Part of the real estate empire being amassed by the tax exempt church of scientology is a rash of “public accommodations.”
The latest two are in Los Angeles.
This one, right alongside CC Int. And of course “The Fountain” opened last week alongside AOLA.
Obviously, there has been a push to open empty buildings so they can be shown at the IAS event.
Though one would imagine that ORGS would be better than one-star “hotels.”
What happened to Harlem? Missed the deadline I suppose. Valley going nowhere really rapidly. Not even a “ribbon cutting” on KCET? But you can be sure it will be shown as a big feature at the event with a “fly through” and then Miscavige will do the ribbon yanking when he is back in LA and then it can be shown all over again at the New Year’s event.
And of course he has the NN Ojai to show off. Bogota and Tokyo. And I expect there will be the re-do of AOSHUK and “CLO UK”…
But the desperation to invest in more and more real estate is becoming laughable. CC Int is already a HOTEL that is rarely, if ever, full. So, bright idea, invest in a hotel next to it… The Oak Cove in Clearwater is now an empty shell — there is so much hotel space available at Flag between the Ft Harrison, Oak Cove, Sandcastle, Osceola, Mariner, Yachtsman and a few others they could bring every scientologist in the US to Clearwater and they probably still couldn’t fill all the rooms.
Unless you count the Mormon Church owning Marriott, I suspect scientology owns more hotel/motel rooms than any religious exempt organization in the US…
But unless you fork over some cash in advance, they won’t leave the light on for you.
Self appointed pope of the Co$-a-No$tra Chult has been indulging himself in ‘land banking’ for quite some time.
Hey McSlappy, Toooooo much, is not enough, right?
Hi Barbara Angel,Good to meet you. I have enjoyed your posts and love your name.Yes David Miscavige is a piece of work and there will never be enough of mest or spirituality to fill a body that has no soul.Always,Ann
Hi Mike,
I dont have anything to add to this — how many ways can you say “that’s fucked up”?
I just wanted to take a second to say thanks for this, and your many posts that lay out the plain facts about the cult. I will tweet this, and share it around.
BTW, if any of the other commenters are on Flipboard, check out my magazine — “Scientology Exposed”. I have collected more than 230 articles and videos so far — some recent, some that are classics on this story, a few that are just silly and fun. It is where I archive articles for reference in my own writing, maybe others will find it useful as well.
Check it out here:
Driving through San Jacinto, somehow caught unawares
Bad smell of Miscavige, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw the cameras and lights
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to puke at the sight
When I passed by the guard booth
I heard no mission bells
And I was thinking to myself,
“This ain’t Heaven so it must be Hell”
So I made like a bandit and I drove far away
There were voices from the inside
I thought I heard them say…
Get me out of the Hole in California
Such an ugly place (Such an ugly place)
Such a twisted fate
Plenty of doom at the Hole in California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here
His mind is LRH twisted
Got loads of cash to spend
Got whales and celebrities
That he calls friend
Golden age of mind fuck
Like a bad disease
Meaningless statistics
Trying to mask his greed
Dave inspires. ?
I am not worthy, Michael….
Use the farce dude.
8 million clapping….
MJ, At least one Sneaky Lil Phuq is gunna print a lyric sheet and Karaoke this gem, I am laughin’ my ass off ova ‘ere, thank you for this brilliance!
Thanks Sneaky! If you make a YouTube video, post it!
By the time you reach the Starbucks on Sanderson Avenue
The stench is Going Clear
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find my previous lives
In the place I was before
“Relax, ” said Miscavige,
“You are programmed to believe.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!”
The Eagles never really came out and said what that song was about.
And a lot of people asked. The album is still one of the all-time best sellers.
Jonathon Mark, you make me wonder…how could those lyrics fit so well?
What will happen is that the money and property rights will disappear right along with Demented Midget.
I agree in part with Sneaky Little Phuq’s analysis that some of the Cult’s acquisitions of adjacent buildings are shrub tech. If this trend continues, we will see mini-versions of Clearwater, which is to say little urban Scientology ghetto’s springing up to give the major Orgs a defensive perimeter. These major Orgs will need privacy when Fleet Admiral Miscavige orders beheadings to begin under the Cult’s new Scientolosharia Law.
In the long term, of course, investing in hotels is a more prudent strategy for the Cult than purchasing Orgs.
1. When all fixed and overhead costs are considered, Orgs are essentially non-income producing real estate. Flag may be the only exception on a good week. If Flag could have its way, it would do to the other Orgs what the Orgs did to the Missions, i,e. declare the non-Flag Orgs criminal and drive them out of business. Under this scenario, the Flag Finance Police will arrive soon at your Org.
2. The Cult’s large portfolio of non-income producing real estate in which each facility requires staffing and has monthly expenses is an albatross.
