While Miscavige is busy telling scientologists to watch his 1993 IRS Event (see earlier post today When the Going Gets Tough…) in order to combat the new tidal wave of negative publicity flooding his dinghy, he is also rolling out a new external PR line.
The cry from scientology has been that The Aftermath is just a means for Leah Remini to “make money” (they cleverly called it “Leah Remini; After Cash”) — but that line is kind of dead in the water as Leah is now filming Kevin Can Wait. Even Miscavige knows that a network sitcom is a far more lucrative gig than any form of “reality TV.” So the money line went in the shitter.
So, he has trotted out a new attack.
Dealing himself the bigly victim card (how strange, when scientology frowns on victims so heavily) he is now claiming to be on the receiving end of “more than 500 incidents of vandalism, harassment and threats of violence…”
This is the statement from spokesperson who never speaks, Karin Pouw (these days merely the nom de plume of Dear Leader Miscavige) that appeared in a story in the Hollywood Reporter this afternoon.
The church has a different take on Remini and her A&E series, citing a spike in anti-Scientology hate crimes, bomb threats and death threats since Aftermath began airing. That escalation has required “drastic increases in security in many of our churches,” says Scientology spokeswoman Karin Pouw, who adds that since the show first aired, “there have been more than 500 incidents of vandalism, harassment and threats of violence against the church, its parishioners, staff and leadership.” Pouw cites several recent incidents, including “a woman who gushed about Leah Remini on social media [then] drove her car through the front doors and lobby of our church in Austin, Texas, coming to rest just short of a nursery where earlier children [had been] playing,” and a man who “served five months in jail and is now on parole for a credible assassination threat against the leader of the church, which he said was inspired by the ‘King of Queens lady.’ “
Adds Pouw: “Leah Remini is just an actress whose current role is starring in a scam of a show whose singular goal is to incite religious hate and violence for ratings, money and Emmy nominations.”
Oh, that is rich. This is the organization that is headed by the “Thumping Pope” (as John Sweeney so aptly dubbed him) who has physically assaulted more people than Mike Tyson. The same organization that has POLICY that critics and enemies should be “destroyed” and “ruined utterly”. POLICY that scientologists are commanded to carry out. The organization that framed people from crimes they didn’t commit in order to get them put in prison.
But, things are changing in the press. Shortly after this story appeared, another article followed in Jezebel. Miscavige’s claims of victimhood are pretty efficiently dismantled:
It should be noted that both of the cited crimes occurred before Aftermathbegan airing—Andre Barkanov started making his threats in July 2015, and Erin McMurtry drove her car into her lobby of the Scientology building in December of 2015. However, Remini announced she left the church in 2013, and her memoir Troublemaker, in which she details her life in and after Scientology, was released November 2015. The only sources I could find positing Remini’s potential influence on Barkanov are on Scientologist-run sites, while McMurtry did indeed write about Remini a few times on her Facebook page. Still, if the church wants to argue that Remini’s show is doing damage to its members, they should probably update their examples. They apparently have 500 to choose from.
The tide is turning in the media. Scientology’s bs is being sniffed the minute it drops.
But despite this, scientology will keep pushing this line.
So, I am putting this response out here early in the piece so it can be referred back to every time they repeat their absurd claim.
And by the way: if you want to stop people being upset with you, STOP THE ABUSE. Don’t try to blame the messenger.
Just found the show…binged watched it..horrifying…unbelievable…astounding…I am a Christian and my husband is a pastor. The amount of brainwashing and grooming going on here is scary. On one hand I can’t believe people fall for it. On the other hand I know people’s need to do good and be part of something is one of the tools they use to appeal to you. Once someone starts abusing you it is hard to leave. The tearing apart of families is just so sad. God gave us free will. He could have made us to automatically believe in Him and accept His son Jesus. God did not do that. He gave us the free will to choose. How dare any human take away the free will of another human. I wonder if any of these “defectors” get any any kind of help reversing the brainwashing that has occurred? Please don’t stop the exposure of these people. This is not a church. I do believe this show will help people learn about a terror that should be exposed. I will pray for everyone involved. God is always there. Jesus paid the price. Believe in Him. God is love. Nothing about Scientology has even a tiny hint of love.
I was watching a repeat S2E1 today and it was the first time I saw that one. While watching one of the victims mentioned she was forced to sign an agreement that stated she would not sue her father or the church, before she was allowed to leave the organisation. Based on the way it was described the agreement sounds like it was signed under duress and is unenforceable. It may be an idea to help her look into filing that lawsuit. The best way to make an organisation like that change is to show them it will cost them way more to ignore things like that. Also it sounds like they were the victims of essential forced slave labor maybe they could both look into filing a lawsuit to help them survive life.
They could argue that Scientology took upon the responsibility to prepare them for life and teach them the basics they will need in order to take care of themselves,Since the church failed to even attempt to properly educate them the church should be held accountable and forced to give them the means to obtain the knowledge and education they were not provided.
