In light of recent events, I thought it might be appropriate to repost a couple of videos.
These were originally posted on Marty Rathbun’s blog in December 2012.
They are pretty self-explanatory. The first two show one of the earlier iterations of “you are being watched 24/7” video surveillance the church set up on my house. I realized this was the case when I received an “anonymous” letter warning me not to talk to my neighbor — which was a sort of “WTF?” moment where I asked myself “How does anyone know I spoke to my neighbor”?
From there, it was not hard to figure out where the surveillance was coming from.
I went to the house and the elderly woman who answered the door was extremely flustered and said she knew nothing about it. I would have to talk to her husband.
I returned when her husband came home and spoke to him, along with two witnesses who happened to be with me at the time — Dave Richards and Robert Almblad. The man who owns the house is retired and claimed “someone” had installed this to keep birds from breaking the mesh screen over his pool, that it was a “sonar device.” He acted very dumb — but as I talked to him it turned out he used to be head of security at Sotheby’s in NY, so he clearly knew what this was all about. He was probably an “old boy” network connection one of the church PI’s found.
I told him to come check it out, that it was a camera. He claimed he couldn’t as he had a bad back.
He said he had the records for the installation of the “bird scaring” device, but he would have to look for them. I asked him when he would have them and he said 5. I told him I would be back at 5 so I could find the name.
At 4:30 he called me on the phone and announced that “his lawyer had informed him to tell me to return their stolen property or he was going to call the Sheriff’s Dept.” I told him I had stolen nothing, he could watch my video, but I suggested he call the Sheriff’s Dept at once. Big surprise, the Sheriff’s never showed up….
I called Joe Childs. He came over and I showed him the video and explained what the guy had said. He paid them a visit and returned a couple of hours later with a long story about how the wife had become so distressed over this matter she had been taken to the hospital in an ambulance, that the husband was a convincing liar or was telling the truth, and he didnt feel he could run a story on it. I felt badly for the woman and decided not to bother pursuing this any further other than to expose it on Marty’s blog.
I guess with their latest assertions about how they are watching 24/7 I should check out our street again. Maybe they have drones this time…
The same day, or maybe a couple of days later, I decided I was going to catch the people buying our trash. I knew it was happening, it is a standard line that OSA has used forever — the “D line” (dumpster line). One time the collector in our old house had come to the door at Christmas saying he felt very bad because they had been selling our garbage to a guy down the street who claimed he was “an agent” doing an “investigation into drug trafficking.”
So, I waited til they picked up the garbage and followed the truck down the street and around the corner to rendezvous with Mr. Ponytail in his Camaro.
Hardly a big surprise, Mr. Ponytail is one of the people who took up residence in the office across the street from Robert Almblad’s office to surveil him and me. This is probably the guy who chainsawed the trees in front of the property.
The earlier house we lived in had a neighbor move in — a single young mother with a son the same age as Shane. She claimed her name was “Heather” and she made sure she was out on the street when we would take walks with the dog in the evening and her son befriended Shane. Christie felt sorry for her because she was alone in the neighborhood and befriended her. She was a PI. She had surveillance cameras set up in her house that watched us 24/7. When we moved to our current house, she suddenly moved too just down the street. The gig was up. We called the landlord of the houses she had been “renting” and found they were not being paid for by her. When Christie confronted her, and gave her the opportunity to come clean (and learn about who she was working for) she suddenly “disappeared” — leaving the 3 bedroom house she had rented empty for 6 months. (This after numerous sob stories about how she didn’t have any money or friends and then that she had suddenly got an insurance settlement that allowed her to move blah blah blah).
There are plenty of other stories.
Perhaps I will put up a series of “watching you 24/7” videos that I have accumulated over the years. They may be of interest to the media in the current climate.
Miscavige, you can try to threaten and intimidate. The more you do, the more the world is seeing you for what you really are.
