Some Thoughts from Leah and Mike
Thank you all for your messages of love and support in response to the latest attacks from scientology.
As we have previously stated, our thoughts and prayers are with Chih-Hen Yeh’s family — the victim murdered at the Australian scientology center.
Sadly, this is just the latest example of scientology using a tragedy to attack those speaking out against its abusive practices. The irony is that we speak out against the culture of violence within the highest echelons of scientology, perpetrated and encouraged by David Miscavige. We are exposing scientology’s violence to bring it to an end. We have never and will never advocate violence for any reason. That’s scientology’s modus operandi and we condemn it.
Chih-Hen Yeh was placed in harm’s way by scientology. Knowing what we know, it is clear that too often those recruited to join the Sea Organization are assigned jobs but given no training to perform their duties. This young man was acting as a security guard in a situation that necessitated trained authorities. According to scientology the perpetrator had previously threatened to burn down their building, so they were aware that he was unstable and allowed him in anyway. Why didn’t they call the police when the original threat was made? Scientology should be held accountable for its negligence.
The 16 year-old perpetrator was allegedly distraught over his mother joining the Sea Organization, the consequences of which are that his mother would no longer be living in their home and raising him and he would essentially lose contact with her. It is one of the ways scientology destroys families.
Many in the press have wrongly latched onto the fact that his mother was on the Purification Program — but the reason she would be doing this at the “Advanced Org” was as a first step to becoming a Sea Org member. New public would be at the Sydney “Class V” organization in the CBD.
Nothing justifies murder. And clearly the murderer was dealing with mental issues. But again, no scientologist would ever send anyone for professional help so apparently that help was not forthcoming, at least until after he was arrested.
The bottom line is this. One of their employees died because a family member of a scientologist killed him. Scientology should take a break from their desperate efforts to shift the blame and focus on the pain and destruction it has caused others, not just in this incident, but over 5 decades. Unfortunately, this is forbidden in scientology. They stick doggedly to the lie that they are never to blame and are always victims. Their mantra is “always attack, never defend” and “spread lurid blood, sex crime stories about your enemies” (enemies include those who expose the truth about their abuses). This is the word of L. Ron Hubbard and to scientologists that is the word of God. (For more information on this read Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook)
And you can see the Office of Special Affairs of scientology — posing as the “STAND League” — is doing exactly that.
You can see our response to this foolishness about the Jehovah’s Witness arsons here: Fast Eddie Parkin Strikes Out Again
Hi Mike , Could you please end the modern day slavery in 2022. People have been locked 365 days without TV, News paper and no holidays.
Working 7 till 9 pm Every day on less than $ 5 a Week is the reality !
Free working Slavery is the key to the church Wealth.
People with kids and divorce mum comes to church for help and she already had big trouble on her life but cult gives the biggest trouble in their lives.
Kids may not get basic education. No skills to live in real world and may have to pay back 40 k end of contract of sea org age of 25 !
Dear Parents, Think twice even 3 times before you give your loved one children to this Organization for free !
Can Church guarantee better life in next life ? by taking wonderful life this life you must enjoy without trap ! its the prison of belief ! Violation of mankind and basic human rights esp every single human rights has been violated by Church.
Mike today you are out of this hell by witnessing the abuse of these young kids at Base or Gold ! you have to make them free who may not seen their sick mum for 7 years or disconnected from their beloved parents who had given birth to see beautiful world without this religious prison !
This is the witness and critical thinking if Sciento works why Tom Cruz has to marry 4 times ? why he could not handle his own wives ? why CEo himself has broken family ?
Be aware of false hope !
Mike please do something about kids and young people freedom the real freedom !
Is there social distance maintained by keeping 15-25 people on one room ?
human being are not treated well by multibillion $ commercial religion !
I find the TV show extraordinary and unique. I feel a lot of love and respect for Leah and Mike having the strength to do this and wanting to help others. Especially from Mike’s angle….having once been such a cog himself in the machine. What a better world we will have if other high standing souls also involved in forms of abuse can do something similar. It’s catharsis for all involved.
I myself am in a very small way – relatively – a victim of the church. I grew up in South Africa from the age of six with a step brother – his dad married my mom – who was in fact already in the church through his real mom. I have much fondness for him, for indeed he is a very bright, witty and talented man. He lives in Clearwater with his wife and daughters. I don’t believe we will experience anything but superficial contact as long as remains in the church. I dream of his escape and what it might mean for his life for he has so much to offer, that much I know, and I do believe him to be a fundamentally decent guy.