3. The Super Power Building aka Flag Building offers a case study in why the Church prefers perpetual fundraising for buildings as opposed to actually having to open them. The goal of soaking the sheeple endlessly is lucrative. Opening a non-income producing property that must be staffed and has monthly expenses is a losing proposition.
4. The San Fernando Valley Org is a case study in the Scientology’s “phony urgent emergency” fundraising ploy. Everything is an urgent emergency in terms of fundraising. However, the truth is that there is no emergency and Miscavige does not want to open a building that is guaranteed to be dead on arrival. The new Flag Building was DOA and was a non-event. The SFV Org will be DOA. Portland, Inglewood, etc, were all DOA.
5. Except for Orgs in prime locations, most orgs cannot be easily resold. Scientology properties in Hollywood, NYC, and a few other locations are prime real estate. The rest of the Orgs are in average to undesirable locations. If the Cult sold an Org for cash, the new owners would likely need to do a great deal of demolition work to the purpose-built interior.
6. The Cult can open its hotels to the public. CCI was open for many years to the public. I believe it closed to the public in the last year. Would like more info on this as a data point.
7. Reselling a hotel is easy in a place like Hollywood that has strong demand for housing. For example, these two new hotels in Hollywood could easily be converted into condos.
8. IMO, the Cult will begin to purchase more hotels and fewer Orgs. Hotels make more sense as an investment and can be more easily resold when the Cult’s fortunes turn.
9. As a 501(c)3, the Cult is limited in what it may purchase. Real estate is defensible to the IRS.
10. As a way to keep busy, Miscavige can order all existing Orgs gutted and then raise money to upgrade them to GAT II Premium Ideal Orgs with 50,000x faster delivery. These new palaces of quickie grades could make 10,000 Solo auditors in as little as 5,216 years.
Miscavige should probably be more concerned with the Fourth Estate.
The only fixed cost for most mOrgs are water, electricity and labor. They can do midnight dumps of trash into neighboring buildings, but electricity and water required. Labor is too cheap to bother counting. With Sea bOrg taking over, 20 dollars a week per bOrg is going to be the norm. Ten dollars a week if the bOrg needs light bulbs or toilet paper.
I can’t see the “Ideal Motel 47” chain. They can take over neighborhoods in LA and Clearwater, but not in Philly or NYC or pretty much anywhere else. I don’t count Hemet, their operations are limited to Golden Era and the few apartment complexes they own there. It is just too spread out or already walled off to bother.
What about all the clam owned businesses? I can see ABLE city, now with rents based on tithing, so be nice to your R/S (rent supervisor).
I do think you are right about the ghettoization of $cienoland. Now with more barbed wire and surveillance cameras. But only in 2 locations. Too bad they didn’t try to buy up a corner of Montana or Alaska……
Why haven’t they attempted to buy a quarter of Montana? After all, that’s where L. Fraud was raised on a ranch and became a blood brother to the native tribe. Normally, for L. Fraudiana, there’s no expense too big.
Espi…don’t forget….LRH ‘broke’ wild broncos as a 4 year in Montana……can’t leave that out…
As an extra bonus your room is fully equipped with audio and video recording from all angles for preservation of “your future to infinity” or is that supposed to be “the infinity of your future”?
Anyhoo 😉
Beheadings ?
What’s wrong with Hubbard’s R2-45 ?
Hi Kemist, I usually can’t laugh about R2-45 because I lost some public doing the SHSBC or auditing who went back home from Asho and used that to check out.However your post was spot on and I had to let a lot of my sadness over that HCOPL go by the by.Let it be sad water under the bridge and to the Sea!Thank you.Ann.
See what the real Pope says: “Some religious orders say ‘No, now that the convent is empty we are going to make a hotel and we can have guests, and support ourselves that way, or make money.’ Well, if that is what you want to do, then pay taxes! A religious school is tax-exempt because it is religious, but if it is functioning as a hotel, then it should pay taxes just like its neighbor. Otherwise it is not fair business.”
Generally scientology hotels DO pay taxes (property tax/hotel tax)
Back in the day when CCI/Manor bought that building next to CCI (in the 90’s, I believe) and the one across the street, there were two proposed purposes; 1) staff berthing and 2) auditing rooms.
When CCI was kickin’ ass and taking names, the building across the street was used for auditing rooms and possibly some staff berthing. There were even rooms rented at the Hollywood Tower down the street, near the freeway, to use as auditing rooms, for celebs, I suppose, as it is a nicer apt building.
The public I talked to always hoped that they would just tear down that “Golden Crust” building to make more parking, which used to be impossible.
Looks like they were smarter than the average bear because no one parks there anymore, except for during bigger events.
The property taxes offset the gains taxes on the cult’s investment portfolio. Without being political (god forbid), one of the presidential candidates intends to end ALL charitable tax deductions, which in many ways will cut Miscavige off at the knees.
