Tony Ortega published an article by Rod Keller Saturday about the Volunteer Ministers response to Hurricane Dorian: Hurricane Dorian’s destruction provides scientology another chance at make-believe.
It includes a photo op of 7 “VM’s” pushing around a half full shopping cart at Walmart…
This is the “largest private relief force on earth” and they dress up in yellow jackets, grab a few kids and shop for supplies at Walmart.
They have the deluded chutzpah to announce “we are activating 1,000 Volunteers for immediate deployment…”
Not in a million years.
Despite the fact that Florida is “ideal” — with 3 Class V “ideal orgs” and Flag, as well as an “ideal” mission in Ocala and Belleair — they couldn’t round up 1,000 people to volunteer for anything, Hell, they still struggle to get 2,000 just to attend the March 13 event and that includes 1000 staff.
Turns out, the “immediate deployment” was 30 VM’s who were going to leave on 4 September. No telling if any of them actually did leave.
There is no update since then — they followed up their press release about how they were going to do something about Dorian with a press release about VM’s hosting a Cavalcade in Canada and Valley Org holding an open mic night…
No further mention of the VM’s and Dorian.
And this is the VM’s FB page — nothing since their announcement of “Urgent Help is Needed”…
Obviously, in the world of scientology this is NOT an urgent situation, worthy of any updates or efforts beyond rehashing news stories about how terrible the destruction was and then falsely claiming they are sending 1,000 people to help out.
The Volunteer Ministers program, like so much else in scientology, has as its primary reason for existence:
a. Generating good PR for scientology
b. Generating income for the IAS
NOTHING in scientology survives if it does not benefit scientology. And when anything appears to be a public benefit, a quick look behind the smokescreen of photo ops, press releases and self-congratulatory hype will always reveal the true nature of the beast.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
I could understand a TOUCH of yellow, but what’s a “TOUGH” of yellow?
In scn-land ‘way out on the left coast, the LA area, I’m a bit worried it MIGHT mean something.
Roger Larsson says
Ron had a hit duringt the second world war. He sank subs of Japs. Alot of fish float up.
The original TR is Birds fly, japs swim and clams shut up.
Joe Pendleton says
Outside of internal consumption , who in the world pays any attention to church of scientology press releases?
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
scn-watchers also pay attention to their ‘press releases’, if only to get the current depths of their desperation.
Kati Maines says
If anyone is wondering about a good place to donate for Hurricane relief I recommend Samaritan’s Purse. It is a Billy Graham organization. Their annual report is online and anyone can check it. They send 87%+ directly to relief. No heavy admin fees. Just a suggestion. They are on the ground.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
IMO, the BEST people to donate to are the Red Cross. They’re legendary for good reasons.
c8h10n4o2 says
Heart to Heart International is a good one, too. They have mobile medical clinics that they move around for disasters. Only 2% to administration fees.
FPjr says
What you posted is absolutely the truth. Thank you for posting the info.
Having experience along first-responder lines it was satisfying to me to see the police/securuty turn away everyone. Elected officials and bureaucrats wanted in for the same selfish reasons as the culters. They start out as a liability and it goes downhill from that.
All the VMs are doing is doubling down on their own delusion.
Robert King says
Was the Aftermath episode 2 weeks ago the last one their going to film ?
If yes.. wonder if we will get any future updates , info regarding the fight?
Phillip says
Like most everything in $ci.. this VM folderol is meant strictly for internal consumption because it can’t withstand the light of external examination.
So come over here, into this separate private room, and let me tell you an exciting secret. The problem is if you get me too fired up, then I want to proclaim how great we’re doing to outsiders and they ask pertinent probing questions that make me examine the secret info.
As for the few “costumed VMs” –
– they are dupes who are convinced their group is but a tiny portion of a larger effort or
– they are totally complicit in furthering the lie, regardless of their motivation. Now, everyone smile or look busy for the PR picture.
Mitch says
Matthew 6:1-4
Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
STLSuzy says
Amen Mitch!!!! Perfect scripture to highlight
Richard says
Punished by God is usually included along with rewarded by God.