I believe if possible the church should be dissolved, assets sold….and divided amongst all “financial victims”.
SO much respect and Love to you both – you are doing something very important.
Sadly, it’s going to take a lot more than a TV show to knock down Scientology. Money talks and it’s backed by so many powerful people (which I will never understand) I’m all for freedom of religion…you want to go worship a rock, be my guest…so long as you aren’t throwing that rock at people’s heads. It’s frustrating to watch the show and read everyone’s stories…meanwhile watching Scientology continue on, as is. I do hope all of this information makes a difference. But, I’m not holding my breath.
SP = sane person
PTS = potential true source
HCO = Hubbards criminal organization
This is worth repeating
Heh OSA and active Scientologists….
What did YOU do to pull ALL of this in?
A&E Scientology; the Aftermath,
Going Clear,
HBO Documentary – Going Clear
Saturday Night Live – youtube Neurontology
Southpark “Trapped in the Closet”
Hy Levy – YouTube vidoes
Maria Pia Gardini – books and affidavit
Lawrence Brennan affidavit
My Billion Dollar Contract,
Inside Scientology,
Tampa Bay Times Truth Rundown,
Debbie Cooks email and youtube videos of depositions,
Scientology; A to Xenu,
My Scientology Movie,
Blown for Good,
Counterfeit Dreams,
Time Magazine – Scientology, the Cult of Greed,
Mike Rinder’s Blog,
Marty Rathbun’s Blog,
Ex Scientology Message Board,
Scientology blog ; Operation Clambake – Xenu tv,
Lisa McPherson Trust,
Scientology – Cult blog and tons more?
Beyond Belief by Jenna Miscavige
Sensibly Speaking Podcast by Chris Shelton
Surviving Scientology youtube – Karen DelaCarriere
Scientology Money Project by Jeffrey Augustine
OTviiiisgreat (lol)
John Sweeney and the BBC
Church of Fear
Messiah or Madman
The Unbreakable Miss Lovely
Tony Ortega’s blog The Underground Bunker
Idle Morgue exposure of big empty buildings a decade after they opened
To show that I’m STILL infected by scn’s lack of sympathy or empathy, my first thought when I saw news of this tragedy was “What had scientology had to the guy to make him THAT angry?” It’s still a question high in my consciousness after stepping back a bit and looking at the scene less dispassionately. All I can think of now is “That poor, mistreated kid.” and he’s only holing to experience worse as scientology portrays itself as blameless purveyors of the bestest religion on the planet, “the only hope for mankind™”.
if only the promises they make had any truth to them, if only it were possible for scientology to deliver on them. If they could and did deliver, I’d still be in, but He couldn’t and never did intend to deliver, only to trap people in his web of lies. Even in that, he failed to an extent. He wanted ALL men to be his slaves, along with all women.
Did you know everyone hates you, and particularly your little ecclesiastical weirdo leader??
GOOD, well now you know!
Wake up, Motherfuckers!
No postings from Scientologist here because they are not allowed to use the Internet or have a phone.
Is that really true Art Ist?
I thought that was the only difference between scientology and narconon. I guess there is actually no difference between scientology and narconon.
Not true Art Ist..
Public Scientologists use the Internet all the time but would be in deep doo-doo if they went to critics’ sites.
Sea Org members are restricted.
Not true, Art Ist. Scientologists merely get in deep TROUBLE if they admit to seeing the TRUTH, which has been redefined to be “entheta”, (which merely means anything other than Dwarfenführer’s current definition of the exact party line.)
Hubbard said that you should be able to do any job given to you because you have done it before in another lifetime. If you can’t your guilty of the crime of being stupid. So there is the automatic shift of blame to the victim, washing hands of any blood. That guard didn’t need to die nor should have he been put in harms way, the CoS isn’t that smart or it just wanted to make itelf a victim at some point. How many other sites are manned by untrained, unprepared staff members? There is only so long they can create maryters for their cause until the balance tips and it become clear that these people are like lambs to a slaughter.
