Alanzo could keep silent, or have any peace.” The Hydra emerges. (joke) I deleted you from my favorites bar since I thought you were gone for good and I stopped looking. I’ll catch up on your latest topics. Back down the rabbit hole.
Alanzo, you’re perpetuating the same strawman fallacy concerning the imagined existence of a “destructive Anti-Cult Movement’s ideology” that Marty and the cherch itself have trotted out in an attempt to create a completely false equivalence between the Co$’s very real doctrines and practices of coerced disconnection and fair game and the informal practices of a non-membership group, comprised of very loosely affiliated individuals who are not required to follow any policy, doctrine or practice in their fight to see that cult crimes and abuses and practices are ended.
You know full well that, whatever the ‘crimes’ that individual $cn critics might have committed, there is no central authority, no overarching written policy, no formal justice procedure, no authority to punish, no certs to be revoked, no RPF to consign miscreants to, no services to purchase or statuses to be donated towards…in brief, nothing which would provide a valid basis for making your assertion at all.
You know it, yet persist in advancing an incredibly easy to refute argument which plays right into the cult’s false narrative. No one here is going to give that bogus position much more than a moment’s consideration here, so why even burden us with it?
The fact that you’re allowed to post here at all with that kind of stinkin’ thinkin’ and mindless promulgation of cult propaganda is the clearest possible evidence of the essential difference between the way in which the cult operates with respect to free speech (i.e., there is no such thing within the cult) vs. the way that right is treated here and on other $cn-critical blogs…it’s like night and day!
“The Cult” to me refers to the CoS Inc. The numbers are unknown but there are people in the field practicing some forms of scn. They might all be cultists or some of them may be free thinkers. I’m out of scn for good and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. The anti-cult movement considers all cultists to be brainwashed and needing salvation and their cults eradicated.
Alonzo – you seem to have missed the point.
The show summarised the publicly known actions taken by Cathy Tweed in regard to her daughter. Cathy specifically told people on a public forum that they were to ignore Taylor and not help her. Cathy also told friends not to even offer the young woman a couch to sleep on. Then she kicked Taylor out. Taylor then shot herself.
All fact. All posted on Facebook for anyone to see.
From the outside, these seem like horrible things to do to someone suffering from mental illness. And they are, but Leah made the point, more than once, that for anyone in Scientology this was the correct way to handle the situation. She also said they would have been afraid to do anything different.
It was clear that while Cathy did what she did, her actions were because of the cult she and her daughter were in. If Taylor or Cathy & Taylor had broken away the treatment options would have been different and so may the outcome have been.
Cathy sounds like a nightmare mother for someone with mental illness, but it isn’t because she’s a bad person, it’s because of what she believes. And if those beliefs ever change, I can’t even imagine the guilt she’s going to experience.
Kate M. Yes the guilt. Been there, done that. The wog wall of fire but there is peace on the other side. These shows are so helping shine a light on what so many have gone through. It was only 4 or 5 months ago I’ve remembered another of my own buried actions and had to look at it all again in a different light. Not the ‘What would L Ron Hubbard do’ light.
Alanzo, you are insane. Sorry, but it is true.
Sadly, so true.
“I’m sorry, Mike. But this is really fucking low.”
“I just want Leah and Mike to know that I respect what they are trying to do.”
Alanzo posts a controversial opinion, wait for the readers to react and (insert old Microsoft TADAA sound byte) the old deleted blog has been resurrected and how SWEET of Alanzo to provide a link…
Oh – and how about you actually proofread and ensure that the poor girl’s name is at least spelled correctly?? R.I.P. Tayler. 🙁
Very sweet.. and!!
his blog is accepting donations
Alanzo –
No one cares what you think about Scientology!
Well…. except Andy Nolce and Marty Rathbun
Marty? Doubtful.
Rude. I didn’t see blame being directed at any individual. I saw some incredibly brave people highlighting the cruel and inhuman beliefs that ultimately (whether directly or indirectly) resulted in suicide. Such as:
– helping the needy = “rewarding the downstat”
– sympathy and compassion = “low toned” and unhelpful
– distress or upset = “dramatising” / “HE&R” = something not to be acknowledged / affirmed
– mental discomfort can only be cured by “the tech”
– “the tech” works 100% of the time when applied correctly
– if it doesn’t work then you’re a “degraded being” or an “SP” and should be shunned
– psychiatrists / psychologists = evil
– suicide = “out PR”
Cathy is a victim, just like her daughter. A victim of the cold, loveless world view one inevitably assumes (to greater or lesser degree) following active participation in Scientology. As Kate M mentioned above, If and when the spell wears off, the raw, unfettered guilt of her (in)actions may just prove insurmountable. 🙁
Have you reached out to Cathy Tweed? To offer your emotional support? Are you able to redirect your energy to help her, or her son?
Wow what an epic episode. My heart and love go out to Marie and Lauren, both of you were amazing and so well spoken and both of you are so brave, I was very impressed. What absolute tragedies which could easily have been fixed but due to the cofs policies and their hatred of psychiatry it would never have been. I know all too well the mindset of this cult. The amazing thing to me is that if someone who goes into scientology and has mental health problems they actually will not help you. If you become psychotic, you will be shown the door. It blows my mind that this is their actual policy on handling psychotics, yet they claim to have all the answers, what a bunch of BS. I don’t know how a scientologist can say such things with a straight face as they all know that scientology is “only for the able”, if you are not able, you are considered a degraded being. In addition to the depressed and psychotics, also their obvious disdain of homosexuals who they consider them degraded beings as well. A&E, Leah and Mike THANK YOU for giving us a voice!
Even with the best in mental health treatment, psychiatrist/psychologist, counseling, medication, admission to a legit psychiatric hospital, family & friend support, pastoral support, if someone is determined to commit suicide, they will find a way, a place,& the “right time” in their own mind for them to commit the final act.
They have escaped their pain at their own hands, some do realize the pain their demise will cause others, but their own pain is to great for them to bear. To the families who have suffered the loss of a family member (I have as my younger brother took his life 25 years ago)….we try to carry on & bear the pain of loss, grief, guilt, every aspect a human can feel….some days we manage to get by, other days are unbearable.
