L. Ron Hubbard talks a LOT about responsibility in his scientology writings, and often laments the sad state of those who cannot be responsible for their actions. His derogatory term for this type of person is “a no responsibility case.”
This is a famous, and oft-used quote taken from Hubbard’s Advanced Procedures and Axioms book:
A soldier shot on the field of battle may “blame” the sniper, the Selective Service, the stupidity of government, but he nevertheless had full responsibility not only for being there and getting shot but for the sniper, Selective Service and the stupidity of government.
You may locate any rationalization cycle merely by finding any mis-emotion such as antagonism, anger, fear, grief or apathy on the part of the preclear for anything or anybody. You will find then a cycle wherein the preclear considered himself affected by environment, blamed environment (and environment contains all dynamics including self), failed to make the blame stick and received the consequences, thus losing self-determinism, thus getting controlled by environment, thus getting aberrated, thus getting and using the service facsimile.
The auditor is not seeking the point where the preclear accepts the harm which came to him as his fault. The auditor is seeking the point where the preclear decided it was not his responsibility and then the earlier point of refusal of responsibility.
Now, square this with scientology’s relentless shifting of blame to others. In early years it was the psychs who were to blame for everything. More recently it has been Scientology and the Aftermath. Literally, anything that happens anywhere in the world of scientology (and the Jehovah’s Witnesses now too) is because of our show.
Now they have taken it to the next level with a letter blaming The Aftermath for inciting the murder of a man at their Australian headquarters. You can see the coverage here by Bryan Seymour on Channel 7 Australia:
And here is the piece this morning on Tony Ortega’s blog
Excellent article Mike! It it precious to have someone like you who was on the Apollo with Hubbard, who went through the evolution of Scientology from the early days of SaintHill to the madness of the musical chairs in the hole. I think the day just a few years back, when you decided you’ve had enough and turned away from the cult, was a major step that helped all of us consider the truth of this movement and its founder. I have no words to express my gratitude to you and the many others who had the courage to speak.
I love this comment.
When one of the TOP RANK Sea Org members decides to BLOW….that about sums it all up. Had he NOT made his unplanned quick exit we all know where Mike Rinder would have ended up.
I can only imagine the pain his quick exit caused him…the REALITY came when the light bulb went off in his head & he came to the realization of exactly…. WTF AM I DOING HERE?
To think he called Tom D’….more than likely with only a few dollars or coins in his pocket IF that….to ask for help from someone he’d known a long time. I can only relish in my mind what Tom D thought when Mike Rinder’s call came. A totally unplanned BLOW, as in “I’ve had enough, this is NUTS”.
Yes, it must have been very hurtful & demeaning for Mike to realize he KNEW he could NOT “save Cathy”…that he HAD to go without her….she was not going to go WITH him, she was so brain washed & under the spell of COS, & had he informed her, she no doubt would have “turned him in with a K.R.” or quick phone call to D.M. Her venomous accusations during her confrontation with Mike in the Dr’s office parking lot STILL show she’s under the control & power of COS.
What is truly sad here is that there ARE painful hurtful choices certain people were forced to make…& that is to “save themselves”….sometimes you just can’t save someone who DOES NOT want to be saved.
More hurtful yet is to come to the realization that now because of what YOU have chosen to do, you are now cut off totally from family & friends because of what the “church doctrine” demands….the often times denied “disconnection policy”.
I stand up and applaud Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, and ALL THOSE who spoke OUT and continue to speak OUT against the crimes committed by a “church”.
Every time I think of Mary Kahn….standing up & refusing to continue “auditing”…getting up & having the cojones to turn that doorknob & walk OUT that door…I feel chills run down my spine.
To hear those words: NO CHUCH HAS THE RIGHT TO BREAK UP FAMILIES (paraphrasing here).
How about the lawyers that were so successful in assisting Monique Rathbun?? Bet they WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED in reviewing this case ….. maybe A&E ought to discuss the situation with them ….. just a thought. ?
There once was a mouthpiece named Karin
But Davy did all of the steerin’
He made a dog’s breakfast
His handling suppressive
Just like with Lisa McPherson
That is a wonderful scribe, by Scribe.
Thanks Komodo.
I asked a Scientologist
If I paid for cell phone service and did not receive the service
And I asked for a refund
And the cell phone provider refused and called me names accusing me of doing overt acts against the company
Would that be ok?