CoS seems to become more desperate in its attempts to make itself look like a victim of the society its trying to save. The wild claims of religious bigotry and hatred causing actions against them flies in the face of the DECADES of abuse, fraud, lies, destruction, espionage, and shall we talk about what they did with Paulette Cooper, Lisa McPherson( which was worse, the evil psychs or their “loving” care?), or any of the suicides attributed to membership in scientology?
Telling truths is not a hate crime, not half truths- the full truth. It is not bigoted. But putting members in harms way is. Nor is it ethical or loving as much as they want to advertise that.
Great comment Wendy! Well said
What you wrote can’t really be true: “Hubbard said that you should be able to do any job given to you because you have done it before in another lifetime. If you can’t your guilty of the crime of being stupid.”
I mean, really; if that is what the fat lipped narcissist wrote then EVERY sea org member has been obligated to label themselves as ‘BEING STUPID’. In time they accept that label and expect themselves and all other sea orgers to ‘BE STUPID’ . Dramatizing ‘BEING STUPID’ is not ever successful nor survival. That might just drag the ‘perfected tech’ and the ‘infallible admin’ down down down the s**iter, and bring about full blown failingness.
Then again, this statement explains a lot; ie some of the cult apologists, defenders, and their antics.
Religions have been placed on a pedestal — like sacred cows — for so long that many governments are fearful to investigate properly. Lately, I’ve been wondering if religions are a front for Secret Societies to interface with communities for their evil ends. Thoughts?
In the United States, the government is fearful of the religious body. No doubt. It amazed me that Bill Clinton friended Scientology despite the foreign criticism. In the late 50’s and early 60’s the religious body railed against the atheist Communists and Buddhists in Viet Nam. Johnson had to stop that. Most of the secret societies I have encountered in the United States were small groups. We had an interesting mixture of cult and religion in the Ku Klux Klan. My Congressman recently sent an e-mail against Nation of Islam. He is now hiding and his phone is answered by a machine which is a new procedure. Our Constitution protects Scientology but was written when nothing like it ever existed. Scientology can play the “freedom of religion” clause and stop all courts in their tracks. So in that sense, government is afraid of religion. But religion is such a confusing topic subject to opinions. Southern Baptists in my community will openly relegate community members to their defined hell. So I guess fear pervades some religion in one way or another. I have an OT VIII former friend who is afraid to call his daughter because she is out. I think Hubbard mastered the emotion of fear when he formulated Scientology. I remember a constant foolish statement. Something like “Don’t throw away your eternity”. All nonsense but gripped so many.
Incorrect george people just need to bring criminal charges (with hard evidence) WITHIN the statute of limitations. The religious angle mainly covers clergy employment refunds for religious donations. NOT physical crimes. Claire and Marc for example hired an atty that was almost wholly ignorant of employment law. THAT is why they lost. If people wait 20 years to report ANYONE for a crime the results are universally poor. People HAVE won MILLIONS from the church with a good case well handled.
So right, Wynski. Priests are in jail; televangelists have gone to jail; church ‘prophets’ are in jail. Billions is reparations have been paid. A ‘good cause well handled’ is key.
However I believe it needs to be mentioned that one of the big differentiators in the successful prosecution of non-CoS clerics and $cientologists, is the lengths to which the CoS will go to completely destroy the lives of their accusers and their families. Thus, preventing many to come forward out of fear of the cherch.
Scientology PR ~ now 110% Miscavige, deny, attack, blame, play the victim card, anyone against them is a liar and a bigot. Or whatever LRH says ~ 110% diabolical and palpably demonic. Its sad all around.
I read somewhere you don’t kill someone because your mother joins a Church. Well, the kid knew he was losing his mother, he certainly was told he could not see her. He was clearly upset and needed help which he was not, obviously, given. Being 8c’d – Scio lingo for moving someone or thing deliberately forcefully if needed and expediently… to an unstable kid… who knows exactly but I can envision him being escorted forcefully, being shuffled away and denied his mother… simply ALSO NOT COOL under any religious order.
Miscavige’s OT’s could not see this coming?
I just can’t believe that after the 1st series of The Aftermath that someone with authority isn’t tying to do anything. Just when I think I have heard it all it gets worse. God bless you all for fighting back.
