Given the enormous interest in the video posted on Marty Rathbun’s blog, I am reprinting an article that he published on October 13, 2010 on
It features Jenny Linson and Dave Bloomberg (along with a number of others), carrying out an earlier, but very similar version of their LAX attack on Mark Rathbun. (My added comments are italicized in red)
Miscavige Meltdown – the Proof
One of the most widely read posts on this blog was published on 24 April 2010, Miscavige Meltdown. It was Mike Rinder’s account of an ambush staged by seven Miscavige flunkies on Mike in the parking lot of a doctor’s office where he was waiting for Christie. The seven were Miscavige’s deputy Jenny Linsen, ED Int Guialluame Lesevre, David Bloomberg, Sue “David Miscavige is Scientology” Wilhere, Cathy Rinder, Taryn Rinder and Andrew Rinder. Here is the the link to that post for those unfamiliar with it:
The BBC broadcast a short sound bite of the ambush. Here is the entire sound recording of the event. It is followed by a transcript. The recording was made in the United Kingdom via a cell phone Mike was holding so it is not the greatest quality. I suggest starting the audio recording and follow along with the transcript. If you can make it all the way through, well done, and pass on your increasing ability to confront evil.
You can hear it here.
You can hear some of the audio in the BBC Panorama program (around 8:10 mark)
Jenny Linson has not changed one iota….
Rinder confrontation transcript:
April 23, 2010
Mike Rinder: Hello
John Sweeney: Hello Mike, I don’t know why we got cut off there
MR: Yeah, I don’t know why either
JS: Ok, so essentially…. um, um….you did sign depositions, or affidavits at this period, but they, you certainly didn’t, you didn’t lie and you didn’t ask anybody else to lie?
Cathy Rinder (CR): Fucker
MR: Hey John, guess what…
David Bloomberg: Mother Fucker
MR: …. my brother, my daughter, David Bloomberg, a whole gang of people just came here in the parking lot.
Several people screaming at the same time: Mike, Fuck you, Mike, Fuck you, …….etc
MR: You get out of here
Jenny Linson: You look at your daughter. You piece of shit.
MR: Oh, Fuck off Jenny.
JL: Fuck you.
Several people screaming at the same time
CR: ….. I don’t care
MR: Can you hear what they are saying? John can you hear this?
JS: I can’t, I’m afraid. Who is that?
CR: Look at your daughter
AR: Talk to us
?: Shut up
Taryn Rinder: I’m your daughter, Mike
JS: Hello
MR: Are you listening?
JS: Yes
CR: You deserted us
JL: You deserted your family, you won’t talk to your family, you won’t see your family, you brother is here, your daughter is here, your wife is here
MR: I’ll talk to Andrew, I’ll talk to you
CR: Oh Yeah?
JL: ….and they want to talk to you, you deserted your family, you deserted your family you piece of shit, you deserted your family
CR: You walked out on me, you Fucker
MR: Screw off Jenny
JL: You walked out on your family
Taryn Rinder (TR): And you tried to fuck with Benjamin, you tried to fuck with Benjamin
MR: Taryn
TR: You’re trying to fuck with me. You’re trying to fuck with my home.
MR: Taryn
TR: Your church, and my church, you’re fucking with everything I believe in
CR: You leave Benjamin alone, you knock it off
MR: That’s fine Cathy
CR: No, it’s not fine, you fuck off, you fucking stop
JL: Your family came here to talk to you, and you refuse to talk to your family
AR: Talk to me Michael, talk to me
JS: Mike are you OK?
AR: Don’t be a dick, don’t be a fucking dick
MR tries to get into the car. Car horn….. (Andrew trying to stop him and take the keys and his arm pushes up against the car horn.)
AR: Don’t be a dick man, Look just talk to me, Talk to me
MR: Andrew, I will talk to you but not with all these other people
AR: Talk to me now, c’mon
MR: Ok, get in the car, get in the car
AR: I can’t get in the car, you don’t even know what it’s taken for me to get here, you have no idea what I’ve gotta go through, It’s just not Ok, you can’t do this to me (concurrent to car horn).
MR: Andrew
AR: You can’t. It’s my life Mike
MR: It’s mine too
AR: I got it, it’s just….you just can’t do this to me. Ok?
Car horn
AR: You’re breaking my finger
JS: Mike, mike, can you…
MR: I’m not
JL: Talk to your brother, Stop what you are doing and listen to your brother, stop hurting your brother
AR: Mike talk to me, talk to me
MR: I will talk to you, get in the car
JL: Stop hurting your brother, stop………your brother
AR: Stop giving me crap
JL: Stop hurting your brother, stop, listen to your brother
MR: Don’t you take the keys
AR: I came from Melbourne to talk to you
MR: I want to talk to you
JL: Mike stop
MR: I’m willing to talk to you, but I will talk to you in the car, you get in the car and I’ll talk to you. I’ll drive off.
AR: Take the keys out
MR: Get in the car
(scuffle of noise, shoving, wrestling of something….)
AR: ……..My sunglasses
AR: Don’t you go anywhere alright
MR: I’m not going anywhere. I’m just going to shut the door guys.
Other people talking…..
AR?: I’ll get it then
DB: …….. the phone
MR: Ok Dave, go ahead.
JL: Mike this is……(?) you cock-sucking piece of shit
MR: Oh, Jenny you’re really helping
JL: Oh yeah, let me tell you………….
MR: Forget it Andrew, forget it
AR: I’ve come a long way
JL: That’s it
People talking, not discernable
JL: Don’t go anywhere
MR: Don’t do that. It’s not OK.
MR: Andrew
(concurrently there is scuffling, shoving, wrestling of keys, phone or something)
JS: Hello? Hello? Hello?
Disconnected, JS calls back.
JS: No they’ve all, they’re still in, I’m still recording myself. I need to, let me see how he is.
MR: Hello
JS: Hi, Mike, It’s John…. I’m….uh well
CR: Want to keep going? ….. Fucking……stupid…..
MR: I would like it if you would call the police
JL: Look what you did to your wife , look what you did to your wife
MR: Call the Clearwater police and send them to
JL: Look what you did to your wife, look what you did to your wife
CR: Look at it Mike
JL: look what you did to your wife, look what you did to us
JS: Call the Clearwater police, what number?
AR: C’mon, Mike don’t do this, confront me, fucking confront ME
JS: Could you tell the others that we are, that I am recording this conversation and we want to use it for….
AR: Stop being a Fuck-wit, Stop it
MR: I just want to let everybody know that this whole conversation is being recorded by the BBC
JL: That’s fine, That’s fine, because your wife and your daughter came to see you and you diiiiiisconnected from them, they came to see you and YOU won’t see them
CR: You walked out on us
MR: Did you get that on tape John?
AR: Good, but you can talk to me
JS: Yes, um, who was talking there
AR: Mike
MR: That was Jenny Devocht
JL: First of all, I said fine to you, I didn’t say fine to them, your family came to see you and you won’t talk to them, and that’s…
MR: Oh, fuck off you little piece of shit
JL: No, you stop it Mike
MR: Jenny, piss off
JL: It’s CATHY that’s talking to you
CR: I’M talking to you
MR: No, you’ve got a little, you’ve got a little gang here
JL: Your brother’s here, your daughter’s here, you’re married to her, you won’t see your family.
CR: I want to talk to you
AR: Just talk to me, man
JL: Your family is here to see you and you refuse to talk to them, that’s the truth.