No church or religious organization has the right to keep someone from receiving proper mental health treatment, medical care, or surgery. Seems like no one in the organization is being held responsible for so many lost lives…..beyond comprehension, beyond sickening….
You’re a good soul, Ballet Lady. Sympathy is a dirty word within the cult.
Didn’t take long for the “Powers that be” to post videos on youtube of Taylor’s family talking about how painful it is for them. PUH-LEEEESE! Her mother should be ashamed of herself.
She probably can’t feel shame.
Mike, you and Leah made another unbelievable show. The 2 ladies that spoke expressed their stories so well, it was amazing.
I don’t know how your average person felt while watching this show and maybe because we’ve experienced the heartless ways of LRH, DM and the cult and but the show drove Lois and me to tears. Tears of sadness and yet the show gave us hope that what you and Leah are doing will some day stop this madness called Scientology.
I cant wait for the next show.
SO sad. The insane LRH “tech” & policy driving people to their deaths. If El Con was alive today I’d 1st in line to volunteer to be part of his firing squad.
You’d have to get behind me.
Oh geezers, just saw ep2. Lost for words to express the extent of my horror… these are young people with loves and tribulations but should have their whole lives ahead of them, but when they turned to their “church” for help when help was truly needed they were rejected. The church of Scientology deals in lonliness at a level of incomprehensability, especially for the young and inexperienced with and in life. Scientology lies when it says it has the answers to life, as a group they do not care about anything except their group reputation and their ability to avoid the responsibilities of life. When that ‘think’ morphs into parenthood, God help their children and their friends.
The bait & switch presented by Scientology promising to have the answersl to life’s problems is shown in this episode to have a leathal effect. The betrayal of trust underlying organised Scientology is mind boggling!
I cried my eyes out. I’m sure Scientology can go lower…it’s just a matter of time. This episode was very tough to watch.
The betrayal of trust underlying scientology PERIOD. Organized or not is lethal.
Betrayal is a game to the cult.
Thanks to the ladies for speaking out. This was another difficult subject. Mike and Leah, you did an outstanding job. I recall very well the attitude of ‘make it go right’ and ‘they pulled it in’, in the face of any kind of suffering or circumstance. It is unnatural, for instance, to not let yourself grieve properly when someone has died. Even worse if your support system offers no support.
How many of us have seen people threatened with a “non enturbulation order” for being “below 3.0” (cheerful) on Hubbard’s tone scale? (A “non enturbulation order” is an ethics order issued by the ethics officer), and if I remember correctly, it is posted in the organization for all to see. This “order” separates the person who is already suffering and forces them into isolation. The person is ostracized “until he can “get his ethics in.”
Fake how happy you are. To do otherwise affects the the org income and it’s “out PR.”
Any scientologist hit with a tragedy, loss or or other disturbing experience learns to shut up; keep it in and not express their emotions. By cult standards, a person is “”out ethics” for having natural or appropriate responses for the circumstances.
To think that people should always be cheerful is sheer idiocy, oppressive and further damaging to the person experiencing the trauma.
That in itself would drive anyone to insanity, depression and despair.
“Fake how happy you are. To do otherwise affects the org income and its ‘out PR'”.
Yes. As a public and never staff, I spent years believing that staff were just really happy people. It never occurred to me that they were faking it. I used to wonder, “How can they be so happy, working here 10 hours a day plus (some of them) moonlighting jobs, making no money – how do they stand it? I would be exhausted and miserable, I know I would. Well, this is proof that they are another breed. They are just always happy because they are helping people. They’re not selfish like me. They have the right attitude; I don’t. But I can’t help it. I would hate working all these hours and days and never getting any time off and being called for an ALL HANDS at home and having to set up all these continual events that even as a public I can’t stand but as staff I’d have to not only attend but watch the whole friggin’ thing a few days ahead of time…they’re another breed, these people. I’m not like them. I would care outragiously if I couldn’t pay my bills. I can’t put myself at risk. No matter what, I won’t sign up. I’d never make it,, never.”
Some version of this concept went thru my thoughts, for years and years.
And, yet, I liked to help people. I had always liked to help people. Helping people is actually fun.
But this? OMG…I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it, the whole package, staff, run my business, do the Bridge…I knew I wouldn’t make it.
I never joined. They could never get me, I knew I wasn’t “like them”.
It wasn’t until very nearly the end that I learned that all that cheerfulness and enthusiasm was an act perpetrated amongst themselves, for OUR benefit.
Amazing how dumb I was. You’d think that the staff turnover would have been a clue. There were a few that stayed, year after year, but the rest never stayed long. They’d be chirpy and bubbly and share how great it was to be there and then one day, I’d look around and realized that I hadn’t seen So and So in a month or 2. “Where is So and So?” I’d ask. Inevitable answer: “Had to route off to handle some personal stuff”. Scores of people, they never lasted.
Happy people who are happy and satisfied in their jobs tend to stay in their jobs
The ones who stayed, the tiny minority, were they really happy or was it an act?
I don’t know..
Aquamarine… Thanks so much for elaborating on that point. Meant a lot. I always love your posts…
it is completely unnatural, unbiological, and psychologically damaging for any individual to stay on one end of the spectrum of emotions (always happy) by avoiding the full range of emotional spectrum (sad/negative emotions). To do so makes these individuals no better than an android. Perhaps this “machining” of humanity is exactly what LRH desired in his twisted SciFi nuggan…. Which means, I might add, is also indicative of anti-social mindset and narcissism. Freud would have a field day with this guy. There is definitely abandonment issues…
They can take their ‘make it go right, and ‘you pulled it in’ and shove it up their collective asses.
For sure, Old Surfer Dude
Edgar Guest
“I’ll lend you for a while a child of mine,” He said.
“For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he’s dead.
It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,
You’ll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.”
“I cannot promise he will stay; since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love, not think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him back again?”
“I fancied that I heard them say, “Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness, we’ll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we’ve known, forever grateful stay;
But should the angels call for him much sooner than we’ve planned,
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!”
I cried in the show and cried reading the poem you posted.
It was tough not to cry, Cindy.
