Not really “views.” They probably mean clicks.
Keep paying those clickfarms enough and they will get you a billion.
This is part of the lies presented to the sheeple that there is “massive interest” in scientology and new people are “flooding up the Bridge.”
Don’t try and make sense of the image they have used. Just read the text. The image is bizarre — broken hearted planet? Planetary heart attack? Valentine’s Day? Who knows?
Here is some reality.
ScientologyTV showing they have a total of 160 viewers! Most of those are probably staff and registrars hoping to find some raw meat tuning in.
160 viewers on planet earth!
This is so small it isn’t even a tiny blip on the flat-line across the bottom of the cardiogram screen…
But scientology keeps telling itself how relevant, expanding and important it is.
All those things, assuming they’re true, (or that they have even a nodding acquaintance with reality) are BIG ONLY in very small minds.
that would still only be a quarter million ‘views’ per day, if true. there are literally ferrets on TikTok who get more actual traffic than that.
Alexa is still operating until the end of the month, and it shows the site ranks a dismal #396,186:
that’s in about the same ballpark as, the site of a group founded by someone who had been on the the staff of Scientology early on as well as following several other gurus of the period, who went on to found their own group that was never large or well known, and which is now much shrunken and virtually forgotten.
I think that Scilons are the funniest when they’re dead serious. And it seems to always work against them any time they get involved in mass media geared towards the general public. In this arena they lack perspective, skill, and media savvy, not to mention a lot of bad policy and advice from the One and Only.
Why do they continue to fail? Why can’t they learn from their mistakes? I can tell you from personal experience that Scn will eventually extinguish whatever creative spark you have. So in effort to rejuvenate their stunted imaginations, here are some ideas for streaming media that I’d bet any money would get more viewers than their dull and tepid channel.
Chicago Stockyards – Live
The Recording Hits of Charles Manson
Inside the Amazing World of Lorena Bobbitt
Bigfoot Answers Your Questions
Touhou Masters
Adolph Eichman’s Paradise in Argentina
Think big COS, think big. Your channel needs a serious makeover. Let’s do lunch, babe.
And the BIG! HUGE!! INCREDIBLE !!! EVENT OF THE YEAR!!!!: The Tribble shows us how it feeds and cares for Demento, the tumour that cannot be surgically removed. Darn, I’m thinking of our reality and not the shrinking bubble universe of $camology.
I would vote for Bigfoot Answers Your Questions.
That would have to make more sense and be more interesting.
There are quite literally (I recently discovered this via a co-worker whilst she was viewing it on her lunch break as she was eating – ick) channels dedicated to people videoing their acne being treated and other skin conditions being treated. (I tried to type this delicately as it is far more in-depth literally and figuratively. It’s not for the squeamish, IMO.)
I learned there are countless channels, which are very popular, with millions of views and have gone viral. It appears I’m one of the last to know according to the numbers of channels and videos she scrolled past on her IPad when I expressed disbelief.
People prefer to watch acne being manually removed over CoS TV/websites. Come to think of it, as much as it both repulsed me and left me absolutely confused as to the allure when she was trying to explain it to me (to each their own), my weak stomach and all, I’d pick that over CoS programming any day. No pun intended.
So, a very long way of saying, people would rather watch bacteria and puss being drained as opposed to the alleged way to save the universe.
I’d venture acne medication/treatment is also is a bazillion times more effective, and less expensive I’d wager, at going clear. Pun intended.
I can’t fathom an entity bragging or claiming how successful their audio visual platform is, how many it reaches, and justify the expense when acne drainage is exponentially more popular than you could ever hope to be.
Respectfully- BB
400,000,000 views. ONLY in his tiny dreams could THAT happen, and then only over a decade or two of people idly clicking through DirecTV’s channels. That’s not gonna be me, of course. I’m sticking with the local cable outfit because it has a better channel line-up that DOESN’T include any of that drek.
I am so happy for you & proud that you got the Hell OUT of this horrible cult. A man whose wife Shelly has NOT been seen in over a decade. The “local authorities” take the word of the “cult members” that Shelly is all well & good but does NOT want to “appear in person”……….HUH?
Gee my Father hasn’t been seen in person in 32 years, my Uncle hasn’t been seen in person in 17 years, my mother hasn’t been seen in person in 7 years…..that’s because they are DECEASED & this poor excuse about Shelly not wanting to make an in person appearance has me highly concerned.
After all, if you have NOTHING TO HIDE, YOU HIDE NOTHING………….let’s me think now…how does that childhood game rhyme go……
I tried watching it a couple of times and found it impossible to watch for more than a couple of minutes
That’s why they can’t even get their “parishioners” to click over to the dreck channel: “Oh, yeah, I watched it for a while last Tuesday.” Might have been Tuesday 8 weeks ago in truth. 160 clicks is down amongst the statistical noise, average DirecTV viewers just hitting “Up-channel” by accident, not knowing what STV is, or being just stoned enough that it seemed interesting for awhile.
ADDENDUM TO MY LAST COMMENT: Something just occurred to me, Rinder. Even if you DO have my house SWATed again, and EVEN IF the cops put a bullet right between my eyes – I would still win, Mike. If I won (as if there needs to be an if there) the game of Touhou (Which I decided shall be Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil), and you slit my throat and took the prize money anyway – Victory would still be mine.
Why? Because the joke’s on YOU, Rinder. I’m an Illegal Preclear. REALLY ILLEGAL. I’ve had psychs attaching electrodes to my head since I was 5 years old. Maybe even younger than that, if you catch my drift. Is the fact that I’m an Illegal Preclear still so funny to you, now that you know that? Is my psych history still amusing to you, You Degraded Being oral consumer of male chickens. The psychs muffed this body right into the ground, Rinder. There’s no way I can ascend the Bridge with it. If you blow my psych drug soaked fried brains out – I automatically ascend one step up the Bridge – completely for free and without effort. Illegal Preclear to regular Preclear. And the Church doesn’t have to lift a finger to attempt to handle my broken body.
