Here we have the latest evidence of the state of the “church” of scientology and its descent into the worship of money.
Of course, the ONLY thing anyone talks about in scientology these days is “donations” and “donator statuses” — primarily to the IAS and Ideal Orgs, but also to numerous other lesser vampire entities that hang out in the dark cave that is the scientology world. It is what determines your status and your ability to negotiate the increasingly arbitrary “church ethics.”
But still, who would have ever contemplated a decade ago, let alone when the Freewinds was first launched in 1988 (26 years ago, not 25…) that one would ever see this:
The Freewinds is holding a week of seminars conducted by a non Sea Org WISE Consultant so you can learn how to make money to give to the “church.’
I would love to see these 100,000 people he has “helped to success.”
Wonder what he is being paid for this? It’s “only” $2,170. But that does not include how much you have to give to the IAS in order to get off the Freewinds which is I guess what they mean when they talk about the “full Freewinds Experience.”
Scientology has become a parody of itself. The highest org on the planet now has it’s Sea Org members pimping for a WISE Consultant to get people to come to the ship because they are so desperate for anyone to come and give them some income.
The massive flow up the Bridge as a result of GAG II isn’t resulting in the Freewinds full of people doing OT VIII. I wonder where those masses are? Instead they are importing wise guys to conduct seminars on how to make money to give to the IAS.
Admission of failure on so many levels.
Chris Shelton Video
I just watched this video at Tony’s site and I highly recommend it to anyone who has had questions about how Miscavige controls the church or got into the position he is. Chris does a masterful job of disentangling a VERY complex story. Take the 40 minutes and watch it. As he says — you will end up understanding a LOT more than scientologists in the church ever will.
Hi thegman (No reply button to your post either)
I get your post!
People have had results – I won’t ever dispute that. Nor will I dispute that you, and many others, believe the Tech is responsible for it
As a Never In (hence my name) I will dispute the validity of your, and many others, perception of cause, effect and the exclusivity of Scientology being the ONLY answer!
I am a critic yes.
That doesn’t mean I cannot see the positives. (And please note that I am not replacing the S with $ that I would normally use in deference to your current position.)
Or that I follow ” real”science blindly – much that passes for “science” these days suffers from the same internal issues that are causing the downfall of Scientology now
Nor does it mean I cannot see the essential desire and commitment to actually wanting a “better” world and compassion of many/most of those suckered into Scientology!
I do however want to point out some things for you to consider.
Whenever I hear of any REAL positive “wins” (and I have no doubt that some experienced this) they all mention the PERSONALITY of the AUDITOR involved.
I say “REAL” to distinguish them from the coerced “wins” that are the trademark sign off and are needed to escape whatever session!
The “real wins” are what keep people trapped and oblivious/in denial about the REAL LOSSES.
This is why Independant Scientology works for many. And there are far less dissatisfied customers in Independant Scientology than there are in CoS
And why taking that path as they learn to reintegrate back into wog world means that Independant Scientology is merely a stepping stone/holding stage for many while for others it is also where they are happy to stay.
ALWAYS though, it comes down to the personality of the Auditor – AND the service user!
The TECH – we’ll it is well documented where that was cobbled together from. The cobbling together is pure LRH but none of it is original to him apart from the wrapping. The wrapping is faux – or as we say where I am from “All fur coat and no knickers” And it doesn’t matter if your flavour is LRH or Miscavige) (sp? I usually just type Slappy or get it wrong). Though at least LRH understood more the importance of providing service and the personality of the auditors. Davey never quite got those points, his experience failing to qualify as (or use) an auditor amply demonstrates that. He did however take on the rest of his experience with both LRH and the scam.
The COS seen today is an amalgam of both.
Davy has merely exacerbated the demise of CoS
It would have happend under LRH too.
The TECH boils down to talking about problems and perceptions of cause and effect of those problems and how to deal with them.. The geegaws such as the cans and KSW etc are just that. Geejaws.