The Scientologist told me they would have to think about that.
It is normal to be pissed off if you gave a ton of money to a church and got nothing but empty promises in return
There are no Clears or OT’s
Only Stupid Powers
It’s just pathetic now, DM obviously has a watermark of Karin’s signature he just adds to the letters. Dave why are you hiding behind your imprisoned minions? At least have the guts to come out and defend YOUR “religion” personally.
What a gimp.
Wasn’t it Teddy Roosevelt who coined the phrase, “Walk softly and carry a big stick?”
Strong, capable people who are in the right don’t need to bully and threaten.
Pearl clutching, Scientology style.
The Church of Scientology is a criminal organization that can neither promote or defend itself honestly.
Miscavige ain’t got no big stick.
And that phrase can in all likelihood be taken definitively.
It was “Speak softly and carry a big stick–you will go far.”
TR called it a “West African proverb” but evidence for its usage before him during 1900-01 appears to be slim or perhaps non-existent.
IIRC, the “600 threats” alluded to in the “Pouw” letter (she just gets the blame, IMO) largely happened BEFORE “Aftermath” was even aired. No matter, the ‘threats’ as a result of ANYthing external to scientology pointing out scientology’s crimes IS delusional and complete fabrication. If there’s any basis in reality, it’s the number of attacks( not threats ) that OSA has launched upon real and (mostly) IMAGINED enemies to the Demented Midget’s(sorry, little people) false assumption of “pope-hood” within scientology , who would have been scientologists at some time. No one unacquainted with his nastiness would care enough to think of him in unflattering terms. No one I know or see opining on-line cares enough about the little twerp to voice anything that could be misinterpreted as a threat. Expressing of hope that Karma will catch with him aren’t threats, but much more than “bad thoughts” directed his way. HE creates his own karmic inbalance. No, it isn’t supposed to rebound on the sociopath that directly, but we can dream, can’t we? And PO pouw, racking up her own negative karmic points. IF “her” threatening letters get too widely known in legal circles, her comeuppance will be delicious to behold. Talk about LOW on the Tone Scale! It’s a wonder that davey Boy still uses her, except she’s “doing” exactly what he tells her to do, like a proper puppet. I’m astounded that he, unschooled and as impulsive as he is, hasn’t created more of his own legal problems.
Yup!, Someone, I forget who, said that scientology has created many fighters, some of whom are fighting BACK against scientology and its illegal actions. IF scientology had a sliver of real integrity, Dwarfenführer would have been RPFed while the RPF still existed, and would be moldering in a federal jail now, ideally for life, with the often-characterized “Bubbas as his long-term cellmate. After his long-term obsession with them, let him see what CICSs really are, —first-hand, so to speak.
OH! I don’t know WHY I’m so easily upset tonight. Should probably trash it and move on.
Reading Scientology’s asinine comments about Mike and Leah got me thinking. Here is Scientology with “The only workable mental technology” (their words – not mine) engaging in the very behavior they want to stop in their self-appointed task of “Clearing the planet.” I’m thinking of such gems as “A=A=A” and “Mis-emotion.” Unfortunately for Scientology, us poor, helpless wogs can see through the bullshit and lies.
L Ron Hubbard was just one Big Sack O’ Shit ?? I love reading about this nutbug crap for decades.
I have to say Mike – your show is delivering a BLOW of EPIC NESS. Everyone – everywhere is talking about the abuses within Scientology and the show.
Everywhere I look on social media – Scientologists are getting hammered with the fact that your show is telling the World about the Abuses within Scientology that are hidden from members.
I have seen JW’s, Jewish, Mormon’s, Christians all tell Scientologists to WATCH Scientology; The Aftermath.
People from various faiths are telling the Scientologists TO WATCH the show….that the show is not attacking Scientology beliefs – it is exposing abuses at the top and Scientologists need to do something about it if they care about their religion.
Of course, the Scientologists come back with their implanted SOP attack don’t defend jargon – but it has to really SUCK to be in Scientology today – thanks to you and Leah!!
Thank you Mike! You both are awesome. Please – do continue.
Hubbard’s wordy diarrhea amounts to simply blaming the victim. Well, in the case of all the scorn and outrage heaped on scientology in the last few years, this is one time I agree with him… scientologists have brought this on themselves. They have “pulled it in”, and they need not look any further than their aberrated leader to see where the source of all their woes originates.