AR: C’mon, talk to me
CR: You won’t talk to me Mike
MR: You’re right
AR: But you can talk to me
MR: I’ll talk to you, I told you already I’ll talk to you, I’m happy to talk to you, but I won’t talk to you with that little bitch shouting in the background……
AR: I know, I know, I got it
Holly Johangten: Mike, can you come here please, you (directed at the other people) are not welcome here
JL: His wife is going with him
TR: I’m your daughter
JL: She’s his daughter
CR: I’m his wife
JL: His wife and his daughter are here, it’s his daughter, his daughter, and his brother
MR: Hey
HJ: You are not welcome in here, and you are not
JL: His daughter…..
HJ: Do you want them to come with you?
MR: No
CR: Ma’am, I am, ma’am…..
HJ: I don’t care, this is my place of establishment and I would like you to leave right now
CR: No, I am married to him and I am going to talk to him
HJ: (Directed at her receptionist) Can you go take care of her needles for her please? Thanks.
CR: I’m talking to him
HJ: Would you like me to call the police?
MR: Yes, please
HJ: Please leave
CR: I’m going to talk to him, OK?
MR: Would you please call the police
JS: Are you asking me to?
HJ: Get out now
MR: No, no John, I’m at the doctors because Christie was at the doctor
CR: He is my husband, I’m going to talk to him
HJ: You’re not welcome here, I don’t care
JS: Right
MR: And I’m in, I walked inside the doctors office and the doctor was a little upset
HJ: I don’t care whose daughter you are, please leave here right now
JS: Right, OK
MR: Because there is a bunch of people screaming outside, and demanding to come in, and my daughter tried to push her and…..
HJ: Can you shut the door please?
AR: Yeah, sure. Mike?
JS: Right, has this ever happened before at all?
MR: No it hasn’t
HJ: It’s not up to him.
JS: And this was a half hour conversation that we had before
MR: Right
JS: Who knows, Um……
CR: says something in the background (not discernable)
MR: Oh, get the fuck out of here, don’t cause more trouble, you’re already causing enough trouble.
CR: Oh yeah, you won’t talk to me
MR: What do you care?
CR: You stay away from Benjamin, you mother fucker
MR: What do you care?
TR: We care about him.
CR: I care about that Ok
TR: Me too
MR: About what?
CR: About Benjamin
MR: Oh, and like that really hurt him, right?
CR: You better stop
MR: After you, after you…..
CR: You have no idea, Ok.
MR: Good you made your point, Bye
CR: No, fuck you, you’re going to stop it
TR: No
MR: Bye
CR: You’re going to stop mucking with our lives, and your fucking kids OK?
TR: And with me
MR: I am not
CR: Yes you are, you are going to stop
MR: Oh, why because you told me so?
TR: No
CR: That’s right
MR: That’s not going to work, Cathy
CR: I’m telling you, you better stop, you better stop
MR: You better wake up.
CR: You better fucking wake up, buddy.
MR: You better wake up to what’s really going on
CR: You have no fucking idea, Ok. I don’t give a fuck. All I know, is that what you’ve been doing and what you’re doing now is committing SP acts every minute, of every fucking day.
MR: And if you think that that has an effect on me, you’re wrong
CR: I’m not …..
JS: And who is talking now Mike?
MR: Cathy
CR: I’m telling you, you are going to stop
JS: And that’s um, that’s your ex-wife? Does she know that I’m recording this conversation?
MR: Yes, they all know that you’re recording this conversation, John.
TR: We don’t care. This is my comm cycle to you.
MR: Taryn, I’m happy to talk to you.
CR: You are not listening to her. Listen to her Mike.
MR: Listen
CR: You have no idea.
MR: Oh, yes I do.
TR: Well then, that’s the problem.
AR: Get off the phone and talk to her.
MR: Yes I do. I have a very good idea.
CR: You’re fucking nuts. Ok.
MR: That’s true. Obviously.
CR: ……You have a fucking axe to grind and you are not in present time.
MR: That really impinged.
CR: Yeah, let me tell you something….
AR: Yeah….
MR: That really impinged, that really impinged. That really, that really impinged.
CR: You are…. to us, and effecting my entire family. You are not going to do it anymore, and you are going to stop. STOP doing what you are doing. It isn’t worth it, Mike. For what?
MR: To save you.
TR: Oh, no. No.
CR: Fuck Off.
MR: Oh yeah, well I really appreciate that.
TR: No fucking way. You know it. You know it. And everything you do….
CR: Oh really to save me, oh yeah, that’s your intention? (pointing at her arm)
MR: Oh, like I walked up and grabbed you?
CR: Yeah, you did.
MR: Oh right. (Laughing in disbelief.)
AR: Hey, Knock it off, knock it off. Mike.
MR: I want to talk to you Andrew. I have no problem talking to you.
AR: Then do it. Hang up. Talk to me.
MR: I will talk to you, but I’m not going to talk to you with an audience.
CR: I’m staying here.
AR: I got that.
MR: I’ll talk to you and T. I’ll talk to you and T.
AR: Good then lets do it.
MR: Bye John.
AR: Bye.
JS: Bye.
Jenny, Jennie, who can I turn to??
Every time I see this hot, passionate, DERANGED chick spitting, biting Scratching wildcat and totally unhinged lunatic, (Jennie Linson) can’t help but wonder if she brings that madness to her more intimate encounters. I like to think of her screaming at me like a homeless woman screaming at pigeons at the bus stop, while the two of us wrassel around on DM’s floor, totally nekkid. I can’t be the only one to dream of Jennie with the light brown hair? I’ve heard she’s probably in the hole when she’s not out ranting like a banshee on behalf of her master. Speaking of which, is there any word on whether DM takes advantage of this hot little Tasmanian Devil?
As someone who was “once in,” this occurrence seems a vivid illumination that there may be no such thing as “operating thetan (OT) abilities.” It makes me sad to write those words. Though out for a while, I retained a lot of my virtuous feeling toward many of the spiritual things I studied and, of course, wanted to get the promised benefit (super charged OT abilities) out of all the past services I have done and the more than half a million dollars I spent, even as a middle-class wage earner.
This meltdown/shakedown though, and others like it which have been documented, show me there may be no such thing as OT abilities. If these abilities to “think” a thought toward what you want—from an individual, or a vehicle driving by, or a weather pattern you wish to repel—were honestly available, WOULDN’T THE TOP TRAINED LEADERS OF SCIENTOLOGY BE USING THEM?
They do not, though. Instead, as is discussed here, the “tactic” to make an effect on another—which this “most ethical group on the planet” thinks is a worthy effect—is to show up as a gang of outrageously verbally abusing thugs. As others convey here: This is simply un-believable, first and foremost as adult behavior, and secondly from a “PR” standpoint as anyone could have been walking by or pulling into the parking lot to get to their doctor appointment. The fact that a BBC reporter was on the phone is sweet justice, in my opinion (and further evidence of zero ability on the part of these elite scientology group members to accurately predict or constructively control their environment).
Morally, for myself, I have to squarely consider: If OT abilities so many of us paid massive amounts of money for and dedicated many, many hours, weeks, weekends, travel time to pursue and attain are real, then why aren’t these abilities used by C of S top management to influence people and events, and thereby attain their stated purpose of forging a decent society?
It’s hard to find a word to attach to all this: irony, sham, deceit, fraud, spiritual Ponzi scheme. Being in scientology truly is like being in “The Matrix.”