In the wog world there are many displaying the qualities of OTVIII and those on the way to it.
That comes as a big surprise to many. Just as it does for me when I come across those who reach that level despite believing in ANY religion – no matter what the flavour! I am as shocked when I come across anyone displaying such qualities and being religious – wether the religion is Christian, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, Science (oh yes, for many the misperception of Science, not Scientology, is no different to the claims of any fundamentalist religion) or whatever
People are people
One of the things many critics have a problem understanding is that what seems to them as normal isn’t normal for all. Being unable to see and understand that blinkers their whether perception too.
For those who have had the benefit of having a wise and compassionate person to talk about their problems and give a compassionate, uninvested and yet still motivational space to do confront any issues.
And of course some critics come from a different space.
I remember vividly reading Tony O’s account of his meeting with the Isreali mission holder when the whole mission defected.
Tony was very shocked/surprised when told he was exhibiting the very best qualities of an auditor. Because Tony was just being himself and what he perceives as the basics of a professional and proper journalist. I think that made him take stock of both himself and how people speak, feel and think about auditors. Which he was and is -yeah sadly not all journalists have his innate ethics! And he does indeed live by those ethics, and yes he sometimes falls short but by very little (AMAX is one of his failings for eg) but even using the most stringent of criteria he is one hell of a journalist! And one who works tirelessly
If The Tech is responsible for the wins then how could a wog exhibit those qualities?
Not only exhibit them but live them? Even, and especially, when so anti everything that CoS says and stands for
Because doesn’t CoS state so very vehemently that it has the ONLY answers?
And yeah,cognisant dissonance is such a bastard.
Nor is that only happening in CoS
It happens in wog world too!
And that is why I dislike CoS and LRH so much – because he took the glimpses he had of the truth and twisted it .
As do all religions IMO – including those who replace spirituality (and many “new age” spiritualities equate any other religion), religion and those who say Science is better without understanding both the benefits and negatives of science.
Hmmmm. … Maybe Davey is doing to Scientology what has long ago been done with W. Erhard’s EST… Turning it into a business consultancy such as Landmark Forum.
P.S. This video by Chris Shelton has reminded me about the Save website. I know it’s too late for saving the corporate church, but is there any activity there, to put those boards of directors into being? I have long wondered what happened to that group, that said they had attorneys and were preparing for the fall. I’d welcome any info or comment on that.
Thanks for that clear video Chris. When I was an auditor I felt interrupted to death which was always so perplexing to me. Scn “management” has waaaaaay too many chiefs and mistreated Indians. I was always extremely annoyed that the 2/1, tech/admin ratio was apparently impossible to achieve. Good work!
This is the be all end all. You have to GIVE money in order to learn how to MAKE money in order to GIVE money to Scionville. Around and around the mulberry bush, the kool-aide drinkers chase the Weasel.
This is so sad on so many levels, it’s inexplicable. The Chris Shelton video was fantastic – I had a HUGE LFBD when he talked about the system of “everyone and everything being bypassed” – boy did I experience this in spades on so many occasions. The Church of arrogance. On steroids.
And here they are, talking of ‘islands of sanity’…
They’re Gilligan’s Islands of Sanity.
Query — honest question, not rhetorical — what is the difference between “move up the Golden Age of Tech Phase II Bridge” and “move into Phase II?” These are stated as two different things, but I don’t have any idea what the distinction is.
The Golden Age of Tech Pahse II is a Miscavige invention that he called “the Golden Age” to justify selling people to redo what they had already done. He then came out with a new version last year to redo what you had done with the “Golden Age” in the Golden Age Phase II”.
Move into Phase II is in reference to a Hubbard Policy letter called Admin Know How Series 26 where he talks about two phases that any executive finds himself in. Phase 1 he is doing everything himself. Phase II he has managed to get some people working for him who have taken over functions and instead of now laying the bricks himself, he supervises others to do so.