Blatant attempt to use something tragic (that they caused themselves) and try to use it to thier advantage and blame Leah Mike and A&E. Trying to stop more truth coming out because aftermath has had such an impact on the ‘church’ , they will do ANYTHING to stop it….even exploiting a death. Shameless.
It’s Hubbard’s dark, dirty policies on “enemies”, propaganda and fair game that totally undermine anything remotely resembling the wisdom and enlightenment they are supposed to embody.
Per KSW, criticism of scientology stems from no results or bad results.
Per Critics of Scientology, a critic is a criminal with a sordid, sinister past.
Per What is Greatness, the church should respond to critics with nothing but love.
Per Counter Attack Tactics, they must be fired from their jobs and prevented from speaking further.
Per TWTH, the Code of a Scientologist and numerous HCO PLs, the church should be setting a good example of the efficacy of its product.
Per Intelligence Principles, they must create false rumours and lies to smear and discredit those who criticise it.
Per Hubbard’s essay on Kindness, the only time the church ever really suffers is when it isn’t nice and/or kind enough.
Per the SP doctrine, critics should be ruined utterly.
Scientology is a game of spiritual jenga. You can cherry pick all the lovely stuff and try to make it work, but sooner or later the whole thing collapses in a heap of contradiction.
Great comment!
As good a showcase of Hubbard’s true charcater as I’ve seen – there’s a policy for every mood swing!
Mike, is there any chance you’ll do a show on Danny Masterson rapes and the LAPD tabling the investigation?
Scientology’s Office of Special Affairs runs programs on others all the time. These programs are designed to destroy people.
Now that a “program” about Scientology is running on A&E, Scientology can’t stand it. And yet OSA is powerless to stop it. Thus, OSA uses a murder to shift the blame from itself and issues a stopping command, literally an implant in Hubbard’s description. The Scientology voodoo is easily spotted:
Blood on your hands…
Stop the program
The fear and panic inside of the Scientology Cult is palpable in this letter. The center is collapsing in Scientology and cannot hold.
Memo to OSA: The program never stops.
“Stop the Program” ~~ the last line in the letter to A&E is what is called a command and control phrase, these are often implanted into the mind.
Scientology has moved more and more towards psychiatric techniques…e.g. management by PAIN, suffering the torture such as SP Hole.
In their delusion they believe they can get A&E to stop because they order it !
This is the result of being surrounded by sycophants. Miscavige believes if he says something it is going to happen.
Doesn’t that indeed work internally in Scientology? I think it’s the sort of tactic that also sometimes works with outsiders who are used to trying to be polite and accommodating, and who aren’t used to standing up to manipulation, and so it’s been adopted as part of Scientology’s playbook.
It’s certainly the wrong approach to use with people like high-level corporate executives, who are used to being assertive if not even playing hardball. That’s probably in part why it’s coming from the sad puppet “Karen Pouw,” and not one of Scientology’s professional attorneys.
I’m fascinated by the subject of behaviors that people, and organizations, adopt because they work(ed) in certain situations. Related to the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over, always doing the same thing and expecting the same result in different situations is also insane in a way – but the idea of universally applicable formulas is fundamental to Hubbard’s Scientology, and probably a good part of its appeal to simple minds in search of “certainty.”
A serious letter would never begin with this subject line:
Re: Blood on your hands
David Miscavige’s real complaint and demand comes in the form of Scientology voodoo in the last sentence:
“Stop your program.”
This is Miscavige’s attempt to use an implant command. David Miscavige is the implanter.
That is the essence of the matter. Leah Remini’s exposure of the Cult of Scientology is penetrating and relentless. Scientology is feeling the heat and David Miscavige is in the harsh glare of the spotlight.
Rather than accepting its 100% responsibility for everything it causes, the Cult of Scientology has now become a professional victim and blames everything on Leah Remini.
David Miscavige and Scientology are now a “NO SOURCE CASE
I laughed out loud when I read the subject line and thought the exact same thing. It makes Miscavige (pretending to be Pouw) look so foolish.
So….. Is a “NO SOURCE CASE’ sorta like a “TOTAL EFFECT CASE”?
1. Scientology as a No Source Case: We in Scientology are not the source of anything. We cannot cause anything. We in Scientology are just an inert gas.