That is beautiful, Balletlady
Sadly, people brainwashed by the slurch don’t view children this way.
Heart-wrenchingly beautiful.
Just so heartbreaking,to need help to be so desperate for someone to care wrap there arms around you just to comfort you and nothing, basically ehh get over it ,Aaron Smith Levin said it best, unconditional love does not exist in Scientology,
Thanks for sharing your stories,
They really touched my heart , I was lucky enough to have alot hugs and support when I lost friend’s in that way but I’m not a Scientologist, sending support love and hugs your way!
P.s. Mike and Leah you’re incredible and sensitive as always
Both stories this week were tragic and probably could have been resolved very easily. The story of Taylor haunts me a bit because I saw her posts on Facebook in 2013 and I dismissed what she said as natter and even unfriended her. Not that I ever actually knew her, we were on different continents and had never met. But of course, as a Scientologist, I knew exactly was up there. No need to actually get in comm with the girl who was pretty obviously upset about something and had been saying so in the most important group on Facebook for weeks. The same group that is now rallying round the petition to ban the show because – hate speech.
The thread has been deleted from the Scientologists facebook group now.
“The thread has been deleted from the Scientologists facebook group now.”
Of course it has. Ouch. If it wasn’t on facebook, it didn’t exist. Heber doesn’t exist. Shelly has been disappeared. MSH has been disappeared, LRH’s children are non-entities.
Even Hitler’s associates are given more attention than a scientologist who has fallen from grace.
Exactly Valerie. Even after Hitler ordered Rommel to kill himself he got a State Funeral as a Hero. Scamology falls even below that criminal standard… smh
In the “Bilheimer Case” she was told, by management that “she could do better” than her then current husband (a current & active scientologist) – THIS IS “NATTERING”! The practice of “nattering” was mentioned in last weeks episode and goes to show how the cos’ crooked management will “bend” the rules in their favor….wether it’s against a Wog or an active member!
What is a Wog?
Non-Scientologist aka the never in’s
It’s a derogatory expression. WOG stands for ‘Worthy Oriental Gentleman which is a slur.
Anybody who’s not a Scientologists is a WOG (wog being a lower form of life). All of us here, according to Scientology, are wogs.
So…say it loud, I’m a WOG and I’m proud!
OSD, please, not to be immodest, but we are SPs. Vicious, dangerous, out-ethics on every dynamic, not-to-be-communicated with under any circumstances SPs. Anti-Social Personalities. Chaos Merchants.. Credit where credit is due, please, OSD. Thank you.
On … a wog is a derogatory and racist term the cult co-opted from British slang, and now uses to refer to people outside of Scientology’s purview.
It goes well beyond mere nattering: $cn is a home-wrecking culture, from its tiny leader’s meddling in all of TC’s relationships, to its outlawing of reproduction and child-rearing, and finally, to conditioning parents to turn on and abandon their own children…$cn doesn’t just natter, IT DESTROYS LIVES!
“IT DESTROYS LIVES!”….YES it does! THE PUBLIC MUST BE WARNED! I’m NOT talking about those internet ads “Stop the Hate” (Aimed at Leah & Mike).
A “Wog” is someone who could pound “midget davey” into the ground …head first!
That’s who I’m concerned about most…the children.
“I’m at peace with my daughter’s choice.”
“Your husband is dead; get back to work & act normal.”
What in the actual f*ck??
This was extra hard for me to watch for some reason. Not sure why..maybe the cold, care-less abandonment by the very people who should have been there for all those involved. In any case, thank you to Marie and Lauren for your bravery. Mike, you are right (of course) about the outpouring of support…I can’t express strongly enough how my heart aches for what these women went through – what they still carry with them.
Great job on the show – as usual! It will be interesting to see what kind of mental gymnastics Marty goes through to try to turn this episode into something shitty.
While this was a very tough one to watch, I thought it was a very necessary show to air as it exposed the mindset of many scientologists. Aaron and Taylor’s deaths were tragic and senseless. With some love, kindness and understanding, Taylor could have been helped and in the right hands could have had a good life. Aaron, in the outside world could have found respect and acceptance.
When one is surrounded by the viewpoint that “something is wrong with you,” it can drive you crazy, in varying degrees or maybe to the point of full blown nervous breakdown or to suicide. This is what scientology or scientological influences can do to you. I contend that some in it today are in a “varying degree” of crazy.
When the shit hit the fan for me and I walked out, EVERYBODY in my vicinity and in my own home – family, friends, Sea Org members, OSA, all of scientology was on me like a ton of bricks; I was the ONLY one that was wrong, that needed handling, and correcting. The mental weight was horrendous in the extreme and I thought I was going to lose my mind or have a nervous breakdown. I knew I had to leave, which is what I did. I went 3000 miles away with a sister who I barely knew who listened and cried with me and understood and hugged me and told me everything would be okay and that I was okay. There were no exterior scientology influences on me for two weeks. However, this is not about me. BUT…
I wondered about Taylor’s true mental health issues as I watched this episode. We will never know because when you are in scientology it is not safe to be anything other than “normal” by ITS definition of what “normal” is. And if you cross that line, watch out; it will drive you crazy. There are many stories of people who got too close to this religion and it drove them crazy; some survived it and are doing well far away from its influences today; some did not survive it and some are still in it.
This is another testimony as to why scientology should not be allowed its religious 501c3 status.
Well said.
Very good comment, Mary.
However, this is not about me.
It’s an excellent description of how it is to be in such a situation and you are spot on and it is corroborating what was shown in the film.
Mary , I hear you. Last night’s show was hard to watch. Scientologists , most of them , consider suicide as the ultimate ” make wrong ” and have no sympathy or understanding of the depth of desperation that drives someone to end their life.
The self righteous , know best attitude allows them to condemn without a trial and discard what they consider out ethics or enemy line maker.
The pain that you describe , Mary , when attacked and destroyed by the ethics people is very real. I imagine that Taylor went through that for months at a time.
It is being exposed , thanks to Mike and Leah and the courageous women willing to tell.
And it is a relief.