According to the last show, the FBI DID try to do something, but they are slick…..they have everyone saying everything is fine. Like the abused spouse that won’t put charges on their abusers…..the cops know it’s happening but they can’t arrest if they don’t charge. I think that’s the kind of shit happening. And maybe they are investigating on the sly and we just don’t know cuz they aren’t being public. What is strange to me is that with all the crap around Shelly missing, why doesn’t she just make an appearance and say everything is fine? Why doesn’t DM parade her out on one of their promo videos? i’m worried she might be dead.
The ultimate end product of any interaction with Scientology is sadness & sorrow.
So true Yawn. Sadness & sorrow describes it to a T. From experience i can say that the sadness is so deep & painful.
Mike and Leah, thank you.
I hate to oversimplify, but what the hell…Ed Parkin sounds like a total moron. Why would anyone other than a dedicated scientologist actually listen to this douche??? And, while I’m on the subject, I’m sure that, at this point, no-one is actually surprised that scientology blames innocent people for the cult’s many crimes. This has been standard operating procedure from day one from what I’ve observed. No-one should have to lose a parent or any other loved one to this cult. I’m so terribly sorry that this tragedy occurred, but it’s certainly not Mike Rinder’s or Leah Remini’s fault.
The recent revealed history in the end of the “Going Clear…” book and documentary movie, ought to forever more be reason for Scientology to close up shop, and return Scientology’s collected wealth to the donating past members. And keep greedy lawyers out of their preying on Scientology’s dupes donated money if possible. (Scientology’s money came from dupes, and honestly those dupes ought get their donations back and pay taxes on that money, if anything.)
“….he [Hubbard] said basically he failed…..” Sarge Pfauth tells on camera to Lawrence Wright in interview, which all persons interested in Scientology ought to absorb.
Hubbard had despairing failure doubts about his whole Scientology endeavor at the end of his life.
The Aftermath Fdn will even help Ed Parkin restart if he contacts them.
Ed first needs to do 10,000 hours of amends.
Better would be to require Ed to get 10,000 ex-scientologists to sign off approval of his amend actions. They are the injured parties here.
Yes. He first needs to find out who he really is. Hint Ed – it’s not Dave’s clone.
Ed would be good to guest on Leah’s Aftermath show and spill beans.
Such big strong warriors (not). They believe they are practicing maskirovka
In truth, they are performing theater of the absurd when they throw these baseless allegations in your direction.
Hey I see we have a new troll! Even though we have different opinions, there are no thugs here, only genuinely concerned individuals.
These must be depressing times even for those who have written off the “church” and its little dicktator but still hold on to the idea that Hubbard was on to something. But the communications shown here (along with so many other examples) exhibit the “church’s” total tone deafness and it inability to engage with the world using Hubbard’s alleged “tech.”
For example, Parkin howls about the “strong allegation” that Aftermath caused the JW arson. Undoubtedly, he would cite that allegation chapter and verse if it in fact existed. But did it ever occur to him, a loud-mouthed bystander, that even the JW’s, the actual arson victims, NEVER made such an allegation?
Surely, the JW’s couldn’t have been all too pleased with Aftermath’s coverage but they knew better than going the scientology “communications tech” route! Do we REALLY have to explain to you WHY, Ed?
And then there is the “inciting of murder!” Now we know for a fact that scientologists will call the police when a man minding his own business quietly and following all of the posted rules sits in their “public” park. For no other offense than this man being Mark Bunker on his best behavior.
Many times, cult enforcers won’t even give a person the chance to “trespass” as they will call the cops well in advance of that person getting close to their facilities (speaking of “profiling”). And yet, here we are talking about nothing less than the ultimate crime, “murder.” Shouldn’t the cult be cooperating with the authorities and present their evidence to bring the “inciters” to justice? Or at least, shouldn’t they do so for no better reason than to serve their own self-interest?
Hubbard’s communications “tech” does work. But as it turns out its effectiveness doesn’t reach beyond the impenetrable walls of the cult echo chambers. And even within those walls there are many for whom public pronouncements by the likes of Ed Parkin turned out to be the last straw on their way out.
Keep it up, Eddie! SPs are are rooting for you everywhere.
Ed’s trying to outdo Tommy Davis and it’s working. The cowboy hat he wears is to emulate Hopalong Cassidy, his childhood hero. Unfortunately his six gun is his mouth which constantly misfires. He has so many foot bullets that his range of motion is diminishing. Soon he’ll become Eddie Park.
Scientology… the rot oozes from the top down.
This disgusting organization has been a net drain on the world since its inception from the deranged mind of a selfish narcissist.
