Scientology is making a really big deal about their new episode featuring Chick Corea.
Chick is an interesting story that has been mentioned before.
He got into financial troubles when his wife was hammering his credit cards. David Miscavige had known Chick for a long time because his father, Ron, was good friends with Ron Moss, Chick’s manager. (Ron Moss is father of Elisabeth Moss of Handmaid’s Tale fame). Miscavige was alerted to the problem and not wanting a “flap” with one of scientology’s longest term celebrities, brought in Lyman Spurlock as a CPA to look through his finances. The picture was grim. Ron Moss was the easy scapegoat. Miscavige came up with a plan to bail out Chick by buying the Mad Hatter studios. Scientology paid him a very friendly price to infuse him with some cash and Miscavige had another white elephant on his hands (a sound recording and mixing studio in LA when he had the biggest and best at Gold). He proceeded to throw money at it to “renovate” the property and then grabbed various SO members to “man it.” It never did anything useful and then was made utterly useless when the KCET studios were purchased and renovated at great expense.
But that is a sideline to the real point.
Where are the other celebrities?
The ONLY way scientology might attract some viewers to their very lame TV “network” would be if they had some shows about Tom Cruise, John Travolta or Elisabeth Moss. Why hasn’t Tom, the “king of dissemination” done a program for scientology TV? Or JT? Or Elisabeth?
Or even their old-washed up “celebrities” like Kirstie or Jenna Elfman?
If clearing the planet is such an important thing for everyone, how come they’re not using this brlliant breakthrough in mass dissemination to actually disseminate?
The answer is pretty obvious. These days scientology is too toxic to be associated with.
The limits of time, hours in the day, and issues to focus on as important or not, in life, always push out mind so many other things going on in the world and in history, which get left out of one’s thoughts about it all.
The omitted parts of life one never gets around to thinking about, to me, are what have blotted out Scientology the most.
There is just so much other content, to life, that drowns out Hubbard’s Scientology content.
The “strategies” of Scientology, haven’t been given any papers nor writings even in media.
But the WDC members, and the Exec Strata members, one of their first primary chores was to do up the initial or updated “strategic plan” for their positions, and Hubbard have the permanent longterm guidelines for their zones in the Scientology “top management” bureaucracy.
The “strategic plans”, history of, of the long spread out succession of WDC members and Exec Strata members, and who those “strategic plans” eventually came to nothing, and individually their focused upon points, doesn’t get any credit one way or another for anything in Scientology’s history.
The Hubbard writings, and the administrative “strategic planning” writings of his final years, is just an omitted framework and “power” that guided, for better or worse, also, behind the scenes in the 1980s era of “top management.”
The way I always felt is hugely omitted in judging Scientology, is against Hubbard’s final years of “strategic” and how he “turned over” his “hats” to the WDC, Exec Strata, and the almost operating “top management” of the final 10 years of the movement, as he aged and passed finally.
“Scientology Top Management History” book still needs be written.
It is wholly out of consideration when thinking of the movement.
Hubbard put a lot of thought and orders, and policies, over the years, and to wrap one’s wits around the framework that did exist in the 1980s, which gets no discussion, the “omitted top management history” which did have some influence back then, up to the 1990s, also needs mentioning.
The decimation of “top management” for all the reasons, the quick obvious biggest reason for the decline, is not keeping it manned and trained and built up.
Of course this in one outside overviewing way is a good thing that “top management” failed and even Hubbard wrote such a variety of scathing condemnations of “management”, the one private despatch the INCOMM, computer branch private “INCOMM advices” study, is the “management has failed for the millionth time” comment in one of the late 1970s or early 1980s despatches which I “Method 9 word cleared” when I became INCOMM staff and “word cleared” all the private INCOMM computer branch “advices” of LRH’s.
Miscavige, is the one who has taken all the negative Hubbard comments to heart, and those unfortunate but logical to the personality of Hubbard comments, sprinkled behind the scenes in the private orders/advices, add up to justifying Miscaviges letting “top management” atrophy.