I did want to make a bit of a rebuttal to the stated view on reincarnation. I should start by stating I am a witch and a very well educated one. In the show Leah stated ( i’m heavily paraphrasing) that re-incarnation was a dangerous belief because it eliminates family connections. I would like to respond to that idea by saying: Don’t confuse the cult like indoctrination tactic with the very valid religious belief. Scientology (appears) to isolate the practitioners to make them more receptacle to being controlled. As a result they tell you to view reincarnation in a way that makes you feel less connected to your family. As a result you will be left feeling less connected to them and more controllable. I would argue that in reality the fact that we will be reborn again over and over would actually make us more connected. Often spirits will be drawn together and life after life a mother could end up being the grand daughter of her daughter. Knowing that we could be reborn with the same people life after life means we should fell more connected to our family. It also should remind us that we need to teach our children how to be good parents if for no other reason then to help ourselves have happier future lives.
The same root concept and religious believe but 2 very different perspectives on the consequences. I would say it appears that Scientology twits it to create an effect that is ultimately harmful and only beneficial to the small group of people running the church. Unfortunately this can happen to almost any religious concept. That is why Blind Faith is dangerous and can only really be overcome by open communication, honest dialog and continual learning about all points of view. I would Like to commend you on you attempts to help open those lines of communication and help bring to lite the very real danger, of any religion, that states “these people can do no wrong, so don’t tell anyone that thing they did”.
Laura 🙂
I just recently heard about Leah’s show. My first reaction was heart palpitations. Since leaving Flag in 74 (yes I served with Lois, Gary, Dee Dee, Jill, the Gillhams, Tonja, Claire and Shelly…with her goofy split earlobe) I steer clear of the stories. So many brave people have spoken out. So many people who attacked my parents when they left are out and are lofty anti-SCNers, vlogging on YouTube. I don’t consider them brave.
I did a quick search on the web today for Leah’s show. First thing that came up was an SCN piece on how terrible she is. After Money eh? Now isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. I hope she makes millions!
I’m not one of those that SCN can claim to be a disgruntled, discredited member. My sister has asked me for years to write a book. It will never happen. What I don’t understand is why our government hasn’t learned any lessons from Jonestown, or Waco… what is it going to take to shut this monster down?
Unfortunately, the lessons they DID learn from WACO and other things is “steer clear, you end up with egg on your face, shirt, shoes and everywhere else.”
I hope you watch the shows… they are packed full of compassion and encouragement for those who’ve been hurt.
I missed the show tonight, traveling for work. I did purchase the first season from Amazon though. I was so thrilled to hear the show is on its second season. Holy cow! After watching the first episode, I was almost convinced I could speak out. After watching Mike’s story…Ill be quiet a bit longer.
I did go see my sister when she, her husband and her newborn were in Clearwater. The baby was three by then and I was appalled at how filthy she was and her rotting teeth. My sister had disconnected from our parents and moved after they left SCN. I had too, but later the love of a good man helped me reconnect with them. That same good man stood by me in the living room of the house where I had rented a room from a Scientologist who was the world’s worst roommate. I finally deducted money from my rent check for the property her pets damaged and the food she ate, and she locked me out. Of course I called the police. They convinced her she had to let me in something about proper legal eviction statutes. When I got in she was on my phone with some ethics officer I’d never met. She hands me the phone and this woman is screaming and cursing at me!!! I held the phone out so our LAPD guests could hear. Ultimately, I told her that I knew my rights. She lost it! You value your rights as an American over your rights as a Scientologist????, she screamed.
Yes…yes I do.
Son, what a terrible ordeal. You are stronger than I, no doubt about it. Continue to fight for a life with inalienable rights. No “religion” can take those away. In fact, the very idea that Scion WOULD try to deny you basic human rights is a huge red flag: Look at me! I am worth more than you… because I’m a Scientology sheeple! Disgusting.
#1 son, we must have had the same roommate because I doubt this is very prevalent in Scientology since they are “so ethical.”
Yeah right!!! If you believe that, I know of a bridge somewhere you can buy…
I rented my home out to two Scientology staff members. And because they were on staff, I rented at a loss to be charitable.
One staff member left her pets with me while she went away for days. Surprise!
When I went out of town, I came back to find every square inch of my one-year-old carpets covered in pet urine. I also discovered missing artwork near and dear to me among other thefts I won’t get into..
You are more courageous than me because I never called the police. I tried to just “handle it internally” as they say…
We know how that goes.. Ahem!
The rent owed to me was never paid in full or on time and the damages into thousands of dollars, I never recovered.
It wasn’t those damages that were the most hurtful, it was the lost artwork that had been given to me by someone who’d died recently.
The two staff members left very abruptly and refused to speak with me. The person did not change their mailing address for some months. The mail consisted of demand notices from collection agencies and for unpaid parking tickets.
As I write this, one of these two is currently the executive director at a local org.
S*** rolls down hill. There is a pervasive culture in this rip-off organization that says it’s okay to commit criminal and harmful acts. For the person harmed, “pulled it in. ”
Without exception, the offenders are ALWAYS protected.