Richard says
Organized religion has it’s “plus points and out points”. Your Father who knows what is done in secret is open for interpretation depending on one’s concept of a universal intelligence.
Richard says
Many years ago while in scientology I did the scientology Minister Course. It was required to read a book about comparative religions which I did and I was ordained as a Scientology Minster. I still have the Certificate! Therefore I’m qualified to speak of such things.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Mitch, if we’re going to be preached-to, that’s one I wish more church-goers understood, remembered, and lived by — Say, my most-recent Sister-in-Law, who is the most “churchy” and least “Christian” person I know.
Fac One says
The Scamontology Volunteer Minister Sham. Smoke and Mirrors. A clever con to give the illusion Scientology is a church.
Jane Doe 2 says
I think one other reason the church touts its VM rescue and help so much is not just for outside PR but for Inside PR. It is what they tell the sheeple to make them believe they are on the right side and they are making a difference. It is fabricated history they are writing for their own people to keep them on board and prevent them from leaving once they somehow stumble onto the truth.
Mike Rinder says
You are absolutely right
MarcAnon says
This is true. In order to counteract all the bad things you experience and see around you, it’s necessary for them to keep up the “but look at all the good we are doing” narrative, so you dismiss the problems you see as local issues and not systemic ones.
Scribe says
They also can earn possible brownie points from Dave. Pleasing COB seems to be the main cult activity these days.
PeaceMaker says
Scientology has actually been busted in the UK for making false claims about VMs, and other programs. That country has an Advertising Standards Board, I believe it is, that enforces truth in advertising about basic facts, and “OnceBorn” who sometimes comments here along with others have very admirably been active in actually doing something about it, and submitting complaints about Scientology’s claims such as to have the one of the world’s largest volunteer relief forces, and I think some of the claims about the effectiveness of the Purif as well. The complaint about the VMs’ false advertising was upheld on all counts, and Scientology had to cease and desist on the points challenged, at least in the UK.
Aquamarine says
Very interesting and good news, Peacemaker!
BKmole says
This is an opportunity for the IAS to step in to extract more money from the true believers. And the IAS guarantees that .1% of all donations will go to the VM efforts in the Bahamas.
ValR says
For untrained aid givers (this includes anyone who only knows how to give touch assists) – your biggest and best use is to STAY THE HELL AWAY from the disaster area. If they were to show up, they would only be in someone’s way. They are not needed or even wanted there.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
“Pleasing COB seems to be the main cult activity these days.”
It’s their ONLY activity, I expect. (other than staying out of his way or sight, which is about the same thing.)
Meanwhile, I half expect that these VM “relief workers” will require more assistance than they could possibly give the experienced islanders and real relief workers —This isn’t the Bahamas’ first time being smacked by a BIG storm.
I wonder if ANY of the VMs will know quite WHERE they are when they get wherever they wind up. Just getting to ANY one of the Bahamas MIGHT be “close enough” for them, considering what they’ll be able to offer. Then again, somewhere on one of the Florida Keys might be “close enough for VM work”.
Remember: “charity” is the dirtiest of words in scn, and few/none of the VMs will have any skills valuable to the clean-up, nor bring the tools or supplies needed, so will be requiring the Bahamians to ante-up before scn’s VMs can DO anything but snap pictures of themselves wearing useless yellow jackets in that tropical sun, though local forecasts show possible showers from another disturbance there. They’re unlikely to be able to take care of themselves for food or shelter. Did SOMEone arrange for accommodations before they were sent over? [Doubt it.] Do they expect that they can sponge off of a Red Cross or other emergency shelter as they search for some place to stay? Pay for food/lodging? [with what?, personal credit cards already maxed-out by the regges] Did they bring any tents or other camping gear? Perhaps more than 2 pairs of undies? IF they brought food [WHAT, they need to EAT?], can they keep it from spoiling? open the can? Cook it? Start a fire bigger than a cancer stick without charcoal briquets & a gallon of starter fluid/kerosene? At least we can expect that one or more might have a lighter or matches for their nicotine fixes, so that’s one likely useful item. Are lighters/matches allowed on planes by the TSA again? I haven’t flown for years. IIRC, they had to go into a checked bag or be confiscated.[shows my age, I guess.]
enough stream-of-consciousness. How many tens of thousands of dollars did DM require to get “donated” to send a couple or so “VMs” to somewhere in the vicinity of the Bahamas to get in the way of recovery efforts?