That idea would also end almost all donations to charity. That will never pass.
gtsix, never underestimate the stupidly of voters. Look at the train wreck our HC ins system is now…
No no John, I am not saying that moron is unelectable – although winning the popular doesn’t mean he’d have a shot at winning the electoral college.
No, my point is: Congress makes the laws, not the President. Trump could not ever get the utterly unable to govern Congress to pass legislation altering the tax laws to remove charitable tax deductions. The rich and the charities would band together to ensure that doesn’t happen. For once, the rich, churchies and non-profits would all be on the same side.
And he cannot amend tax law through Executive orders, as that is outside of the Presidents purview.
The Golden Crest building was originally purchased for the CC and Manor staff to live in, so they did not have to live in that hellhole on Wilcox. Plans never work out in the Sea Org the way one wanted them to.
A dear friend of mine passed away in the Golden Crest (John Mustard, long time Sea Org member, passed away from kidney cancer in early 2000’s).
Both the Golden Crest and the Fountain buildings have been roach hotels for as long as I have known…. since mid 70’s for Fountain, and mid-80’s for Golden Crest.
I know that in the years that I was at CC Int, there was always a yearly problem with the neighbors because of noise during the Gala (and any other event held there). CC used to have to send out notices to the neighbors, and those neighbors had a chance to be heard and protest the events and try to get them closed at an earlier time. I think eventually CC won to have the event as late as they wanted. (They also had all-nighter events for New Years pretty often. I remember cleaning up when the sun was already up. Oh the good ole’ days, eh?)
They bought the place across directly across Bronson for that purpose years and years ago, and staff have been living in it ever since.
They bought the “golden crest” maybe 5 or 6 years ago, presumably with a sham straw buyer. It was an apartment building and they kicked all the tenants out, presumably under the Ellis Act. They let it sit derelict until about April of 2014, when the termite tent went up. They’ve been remodeling it ever since. It’s still basically an apartment building, so I guess it’s supposed to be for clams to stay in when they’re going to be there doing a lot of courses or something.
They took out one of the tall palm trees in front, and the tree on the corner (the NW corner of Bronson and Yucca). And installed fucking cameras everywhere first thing. They had no parking signs up on Yucca the whole bloody time, too.
And they took their time. Every time I was in town I’d try to drive by to have a look. Sometimes there would be contractors there, and sometimes absolutely nothing was happening. They FINALLY finished the goddamned place, after removing one parking spot from Bronson Ave directly in front of the building (they got the City to install a crosswalk there so the drones could cross Bronson between berthing and the manor).
So they closed Bronson Ave for a while on Saturday and had their little shindig, replete with lights and film crew, and a band. Oh, and the balloons they released (a friend of mine in the area sent me a couple pics – it was kinda funny, all the hubbub about a building that really does look like a Motel 6 lol)
Oddly, they couldn’t even get the picture right – the building is not blue!
I couldn’t see in the photos who the speaker was, but I doubt Miscavige was there.
So whoopee, they have no more Ideal Orgs to open, so now a couple of not-so-ideal motels. But the Golden Crest has a parking lot – maybe they can rent it to the valet service that operates on Franklin Ave!
Don’t give them any ideas.
You mean when people actually came to the events, Sunny?
I was actually told that I couldn’t go to the gala one year, the only year I bought a ticket for it. When I asked why not, the answer was, finally, after much prodding, “Because you pissed somebody off!” I said, “Who, __(SO Member Name)______ ?” I was exactly right and the Dir I & R looked shocked and amazed that I would know who it was. I said, “I know, she’s been hating me for years.”
This was when I was a public, and was never in the SO.
So you know I was stirring up dust for a long time.
Pretty sad though that a member in good standing who had been to most Crusades, events, marches and contributed much time to forward the purpose could be banned from a public event without any justice action or being told what they did to deserve being shut out.
This is one of the reasons why it was always unnerving for me to think of a world governed by Scientology justice. Justice by vendetta.
Hi indie8million, Could not help adding to your post.I am sorry you got that treatment.For me in Sea Org toward the end years of my time there,I was constantly being called on the carpet because..I looked at an executive with dagger eyes or backflashed someone who actually deserved it.For all the Ethics Ron touted and Sea Org GO/Intel and now OSA freely brag about,the real track record within the cult is far far different.Sure if one is a perfect sponge for all things Ron/David and one never questions any out points, well then David can and will continue on his twisted way. As you posted,I was not going to play by the rules if they were hurting or abusive to me and others.I just did not realize how that would be literally taken to get me to blow! Some Church-Cult! Always love,Ann.
Looking at the Google Earth maps, it looks like they had to have real contractors do the remodel, Permits anyone ?
What will happen to all of the property once the COS falls? My sincere best and respect to this community.
Scientology – we buy hotels to sit empty while so staff sleeps 20 to a room. What humanitarians.
Now that’s a thought that bitters the morning coffee.
I lived in the fountain with my family for years. It was infested with cockroaches and bed bugs. I hope they got rid of those. The building was condemned after an earthquake and we moved to a nice apartment on Edgemont.