Mike, you could have cashed your chips in long ago and disappeared from this sordid scene…. Walked off into the sunset with your family until the cult was just an unpleasant hazy dream. No one would have blamed you and many others have done so seeking much deserved healing. Yet you’ve chosen to stay and fight the good fight..remaining in the cross hairs of a cult that shows no restraint against it’s enemies. You have recognized that you can’t undo the past but you can make amends in spite of the costs. You’re navigating a path littered with skeletons. This path has cost many good people their sanity, humanity and even their lives. For this I say Bravo to you good sir. Thank you for your courage and kindness. Thank you for being willing to face the wreckage in which you once played a part and reaching out a hand to the survivors. Your actions are far reaching and have helped many more than you will ever know.
Will DM and his crew ever stop the hate?! Do they really belive that people will actually believe his preposterous claims? Seriously?
Brilliant rebuttal, Jezebel! You’re really pulling it in, Dave. Victim indeed.
“And by the way: if you want to stop people being upset with you, STOP THE ABUSE. Don’t try to blame the messenger.”
This. One hundred percent. If people are outraged by what they hear about the cult’s abuse and exploitation, whose fault is that? STOP THE ABUSE.
Yep, exactly CV! Made me happy to see the timeframe was called out by the actual media before Mike, Leah or Tony had to point it out.
They try to distract, derail and “flip the script” only it’s not working anymore. (Happy dance!)
I’ve been out for ten years now and actually find that event video promo piece EMBARASSING (on just a flow zero reading it alone).
Hate crimes… something the Cof$ is really good at. At the end of the day, you have to give them one thing – they don’t discriminate who or what to hate, everyone eventually gets their attention, it’s only a matter of time. Leah is simply holding up a big mirror for Miscavige to look into. Stings doesn’t it Davy?
Well, considering that there are ZERO documented hate crimes against scamology since Mike & Leah started working on the shows we must remember Scamology Axiom #1; If it isn’t a lie, it isn’t scientology.
You made me spit my tea at the screen, lol… the Scn axioms revisited, Wynski style.
But it led to an interesting thought. With Miscavige at the helm and the Cof$ becoming more and more despised, “who else does it benefit?” Noticed over at Ortega’s site, the level of deceit surrounding Scn knows no bounds, ie faking court documents to get things de-indexed from Google’s search engines etc. What sort a degenerating fucked up sort of game is going on surrounding the subject of Scn and/or cults in general I suppose? The antics they are creating to stay afloat is remarkable. They are leading the way further south after they already got there. I never knew you could keep on selling your soul, over and over like that, amazing!
Scientology’s Guide to the Galaxy, a work in progress…
I guess I’m re-defining what a cult is for myself. Believing or following lies and deceit too closely gets you into one.
Yawn, you gotta know that everything is ONLY to benefit Miss Cabbage. He goes psycho if anyone else gets to HAVE anything. I don’t know if he even thinks in terms of a group anymore. It is only about him.
Weird thing is I’m seeing that sort of selfish operating basis emerging more and more in the corporate & political world. The arrogance is becoming breathtaking and being above the law is the goal so it seems.
True. Look at people like Jobs and the slave labor factories he set up so he could be an uber billionaire. But, in the end it didn’t help him Karma baby!
That’s right, Mike. I would’nt mind going down to the base myself and kicking some ass or demonstrating. You know why I don’t do it?
Because Leah and Mike would not want me to.
The Church should actually support this blog because as long as people can comment and blow off steam here they don’t have to take matters into their own hands. Of course, the real solution for the Church is to stop committing continuous overts so that they can get some case gain. I won’t hold my breath on them doing that.
Bill, it isn’t worth you getting inconvenienced for. You did your time and took FAR more than your share of physical and mental abuse. I’m glad you made it out. It was insidious. First you are having fun in the HGC’s with Cherry, Bill R, Chester, et al where it was work but fun then, boom — torture.
Great article!
Are any of the celebrities within the “church” making any contact with you or Leah?
Update on your Demise:
Unmasked political short sightedness prevents some from being effective. However, Leah performs with sufficient intensity to embrace all outlets to get a Federal Investigation underway. You and your Mark should be ready to kiss each others’ ass good-bye.
exactly how many of these 500+ incidents have be reported to the police, FBI or other law enforcement agency?
THANK YOU ~ My daughters and I wish we could help abolish the Scientology organization. It is the cause of the break-up of our family. The C of S is why my husband, Jim Flahive, chose to file for divorce. AND… he is still a staunch public Scientologist. This is partly due to the fact that he doesn’t use computers and hasn’t been exposed to all the proof that Scn. is bogus. . His temper when things don’t go HIS way and the crude way he runs his business (which was originally MY business – that I ended up giving him 1/2 of in the divorce) does not reflect what one would expect of a thetan who has been a Scientologist for over 4 decades and who is at least as far up the bridge as OT 5..
But you CAN help!
Talk about the COS abuses to anyone who wants to listen.
Post here and/or elsewhere about your experiences.
Be sure to get the FACTS about this organisation out to anyone.