Taylor was bullied on line by Scns and she wrote it up to the proper people in Scn. They did nothing She wrote it up again, and again nothing. She cried out for help many times and no help came from “the most ethical group on the planet.” She had bad auditing and asked for hel from that and none came. I know her mom and dad and I read at the time Kathy Twede’s facebook disconnection instructions to not give her daughter any help or a couch to sleep on (because her mother withdrew her financial and emotional support.) So after her mother’s callous disconnection instructions, where was the girl to go? Be homeless on the street? I’m sure her mom would be just fine with that too. And after Taylor committed suicide, her mom posts that she is “at peace with her decision…” how callous and heartless. Betrayal from a mother who one thinks will alwys support you is horrible.
Yes, and I know you too went through your own brand of hell. Thankfully, Leah and Mike, et al., are exposing the dirty underbelly and cutting through the lofty facade that the church of scientology likes to try and portray itself. People far and wide are starting to see it for exactly what it is, a mean, vindictive, lying, cheating, fraudulent, vile vermin.
Thank you, Mary for elaborating on this point. I posted my comment (above) on “non enturbulation orders” before I read this.
Thank you for expressing what I could not. I know the feeling you describe all too well–like you’re just going to crack up!
To this day, I have a hard time expressing how I really feel because my communication was so suppressed by this “shut up and be cheerful” mandate.
Looking at TRIANGULATION, here helped me a lot. Here is the link:
Note that Scientology uses TRIANGLES (ARC, KRC) Kind of creepy and mind-blowing….
Destabilization is another term which applied to me….
It’s like the rug is pulled out from under you and you’re suddenly under attack simply because of a traumatic experience.
Also, on the same page as TRIANGULATION, see NARCISSISM
“In the context of narcissism, triangulation is when the narcissist attempts to control the flow, interpretation, and nuances of communication between two separate actors or groups of actors.”
I hope that helps…
In some ways, this last episode shows the true colors of Scientology more that others to me. Suicide doesn’t exist in Scientology. There is no mental illness, they are the only cure. Yet these beautiful souls who had real need, real pain and most certainly real conditions that had a real chance of being helped, are pushed aside. Blamed for their sadness. Where are the folks like Tom Cruise who 10 years ago were on tv talking about the evils of anti-depressants. Where is the compassion for people that were in the church? No, inside, NOW there is blame? I thought everyone was responsible for themselves, but now it is peoples wives faults????? Everything they say is a lie. It is whatever suits them on the day. I feel really sorry for these family members who are still stuck in this cult.
It is unbelievable the things this cult has been able to get away with in the name of religion. Innocent children victimized and kept away from cultivating a bond with their parents. Keep on going and exposing. That is the only way this type of atrocity is brought to light and ended. I feel saddened for the victims who thought they were doing the right thing only to find out they have been manipulated and brainwashed.
I lived in Clearwater and I used to see them walking down the sidewalks like zombies in uniforms. Even at that time, I felt like it was something unhealthy.
The cult puts out a very toxic vib. I mean, the SO workers can’t possibly be happy in any way. 112 hour weeks, indeed. I bet a lot of them secretly want out.
When you have people reaching out (crying for help) and you Science them????
Thank you Ladies for telling the truth and BRAVO for your strength to come out of the cloud of “scientology” and learning to think on your own, you have our love, support and respect…
Mike & Leah Keep the pressure on, the WORLD is hearing you…..
So proud of you both for gaining the strength to leave the cult and to risk it all to help others to their own freedom..
Well… I think If you Science them, it’s a good thing.
This one made me cry…and I don’t cry easily.
You’re not alone, SSA.
I thought you covered a lot in 48 minutes. It was very emotional.
Someone on Twitter told Leah to stop giving Scientology a platform, and I completely disagree. Scientology had more power when people were afraid to speak out, and this show has stripped some of that power away. And while these smear videos they put out after every episode hurt the people who just spoke about abuses, they also hurt Scientology, since most people not in this “religion” find them callous and uncaring.
I know doing this show must take a huge emotional toll on both you and Leah, but I really hope you don’t stop. You are making a huge difference!
Watched the show and can’t thank these courageous ladies enough for speaking out. Scientology must be dismantled and these people enlightened and freed from Miscavich’s twisted life.
This series has been extremely enlightening to us non-scientologists. I now have a better understanding of how and why this organization has so many celebrities and manages to keep them involved in the church. It also gives me a better understanding of how and why Tom Cruises divorces were so quick and why neither Nicole or Katie have said anything about it. They don’t want to be declared suppressives and run the risk of losing touch with their children. I sincerely hope that legal action is brought to bear on this so called “church” which is really just a cult that uses child labor, hate tactics and anything else at their disposal to bring riches to misgavitch and his crew. The attacks against you, Leah and anyone else that appear on the show are reaching fever pitch. I’m hoping that the general public look beyond these fabricated stories by the church of Scientology and start to see the organization as it truly is, a evil kabal. I’d love to see reporters put some tough questions to Tom Cruise, Elizabeth Moss, John Travalta and other celebrities that are forbidden to read the Internet about negative articles on Scientology. Is it because the church can’t stand up to the scrutiny? Keep up the good work!!
Both Nicole and Katie are SP’s, but they are not harassed because they don’t speak out. I believe Nicole is quiet only because of her children who are still in Scientology. She was blindsided with her divorce, and Scientology convinced her children to stay with Tom Cruise. Nicole is not going to severe what relationship she has left with them. As a mother I understand andI don’t blame her one bit.
Katie Holmes has custody of Suri, and is most likely only following a divorce stipulation by being quiet. Not that it matters…who sneaks away from their husband when he is out of the country to divorce him, unless there is something sinister/ unsavory that you are worried about? She was lucky she her father is a lawyer, IMHO.
sometimes…I am SO slow.
Holy Cow.
You’re right, Tom Cruise blindsided Nicole with the divorce – it was much talked about at the time. I never really put it together – the fact that Then Katie did it to HIM!
*wipes tear. Thanks.
Pay back can be a bitch…..TC divorced Nicole around the time they hit their 10 year anniversary where she would have more than likely gotten MORE $$ from him. He literally had their adopted kids entrenched in COS & at the time there wasn’t really any way she could get custody of them, Nicole is married to Keith Urban & the mother of two lovely little girls & seems over the moon happy…..good for her!