They tented the place before they started – Vikane gets rid of friggin’ everything. Great stuff. Too bad there was never money to take care of their own staff. Assholes.
I recently talked with one of the SO guys who was working on the renos. Yeah, they did a whole number to make it look like it is now a healthy and happy place.
Wow. Bed bugs, really? So all of the SO staff could have been bringing bedbugs into the org so that the public could bring them home?
Oh man, the gift that keeps on giving – and taking – blood. Yucko.
Hi indie8million,Those bed bugs or those scabies I did battle with at the Hollywood Inn are nasty.In the mid 70s when we had the invasion of those,tenting and bombing(except for love missiles),were not used.TSP,Clorox and boiling water were the tools we got for that.Anyone that can put up with those little blood suckers without losing skin and mind,deserve a salute! They were horrible. Always,Ann.
These are zombie hotels where soulless creatures eat their own kind because there are no NEW people in this fake church for them to prey on.
The hotel doesn’t leave you a mint on the pillow; you leave one with the registrars.
Motel 6 has standards. They can be inspected by health inspectors.
The Fountain doesn’t. If I were forced to stay in one of the two (and thank goodness I have not been in a position where I have had to make that type of a choice lately) I would prefer to stay at Motel 6.
At least there I know I can get some sleep, probably mold and cockroach free.
Are you lining the walls of your bunker, Building 50, with ecclesiastical designer gold bricks?
Hey, I recognize that Motel 6! It’s on the Oregon coast where the Rogue River meets the Pacific at a town called Gold Beach. Cool.
I caught a nice Salmon there recently too. I even fried it up on the barbie in the evening. I didn’t happen to have any other fish to fry that night! Too bad!
Nice. Who knows how many of us pass each other without knowing it? Where I live we had a big run of pinks recently and people were catching them right and left from any shore available.
One of the fringe benefits of the developing el nino that is going to flood Miscavige out of his Hemet bunker this winter. Even Costco had their ‘wild’ salmon priced below their ‘farmed’ variety.
Been there, done that; oh, those days of rafting the rapids on the Rogue River.
Yes it has awesome scenery too!
Mike, are you giving DM some stiff Time Machines
here? Bet he might not like it but he better start cranking!
Dear CofS Exit Zone,
per your remarks: It’s refreshing to hear the Neville Chamberlain, “peace in our time”, approach. It has a rather poor reputation; you know, Hitler, Poland, etc. I stick with what you call rhetoric. The Co$ is “a master race cult”. There, I said it again, thereby causing those who are beginning to doubt, to jump back into their mind lock. Look, there goes a little sheeple that was on the fence. He was just beginning to feel your love and compassion, and I scared him off.
CofS Exit Zone (@DatumOmNom) says
October 12, 2015 at 7:48 pm
Has it occurred to you that when you lose empathy for those who are being fleeced, you’re in agreement with the ones at the top who are doing the fleecing with no remorse? The so-called sheeple do more than just keep the money flowing. They also keep the power base intact and reinforce the walls of the bubble that trap so many young people born into the Scn world and know nothing else.
If we really want to see the Church of Scientology fall, getting people to wake up and leave the fold is essential if not a penultimate concern. The best way to keep the exodus going is to show those who are beginning to doubt their steadfast dedication the things Scn is unable to show them: kindness from strangers, compassion for the sacrifices they have to make to leave and empathy for the mistakes they have made.
When we stop showing them those things and resort to using the same type of extremist rhetoric we see in Freedumb Mag, we begin to dramatize the bitter apostate stereotype that their church wants so desperately to pin on everyone who leaves and speaks out. And all that does is convince those who are beginning to doubt to stop looking at entheta and turn a blind eye to the fleecing and other problems going on,
I fully support David Miscavige and applaud his efforts to fleece the chumps. These are the chumps who believe in Xenu and talk to their body thetans. They inbreed to produce mini versions of themselves almost guaranteed to be as stupid as they are, as fodder for the Sea Org. They live in their own bubble and I want them to stay there. I don’t want these people out in the real world, breathing the same air as I do. I want the world to be strange and frightning for these freaks so they stay where they are so they don’t pollute society.
Seriously? This is your actual view? Sad.
+1. I was once one of them, so I take a completely different view from yours, Roland. They’re victims just like I was. If I were still in, I’d hope someone would help me see the scam for what it is.
But if you were still in and you were constantly being regged for money and all you could see as a result were Ideal Orgs bereft of new public. And you could see the Clears become unclear and Cleared again and again. And that no new public were likely because of Xenu, your Church being publically toxic, with new members being charged huge amounts of money that is not returnable for a State of Clear that is ephemeral while being pressured to donate to the IAS that is unaccountable and shows nothing for the money donated…..
Well, if you were in and could not see the scam for what it is with all that going on then nobody on the outside can help you so they shouldn’t waste their time in trying.