2. Scientology as a Total Effect Case: We in Scientology are literally harmed and irreversibly damaged by anyone who even looks at us the wrong way. We in Scientology are the ultimate victims of existence itself. Even air molecules harm us.
Spit take. Even air molecules harm us. Yep. Scientologists are the best snowflake impersonators on the planet right now.
They are stuck with Hubbard’s script, which they believe works. If Hubbard said his script would work, and it doesn’t, they just look up another one of Hubbard’s guidelines or principles to explain why Hubbard’s script didn’t work for them.
It’s never Hubbard’s script that is at fault. It’s never Hubbard’s fault. Hubbard’s script tells them so, so it is so, until they get free of playing out Hubbard’s script.
That “Stop your program.”
is likely DM’s attempt at Tone 40 and is likely to be as effective as “stand up” is on that poor mistreated ashtray. Tubby’s whole tone-40 was the silliest thing I ever experienced in scn. AND Didn’t I see somewhere that Hubbard asserted that he once saw the ashtray comply? Talk about self-delusion.
Concepts and policies like “responsibility” are just used to push blame downwards in Scientology’s hierarchy. That embodies what a narcissist like Hubbard typically does.
The radical notion of responsibility that Hubbard describes is philosophically interesting, and there’s an underlying point that many people don’t take a reasonable and realistic amount of responsibility in their lives and would be better off if they assumed relatively more. But, typically, Hubbard has taken the notion to an extreme, and warped it, so that it loses all validity, though it does have some functional usefulness in the high control environment of an ideological group like Scientology.
For sure. And KSW #1’s blaming the followers when Hubbard’s “tech” (quackery) doesn’t work for them, is the ultimate blaming from Hubbard onto them.
Hubbard is the one to blame. And quitting acting out Hubbard’s script is the option Hubbard doesn’t give them, but it is the option they need to take.
The attack letters have brought worldwide attention to this incident which may have been gone unnoticed by the rest of the world. But that did not happen because they chose to write letters to networks on two continents and accuse innocent people of murder. Maybe now the court proceedings and all of the details will be by the international news. My heart goes out to all of those affected by the horrible event.
“The attack letters have brought worldwide attention to this incident which may have been gone unnoticed by the rest of the world.”
Haven’t I seen that referred to as the “Streisand Effect”? Whatever; it’s yet another DM foot-bullet.
It’s sad to see him imploding like that as he’s undeniably intelligent in his diabolical way. It’s a shame he has no internal moral compass nor anyone who dare says he’s going over the edge. Hell, he doesn’t have anyone except US to tell him anything other than he’s a genius. Of course he’s been getting more and more unhinged as his insanely bright ideas fail, one after the other. OR ARE the failing? Perhaps they’re working like Tubby’s ‘tech’: exactly as he intended, though NOT as advertized. I can’t conceive of another guy who could have so quickly and efficiently dismantled what Hubbard created. Yeah, Mustsavage is a far better SP and than any of us could aspire to be. If any of us had squirrelled like that, the rest of us would have jumped all over them. SOMEhow, Davey’s gotten people in the bubble to ignore KSW and to ignore/not-see all the outpoints popping out all over the place. Of course, SOMe folks have noticed; They’re largely out here shouldering the load as best they can alongside us. They’re no longer supporting that evil empire. Soon enough, the rest of the “clubbed seals”(love/hate that visual) will cease to support him by waking up or bankruptcy.It can NEVER be soon enough for some, certainly not soon enough for all the aborted children, of course. So many evils can never be fixed, but hopefully we can help many of the victims recover enough to start new lives free of all that “stuff” and perhaps warn the next generations of the evils of controlling cults before they’re sucked down into some destructive rabbit hole like scientology or the plethora of similar over the centuries/millenia. IMO, saving ONE person from something like scientology is worth any effort I can expend. Thankfully, the next generation of our family, my brother’s kids, were exposed to scientology-lite in their childhood and AFAICT, are innoculated against the full strength strains of it, and that immunity might be passed down to THEIR kids (from some comments I’ve overheard at family gatherings). May anti-scientology’s presence on the Web be maintained and propogated until all outbreaks of the disease have been eliminated, all sufferers cured.
The Church’s refusal to take responsibility for any adverse (in it’s mind) situation affecting it and always shifting the blame to someone/something else was long a source of cognitive dissonance to me when I was in. We were taught as well that when bad things happen to someone (someone other than the Church), they are pulling it in due to their own Overts and withholds. But somehow that is never the case when the Church is being attacked. It is all somehow a mysterious and undeserved injustice being perpetrated on the lilly white Church by the evil others. Least responsible people ever are Church execs/staff.