Oh, and http://whyweprotest.wikia.com/wiki/Accounts_of_Scientology%27s_Disconnection_Policy_by_Former_Members_and_Others#F
Commiserations Ginny. It is unfortunately a common trail of events and circumstances within the realm of Scientology. Best of luck to you, similar things happened and are extant in many families caught up in that cult.
Lots of respect for your courage in posting openly as yourself! So sorry to hear your family was torn apart by the Cult of $! BUT I was thankful to read your daughters are of like-mind with you & you have them in your life. So many that post here have lost their children, young to adult, to this evil cult… very thankful to read they have a discerning Mom who saw the light & protected your children – especially because of anyone who may eventually break through his prison of the mind, his daughters would be the most likely to make him question things eventually. My hope & prayer for you & yours is that as the pain of the past heals, your ex-husband will get out & recognize that his treasures & future lie in the amazing family you created together & not a mind-numbing, money-grubbing cult!
Ginny, you kept 2 winners, and lost a loser..
In re: Scn’s policies on destroying the lives of people they don’t like viz-a-viz the alleged attacks – this is also the organization that espouses the “truth” that whatever happens to you is the direct result of what you have done. Oh, the irony.
How can they be victims when they have fair game and let’s not forget they let people die,. Karen’s son and Lisa McPherson
They do more than just let people die. They actively worked to ensure that I would not get medical treatment. It is only by a number of improbable miracles that I am still alive to write this.
You’re a good kind caring loving man Bill with many people here concerned about you. You are alive because you took the correct steps to save yourself! Pat on the back for bravery my friend!
Hey, Bill! Not even a malicious cult can keep a good man down!
“bomb threats and death threats :………Geeze! I was just going to order him a “midget Pizza”……at 2am in the morning! They have “midget Bagels” but they don’t deliver….
Seems David Miscavige spends all his time in HIDING, and now is a VICTIM. All that money and all that ‘power’, and nowhere to go (unless there is an entourage and security detail).
Leah and Mike, on the other hand, are definitely not in hiding, and can go most anywhere they please.
I need to share a comment on yours because I really like what you put. David Miscavige (or should I say MisInformatator) says he is the Leader of a “Church”, well if that is the case, why does he need a security detail? God should protect hi. And He of All people should have the FAITH that God is keeping hi. Safe!!!
Miscavige is a God isn’t he? Or at least a Pope. His security requirements just reinforces his recognition of the importance of himself. He makes anything and everything about him, and him alone. His God like status is intact in his own mind but he needs protection from all those apostates wishing to make him their gravy train to financial success – see the logic? No? Well… Gods work in mysterious ways then.
LOL, Rebecca!
World Renowned Ecclesiastical Leader David Miscavige cannot expect any protection from God;
Little Boots is on Our Lord’s “Most Wanted” list, don’tcha know. God is gunning for him.
I lift my glass to incident #501
David Miscavige, his minions and his sheeple are responsible for the tidal wave of negative press, criticism, and things like vandalism and attacks on staff and parishoners. They are the doers of the deeds that are stirring up public reaction. Leah Remini and The Aftermath are a voice for people who have been silenced, and she and the show are a catalyst for increased public awareness. No one in their right mind would hold her or the show responsible for attacks. The doer of the deeds is now exposed. The cat is out of the bag. The emperor has no clothes. The gig is up. They have created their own bad reputation and no one else is responsible for their “troubles” other than themselves. Karma is in full play.
<blockquote . . . Dealing himself the bigly victim card (how strange, when scientology frowns on victims so heavily) . . .
You’re kidding, right? By adopting the “victim” “valance”, Scientology is applying exactly L Ron Hubbard’s policy with regard to dealing with enemies and using “enemy tactics”.
The Scientology Dictionary defines “Victim” as “1. a destroyed or threatened with destruction receipt point. 2. a victim is an unwilling and unknowing effect of life, matter, energy, space and time.”
Also, in Scientology, the word “victim” is sometimes associated with the “dramatizing of a service facsimile,” where someone becomes a “victim” to get sympathy and to gain other perceived advantages.
“Victims” in Scientology are frowned upon if they are being victims of Scientology.
Per its founders confidential instructions one is to USE ENEMY TACTICS, and these include “ABERRATIVE” TACTICS.
Scientologists, when interacting with “Wogs” (humanoids who, of course, are aberrated) and “SPs” and “DBs,” if it is regarded as forwarding Scientology, will USE ENEMY TACTICS.
One of the traits of lower (non Scientology) beings is that they “become victims,” and use “being a victim” to their advantage.
So, following L. Ron Hubbard’s instructions in his “Scientology Philosophy,” when dealing with the ENEMY (including the “Wogs” who are “PTS” – or they’d have become Scientologists – to the “SPs”), one plays at being a VICTIM.
Scientologists are continually being victimized by the SPs, ANTI-SCIENTOLOGISTS, BIGOTS, the HATERS, the BASHERS, the NATTERERS, the ANTI-RELIGIOUS HATERS AND BIGOTS who “attack their “Scientology religion.”