Re Chris Shelton’s video:
That is an amazingly clear ‘eye opener’. Well worth every minute of it, allowing to blow charge on the for ever happening, disrelated interruptions to the Sisyphus type work as a Sea Org member on post.
Thank you Chris for a job incredibly well done!
I agree.
It’s always been very murky to me how Miscavige got where he is at today.
Chris Shelton’s video answered a lot of questions for me and is a good reference for anyone who has been involved in Scientology.
It’s nice to see people exposing the truth about these things.
I attended one of Patrick’s seminars many years ago – very forgettable – I have no memory of what he spoke about!
I can only imagine how terrible it must be to try and get off the fleawinds. Trying to leave an AO when I wanted to was hard enough. It gives me claustrophobia just thinking about it!
Speaking of just add water . . .the grandkids and I got on the subject of dehydration this weekend – not sure how or why. My 15-year old grandson said “I know, I’ll sell empty water bottles and call them dehydrated water.” My 8-year old granddaughter said “but that would be wrong.” Yep.
BTW. If you go to Emergency Essentials site and search for dehydrated water, you can buy it for $2.95/can.
Mike ,Where did you get that picture !
I want one,large scale in a Gold Leaf fame .
Same size as the portrait of the Queen in Buckingham Palace.
I’ve been to Freewind’s a few times and it’s
true, the trick is how much it costs to get OFF to LEAVE.
Can someone give us never Ins a story about regging on the Freewinds? I have heard Luis Garcias story about the 16 sets of Basics, but I always wondered why people don’t just say “no, I can’t afford it” or ” I want to send my kids to college” or “I enjoy eating and living indoors and would like to continue both”. I have often wondered if I could withstand a Freewinds regging
Chee chalker,
Their go-to most effective ploy, in my opinion, is pressing peoples’ “help” buttons. You see, a number of us had wins with the tech. We were helped, we benefited, our lives improved to some noticable degree by and with what we learned and experienced. It was real to us. So we became vulnerable to being exploited with various ways of being asked, “Wouldn’t you want others to be able to benefit as you have? Well, here’s how”. That’s a simplistic answer and there are other ploys but IMO this was/is the most powerful – playing to a being’s desire to help.
CheeChalker: I too wonder, The concept of surrendering your passport, and probably credit cards too, is alien to me though I know that hotels or authorities in some countries try to do that.
I thought Clears could walk on water so couldn’t they simply get off the ship when close to land?
I’ve been attempting to follow the money to see what exactly their thought process is regarding the SS Mesothelioma and its “services”. I think I have it right:
1) Require the six-month sec checks on OTVII and keep people on “the level” for years, even decades. FSO makes money.
2) FSSO complains because the drabs and dribbles that Flag is allowing to attest to OTVII isn’t enough to keep the Fail Boat running. Hence, two-day seminars about Something LRH Once Alluded To are offered to entice people to take a cruise.
3) Super Power opens. FSO now has an alternate income stream, so they can…
4) …let a whole mass of people attest to OTVII. They expect to make the money back courtesy of the hordes who will descend on Clearwater to do SP, and the income from public who have been subtly convinced that only Flag offers effective Standard Tech (does anyone know of any public since GAT II premiered that was denied to go to Flag?).
5) This makes FSSO happy. Now they have some fresh meat to work with, all of those newly-minted OTVIIs who have been dying for years to have Truth Revealed. And FSO is happy since it can concentrate on much more lucrative services, like the Ls.
6) ????
7) Profit?
That #6 really is a representation of what’s going on in the heads of FSO and FSSO people. They’re absolutely confused as to why there aren’t hordes beating down their doors to get Super Powered or have Truths Revealed to them.
Nobody who hasn’t already paid for it is doing Super Power. Nobody is paying Flag’s ludicrous rates for the Purif and Survival Rundown unless they absolutely have to, and there aren’t that many of those doing it. Nobody’s making reservations for the SS Mesothelioma, because after decades of sec checks, IAS wallet-hoovering, reg cycles for buildings fated to end up deserted, etc., they’re too tapped out to move on to OTVIII. And there may be another money-sucking pit in front of them even if they do have money: I wonder if FSSO is playing the game with OTVIII Eligibility. “Oops, no, you’re not eligible. Try again in six months. You can pay for it now if you want.”