How can the clampire ‘leave the lights on for you’ if they can’t pay the electric bill? Many/some of the real estate buys in recent years are aimed at making the IRS happy, but how does the IRS know the balance in those Cayman Island accounts? The recent ‘expansions’ of $cieno land in LA are just like the recent expansion in Clearwater. Just a buffer zone to keep the sheeple away from us wogs. Or a large influx of foreigners is about to happen. Perhaps some ‘religious study’ tour is about to land? I do expect some type of South American influx to begin. I wonder if Immigration is going to go all Donald Trump on them?
Given the state of real IRS investigations, I doubt that any 501c3 gets more than a quick look. Creflo Dollar is not worried about the IRS. He worried about what interior his new Gulfstream G5 is going have.
In my area, Motel 6 is the destination for hookers and drug addicts. Maybe Miscavage is going to do some ‘community outreach”? Or should that be a ‘community reacharound’?
It’s no longer “We’ll leave the lights on”.
Cobby has changed in to “We’ll pull the blinds down”
This is simply an advanced version of shrub tech; CC picked up the apartment building across Bronson a few years back and that effectively eliminated any looky-loos from that side of the street. The “Golden Crest” was the last set of otherwise “wog windows” that looked right into the parking lot of CC Int. Now, the “oasis” that is CC Int can do whatever it wants, right in its own parking lot, and there is nobody but bubble-dwellers to see it happening (though for them, they will not “see” anything unusual at all)!
PS- Remarkably beautiful remodel on the Golden Crest there next to CCInt, only to then be completely destroyed by unwelcome paint color and the even worse font/ color/name.
Maybe the castle will soon be blue, too, so at least they will match. Maybe I’ll ask my sup today before I yell “I!” at roll call. Tick-Tock Tiny Boots…
Notice how these violently insane criminals always have to show “artists representations” for their fake business offices. They can’t show what the dumps look like to their surviving customers for all the obvious reasons.
Tax exempt fraud.
Yeah, and that shot of the golden crest is the wrong color – it’s not blue, it’s white. All the way around.
Speaking of the Mormon Church, this guy was in it for 50+ years and left. Has a series of videos that are hysterical. It is comedy relief when you realize you aren’t alone in these group complexities and perplexities. I have laughed for hours watching this guy’s videos.
Not only could he not fill all the rooms in Clearwater, he has gates blocking entrance into the three motels he bought and remodeled on North Ft. Harrison.
Those are reserved for “out org trainees” — of which there are few right ow (until the next “evolution” is ordered and all orgs have to send someone to re-do the Student Hat again and they beg money from their local public to provide the airfares)….
I was once an outer org trainee, but my outnesses got me outed.
Get outta here.
I was told I had out-ethics and out-int but I’m feeling outrageous now that I’m out.
Hi BlindersOff, I love your posts.Now that you are out and outrageous Yeah! Those still in are feeling left out in the cold and operated on 24/7 to keep those stats up,no matter the cost to them all.Tangled in the arms of this Octopus of a Cult.I am very happy you are free.Love,Ann.
These places are even worse than “roach motels”: they are infested with registrars, and registrars are much worse than cockroaches – dirtier, nastier, and way meaner.
How soon, I wonder before Scientology begins marketing funeral plots?
I imagine the advertising would run along the lines of
Hi Len Zinberg, Thank you,your post is funny because at my age,one begins to ponder what to do with the body? Cremation for mine and an urn that is not the usual type,but where to go? First I thought the ocean but for obvious reasons now I don’t think so.Maybe just stream my ashes into the four winds… The thought of David Miscavige adding funeral plots to the cos line up is chilling and I hope my dear RB might go with that picture in one of the powerful pieces that flow so freely in the work.Always,Ann.
Wasn’t there a rumour or some such years back about having your PC folders preserved for your return. I wonder if the discount rate still applies to next lifetime?
Bummer if you forget your prior name or worse, confused it with someone from Bulgravia who took up serial killing as a hobby.
Hotel Scientology…
there’s plenty of room at the hotel scientology…
you can check out but you can never leave…
This is becoming just more and more bizarre. The formula apparently is just add tax exempt status and you become a real estate mogul, add PR to that and bingo, bed and breakfast provided. I can see a chain of scientology fast food restaurants next. Look out Denny’s! You just ain’t kosher no more, God only knows what’ll be on the menu! Theta burgers with a side of declares for a $3k gratuity rate per order? Definitely no kids or pregnant moms allowed and it’s the only restaurant where you had over your cc before you order.
Ah? what’s religion got to do with anything scientology?
Hi Mike, The Golden Crest on North Bronsen! Be still my beating heart! I just cannot wait to check into that re-done rat/ cockroach trap now known as The Fountain.Those critters dance when the lights go out(and they will) at that establishment.Thank you for giving a picture of Clearwater and the empty motels/hotels there of cos.You know,I only recall the early days of Clearwater,so learning how it is now,helps me.The last line of your post is classic,why I will always love you and your posts,original,brilliant and your sense of humor is timeless.Thank you.Ann.