Of course nothing is Hubbard’s fault.
“Going Clear….” book final chapter (the Epilogue) has info all Scientologists are disallowed to read.
Irresponsible is as irresponsible does.
KSW #1 from Hubbard is the supreme blaming the followers for all failures of Hubbard’s. If Hubbard’s principles and quackery fails the Scientology followers, it is there fault.
Dead Hubbard bears the greatest responsibility for today’s Scientology’s horrid behavior.
I really appreciate how the Aftermath show displays Hubbard’s quotations on screen. The episodes of Aftermath are long range permanent educational showing Hubbard’s responsibility.
The guy that did the shooting, wasn’t he trying to get in to see his mother? I think he couldn’t see her because he’s an SP. That doesn’t sound like it was caused by Aftermath to me..
It was a stabbing not shooting
The report is that a 16 year old was trying to see his mother and couldn’t. Was being escorted off the premises. Three lives affected (maybe more) – one dead, two ruined. Horrific.
I wonder how they are going to spin this when it comes out that the person who did it was addled by Scientology itself, not by Leah and Mike?
I was wondering that as well..
This new letter from David Miscavige aka Karin Pouw is an opportunity to fully publicize how truly insane Scientology and it’s leader have become. Mike, this letter should be plastered all over the internet and featured on your next episode. I have seen a lot of wacky things in Scientology in the last 50 years and this takes the cake.
Not only that, but the Co$ just gave a Defense Attorney something to help bring in all the Co$ stuff (that they were TRYING TO HAVE AVOIDED) …. I would think their letter has now exasperated not only the situation and any trial proceedings but actually elevated Aftermath in the process! I say this because if anyone had NOT heard or seen The Aftermath Show, they will more than likely now be curious to see the program and once they see just one show, they will be hooked and the rest will be history!
Also, if I was the Defense Attorney and I could somehow get the letter introduced into the trial, my next exhibits would be some of the actual shows that go over all the abuses! Especially if the kid is going to say it was self-defense because they were attacking him or restraining him or he perceived he was in harms way (etc) and with watching The Aftermath shows, it would be real easy to understand that a kid could have been abused in some fashion that they felt so desperate that they felt the need to “defend” themselves. Not condoning this attack …. it is horrible all the way around but I just don’t believe the reports that the Co$ is trying to use as propoganda!
Would 2 “church members” (does this mean Staff or Public by the way) necessarily “escort” someone off the property or wouldn’t that be handled exclusively by Security? Just wondering …. Thanks
The tides have truly turned. The “church” of Scientology is now in defensive mode. They have no idea of the tsunami of critics and criticism headed their way.
It’s growing exponentially.
And what is happening is a perfect reflection of what Scientology has done to others.
Scientology’s Chronic Emotional Tone: hiding
Scientology’s Social Tones: blame, hiding and hostility.
Scientology’s thug organization used to be on the offensive before the Internet. They had the power of secretiveness and stealth to destroy the lives of critics. Media were afraid of dealing with the beast.
Now it’s a cottage industry to criticize Scientology. Now everyone has their own internet critic site to expose the true crimes of Scientology.
Scientology stayed powerful when the truth of Scientology was in hiding and secret.
Now the secret is out. Truth is being revealed. The Wicked Witch is melting.
The malignancy of Hubbard, Miscavige and Scientology is now the common understanding of society.
Scientology is dead. Money is the only thing keeping up the facade.
The Ideal Org structures are in reality extremely expensive grave head stones.
Scientology is dead. It killed itself by following the words of L Ron Hubbard.
What killed Scientology?
Hatred and violence against critics
No sympathy for the suffering it created against critics
The application of Hubbard’s doctrines on critics created sociopaths. People who don’t feel when they harm others.
My interview with Ron Miscavige goes into some of this topic.
“It’s growing exponentially.”
That’s a point I’ve made a few times. The COS must think that their retaliation tactics take place in a vacuum. I find it incredible that they don’t realize that every aggressive act against a critic produces an even greater reaction. Each former Scio who has suffered at the hands of their former church has friends and family. And those friends and families have friends and families, and so on and on. Their reputation grows toxic at the rate of a nuclear chain reaction. Which makes me wonder whether they’ll go out with a bang rather than a whimper.