Do the VMs “fend for themselves” when they hit the ground? Do they have to “con” someone into letting them “camp out” in what remains of their home or hotel? Or do they head for the nearest emergency center? [of COURSE they’re entitled to use the emergency shelters! Why would anyone think differently? They’re VMs!] One good thing is that all that rain will have topped off the local water cisterns, source of most/all the water they use, “perfectly natural ” water about as pure as it gets.Showers for ALL VMs! what LUXURY.
I’d LOVE to hear the actual events that transpire as they ‘volunteer’. I bet that they don’t actually HELP anyone, but merely get in the way of the professionals and locals getting their lives back in line after having been blown off their foundations and into the sea. Maybe they’ll move a couple of palm fronds from one pile to another. Can anyone confirm I’m right or just full of “stuff”?
I really hate to be so cynical, as I’m sure the VMs are convinced they’re the ‘Best Force for Good on Teegeeack’™, but I was similarly LIED to at every possible chance ‘back in the day’, so I could well be too optimistic about their chances. I don’t know the Bahamas intimately, but visited the Virgin Islands just after Hugo, another slow-moving cat 5, caused similar destruction to the VI and Bahamas in ’89. Half a cartload of supplies from Walmart isn’t going to help ANYone, not even themselves. The Islanders have their OWN stores which can do better than that. SOME homeowners will have more emergency supplies on hand than the VMs could possibly carry down there. From what I’ve READ/heard, Marsh Harbor, the primary reporting site in the news, is a busy charter base, so has a strong infrastructure, including a few supermarkets *just* like in the States [No lie, they are super-sized & have EVERYthing including fresh baked goods.] If nothing else, the locals –including the charter companies– would have put their emergency plans into gear well BEFORE the storm hit and gotten most of the boats to safER harbors. Thus, there could well be plenty of accommodations, perhaps more than the shore-side hotels had had, (which is true in a couple of other charter locations), AND each boat has independent power, locomotion, and cooking facilities, etc.] This is not their first Cat 5 in that island, so they’ll take care of it themselves if someone gets the right SUPPLIES to them. That’ll be a few freighters’ worth of building materials and so forth, not what a few VMs can carry on their puddle-jumper plane.
I doubt that TSA will let you carry-on an 18 oz. framing hammer, which is one of the first things I would want to have on-hand to help them rebuild.Even if I didn’t swing it at a nailhead in anger, SOMEone would be delighted to use that thoughtful a gift. [I AM losing the scn “exchange” insanity slowly but surely — with determined effort. ] “Exchange” doesn’t have to be strictly transactional like Tubby demanded. When I can, I build positive Karma which I expect will likely return somehow to benefit me and mine or friends, eventually. I know some of the people I’ve helped over the years passed similar favors down to others, and suspect that those recipients in turn spread it further. The concept makes me feel better about the helpful friendliness of the future world.(Yes, I’m a bit of a Pollyanna.) In the boating community, that sort of thing is usual, a network of interconnected favors given “just because”. The way we look at it,If *we* were in a similar pickle, it’d sure be nice if someone came along and offered help, the loan of a tool, or a tow off a sand bar. “stuff” happens. We all make mistakes. ‘Neighborliness’ helps make life less crazy.
Scribe says
Acronym for dyed-in-the-wool sheep: United Scientology Churches Under Miscavige or USCUM.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
“Acronym for dyed-in-the-wool sheep: United Scientology Churches Under Miscavige or USCUM.”
Too good!