And even, then, on top of that, the subject, Scientology, it isn’t just a celebrity supported human subject which can be hyped (“hype” is an order in the Author Services Inc advices, one advice in particular to Gregy Wilhere when Greg as the Fiction sub section boss, was that Greg’s submitted plan to Hubbard didn’t have enough “hype” and believe me, since then, “hype” was policy at ASI and that to me is why in Miscavige’s head from that moment til now, “hype” is still king, it’s Hubbard ASI policy) anyways Greg’s fiction plan didn’t have enough “hype”; my objection which Hubbard omits to consider, is that salesman “hype” fails, when the product is NOT as promised.
“OTs” never were made in sCientology history.
The Scientology product fails not only for lack of “hype” or celebrity glitz, or for lack of “top management” strategies getting all the staffs and members in line hyping and glamouring the product.
The product is Hubbard’s “million dollar baby” (to steal Oscar winning Paul Haggis’ movie title), and Hubbard’s product is a lie in human history.
The Scientology Hubbard stepladder massive laid out “soul improvement” and “soul powers” achievement operation does not produce supernaturally improved humans.
The Scientology and Hubbard product in the end, is a fraud.
News catches up with fraud subjects, despite all the other backlash for the totalitarian rules of the movement, or the harsh dictatorial events of a bully leader like Miscavige.
Chuck Beatty
Here celebs, use this statement in full or in part, to announce your departure from scientology. A gift from me to you.
(Posted in the past in articles regarding TC, not ever used by him; geez Tom, c’mon!)
“While I have gained some benefits from the practices of scientology, my conscience can not allow me to remain a member of an organization that has a proven track record of human rights abuses. I ask forgiveness from anyone that was influenced by me to become a member of scientology, and for anyone that was hurt by my membership.”
Then write your tell-all book, and rake in some cash.
How about the true name of scamology? Scio in Greek for knowledge and Greek, scip-io for scam. So we get the real name of the cult, Scientscipio. Knowing how to Scam.
Shelly could do a show about her home!
Where’s Shelly, Dave? Where’s Shelly!?!
love your work Mr Rinder and as someone who walked into the Church of Scientology New York City “org” 6 years ago to get you that “scoop” about the state of that org I must say it’s been a pleasure seeing you warn others about the dangers of Scientology. Keep on fighting the good fight and thank you for making me a believer in the notion that people can change for the better.
Gregory Broderick
(aka: The Special Correspondent who walked into the New York Org 6 years ago)
Good job, Gregory Broderick! Thank you getting that intel to Mike Rinder and all of us!
New York “Ideal” M’org is located half a block from Time Square, “The Crossroads of The World”, with roughly half a million people trooping thru every single day, for one reason or another. That bears repeating: HALF A MILLION people in the immediate area EVERY DAY. So, what would THIS m’org’s excuse be for not training auditors or making Clears? Why isn’t their Div 6 TEAMING with new faces eager for Scientology? Their Facebook page flat out shows these statistic to be in dismal Non E. Why? “Not enough foot traffic” as a reason can certainly be ruled out! I wonder what staff there tell themselves when they hear their voices echoing in the halls.
Chick was very friendly to me after I completed the original OT VIII in 1988. I ran into him at the airport in Los Angeles. He thanked me for being the “pioneer” in Scientology. He shook my hand and gave me a lot of positive emotion.
When I was on the Freewinds in 1988, Chick performed for us. I never told him but his music really took a dive after he got serious with Scientology. When I heard him in his early days, I really liked his music. His Freewinds performance was vastly inferior but I never told him. His wife also gave us a talk on the Freewinds. She said that Chick was doing much better. It seemed odd that she would tell us that. Travolta went down hill after Scientology. The guy that bucked the trend seems to be TC.
George, it looks to me like virtually all Scientology celebs’ careers, and art, decline with their involvement. Cruise got some major acting accolades including an Oscar nomination early on, but none since his involvement deepened, though he’s managed to promote himself in a way that has lead to large box office earnings for his action character franchise – I see that as a phenomenon similar to how so many members are involved in businesses that are based on hype rather than providing superior products and services.
