This email was just sent out broadly.
Apparently there is a new type of Reg now being installed in orgs. “Planetary Dissem” regges have been at Flag for years, the infamous Dick Story sort of created this niche for rip-offs, getting people to donate for distribution of WTH (paying exorbitant prices) or selling special limited edition leatherbound books that theoretically financed “broad dissemination campaigns” (but never did).
Now, in another classic “propaganda by redefinition of words” routine, “planetary dissemination” includes FURNITURE for “Ideal Orgs”, UNIFORMS for staff, FART TV systems and anything else that doesnt seem to fit — and its all “EXACTLY” per the LRH PL!!! Even the quote that is pulled out of the PL doesn’t match what she is talking about. The rest of the PL hurtles around an even wider orbit, in fact its in a different solar system.
The end result of this trend is going to be an entire org board consisting of specialist regges.
This one is going to be broken down further — D/Planetary Dissemination Reg for Furniture and then D/D/Planetary Dissemination Reg for Floor Coverings and then D/D/D Planetary Dissemination Reg for Carpeting and finally D/D/D/D Planetary Dissemination Reg for Hallway Carpeting.
The IAS is heading this way too — Regges who specialize in Patrons, “Metal” regges for silver, gold and platinum and “Gemstone” regges (for the diamonds, rubies and cubic zirconium).
Coming soon to an org near you: “Command Intention Reg” Division (for whatever COB thinks is important this week), “Utilities Reg Division” to try to cover electricity, water etc for the empty buildings and the “Staff Pay Reg Division” to collect money to give to the staff. Each will be announced with an LRH quote excerpt — like a pull quote on the importance of a well paid staff. Or the Utilities Reg Div would use a quote the Financial Planning Pgm Nbr One reference about always covering basics.
All joking aside, what is so remarkable about this is how brazen and acceptable it has become in the Vulture Culture of Corporate Scientology to announce that we have established yet another way of extracting funds. It is virtually the ONLY thing that is promoted, talked about or of interest to the “church” these days.
Hi! So it’s been a while since I sent you an e-mail. I wanted to let you know that I have taken on a new post!
I am now in charge of Planetary Dissemination at AOLA. With this includes promoting and making well-known the purpose of Planetary Dissemination and getting updates on the campaigns to you and many others so you are aware of the inroads and successes we are making with Planetary Dissemination. This then produces inspiration to be part of these vital activities by making bold donations to support and bring the 4th dynamic up from the dwindling spiral.
These campaigns include such vital projects as the International Library Campaign, Translations, International Dissemination Projects – such as the Dissemination and Distribution Center (the facility now home to the International Promotion Department, the Custom Mill for Ideal Orgs, Uniform Department for Ideal Orgs and the AV Systems Unit for Ideal Orgs). Opening up New Lands to Scientology and currently, bringing the Ron Series to Opinion Leaders around the world and the Ideal Org Leatherbound Campaigns.
“What’s missing here is the concept of planetary dissemination.
“ONLY Clears and OTs will survive this planet!
“And we’re the only ones that can make them.
“The order of magnitude of what it takes to do planetary dissemination is not even just now at this writing being conceived of.
“The majority of three billion people out there have never even heard of Dianetics and Scientology, much less read a book!
“No, it’s not the enemy. We cream them whenever they raise their heads. It‘s simply just not thinking in a correct order of magnitude.
“What would one really have to do to clear this planet?
“So all this P/L is about is just that–planetary dissemination. It simply points out one omit. At least conceive of it.
“So let’s go!”
L. Ron Hubbard
I am very excited to be on this post and I want to know what you need and want from me such as more information on some of these particular campaigns or anything else that you feel is applicable to Planetary Dissemination.
Dolly Welch
Planetary Dissemination
Just a small note, not to nitpick, but she left out 2 sentences in the middle of the quote that comes immediately after “…being conceived of.”
“In fact Pubs Orgs are not even thinking of raw public marketing. And that is sure an awful shortfall.”
So, get those BOLD DONATIONS rolling in!!!
Oh my, now they’ll have to revise the leaving routing forms to add yet another reg to the line-up.
For all you still-ins here’s a process for you to run solo on yourself.
