Things are really not going well in the shrinking world of scientology.
First, the release of A Billion Years. The scientology response? Buying Google ads to promote their smear sites which have a flurry of new content. A blizzard of legal threats letters and delegations of lawyers and scientology officials sent across the country to “handle the flap.”
Then the upcoming vote in Clearwater for a development plan that David Miscavige must HATE — it will result in two large condo towers right in front of the Ft Harrison, and a huge increase in the number of prying eyes in downtown Clearwater — including those with views into the Ft. Harrison from their condo balconies. This measure seems to have a good chance of passing… They have no response or comment on this, no doubt they are telling every scientologist to get out and vote against the measure to revitalize downtown, despite their claims they want revitalization (but it must be on their terms). It will be interesting to see what the “no” votes are from the Hacienda and Sherwood Gardens precinct (the address of the majority of SO members in Clearwater).
Then the mayoral race in Los Angeles turning into a competition between the candidates as to who can trash scientology the worst — as covered in yesterday’s blog post here:
Their response to this one was a victim letter writing drive. And the placement of “ScientologyTV” propaganda on channels that some people might actually watch (the audience that views “ScientologyTV” is too small to be measured though they continue paying Directtv millions to keep it on the air).
Jean Dale Glass got all excited about this — like it’s GOOD NEWS!
It is not only in response to the mayoral dumpster fire, it is in anticipation of the biggest disaster of all: the criminal trial of Danny Masterson that begins today in LA.
Scientology has nowhere to turn to try to get any positive coverage in the media, so they are paying to have their propaganda programs aired on stations in LA at 1am on Sunday morning…
Truly desperate times.
I bet Miss Cabbage is currently planning out how to milk the few remaining whales before he has to fold up the card table and pack up the tent before leaving for a country with no extradition treaty with the USA
Hello Mike. I have been reading your blog for a while but have never commented. I just wanted to express my appreciation of your continued efforts to expose the evils of Scientology. I have great respect for your decision to leave, start a new life, and to help right the wrongs done by Scientology. What you are doing takes an incredible amount of strength, bravery, and integrity. I consider you a role model and your work is an inspiration to me to always stand up for what is right, even when it isn’t easy. Best wishes.
Can you just imagine how paranoid Tiny must be, envisioning all those new condo owners (or their lessees, or journalists, lol) training telescopes 24/7 into the FH?
If this passes, I’ll bet he totally loses his sh*t and orders every one of his Whales to buy a condo there!
He might even make owning one of these condos a prereq for getting onto the OT levels, you know, like donating to the IAS.
Oh, this is rich; this is making my night
All this bad news for the cult is terrific new news for us!
Going upstairs now to finish Billion.
What a book!
Perfect, Mike.
Just the right tone, just the right information furnished in the right amounts, in the correct gradient.
It is perfect.
Team Mike Rinder’s blog: Forgive the irony, if this is such, but here goes: Somewhere in Ron’s useful writings is a sentiment that goes something like “You don’t have to use force if you have the truth.”
That is Mike’s book. Several times, I have to start the entire chapter all over again so I can absorb every rich, factual detail.
There is not an ounce of force in Mike’s presentation. There does not need to be. He has truth on his side and it shines plentifully.
Mike, your book is just beautiful. I did not realize how much un-programming I still had to do, having left C of S after 30 years as a public. I cannot believe how you and so many were made to suffer for this purported “cause.” And I really cannot believe, as I never imagined, how much I was naively contributing to it as a public who was taking out loan after loan and burying myself in credit card debt to donate all the time.
Thank you for writing your story. I am going to keep listening and keep reading and participating in this, our Former-In community. As one human to another, I am so glad you got out, and I completely understand the steady set of reasons that kept you in for so many years.
You are continuing, and succeeding, in your noble quest to blow the lid fully off.
Thank you for this. Your words touched me.
Sorry sir, but they could no more buy their way out of disaster than the Captain of the Titanic could. But; the fools, will try.
The Sea Organization’s first job is to get in ethics.
They have repeatedly proven that they cannot get in ethics on even their own people.
I tried a few times and Then I died.They helped me die. You worked far harder at it than I did.
If you cannot get their ethics in than forget about getting tech or admin in.
If you need any help; even just as cannon fodder to throw into the machine gun bullets, I am always available.
Good luck sir, and thank you for your efforts.
Curious who holds the top PR job in the cult and what stats he/she has to track and for which he/she bases the weekly ethics conditions. If I recall correctly, quite some time ago when I was in PR on staff, the stat included inches of good (“theta”) press and good minutes of radio and TV time, weighted for the circulation/viewership of the media outlet – minus the bad. While I have no data as to the stats that are tracked for PR these days, especially with the plethora of media and social media, it must be a nightmare for any PR staff position – if there are any left who haven’t been sent to the RPF. For the cult, the proverbial toothpaste is already out of the tube making a PR mess all over the place, with no possibility of putting it back.