Katie Holmes made her plan well in advance, once TC was away filming that movie, she made good her escape taking Suri along with her. Katie knew that a 6 years old Suri would be expected to attend her first “auditing session”…..Katie knew what that meant. Imagine a 6 year old being asked questions like “does mommy speak badly about COS”….”does mommy speak badly about LRH or DM”….etc….
Only through good graces was Katie & Suri able to LEAVE without being chased after and returned as the WIFE of one of the higher level Scientologist…..DM’s “bestie”. Suri & Katie are enjoying a life free of auditing & being watched & kept “in check” 24/7. I wish them; well.
Thank you, Lauren, for bravely speaking out. As Leah mentions, no one does this to promote themselves. Instead, it is perhaps to save someone else from committing suicide or from ever having to bear such a burden as she has of losing her friend. One can’t help but think “what if” yet Lauren’s responses were what they were because of the church policy that had been ingrained in her. Thank you Leah, Mike and A&E TV execs/staff staff from taking on this Herculean task of exposing all of the evils of this so-called religion. Every week, those of us never-ins are astonished at these church policies that destroy lives, friendships, families, and livelihoods. The list associated with Scientology is longer than many of us imagined. Leah, thank you for not giving up…we support you and thank you!
I haven’t been able to find a streaming channel for S2 and I’m gutted 🙁 I can only imagine how disturbing and upsetting this season dealing with child abuse is. Heart wrenching I’m sure. I don’t know how you and Leah do it but thank God you are You’ll go down in the History books as the 2 brave souls that took down the Evil cult of $cientology. #Emmy4Leah #LoveMikeRinder
Take care and Stay Safe on your journey! The world has your back!
I don’t have cable TV but watch the episodes on “rutube”, ( Russian youtube) . Enter “Leah Remini scientology” in search box & you’ll find it. Usually about 24 hr delay after original airing before it shows up on rutube. So look for episode 2 this evening.
Here’s a direct link…
Sling TV carries A&E and you can sign up and pay monthly. A&E’s website had all of season 1 and S2: Ep 1 online AFTER the airing last week. I see S2: Ep 2 on there now.
Finished watching the episode less than a minute ago.
Speechless … speechless. When you think you’ve heard the worst already and then …
I will continue to say that all of these episodes need to be available easily for anyone to watch who is even considering getting involved with the CoS. They are a vital resource about what happens to so many people when they become Scientologists.
And please let us somehow turn the vicious attacks on Leah and Mike and this vital program by the CoS into effective publicity FOR the program and use the CoS’s disgusting stream of lies to even further lower it’s already extremely low repute. The CoS now attempting to “piggy back” on the current vital issue of bigotry to conceal it’s own crimes is truly TRULY disgusting .
Watched the show with a friend who has never been exposed to Scientology ugliness before. Her reactions were visceral – especially hearing a mother did what was done. She heard the stories and watched in disbelief. I had to do some interpretations for her and explain some policies in plain English, She was glued to the tv the whole time. Asking questions during commercials.
I was devastated by what these young women went through and how scientology treated each of them at the time of most need of support. Thanks, as always, for a great show and how you are helping get these stories out.
Shame on you Miscavage for your brutality and in humanity, When the church dies, which is will, it will be because of your actions.
Last night’s episode was so heartbreaking. Lauren Haggis you cannot for one moment blame yourself for Tayler’s suicide. You were so young and to face losing all you know, friends, family is not something anyone should be faced with. The real responsibility and blame lies at the feet of Tayler Tweed’s mother Cathy Tweed. How can you be a mother and have no compassion for your own child? This blame the victim stuff. Horrendous. How can you be told one moment that your beloved husband killed himself and offered not even a hug. Treating upset like a contagious disease. Marie Bilheimer I send a huge hug your way. I hope your heart begins to heal soon and that your life will become happy again. Love to you both and love to Mike and Leah for enabling you to tell your story.
Marie Bilheimer, I wish I’d been there to hug you when you got the news of your husband’s suicide. I know someone named Betsy Poulin (Elizabeth Poulin). Was that his mother? She drinks the KA strong. She did business with me and then when I was declared, she cancelled the business and disconnected and spread the word about me. I think Marie’s husband knew the church wouldn’t deal fairly with him and his issues, and that they would and in fact already had, tried to make Marie divorce him. So seeing no way out, he chose to end it. So sad that the church is that harsh that people see suicide as the only way out. Big Hug to you, Marie. Thank you, Marie, and thank you, Lauren, for speaking out. I have such compassion and pride for you and for Mike and Leah. This show is really making inroads.
Cindy, what is the Poulin father’s name and did he remarry at Flag by any chance?
Very powerful episode as was the last one. Cried and felt as helpless as those women did and I felt bad that they were in such a trapped frame of mind that they couldn’t just grab their husband and their friend and run. I hope people in Clearwater and wherever else this church has holdings start to shun them like the plague. Hard to maintain all those buildings when you don’t have any money coming in. Best news would be that they start selling off their property as that means they are starting to swirl in the bowl. Hugs to you and Leah….and I hope you can feel our love and support.
Stunning episode. After 30 yeas in Scn, 10 in the S.O., I had heard or seen some odd stuff but I had never even heard of a Scientologist, especially a S.O, member, committing suicide. It was eerie to me about Aaron in the HI, since I stood watch there in 2007 when it was being renovated, when I was on the Decks just before routing out. I can see where you and Leah are constantly frustrated by people who have valid stories who will not go on camera. I sense that that is very hard to do — knowing the backlash you can get. It increased my appreciation for those that do go on camera and for you and Leah for doing this. As an aside. it is never mentioned, other than those idiotic disclaimers you show at the beginning, that NEVER does a Scientologist, especially a S.O. member, and more especially little psychopath Dave, ever appear on camera to speak. If anything, we get a legal whore, who is not even a Scientologist, who is paid huge bucks to “explain” their side. ,
Wow, are these ever hard to watch, but so necessary!