Hi Mike,Whoops got my Avenues mixed up.The Golden Crest on Bronson!Ann.
David Miscaviges Rat Palaces.
That’s an insult to all rats everywhere…..
I think as long as he has access to free labor………. CCINT was built on sacrifice, blood, sweat, and tears and so were many other buildings. People that were not paid. People that were convinced they were unworthy (rpf’ers), people that thought since they built it, they would be able to visit it. People that helped and labored and were then convinced to leave through losses and disappointment. These buildings are haunted. They are built on stolen lives and broken dreams. Slave labor of the down trodden. There are people that begged for billions of dollars to get the Freewinds on the Ocean, that have never been allowed to step foot on it. People that worked on that ship that were never given any exchange whatsoever. People that have thousands upon thousands of dollars on account and blood and sweat stuck in the dry wall underneath that paint, that will never get what they were promised or even what they hoped for. Due acknowledgement. The buildings are cursed like stolen property. They actually repel people.
P.S. And in fact, these buildings are false reports to the world. It tells the world the Church is expanding through membership and selling and delivering Scientology. In fact, it is through begging as a plan B. Through out exchange, bait and switch, and setting people up for losses. These new buildings are a false report to the world.
Interesting point of view.
What did you say, Jose? “David Miscavige, rat bastard”? So real. So real.
Sounds to me like his atty’s are pushing him to divest cash and put into R.E. of a “religious” nature. He’s just trying to avoid the IRS complaining about too much cash hoarding. If his insanity doesn’t override his legal team, he’ll stay in charge of the “church” until he dies of old age.
Anyone want to give odds?
I wish I could be more optimistic but sadly, I agree.
That a big “IF” that is not in the cards.
D.M. will keep burning through lawyers till he gets
what he want’s no matter how crazy or lavishly unreal.
John Locke, we can (and do) disagree on a number of issues Scientological but on these evals of yours I completely agree.
And then: “If his insanity doesn’t override his legal team, he’ll stay in chargeof the ‘church’ until he dies of old age”. I agree with is also, only pointing out that when it comes to Miscavige’s insanity, this is a big “if”.
Word should go out BPI to Whales and Sheeple alike as regards Ideal Morgues: “Hold onto your money, guys! Don’t take out that 2nd mortgage! Miscavige is buying!”.
If word gets out that The Owner is paying for properties, buying and/or renovating, then Katy bar the door. Can you imagine Bart Simpson’s head starting to snap, krackle and pop when she realizes that she doesn’t have to pay any more millions of filthy ‘eat my shorts’ lucre into the building fund? Sure, if the Duggans have any more defective adopted thetans to offload, they’re good for a few million, but this sets a very bad precedent.
Are these “idea” hotels?
That’s right , hgc10. Right off the bat I know of 3 people in my old org who gave very big money to the Ideal Morgue project – in the 100s of thousands, if not millions. If they get word of this I know them, they’ll be furious!
All of us at the Morgue fundraising events the same way: “This isn’t going to just HAPPEN, people! The money is NOT coming from on high! YOU have to make it happen, or it isn’t going to happen!”
How clearly do those words still sound in my ears! Lots of us, myself included, gave money we couldn’t afford because “it was all up to us”. Quite effective, it was, to press our “responsibility” button so hard.
Int Landlord’s gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.
Sorry for all my typos and other errors today. No sleep last nite.
The mantra is ‘Do it for Dave’
I would go with his insanity overriding his legal team. But then again what would constitute old age for Miscavige? He reminds me of the Towering Inferno….a great big shiny new building brought down by some faulty wiring that cascaded into complete disaster.
Hi Potpie, Always like your posts. Especially David Miscavige with faulty wiring Scary but True. Too bad he is not a robot ,then we could turn him off forever! Always, Ann.
That’s the best bet Potpie.
He’s survived thus far needs to be taken into account. Wishful thinking aside concerning his well earned demise, I wonder if he really does have someone else with leverage over him (some lawyer perhaps), steering him while they skim lots of bucks from the system so created. If so? he might be around for awhile, even though the ship is sinking.
I’d still like to think he’s going to see the inside of a jail cell in the near future, so I’ll give even money he ends up in open court having to answer questions within 4 years, his luck has got to run out sometime. It gives me the warm and fuzzies to contemplate him going to jail for contempt as he can’t afford to open his mouth in court and answer questions. For even if he did answer, no-one would be able to understand his scienological gibberish, & no understandable answer still equals contempt of court.
Yawn, Miscavige isn’t breaking the law so its unlikely he’ll go to jail. (Please, Mike, anyone, correct me if I’m wrong on this point. I’d love to be wrong about this.) What he’s been doing has been heinously unethical and immoral but not illegal.