The details of this sort of thing can be found in Scientology’s (mostly, but not entirely, non-confidential) PR Tech (and beware, the PR Tech is deceptively multi-layered, as is Scientology over-all), its (mostly confidential) Propaganda Tech (works along with PR Tech), and its (almost entirely confidential) covert “Intelligence Tech.”
Bits of these usually confidential instructions by Scientology’s founder can be found in Scientology’s founder’s writings and lectures, and these filter (or flow) down to the Scientologists, and shape their thinking.
Scientologists love to play at being the victim if it’s seen as being an advantageous ploy or trick or gimmick or angle (all terms used by the spiritual leader of the Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard).
Scientology is a secretive subject, and one of the traits of a Scientologist is to be influenced by Scientology in ways he/she does not fully understand. So, a Scientologist will sometimes “play the victim card” against a “wog” or “basher” or “SP” without being fully aware of the LRH source material upon which these actions are based.
One of the reasons why it’s so awkward to talk about Scientology with a Scientologist is that Scientologists don’t fully know what Scientology is. The Scientologist doesn’t know the full contents of the secretive subject to which he/she has given his/her allegiance, and has opened wide his/her mind for “Hubbard Guidance.”
Buying off, (hush money) even after all the years of embarrassing information he exposed on the cult on his blog and on film, including YouTube — turncoat Marty and his 900 videos is a big waste of time (snoozer) and $$$ — chump change (his buy off) for the cult no doubt. Marty’d be better off (his eternal eternity) using his power(s) for good and join forces with Princess Leah (Remini). Come out from under your bed already, Marty. “The Force” needs you. The Cosmos needs you. Maybe not. When the Govt grows some cojones — the cult and all it’s minions, starting with Diamond Dave, will be doomed to eternal damnation. Tick tock.
Dwarfly Morecrap has nothing else to fall back on so he just uses the same hoary old useless attacks and his “Crowning Achievement” to keep the sheepbots in line.
“…coming to rest just short of a nursery where earlier children [had been] playing,…” Jeez, I really get sick and tired of seeing and reading this bullshit “shock, horror” sort of non-event in the media. Sounds horrifying but signifies nothing. I had a loaf of bread on the kitchen and ten minutes after I moved it I dropped a cutting board in the exact same spot. I was so glad because if it had happened ten minutes earlier I could have hurt the loaf of bread.
Who is making the big decisions for scientology these days? The buck apparently stops with David Miscavige.
Every counter-attack launched by this embarrassing “church” is so easily defended, ridiculed, and laughed at THE DAY OF LAUNCH by both the press and the internet.
Who can be blamed, David? Who can be slapped and choked? Everything you touch just turns to shit. Perhaps it is time to step down? You know Tom Cruise has been coveting your exalted position since day one. You can see past his cheesy little actor’s grin. He has been betraying you all along!
When the COS Confidential Informer tells DM that both Hemet & Clearwater are about to be “invaded” by outside government sources will DM call TC in and say “HERE”S the keys to everything….I’m retiring going on a lllooonnngggg vacation….YOU are the new COB”….& off DM will go in his personal helicopter for parts unknown.
Its possible that His attorneys are the ones making the actual big decisions nowadays. Its possible that David Miscavige is now actually their creature and only the titular head of Scientology. It is also conceivable that He is continually advised by his legal people to cool it as re the physical stuff.
If that last sentence is true, it must be SO difficult for Miscavige to continually stifle his own natural, spontaneous, vicious impulses.
He has to be nostalgic for the bad old days when he could just lose his temper and belt someone whenever he wanted without his fucking attorneys wagging their fingers at him.
To Captain Miscavige:
Yes, indeed, those were the days, weren’t they, Sir?
You really had it made, didn’t you,Oh World- Renowned Ecclesiastical Leader?
It must be really tough for you now, Sir. We feel your pain – caused by your inability to inflict pain.
So, from all of us here at Mike’s, and with much ARC, this one’s for you, Captain:
Sunday, Monday, Slappy Days!
Tuesday, Wednesday, Slappy Days!
Thursday, Friday, Slappy Days!
Weekend comes,
Ducati hums,
Off to a bar with Lou!
Much love,
Aqua. you made me laugh….Slappy Day……sadly however…that seems to fit the bill. As each day passes and the ground gets a bit shakier & crumbly around those “huge compound”…..I bet he is looking out the windows OR having one of his minions looking out the windows to see what’s going on & if he needs to get the HELL out in one quick hurry
Ecclesiastical Leader?????…..of a “charitable organization”……WELL, that seems to fit him to a tee….as in “Charity Begins At Home”……HIS HOME..
Thanks, Balletlady, it makes me laugh too. Its someone else’s creation, though. I picked it off of Tony O’s blog a few years ago.
According to Scientologists, they have the right, as non-psychiatrists, to say all psychiatrists and psychiatry in general are evil, but a non-scientologist doesn’t even have the right to even say that one Scientologist has has done one thing immoral: that’s a hate crime.