No active member has ever won an Oscar, or an Emmy for TV work. I suspect that auditing does something like reducing the emotional range and depth necessary for good acting, plus Scientology takes away actors’ time and focus from the sort of craft-building work like theater productions that are not very remunerative, but is just what has helped Nicole Kidman go onto success including an Oscar, while TC molders as an actor and flops in films outside of the one-dimensional character role he has down pat. It may also be that Hubbard’s bizarre philosophies about art, its origins and purpose may cause followers to conceive of their work in a way that hampers true creativity.
Yea, you hit it. This explains why people with all of that money just fade out. It is Hubbard’s misconceptions.
Paul Haggis got several Oscars in the early 2000s, before quitting 2009.
Which brings to mind his unfortunate legal cases are still ongoing, I hope he beats them.
Chuck, I meant to specify that no active member has even won an Oscar for acting. If you look at their IMDB entries, there’s a pretty clear trajectory where even nominations for acting awards drop off after they get heavily involved in Scientology – Cruise for instance has only gotten 2 nominations and no wins for major acting awards since 2000, while he had 7 nominations (including 3 for Oscars) and 2 Golden Globe wins in the decade before.
And just yesterday I heard something on the radio about new accolades for Nicole Cruise, mentioning her Oscar, which she of course won after she got free of Scientology….
Old and washed up celebs Alley and Elfman, chewed up and spit out by Hollywood yet have some other fish to fry. Krustie has thrown in the towel on promoting anything healthy and is under contract for TV commercials with Krispy Kreme. She’s also helping the Third World via Clickbait for her blog.
Millions in Bangledesh depend upon Krustie and as a New OT8 she is actively working on her Whole Track goals via her Whole Track purposes of Eating and Tweeting. And Jenna, well, she’s not making any money but she’s very…busy, shall we say, making a HUGE difference on the Fifth Dynamic. Jenna’s EXCHANGE with the Fifth Dynamic is ENORMOUS as her favorite stallion will attest. This is a family blog so let’s just say that with her husband’s enthusiastic approval and support, Jenna is a Full Service Horse Groomer & Equestrienne.
I wonder what the internal justification is for giving the celebrities a pass in participating in ScnTV. I’m sure the working actors’ agents have objected that active affiliation with Scientology would cause significant career damage, and so I’m guessing that the CofS has some rationale such as that the current suppressive environment justifies giving celebs a pass until a sort of “all clear” status can be attained – and that they leverage the situation to get large, quiet cash donations instead.
For some time now I’ve been wondering the same thing, and I came to the SAME conclusion that you did above. The cult KNOWS how toxic their PR is and is afraid of its power to adversely affect the celeb’s income. Ergo the cult’s mulligan for cherished celebs’ lack of dissemination. BUT, aha, not so fast! By way of AMENDS for this overt, and to make them take responsibility for it, insist that they fork over more money, more often! Looking from the cult’s point of view this makes total sense. And taking this further, I’ll bet the cult is giving mulligans to ordinary Scientologists also, for scrubbing their social media of all mention of Scientology, while at the same time hitting them up for plenty more in the way of, as you’ve called it, “large, quiet cash donations”. QUELLE nightmare and mindf**ck!
Oh, yeah, I remember when Chick sold the studio. I think he sold his publishing too. I know he sold his house in Los Feliz (not a good idea) and moved to Clearwater (an even worse idea). I didn’t realize it was Gayle running up the credit cards that prompted it all tho.
None of the $cieno cleb whales would every publicly shill for the Clampire. Travolta may get away with that ‘beautiful religion’ crap, but none would ever pull a full couch jumping Cruise. That is the kiss of death.
Now if Tom Cruise were to endorse the Hong Kong protesters, then China would kick him right between the box offices. And make anyone who would ever invest in one of his movies run away screaming. ‘Smart’ clebs know better to shit where they live.
‘Over Heard In The Free Zone’.
Who the Hell is this guy? Doesn’t this person realize that it’s ALL MAKE BELIEVE!
This was taken from the free zone.