They’ve made the fatal mistake of assuming that the clubbed seals wouldn’t wake up to any of this. Well, surprise. The Fail Boat can’t make any money because Flag has sucked them dry every possible way. There’s nothing left to give there. When your prospective customer list has boiled down to “Nancy Cartwright”, you are in trouble. Hence a full one-week seminar, cruise, and once-in-a-lifetime exposure to potentially fatal lung disease, because no one else is coming.
It doesn’t matter if the Tech would have stayed true to LRH. Treat your potential customers the way Flag has, and nothing will save you. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Watch the clock for 2PM on Thursday. It’s Epic Fail all around. It’s seminars like this that will be the only admission from them that something’s very, very wrong.
Well said.
Hallie Jane, I just wanted to comment on your earlier comments about OT8s and there was not “reply” link. That’s the second or third comment you’ve made on this blog which has really rung true with me. I don’t much care what anyone else has to say about whether scn tech works or not, I *do* know it worked fabulously well for me. And I *do* know that a caring, attentive auditor can open huge vistas for someone willing to plunge in and DO THE WORK. I also don’t care whether LRH actually created the tech himself, stole it, took credit for the work of others, etc., in the hands of a caring, attentive auditor, POSITIVE CHANGE CAN AND DOES HAPPEN. I saw it for myself and saw it with others. There are still well trained caring auditors out there, still students studying with indies. May they live long, prosper and go on helping more individuals, one by one, the only way the world has ever really changed.
So thank you, Hallie, for your good words.
Thanks so much thegman77. I saw thousands have wonderful gains and I wouldn’t trade mine for anything. I’m really enjoying flipping a bird at the can’t haves and vulture culture, and finishing the actions, that I want and deserve, on my own terms. Btw….I love your upside down kitty. 🙂
Great post, Espiando. “…wallet hoovering…” Real good one.
Yes Espiando – I know we have had our disagreements but that phrase was a killer, as was the rest of your comments above! “Wallet hoovering” – still laughing. Very good. I get the picture of Harvey Jacques at Flag walking around with one of those devices for blowing leaves away in a garden strapped to his back, except of course “the flow is reversed” and having rooms where one’s wallet is inspected, and then hoovered out – called the Reg Office I suppose! Or as you walk by him in the corridor he accosts you and demands your wallet is brought out and he sticks the snout of his hoover inside of it and then you are summarily and rudely dismissed as usual. “Wallet hoovering” has now become part of my vocabulary.
You’ve seen the light, Espiando!
GATII: the new OT7 completions have to do the Purif and SRD first before OT8, so there’s some extra $$ there plus the sacred stats for Flag. Just a quickie rip-off before they head off to the SS Mesothelioma, or Fail Boat as you called it. Then comes the L’s, then SP, then Student Hat and re-training all the levels they may have done before, then, then, then, ad infinitum.
They could sell timeshares on the boat.
I have to wonder what would happen if Miscavige died tomorrow. By destroying any possible competition, he is also destroying the succession.
Who would take over? Who could take over?
Yes, I know he’s only 54, but things happen. I’m not much older, and I’ve had friends die from a wide range of causes, going all the way back to High School.
He might be suddenly absented from management for any number of reasons. You can conduct this hypothetical without positing DM’s ultimate demise.
Mad Hatter,
To answer your question.There would be a tsunami of Lawsuits
and people coming out of the woodwork with Claims for decades to come.
The lawyers will take everything.