From where could a thetan communicate to a registrar?
Repetitive to E/P. Enjoy.
Great post again Mike! I just got a “desparate” e-mail from a Reg at Flag! It really was pitiful. The “love bombing” is almost funny – if I did not know what is happening to that pour soul on the other side – desperately trying to get a stat so they don’t go in the RPF or can’t buy underware this year! I cannot be cruel to them.
Is there anything I can say to them that would poke a hole in their sciendollary bubble?
I am thinking not – no use complaining about the crimes I personally experienced – natter=overts is their conclusion plus there is absolutely nothing they can do about it except take a credit card and schedule me to come in. Yikes!
Blown, the answer is “tough Love”.
I would suggest that you ask them (with a lot of ARC), what would Ron do about their “problem”.
Addressing the particular scam that they are pushing, refer them to the actual source material, and ask them what they are doing about implementing the actual policy.
TR3 and 4, as needed. The stats have been down for the past 20+ years. Maybe it is time to try policy, for a change. Go back to concentrate on making auditors and well audited PC’s. The mest will be handled in due course.
The idea is to gently wake them up. (Don’t use a hammer.)
I lived in a country run by a Military Junta. Referred to as Alibaba and the 40 thieves., For what its worth this is what Scientology has degraded itself into. As long as there is money to be absconded, stolen, ripped off by any and all means possible they will be around . The day will come when you see Sea Org Staff ripping off thier clothes in the streets of Clearwater Florida and running away.
Ha ha. I think this is hilarious – fantastic. A hoot. Keep increasing the number of regges … one reg for each public! Exactly what is needed to keep people OUT of the CoS! Geez, is there a stupider bunch of suckers in the world?
I agree. As appalling as it is to us, the faster the RCS’s straight dono insanity escalates is the faster their demise. They are just too far gone.
I think DM has a good ol time and sticking his middle
finger up at all these incredibly stupid staff members
and public Scientologists while smugly laughing his
head off saying to himself how far can I go with
these idiots? Stats; number of bodies snowed.
The # of direct donation reg units continue to grow and grow at Flag. The best office space and pool side Cabanas were used for these reg units. Both the Arrival routing form and the Departure routing form sent the public individual through this maze of blood suckers. Here are some of the units that I remember:
IAS, Way To Happiness, Mission Packages, Preservation of the Tech, Super Power, Ideal Orgs, Translations, Book To Libraries, ABLE (Criminon, Narcanon, etc), Special Properties (limited edition meters, etc) and for staff, Xmas and Birthday COB gift fund (not an option). Harvey Jacques was the King of direct donation regging and he was made the Captain FSO. He in turn made his 700 staff into direct donate regges. Imagine you are a normal person unknowingly vacationing in a city of vampires, all desperate for blood. Thats a public Scientologist staying at Flag. Now its being exported and the use of the money is being more closely stated as a “slush fund”, probably to better legally cover their ass. Why sell Scientology and be burdened with having to deliver an exchange. That wasn’t working. The FSO alone has HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in advance donations on account for which specific services have been paid for but not yet delivered. This is a HUGE liability, which worsens by the week and for which they have no ethical solution. I know this for a fact as I was the Treasury Sec FSO for 7 years. The “solution” is to force the dwindling membership to give up their money for no exchange and to deny the repayment of unused funds on account.
To make this perfectly clear to anyone who hasn’t experienced it, in the 90’s each one of these registrars has a small office adjacent to the courtyard (pool area) at Flag. These offices formed a gauntlet of registrars that were on the routing form of every student completing a course and every PC finishing an auditing action at Flag. Each time you finished a course or an auditing action, you visited each registrar’s office so that they could extract at least a token donation. Of course each registrar keeps a record of your past donations and would step up the pressure if you hadn’t made a significant donation lately.
Having a better grasp of finance management than most, it’s interesting to see how I reconciled the intentions of these registrars with my intention to keep my finances intact. I decided that they were being very self-determined due to the importance of their goals and that my role was to use my communication skills to preserve my finances. That’s the sort of mental gymnastics required to overcome the cognitive dissonance generated by this situation. The truth was that it was of absolutely no consequence to these registrars if they RUINED me financially. There is so much pressure on them to get more money this week than last week that they don’t care what happens to you or your family and they will say almost anything (sweet talk, cajole, reprimand, threaten, push your buttons) to get money out of you.