“We’re not playing some minor game in Scientology.” Really?
I just received a promoted Twitter on my news feed, “Leah Remini: After Cash” which was paid for by Scientology and I clicked on it, not knowing it until after I started reading it and it was weak. The entire thing was obviously a hit piece with a video of a woman who claimed to have known her reciting negative things Leah did like school girl gossip. If they wanted to attack Leah, it back fired. It made Scientology and Scientologists look desperate.
So true Org-rat. Well said.
Whoa Karen aka Dave! You should be promoting how much more you’re expanding due to all the nasty attacks. One thing is for certain: interest in Scientology is at an all time high, but not the kind you wanted, am I right?
Dave, why not reverse the flow and turn things around! Take a big swig of Macallans and use this opportunity to fire up your imagination just like Ron did, by working out the kinks of OT IX and X, and then sell it like gangbusters as part of the new and improved Golden Age of Dreck.
Mike – Excellent post for the third one of the day! To people in doubt about the integrity of you, Leah or David (aka Karen) I would just ask that they pick a random video of each one of those speaking and they will instantly tell from the conviction, words and body language who is telling it like it is. I’d say close to 100% of humans have great in-built BS detectors. But one of the things they don’t tell you about scientology is that one of the first things the “tech” does is rapidly clear your mind of this ability. I note it is not on the list of 57 senses or whatever LRH called the innate human skills the Super Power BS is supposed to hone.
Spot on Mike! Spot on observation. Thank you!
Yes! Emmy nomination! ??
A thickly padded room needs to be prepared for David Miscavage cause when the day comes that Scientology is dismantled which will eventually happen, he won’t be able to handle it and he will loose what little is left of his mind.
Maybe the people doing these things are not inspired by Aftermath but by the abuses of this so called “church.” I’m not saying it’s right but people can get pushed only too far before they snap and we all know the “church” just loves to push people. Then when they get a reaction they scream, “Hate! Religious bigotry!”
Hey Dave,
The ‘Hollywood Reporter’ and ‘Jezebel’ would like to interview Karin Pouw in person. LOL
At this point, Miscavige is more like the Cowardly Lion than the Wizard of Oz. He hides behind a woman lawyer, victimhood,surveillance cameras, or OSA trolls. What a leader!.
Come on out Dude! What are you hiding from? Your own temper?
You know it’s not true, because there are well over 500 people who want a piece of that jackass.
Yo Dave,
What have You done to pull all of this negativity onto Your Cult? I’d say its high time for some good ole fashion SEC CHECKING ……….GOOD FUCKING BUDDY!
BTW Karins comment:
“drastic increases in security in many of our churches,”
I say how is that possible Dave? You are already so over the top with security You must be having trouble getting all the mouths fed . Hell, between the razor wire, security cameras, hundreds of people to watch the security cameras, more security people to watch the people watching the security cameras, geeezzzzzzzus Dave whathefuckareyougonnado?
Time for a good shit and a shot of scotch Dave!
What you resist you become
DM, What have you done? What have you withheld?
Here here Mike! Here here!!
Scientology will always blame the messenger and cry out “look what they did to me” .. Scientologist do you recall this phrase from Hubbard, “the overt doth speak loudly in accusation”? Just look at the scene….don’t listen to Dave, he’s been playing you for decades.
The concept of “personal responsibility” is Scientology’s most workable concept and needs to be unfailingly applied to their lives by everyone, except Scientologists.
Ha ha, life comes at you fast!
Oh please, over 500 incidences and they’re just making it public now? Anybody believe that all of a sudden Scientology benevolently turned the other cheek? Look what they did to Brandon Reisdorf over a hammer. Why no mention of all these other hate crimes then?
If there was a big stink to be made I’m sure they would have made it by now, with all the police reports to back it up.
Oh well – at least they have another stat to report. It will add a line to those minutes we aren’t supposed to see.
Read the article earlier today and saw the church’s new tact right away with two immediate thoughts: (1) the church is in deep poo poo.
(2) Martha Stouts’ writes in her book The Sociopath Next Door that a big tell that you might be dealing with a sociopath is the sociopath’s use of “the pity play.” This is the poor innocent religion that does so much good for mankind and helps so many people rise to greater spiritual awareness and the big bad Leah is inciting others to hatred and violence toward this wonderful religion.
Rather than actually address the cruelties and abuses inflicted by this church, david miscavige has got another big bad SP to blame. Poor Poor Pitiful dave.
Yes, the Church of Scientology is just SO maligned!
All they’ve EVER wanted to do was help mankind, and look at the thanks they get!
You’d think that people would recognize REAL help when they see it, but NOOOO, these dumb wogs out there controlled as they are by the Mad Dog Mainstream Media and the Suppressive Psychs do nothing but put out Fake News about us, and attack the good, helpful people who, after all, are ONLY in the habit of imprisoning and disappearing their loyal staff and splitting up close and loving Scientology families because if they don’t, life as we know it in this universe is DOOMED!