Scribe says
Cece says
There is actually a plea to find a Photographer for a brief visit to the disaster area.
I’ll try to post the link. These guys are nuts and in the way.
ValR says
“just reliable and do competent photography” SMDH
Here is my semi-annual altruism rant. If you are truly being altruistic, you don’t brag about it, you don’t photograph it, you just damn do it.
It is great that people volunteer and do things. My daughter did a live donation of a kidney to help out a dying friend. She didn’t brag about it, as a matter of fact, when the hospital presented her with a certificate, she was embarrassed. I took and kept the certificate because I was proud of her. She made me promise not to share it on FaceBook. There are multiple charitable things I do that no one photographs. That is on purpose for various reasons:
1. If you brag that you help people, every Tom, Dick and Harry will crawl out of the woodwork asking for your help. I choose who I help and usually the people I help don’t even know it was me who helped them.
2. I prefer to help anonymously. I don’t need my name or photograph splashed across the pages of the local paper, nor do I expect a trophy or certificate. I wouldn’t have room to store it if I got it. Doing good is its’ own reward.
3. I will NEVER EVER help someone who tells me I HAVE to help that group because I refuse to be guilted into giving anything to anyone.
Scientology in general and celebrities as well go out and look all shiny and pretty for the photo op then they just walk away and leave the dirty work to someone else.
If you can afford to give money and can’t afford to give time, great, but why should you brag about it? In the end, it is between you and your conscience.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
ValR, when someone just HAS to brag about doing good works, I figure they’re hiding something pretty big or compensating for something pretty small.
Fan of cults says
True. 🙃
Pedrito Miraflores says
“We are activating 1,000 Volunteer Ministers”
Since they claim 8+ million Scientologists, perhaps they should activate 25,000 Volunteer Ministers. That should be very simple for them, since only 1 in every 320 Scientologists would need to participate.
“Scientology VMs are known the world over for never turning a blind eye”
… to an opportunity to hand out The Way To Happiness pamphlets and give weird touch assists, while posing for photographs and performing for video to be glimpsed at the next IAS Gala.
PSA: Shit Scientologists Say – To Normal People
Shit Scientologists Say – To Each Other
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
“to an opportunity to hand out The Way To Happiness pamphlets and give weird touch assists,”AND later Dwarfenführer will crow about the Bahama’ crime stats taking a precipitous nosedive, not that crime’s ever been much of a problem there, if the truth were told (and DM never will, except by accident).
I can just see the wrong VM approaching the wrong guy having a bad day and him saying: I’LL show you a “touch”!
MarcAnon says
One would think that the bubble dwellers would question what they see. These press releases come out talking about “mobilizing” 1,000 VMs… but they will never see anything but a couple of staged photos of yellow shirts standing near debris, or putting soap and toiletries in baggies.
-Why do we only see photos of a handful of VMs, not a thousand?
-Why do we never see any before/after of the massive difference they supposedly made?
-Why do we donate money that supposedly goes to relief efforts, and then have to fund the relief efforts ourselves when a disaster strikes?
-Why aren’t they moving food and water, instead of non-essentials like toiletries?
-If there are MILLIONS of Scientologists around the world, why only mobilize 1,000? If they mobilized 1% of their vaunted relief force, they’d have tens of thousands descending on the area, creating massive good PR, and making a real difference. (perhaps)
Of course, relief is not the goal. The goal is to keep the bubble dwellers satisfied that Something is being Done About It so that they keep money flowing in.
[email protected] says
That is so true….if the event is not a source of income you’re not allowed off post so no staff can go. If you’re a student in scn. you’re not allowed to take time off course because the stats in the academy would crash plus al the recruiters will be on your tail to get you, “on purpose,” joining staff somewhere. So maybe there are a few old folks somewhere they don’t want to recruit and who have no money to donate? They might go? Sheeeeesh.
Idle Morgue says
Activate 1,000 for immediate deployment? Lol – that would pretty much wipe out $cientology everywhere. The organization is dead. It has been swirling around the drain for a few decades and it is finally been flushed down the drain leaving smears of dirt, grime and disgust.