All of what you wrote. Whew. You nailed it.
Hi Bro!
“Now the secret is out. Truth is being revealed. The Wicked Witch is melting.”
Yes, the internet is melting Scientology with Reality TV. These did not exist in the 70’s. Hubbard could pretend that he had truth and thus make his prices very high. Now that Scientology is revealed as less than worthless and in the damaging category, it is truly melting.
Never accept responsibility, blame…..always deflect, always point the finger at someone else…..hmmm…that sounds about right doesn’t it?
Yes, “Where is Karin”? If the show could devote a few seconds to personally invite everyone of the Disappeared to appear on the show along with a shot of the same invitation sent via mail months in advance that’d be great. Of course they don’t get compensated so… it may not appeal to an impoverished SO worker who only makes pennies, eats rice and beans, and gets a few squares of toilet paper a day. Seriously the lack of any on camera defense by Scientology is just so transparent in its efforts to appear a victim, when in fact Mike has stated numerous times how they refuse to appear, then send last minute letters claiming Mike Rinder beat them up and stole their lollipop. Sad.
“Wasn’t me!” Scientology’s senior datum.
KSW#1 Hubbard blames all failures on the members. Source is not to blame. The followers buy into KSW#1, and henceforth it’s all their fault. Never Hubbard’s fault. Not until you quit and realize Hubbard was falsely claiming results from his “tech” quackery which no one ever attains.
Projection, thy name is $cientology. The wording of the miscreant’s missive show a poorly educated writer. So yes, Davy Miscavige wrote it. That is why it took 8 days from the crime to get the letter to A & E. All those revisions and spell check fails take time to correct. I doubt that A & E bothered to show this letter to their lawyers, it is just too laughable to bother with. But it will look good on an upcoming Aftermath.
Maybe someone can get the California authorities to do a wellness check on Karin Pouw? Her absence from the real world is disturbing.
Copied from TO’s blog:
Ms. Pow-pow (nee Miscavige),
Regarding: Your ‘bloody letter’
Please be advised that this letter has been distributed to all A&E staff at headquarters for their input in drafting logical and sensible responses. The result has been a shift in productivity at A&E as the staff have been reduced to tears of laughter and rolling around on the floor, Several groups are competing to see who can write a response with the maximum J&D-ing and Insouciance. We are finding difficulty in stringing together gibberish and non-sequiturs to match your level of childishness.
As a result of your distracting ‘bloody letter’, productivity here at A&E has increased by 17%. We look forward to your next sober moment when you can dash off another riveting installment of Sherman-free bloviation.
A&E Office of Circular File Correspondence
Mike, your Channel 7 Australia coverage link is not working.
Thank-you A&E for being a platform strong enough to support the truth shared by all who have and continue to bravely contribute to this important program. Thank you Mike, Leah, Tony, and Brian for navigating the front lines for us. The truth WILL prevail and our support for the truth and those telling it remains steadfast. Love your A&E viewership family.
That hubbard statement is stupid. He states it is my fault that a bullet ripped my knee apart and tore out my kneecap while serving MY COUNTRY in Vietnam. Well i guess i could have fled the country and spent my life running from paranoid delusions. I accept what happened and live a good life. I am not hiding in a trailer afraid of BT’s. Sorry lrh, dm, and scientology, I love this counyry and the freedom i fought for.I cannot put capital letters for cowards who blame everything on someone else. I accept fully what happened and only say- keep up the good work Mike, Leah, Tony and all.
Karin, quick question. Does Dave also wipe your ass for you?
Dear Scientology,
Q: What exactly did you do to pull in this horrible situation?
A: You cut the communication line between a mother and her son thereby creating hostility and upset in the boy.
Q: What is one of the major reasons Mike Rinder is speaking out against you?
A: The fact that you cut the comm line between he and his family and deliberately fed malicious lies about Mike to his family.
Q: What is a major beef Leah Remini has with you and triggered her to be so vociferous?
A: You cut her communication line with Shelly
Q: What is the definition of stupidity?
A: Doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.
Maybe Dave isn’t such a bright guy after all.
Brilliant points you make, LDW.
I just had a huge wognition.
Scientology IS the NO responsibility case.
Scientologists still in Scientology – refusing to LOOK – are the NO responsibility cases and THAT is what Keeps Scientology Working.