PS: Just to show you how desperate they are, I get these every day in one form or another. Usually from an address that makes it appear to be someone “sympathetic” just wanting to “keep you updated” to be sure I see their “Dead Agent” videos… Hahaha
From: [email protected]
Date: March 10, 2015 at 8:32:57 PM EDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: freedumb
Dear All,This is yet another link from fredumb mag to alert you about what they are doing: guys are doing what the HBO documentary is saying they are! Pathetic!!From: [email protected]
Date: March 9, 2015 at 12:44:07 PM EDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: those idiots are at it againHi,
Those assholes from Freedom Mag are at it again, this time with a new video about Sara. Just giving you the heads up.
Hi Mike, I also received the recent hush email and several different ones before that. I have been getting spam for over a year, 4-10 emails a day with no way to unsubscribe. I forward them all to [email protected]. Interestingly, in the last few days, the numbers dropped a lot. Good to hear you speak out about this again and thanks.
You are brave Peter. If I watched that I’d for sure have to read mike ‘Open Letter to my Family’ on his home page 3 times 🙂
NOW is time for video blog!!! do it! It is time ,for making DM click on your blog everyday, and to see what he is paying…. I bet ,PIs have good story for him,but when He sees how you are over him each day/move he makes…….wish there is a video of moment DM realizes you are one step in-front of him….
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
“Perhaps I will put up a series of “watching you 24/7″ videos……..”
(good idea)
I’m sure Waste Management would love to see a copy of that video. I’m sure that a conservative privately held company would hate to see how they are being used by Scientology.
I sent it to them. And changed companies.
So many good suggestions to make disgusting garbage! And every so often, some false clues heavily smeared with dog poop. Gross the PIs out as much as possible, and make them waste (pun intended) their time with nothing to give Captain Miscavige, so that he is continually angry. Make being a PI for Scientology a shit job in every sense of the word.
Well, since cob gives most people shit, it’s only fair he gets the return flow.
If it’s not too expensive, get a few pounds of raw shrimp, some fish, clams, basically anything that lives in the ocean that you like to eat and have a good weekend lunch or dinner with it.
Keep the shells from shrimp and the rest of the remains of the day and put that in your garbage, preferably after they’ve been allowed to incubate in the sun for a while.
Maybe the guy’s just hungry.
The funny thing to me is, Miscavige keeps telling himself that “all of the problems” are being caused by YOU (Mike)! Well I guess that makes you CAUSE and him EFFECT!
Hey Dave, lemme give ya’ a little clue. When everyone else is looking at you, that’s the time to turn around and look at yourself. Don’t keep looking at others – you’ll never solve any of your problems that way.
Well you know Davy needs Mike. He’s his scapegoat.
Ok, OSA, we get it. Mike Rinder’s enemies are watching him, his wife, his children and his dog, 24/7. Well, so are his friends. We’re watching him too, as will the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who will have watched “Going Clear” in the coming year.. Ditto the media, OSA. The truths documented in “Going Clear” are the media’s meat, and the safety of all who created and contributed to this film and that of their family members, friends, and pets will be on world-wide media radar. Keep this in mind while complying with your insane orders, as your cult self-destructs.
Mike, my dog loved sauteed chicken livers. Whenever I made them for myself I always gave him a few, as a special treat. Problem was it would make his stools loose, and it made the garbage really stinky despite all the newspaper and plastic. Just a thought.
Ever since I first saw the Garbage Video, I’ve kept wondering one thing: what does DM think Mike is going to put in his garbage? A stuffed manila envelope labeled “Operation Nuke Flag: Secret and Confidential”? Nude pictures of him with two equally nude buxom beauties in Guy Fawkes masks? There can’t be anything in Mike’s garbage that could add on to the toxic waste that Cathy Rinder has pumped out on video. Word-clear “Law Of Diminishing Returns”, midget, and save your money for another pair of John Lobbs and an ecclesiastical dildo for Lou.
By the way just to mention this, there is one guy in my training class this week that I swear could be Marty’s older brother. Looks just like him, only with thinner hair and an Alabama accent. This crusade is so pervasive that it even intrudes on my continuing education.