To say Mike has transcended all the madness of the infamous parking lot encounter AND SO MUCH MORE seems an understatement. It reminds me that actions and character count—and perhaps a measure of humility, too. (Certainly can’t hurt.)
Here is Jenny Linson and the wives on Anderson Cooper. Amazing what hair and make up can do. Actors usually like to look good when reciting their lines.
This video might make as big of an impact to those still in the Co$ as Debbie Cook’s email in 2012 –
After listening and reading the transcripts I am totally shocked (again and again) of the ruthless and evil and degrading behavior especially by Jenny Linson and Cathy Rinder. As you mentioned, your daughter and brother were more “civilized”. I didn’t read or hear any comments from Guialluame Lesevre. Unlike some comments I read, I am holding those and only those who participated in it FULLY responsible. DM just gave them orders and they have executed them probably better that he could. Not to condone their culpability, is like to excuse Goebbels and Eichmann from their own crimes and say they acted on behalf of “Fuhrer Adolf”. Many nazis caught after WWII claimed their “innocence” because they were following orders. That is a very poor excuse. When the wall of evil will collapse, they will use that excuse, and we should be very alert to that. Jenny Linson is as vicious and psychotic in the Marty’s video as she was 4 years ago at the parking lot.
Your confront is very admirable and I am sure the easiest thing to do was scream back. I don’t know what would I have done, because they came just to enturbulate you for the sake of pure enturbulation. There is no excuse for that. Shame on them, their leader and the continuance of the policy of disconnection.
I am so sorry this happened to you, speechless.
My own daughter hasn’t talked to me for over two years now and that’s hard, but this is certainly something else.
I’m so sorry Sabine. Contact me if there’s anything I can help you with. Dora
Fuckers… best I can say.
Mike, I’ve always wondered if you were able to actually speak privately with your brother and daughter at the end of this circus? I can’t imagine the deranged harpie Jenny, would have allowed anything out of her earshot but who knows. I hope you were able to speak with them. I’m sure they would have been terrified to say anything to you but what had been endlessly drilled into them, but what you said to them could have resonated regardless. I don’t see how your brother Andrew couldn’t help but see what a tragic farce he had been roped into participating in. I’m sure he had some faint hope of a real conversation but instead gets Jenny shrieking obscenities like a psycho in a public parking lot, demonstrating in PT the insanity at the top scientology.
BTW, how did Andrew manage to remain a public in Australia? I can’t imagine there wasn’t huge pressure for him to follow in your footsteps and join the SO? Maybe he did and left – for very good reasons? He knows deep down his brother is right and the cult is crazy, but there’s too much on the line (and too many years of indoctrination) to confront it yet.
Sunny — yes, I did. Read the story that is linked in the article which is my original account of the incident (“Miscavige Meltdown”).
Mike, this is the second time I have listened to this recording and read the transcript. And again I want to tell you that I am so sorry you had to experience this.
DM is DM, but every member of your family who participated in this reality show orchestrated by DM owes you an apology for participating in what took place and committing treason to you as family members. They were being egged on by SPs wielding whips of fear, but ultimately that is no excuse. One does not attack members of one’s family. One keeps communicating until there is resolution. In each of their heart of hearts they know this. In my opinion they will each have to take responsibility for their actual acts in order to ever feel “clean” on what happened.
I am still visualizing your family’s reconciliation and will continue to do so.
And I hope that you keep sending communicating to them no matter what kind of disorder blows off.
Love is Forever.
Geezes… what a horrible situation. Commiserations Mike. I too have family members hypnotised within that world.
But sympathy be damned. Those managerial morons who order that sort of crap are what they are, part of and included with a suppressive organisation poisoning everyone connected to them.
By applying their own policy this is a justice situation, ethics has long since gone by the wayside.
This has never been a matter of who folds first. It’s only a matter of time before their immoral criminality catches up with them – what they peddle doesn’t work! It’s been polluted for decades why they ignore their own statistics is criminal in itself let alone any justification to injure others by disconnection for not believing in a lie. That’s snake oil with a stick.
There’s a jail cell waiting.
Mike, more of the restim by the restimmed through the restim of RESTIMULATOR #1.
The biggest “outpoint” (if you can call IT that), is HIM.
He’s actually ‘out’, when he should be ‘in’.
And since he’s NOT ‘in’, everyone ‘out’ wishes he were! (in)
Of course, at the same time, HE has to keep getting newbies ‘in’, to stem the flow of disgruntleds going out!
But hand in hand with ‘that’, go the secrets, that must be kept ‘in’!!
Of course, no greater ‘secrets’, than the ones he is currently ‘dramatizing’, for fear of them finally sinking him.
(sigh) ….once upon a time…. a long time ago… a friendly face used to say;
“Pick up the cans please….”
— Aberare (Latin) — ‘to wander from’.
……. Yup!
Mike, our corrections about Andrew seem to have posted at the same time. Thank you for sharing with me about why you tried to see Benjamin. What you’ve shared resonates with me deeply. I have had a similar experience with a loved one which I will not share here. I can believe that someone can be cruel and dead inside herself as Monique Yingling was in telling your extremely ill son that his father didn’t care about him and couldn’t be bothered talking to him, when in fact, his father hadn’t known his son was ill, found out, and tried to see him and was prevented from doing so. I know there are people out there who are that dead, that soulless, as Monique Yingling. I saw it up close, myself. But you’ve got hope, Mike. Your boy is alive. The truth can still reach him. I postulate that.
What I find interesting is that anyone who has (really) done Obnosis Drills can see the self-doubts in these people’s faces. HTey are flaoting around their foreheads and before their eyes (and being terribly not-ised). It is almost like they have to do what they do to re-assure themselves that what they are doing is “right”. Deep down they know It is all a crock of shit but have committed themselves to 30 years of folly so they have to scream and shout in a last desperate plea to their own warped reality. Very similar to watching the crowds at North Korean “events”. It would also be interesting to find out their IQs. But then stupidity is probably caused by not-ising.
So – the “handling” for this MAAs is that they should get a good roll back session to find out whose side they are on really – after all- they didn’t do the Church any favors with their rantings. If anything is found on the roll back (like doubts about COB -ha!) then they should donate a million bucks to atone for their sins. I think we all know that the carefully selected questions will read. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch! MAAs go to it!
I was talking about the Marty LAX airport video if that wasn’t clear before.
Every single cult or demagogue that has used this type of attack dog behavior has failed or self-destructed. The church members that attempted to berate and incite both Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun come across as desperate to prove that they could be as cruel and crass as Miscavige, clearly to prevent Miscavige from berating and humiliating them. This is not enlightened or intelligent behavior. This is insane, Jerry Springer, and “Lord of the Flies,” degraded behavior of the worst kind. This behavior convinces me that the Church of Scientology is self-destructing and that its leaders know it. Only a church that believes it has no future would encourage its members to act in this bizarre and pathetic manner.
Mike, I just read about this over at Tony’s and I see now that Andrew is your brother. I thought he was your son, along with Benjamin, and daughter Taryn.
{{{{{hugs}}}}} hardly seem enough, but here they are anyway.
You gave me an idea to send this to my sister Chris. Worth a try.
