From the recent FBI release, a letter sent to the St Petersburg Times in 2010.
This may have been put on the SP Times website back then, and may not be something new, but I had not seen it before.
It’s a doozie.
It is a compilation of lies, nestled in the usual “other religions have practices like ours” and repeated “anyone who tells you something different than what we say is a liar.”
The numerous, heartbreaking, independent yet similar stories of Sea Org members being coerced/forced to have abortions is addressed with the flimsiest response “we don’t advocate abortion” and anyone who did so or claimed to do so is “either lying or or did so in contravention of the church’s view on the matter.” Ah, that settles it. Just believe what we tell you, not what anyone else testifies to, no matter how compelling or cumulative the evidence is.
Coupled with some righteous “Intrinsic to the scientology religion is the deepest respect for the family and family life”, scientology asserts everyone should just take their lies at face value and stop their bigoted hate campaign directed at their wonderful institution. The indignant drivel goes on for some time, cloaking itself in vague crap about religions in general, and some detailed bs about how the whole forward area of the Apollo was reserved for children and their education OMFG.
But the ultimate hypocrisy is this paragraph about how scientology absolutely refuses to “violate the rights to privacy” of others — accusing the St Pete Times of doing EXACTLY what they do repeatedly on their websites and on the internet and in court filings and “Freedom” magazines — “publicize the very personal and private choices of these women”
Information taken from auditing files, “confessionals” and ethics files of those deemed enemies by scientology is routinely published. In fact, it is “standard tech” to do so. There are hundreds of instances of this that can be found in a few minutes of searching their publications. Of course, when it suits them, they claim the information is sacred, secret and privileged and fight it all the way to the US Supreme Court (Laura DeCrescenzo’s pc folders which contained damning evidence to prove her case, which included coerced abortions).
When it’s not beneficial to them to keep it all secret to avoid “egregious violation of their rights to privacy” they publish it without a second thought.
Scientology letters like these are hypocrisy personified.
Hope this CSI letter is known to the attorneys representing Baxter, Baxter and Paris as part of being prepared.
A perfect example of Scientology’s concern for the privacy rights of individuals was Sea Org staff who had confessed in interrogations to having masturbated to be made to stand up in front of the entire Flag Staff Organization (750 staff) and tell everyone what they had done. This was done at the end of the week staff meeting. WTF! It only made sense after I learned what a freak Miscavige was on studying the individual sex histories of the staff. Tom DeVocht told me of an incident where Miscavige pulled aside a dozen random women as they came off study and had them stand there while he went one by one stating each of their sexual information. He used the information to intimidate and dominate others but it also showed how f@#%ed up he is on the subject.
True, Dwarfenführer IS “f@#%ed up”, especially when it comes to the 2nd Dynamic in any of its forms.
Can you even remember her in your drunken haze?
Per Modern Management Technology Defined, the Sea Org’s purpose is “to get ethics in on the planet.” Further, it “runs the Advanced Organizations and is the custodian of the Clear and OT processing materials.” Also, the Sea Org’s responsibility is “the future of mankind.”
Somewhere along the way, scientology added a bunch of flowery words to describe itself, such as ministry; faith; ecclesiastical; religious covenant; parishioner; religious order.
Scientology should not pretend to be what it isn’t, and neither should the Sea Org. Scientology is dedicated to Clearing every man, woman and child on the planet. If you’re with Scientology, fine, but if you’re not… then God help you.
Hey! If scientology ceased pretending being what it’s not, they would have NOTHING to say. That would be an improvement, of course, and I look forward to the day when there are no more scns or lackeys of Dwarfenführer® to bray his incessant lies . My blood pressure will likely plummet as a result.
I fully expect Scientology to shrink to a group of store fronts after Der Dwarfenführer passes.
Yes, Jerry Lull, the words “nothing,” “nada,” and “zilch,” are beautiful words–if only scientology would shut its friggin’ mouth.
Fred, you got the pronunciation right, but I’m sorta proud of having two 4-letter words for a name.
Jere Lull–Oops. I bet that occurred because of spelling auto-correction. I think I’ve corrected that in this comment by copying and pasting your name.
“Somewhere along the way, scientology added a bunch of flowery words to describe itself, such as ministry; faith; ecclesiastical; religious covenant; parishioner; religious order.”
This came about in the late 70s when a policy titled “Religious Image” was issued and all orgs and missions were required to create such an image. Auditors had to wear white collars, crosses had to be hung in public areas and Sunday services were to commence. None of the staff wanted to do any of it and that reluctance proved to me it wasn’t a religion at all.
A message to scientology: “Religious Image,” my a**
Thanks very much for sharing that, Glenn.
I was in NY doing my academy levels at the time. What a load of balderdash that was. I did the “minister’s” course, of course, since it was required before my next course, but never wore any of the trappings or called myself a minister other than sardonically.
Narcissists don’t know how stupid they look.
There’s a motivator for this.
Nope! As narcissists, they’re convinced they’re the brightest, most attractive beings in their orbits, no matter how disgusting they are in real life.
“some of the more untamed areas of North Africa,” in a letter written in _2010_???