Assault and battery is breaking the law. Problem is ever getting anyone who would file a complaint before the statute of limitations has run and second problem is he would find 30 people who would swear he never touched a soul, and in fact was attacked by the victim…
Aquamarine – It’s my belief that if miscavige ever got forced to answer a good lawyers questions under oath in open court about allegations against him such as masterminding financial scams, surveillance and harassment of innocent people (Monique etc.), human trafficking ad nausea etc. he would have a real problem with himself.
Whether those allegations could be proven or not is beside the point. I don’t think he would have the necessary communication skills or for the want of a better term, the TRs not to perjure himself.
The amount of careful study made of his timeline of activities is as staggering as it is accurate. No wonder he’s petrified of Mike, Marty, the Headleys etc. His own case would grind him to pooh if he was put on the stand, of which he is equally or more so terrified. With the amount and magnitude of his crimes, he’s his own worst motivator. (sorry about the Scn terms to those it offends but it does explain him rather well).
And boy, would a good lawyer chomp at the bit to get their hooks into a criminal like miscavige – make ’em famous!
I Yawn, as you aren’t from the US I’ll tell ya, in the US one cannot be made to testify about your own criminal acts… It is covered under our Constitution (Fifth Amendment.)
Wait is he now….82?
But what a handsome devil he is…
Once again, that’s an insult to all Devil’s everywhere…
Alright, a minor demon then, an ugly one with warts, bad smells and all. You know, a reg!
Now that’s what I’m talking about! Perfect!
As long as those buildings are standing David Miscavige has his fake front to hide behind and literally no place else to go.
By his own decree, there is no human being to replace him.
So, yes, even after the church is dead and decaying The Commodore will still be acting leader of it until he is also dead.
Meanwhile, one could argue that the church itself is already dead. It costs more to keep the doors open than new money coming in; at the very least the beast is very sick and dying and being kept alive only by lies, that is, by the generation of its own lies, the one thing it is expert at doing.
– It is not hard or sad or mean to say so, it is just true.
And once again I have to credit John Locke for giving me the inspiration to say something worthwhile.-mm
Just as a point of clarification, Marriott is not owned by the Mormon Church. The family of the founder of the chain (and the current CEO who is the son of the founder) are Mormons, but the church does not have an ownership stake.
And BTW, Marriott is very will known as being LGBT friendly, going all the way back to the early 1990’s when that was not a popular, bandwagon endeavor. They have offered same-sex partner benefits to their employees for 25 years…way before Clinton and Obama “evolved” on their views on the subject.
Further, Marriott has received extremely high marks for opposing the Defense of Marriage Act, well before that was a popular meme too.
Thought it was important to set the record straight (no pun intended.)
I do understand Marriott is not owned by the LDS church. It was a weak joke. Some people have mistakenly thought this over the years. I have no beef with Mormons, every one I have veer met has been a family oriented, well-meaning person with high moral standards and a terrific work ethic.
very true, we have a group of LDS missionaries who volunteer at the museum I work at, (a TRUE 501c3 btw) and they are just as you have stated. if we’re voting on the most ethical beings on the planet, LDS wins over still-in Scientologists every time.
(I make the distinction between still-in and out Scientologists herehere, bc I would say that those of you on this blog and J Augustine’s podcast and other places are also hardworking, ethical and compassionate people)
The LDS church has its own interesting history, Under the Banner of Heaven is a great read regarding splinter groups from the Mormon church, written before warren Jeffs current legal trouble so maybe a little outdated but very interesting all the same. I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to write this, I apologize for any typos or lack of interesting descriptions of the book.
And the Mormon church is one of the most welcoming churches I have ever encountered, they don’t care who you are, what you have done, they just want you to join and be saved. I admire their dedication and their lack of judgement. Not enough to join but.. Night everyone!
Unless of course, you are gay. Not welcoming at all to us.
gtsix, AND unless the couple is married. So, even hetero’s who have sex outside marriage are breaking their rules…
So, I don’t see why people who fall under those two rules would WANT to join the Mormon Church.
Gtsix – excellent point, I forgot about that. So maybe not as welcoming as I stated.
True JL, although I do have a mormon couple – he lives next door and she visits often 😉 But they are quite discrete in public. Outside of Utah, Mormons are a bit more free to be.
Yeah OSD2, the Mormons lead the charge against gay marriage in both hawaii and california, so I have no love for their church, I have not had any issues with mormons being rude or such to me personally. My childhood dentist is a mormon and we got along swimmingly, even after I came out. But I am not his kid.
Hi gtsix, Feltl like saying Good Evening. I only knew one X Morman Heber,of course I adored Yvonne one of the most passionate and loving spirits I wrote and met a few times back in the Sea Org day.Always look for your posts, Always, Ann.
Yep, the press and politics are inseparable. Same with the IRS — inseparable.