Mike, I’ve known the outline of that parking lot ambush of you from Marty’s blog but reading the actual dialogue now, I am at a loss for an intelligent comment. I can’t decide whether I’m furious or really sad. This was so obviously an attempt not to get in comm with you, as was claimed, but to overwhelm you, suddenly, viciously and thoroughly. Your daughter and your son’s language – to their father – and more than that, the meanness, the bitterness of their tone – Mike, I’m so very sorry. Especially since it did seem like your son Andrew was not wholly with the others and was reaching for you. All I can think of right now is that what you confronted in that parking lot were a group of circuits, not the beings themselves, and the only way to deal with circuits is to do exactly what you did, to not engage with them, to calmly deliver and repeat your message when given the space to do so, and to hold firm to the truth that these people were not being themselves. So very much easier said than done, because if that had been me attacked like that by my family…well, I just have no words, I can’t finish that sentence. Actually, all I can think of, and I’m not even a practicing Christian, but all I can think of is what Jesus was reported to have said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
Thanks Aqua. That was my brother, Andrew. Not my son, Benjamin.
I had gone to try and see Benjamin at the Ft Harrison a few days earlier because I had been informed by Joe Childs of the St Pete Times that Monique Yingling had told him I cared so little about my son that even though he had cancer, I refused to even talk to him. Nobody had informed me of this, so I went to the church to try to see him and they called the police and had a trespass warning issued against me. Then a few days later, the screeching bitches and their sidekicks showed up.
The reason Benjamin was not there, even though he is the ONLY one who lives locally, was that he was at that very time — when I had gone to try and see him at the FH — trying to route out of the SO.
They managed to “handle” him to stay, but obviously they could not risk having him involved in that sort of insanity.
Mike: It is thoroughly disgusting that a lawyer, admittedly a sold-out lawyer, would lie like that about you. I’m sorry to hear your son had cancer. Living in a sci workhouse is not the best therapy for cancer but I hope the word had is correct and he is better. There’s another way life could get even better but he doesn’t know that yet.
Perfect posting for the moment after LAX, which was bizarre, but this ranks right up there in the top 4 semi finalist. Cathy who I respected a lot way back in the early 80’s, or mid to late 70’s was actually the most vicious of the lot. And I am sorry to have your daughter acting like that to her own father. I heard this all before when I was under the radar back in 2010. This proves that I made a very smart decision to take my expulsion. If any of you who are afraid of the Church, I hope you see the insanity of this.
Anyone know if this new video of Jenny Lunatic et al abusing Marty might benefit Monique’s lawsuit? It is a brazen move considering the ongoing suit and it perfectly exemplifies the cult’s moronic, abusive and unlawful behavior. I have to admit though that it was somewhat entertaining watching Jenny’s eyes almost pop out of her head.
IANAL, but Monique was granted a TRO that should include her family members. This appears to be a clear violation – particularly if the gruesome threesome did not board any flight that day,
Mike – you have been through a great deal. I hope that reliving these incidents brings a sense of humor at how insane Jenny Linson and others behaved. I am grateful you turned away from “corporate scientology.” Sometimes we need to be reminded about the courage it takes to walk away.
The Church that has the tech on comm cycles, on friendly relationships, on how to handle problems, on how to make things better in the family, with friends and others, the claim of ‘salvaging’ people from aberrated behavior and so on.
They claim to have it, but definitely don’t use it. When it comes to carry out command intention with the perverted purpose to dominate others at whatever cost, that is what they know how to use.
It is something to confront, the heartless, cruelness involved on what they did. Bless her souls, if they really have any.
A definite omitted is the ‘care factor’. If this is their IDEAL scene, well, no wonder the church is imploding and collapsing. Glad you hang in there Mike, glad you have a life; enjoy it together with your family and friends.
WOW I cringed reading this whole excerpt. There is nothing I can add here that hasn’t already been said.
With the above crazy attack and what happened to Marty, little Davey and the church have completely VALIDATED everything you and Marty have reported about their tactics these past few years. We should applaud them for being so out of control that they can’t help but reveal themselves.
Hey, lurkers (yeah you on the fence) are you running for the hills yet?
It’s so predictable, as soon as an authority figure is on the way the sociopath flee’s in terror.
An unfortunate situation, no attempt to resolve a situation, only make things worse.
You couldn’t possibly have hurt either Cathy or Jenny.
I know– I was married to both of them. I know every inch of their bodies.
The last time I checked on You Tube, over half a million people have viewed the clip posted by Marty. The comments on Jenny Linson are really not at all complementry to say the least!!!
I don’t think I’ve seen such a liberal use of the c*** word applied to one woman ever as I have in the comments to that video regarding Jenny Linson. And I don’t mean crap.
Let me guess the c*** word is calm, right? Or maybe if the middle two letters are reversed?
When scientologists attack, they always do so in a group. They are too frightened to do this alone. They are not there to converse only there to squash Mike. They believe he is an sp and committing overt acts. Remember being a scientologist in the organization and feeling very uncomfortable when sps were present. Going to flag and having to take a bus from FH to coachman building because there were 3 protestors.
Mike, you never seemed too flustered like tommy davis. Were you ever nervous or uncomfortable?
Pure thuggery. This is a pure snapshot of what it is like at International Management of what is supposed to be a religious organization promoting a civilization without war, criminality and insantity. It seems like they’ve got their Ideal Scenes buried somewhere dark and deep. There is no compassion, no gratitude or forgiveness in that organization and I am so glad I’m out of it and personally flourishing and prospering.
Staring with the Anderson Cooper show on Scientology violence (2010), Jenny has been the general public face and voice representing Scientology. Is there any other religion, group, even terrorist organization that is more poorly represented? She is the poster child for evil, hate, insanity and all that can be wrong with a person. She truly represents Miscavige and what Scientology “management” has become. Thank you Jenny for getting the truth out like no one else could.
Mat — this is a perfect summation.
She is the Mouthpiece of Miscavige and fairly and accurately represents his views and attitude.
This is the real David Miscavige, not the perfectly coiffed, rehearsed automaton that spouts shermanspeak at events.
Wow! She’s the Tommy Davis Tommy Davis could never be.
Mat: Sorry to contradict you but Jenny seems to be a perfect representation of what Scientology, as practised by the church, has become. A true reflection – devoid of love and empathy for fellow humans. I wonder where she will end up when the house of cards topples over. When I visited the local org the people used to seem to be quite nice – maybe a bit too chirpy for my taste. Now they look holllow and unhappy.
When an addict starts drinking or doing drugs, he is frozen in the emotional age where he started. For David Miscavige, that was probably in his early teens. What? Drinking, Drugs? Power is his drug. (Well, that and asthma medication, expensive scotch, money, and whatever other drugs of choice he can get his hands on – don’t kid yourself, Scientology may be anti-drug but there is no doubt for the people who work with Miscavige that he has little or no respect for any of the actual teachings or beliefs of Scientology).
Because he managed to finagle the reins of Scientology out from under LRH and the people LRH intended to carry it on, the nasty child rules the roost and no one dares punish him for the childish and increasingly out of control behavior he exhibits because he has figured out a way to punish the ones who attempt to rein in his bad behavior.
Because of this, he has turned everyone involved with him into angry, vindictive 10 and 11 year olds, wanting to please the playground bully, thinking the only way in life to make their life better is to hurt others. The deal is, in grade school and Junior High, the bully is generally reined in to some degree because there are sane adults who have more power than him. When the bully is the supposed “sane adult” ruling the roost, there is little hope that anyone below him will be allowed to exhibit sane or nonviolent behavior.
If you think about it, his “event extravaganzas”, are also planned out by an angry 11 year old. He must have everything soooo over the top and each word out of his mouth must be modified to make him sound as though he has a much more mature and booming voice than he actually has. The decorations are more garish, the sound louder and the words much too flowery and numerous than to reflect a semblance of reality or sanity. The entire event is such an assault on the senses that it pummels the person into a state of submission where the thought of escaping the horror show is worth whatever is in their pocket. Nowhere else but Korea are people required to scream and cheer so loudly for . . . well, nothing.