Tsk, tsk, tsk…”in all the broad universe…mankind’s only hope” . UNFAIR!
Hey, OSA, why don’t you suggest that COB get Himself a Twitter account?
He could tweet out all the Real expansion news in 140 characters, whenever the mood strikes him. He could unburden himself continually with regard to the viciousness directed at him and Mankind’s Only Hope by Suppressives like Mike, Leah and the MSM. Twitter would be a terrific emotional outlet for COB. Much healthier for his liver, too. Look, OSA, you know that here’s nothing but Fake News out there about Scientology. Free-To-Be-Dumb Magazine is just not enough to counter it all nowadays! The Sheeple require a CONTINUAL diet of REALScientology news.
COB needs Twitter, and Twitter needs COB!
The new program could be called “The Golden Age of the Direct Communication Line” . (Of course, that titles just off the top of my head, OSA, as no doubt a better one can be thought up that includes the word “golden”.)
Honestly, I think this would go over big with the Sheeple.
In fact, it could be THE thing that safeguard’s Ron’s Legacy! Think about it, OK, OSA?
And I hope y’all don’t think I’m being presumptuous. I just want to help! Believe me.
I’m so glad that 43 years ago I saw the evil in “Dianetics” after reading half a chapter…….and I burned it one page at a time. So many people have been mentally and emotionally tortured by the sick sick leaders of this cult.
Keep up the good work of shining a bright light under their slimy rock
I’m going to keep encouraging you here, as that is all I can do. I hope you take strength from the overwhelming tide of gratitude and admiration. Let it shield you from the harassment, hate and abuse I am sure Scien-lie-ology is throwing at you. We are many legions more than the few remaining lost members of the cult. ❤️
Thank you. The support from so many means a great deal.
This is the EXACT same line the Co& used in 2008 after Anonymous announced it would be protesting Scientology.
If you have that many threats and that much hate coming your way maybe just Maybe he should take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself why Miscavige.The pain he has caused to so many innocent people karma karma karma.
So much I would like to say but won’t. Good job Mike and Leah, keep telling the stories that need to be heard!!! I can only hope that the cult implodes very soon and that will give the chance of families reconnecting. I only wish the money the have accumulated could go back to those who have been harmed by their actions!!!!!
That’s the key change I think these days. People see through their BS now. If I hear that a new person on the second season of Aftermath has a smear site put up about them after their story airs, I won’t even waste my time with that lame-ass recycled garbage. I already have the basic idea of what they’ll say anyway. This nonsense must be for the still-ins to make them feel victimized.
Miscavige now playing the victim card is indeed very ironic, as Mike pointed out. The self-styled “Ecclesiastical Leader”, the COB RTC, the “Pope of Scientology”, is now operating on an emotional Tone Scale level of 0.1 (Victim). Current Scientologists should just let that sink in for a minute…..
Amen and thank you for your input ??
Mick I have to disagree that the key change is that “people see through their BS now”.
I find it hard to believe that anyone from outside the bubble observing the Church’s reactions to criticism of their ethics, morals and practices could ever be sucked in by their BS. In so far as excrement can be described as transparent it was clearly see-through lies. The big change is the shear number of people speaking out. There has been gradual acceptance that despite its litigious nature the organisation is a toothless tiger, increasingly ineffective at silencing the truth and not to be feared.
The second part of your comment is an excellent one!
True tony b. At its highest point scamology’s scam was NOT seen by only 2 out of every 1,000 people in the USA
Mick Roberts,
Miscavige’ has 2 cards to play. Its either victim or bully. He has no other cards, and he knows it.
!00% agree “Aqua”….funny thing is either way he loses. He is the VICTIM of his OWN greed & callousness towards others. He is a bully because he, under the protect of several security people”….willing beats the crap out of a single individual.
Only a BULLY would not battle another man one on one…..only a scared weak fearful man would need an army of minions around him to make sure he doesn’t get his ass kicked.
Houses made from cards eventually fall….yes, if very careful around them, they can last for a good lone while…..but just “blow or stomp around them”…the house of card crumbles. Just like the walls of Jericho, one day Hemet will fall & those who WANT out will be able to leave.
You’ve been doing a lot of homework on the cult, Balletlady. Your post shows that. Nails on every head.
“…just like the walls of jericho, one day Hemet will fall & those who WANT out will be able to leave.”
And, I would only add, if all goes well, even those who don’t want to leave will HAVE TO LEAVE, because by then, there won’t BE any more “Int Base”.
Many of the people posting here have had their lives torn apart in the cruelest way. Thank you for being here and communicating as you do Balletlady, despite having yourself no skin in the game.
Thank you for your kinds words once again Aqua…….In reality I do feel as I have “some skin” in the game in this way. I’ve listened to every Aftermath #1 episode countless times….I deeply internally FEEL the pain that everyone displayed during their interview. Mary’s “they owned me”…Claire’s “some wounds (sic) can’t be healed”…..Aaron’s tears over the loss of his much loved twin brother…Tom D’s heartache at “IF ONLY I hadn’t”……..Brandon’s conviction for a so called “hate crime” while he was suffering from a mental illness……Mike’s having to escape the clutches of his “monitors” in a bid for freedom away from the punishment he’d been enduring at the hands of the COB, Amy Schobee’s tale of being raped as a14 yr old by a 35 yr old….