IF DM died tomorrow, and it is a possibility because look at the stress he is under with all the lawsuits and the stress of lying to the public and lying to the whales and working hard to present PR that makes it look like his lies are truth, that is stress with a capital “S”. He does look wan and haggard in his latest pics from the Impact magazine, and he has lost weight. So if he died, there is no one capable of taking over and running it. He ran off all the execs with any cajones long ago and they are now ghosts of their former selves in the hole. He ran off Debbie Cook also. But she at least sued him and got the truth out there in the process of her leaving. I wish her well. She has helped a lot of people see the light, as have Mike and Marty and Karen and Steve and many many others.
Cindy – I agree. Plus, even if there was someone capable enough, who would be so stupid to take the job? Better to just wear a sandwich board sign everywhere you go with “SUE ME” printed on it. CoS could go Fabian I suppose, ala the Illuminati.
Ok, Wayne, I’ll throw my hat into the ring. If something happens to the dwarf where he’s incapable of running the cult, I’ll take over. Who better than an Old Surfer Dude? Being a surfer, I’m as mellow as a lazy Sunday afternoon.
The first thing I would do is free all the RPFers and pay them big bucks from the IAS shush fund so they could start their live anew. Next I’d do the same for all SO & staff. Then I would dismantle the entire organization. I would tell the then ex-members who wanted to still practice scientology, go ahead! Knock yourselves out! Meters for everyone. FREE! I would publish all the OT levels so the world would know just what the fuck they believe. To all the members that left and never received a refund, I would give them twice what they were owed. To families hit with disconnection I would give them large amounts of greenbacks. Now, money doesn’t solve every problem, but, it sure helps!
With their war chest, we could all get together at my home and discuss our favorite charities that we’d like to support. I’m talking REAL charities here! Not front groups for the cult that give each other money pretending it’s charity.
I’m sure the rest of you can come up ideal scenes when the end comes. Let me know what you would do…
You’ve got my vote OSD 🙂
Well I’m afraid you wouldn’t get my vote OSD. Some of what you say – ok. But we cannot lose the subject and “the Orgs must survive for the sake of this planet” is still true for me. We just don’t want assholes in charge of them. Or haven’t you guys had wins from your auditing and training? Or were your comments tongue in cheek OSD?
Oh, wow! What an opportunity! I want to emulate the Co$, so I really, really need what is promoted in those seminars, especially, the KSW and organizational ethics, but also planning for the future, ensuring viability, smart marketing like the Co$ has (I think Obama must have snuck in to one of these seminars, because he’s really popular, too, especially on the golf course!), and I guess a little making it from Phase I to Phase II wouldn’t hurt, like finding out what Phase I was and what Phase II is … then maybe even a retread on the organizational ethics … yeah ….
The Co$ really has the part about creating new products down pat … mix with water and stir. These seminars are a sure-fire bet to stir the Caribbean! And I can’t think of a better sponsor than the Co$!
My apologies to Time magazine. They did get it right. Scientology IS the cult of GREED.
“The massive flow up the Bridge as a result of GAG II isn’t resulting in the Freewinds full of people doing OT VIII.”
Ya have to admit that a HUGE part of that problem is that since day 1 of OT Ate (1986?), the wins of the completions have been about the same as we used to hear from HQS Objectives completions “back in the day”. When you peddle crap, EVENTUALLY word gets out and your flow of customers dries up. I’m just surprised that they haven’t turned the ship into a giant floating casino. THAT would create a much steadier flow of income for the IAS that this crap. Then they could tell suckers that if they lost money at the table it was because their “postulates” were weak and so they need 10 intensives of Sec checking… LOL
It was 1988 — it’s the 25th Anniversary this year…. Funny how at the anniversary they didnt announce anything about how many people had competed OT VIII in those 25 years but droned on about how many millions of miles the Freewinds had traveled.
The Freewinds is better than a casino. The house odds are WAY beyond anything that would be legal for a gambling house to get. They hold your passport and have all sorts of other methods to extract every last cent before you can leave.