Compare one of his events to Apple’s low key presentations where real excitement is generated but not required, and the presenter is dressed in a low-key outfit. No circus-like atmosphere is needed when the product presented draws the attention.
Back to Marty’s video and the recording of attack by these people on Mike. The level of insanity emanating from each of those people shows just how lost their minds are and how their ability to function has been compromised.
How can the executive strata of a group whose motto is “A world without war, insanity or criminality” wage a years-long war against a person by committing criminal acts of trespassing, perjury, lying, mail fraud, and just flat insane behavior simply because they left the group? How badly must someone feel about themselves to go to that kind of an extreme to try to make someone else feel bad about themself?
I am ashamed to admit that I was a member of that group of people at one time. When I read posts like today’s, I thank my lucky stars that I escaped that insanity and did not become what those executives who stayed there have become.
My praise goes out to anyone who manages to climb above the din to make the escape. Hopefully the whistle being blown is being heard above the din of the mass insanity generated by the lunatic on the inside.
I always wondered what the upper levels of the tone scale were like. These Int SO members – CR, JL, DB – provide a superlative example of this. Their elevated spiritual state and super-high tone level comes across in every utterance they make. This is truly a group I want to belong to!
Mike, as a rep for the RTC, I was very happy to read your comments. And, yes, we of elevated spiritual states of being wish to share it with you. Obviously, you are one of us. You’re in the top 5% of all humanity. Prior to starting, though, we’ll just need a significant donation for the Ideal Org program as well as the IAS. I’m sure that will not be a problem for you. Also, it is imperative that you learn to CSOBL. After that you’re home free…
And they get daily lessons from David Miscavige. I think they call it the daily GAG II TRs session. The new bullbaiting routines must be a real gas!
Here’s what I don’t understand about Marty’s most recent run-in with these cherch living dead, and it’s something I missed the first time because, well, it’s not there and being omitted, I didn’t think of it.
I’ve been through LAX many times since 9/11, and it’s FULL of security. Every several yards I’ve seen security personnel. It’s full of security cameras, and it’s full of people being told via the public address system to report any suspicious person or thing they see. So how did this go on, in front of so many people, and not result in at least one security person coming out to see what was going on? Did it happen too quickly? Did it take place in some sort of security dead-zone, where for some reason there are no personnel?
Did security show up after the camera was turned off?
Why is it that these idiots seem to get away with the most egregious behavior in public?
Katherine, most of the security personnel at airports appear to be in the TSA Constitution-free areas and prior, where they seem to be mostly concerned about belts, shoes, and the colostomy bags of humiliated geriatric cancer patients. Once through to the gate areas, where it appeared the LAX assault took place, I have not noticed many security people. Doubtless the incident was recorded on security video though, as you are correct that cameras are ubiquitous. But the attackers always seem to have been well-drilled in the boundaries of what behaviors would be legally actionable, and stop just short… mostly. What a bunch of sad, pitiable assholes.
Thanks, Bob Dobbs. I’ve apparently dubbed in security people at shops, restaurants, etc. My sense of police presence may be overblown.
LOL Love the description of “Constitution-free Zones.”
Jenny is like a schizophrenic screaming nonsensical obscenities at a bus stop.
Being in the same sentence with Jenny Linson is an insult to schizophrenia, obscenities, and bus stops.
For someone who in many ways is quite intelligent (witness what he has pulled off with his hijacking of Scientology), David Miscavige, in a bigger picture sense, is a total idiot an quite pathetic. Both the parking lot incident and the LAX incident show Scientology inner core members acting like arrogant, obscene, lunatic thugs engaged in intimidation and harassment and in the parking lot incident, exploitation of family relationships. These things are out there for the world to see and/or hear. Miscavige put these intimidating “confrontations” into use back in the 80s against the “squirrels” of that time, and despite the fact these tactics have acutally resulted in legal actions, even TROs against the Church in the past, he still pushes this crap. It is degrading to the minions he sends out to do his dirty work – it only requires one look at the faces of Yager, Bloomberg and Jenny Linson to see that they have been turned into insane automatons. What he makes them do is destructive both to the target individuals and the minions sent to do it. Simultaneously, in a hypocrisy almost beyond belief he cloaks all this crap with claims that the Church is the victim, and with claims that it is protected religious practice. It is truly disgusting.
I agree SSOA. Miscavige is like the Mafioso who heads gambling, drugs and prostitution rings, has someone he “heard” ratted on him dumped in the lake, and, just paid for giant stained glass windows for the cathedral. Due to my interesting childhood, I know the type. He’s an idiot and he’s committed the biggest crime of all, he’s wasted an opportunity.
David Miscavige, no doubt, is stuck in the past, like a wild animal that has been cornered and just fights back savagely, no matter the consequences…
I came late to leaving the church so I missed this parking lot attack tech event..
It seems to me they were trying to turn you into broken, human rubble right in the parking lot. What then? Was the plan to then physically pick up a shattered man off the ground and have you agree to return to the Int. Base? Was this supposed to be a “Confront and Shatter Suppression” moment?
Gawd what a sickening event.
A ‘kick em in the balls religion’ indeed.
Oh, and I passed my confront of evil on a via. Just.
Hard to comment on something so insane. For what it’s worth, I think your brother would really have liked to talk to you and get your side of the story. It sounded like he hated what was going on, but was overwhelmed by all the possible repercussions if he got into that car with you and drove off. Just my take on it – I wasn’t there.
The women on the other hand… they behaved so much worse than the men who were there. Not so much the fairer sex 🙁 It was painful to hear your daughter talk to you the way she did. I can’t imagine the briefing they got before confronting you that made them act like that.
I have been at the receiving end of an attack similar to that, but never by family. That must have been very hard for you, Mike.
Mike: I was very much on my way out back in the spring of 2010 but the parking lot incident was the smoking gun that sealed the deal for me. I knew at that point I could never again be associated with an organization that was represented by such people. The recent LAX incident simply confirms what we all know and Marty nailed so well a couple years ago: Organizationally Scientology is all about attacking and creating fantom enemies, whether internally or externally. Keep up the good work.
I swear I saw a video of this parking lot incident a while ago. Is this possible or am I thinking of something else?
No Mary — there was no video.
I only had my phone and I was already ON the phone with John Sweeney and didn’t want to hang up the call to start the video. They of course waited to approach me when I was alone (Christie was inside with the doctor, I was standing near her car in the parking lot talking on the phone). So, there was no video.
I wish there had been of course as it was batshit crazy. I tried walking away and they blocked me. I eventually pushed and shoved my way to the car and they tried to stop me opening the door to get in.
I finally managed to open the door and they then tried to stop me closing it. I put the key in the ignition and my brother got in the passenger side and tried to take the keys out of the ignition. I was trying to hold the door shut with my left hand and get him to let go of the keys with my right. I bent his finger back (they key got totally bent….). I think Cathy’s arm must have been grazed when she was trying to prevent me from closing the car door. I had no idea. I was simply trying to get away from the scene. I WAS perfectly willing to talk to my brother and daughter (Cathy was like a crazy woman and totally a match for Jenny Linson — trying to impress COB no doubt). Because the key was now bent and I could not start the car I got out again and went to the doctors office to ask her to call the police.
It was a total nuthouse.