Link to second episode
By the way channel is called Smersh, LRH wrote many things about how Smersh wants to take SCN down)))
This movies are translated now into german speach until Episode 6 and can be seen on TV or Internet.
This is really a major implant in scientology: attack , attack without looking to be hurt by others. Attack. Same brainwashed methods as the IS Salafists do.
Implanting until no other thought than these of hubbard or miscavige is in the brain is a major goal.
More and more truth comes out regarding these beasts.
Thanks to all who speak out what happened!
Having lost a good friend to suicide last year, the pain and survivor guilt of your brave guests on tonight’s episode hit me hard. You and Leah are doing such a good thing, Mike. It is so hard to believe that you are the same guy who we saw only a few years ago defending scientology, looking so gaunt and exhausted. You have completely atoned for any wrongs you feel you may have committed over the years, as far as I am concerned.
Now, for the policies of scientology in handling mental illness and suicide, here are my thoughts:
The cruelty of scientology obviously reflects the values of its sinister founder and thuggish “ecclesiastical” leader. This is NOT an organization that makes the world a better place. In fact, a world controlled by scientologists would be a nightmare of North Korean proportions, a dystopian hell where your own mother would write up a knowledge report to inform the jackboot thugs that you need “correcting” if you dared to show any human frailty. In this very episode, a mother took the side of scientology against her own daughter in the scientology method of handling her. This organization is pretending to be a religious institution? This organization does not just practice human rights violations, it is committing crimes against nature and the universal laws of dignity and kindness. How can anyone defend this evil beast called scientology?
I hope my little comments on this and similar sites help in some small way to help accelerate the inevitable collapse of scientology.
North corea is the right comparison.
Recently there was a documentary about NC in TV. There were no comments from the interviewers.
The interviewed persons of NC were nice and all said they are happy. Everything was tidy.
It was so much similar to the world of scn, that i was not astonished when they made a statistic staffmeeting at a company with the same methods of handclapping to the best of the week and the downgrading of the rest of the slaves.
Who teached whom?
Ron H. teached Kim or Kim teached David M?
Mike and Leah – thank you for shining a bright light on this very dark organization.
Wow – We are glued to the TV and can’t stop watching your show.
What heals the shattered ex cult member is the truth exposed about the cult!
We hope Scientology gets shut down for crimes against humanity!
I wrote to the FBI in Los Angeles, a snail mail business letter asking them to please do something about this cult. That was about 4 months ago, and I received no response…. never even got a form letter back. I don’t know really, what we as ordinary citizens (I mean not ex-Scientolgists) can do to help stop this. Maybe Leah and Mike should have a law firm start a gofundme and the proceeds go to lawsuits for people that leave that have no money for legal counsel….I would contribute to that. I think a lot of people would.
I also wrote to the FBI
And called
Keep writing – keep calling
They are afraid to pierce the Religious Cloak
If enough people speak up and write – copy your senators and congressman – something will be done about it
Allowing the cult is Scientology to continue is like allowing a cannibal serial killer to roam about freely because the government is afraid.
Lynda, you are the type of person that I admire, someone who takes action.
Like Lynda, we must act on our outrage and contact the authorities. I encourage everyone to do so.
Why be complacent when human rights abuses are occurring right under our noses. The stench wafting up is enough to make do something!
Big hugs from Canada for Marie and Lauren!
Through all the pain and anguish these brave women endured, the love and compassion that sparkled in their eyes as they shared the stories of their loved ones was tangible… I too cried through the entire episode.
What Aaron and Tayler couldn’t speak about in their life, Marie and Lauren have honored in their death. I pray they find some comfort in that!
Thank you Mike and Leah for being a conduit that is reconnecting our hearts with our heads!
Thank you A&E for the front row ticket
Mike, I can’t begin to tell you how touched I was with tonight’s episode. As with all that have come before it, it was so heartbreaking. I am baffled at what this “church” has done to people, but I have to believe that what you and Leah are helping to do will eventually lead to the final undoing of Scientology. We can only hope, but it sure has brought all the abuses this cult has perpetrated to forefront of our minds. It has shown new light and brought needed attention to this appalling behavior.
I can’t thank you and Leah enough for being brace enough to this.
Once again a heart wrenching episode I too cried through yet another episode. The lives destroyed seem endless. Marie and Lauren are truly courageous for exposing a true Evil Empire! Hats off to Mike and Leah for their unwavering dedication to this odyssey
I’ve had a life long fascination with cults, and have managed to study a few in my anthropological training. Of all the group’s I’ve studied that are active today, Scientology seems among the most casually extreme in their day-to-day treatment of members – even those in good standing. The inhumanity is striking. Kudos to you, Leah and all of your brave contributors for bringing this out into the public eye. I hope that your show helps the people still in see the damage this kind of group does and validates the experiences of those who survived the abuses. All the best in your work, I’ll be tuning in every week and wishing there was something I could do to help end the suffering caused by this ‘religion’.
In a recent discussion about Scientology a comment was made that people must be gullible to join this “religion”, but as a disfellowshiped former Watchtower follower I can clearly see how it is far from being gullible, it is with a good heart people follow, it is a desire for a better life. How heartbreaking when everyone and everything you trusted turns their backs on you and you are left to pick up the pieces. It is difficult to know where to begin starting over.
Thank you Leah & Mike for your dogged determination to set free the captives and enlightened the rest of us. You are both so courageous.
One thing though, take care of yourselves as these heartbreaking stories could take a toll on you. I find myself sobbing through each episode and of course we only hear and see part of the whole story.
Thank you , thank you, thank you
Mike….I don’t know how much more heartbreaking and revealing an episode you could have had on this subject matter beyond 48 mins tonight. Succinct, poignant, devastating, revolting, revealing, validating, utterly sad….. These stories of suffering are so upsetting to me. I am literally sick to my stomach. And, to contemplate that other stories are still unheard leaves me beyond words. I’m a mental health licensed professional and appalled that these individuals suffered so needlessly and were so alone in the suffering.
Show was done really well, Mike & Leah. I know and understand your motivations to keep going with this mission…I just caution you both that you seek the support you need to keep yourselves mentally healthy during this process. So many still need you.