I don’t get why the IRS doesn’t grow just one and investigate this sham of a church. I really don’t get it. But then there are a lot of things about this church I don’t get.
The IRS has been cowed into submission. There is next to no enforcement of the standard for tax exemption of so-called religious organizations. Love Bill Clinton, but the Scientology tax exemption is not only one of his greatest failures, it’s part of a larger pattern.
McCarran, it is because the CoS is SO small (even TV ministers have flocks MANY times as large) it is not worth their time. Not counting staff, there are only a couple thousand active (doing services in an HGC or course-room) Scn’ers in the entire U.S. In or out of the official church.
right, but wouldn’t that make it easier? it’s not like in the 90’s when they could round up a huge group of people to start frivolous lawsuits. I would think the prospect of that much taxable income AND the possibility of getting back at the cherch for making them look dumb back then would be an incentive.
sashiebgood, easier but they (the church) are even less important now. Thus, no action
Scientology can help you with that… come see a short film, it’s free!
I sometimes wonder myself McCarran but in many respects it seems that Miscavige is to parishioners as the US Gov’t is to other soverign nations. It could be as simple as ‘Mutual Out Ruds’ to coin a phrase!
Here is just one more of what seems like a steady stream of overreach issues:
I don’t see gov’t doing anything until it is politically correct, spelled enough of us scream for long enough that some agency can claim it for their own in an election year! For the record, I’m totally OK with that! 🙂
Yes, you would think it would be an easy billion dollars, in the eyes of the IRS.
Of course, that isn’t the case, even if IRS gets to generally make its own rules,
church protection, et all…
And the government just plain is not concerned; look how hard it was for them just to name ISIS an enemy so that the army could have the authority to shoot at them. Too bad for us, that the Legislative Branch is so gridlocked…
So, it is up to us.
Speak the truth and be yourself,
and we win.
On the very day. Yessir, in fact i feel like a winner right now. How far away is Leah’s book?
The IRS ignores Pope Dave’s IRS status for the same reasons that it ignores the Rev. Al Sharpton’s well known IRS criminality. And, as with Timothy Geitner, ‘anyone else would go to jail’.
Here is the opening of Fountain
It looks like a slow day on the street but I hear a speaker, orchestral music and loud applause in the background. What’s up with that? Is there an auditorium nearby filled with cheering people or is a recording of a 90’s IAS event being piped outdoors to create a festive and monumental ambience?
It really is the hotel California from some folks. You can check out anytime you’d like, but you can never leave.
Hmmmmmmm…..Scientology as Hotel California. You can check out anytime you’d like, but, you can never leave. Wow! Now that’s powerful. And so very true. They don’t take kindly to folks leaving…
….they will extend you some consideration if you’re willing to leave quietly on a gurney with a white sheet placed neatly over your still body.
or if you have a stroke or heart attack on the property, they’ll find you a nice Park bench to rest on while they make an anonymous call to 911.
Yeah, but they’ll still try and reg the body…..
Great punch line, Mike. I’m still getting postal mail pitches to come and stay at CC in LA. All very pretty…until you realize then that they have you under their thumb day and night, regging, regging, regging. I imagine that’s the intent of all these “hotels”. Fill ’em up with hot prospects and don’t ever let ’em get away!
Not to mention Thegman that every time they do a remodel it is an opportunity to install hidden cameras and listening devices so they can help you to help yourself!
Yo Dave,
Where is the best place to put those remote viewing devices for your easy access. Or does your new GAG for Ohh Tees fix the problem so you don’t need the physical devices?
Hey I’ve got an idea, why not promote that Ohh Tee Niner is all about remote viewing. Anyone not making the grade goes back for another 1000 hrs of objectives or has a major stable win on who their SP is in real life (if a real life is possible in cultville). Oops,sorry for the 1.1 good buddy! Couldn’t resist knowing how much you like to read the blogs.
Hi Newcomer,Love your post,Love U- Ann.
I understand that the cult has the highest number of video cameras recording their members and staff, than any other entity. I’m told in auditing rooms there are no less than 26 cameras watching every move you make.
We’ll for crying out loud! He has to have material for his Scotch drinkin’ buddies! I mean, that’s obvious!
Smile, you’re on candid camera!
This is coup material (security/OSA personnel, are you reading this?). Inadvertent or setup video of Miscavige’s mayhem leaked to the internet. Leaker (above suspicion): ‘I know nothing’.
I read somewhere that the old Fort Harrison hotel doesn’t have air conditioning for all of the rooms.
Seriously? In Florida?
Whatever you read is not true. It has had airconditioning since it was purchased in 1975. Used to have window mounted unites on all rooms (when it was bought) but eventually central A/C was installed.
It might have occurred to someone that they could save on the electricity bill by cutting the A/C in the rooms of downstat staff.
But that would require individual thought and initiative and we all know what happened to Shelly.
If it was a petty cruelty that would improve their stats on Thursday, someone would think of it.