Attacking people like Mike and Leah over violence is the lowest tactic, and scientologists seem to have no control over their lowest lizard-brain urges.
Clean up your act, ya moronic monkeys!!
No one condones violence or murder but this is a obvious consequence of Scamology,s practices of separating families where a young man had been pushed to far with the outcome of what we have all seen .
This should be investigated not only be the Police as it has been for the murder but Scamology should be investigated for it,s part in this tragedy and held accountable as an accessory as they created this problem with their criminal practices .
God forbid Mike, Leah or anyone standing up to them were to be killed by a scientologist nutjob… these sickos would celebrate it.
Heh Scientology, Scientologists and OSA –
Blame is very low toned.
But aren’t your CURIOUS?
What did you do to pull in?
A&E Scientology; the Aftermath,
Going Clear,
HBO Documentary – Going Clear
Saturday Night Live – youtube Neurontology
Southpark “Trapped in the Closet”
Hy Levy – YouTube vidoes
Maria Pia Gardini – books and affidavit
Lawrence Brennan affidavit
My Billion Dollar Contract,
Inside Scientology,
Tampa Bay Times Truth Rundown,
Debbie Cooks email and youtube videos of depositions,
Scientology; A to Xenu,
My Scientology Movie,
Blown for Good,
Counterfeit Dreams,
Time Magazine – Scientology, the Cult of Greed,
Mike Rinder’s Blog,
Marty Rathbun’s Blog,
Ex Scientology Message Board,
Scientology blog ; Operation Clambake – Xenu tv,
Lisa McPherson Trust,
Scientology – Cult blog and tons more?
Beyond Belief by Jenna Miscavige
Sensibly Speaking Podcast by Chris Shelton
Surviving Scientology youtube – Karen DelaCarriere
Scientology Money Project by Jeffrey Augustine
OTviiiisgreat (lol)
John Sweeney and the BBC
Church of Fear
Messiah or Madman
The Unbreakable Miss Lovely
Tony Ortega’s blog The Underground Bunker
and many, many more
Now, how did you justify it?
Who Missed it?
What did you do that made you wonder whether or not they knew?
Get your ethics in! Shame on you!
My my Computer Guy,
Putting the tech to use I see.
Assess for the largest read, and two-way comm to a realization.
Continue the list until you exteriorize them from the sea org/scientology.
I got involved with Scientology for a short time. I married a Scientologist and had kids with her.
She is a nut job because of Scientology and life was a nightmare. I left her for someone more sane.
I started reading your blog and watching the show on A & E.
The statements from the Church of Scientology blaming Leah Remini and Mike Rinder for causing deaths and destruction Scientology itself created reveals a lot about how Scientology services don’t work.
How did they pull the A & E show in? Scientology does a lot of harm to people – that is how.
Is Scientology tech to confront and shatter suppression – blame?
Wow – that is really stupid if anyone buys this stuff. Even my ex 2-D won’t be stupid enough to believe that.
I am stoked I found your blog Mike and watched the show. You could say I am now blown for good.
Welcome Jason! I’m a never in who supports Mike, Leah and this blog. And all of the ex scientologists. What this organization does disturbs me to my core.
Typical response from a cult, not a church.
Stop feeding the fire!!!!
Leah, yea, thanks, we know you think its a fake religion.
Mike, thanks for passing on that bit about the cockroaches. Great.
Obviously some people want to achieve higher spiritual states, and some people don’t really care about themselves so much as humanity.
Obviously Hubbard needed more friends and not so much opposition. We got it.
So go be helpful.
The Danny Masterson issue… Wtf. Obviously there are different sides to the story, rape sucks, and justice must be served. But some people still believe in rehabilitation.
Fast Eddie, or freddie or whatever- i don’t recognize him as a scientology brother do you?
Ok Peace,
There are a lot of targets we could be working on right now.
Just go be genuine. Stop passing on the the bullshit. Lots of bullshit for hundreds of years…. or just fucking end it!
SerFacs – whether or not they can be cured temporarily, or forever, the manifestation is real. People hold grudges. Just stop feeding the fire.
Its time to stop.
Shut it down.
The church – aka sociopath conglomerate owned by shadow forces – wants this whole drama to play out. Don’t feed it. Be above it.
Both of you look like real life mobsters. Yea, real tight. Heroes, don’t take shit from nobody.