There were also at least two PI’s present that I noticed standing back near the cars they arrived in. I am sure they video’d what happened, but of course that video has never surfaced.
When the doctor called the Sheriff’s office and Jenny and Co realized law enforcement was coming, they jumped in their car and sped away. Cathy, my brother and Taryn stayed, along with Sue Wilhere to give their story to the Sheriff’s.
Wow. Thanks for the explanation. I saw some video a couple of years ago that was a parking lot confrontation. I’ll have to see if I can find it.
My attempt to leave Flag AO MAA office was a tiny microcosm of the same thing. I found it extremely enturbulating (To say “upsetting” doesn’t quite say it). Right before I walked out I made a decision, “This is over. I’m done.” So for them to apply their “tech” or “Tone 40” or “blows=overts, don’t let them leave” no longer worked. Everything the MAA’s did after that with me amounted to breaking the law (harassment, false imprisonment) but they just don’t understand that.
Wow McCarran, your post brought back similar memories. I was done with my review but Flag wanted me to stay to get back on OT VII. I said no, not this trip and told them the reasons. I even had a signed letter from Marcello, the Sr. D of P at Flag saying I had permission to leave after the auditing and that he knew and understood that I wouldn’t be staying to get onto VII on this trip and that was OK. That letter meant nothing. Two D of P’s and an MAA tried to detain me. I missed 2 flights out and had to change my flight info at my own cost because of it. My auditing was done and there was no reason to keep me, but they did. And at one point, the D of P took my airline ticket and went behind closed doors and then came back and said he had changed my flight so that I had to stay another day. I didn’t know he was doing this and protested that. I was told that he used to be a travel agent and still keeps his skills up (license?) and can access any data and make changes to anyone’s flight. OMG. That’s who they knew Marty would be at LAX. When I saw this much force and coercion going on to get me not to leave, that’s when I, like McCarran, made my postulate, never again. I will not return to this circus.
Senior moments, Mary? Me too!
I just can’t even really imagine how I would react in a similar situation. The utter insanity of david miscavige’s HOLE exported to the real world and recorded for posterity.
Each of them acting like certified sociopaths. They have no intention of fixing anything, just a mission to crush you into submission and “win the game.”
It seems obvious that Jenny works with Dave because she agrees with his modus operandi.
I’m really curious, was Cathy always leaning toward being a sociopath or was it a gradual degradation into assuming the valence?
Whistle blowing is not a suppressive act.
Mike and Marty have missed an enormous amount of withholds over the years since
they have been out. And whose w/h’s have they missed?…..well David Miscavige’s of
Then David Miscavige sends the people out who he thinks will key in Mike/Marty
the most hoping for some bad behavior from Mike/Marty. How low is it to totally antagonize,
a person’s family to a point of hatred for another family member?….pretty low. Why would Miscavige
do that?……what is he trying to hide?
Mike and Marty left the church, told their stories, exposing all the nasty things they know about.
But the scary part is, the w/h’s that they are missing on David Miscavige aren’t the things they talk
about. The things they talk about are missing some real nasty things David Miscavige is hiding that
Mike and Marty don’t even know.
They have nearly found out or made Miscavige think they might know about some very nasty things
David Miscavige has done (or not done when he should have).
I think what they have missed, if found out, would not only land David Miscavige in jail but would bring
the current COS down in short order.
David Miscavige is an overt laden, nasty sombitch.
I may agree. And this scientology viewpoint could be the right one. Yet I dare think that ethics and other concepts work better in individual counseling than in group handling. Any enforced concept i.e. without the participant’s agreement tends to fail. And group scientology is simply enforced command intention. Technological concepts are used to support assertion of it and without force and suppression of free will (army style) they are of less than second importance. LRH spoke of free spirits yet thought this can be handled by temporary enslavement. Somehow temporary became permanent, light became heavier and more and more solid. And Miscavige is the slave master who must be cruel and must rule. So it doesn’t necessarily have to do with O/Ws.
” The things they talk about are missing some real nasty things David Miscavige is hiding that
Mike and Marty don’t even know.”
I think they do know Potpie, they just don’t need to bring it up. Either way, Miscavige has gone insane over the reality that Mike and Marty have said “no more” to He who always has it His way. That is the sword He is twisting on. And as long as the rest of us who played a part in KSW continue to speak out about what we know, the cult will die by a thousand cuts.
The Death of Lisa McPherson under the auspices of David Miscavige was a major-major and He will never return to where he was before that event IMHO. The rest, as they say, is history.
Yo Dave,
How zit goin for ya taday good buddy. Better check those carotid arterials for potential blockage and then see about getting Jenny a little rest. She looks rode hard and put up wet in that video at LAX!
David Miscavige, being as out-of valence as he is as a true SP, is certainly incapable of spotting in his own universe WHAT overt of his got restimulated. That is definitely a danger to his carotid artery.
Mike and Marty MAY know a lot more that has not been aired yet, ammunition for the future. Then
there may also be a lot of things DM has done in the past or since M+M left that still needs to be
uncovered. It’s a mix, that terrible uncertainty on DM’s part, “do they know”?
It sure sucks to be David Miscavige!
Not sure what else there could be that has not been revealed in the media or on the blogs or to law enforcement. There is enough to condemn him as an immoral, foul mouthed, cheating, mean spirited, cruel, vain sociopath 100 times over. There is no video of him shooting someone in the head or raping a 10 year old.
Hiding behind the cloak of religion you can get away with a LOT that would sink you in the secular world.
David Miscavige has justified his crimes so long, he really believes they aren’t crimes. He thinks “greatest good for the greatest number” (him being the greatest number) justifies illegal, immoral and vile acts of any and all kinds. Laws do not apply to Miscavige, David. I sincerely hope that someone SRAs him on what wog law does to teeny little things like him. Unfortunately, 3 squares and a cot is better than he treated a lot of people he destroyed (Lisa McPherson comes to mind).
Maybe that those things you refer to will be made known end 2014/2015. Remember something huge has been announced by Marty Rathbun recently?
It seems Miscavige is getting really nervous for pulling off a stunt like the one was done on LAX, realising all the publicicity that would generate.
“Curiouser and curiouser.”
PotPie – your observation is so spot on. And those M/W’s and overts must be some real doozies.
Besides my suspicions that all these crazy females that would kill for him, are ‘doing’ him after hours (or during hours), there must truly be a dead body buried somewhere (literally).
I remember it…. It was a time when lots of people thought you were – OSA game….
great work Mike.
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Ugh! That’s pure craziness. Thanks, Mike, for all you do to make things better. <3
Thanks for sharing this (again) Mike.
I’m so sorry Mike, one can only imagine how painful this must be for you at times. You will always have the heartfelt love and support from those of us who know the person you really are.
+1. Oh…who am I kidding! + all the posters here and all the folks who woke up and are out. + the media!
Chilling stuff – and thanks for the reminder. On an infinitesimally smaller scale, while out rambling and bird watching in woods close to St Hill over the weekend a cult security guard screamed in my face, ordered “the dog unit” to come along over his radio and starting pushing me while saying that I had shoved him. Luckily one of my ornithological friends had a video camera rolling and captured the incident on camera. Seems harassment is a one way street to the Scientology cult – it only ever apparently exists when being done to them and boy, are they quick to call “victim”.
I figured you would be busy that weekend. Hopefully some great ornithologic sights made up for the collition with security guards.
I have a full copy of the audio if you want it.