OSD you obviously have several misunderstood words if you think it is Make-Believe. Please word clear your MU’s before you post such blasphemous nonsense here.
Ok. I’m sorry. Can I pay my way out of this?
it’s not mere Make-Believe. Oh no. It’s Make-Know!
It’s by the Certainty that you know the cult 😉
Let me state the obvious. Paying Corea a “friendly price to infuse him with some cash” arguably violated Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), which specifically requires that “no part of the net earnings of [the nonprofit organization] inures to the benefit of any private shareholder OR individual.”
It’s also just sick that they’ve propped up Corea, while regular members and staff are going broke, filing bankruptcy and having their homes repossessed, dying early because of lack of health care, being left without money to educated their children or have a decent retirement, and so on.
Unfortunately Scientology has mastered the art of getting away with abuses and illegalities that would be hard to prove, particularly when they have virtually limitless legal resources to defend themselves and tie up any opponents in protracted actions. And on top of that they have the advantage of operating in a political environment in which any organization with religious status is treated as essentially untouchable, except for the gravest of crimes.
In a case like this, it would be hard to make a case that the price paid wasn’t just within a range of fair market values, unless there were multiple defectors with inside information to corroborate such abuses, or hard evidence that Scientology knew the fair market value and chose to pay more. A music studio and, arguably, the value of its name and reputation (the sort of point that even corporate accountants disagree wildly on), is an unusual property and difficult to put a price on
Poison in a smaller amount stimulate and poison in a larger amount kill so how high can people reach and still be alive?
Great points Mike. Wasn’t Kirstie going all psycho about Leah online a while ago? Maybe DM thinks that she is too weird even for the cult.
Wynski, you have what it takes! And, again, your posts great! Ya hear me?
And YOU DO have the words, Wynski!!!
That interview she did on Howard Stern where she calls Leah a bigot cracked me up. She had a Sylvester the Cat moment where, when I think it was when she said the word scientology it came out with a bit of a gurgle with the first part of “scient”ology. I expected her say Thufferin thuccotash! She’s a bigot and I doesn’t wikes hers anymores.
I can’t stand her now. Never liked her much, ever, even on Cheers, when she wasn’t too bad because the show had good writers. I thought Shelley Long was much funnier though. But Krustie? No talent, nothing going for her except the same boring schtick about her weight fluxuations and an indefatigable potty mouth she thinks is funny. I will say this for her though; back in the day, before Cheers, she WAS stunning. Quite beautiful, IMO, back then. Looking like that, how she could ruin herself, just wreck her looks which was all she had going for her; how she could do what she did to herself physically is quite beyond my comprehension. But looks or no looks, her abiding sin has always been being a no-talent bimbo. Which is not too bad when you’re young, slim, beautiful, no talent bimbo. But now she’s an old, fat, ugly, no talent bimbo.
PS: In case I haven’t made it sufficiently clear, I don’t like her ..
:PS: In case I haven’t made it sufficiently clear, I don’t like her ..”
LOL Aquamarine, I’m glad you cleared that up because I wasn’t quite sure.
I did search on line to see if I could find that interview and did find another one that was interesting where she told Stern that she has two daughters who are in, and implied that they were free to make it their own choice. My question to Kirstie would be, so, if either, or both of your children had decided they didn’t want to be part of the cult would you disconnect from them? Another thought was that if Alley ever disappeared the way Shelly did, Leah would fight just as hard for her just the way she has for anyone else.
Great questions for her that she would probably never answer, Peggy. And, yes, Leah would have fought for her, I’m sure. They were friends back in the day.
I was thinking about what I wrote above this morning. WHY do I dislike her so much, REALLY? Because, frankly, she’s no more or less smug obnoxious than many other Still Ins. So while taking my morning shower I did some soul searching about what it is about her that raises the hackles so much. Without getting political its similar to what raises the hackles about Donald Trump.
Analytically, and in fairness, there ARE things she does that I like and admire; she advocates for abused animals, circus animals; she’s against rodeos and she’s for the preservation of vanishing wildlife.