Actually, I think they are probably just hoping for an envelope with a return address that would out one of his sources.
Captain David Miscavige can keep spying and ordering his lawyers to send out letters. However, free speech activity on matters of public interest will never end.
Captain David Miscavige is a 501(c)(3) and his use of tax exempt dollars to harass, spy, and stalk is duly noted and duly reported.
Church of Scientology Fair Game is not in the public benefit. Fair Game only benefits the paranoia and rage of Captain David Miscavige and that of his ravening OSA zombies.
What a strange thing for the Church of Scientology to say that it has safe, effective, drug free solutions for life when what is actually does is to engage in bigoted and hateful Fair Game against people who engage in Free Speech.
The Church of Scientology claims to want a world without war, crime, and insanity while it is actively engaging in war, crime, and insanity against people engaging in Free Speech.
The Freedom Mag videos are something. Sara Goldberg’s daughter looks so conflicted about sitting there, saying what she says. They didn’t include that letter from the IJC in the video. (shocker)
Everyone comes off like a controlled, blind, obedient cult-robot.
Some are such thorough victims of abuse they cannot even begin to stand up against it. They see no choice but the Cof$. How could anyone leave when there is no problem at the Cof$ at all.
But Sara’s daughter looked like she was aware that she is lying.
My image of a PI is Sherlock Holmes, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, Hercule Poirot, Barnaby Jones, Frank Cannon, Mike Hammer, V. I. Warshawski, Nero Wolfe, Laura Holt, Thomas Magnum, Jim Rockford, Nancy Drew, Dirk Gently, Lew Archer, Lord Peter Wimsey, Paul Drake, Miss Jane Marple, Veronica Mars, Easy Rawlins, Jake Gittes, and so on.
Then I see that schlub with a pony tail buying a bag of garbage, and my whole mental construct of what makes a PI is blown out of the water. Sometimes it’s better if I don’t learn too much about reality.
Believe me, there are more that resemble Mr. Ponytail than Sam Spade or Sherlock Holmes. Many spend their lives going through other people’s garbage or sitting in a car waiting to get a shot of a secret lover. Not exactly the high life.
Ha! This is true! It’s funny how so much fictional PI character background background exposition includes references to working the cheating spouse beat, though the principal plot usually veers into more exciting action. Sifting through trash usually happens in police procedurals though.
What amazes me is the wide net that Captain Miscavige throws in his efforts to inflict twentyfour surveillance on his enemies. I’d like the see the total of the PI bills over the last 30 years. It must be gargantuan. Then the lawyers! The Cap’n is like a general with an army of scurrilous louts (traits ingrained by thorough conditioning, if necessary) and effectively unlimited resources to press the battle. It doesn’t have to make sense. There are enemies; attack and overwhelm. That’s all that matters.
BTW what’s the going rate for your garbage Mike?
Discount scales apply per bag or season?
I would love to see the anyone purchase, or for that matter steal my garbage.
I’ve been on the cautious side for years.
There are recyclables, compost and “sensitive” paper garbages, Here’s my “sensitive” paper garbage routine: I always shred (throwing a newspaper, an old flyer, and some construction paper, bottle labels or
old Vanity fair ads in the mix), then dispose with 1 scoop of dog poop, 1 scoop of used kitty litter and 2 cups of water per garbage bag. If I’m feeling creative, I will add a little ammonia or something before sealing the bag. It takes a little extra time to do my garbage, but hey, it’s worth it. My neighbors all do the same thing. We all have large (75-125 lb) dogs so the dog poop comes easily, plus, hey, there are deer who munch our trees all year too so there is extra animal waste in case we run out.
I say if someone is willing to try to reconstruct my garbage, they’re welcome to it. Not that there’s anything interesting in there anyway, but, hey, make them think there is.
“Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter” – Martin Luther King Jr.
I don’t understand, “Heather” befriended your wife but when you moved she didn’t mention that she intended to move to exactly where you were moving? She just appeared on your new street out of the blue?! Wow, what poor tradecraft.