The volunteer program has been nothing a propaganda tool. It is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
The van sat in our Ideal Morgue parking lot and never left. No license plates, no insurance, no movement.
It is a ad to make the public and members believe … that Scientology helps.
Scientology does not care one iota about the victims of disasters. They pulled it in.
Scientology uses the VM program to hornswoggle the members into believing Scientology is a church. Nothing more.
Jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Bingo, Idle Morgue: “They PULLED IT IN!”
Therefore, they don’t need real relief, real supplies. Such bovine-derived fertilizer.
Wynski says
Disgusting creatures leaching off the death and misery of innocent people.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Wynski:”Disgusting creatures leaching off the death and misery of innocent people.”
Don’t hold back! let us know how you really feel!
But. of course, in DM’s universe, there ARE no innocent people. They pulled it in or did the same themselves in this or a prior lifetime or some such folderol.
Dawn aka MyInnerSpace aka Opticheart says
Dave is so dumb. They have a ship called the Freewinds floating around. They wouldn’t have to fly people there. They could stop at a rich or well-supplied port of call. Load up the ship with supplies and VMs and take the ship back to the Bahamas and be photographed unloading medical supplies etc. Instant good PR. But instead they continue to run things in their usual half-assed way. They don’t really want to help anyone. It’s really sad.
Cindy says
I was thinking the same thing Dawn. The ship is in the Bahamas a lot anyway, they could unload supplies from it and also load up people whose homes were destroyed and take them somewhere else for free on the Freewinds. That would get them lots of brownie points.
Mike Rinder says
I dont think the Freewinds has ventured to the Bahamas for decades. They usually go back and forth between Curacao and Aruba which is only 80 miles because they cannot afford the fuel required to make longer trips… They venture to the Leeward islands for MV and once or twice a year to Cartagena…
Freewinds is more aptly a dock ship than a cruise ship
Cindy says
Mike thanks for the correction, my geographical bad. When I wrote that comment I knew the Freewinds would never take anyone anywhere for free, mainly because their fuel cost is huge and they don’t have the same number of paying customers they used to back in the day. And also they won’t take people for free just on principle because it’s not the Scn way. I was just pointing out that if the church really wanted to help, they could use the ship to bring supplies that are needed, like water, instead of “helping” with WTH booklets that just mean more cleanup for someone else as they cover the ground in litter.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
The problem with “freewinds” taking anyone anywhere for FREE just can’t happen. They would have to pay full freight aka ‘whatever the market will bear’ BEFORE they could step onboard, or even on her dock. AND who’s going to pay to fill up her fuel tanks before she goes ANYwhere? You know what it costs to feed those hungry engines, fill the empty pantries? SOMEone gotta pay. There ain’t no such thing as a free ANYTHING in scientology, don’cha know?
Dwarfenfuehrer says
Dwarfenführer is a quite good description 😋 of HIM.
They (20.000 cultists) are noticed meanwhile only by us, the bigger antagonistc group of ex-cultmembers.
Dwarfenfuehrer says
Yes, the ship!!
You should become the Dwarfenführer now. Unfortunately i can not elect you.
Dave has to go into RPF.
By the way: where are the 70 and more “hole” members now?
Jenyfurrr says
PS – To my post above… many outlets are reporting an estimated 70,000 people are currently homeless in the Bahamas. Though the media will move on, these people truly need long term help and support. So huge thanks to Mike, Rod Keller & Tony’s blog for exposing one of many opportunists (criminals) for using a very real and devastating disaster to generate funds and PR for selfish/self-serving purposes.
Prayers, love and support to everyone in The Bahamas and to those of you with loved ones there!
Jenyfurrr says
Also telling that their post had only 12 likes/acks. If they were truly sending 1000 volunteers (which would present a tremendous strain on limited resources and space there, so no way The Bahamian Ministry would allow…) they’d have thousands of supporters acknowledging their post. They can’t even get as many people to notice/respond to their post as they claim to be sending!