The sea org does seriously need some real leadership at this point – or not. It can all go away i guess. But there is certainly a concerted effort – at least in members minds – that something can be done for the greater good.
Remember the hcopl about the Enemy Line. Go make up your own line.
Pick up plastic on the beach.
Throw handfuls of fire retardant on fires.
Clear bushes.
Get into permaculture.
Go study to your hearts content at the org’s library.
Squat in the gosh damn ideal orgs. Homeless shelter R Us.
Whatever man.
I am done hearing your whining.
Yea, thug asses are punking people.
Great, real great.
Maybe, deep down, they want to learn what rehabilitation really means.
Sounds like Demento Miscreant, after a couple of bottles of scotch, throwing a tantrum.
Could you rephrase your above essay. At the moment I cannot figure where you are coming from, nor where you are going with it. Thanks
Whateverdumbass, your rambling post makes me think you are an OSA Bot. If Mike and the blogs bother you so much, just leave. Don’t stay here and continue to be insulted. Leave.
What I more meant to say:
Very tragic.
A moment of silence.
Hopefully a very long, very pivotal, no bs moment of silence.
Very heart felt.
Heh Whateverdumbass,
We are going to stay and keep at exposing everything about the Cult of Scientology
until Scientology is totally rehabilitated or shut down for good.
Our hopes – wiped clear off the planet.
Pick up plastic on the beach?
No interest.
I would rather stop an evil cult like Scientology from ruining people’s lives.
Mr. Dumbass,
You’ve raised the bar for mindless trolling to a new low (excuse my cognitive dissonance). Rest assured, Oh Aptly Named One, that we who “should be working on other targets” are well acquainted with rehabilitation…the rehabilitation of Co$ victims from the heartless abuse of MusCabbage and his zombie familiars, some even “blown for good” from the Sea Borg that you claim is so lacking in “leadership,” (or is it decency, humanity, mercy, and honesty). Maybe deep down, they just wanted their lives back!
whateverdumbass says… uh, what?
Can you consolidate that into something logical, and maybe reasonable?
Foolproof, did Dave give you a new name?
I am not sure if you had several cocktails before you wrote your rant, but it certainly does not make sense. Maybe rewrite to clearly explain your stance when you are more clear headed?
I guess that to get spiritual enlightenment means that you must first join a lunatic fringe cult then give all your life savings to them on the vain promise made by a fruit loop like lets say LRH and finally get used and abused then beaten into submission till you become yet another brain dead zombie aimlessly stumbling around believing ” The Bridge ” is the only way forward .
Sounds very enlightening to me ( NOT ) .
The way I see it that murder happened because of what scientology was trying to do to his Mother. He may have seen all too clearly that she would have become a used and abused sea org slave. Of course I don’t condone murder or violence ever, but if anyone has blood on their hands it’s scientology. Miscavige and scientology have blood on their hands! Without a doubt. Because of lrh’s bizarre cruel policies and Miscavage’s thug mentality and disregard for human beings and families. Utterly despicable. Damn I hope it goes down soon!! Enough with this scam of scientology masquerading as a religion!
Great Post Ann. I love your posts and you are so right.
I totally agree that Scientology’s that it is all Scientology’s fault anyone commits homicide or suicide on or surrounding Scientology. Every single death, bankruptcy, foreclosure, ruin – Scientology is involved.
I disagree with blood on their hands though….They have a lot more than just their hands
Scientology’s entire body and grounds are more than dripping with BLOOD – it is pouring out of the dark and evil crevices.
Scientology, OSA and David Miscavige – heed our warning – we won’t stop.
The public opinion is putting your ethics in.
Scientology – stick a fork in it. D-O-N-E!
Yes, it IS Scientology’s fault that one person is dead. Here is a young boy, 16 years old, from a foreign country, probably still learning English in his new country, and his mom is leaving him to join the SO where she will not be home, won’t be raising him, won’t be helping him alone with no friends or family in a strange country. The loss of a mom is a huge thing for any age but especially at this young age. It is Scn’s fault for taking her knowing she was out qualed as the sole parent of an under age kid.
Also it is Scn’s fault because he had threatened to burn down the org before, all over his upset that she joined staff and was being taken from him. Why did the church not file a police report then? Why did they not refuse to let him even on the campus with his known prior threats? Had they refused him entrance, one person would be alive now.