“Show was done really well, Mike & Leah. I know and understand your motivations to keep going with this mission…I just caution you both that you seek the support you need to keep yourselves mentally healthy during this process. So many still need you.” I second that motion, Teen. Mike and Leah please take care of yourselves because so many still need you.
I watched the first two episodes and the first thing that crossed my mind is how is the Church getting away with this crap? How do they get around the child labor laws? My heart breaks for these brave women and for them to talk on camera takes guts.
I suffer from depression and I have cerebral palsy. I found that talking about things that are bothering me helps to put it in perspective. Not being able to tell anyone that a spouse has died and why must have been torture. She has my prayers!
Turning a blind eye to mental illness and those who may be suicidal is inviting trouble. The work that you and Leah are doing is going to make people in the church wonder how to recover from this.
Ouch. This one hit a nerve. I dated Cathy Tweed once but she went on to become an agent and handled some cash for me. Later during my outward trajectory I had contact with her, all the while being asked what my crimes were for leaving. Talked glowingly about Miscavige. Total robot fanatic. But there is a heart in there and she is going die from heartbreak when she snaps out of it. Totally unnecessary the death of her daughter. Cathy I’m crying inside for your daughter. I feel really sad hearing that your daughter died. I know how much you loved her. You told me so much about her. God. What a sad sad event. no more words…..
Doug, thanks for sharing your personal experience.
I wonder if in some cases, what actually keeps people in and unable to ever leave, is the fear of having to come to terms with things that they did, that Scientology allows them to stay in denial about.
No Peacemaker, with all due regards, if they could get that far – to see that they’ve errored – they are for all practical purposes out. But you are correct that they are now in denial. That is partly why it hurts so much to leave but for me that came much later. I had to already leave for other reasons before I could ever see what I did. I was blind as a bat while in. Good thing I had radar and things just didn’t feel right. I really had no idea why when I left in my mind. My residence, husband, business, children all left before I figured it out. Sad way to learn but perhaps for me the only way.
Mike and Leah, I cry every time I watch, but I can’t turn away. I am full of rage of what our COUNTRY and government allows this organization to get away with. I have lived and worked in/near Clearwater my whole life; I’ve seen first-hand the evil ripple spread; dark, dark forces at work. For years driving to work down Ft Harrison, passing throngs of zombie like characters, all looking like they just stepped off the Love Boat. When I was expecting my first child, wow, the tons of mail I would receive trying to get me to enroll in their “elite pre-school, child care, etc. So glad I resisted.
My two goals are: stop calling them a church! they are NOT and it is an insult to all the real religions out there doing good works and helping and loving their parishioners. Every religion can point to something and call it their God, something to worship. What does Scientology revere? And what is the significance of them using the symbol of the cross? Disgusting.
And finally, get the United States IRS to pull their status as tax-exempt. They are NOT a church. The planet is just one giant Monopoly board to DM and the rest of us suffer. Clearwater could be a great city, but it’s imploding under the weight of carrying that dump site “mecca”.
We have to call it company maybe mafia but not church. It is a money collecting machine wit a lot of hypnosis and implants. Nothing less.
That’s a great description!
This episode was just so sad. My husband and I live with suicide in both our families. 4 years ago, my dear friend died. She was becoming increasingly depressed over deteriorating health that forced her retirement at the age of 40. Cause of death was accidental insulin overdose. But I know my friend, it was not an accident. I hadn’t talked to her for several months, so I couldn’t say, well anything. I spent several months chastising myself for not calling her.
My heart ached for Lauren. I think after a loved one’s suicide it’s normal to feel responsible or guilty. The difference for me is that I can talk about it.
My blood boils that this beautiful girl was bullied by COS and Hubbard’s policies to the point she killed herself. What a hateful, shit smearing organization this is. It’s dangerous to its opponents and its adherents.
When I heard that Lauren’s friend’s mom did what she did, the word that popped into my head was evil.
These doctrines, learned, worded cleared, demoed and applied, make normal people into indecent people.
That was the most powerful moment for me. A mother being OK with her daughter’s suicide and that she was an SP.
This “church” is evil. There is no other word to discribe the outcome of the application of these doctrines.
From Fair Game, Bolivar, The GE is a Family Man to how to deal with critics; this is thug school…… strait up thug school.
Scientology destroys a normal working conscience and destroys the sacred bonds of family.
Evil, that is friggn evil!
I agree that it is just terrible that a mother would agree with her daughter’s suicide. I have two children, three grandchildren and a great grandchild on the way. I cannot imagine not helping anyone of them when they needed it. This mother was following the screwed up behaviour of the church. How can they call themselves a church because they, in no way help their fellow man. Anyone who is not a scientologists is below them and not worthy of their time unless they give money to Build up the wealth of their leader. It is just disgusting. My heart goes out to that young lady that died. There was no reason for this. Help was readily available and I believe she was tortured to death by the church itself. My heart is broken for the people taken in by this so called church. Children being sexually abused, families being destroyed and so on is no way to treat human beings. Thanks to Leah and Mike’s work this evil group will be brought down.
Yes. Evil. Beyond borders.
Unfortunately the normal follower of this mafiastyle company does not know, nor does he think of it and all these borders. It is the lowest prison for believers: Not to know to be a slave.
Just watched. It hurts my heart how forcibly the church manipulates its members. My heart goes out to everyone who seemed to not have a choice. Thanks for this episode. Look forward to more empathy from you and Leah. It is so lost on too many. Thanks again.
As always excellent work and dedication on both your parts….for being a non scientologist I find these episodes fascinating ! Great work…thank you for bringing to light the evil this church portrays! It should not even be called a church !!! Exposing what it really is…and trying to help those who escaped it !!
Wonderful (and heartbreaking) episode, as always. Thanks to you and Leah for exposing the truth and giving a platform to these people who are so, so brave.
Frogs in Hot Water Update:
Have you noticed that things are coming to a simmer? The possibilities for your personal Aftermath are sure to assuage your Mark’s anxiety over the definition of Reality TV.
OJ’s white Bronco is on the auction block. Perhaps you could snap it up and park it in the structure next to your Hollywood digs. When you hear the drones and see the bright lights from the black choppers in the sky, you and your Mark can hop in the Bronco for a visit and inspection of Gold & Int for the first time in 4 1/2 years. This makes for great entertainment and TV.