Pat Harney has been the local PR/OSA representative in Clearwater for over 20 years but of course the overall head of all things PR would be mini-source Dave (I have no first wife) MissCabbage.
We are watching a perfect storm. All these issues colliding in the Scientology world at once. It’s wonderful being in the grandstands watching the shit hit the fan and imagining how little Davey boy is reacting personally to disaster. This time it’s not BTs attacking him; it’s the real world. He can run but he cannot hide anymore—there’s really nowhere left for this despot.
Alas, the paid Google ads no longer show up on my computer…so I can’t keep clicking them to cost CO$ money. Bummer.
Wow, quite the spectacle developing, and I hate to use the term ‘motivator’, but it just seems so appropriate for Miscavige and his goon show right now.
Time to get your overts off Davy boy, because the more you don’t the more the dynamics will do it for you. And that my boy, is really going to hurt.
Silly parallel but it’s kind of appropriate, but a hushed saying developed in Berlin in 1943, “enjoy the war, because peace is going to hurt.”
What goes around comes around…
“Flag” translated:
Scientology’s top quackery center worldwide
Scientology’s quackery consists of pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
The exorcism causes the most public bad reaction, so Scientology never explains why they do their exorcism or that they even do exorcism.
“Flag” is the tippy top exorcism center of Scientology.
Scientology never will be allowed to explain, but the world thankfully can learn, that the space leader Xenu dumped surplus souls onto earth, and that’s why Scientology has to do so much exorcism for years and years, to rid themselves of all of Xenu’s surplus souls that infest them.
Scientology’s quackery “Flag” center always needs a little mention of the quackery top of the line exorcism they do. Thanks to Xenu’s dumping those surplus souls onto earth during the 4th Dynamic Engram.
I hope these buildings get built, they will truly blot out the “Flag”/Scientology/Quackery blight presence in Clearwater.
You just could not make this stuff up. . . . Oh, wait . . . L. Ron Hubbard DID!
I hope that he is gets the max!
I expect to see anything and everything from Masterson’s defense team. Their paying customer, whether it be Masterson, Miscavige, or one of the many corporations that call itself Scientology, is used to having its way through force. They have a long record of attempts to subvert the criminal justice system up to and including perjury and their ‘legal kidnapping’ by sending individuals around the world to keep them away from giving testimony.
There is hardly a measurable difference between the alleged forcible rapes Masterson is charged with and the decades-long patterns of abuse that Scientology exes have written and spoken out about. The smart move might be for Miscavige to drop all support of Masterson, and cast him loose completely. He might also try to end the Hubbardian demand that members not report events to police, at least in cases of rape. That way he would appear to be a moderate voice, a kindly guy on the side of justice, truth, and the American way, and all it will cost him is any potential future donations from the Masterson clan. But would Miscavige take the smart move? History says ‘No! He will not!’
I don’t think cob has it in him to admit he has been wrong. I really don’t. He just could not stand to say he messed up.
Sounds like serv facs or no Grade IV to me, oops, I never got my grades either after 23 years in the S.O.
DM could get any auditing or service that he wanted at a snap of his fingers. I had no such luxury.
Mine was to do as long as possible and then die.
Interesting Ammo. I guess to do nothing about Masterson is not and cannot be an option for Miscavige. His walls must be closing in around him. There’s always, “do what Ron would do” but that would be a first and look how Hubbard ended up. He was the last one to ever use Scientology as he advised others to do.
I think it’s delicious to ponder what Miscavige’s lawyers must be advising him. Go on DM, pick a card…
Yawn, I believe they operate on “The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing” – one of Hubbard’s policies, or something he wrote and recorded – I recall buying the cassette at an Int Event decades ago.
Now, frequently doing nothing about a situation IS wrong, but, I’ve found it isn’t ALWAYS wrong to do nothing. Sometimes its best to do nothing. Mostly not, but in my experience, but sometimes doing nothing about an issue works very well.
Scientology, however, can NEVER do nothing about a problem; they ALWAYS have to do something, because LRH said they MUST. Its tech, or policy, so they must.
Yeah – agree Aqua. Guess it aligns with their habitual addiction to having to ‘be cause’ no matter what the situation, but their cause is always “what would Ron do?” (or command intention under Miscavige for fear of punishment if you don’t follow).