And it is Scn’s fault because they did not follow their own policy of A to J Checks and the PTS/SP References. Clearly this woman was NOT QUALED for staff because of being intimately connected to someone who is antagonistic to Scn. She should never have been recruited because of this out qual. If they had followed their own teachings, one person would be alive today. The blood is on Scientology’s hands here clearly.
You are 100% correct Ann Davis.
Miscavige and his useful idiot enablers will one day soon be led away in handcuffs, and that day is coming sooner than those clowns know…but history will judge them far more harshly than than the slow wheels of American Justice will.
Hey, David Miscavige, are you worried yet? You should be, mother-fucker. I gleefully await your embarrassing perp-walk. You were so, SO, fucking stupid. Get used to those orange jumpsuits, ya fuckwad.
Any chance of some scn executives getting sec-checked to see what they have done to pull this in?
It is the cult that has blood on its hands.
Someone should word clear ‘irrefutable’, I don’t think they are using that word correctly.
During the Womans March today, several of the participants tripped and fell down. This was due to Rinder and Remini taunting gravity. Shame on them.
Scientology – the science of Ad Homidium
We need to have legislation passed and establish laws to protect victims of religious cults that are above the laws of the land
Scientology should have a black box warning
The US needs to force this cult to have FULL DISCLOSURE and financial transparency so people that are taking out huge loans to give to Scientology already know the cult is sitting on BILLIONS
all victims who are subjected to their lawyered up contracts should obtain legal advice and have contracts signed off by a 3rd party law firm – not affiliated or bribed by the cult of Scientology.
Tick Tock Miscavige – your cult is shrinking because Mike and Leah is exposing your con criminal abusive destructive multi billion dollar corporation disguised as a religion
See what happened to R Kelly?
the public took justice on him when the FBI and law enforcement refused to help
Your money does not buy public opinion – your actions do
and Mike and Leah are exposing them daily.
Thank you Mike and Leah for DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Please – CONTINUE!
Good response!
So sad! This societal pariah, this toxic dangerous Hubbard induced madness will be purged from the planet.
Scientologists are disciples of hate, lying and hostiliy.
The more they express themselves the more they dig their own grave.
Thanks Mike and Leah.
Hubbard and Scientology have a twisted sense of ethics and the crime of murder.
In Hubbard’s mind, making negative statements about Scientology to the press, or asking for your money back is a crime, equivalent to murder.
Let me repeat that. <i/Equivalent to murder.
If you find this hard to believe, google “Scientology list of High Crimes.”
So before you think living on a planet run by Scientology might be a good thing, consider that you could be executed or imprisoned for life should you slip up and utter something negative about Scientology to the press.
Oh wait. The free press would be non existent, all of them having been executed decades earlier.
Once again nothing is ever “their fault”, it is so much easier to point the blame on someone else, like the child who does something wrong and won’t admit it as in the “IT WASN’T ME” scenario.
It would take guts to step up to the plate and admit the wrongs. Guts to admit that there truly really is a “HOLE”….to admit that there IS a “disconnection policy”, to admit so many stories we’ve heard are true. To admit that we will NOT let our staff come and go as they please because it means they are leaving for good, & we’ve lost their ability to work for us and to pay for COS required course to move up the Bridge.
Just how does an “organization” refuse to allow a Staff Member to walk through the gates without being stopped, restrained, forbidden to exit? How does an “organization” be allowed to HUNT DOWN a Staff Member who has managed to ESCAPE….only to be followed by a seemingly pack of wolves who will send out dozens of people from a “blow drill team” to recover that person for “their own good”. , when all that escaped person wants is to be OUT of the group.
Religious freedom is one thing, being denied access to leave at will is holding someone hostage. When repayment of prepaid lessons/courses one will never take is refused refunding that is THEFT. Having minors sign “Billion Year Contracts” is against the law since CHILDREN don’t have the mental capacity to understand what they are signing, & neither do some adults.
In order to “leave properly” once is more or less obligated (forced) to sign “disclosure statements”…PRODDED to seemingly forcibly sign a document about “How Well one was treated”….that “D.M. is this more or less charming, loving, kind persona….so one can GET THE HELL OUT in good graces. A document that will hold up in a court of law…although signed under DURESS….there IS NO OTHER WAY TO GET OUT INTACT.