Does anyone have any more current data as to the location and size of Flag’s “wall of registrars”?
Realize that while “management” wants “free money” non of it goes through the Financial Planning of the org so it can’t be used for staff pay, uniforms, medical, the electric bill, etc. This makes the staff CI (counter intention) to helping with the “free money” scam. The solution is to reword and rework things so the “free money” can still be used for uniforms, pay, medical, the electric bill, etc. With this in place there is no need to waste time selling Scientology services at all. HEY – can any of you guys sing, dance or tell jokes???
We need to make some income to pay the phone bill!
Of course in the squirrel cage universe of miscavige, where all things LRH are altered and perverted, the main focus being to divert attention and resources (“command intention”) from what the Orgs and Staff are supposed to be doing/producing, making Clears, OTs and Auditors (“THE RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEMS OF THE HUMAN MIND”) and instead, forcefully placing the staff’s and all church member’s attention on his Rip-off –for- no- exchange “planetary dissemination campaigns” where NOTHING IS DELIVERED, NO ONE GOES CLEAR, especially NO ONE GOES OT and NO AUDITORS ARE EVER MADE if he can help it.
No exchange?
How about a gaudy tin trophy with the words “Super Meritorious Deluxe Quantum Excalibur Planetary Dissemination Saviour of the World with Cheese !” engraved on the gold plated sticker?
Lets be fair here!
Do you realize that you’ve neglected to post a Registrar for Planetary Toilet Paper and Paper Towels?
Are you C/I to Command Intention’s super-exciting target for every Sciendollary Org bathroom to be an Ideal John or Jane by New Years 2013 ? Mike, if you feel that you are C/I would you please re-read and clear any MUs of POB’s brilliant new policy: “Arbitraries To Clear & OT Cancelled: No More Issue With Tissue” so that you can fully comprehend what an ever-abbundance of these supplies will actually mean to the Goal of Planetary Clearing, and why a TP Reg stationed in every org is not just a good idea but a vital necessity? Thank you.
For over 30 years at my local org, the most capable people on the planet somehow could not confront the very difficult cycle of action of getting toilet paper supplied to the restrooms (or to fix the water faucets). I realize that there were no programs to do this though, no vital targets, operating targets, primary targets (quick, without thinking – what’s the difference between them?) and no stats involved, but thirty freaking years???? But I do admit that there might be ideal toilet paper in the new org, so in case anyone is in the neighborhood and has to take an ideal …….
Ha Ha!! Ideal Toilet Paper. You’ve nailed it. Ok, let me get the J & D ALL out of my system for the time being.
This New Years Eve 2013 Event will have POB announcing the completion of all the Ideal Johns and Ideal Janes. Instead of a ribbon-cutting, His Hole-iness will unfurl a roll of what will be Ideal Org Toilet Paper for all Sciendollary Orgs. It will be of the finest quality and squeezably soft, colors d’ella robia blue trimmed with gilt.
Your punctuation is off.
Arbitraries to! Clear&OT cancelled.
Thanks, SG, I’m getting a cram 🙂
You know, way back when the IAS was the only off-bridge regging that went on, I wondered how the hell we were supposed to get up the bridge. It seemed to me that $40K (for Patron, at that time) would have been better spent on training or auditing.
Now, the poor bastards have the IAS, Super Power, Ideal Org (local), Ideal Org (Alliance), Library Campaign, Planetary Dissemination… jeezus, 6+ regges to deal with besides the one who’s supposed to get you on your next bridge step.
How the hell are they thinking they’re going to “Clear the Planet” with all this crap going on?
According to me, the way to clear the planet is to go clear.
To get all complicated with it, let’s make it three steps:
1. Go clear.
2. Train to audit.
3. Audit people.
All three steps can and should be done concurrently by co-auditing.
Then do OT levels.
Anything else is bullshit.
“The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet.”