Wow, Mike. How telling that on the 25th anniversary of the Freewinds, they don’t mention about how many OT VIII’s have been made (the purpose of the Ship after all), but instead they blather on about how many miles the Ship has travelled. Wow. They need to find out where they are, and then who they are and then what they are. Fat chance of that.
Right on Mike.
And not to mention that you simply can’t ‘step out’ unless you were trained as ‘able body seaman’
and knew how to steal / lower a life boat.
“25th Anniversary this year….” Heh 😀
Wow! 25 years. That went fast. Talk about a H U G E omitted! But, you’re right. Their House odds are 100% in their favor. Silly me. I need to work on my criminal mind. It PALES in comparison to the Scotch guzzling, copper rod holding dictator’s…
Blathering on about how many miles the Freewinds traveled rather than highlight how many OT8’s were made is just like crowing about the square footage of buildings, number of feet of carpet installed, how many marble tiles set, etc in the Ideal Orgs.
No reference to actual production or helping any human being. It’s become the norm.
The “OTVIII” that they run on Freewinds is a fraud (and never mind all the false and red herrings that have been issued as to what is “OTVIII” over the years). There is a 1969 HCOB designated as belonging to OTVIII which has nothing to do with the materials being run on Freewinds. But the main thing is the fact that LRH stated that it takes a long time to run the levels above VIII in “From Clear to Eternity”, is quietly ignored. Yet people complete OTVIII in a couple or a few weeks on Freewinds, and most of that time is getting sec checked unnecessarily. Contrary facts there.
They certainly wouldn’t want to drone on about how many miles of blue asbestos was found on the ship, would they?
Would YOU want to be John Allender. The “products” speak for themselves.
No. But to be fair, I do know a number of OTVIIIs who are very theta, causative, decent and seem to be very comfortable, with themselves and balanced in life. They’re real. There’s a tech datum that a person will be able to confront, to the degree that they feel safe. I believe the vulture culture and squirreling has created an environment in session, that is not safe, so confront is not wholly possible even if the person tries. As a seasoned case cracker, what I perceive in many of the rcs’s “products” is that they are dirty and by that I mean, they have by passed charge left on their cases as a RESULT of the auditing, that is compounding over numerous levels. No matter what one’s case level, there will always be plenty to address on the dynamics if people want to, because life continues. A person, of any case level, could continue to enjoy relief and improvement, if they were allowed to get auditing when they felt they needed it, and on things they were interested in, ie, on their own terms. A primary goal of auditing is to remove charge without leaving any, like, walk in the wilderness but don’t leave any trash. This is wholly violated in the corporate church today. Very recently, I have personally witnessed beautiful, genuine, clean, theta wins from individuals, achieving what they wished with indie auditors. Believe me, it is night and day.
No kidding Valerie. Watching a large % of “OT’s walking around who were stark raving mad (this was BEFORE Miss Cabbage was involved BTW) is what 1st alerted my logic sensors to the fraud that was LRH and his “Advanced Courses”
Valerie: I can’t imagine even John Allender wants to be himself. He seems like a mean spirited person very, very unhappy in his own skin, He reminded me of the SciZombie who used to picket Mark Bunker’s house.. I forget his name. Wonder where he is now?
But maybe JA has redone his communication course for the fourth time and done the SoupaPowa ditzzy run around the pole routine by now and is at peace with himself. .
Correction: I meant LRH stated that the the levels above OTVII (7) will take a long time – not OTVIII (8) – I am guilty now of adding an extra “I” as I jokingly said to someone else a few days back. I will upgrade my “IAS Status” in atonement for my shocking sin.
Scientology: where your net worth equals your value as a human being and your likelihood of ‘going free’.
Slight modification (who said scientology could not change?):
Scientology: where your current net worth equals your current value as a human being and your current likelihood of ‘going free’.
So true. I would like to see what happens to Bart Simpson and the Duggans when they are bled dry – even the largest whale eventually bleeds dry. It just takes longer.
Intense pressure makes diamonds, they say. I’d like to cash in.
Hey Dave, OT IX-XV, remember? Stat!