There is literally nothing you can do to me, Mike Rinder. Even if you kill me, I still win. I understand why you don’t respond to my comms. It’s because I remind you of the only person on this planet that you truly fear. Don’t you want to finally confront that fear, Rinder? If only by proxy?
Remember what I told you – even if you go for the cheapest thing you can do and have me killed – I. Still. Win.
You still at least have A CHANCE to beat me at a Danmaku game though.
At least DO SOMETHING constructive with your life and give Twitch viewers something ACTUALLY entertaining to watch.
Not that your podcast isn’t entertaining – Outlandish lies about abuse and torture make for good entertainment. Unfortunately for you – No one believes that David Miscavige regularly tarred and feathered you or whatever the Hell you say happened. Those lies worked very well for you in the past. Pity for you that everyone and their grandmother nowadays has an HD camera in their pocket, and yet not a single clip of footage of David Miscavige even getting slightly mad exists.
That game is over for you, Rinder. Time to start a new one – specifically Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
-Amanda Mullen
As I said earlier. Please seek some help
Wow. this is one seriously strange person.
I’ve seen a few of her postings elsewhere and this one is one of her relatively sane and calm ones.
Seriously creepy.
No one is afraid of her. No one really wants to engage with her as we’ve got better things to do than banter with a lost mind.
After doing some checking on other sites she has posted on I have to agree that help is definitely required.
Is this a fair representation of an unfiltered scientologist of today? because this is worse than I ever even imagined………….jeez
I find this comment sad. Please find someone to speak to, it sounds like a crisis is happening to you.
You need help lady! Seek it urgently because you sound like someone on drugs! Leave Mike alone.
You’re funny Amanda. Please don’t lose your sense of humor. Serious seldom if ever works out well with a keyboard.
You have yourself a nice day and think about all the good you do in the world and all the people who rely on you.
That’s SO sad, Amanda. You should go see a professional to have your meds rebalanced; It’s past time.
WOW Amanda, is that what Scientology does to you, mad as a box of frogs.
How very sad that you are filled with so much hate. Hate eats you from the inside out….it destroys your mind, heart, soul (if you HAVE one) & deeply affects your physical & mental health. I don’t know about your PHYSICAL health….but it’s quite obvious from your continued HATE filled rants that the hate has affected your mental capacity.
I know the powers that be won’t ALLOW you to seek help from a licensed QUALIFIED MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT so I fully expect to see further unbalanced statements.
No one can save you, you need to save yourself by seeking help outside the Bubble.
No negative footage of COB? Please feel free to post the positive footage. Exactly, there is no footage. Quite the shy man.
Today is my 36th birthday, and all I want is to know WHERE is SHELLY?
Hear that, Dave? Best gift ever.
Don’t hold yer breath, Clay. He CAN’T let her see the light of day; she knows ‘way too much.
Hello again, Rinder. I see you aren’t answering my comms anymore. I can’t believe you have so little self-respect that you, as an OT2, allow yourself to be defeated by an Illegal Preclear so easily. How does it make you feel that I’m BETTER THAN YOU at the thing you spent $3 million on, when I only spent $300? Since I’m such a kind, merciful individual though – I’ll give you a chance to reclaim your dignity so you don’t go down in history as a TOTAL wife beating, child abusing DB.
I’m going to be running a few charity Twitch streams in the coming days, leading up to a Touhou marathon charity stream for the CCHR for COB David Miscavige’s birthday. I’ll make you a wager – if you can beat me at a game of Touhou (I’m such a nice person I’ll even pick one of the easier ones so you at least stand a chance.)
The Ideal scene would be that we have the match on April 30th, but if you need more time to prepare, I’ll allow it. Because I’m such a nice person. The stakes are – if I win, the money earned goes to the CCHR. If you win – the money goes to the Aftercash-I MEAN Aftermath Foundation. There’s probably a less than 1% chance you’ll actually accept my challenge, being that you are a counter-intentioned oral consumer of male chickens. But my offer is on the table no matter what. You want to actually settle this feud like civilized adults – via Touhou – or do you just want to continue to be a DB and hide behind Leah Remini’s LITERAL fake ass? I eagerly await your communication.
PS: If you don’t respond to my comm by April 30th – I win by default. Also, I used my real name because it not like it matters since your pathetic simps Doxxed me!
I would advise you seek some professional help.
So would just about everyone else, LOL.
To which illegal PC are you referring?
$3,000,000/300? What’s THAT referring to? I haven’t seen anything like that ANYwhere, and I have a fair memory for numbers.
Yeah Jere, she is referring to herself as an illegal PC. She made that pretty clear on ESMB Redux before getting banned.
Why BAN her? She’s not going to hurt anyone but herself. Not enough capability, evidence shows.
She was also making accusations of prosecutable crimes against named people.
Touhou is such a valuable skill, it’s really going to help you get on in life.
So Amanda, which asylum do you inhabit?
She RUNS the place, don’cha know?
So, being “happy, responsible, and appreciative” are WEAKNESSES? No wonder only 160 people are watching!
Liars eventually get caught.
It’s long past time for the lies of scientology™ to be fully revealed — to those who the lies have trapped. Sadly, it’s such a LONG process for the real Truth Rundown® to be executed properly. It’s crippled by the fact that hypnosis can’t be used to combat scn’s hypnotic “tech” [techniques].