Gus, your 3 steps pretty much sums up the Org Exec Course as taught by LRH.
Policy exists to assist orgs make their product of “well taught students and thoroughly audited pc’s” and nothing else.
Clear The Planet??? God man! We have too much to do!
Excellent !
I echo Phil’s expletive above.
You know, it was bad enough going through the ” Save the Whales” gauntlet every 6 months on the walk way at Flag, I can’t even imagine adding to it like this. It can only upset more people and get them to find the door. The unusual solutions are just piling up and becoming a problem faster and faster as I see it.
This is a good thing from our viewpoint.
I was actually on the EPF with Dolly Welch. She is not Reg material. She was a meek mid mannered sweet young girl that wouldn’t say Boo to anyone. She was in Div 1 when I left. They must be getting desperate moving from Div 1 to Div 2 or Div 6 wherever this fake post is located. In my last chinese school of the Org board I don’t remember this post existing. Anyone correct me on that? AOLA only has the USA and LATAM as its public. How is it now responsible for Planetary Dissemination? If I were making up names for new posts I might be a little more stellar in alignment with the Star High Goal that the SO is trying to achieve.
Heres a bit of J and D humor then:
Intergalactic Division of the Interior Procurement Materials and Fittings Secretary.
Special Department of the Ministry for the Extraction of Credits and Finances
Overlord and Special Administrator by Appointment to His Majesty the Grand Excelsior of Eddore His Royal Kingness and Divine Being, Savior and Special Governer David Scabbage.
Mike, as usual another great write-up.
Except for bringing back BAD memories!!!! GAG, Dick Story, yep been there done that.
Hi! I am on post as the Chief Reg Reg. Yes, I am the person who regges the regges to donate their commissions to the COBRTC Luxembourg Project. I really look forwarding to talking to you and finding out what you you need and want me to tell you your donation is going to be used for. No matter what it is, I will tell you what you want to hear.
Gee, i dunno, Mike. Maybe it’s brilliant.
PR Campaigne for Planetary Dissemination:
1. Rake in millions and millions and make the org buildings super spiffy.
2. Rake in millions and millions and buy spiffy furniture and new costumes for the staff.
3. Rake in millions and millions and tell the whole world we have the spiffiest buildings with the best staff costumes and flood the the org with idiots who will give us millions and millions more.
4. Rake in more millions to make damn sure there is f_ _ _ing toilet paper and barf bags in the super spiffy buildings.
Super secret confidential target: Make sure Davey gets 90% of the millions raked in for his legal defence and to attack anyone who disagrees with the super brilliant davey-do-right Planetary Implant…er…dissemination campaigne.
I was a Dick Story casualty. I had joined the SO, was on the EPF and of course I no longer needed it because I would get all the wonderful stuff as a staff member that is available to me, I no longer needed it; I had quite a bit of money on account at the FSO and he took it all of what I had for WTH campaign in the 90s. Boy was I a big sucker!
Strange they still have London Ideal Org leather bound Dianetics books left in stock.
They printed 500 copies:
I find that odd … There must be at least hundred thousands of members in London according to the church’s record. Why can’t they manage to sell those out?
Very good essay and Vulture image Mike Rinder !
I did a YouTube video on the Vulture Culture and Jason
explains the extreme pressure to make money.
I actually quote Mike Rinder in this one (the $1million sent “up lines”
in Clearwater..
Thanks for showing the personal side of the damage done by the vulture culture, Karen. Your videos are very educational and illustrate what the “Church” of Scientology has been doing with real, personal testimonies from real people.
These are very valuable demonstrations of the fact that the “Church” practices less and less actual Scientology every day. Thank you.
Here I’m thinking I’m helping the org,back then on $17.00 ,a week ,doing the right thing in helping people ,I was a body router for over 2years 7 days a week,been tould off for being late,sent to ethics,thinking we are all in the same boat,no we are not,more like slaves working for mr David miscavige ,,corporate Scientology ,I’m pissed off this was aloud to happen,I don’t see the light at the end off the tunnel ,any more,now I can accept the church is dead and buried,mr David miscavige get your dogs away from me and my family,and get your self to ethics and sort your shit out,
As an executive I protested openly in the 80s and early 90’s about IAS and other “events” which were pulling people off the Bridge. At least then when I waved a reference in someones face and asked for which reference they were operating off of it had to be taken seriously. When the ante kept being upped ,with Idle Orgs etc., references became “passe” with “Command intention” becoming the rallying cry.