It’s disgusting and an affront to the true thousands (more likely hundreds of thousands…) of people supporting through tangible TRULY needed donations, volunteers here and there, being coordinated so they’re genuinely helpful to the very real needs and devastation our brothers and sister in the Bahamas are experiencing right now.
For those wanting to help for REAL (not imaginary PR opportunity “help”) here are some ways and places to donate (GoFundMe is carefully vetting fundraising efforts and this article includes the link to campaigns they’ve confirmed are genuine):
Scribe says
Probably should be renamed the Volunteer Manipulators. I wonder if there’s a bigger scam in the world today than Scientology.
Pmeier says
Yes the Mafia. But scn is orgaized like a mafia branch.
Belynda says
‘The American Red Cross is not accepting any donations of water, food, clothes, relief supplies or other household items for domestic efforts or for the Bahamas Red Cross. Although we appreciate people’s generosity, our chapter locations do not have the capacity to accept these donations.
People can make monetary donations directly to the Bahamas Red Cross at The American Red Cross also continues to accept donations for the Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in the United States.
You can make a difference in the lives of people impacted by Hurricane Dorian in the U.S. Visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS, or text the word DORIAN to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
‘For those interested in helping people specifically in the Bahamas, we ask that they write “Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas” in the memo line of a check and mail it to the local Red Cross chapter with the completed donation form at, or mention that they’d like their donation to go to the Bahamas if they call.
We know that people are generous and want to do everything they can to help after a disaster. The first priority for the Red Cross is to provide shelter and support to those affected, and financial donations are the quickest and best way to get help to those who need it most.
The best way to support Red Cross efforts in the southeastern United States and in the Bahamas is through your financial generosity.’
This is just one of several posts made by the Red Cross regarding relief efforts for hurricane Dorian. Additionally, in one, they specifically mentioned the fact that (paraphrase) they particularly Did Not Want people Randomly Showing Up to ‘Help’. This is a distraction from, and impediment to, the planned, organized, methodical efforts of trained, seasoned, experienced and dedicated professionals assigned to the task.
I would hope those vultures (the vm’s) are not only deterred from completing their ‘photo op’, but, rather, are emphatically and finally kicked out on their arrogant, self-serving kiesters for All to see !!!!!!!!
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Years ago, the Red Cross had a problem with donations earmarked for whatever the current disaster was. By the time the donations rolled in, the disaster was handled from their reserves and the new donations, being specifically earmarked like that, couldn’t be used to rebuild their reserves. Best is to simply donate to the Red Cross, or BahamasRedCross mentioned by someone. A friend who works for them in Washington DC indicated that they don’t waste money. The donations almost all go to disaster relief or the other services they perform. Blood, anyone? That’s always a good donation in the summer months and I suspect any time people might need blood transfusions or blood products — ALL the time, AFAICT.
Meghan says
Such a shame – how much money could be spared without it affecting any other operations, how much assistance could actually be given, how many people could actually be helped. And then on top of that the profiting from the tragedy. Not surprising, of course, but still beyond disappointing just as human beings.
Chee Chalker says
“The Red Cross is in the best position to know what supplies are needed. I will do my part and send cash to the Red Cross because I trust they will help”
– normal, sensible thinking
Scientology thinking:
“I will go to Walmart and get some some
shampoo and a bunch of little plastic bottles. Then I will drive down to the org and spend 5 hours filling little bottles with shampoo, spilling more than actually gets in the bottles. Then I will “donate” $500 to the IAS because that is the only way I will be allowed to leave the org, but not to worry, the VMs are much more effective than some wog group like the Red Cross.
The VMs will have more effect with 1000 little plastic bottles of shampoo than anything the Red Cross can pull together.
Because they _know_ they are the only ones who can help.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Chee, that, in a nutshell, nicely describes the delusion of the clapping clams in Dwarfenführer’s cult.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Chee, in a nutshell, that nicely describes the delusion of the clapping clams in Dwarfenführer’s cult.