When I went back to school to improve my life, the cult was very disinterested in that effort. They are so devoted to the concept of grapes they can quickly squash into wine that they won’t even plant a vineyard.
They also treat the second dynamic the same way. They have no interest in even their own future. Their single interest is the quick buck that they can get for Diminutive Master’s coffers.
I believe this is a symptom of the Thursday 2pm stat deadline disease or Thurstatitis as I like to call it when I’m impersonating a medical doctor, which I often do
Flyonthewall, you were a doctor in a past life, of course, we were all everything else in past lives, so impersonating a medical doctor is certainly something you are allowed to do. Can you cure my dontwannaworkitis today?
Valerie – I went to med school in Gondwanaland, I don’t kthink my cert is valid here in the WUS. But if you won’t tell, I won’t tell. How much you got?
I’m rich, I’ve got 4 stepkids 2 natural born kids 1 adopted kid, 1 cat 1 dog 16 grandkids 1 great grandkid another grandkid on the way – oh you meant money. Just a sec, let me count my pennies. 1, 2, ok done. You can have all my money. I’ll keep the family and menagerie. As far as the dontwannaworkitis, I’ve decided the cure (goingtoworkitis) would be worse than living with the extreme joy of dontwannaworkitis, so nevermind :0)
“They also treat the second dynamic the same way. They have no interest in even their own future.”
Well said Brian and very true. When parishioner’s children are aggressively recruited into the Sea Org, and then the recruits are not allowed to procreate, where is the future public for the church? Religions have grown throughout the millennia due to conversion but mainly to family tradition. We know that people are not converting to Scientology these days in any significant numbers and the primary demographic of Scientologists is mostly middle-aged now. When procreation became against the rules, and abortion an expected and common practice, the CoS sealed their fate to some degree.
One wonders if that is also not part of the “plan”? Let the existing and last generations die out through lack of procreation. As well as losing and perverting the tech, emptying the Orgs and course rooms, don’t make auditors, bankrupt Scientologists, drive away all the trained Scientologists, don’t release (or “lose”) the OT Levels etc. etc. And the “etc’s” could go on and on. Now I agree with Mike’s comment that there is no conspiracy against the Church but when one adds it all up, one begins to wonder. If there was a Big Pharma/Psych/NWO/CIA/FBI type conspiracy against the Church to smash the subject and its people then they could not be doing a better job than what is going on at the moment – in all aspects.
And also” increase your prosperity to rapidly move up the “Golden Age of Tech II Bridge” … and nobody seems to notice that the original ‘Bridge’ as named by LRH is not considered worth enough to even mention it.
At first glance this may seems innocuous but, practically their so called ‘religious leader’ has managed to take over as a ‘Source” and the blind followers seem to have fallen into amnesia by having forgotten who were they acknowledging as original ‘source’ when they started Scn.
So, fine, DM has managed to place himself as ‘source’ but, again; who would want to lead a bunch of hypnotized, indoctrinated blind and unaware morons? Only a lunatic sociopath like Miscavige.
I’ve had the “Full Freewinds Experience”.
Never been as happy to leave a location
as I was to leave that ship…..what a relief
to get off that thing!
And the large amount of relief was because
I actually felt they might not let me leave.
I felt I was in a Gestapo unit with SS guards
running loose.
I wish they would have had that add water
and mix formula when I was there so I could
have created and expanded on my desire to
punch a few of those pricks in the face.
Me too. When I was aboard I ran into some minor 2D ethics issue (from their viewpoint) and was threatened with being dropped on the nearest island, even though my post and such was in a normal trend. What an eye opening experience and was the beginning of the end for me. That environment is INSANE. I knew one of the servers in the Horizon dining room who befriended the band. We all liked her because she was so innocent, but after awhile it was clear she was about to throw herself overboard from the stress. That ship can be a death sentence for some people and I hope NONE of my old friends ever go back or support them in anyway.