If you’re willing to discuss it, when did you first figure out she was a PI? Were you suspicious all along?
Please forgive all the questions, but this is the first I’ve heard of this “Heather” story and I’m fascinated!
Once again, I am shocked, disgusted and outraged at how you have been treated, especially how they targeted your family and child. This is very sad and disturbing to hear. I wonder if there is more you can do, report them to authorities, initiate a legal case, get the word out to members that this is where there IAS donations are going, to fund criminal activity and surveillance of former members? These are the tactics of a crime syndicate, not a church. Anyone has the right to decide that their church is not the best fit, and then to leave, and then to talk about their decision to anyone else, without being harassed and stalked. It’s unconscionable. I hope the day comes, and soon, when you can live in peace with your family and not have to put up with this type of behavior. Please continue to speak out, do not let them intimidate you. I wish there was something any of us could do to help you, just know that you have our support, stay strong.
Got the same email this morning. Pathetic isn’t the word for it. I don’t they have a clue of the storm coming their way in, oh, about 48 hours. Can you imagine Alex Gibney’s Academy Award acceptance speech next February? If he doesn’t thank DM and OSA, there is no justice in the world.
Mike whatever you are doing it is working excellently!! Toady and his brood of minions are stepping up the ante. They are all writing their names in their collective jock straps with blunt, brown crayons! (Crapscared) Although expect spelling mistakes, as its coming out real quick like! 😉
HBO, your blog, Marties and BIC are gonna make the churches crash a shitfest of note! For them that is! We keep saying it because we know its true. Exchange in abundance is a good exchange. Justice in superabundance for the church and COB has been a long time coming indeed!
I dont have to tell you Mike not to give up as I know you wont. Lately, you have been posting up new posts faster than an MG42 machine gun, their end is nigh! Keep up the good work, our confidence grows evermore, thank you!
Here’s some creative counter terrorism tactics for you guys
point a laser at the cameras, then film them replacing them, over and over…
create falsified documents and place in trash
or place very unfun things in trash, maybe things that smell fun, I heard leaving a chicken leg in a jar of milk for a long time is quite pleasent
or a few cans of expanding foam, make them dig into that brick of trash encased in foam
Creative indeed.
It was chilling to see your family, who are Sea Org Slaves, in that Freedom Mag video, lie. Anybody with any experience with a Sea Org Slave knows that they don’t get time for nothing and no one. Otherwise they all might escape.
Send me an examiner, I’ll attest to that!
Mike, Thanks for giving the history on what’s been happening in your neighborhood. I’m glad you posted those 2 videos here. They really illustrate how slimly the church has been. I hope you had some diapers in those garbage bags.
If this is their response (emailing links and purchasing garbage) then they may actually have not seen Going Clear yet. (If it were me, I’d have had a mole inside the first screening in PC.) Their response is like someone putting up masking tape on windows when a Cat 5 hurricane is heading straight for them. Do they appreciate that Cruise and Travolta are being publicly called out? That the really crazy stuff comes out of Hubbard’s own (rotting — btw, what the hell happened to his teeth?) mouth? That there are credible allegations of child labor law violations? And child neglect?
I wonder if they’re over there thinking, “it can’t be that bad and we can stop this by claiming religious persecution.”
Oh baby…
Lulzadder from Freedumb Rag was at the Times Talk showing and Sugg at the Austin showing, aside from five lawyers said to have attended. They have seen it all right. I bet one of their operatives did manage to see it at Sundance.
You must be right and this is their best effort. In that case, they really, really need to hire a crisis PR firm, stat. Do I have to do everything around here? lol…
There’s some poetic justice in catching the “most ethical people on Earth” who have gone “totally free” and are at cause over MEST and life being reduced to sorting through garbage.
BTW, I hope this got reported to the waste management company at the time too and that the guy making money on the side got reprimanded or fired.
To bring about its downfall, all Scientology has to do is keep being Scientology.