The on screen basic DENIAL of ” the COS challenges”……are ALL these lovely VICTIMS lying??? It goes on and on, the tales of abuse, being taken advantage of, having families ripped apart over “belief system”……
No religious organization should wield such power….no individual should wield such power….yet this has gone on for decades.
For those who hare so deeply ingrained and indoctrinated in “the cause”….my heart aches & my stomach churns because they will NEVER want OUT. They are so brainwashed & deeply entrenched into this that they are more or less TERRIFIED to lose their immortal souls and have no 2nd chance at “re incarnation”……..
My am over the moon delighted that so many here have gotten the courage to get the HELL out of “this thing” …..and that they have made new lives for themselves. The biggest heartache is those family members they haven’t seen in years…or those family members because of the “disconnection policy” can’t or refuse to see them.
I pray along with so many never ins and ex members that the day of RECKONING is coming in droves…..
Hummm…”what are your crimes, Dave?” “What are you doing to pull all this in?” “Thank you for telling us this Dave, Do YOU have a similar overt of your own.”
All this angst, all this trouble from Leah, all these horrible threats. Dave isn’t doing anything other than trying completely obliterate psychiatry from the face of the earth. Such a nice guy.
He’s got nice buildings too. Can’t accuse him of overcrowding. Oh, yea, except in the hole.
Aha! That’s his plan. He’s going to open enough ideal orgs that each person in the Hole can have their own grand empty building in which to retire! (Yeah, right)
Hi. The work you two are doing is awesome! Please continue! You’re both very brave and we know the abuse you have had to deal with because you are globally shining the light of truth on this “religious cult”. I really can’t get over the fact that some of these scientologists are intelligent, educated people’s who defend this cult! As for their so-called “leader”…he really is not right psychologically. I know they don’t believe in seeking this avenue of medical practice but HE certainly needs it!! I am so happy you are exposing this group for what a dark, abusive cult that it is. Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to Season 2. May God bless ALL of you in this endeavor.
Wow! Karma is a beautiful thing!
thank you Leah Remini and Mike Rinder!
I LOVE how they say that the show is responsible for the the increase of AntiScientology hate crimes????
They are the ones who created the hate. They teach hate. They taught people how to fight back and then are surprised when the ones they taught use legal means to say NO MORE!!
How interesting that the only two specifics they can give out of the total 500 generalities with no specifics on the supposed hate crimes against the church, are both done in 2015, BEFORE A & E ever aired and before Leah’s book even came out. If the church wants to be believed that they are a victim, they better get more recent examples to trot out. You’re right that the media and public sniff out the church’s BS immediately.
The amount of “Promoted” tweets against Remini coming across my twitter feed is unreal. I just keep blocking them, and as soon as I do, another one appears
You are obviuosly doing something right to see such TA from DM and gang! . Keep up the pressure and the good work Mike, Leah and everyone who has the courage to speak for change. I can’t wait to see the reactions to the new shows! They are grabbing at straws.
Thank you Mike for keeping us so well informed honestly if I didn’t have your daily blog after the first season of AFTERMATH while patiently waiting for your second season I’d probably go crazy.
I’m just looking forward to knowing that hopefully some families will be reunited
And those people with “BIG CRIMES “will have to pay for what was done.Nomore handling things inside the Cult but in the proper way in a court of law!
You need to keep this story, they are not a church, they are an organization (cult) that causes harm. Will Marty Rathbun’s odd turn about be addresses this season?
Thanks so much for everything! I agree, great coverage, keep it coming!
You and Leah are amazing and I am so ready for new season of aftermath. Thank you both for continuing with this program.
Mike, you and Leah and your guests are heroes in my eyes. ‘Always look for the helpers in a crisis, they will make sense of it all’. You guys are running again and again back into the mouth of the giant to save and prevent anymore immorality.
I am so hopeful that the story to speak out will continue. Please, please do another show. I don’t want this subject to just fall to the waste side or be the story of 2017 and be forgotten. There are too many people that need to get out and cant. I feel you are the strongest hope. Please Render & Remini I am begging-DO ANOTHER SHOW!
Thank you for this response. It’s so easy for a “religion” to claim persecution these days. I hope that more Scientologists can benefit from the info coming to light.
Keep up the good work. You n Leah have a voice n people r listening, like me. This so-call church is definitely a cult n love to bully people n their families. I’m so glad I’m catholic n believe my God!!
Exactly Mike! They cause their own problems and issues by creating these smear sites, by fair gaming people. The Scientologists I have seen on video seem more violent and psychopathic than anything I have seen on Leah’s show or any videos put up by ex-scientologists. Marty Rathbun comes off as so scripted and insane that I fear that he might blow a gasket and hurt someone. If not himself. DM is pullling all this in himself.
thanks once again. great coverage