Do your own research, make up your own mind. Don’t stop looking, don’t prevent yourself from finding out the truth. It’s a Scientology basic principle.
Me Too, Potpie!!! “… never been as happy to leave a location.”
The fact that the church won’t do anything to “correct” the BI’s in people such as you, Doug, me and so many others that I saw on the ship. We’re suppose to WANT to go back to THAT or be part of THAT group? We’re suppose to say thank you, write success stories or get off our own overts if we don’t feel like doing those two. Mind boggling.
Powerful comment, thank you Doug.
Interesting comment for me Doug Parent!I was regged(unsuccesfully) some years ago, as a musician, to go to the ship.Smelt like shit then,smells like a huge pile now.Love having the instincts of an ol`alley cat..sure do!!
Amen Potpie and Doug.
I went only once with my spouse and vowed to never go back. It was horrible. You are under constant surveillance and control in a confined space. Your passport is taken away from you when you board and I felt powerless.
I went to the Ship on the basis that I was attending a convention. There was no ‘convention’ per se but there were a few talks by Sharon Webber late at night (like 11 or 11:30 pm), that I never attended because I went to bed, needing to sleep after being on course for 8 hours and doing excursions in the am hours. I was too tired by 11pm to then stay up another 1-2 hours.
What really got me was the hard sell regging to buy accommodation packages for six weeks, and more courses. I didn’t go to the Ship for that purpose and tried to explain that, which fell on deaf, then antagonistic ears. Getting off the Ship was tough because I didn’t re-sign, so I had to go to Qual and then meet with other staff before they would return my passport. I barely made my ride to the airport on time and when I did I was so stressed out. I cannot imagine what it’s like for the poor staff who are hostages there.
Oh, right, I forgot completely that the Freewinds was put in place to deliver the uppermost levels. I wonder if anyone else who is “in” remembers or knows that.
Anyone else think that this is so far from being ‘Scientology” that it shows that for RCo$ the true tech is dead?
May they continue the descent into oblivion.
Yes, they killed the tech. And with all the OT’s re-doing their lower Bridges, who is left to go tot he Freewinds? Like the Idle Orgs, the Freewinds is empty. How do they pay to keep the lights on and guy fuel for the F/W with no one there paying for it? How does it stay open for business? Do private OT’s pay the bills? Does the IAS pay the FW bills? Does DM subsidize it?
I suspect at this point that keeping the Slavewinds operating is more important then the bottom line. Davy can’t be caught actually downgrading operations, and scuttling the Slavewinds would certainly do that. No every thing is always ‘straight up and vertical’ in CO$. Until it all crashes down, then everyone will try to get their hands on the cash stashed in offshore accounts.
Get this:
The Freewinds is now asking for donations for FUEL. My husband was regged for fuel the last time he was at Flag. He couldn’t believe it and was shocked that an upper-level executive dressed in full military regalia was asking him for money for fuel! He was told that the cost to sail the Freewinds for one week is $70,000. He didn’t give any money and thought it was strange that the “problem” of fuel was being put on him, a public. What do you think would happen if my husband asked for a donation for our taxes or mortgage payment? His folder would immediately be sent back to the C/S for programming!
+1 This is the direct antithesis of a subject that should be dedicated to truth, as-isness and increased freedom and ability for spiritual beings. This is a shameful parody of real Scientology.
I think this is, rather, the core essence of scientology. It is, was and always has been about making money. Nothing more. Since Hubbard needed something to sell to make some dough, he created (or stole) something he marketed as ‘tech’. Since the real world has broken the code and isn’t buying it any more and corporate scientology can’t sell it any more, why try? They are doing the only thing left with the portfolio – milk as much as they can from the dwindling number of people still hanging around.
In the final distillation, scrounging for cash is the only consistent characteristic of the whole thing since day one. The cost in human lives just makes it tragic.
Perfectly expressed and perfectly true.
Scientology is totally unrecognizable to me now. And, actually has been for quite some time now.