I recall the first time when I asked for a reference and was told that I was “C.I” to command intention. I laughed in response and wrote KRs upline. When that came back on me I walked since as luck would have it; the contract i was on expired simultaneously.
I cannot fathom how any staff or public from the era of “references” can tolerate the cognitive dissonance which they surely must be experiencing over the last 8 years at least !
Axiom38, I hear you. I’ve had similar experiences. LRH references are no longer necessary or even relevant to the matter at hand. Command Intention is ALL that matters, and Command Intention would be whatever the Dwarf’s whims and caprices were at any given moment. I have since concluded that despite their concentrated efforts to appear uptone, these staff were actually in apathy. And probably still are.
A few years ago, I was doing an admin course at a Sea Org org, The PL I was studying indicated that a certain kind of particle was to be routed using B routing. The young Sea Org sup casually informed me that “we [his org] don’t do it that way – nobody has the time.” He was not the least bit embarrassed to admit to a public person that his Sea Org org ignored a policy written by LRH. I was shocked. He seemed puzzled by my reaction – like why would someone be shocked that an LRH policy was not being followed in a Sea Org org?
Well, as you know, “people who quote policy” have misunderstood words on those policies, right? Whereas “Command Intention” is totally in alignment with policy as demonstrated by the “unprecedented expansion” we’ve heard tell about. . . er . . . someplace or other. So, just knock off “using policy to stop”, okay? And don’t give me that KSW/Code of Honor bullshit – that’s just justification. Now, a healthy donation to support “Command Intention” will demonstrate that you’ve got the point and are back on the rails. You do have a choice here – will that be Visa, MasterCard or home equity? 😉
We should applaud. These people have completely knocked off their considerations! They will beg for money for anything at any time. If today you donated $10,000 to your next status in the International Association of Ideal Libraries for Planetary Dissemination of The Way to Happiness in New Bathrooms that need New Door Knobs, well these brave souls will arrive on your doorstep the very next day. Then In a New Unit of Time (see they apply the tech) they will beg for more.
Dolly sounds like a nice peson with good intentions. Too bad she has no idea how off policy her post is. In a world without DM she might have become an auditor and would actually be doing something of value. It may take years before she realizes that she’s headed for a dead end.
Paul, she is. I was on the EPF with her. This will ruin her. She’s a nice kind girl that wanted to be an auditor. She’s fucked now. They’ll probably RPF her for not getting her quotas met.
Mike this is great post. WOW…!! this people are really crazy…now in top of IAS MONEY, FLAG WORLD TOUR MONEY, BOOKS MONEY, SUPER POWER MONEY, FLAG HOTELS MONEY, AUTHOR AND SERVICES MONEY, BRIDGE SERVICES MONEY, now is the brand new Planetary Dissem money….anything else that I forget?
Is just sucking money basically….
By the way I remember Dick Story…I remember he is the father of one dog from DM…for IDeal org I remember…
Dick Storey was in RPF and got out and was then posted to take Hy Levy’s post as a registrar at Flag. And get this, he also married Hy’s wife who elected to stay in the SO. So he comes in an takes his post and wife all in one fell swoop. But he was very downtone and next time I went, never saw Dick Story again. Is he in the Hole again? Or just promoted or demoted or something? Anyone know?
wow that was new for me…
The apparency that these campaigns dissem to the broad public when really just targeting the existing memberbase for more donations. All smoke & mirrors. Routine expenses no longer paid for out of revenues but directly collected from the public.
Very bizarre.
Hmm … “This then produces inspiration to … bring the 4th dynamic up from the dwindling spiral.”
I keep hearing about this dwindling spiral. The phrase has come up 3 or 4 times lately. Is this part of a Hubbard quote, and/or does it reflect the current mindset among church execs? Is it new?
I guess I find it striking and noteworthy because if this is the actual COS take on where things are headed — in a dwindling spiral — then for once, the official view seems accurate.