Then, when the judge allows TV cameras in the courtroom, a whole season can be devoted to JUSTICE . . .
i cried like an idiot through the entire episode, as i did with last week’s. I was especially proud to see my daughter, Lauren, speak out – something she never really wanted to do, but now felt compelled to do so to give voice to her friend who could no longer speak for herself. It was utterly heartbreaking. I can’t thank you and Leah enough for doing this show. my best, paul
Thank you so much my friend.
You paved the way for so much that is now a reality.
When the history of this organization is finally written, you will be one of the figures who shines brightest.
Yes I agree, thanks Paul for being who you are and helping. Thanks!
Yes, thank you Mr. Haggis. Truly.
I cried too. I find myself crying through many of these episodes, especially when someone else breaks down. It is easy to feel for someone in such pain and grief, to care about the lost. I thank everyone involved in this series. The courage of all is stunning. You are all doing the right thing. You are changing lives. Thank you.
As will you, Mike. As will Leah. If I were Catholic, which I’m not, I’d nominate you for sainthood for the work you’re doing on the show.
Paul…your daughter is amazing and so brave. I was so moved by her story of the tragedy of Taylor. Clearly, she carries great guilt over her own choices but Leah articulated so well how we all feel. Please convey to her that we understand the prison her mind and heart was in and that, now that she is free from Scn, her true heart is now free to feel and act on her compassion for others. She is finally feeling the fullness of human inner connectedness of the spirit. Something that Scn would not allow her to experience. It is unfair to ourselves to judge ourselves through a wisdom of today that did not exist yesterday.
Paul Haggis – thank you for being the first to speak out! You are a trail blazer and you have integrity!
Thank you for paving the way – you are courageous! You cried just proves that Scientology did not destroy your ability to feel empathy and compassion! Congrats on being Homo Sap!
Lauren is such a beautiful sweet girl, I would be proud to call her my daughter too.
Yes Mr. Haggis you broke through that ‘celluloid ceiling’ of telling the truth about scientology, Hubbard & the CoS. Eternal thanks.
This episode was both heartbreaking and awe inspiring at the same time. The heartbreaking is in seeing the loss of two beautiful soles before they really had a chance to shine. The awe inspiring is in seeing the courage in the two beautiful soles who told what happened to them.
To Paul, thank you for your courage in speaking out when there really was not a format to do so. You were the pebble that started the landslide of truth that will end this cult. My most profound admiration to all of you for your courage to exposing the evil of Scientology. As a never in I have been stunned, outraged and sickened by what I have learned and read in books after seeing the first episode of Aftermath.
To Cathy Tweed I say this, one day you will realize that you destroyed your precious child. The price you will pay will be having to live with that.
To Leah, Mike Paul and Lauren as well as Marie, Marie and cannot believe that after Aaron’s tragic death that they fellow Scn croonies left you alone… no hugs or we are so sorry for you lose. That is disgusting and cruel cold and down right rotten to the core. You gave Aaron a voice tonight and forever.
Paul and Lauren your struggles are painful to hear but they need to be voiced. As a mother to hear that she (Cathy Tweed) was ” okay ” with her daughters decision to take her life. That is a new low to hear such a thing. She will rue the day and have regret follow her through the rest of her life. Cathy Tweed you are a poor excuse for a parent you are involved in a “cult” that promotes hate, distrust and an evilness that is mind boggling. How can you go through life with a group that offers no support in times of great need its nuts to think that. This “cult” is falling a part.
With all their real estate holding how can they pay these enormous property taxes? And truly who is left in this “cult” just the celebs like Tom C., John T. and wife, Giovanni R., etc… they alone have to have some sense that sh*t is going wrong and the continued barrage of new information of so many human rights violations that have and are occurring. In this world of social media there no place to hide and are backed up by these endless stories of deep pain and suffering . If these celebs come out there will be no hate but relief that you are free. We on the “outside” are wanting and praying you all stop and think this will not go away it is now part of history.
Stay strong you all and thanks Leah and Mike, Paul, Lauren, Marie for this continued revealing of this “cult” and it’s current criminal and immoral acts of terror.
Paul, I’m sure that your brave daughter learned how to stand up for others, and for herself, by following your own courageous example. So, thank you both for doing all you can to ensure that the cherch’s crimes and abuses are exposed and ended.
We won’t stop until that happens, and I have no doubt that you and Lauren won’t either!
Still trying to process what I watched–truly heartbreaking. I just cannot comprehend everything that goes on inside “that church!” My heart broke for Lauren. Thankfully, she has her finally unlike so many who have been abandoned! This madness needs to stop! Another well done episode Mike and Leah!
Mr. Haggis,
You should be so beyond proud of your smart, caring and lovely daughter. Hug her huge! Please thank her for sharing her friends life with us.. ❤
It breaks my heart to see these stories but I am so thankful these people are so brave to speak out and tell their truth and the hell they went through!! Thank you Leah and Mike for opening our eyes to this evil cult that is ruining lives and not giving a damn who they hurt!!
Love the program. It is so informative to those of us that are not aware what Scientology is about. It is indeed a cult and our government needs to wake up. I used to think it was a great church and alot of them were rich but that is so deceptive as you have proven. Thank you all again for informing us.
It seems as though the COS is upping their game in Twitter. The have promoted tweets @StandLeague, they pop up whenever anything about Aftermath or Leah Remini is in a feed. I blocked @StandLeague. Desperation magnified.
Hello All-
Leah & Mike: I have been watching your show for 2 years now & I am forever amazed that this group or whatever they call themselves still exists! OMG – I find myself speechless at times after watching the interviews of past members! Leah- I see why you had a hard long time seeing the light about all of this crap but, Mike;
Did you grow up in this atmosphere or were you dragged in? Lol
I don’t mean to be harsh you both appear to be very smart people – HOW DID THIS HAPPEN! My hope is that you will go to the highest court and expose these SOB’s for what they are & the whole group crumbles immediately.
Keep on digging- you owe it to the ones left!
Kim N