Hubbard sure was wacky on that, not everything is permanent that happens, wait often works as some things simply blow over or change. Yet, he made broad statements like, “man only believes there is becomingness, but there is beingness.” He truly burnt the candle from both ends and had zero trust, in that no one would be permitted to have their own beingness in his church. The sheeple swallowed that whole. They now take knee jerk to new heights, often screaming, “What’s the reference on that!!!!!? – the reactive mind would be proud!
Agree. Don’t forget they got the coroner in Lisa McPherson death to change her findings by hiring her “opinion leader” Cyril Wexler to refute her findings when it clearly was Scientologys conduct that killed her. They will do anything.
Goodness me… I did forget about that poor girl. They have a lot to answer for don’t they?
I hear you, Yawn and I too observe the cult’s obsession with “being CAUSE” over a situation. BUT…!
It is ALSO tech that a person should not be “obsessive” cause. That word “obsessive” is my word and may not be Hubbard’s but the concept is that one must ALSO be able to be an EFFECT, and most importantly, if one is unwilling or unable to be an effect then one will not be an effective cause! Again, my words but you get the concept, and this is LRH’s concept. Ready, willing and able to create an effect; equally just as ready, willing and able to BE (receive) and effect – both are of equal importance and that is PER HUBBARD…Captain Miscavige, I’m paraphrasing Judge Judy now…”Captain Miscavige, I’m talking to you, sir!!!”
Yes, common sense isn’t it, it written right in their comm formula, but Scientologists really are gun shy of anyone not in the bubble now and spit out all sorts of “I’m a victim, you’re violating my religious rights” crap. They only have themselves to blame and it could be suggested they have a huge 3rd dynamic MWH – nattery lot aren’t they?
All true and wow, don’t get me started on the comm formula – these clowns violate violate it constantly. Frequently they appear incapable of answering a simple question. And THEY are the experts of communication? Its sad, really. And as for being nattery due to MWH’s, that is right on the money. A die hard Still In (OTVII) of my acquaintance flipped out when I casually mentioned that Sea Org members get divorced a lot. “That doesn’t need to be furthered!” this person thundered at me, adding, “THIS IS NOT OK!”
Long story short I need this person for certain things so had to smooth it over, which I did.
But privately I was wondering, “Why so upset? Sea Org members DO get divorced a lot. I noticed there was no denial but instead it was expressed that what I stated “should not be furthered”…right. In other words, what I stated was true but lets not say it out loud! And THIS is an OT? Can’t confront a simple truth?
All of the above I was thinking while mouthing the correct cult words tand phrases to smooth everything and calm this poor, very nervous OTVII down. 1/2 million dollars produces THIS ? Sad, really.
Sad indeed.
It could easily be a maxim now with Scientologists, “good roads and good weather” only. They are so introverted the truth is like a wooden stake to a vampire.
AA, I think that if Scientology helps buy Masterson the best defense possible, it will position them to file appeals and claim that Masterson was falsely convicted, if he is found guilty. That will allow the leadership to try to circle the wagons and both use the classic strategy of posing themselves as a persecuted group in order to attempt to bolster loyalty, and keep up the fundamental belief that they and particularly their public figures are a morally and ethically superior group.
That’s what the executives and true believers are spending a fortune doing in another case:
Attorneys and Experts for Convicted NXIVM ‘Sex Cult’ Leader Keith Raniere Claim FBI Used ‘Manipulated’ and ‘Planted’ Evidence at Trial
Ammo, if Miscavige dropped all support of Masterson, cast him loose completely, it would be for Scientology a pyrrhic victory because once thrown under the bus and declared SP by his beloved cult and COB Masterson would have nothing left to lose, and he would start to talk. And his celeb family would be outraged and start to talk. And when celebs talk, the world listens, even 3rd tier celebs like Donkey Punch. DB would have no end of fascinating and in all likelihood true stories with which to regale the media about the Church of Scientology. The cult would be toast. No, Miscavige and Masterson are joined at the hip right now. If, and only if, and/or when, Masterson is proven guilty – THEN Miscavige can (and will) throw him under the bus (publicly) while privately paying him (read; his family) for life in order to ensure that their mouths stay shut. That’s how he handled Dr. Minkoff in Florida after Lisa McPherson died. That doctor (who lost his license to practice medicine ) and his family know WAY too much. They are being taken care of well, and always will be.
Yo Dave,
Yer gonna have too kick it up a notch good buddy., Scotch just aint gonna cut it.
I drank a bottle and a half of Bacardi 151 Proof rum at the bosun’s part in 81 at the Sandcastle.
But that would more correctly be labeled as a suicide attempt. My good buddy Rotel K. Jandreau drank the other half bottle. But I drank close to 10 beers on top of that.