Question for the cognoscenti ……..Wouldn’t mere mention of a “dwindling spiral” within org walls put you in the RPF or sent to ethics, if not declared SP?
Mike, Very telling by the omitted quote you mentioned.
“In fact Pubs Orgs are not even thinking of raw public marketing. And that is sure an awful shortfall.”
I would say that is the ONLY part of what a donation could actually help with. And this is the one thing that is NOT being done at all. I don’t even see DMSMH or FOT in bookstores. I may not be that enlightened, but I don’t see how a new uniform, or furniture made by almost slave labor is going to replace the real steps of dissemination.
Those were Contact, Handle, and Salvage, etc. The sheer volume of disgusting PR about LRH and the word Scientology has basically welded shut the door to the “handle” step. After the contact step and before you get into the handle step the person contacted has decided you are a nutcase for having anything to do with a “cult.” Thank you COB and RCS for giving mankind this great overt product.
It would be intersting to see the real stats on just how many clears and ots are being made today in the orgs and at flag. Any idea?
When you think about it, Scientology, Inc. is extremely hobbled by LRH’s insistence on being immutable Source. GAT and GAT II (only ten years apart, as if nobody will remember having to replace their whole LRH library not that long ago) and the Ideal Orgs, and Narconon, are all DM’s attempts to get around that inconvenient Source thing.
However, anyone who has even a vague grasp of Hubbard’s work would be aware that his intention was really to get people up the bridge, not establish a massive real estate empire or whatever the heck DM is up to. Debbie Cook said it loud, and people who never ever discussed it amongst themselves agreed and blew; PEOPLE ARE SPENDING THEIR MONEY ON SHINY DM THINGS, NOT GOING UP THE BRIDGE!
And after being wrung out by reggs, how they gonna get up the bridge at all? They’re permanently stalled on a bridge to nowhere, because they’re damned if they don’t support the IAS and Flag travelling roadshows, and they’re damned if they’re not progressing up the bridge.
It’s interesting to watch this thing decline. I think it will get a lot more interesting in the near future.
“ONLY Clears and OTs will survive this planet!
LRH says this in that PL and I’m still not sure what it means. What is the planet going to explode and only the Clears and OTs able to withstand the blast? I thought we were supposed to be Clearing the planet not proofing people up for the final disaster? Which is it Ron?
But I digress….
The cult is always trying to repackage their foul medicine they are spoon feeding you. If something starts to smellbad they put a little lipstick on it and try again.
I still like that old definition of insanity: Doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. DM you lose. In fact you have already lost, you just haven’t realized it yet. There is a big comm lag in the mest universe. But in the theta universe, you’re done.
You know what’s funny about that is that if you brought up that question on course then you must have an M.U. – which meant for many I’ll just go into apathy about my question so I can continue on.
I agree. I thinkit would have been much more fun and productive to study and “question everything” AND look up MU’s and then you could have really made some incredible gain. Accept and/or reject whatever you want to with no “study penalties” now that would have been cool!!
Is their main stat “Library dumpsters filled with unsolicited materials?”
Oops guess that should actually be ” Money raised to fill library dumpsters with unsolicited materials.”
It is amazing that musical chairs and “hey you” as promoted by David Miscavige is now so obviously out in the open in it’s Nth generation of Vulture Culture and no one really sees it for what it is?
AOLA now has Planetary Dissemination as one of it’s functions instead of just making more OTs instead of Pubs orgs as the omitted states. Poor Dolly is now under extreme pressure to sell furniture for Idle Orgs, what a picture!
When I was on the EPF, I was regged by Planetary Dissemination while I was cleaning toilets in the FH . One of the only times when it was easy for me to say NO!
There is a reference that you read on the EPF that is not public BPI, and I think it is a Flag order or something. Ron wrote it. And this reference says it is NOT OK to reg staff members for donations. That they are giving of their time and sweat etc and so no money is to be asked from them for donations. I was being regged on the EPF to give a ton for donations and I showed them this reference and they just disregarded it and went on witht he crush selling.
All I am able to donate at this time is my disgust in the form of vomit.