PickAotherID says
If those 30 VerMin actually went, my bet is they snuck in by claiming to be part of Los Topos. I posted this on Tony’s blog yesterday, but it’s worth repeating:
“Getting into the Bahamas isn’t going to be as simple as they think.
And this from a Red Cross volunteer regarding outside help:
Able-bodied workers with no special training or experience are not needed in a place where the entire population is now out of work, with nothing ahead of them except recovery. And goods and materials sent without a plan to offload them, warehouse them, guard them, care for them, transport them, distribute them, and ultimately dispose of them not only will not be effective, but they will, in fact, divert critically needed attention and manpower from more urgent or effective tasks. I’ve seen it firsthand: piles of donated goods rotting in the weather.
The infrastructure does not exist to support your presence in the affected area. Even if you believe you are 100% self-sufficient, the background support network that all of us take for granted does not exist: if you so much as puncture yourself with a rusty nail you will become a burden on an already overtaxed system.
Well-organized relief agencies understand this problem extremely well, and it is why you do not see even trained relief workers flooding into a disaster area the second the storm moves out, whereas genuine first
responders, such as the military or Search & Rescue task forces, bring their own ability for self-rescue.
If you truly want to help the Bahamian people, send money. There are a number of vetted relief
organizations already on the ground or en route to the Bahamas for relief and recovery. Dollars spent by those organizations are always more effective than dollars spent by individuals outside of the disaster area on things that are sent in.”
Pay attention VMs, and stay the hell away from the Bahamas.
Rick D says
some pix
Peggy L says
I can’t help but feel so sorry for those “volunteers”. They must truly believe that they are doing something very noble and compassionate, their hearts are in the right place. But at some point in time they have to be so discouraged that it’s all on them to make it all happen. They are tossed a few bucks (I assume) to make something magnificent happen, and although what little they are able to do is admirable, it’s certainly not even close to the hype the cult puts out. At some point in time I really hope they come to realize that although DM sits on a few billion dollars that even a fraction of could really help them accomplish what they believe, they come to realize they are just props. Nothing more. That will be a hurtful day of reckoning, but their first step to hopefully breaking free. Finding out you have been living a lie is a painful pill to swallow.
Roger Larsson says
Scams having thousand have thousands wanting their money back.
Rick D says
a Vulture Minister from Mexico,, speaking in Spanish posted a couple of videos on Facebook along with a dozen photos
they rented a boat in Pompano Beach Fla, the boat was named Gecko, a poster on the Underground bunker found the boat they rented for about $9K
the group was with a few members Los Topos and I recognized the Head honcho of that group Hector Mendez.
they had a short bed panel truck loaded with boxes.
In the videos, you will see VM’s standing around looking like tourists taking photos with their cell phones. some in their skinny jeans and sandals, clutching a Starbucks coffee.
it reminded me of Scientologist who crashed their small plane into a house in Clearwater in
2010 while taking supplies to VM’s in Haiti
what could possibly go wrong this time?
Dr. Strabismus of Utrecht says
New VM motto: “Damn-all will be done about it.”
LK says
The only one being immediately deployed is DM to a place of concealment… Mission Impossibility?
Peter says
My bet is we’ll hear no more of them other than a few photos. And they can be take anywhere. I often wonder if the dimwits in those photos actually believe their own ridiculousness? I’d be embarrassed!
Aquamarine says
Peter, they don’t know.
They don’t know that the IAS is all a sham. They don’t know that they’re being used by the cult for PR purposes and so that Miscavige can push out some fake new at the next Int Event. They don’t understand that the cult uses disasters like this to bilk millions out of its Whales, Celebs and lesser publics. They don’t understand that the IAS EXISTS to FUND such activities and so they pay for their own air fare or beg the money from other sheeple or hold fundraisers at their orgs to get others to drum up the money. I’d say the cult people who will put their lives on hold and volunteer and actually GO to these countries are the kind of people who just want to help. They don’t ask too many questions. They want to DO something and they believe the cult when they’re told that what they’ll be doing will be an invaluable service.