Sure, even better if you can just send me a link and I will add it to the post. For anyone who never heard this, reading the transcript must be really tough to figure out…
I only have a downloaded copy that I can’t remember where I got it from. You can message me on Twitter as to where to send it
Thanks for the offer. Tony Ortega kindly made a YouTube link for this, which I have now added into the post.
Looks like you didn’t mind that I copied Tony 🙂 Glad he got it up so fast.
I have never experienced such stuff myself .. but I have seen some fanatic scientologist in action .. i have heard them crying like insane .. one day in older days, a new sea recruiter told me for an interview, and she (a woman – once my purif twin) started to force me to sign a sea org contract. She went really in rage about it and threw everything from her desk around in the room .. I asked her in steady sequence the same question: Why you want me in the sea org when you hate me so deeply ..
I mean, she had the order to recruit some people .. and I was one of the best around .. not really, but I am a straight person, have good tone 40 .. she could not hold anything straight around her, because she had lost anything about control because of the command intention she had to follow .. this women went nuts in my environment .. sorry to her .. maybe this woman was in love to me, and I have not realised that, and she went in rage because of feeling alone ..
Sorry, I do not really grasp this car park drama .. I am unable to find any sense in it .. I can put it this way or that way .. the product is always blaming .. running around and justifying motivations ..
Fanatic scientologists (as like any fanatic) are the most aberrated persons around .. they are all unable for change .. they are fixated ..
So let me hang on an idea. It is basically a joke. Not easy to understsnd my jokes as I know. so the comment may be erased .. and only a few people can read it before Mike did moderate it ..
I stay since nearly 30 years with OTs .. I did spot some behaviour .. they called something as entheta which I could not realise myself .. I found later that they spot any counter intention as the intention of a BT. Never as a disagreement .. they had to audit your BT now .. and there were simply overwhelmed by this ..
They were not able to solve the disagreement .. the simple way of life .. but if you go fanatic, you have to solve everything in hysteria ..
I should add, after my comment became accepted from Mike .. with the risk that it is tomorrow erased ..
My comment was a stupid thing because it was only about fanatic people and my experience about. I have seen a lot of fanatic people .. one is to give somebody a cent and he goes in fight with you about .. or the reverse not giving a cent and he goes in fight with you .. it is all fanatic behaviour ..
It says that fanatic people are at the end of there tracks .. they will not win .. they have lost so deeply for themselves that there is no hope for them .. they have no ability to say YES or NO for themselves .. they can only say NO to the YES or NO .. doesn’t matter ..
I wrote in different blogs and threads about .. there is a condition below confusion. It means that you take over targets, plannings, goals of annother when you were in confusion .. which means in his basic that everyone has to go in the valence of LRH when in scientology .. today in the valence of David Miscavige (sorry that I write his name correctly) .. but see Mis-Cavige .. and then go on other purposes .. and then you find you in a field where you pronounce other purposes as your own purpose .. but you are death like a maschine at this point .. words like fuck, bloody stupid, or find your ethics, or come back in PT, or come back to truth .. are all signs of confusion .. nothing else ..
I hope that somebody get the idea that you can get into confusion with scientology, and then getting overwhelmed with solutions about .. see only the FPRD – you should find the prior confusion .. and then you handle your evil purpose ..
Why? You can still find a prior confusion, without having an evil purpose after ..
Add .. when you think that you have an evil purpose .. you will go on search for him .. so you will find them .. or not ..
In my youth I had evil purpose against any insect. I killed them all. I found out that it were based completely on wrong data .. not true .. confusion can be introduced ..
Some church.
BTW, What was miz jenny doing at LAX? Broom in the shop?
I couldn’t even continue reading through the whole thing. It’s simply blatant insanity. Having lost a beloved daughter for many years through similar 3rd partying (not scio), I ached for you, Mike, just reading this.
I’m so sorry you and your family had t got through that, Mike. Those poor victims doing the work for DM, an evil tyrannical under-sized not-very-nice person.
David Miscavige must derive a perverse pleasure from making people do things like this. The level of emotional violence is shocking.
Yeah, for sure. Just like the SLA took pleasure in making Patty Hearst rob a bank. Stockholm syndrome is a common reference when COS is the topic, and this incident is a shining example.
Emotional violence is a perfect description Dollar. Even in the auditing arena that should be safe, compassionate and respectful, it’s been turned into “get the thoughts that disagree” or, “get all the overts in the universe to prove badness”. Black Scn is standard now.
Clearly they knew that if it had just been your family there (minus your ex-wife) then you could have had a sane conversation apparently that was never on the cards. No idea what they hoped to achieve but like the ambush on Marty I’m glad it was all recorded for proof of their insanity.
This nonsense is what happens when you fail to simply deliver Dianetics and Scientology and resort to unusual solutions (fund raising etc,) to making money and increasing membership, both of which have been on a dwindling spiral for decades – you have to keep herding the ever-dwindling number of sheeple into their registrar pens and one of the ways of doing this is threatening people that have left the registrar’s (abattoir) pen as they are fed up, as was Mike, with being slaughtered – financially and spiritually. And talk about driving people away – anyone who has listened to or read this would steer light years away from this now insane Church that has been corrupted and usurped by a Rock Slammer. Great “PR” for the Church – ha! Hope you get your family back one day Mike.
Yes. Too little Scientology, that’s the problem here…
Actually, yes Slam, too little Scientology and too much Miscavology …that’s the problem here.
There has been less and less Scientology in the church starting around 1980-1982. The name is the same but the tech has all but disappeared under Miscavige.
I can put as many BMW nameplates on my Ford Pinto as I want but it just won’t start for me.
Absolutely, Slam! So you better be getting your ethics in stop all this CI! We want….no we DEMAND more scientology! That’ll fix anything! And we need a whole lot more ‘F’ bombs too!
Great analogy KFrancis. More like a Gremlin and a Rolls. 🙂
Well said!
That was a sad day. I think that it is important to note, that the derision, berating, cut communication, and invalidation are all being done purposefully, to try to bring about a cave in or enturbulation. This is not just angry co workers or a family argument gone wrong. These veteran SO members are intentionally trying to bring Mike to a breaking point. That’s the intentional goal. Any normal person would reserve such severe, harmful actions for a serial killer or Mafioso. The SO has degraded down to such a point of dog eat dog, self degradation, ridicule and breaking down it’s own members, that it is truly the inverse of the group it once was.
That is what is so sad, to mix up past existing ARC with such intentional actions to cause cave-in. True reverse-Scientology actions on orders from current leader David Miscavige, the master in such matters.
Hallie Jane – ” that it is truly the inverse of the group it once was.” Exactly so.
A perfect statement to demonstrate the intended use of Black Dianetics, from the top down.
Ron says this about those who use Black Dianetics:
If you don’t know exactly what Black Dianetics is, here is a quote from LRH on Marty’s blog.
“As an introduction, and for orientation, I offer the following quotations from LRH’s Danger: Black Dianetics! and The Loophole In Guarded Rights, which establish the need for this series.
The first quote gives some explanation for the oft repeated question on this blog, “why do Scientologists continue to put up with it?”
“A person on whom Black Dianetics has been employed seldom retains the sanity or will to make a complaint, or does not know he has been victimized. In addition, persons claiming such offenses against their persons are commonly catalogued by doctors as suffering from delusion. Thus the employer of Black Dianetics can escape unpunished under existing legal procedures.”
The next quote tends to shed light on why Miscavige has created eighteen websites and blogs dedicated solely to destroying Moving On Up A Little Higher and the independent movement it represents.