Brilliant exposé of the activity, in language they *should* understand.
Every time I read about another screening of Going Clear I think about Captain Davey’s frustration.
He can’t be caught seeing the film. He has to rely on reports. Every showing has had to turn ticket holders away. And Twitter is flooded with positive reviews.
The Arclight Cinema in Los Angeles just added a second screen for this week’s viewings.
Have another Scotch, Davey.
In two weeks you can see what the fuss is about.
PISS POT DAVEY, PISS POT. Slime is on your side.
YAY!!! I got the same email! I made it on OSA’s shitlist!
So proud of myself! 🙂
Bravo Sabine!
Write a success story and send to RTC. They need to hear more happy wins as KSW is a deadly serious activity.
You da woman, Sabine! Great job!
I get those lovely emails from [email protected] too. Too funny actually.
Anybody somewhat on the fence and wanting to still hold on to their eternity kept hostage by the Cherch watching these Fredumb Mag videos simply can not miss the point. It qualifies to the fullest extend for severe natter.
Even the OSA staff watching this blog cannot do differently than to admit the videos are wild vicious natter. If there was ever a gross example for natter, these videos are it.
Now, for anybody just slightly Tech trained it is completely clear what is behind any natter: Severe serious Overts. I mean real Overts, not things like taking a candy from a candy jar or touching some parts one should not touch. Such a vicious virulent natter as in these Freedumb Mag videos indicates huge serious overts.
There is no way around it OSA. If you want to violate KSW go ahead, but if you use the tech it is obvious your employer has and is committing serious crimes all along. Exactly what Mike is exposing on his blog.
Lying, cheating, harassing people, breaking up families and stealing peoples money with deceit and malicious lies that are the types of overts that will make you natter as hell.
So really OSA or OSA helper sending these emails, I think this is what you really are promoting: The public confession of the Cherch that they have and are committing overts of magnitude.
You OSA handlers, when your time of reckoning comes, you cannot not claim you were misled by your superiors and had no idea. You know what you are doing and who you work for, if you only apply the very Tech you pretend to serve.
Gerhard, you’re assuming you are talking to someone who has a soul or at a minimum is awake. They don’t have time to look up words from an SP such as yourself. Words like “Tech,” “natter,” “overts,” “overts of magnitude.” They are too busy working 34 hours a day trying to figure out who all the anonymous commenters are and taking major stable wins when they figure out ONE after a mere two months. They are too sleep deprived and robotic (or soulless) at this point to apply actual reason to anything much less “the tech.”
Well, I guess I am the eternal optimist. 🙂
I wonder why they didn’t send me one? I guess I need to cause a little more grief for them like you guys do!
Maybe I’m kind of backed off and too PTS!
Yo Dave,
Can I do the PTS/SP course on extension? Maybe I could git er done before I go see Your new movie on Going Clear!
The … uhm … “church” … yeah right … “church” …
They should have a twitter account @thechirpsofscientology
Mike, thanks for continuing to speak and share your truth.
“And I honor the nan who is willing to sink
Half his present repute for the freedom to think,
And, when he has thought, be his cause strong or weak,
Will risk t’ other half for the freedom to speak.”
A Fable for Critics, 1848
Beautiful — never seen that before.
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Nietzsche
Another wonderful quote Michael. Thanks. These two today are keepers! Going to add them to the quotes on the front page….
Thanks Mike. Here’s another one by him I like:
“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”
I like all of these.
Wow! I got one of those emails from [email protected] yesterday. I almost responded and told them to leave me alone. I chose to just block them instead. Then I raced out to chase the turnip truck I fell off yesterday.
I guess if you aren’t allowed to be on the internet, Nigerian princes can probably defraud you on a regular basis too.
Pathetic, evil and stupid child games but very convincing
how they are shooting themselves right, left and center
(these are not only foot bullets).
OSA’s actions can no longer be understood, only observed.
That’s it in a nutshell. Trying to understand something insane is quite the magic trick but technically impossible imo unless you start buying into the insanity.