Just like, analytically, and in fairness, there actually IS 1 single solitary thing I admire about Donald Trump, namely, that he had the nerve to RUN for president. That he can act out of his own postulates very single-mindedly. This doesn’t cancel out what I can’t stand about him but of itself I do admire this quality – “persistence on a given course” in someone even if it is misdirected and misapplied.
thanks OSD!
Thank you for being you!
Agree and that toxicity covers many countries, not just the US.
Lets face it, Miscavige has been the only one to have up trending stats on ‘Bad Press for Scientology’. Historic highest ever, and the bad press and flaps keep going. Outstanding production for disasters.
Even the Devil in Hell has written him a commendation and has a special section reserved for him, with eternity guaranteed and is for free.
There is a long list of celebrities associated with scientology, but the list of ‘disappeared’ celebrities is much longer than the current list of active celebrities. This is the case even if you include the current yahoos that appear on various celebrity centre flyers shilling for the cult by doing seminars telling ‘raw meat’ how to break into the Hollywood game even though they haven’t been able to do that themselves.
It’s early where I’m at and I haven’t had coffee yet, but a short list of “where are they now in the annals of scientology” comes immediately to mind..
John Brodie
Lou Rawls
Charles Lake
Edgar Winter
Jimmie Spheris
Nicky Hopkins
Karen Black
William Boroughs
Mimi Rogers
Milton Kastelas
Sonny Bono
Lisa Marie Presley
Neil Gaiman
…and so on
The last I heard Lisa Marie Presley was an enemy of Scientology.
otherles, Lisa Marie may be an enemy of scientology, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make. The bottom line is that scientology celebs sort of mirror the greater scientology world. There are FAR more ex-scientology celebs than there are current scientology celebs. Just as there are FAR more ex-scientologists than current scientologists. In fact, scientology celebs are practically nonexistent. They have a minuscule impact when it comes to promoting scientology when they should be out there shouting from the rooftops how great the cult really is. When asked about scientology connections, most of them deflect and don’t honestly answer these questions. The cult doesn’t really put these folks front and center as poster people for scientology. Probably because they have been burned in the past by such celebs as Jason Beghe and Michael Fairman. Regarding scientology, you can take this maxim to the bank, “you’re only as good as your last reg cycle”. The cult cares nothing about anything else. They don’t care about results because they have yet to make a ‘clear’ or ‘OT’. Hubbard tried to tout results in the very early 50s when he took the stage with Sonia Bianca and failed miserably. But, cash in the bank is a stat they can always live with. Who gives a shit about celebs and results.
“only as good as your last Reg cycle” … never more summarizing a statement made.
Add to the list, Chicks wife, GayleMoran, shes really dis appeared ,
Welcome to scientology, the cult of public relations and exaggeration. Season four, it’s been a pretty quick four years, seeing that it launched March 2018. Two years from now, we’ll hear about season seventy six trillion. If they stretch this, do you think they stretch the truth elsewhere? Considering the local idle morgue weekly bodies in the shop is around 50, and that is mostly staff that paid for courses, how do we arrive at the 10 million scientologists worldwide number? There must be one really crowded morgue somewhere. Or the 10 million number is a lie as well.
O/T. Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam received a Certificate of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles as a “Community Activist” and “Voice of the City” for his “commitment and dedication to the South Los Angeles Community.”
The certificate was signed by Los Angeles City Councilman for the New 9th District Curren D. Price, Jr. on behalf of the City of Los Angeles. Rizza Islam says he was honored for working with inner city youth. He apparently received the certificate at his recent speaking appearance at The Little Voices event for foster children.
Rizza Islam says, ‘Out of jail to being recognized for doing the work.”
This certificate should prove helpful at his sentencing if he is convicted of felony Medi-Cal fraud.
‘The certificate was signed by Los Angeles City Councilman for the New 9th District Curren D. Price, Jr.* on behalf of the City of Los Angeles. Rizza Islam says he was honored for working with inner city youth.’
These Scumbags could Not get away with what they do without the aid/assistance of Affiliated *Scumbags.