I do not drink anywhere near that now at my age. If I did; there would be no “attempt about it.
Was there at the bosoms party in ‘79. The binge drinking that evening by SO members including my course sup Greg Saunders was over the top.
It was a real release for most of the crew.
My how things have changed !
The funniest part is it’s Danny Masterson’s own attorneys who are pointing out how horrible $cientology’s reputation is to the court and press, not the prosecution. That has to have Miscavige chewing nails.
Yes, wow, can you believe that a long-term CELEBRITY SCIENTOLOGIST’S ATTORNEY is using this as an argument IN COURT? “Incredible” doesn’t begin to characterize how far off the reservation this is!
CELEBRITIES are cossetted and catered to and love-bombed etc., etc by the cult so that the general public who admire these celebs will JOIN UP with Scientology!
And here’s Masterson’s attorney begging the judge to give his Scn Celeb client a break, because its common knowledge that everyone thinks Scientology is evil! OMG…
Not only Miscavige – can you imagine how the OTHER cult celebs are reacting to this?
When an animal it will attack. Predictable response. How ever it also leads to a line from a movie.
“Stupid is as stupid does, sir!”
They can not defend themselves in the public eye or in court. All they can do is attack.
Which, in my opinion, will not work. The masterson thing will be something to watch. It really will.
“The Masterson thing will be something to watch. It really will.”
I’m curious what other choices you may think people will have – aside from watching.
Perhaps you mean this trial will prove to be very informative for most of the general public who may never have had any experience at all with this cult.
If so, I think that for most people who will watch, this will be the first time they have ever had any exposure to the cult.
Since the size of the cult has been reduced to a tiny fraction of what it once was, I would guess this trial will be the first time most people will have any exposure at all to the cult. In fact, I would guess that most people won’t pay much attention to the trial since they won’t know or care hardly anything about the cult and all of its abuses. That would be a real shame. In the struggle to inform the public about its abuses, this cult actually seems to be winning the battle.
the masterson thing is going to bring out a lot of stuff that the average public doesn’t know or have not heard. It will not go well for them in my opinion.
I hope it doesn’t go well for them too.
I agree with you and I think you are correct.
Personally, I believe Masterson should be treated just like any other serial rapist. He does not deserve any greater or lesser sentence because he is in the cult.
I think this is going to make a fabulous crime/cult story movie or mini series so I hope someone is working on it….’Masterson donkey punches Scientology’ (apologies for the crudeness but it seems appropriate).
“…I believe Masterson should be treated just like any other serial rapist.”
Lawrence, with respect, this kind of language is a slippery slope. When accused of some crime we are all presumed innocent in this country. No matter how much we dislike someone or disagree with someone who is accused, there is always the presumption of innocence, legally. No one should be presumed guilty. By the same token Paul Haggis could be tarred with the a “presumed guilty” brush by Scientologists who hate him for having left Scientology and spoken out about it. Do you see? Far better for us to throw our support behind a fair trial with all the evidence that should be allowed, allowed. FYI I BELIEVE those Jane Does, Masterson’s accusers. And I DON’T believe the woman who is accusing Mr. Haggis. But operating on belief. even though we’re not attorneys (I know I’m not) is at best a bad habit and at worst an extremely dangerous, slippery slope into outright Fascism. Just saying
“In fact, I would guess that most people won’t pay much attention to the trial since they won’t know or care hardly anything about the cult and all of its abuses. That would be a real shame. In the struggle to inform the public about its abuses, this cult actually seems to be winning the battle.”
Don’t forget this is the cult that TC & Travolta have endorsed, plus Masterson’s face and reputation is known to a lot of people via the TV show. Celebrities always draw a lot a media, it’s something to takes pictures of, make stuff up & write about.
I hope they all get roasted.
Per “What would Ron do?” the cult can only continue digging their hole deeper using their one shovel labeled ‘attack’.
After banging the same key on the piano for 50 years they have become brain dead to the fact that there are 87 other keys with different tones (solutions). One could say that the cult is lacking harmony with every one and every thing outside their closed bubble.
They are overtly forcing their own death by only attacking.
‘What would Ron do?’
Hubbard wanted a captive audience, and dead Hubbard has one, to the audience’s bane.
Moral of the story, don’t become a captive audience of a cult megalomaniac.
Scientology cult doctrines keep a captive audience. Quit it any way you can.
Ongoing cult captive audience members are left holding the bag of the cult megalomaniac, enforcing the cult crap on newbies.
That’s Scientology, and it’s L. Ron Hubbard’s cult playbook the members are left holding the bag.
Quit fast, and better never join.