I guess the closer one was to miscavige as Mike, Marty et al were the harder it is to avoid miscavige’s personal style filtering down and morphing into OSA’s or kool-aide drinker’s insanity. You’re right Dollar, OSA’s actions are only observable, apart from the sensational value of a media or legal scenario they’re quite insane but hey, they do scare birds and take away the rubbish!
I’d have to imagine when Mike signed his SO contract, never in a billion years would he have dreamed he have a internet blog communicating to the likes of people like us and the general public about the insanity of someone like miscavige. I sure never expected Scientology to degenerate into a side show of life with a casualty list as long as it has accumulated. As Forrest Gump said life is like a box of chocolates…
BTW loved that comment of Mike’s recently that miscavige’s biggest skeleton in his closet is that he’s NOT a Scientologist, doesn’t give or receive auditing or training – he’s a no-case gain! Quite easily proven too. Digest that one OSA & OTCs!
when you’re perfect, why would you need auditing or training?
You captured the entire thing in a simple sentence.
Mike mentioned just above here about the similarity of the C of $ scene to Austin Powers themes. (That’s a movie Trllogy, a bit like Star Wars except there is only 3 in the Trilogy). It’s a Spoof about how Madness & Evil work. So, as Mike mentions, it’s parallel to the current Sit. inside the C of $.
One of the key characters in this Trilogy is one Dr. Evil. We see in the third movie ” GoldMember”, the script describes Madness and Evil as being related. Both are evidenced by things being “Upsidedown”. (From the lyrics of a Rap Song included in “GoldMember”).
The Upsidedown’ness we are dealing with at the C of $ has culminated in the current scene where a whole bunch of Sea Org folks and dedicated Publics have had to undergo rejection / ejection / departure to eventually be positioned to be able to apply KSW, probably inadvertently, against the C of $.
The Doingness of this scenario includes actions such as generating public awareness through creating TV shows / Documentaries / Blogs / Books / YouTubes & websites about the C of $ becoming increasingly Off-Policy, noticeably since the early 80’s. The result will eventually include a removal of Dr. Evil, in this case one Davey M and his gang of fools, morons, SP’s and various, associated criminals.
The Austin Powers Trilogy is worth a watch as they are Fun enough. These 3 movies border on the Educational, if one looks into them deeply (which is a bit difficult when they are so unusually humorous).
Let’s ensure that we get our money back out of Daveys accounts before he handles himself by, as one example, Blowing – – – (One of the many desirable several outcomes which spring to mind).
I’ve been getting those emails too Mike. (actually only one) I don’t know what effect the OSA bots think that will create? Pretty lame.
Oh Tony — they are clever as hell. Dave informed them this is what he would do to handle this flap that everyone else created for him. Probably dictated the emails himself.
Austin Powers x PeeWee Herman x Al Capone = David Miscavige
Please don’t insult Mike Myers.
Awww. I love Mike Myers. But this character just shouts Miscavige — so over the top, such a bumbling idiot, and SO convinced of his utter superiority.
Yeah, but at least he’s funny!
We want you back Tony! The tech is TOTALLY standard now!!! I’m going to schedule you for tomorrow. Help us win the Birthday Game and come in Thursday before 2! This is so exciting! Aren’t you pumped?!
Student and/or PC Recovery Unit I/C HFA
As things get worse for the Co$, they will become more desperate and degenerate.
Be cautious and aware Mike and take comfort in the knowledge it is all coming out about them in a tidal wave.
Fascinating and sad post at the same time.
Miscavige hires PIs to buy your garbage and watch you “24/7.” Insane. The good news is that “Going Clear” will forever label Miscavige as the violent, abusive head of a cult and the media will fall over each other to find and expose his secrets. It also is inevitable that someday soon, those enormous PI bills will be scrutinized by one or more federal agencies as they investigate Miscavige and his use of tax exempt dollars to run a private gestapo.