Scientologists taking no responsibility. It’s KSW baby – KSW!
Yo Dave,
Would ya pleeeze give us some of yer experteeze on how the criminal mind actually works good buddy. Go ahead and sign it with Karins name this time so we won’t be confused with the actual author.
This would be Laughable, were it not so Pathetic . . . .
The signs of a coward…it has nothing to do with me.
And also demonstrates how desperate he is; paranoia plus terror.
I would like to remind all of your readers: that quote applies to children as well. No matter what situation or condition we were in it was OUR RESPONSIBILITY.
In my experience working with powerful people in powerful positions they begin shooting randomly at anything and everything as they sink and drown from that position. That is what I see here. They are cornered and fighting for their lives thinking they’ll be able to shoot the REASON they are being destroyed.
My hope is DM takes the same “out” as Hitler did as the Nazi empire began to topple. A bullet to the head. That’d certainly be the “greatest good for the greatest number”.
They said I was a no responsibility case. Funny that, I’ve been so busy lately I forgot all about it.
Hubtard was the quintessential “no responsibility case”. Eh did NOTHING else but blame others for every bad thing that ever happened to himself or the cult he built. NEVER looking at the crimes HE committed that caused it all.
He even created Church ethics policy that ordered ethics officers to label someone PTS Type 2 (borderline insane) any staff member that blamed Hubbard for doing anything bad.
A friend who worked in the GO for many years told me that every attack the cult suffered was ultimately the result of its own doing. Fraud committed in US govt processes, relevant facts and evidence hidden or destroyed concerning deaths of members, and of course all the spies and agents it infiltrated into both government agencies and private citizen’s lives. He also confirmed that the same crap goes on today after the GO was changed to OSA.
The cult can’t take responsibility for what it has done and that brings problems their way. It NEVER has and NEVER will. Good. Because this will eventually bring the despicable organization to its knees.
Yes, and one point… scientology is already on its knees.
The last spokesperson who sounded sane was Heber. He was a fairly decent representative of scientology and was able to basically communicate coherently. Before Miscavige got hold of him and started telling him how he had to respond. Then put him in the hole because he looked bad responding how he had been ordered to.
Since Mike Rinder escaped after deciding he wasn’t up to lying anymore, Tommy “I’m angry” Davis had his short moment of fame (infamy), Monique the blink hasn’t been seen since her ill fated appearance in an attempt to be a mouthpiece on TV.
Now every spokesperson they trot out responds only in writing and sounds the same because they are all in reality speaking out of the same mouth.
We maybe should be asking “where’s Karin”. When was the last time she was seen in public?
“Now every spokesperson they trot out responds only in writing and sounds the same because they are all in reality speaking out of the same mouth.
We maybe should be asking “where’s Karin”. When was the last time she was seen in public?” So true, Valerie. My guess is Karin and others are in the Hole.
I believe A&E and the producers of Aftermath aren’t so easily swayed by a letter from an organization they have been investigating for several years now. This program is winning awards and is bringing up ratings on A&E – it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon! Especially not by an “order” from the Co$ lol
The ratings should go even higher, now that K.P. is providing so much free publicity! Uh, Oh! She’d better hide from D.M.! He is going to be SO ticked off! (since he had absolutely nothing to do with this letter)
Hee? Nederlander? 😉
These people are so full of it. For the record, I don’t think the latest Aftermath series is actually being shown in Australia – but these morons wouldn’t let a fact get in the way of their rubbish, anyway. Typically, it’s all attack, attack, attack, instead of actually coming out of their holes and facing the world. They have zero credibility with thinking, rational people here. They are a joke, writ large.
Even if it was, the poor kid who was trying to see his mother apparently didn’t speak English either and needed a translator. It is amazing how much blame can be thrown at a show in a country where it is not aired in a language the kid didn’t speak when effort it would take for that kid to have even been made aware of the show is mind boggling.
Just disgusting. Utterly disgusting.
David miscavige and his minions in the church have done more to incite hatred of him and his church than anybody else.
He/they are low confront/no responsibility cases.
What a no responsibility case this organization is. They protray themselves as victims at ther drop of a hat! Everyone is at cause except them…..
But they do reliably make victims out of their followers. Join the C of S and learn to become a victim! Victimization is their most valuable service delivered.
What a sad organization! ?