“The processes of Black Dianetics can be remedied by what might be called White Dianetics, in most cases. If any group desired to use the phenomena discovered in Dianetics to enslave an individual, a group, or a nation, its first step would be to place White Dianetics out of bounds, to illegalize its practice, and to condemn the tenets contained in it. To debar the general public practice of White Dianetics is to make possible a general unpublic practice of Black Dianetics.”
The final quotation expresses the importance of exposing the precise practices of Black Dianetics being employed to control, weaken and destroy people.
“In order to resolve insanity, it was necessary to release the natural laws discovered in Dianetics. When they were released it became possible to create insanity at will. And even more insidiously, complete control of a human being can be effected without insanity being demonstrated by him.”
How many ecclesiastical variations of the word ‘fuck’ in that conversation? Sorry, my math is not too good.
“Church of the Constant ‘F’ Bomb” Scientologist just love that word! When I was on staff, I pretty much heard it constantly.
The crown for the absolute multi-F word utterance goes to Andre Tabayonee (?spelling), the I/C on the GCT (Gold Construction Team) on the so called RPF in 1985 at Gold. Just about every 3rd or 4th word, disgusting….
I only know that he left. Don’t know what became of him.
Zephyr, I’m actually responding to you not OSD, but you should read Andre Tabayoyon’s declaration after he left.
He’s a great whistleblower. The F word is unfortunately required ecclesiastical language with the great and marvelous COS. What can I say? Sad but true.
Unusually, the Scilons are the only people in Chicago that I’ve never heard use the word “fuck”, and that includes five-year-olds. We’ve invented uses for that word for which there are no describable tenses in English (Philly also claims the same).
Then again, the Chisoras seem to be pretty nice people, and Dave and Sindy, who were still in at the time we Anons impinged on their Lincoln Avenue storefront, are definitely nice people. In fact, except for Psycho Bitch in Strong’s and Xander’s videos, all of the Chicago Scilons are nice. Is Chicago Org their secret prison for people too nice to be Scientologists?
hahaha!!! I’m from Chicago so do I take that as an insult or a compliment??
Responding to Valerie:
Wow and holy cow! GREAT whistle blowing indeed. Thanks!
He’s made good and I forgive him 98% of his F-words….
Jenny Linson for President!
Acting with such impunity… and they didn’t even learn from the experience. The group of “friends and family” seem, well… sort of insane.
Well, one thing they know how to do is to (unwittingly) “deliver an effective blow to the enemy of the group they have been pretending to be a part of.”
And they could only pull it off ‘unwittingly’ as you aptly noted!
I know, Heidi!! What really cracks me up is that they love to do that in front of a camera. Doh! I’ll bet that Yeager, DeVocht and the other guy in Marty’s video are slammed back into the hole for getting caught on video so that Marty can post it in his blog (speaking of Marty’s experience this week). Not to mention what it’s going to do for Monique’s court case. hahaha
Yeager didn’t look too violent against Marty. Looking behind the facade, I had a feeling that he wished that he could talk to Marty and ask his help in getting out. I’m putting odds on him being the next rabbit that rabbits.
If Jenny Linson ever gets out, maybe she can get a job at Abu Ghraib Prison. She’s got good skills for that.
I heard that the guards threatened to bring Jenny Linson over there and all the inmates became docile immediately….
OSD – thanks for the big belly laugh of the day – you’re a pip that’s for sure.
Yes BTee, she and some others could walk right out of Scientology,
into a military interrogation unit and never skip a beat.
And they are already LRH trained in waterboarding. TC could take them to Guantanamo on his private jet.
Mike that is heart-breaking stuff. And this is why I keep supporting the actions of critics where I can, even if it’s just to nudge up hits on a video, or give a blog an audience, where no more direct action is possible. These people sound insane, except perhaps for your brother. They are inhuman (by design!) My best thoughts are with you for the best resolution you can hope for with your loved ones.
Me too.
This was painful to read. I can only imagine…my heart breaks for all involved. What strikes me is how afraid the “confronters” are- the apparent anger and self-righteousness is a poor cover for the underlying hurt and fear. (Why are all these Free and Ethical Scientology folks such potty-mouths? The vulgar words really lose impact when used so often.)
They learned from the best. DM is the potty mouth winning valence and that winning valence has to be taken on in the SO just to survive. It’s a shame they can only hurl swear words at you. Mike, I’m so sorry that your family has turned on you so visciously. But seeing and hearing how rabid Jenny Linson Devocht is in this video and others, you can see where the 3P is coming from and what she has said to your family to turn them against you. And she is acting on orders from DM. My hope is that your family will eventually come to their senses. You gave up a lot to go free, but it was all worth it. Live a good life and flourish and prosper, Mike! You’re free!
you can see where the 3P is coming from and what she has said to your family to turn them against you.
David Miscavige himself flew to Clearwater and summoned my family there to be personally briefed by him on what a horrendous SP I was (never mind the fact that when I left I was the person he had dispatched to London to “deal with” the biggest media hit on the church in decades….)
Wow. That was reverse/black Dianetics at its finest, Mike. Wrong indication after wrong indication, hatred instead of ARC, accusations of being an SP, saturated with the constant use of the “meant to introvert” word, ‘YOU!’
Is this the Golden Age of Ethics now? I wonder how long little David Miscavige stomped and railed and pounded his fists on the table like a little Hitler while drilling your children, your ex-wife and brother to be just as hateful and viscous as he is.
I hope you got some real auditing with a real auditor after that menagerie of rabid dogs bit into you.
You have a new tribe now, Mike, with nothing but admiration, as opposed to that aberration.
Ditto tetloj.
My God Mike, what you have been through. Yet in true tribute to the resiliency of the human spirit, you came up like a Phoenix rising from the dead. You are public enemy number 1 to DM, which is why he personally Black PRed (oops, I mean “briefed”) your family when you blew. In true MWH phenomena, he thinks you know where the bodies are buried and that you’ll blow the whistle on all the OW’s he has committed, so you must must must be stopped. And Marty too. For someone who “is nothing” and whom “nobody cares about,” that video was viewed over 470,000 times at last count. Anyone got a new up to date count of hits on youtube of Marty’s video? I hope Mike’s audio at the Dr’s parking lot goes viral too.
What a nutty organization. They really don’t know when to stop. Insane.
Mike got the bigger ambush, but Marty got the Squirrelbusters.
Why doesn’t Scientology try decency towards their ex members!
…mmhhh…. and there is an EVEN EARLIER SIMILAR incident…but this time on Flow Nr. 2…
[Sorry Mike, but Karma is a bitch… – seems like it’s especially true for those with GO/OSA ties. 😉 ]
See, how OSA even used german speaking outer org trainees to get Mrs. Caberta “properly welcomed”.
Pay attention to the young lady at 2:08.
It is: JULIA HÜTTMANN from Stuttgart/Germany.
She is very good friends with DIETER STUCKENBROCK – the father of former INT BASE SECURITY CHIEF, UWE STUCKENBROCK (R.I.P.) and the father-in-law of LOURISSE STUCKENBROCK (COB Assist.).
Could that be the reason, why he isn’t allowed to be any closer than 100yrds to COB when he goes to the IAS events… ???
Mrs. Hüttmann and Mr. Stuckenbrock are very good friends with TONY EGERT the former german Police Detective who worked undercover for OSA to spy on Renate Hartwig – another critic of COS.
After his cover blew up, he had to change the colour of his VW Golf from beige to blue…