I think that could be the next documentary…. OSA and its tricks. Between you, Marty and others (Alex who commented above for example) OSA’s entire playbook and its history could be exposed.
Snow White would be a good starting point.
Snow White and the Dwarf Fuhrer.
Grim(m) tale.
Regraded Being, how about a few panels?
Wait…so those email about freedom magazine are actually from scientologists? It’s like apologists for scientology who go onto forums and claim, “I am not a scientologist, but…” Somehow they think that it will make their comments more legitimate if they are seen not to be affiliated with the cherch. But what is the point here? To just show you how they keep making videos? Is it some sort of weird intimidation or something?
WheresShelly, it’s based on this vital LRH datum: Letters Out = Gross Income.
Ah, thanks Michael…now it makes more sense. At least as much as something so insane can make sense!
Ok, I’ll scoot further out on the limb here and take a shot at the Q:
I’d surmise that ‘they’ think that by getting someone who is out to look at their freedumb blathering that somehow they (we) would change our mind and want to rejoin because of all the factual reporting the cherch does.
I know, insanity is as insanity does and it does not get more ‘insaner’ than that! Well, except for Dave …. and he is really, really over the top.
Yo Dave,
Howz your weekend shaping up? Going to the movies by chance or just doing another drone rant to the pleebes?
Actually the smarmy narration of those videos makes me want to slap her, she’s just the type that narrates political attack ads. Ugh.
On another subject, I feel bad for the little boy being used as bait by the pi. I hope he was borrowed from a relative and doesn’t have to live with the PI full-time .
Unless your attorney advises against it, show it all Mike!
Who the fuck is David Miscavige to order people to be stalked and harassed this way? He’s nothing more than a sniveling, little weasel hiding behind attorneys and a pile of money he didn’t earn. Why shouldn’t the public see what rotten little beings he and the people who do his dirty work are?
No more shadows for you to hide in Dave.
DMs money is the proceeds of the biggest, most long running, slickest, most slippery, most conartist crime in the world.
Every dollar that the CO$ gets from someone is in fact fraud.
Fraud disguised as life improvement and therapy (therapay).
Yo Dave, when are you gonna get a real job?
People like DM are criminals.
A man who has defrauded people of billions of dollars is not told to get a job.
Criminals go to jail.
Bingo, that his new job!
Indeed. I am hoping Uncle RICO will pay Dave a visit.
Yo Dave, how’re them band-aids working on your dike?
I think you have it pretty well wrapped up Dio. The simplicity of the truth still boggles…….it IS ALL THERAPAY as you so aptly put it!
“It’s comforting to know that COB, er, I mean OSA is taking the appropriate actions necessary to create a safe environment for us all so we can study the tech just like Ron intended without distraction. Thank you sir!!!!!”
Sammy Schmendrick
What is more amazing is the obsession in following what you do.
It is not a legal surveillance from a formal group with a proper warrant to get evidence.
No, this is a complete obsession, a paranoia impulse, a reflection of the terror the soulless leader lives in and a confirmation for the media that scn backhanded, dishonorable abuses do exist even as the films roll this Friday in LA, NY, SFO.
The tsunami is just starting for the so called leader, it is going to get even worse.
I’m looking over a gang called OSA
That I overlooked before
The lawyers and PI’s that lurk in the shade
While Davey controls them with orders insane
There’s no explaining
The faithful remaining that act just like hired whores
I’m looking over a gang called OSA
That I overlooked before
Laughter, Michael! Thank you, because now I can confront and respond to Mike’s article today. It made me so furious…I’m better now.
A little honey makes the vinegar go down easier.
And you catch more bees with honey than vinegar.
Who creates email addresses like “hboisgreat” and “documentary2014”? Does OSA think we’re that stupid?
This is a fascinating space, where bubble meets real world. And very shortly the rest of the world will know what we’ve known all along.
What gave you the idea that anyone in the OSA “thinks”? Thinking is dangerous in the OSA. Better to just keep one’s mouth shut and simply obey His Royal Poopness’ commands.
I just mentioned the hope that Gibney and Paul Haggis might pick up on a Sequel, “The Journey from RPF to Fair Game”. Tony Ortega posted news about current harassment and stalking starting up again, all happening within the last week or so. I was one of them. So I decided to start writing detailed notes. I posted the first one last night. Three other people posted comments about suspicious activity that they wondered about this week. If everyone reports and we compare notes – that is the kind of evidence that is useful. Most of the time, the drivers speed away if I try and get license plate numbers, or the person gets away before I can get my camera and take pictures. We all know how scientology weasels their way out of evidence.
But if we all write down a Weekly diary of details and find two dozen people experienced the same MO that started and stopped in the exact same time period, it shoots down the whole “coincidence” theory.
I noted I thought this was the last primal scream of a twisted bully who just realized no one is listening to him anymore, and no one is saluting. There is no rhyme or reason to this latest fair game ploy. It’s like he’s randomly going through his rolodex and plucking out a name. You helped me, Mike, learn that exposure and sunlight really is the best disinfectant. Thanks again.
THDNE…..can you please give a link to your recent posting?
In case TheHole doesn’t see your request, here you go
Thanks Marcab
Mike, I feel so pleased that people like you, Mark (Marty), Chris Sheldon, Jon Atack and a whole host of others came forward and blew the whistle. It’s helped countless people, myself included, and will go on informing people in the future.
With Tony Ortega’s blog, too, I get up to date information that keeps me in the loop. Thank you, Tony, as well. I follow many blogs but those I’ve mentioned here, including Mark’s, which has taken a different direction which I like. I gain more and more from all of you each day.
Drones? A washer, a few meters of dental floss, and a slingshot. (Don’t hit the drone, just close enough that the dental floss is pulled into the rotors.)
If you want further evidence of the insanity of scn and exactly where it comes from it is worth checking out the text messages in this link:
I found them today for the first time and it was an eye opener, showing exactly how closely DM does manage things, undoubtedly he was aware of if not directly involved in this surveillance op.
Mike, I could not resist and watched film the Church made about you. It is the most malicious video I have ever seen. Whoever had anything to do with that video definitely deserve a long trip to Hell for turning your family against you in such a disgusting fashion. The only positive is that it is pretty obvious from the video that they were constantly stalking and surveilling you in the creepiest way possible. I also almost cracked up when they stated that you only held a junior position for 4 years before your “dismissal”. Wow, CO OSA International is a junior position now?
Anyway, it is utterly shocking to see the moral level the “Church” has descended to by now. I hope you are well as it cannot be easy to face this sort of behaviour 24/7. These people are really evil. So, do well and LLNP!
Well said. This organization has gone berserk. Reminds me of what Hubbard said about SP’s being found out, raising hell and screaming about being victimized. Spreading lies and malicious gossip, rumor mongering. Text book!
Compared to DM, everyone is in a junior position, probably even including Monique Yingling.
Mike, you have all my respect and admiration. I was in OSA for 10 years, we had a good team, I know what the game is about. Thank you for being there and doing what you are doing. I hope people in your family will wake up some day.
Mike, continue to be careful out there.
And they sure as sh*t seem proud of those freedumb videos. Been pushing them on Tony O’d blog like they’re going out of fashion.
It’ all they have. They’re like the guy shooting pea shooters at a Battleship. To not keep shooting would be to “give up” so they keep firing away, telling themselves they are inflicting grave damage on the enemy. In their mind this is valiant, noble, heroic. Everyone else sees it as the height of stupidity.
Or the deepest level of insanity…
I got that same email about Freedumb magazine. I was suspicious of it and just deleted it thinking that if I clicked on the link it would either put a virus in my computer or it would be hate mail from the Co$. Mike do a sweet for cameras and mics and trash collectors and publish everything and give everything to the authorities. The church is desperate and are ratcheting it up on you. Stay safe. But don’t stop anything you’re doing. Keep the press on them. And thank you for all you do.
More like a boomerang.
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