Leah and Mike are NOT criminals, they hold no religious persecution against COS, the truth is the truth.
If none of what has been exposed so far isn’t the TRUTH….WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY AFRAID OF???????
That is perfectly said Balletlady!
Thank you Ann…..what I will state LOUD & CLEARLY TO DAVID MISCAVIGE!!
Scientology, you are drowning in your own hate. Don’t think for a minute that your “strategy” is not seen for what it is – an effort to divert attention from your own vicious agenda.
As you know, Mike, this will get uglier before it gets better. Stand Firm. Chin Up. Carry On.
Thank you Mike and Leah. Eddie says he has, “irrefutable evidence” that “proves” culpability on the part of Mike, Leah and AndE. So…where is it? Show it! Put the evidence on the table of the DA. It’s all hot air. And the lack of training for a security guard is indefensible. tsk tsk tsk. Leah and Mike put their evidence on the air for all to see every single week. Eddie should do the same.
Ed Parkin, you must have BLOOD ON THE BRAIN (as in a stroke), or at least you’re acting like it. STFU. Your twitter account should be deactivated for hate mongering. (PS – people reading this can go to his twitter account – blocked or not – click on the upper right corner and report this a-hole for violation of twitter’s terms of service.)
A child was desperate that a cult was taking his mother out of his home. Attack is a common reaction of a child against those destroying their family. It is a SURVIVAL trait that is genetically woven into our DNA.
Definitely , Winski , and also the Taiwanese people have a very different culture and scientology is not big on recognizing a different way of life and thinking. Probably ignored all the signs with their usual “ know best arrogance”.
I am French and they sure never understood me or my culture .
Once again , not knowing all the true ins and out of this story , I am so sorry for the lives lost , and the ones ruined.
Mike and Leah rock.
I see it just the same way. Poor kid!
Thank you both, Mike and Leah. Your truth is simply stated: “we speak out against the culture of violence within the highest echelons of scientology” That is exactly what is being done, expose their violence.
These morons, including this brainwashed Eddie, will never see it. Is like telling Hitler that his destructive purposes were killing his own people, he would not have seen it, nor accepted it
Why? Hitler, Miscavige and other criminals ‘always have to be right.’ his crimes are so, so, so heinous that they can not accept that such a putrified state of a soul exists within any human being, including them…so, they do the only thing that is real to them: destroy.
But love and truth are higher than the destructive purpose that is generated by a dead soul that has no hope, no life, nothing at all…
And as far as Parkin’s disgusting accusations against others … Uhm … Whatever happened to all those definitions of “responsibility” in the tech dictionary? Do these people even have a CLUE as to what their own “applied” religious philosophy is all about? … The old timers who have stayed in the CoS have all postulated their own spectacular stupidity.
What Mike and Leah said .
In a perfect world A&E, Mike Rinder and Leah Remini would file a libel and slander suit against David Miscavige and Ed Lurkin and the Co$. It would go to trial and when the evidence had all been presented, a jury would award Mike, Leah and A&E massive damages.
Truth, honesty, justice, fair-play and common decency are utterly missing from the Co$ vocabulary.
Sounds good to me.
Mike & Leah, I wanted to wait to send my love & condolences to all involved and touched by this sad sad incident in Australia. What really shatters my heart is the Scientology Cult’s predictable Attack Response. Knee Jerk Lies peddled to the planet as Ron/dm’s Personal Truth. Scientology has never ever shown the true depths of its depravity and unfortunately I think the cult will continue mining its vein of Black evil no matter the cost. Even if dm is left howling into the raging winds about how Out Ethics they are to entrap Him! He has thrown enough garbage at us all & what goes around will come back around to the Cult of Scientology with brute Force, They made their bed and will Lie Forever In it. That is a type of hell in my opinion,of Scientology’s own & years in the making. Mike Leah and all who assist The Aftermath programs have my forever support and love. ??
It seems to me that Scientology needs to take a hard look at why this young man might have snapped.
He was mentally unstable and probably desperately needed his mom in his life, but the Sea Org was taking her from him.
Scientology’s practices of breaking up families – not only through disconnection, but also through taking Sea Org members out of their children’s lives for all intents and purposes – are the cause of so much harm to so many people.
Is there any real religion that demands its adherents sacrifice their families to it?
How incredibly sad that no one who can stop this is listening. I fear that Scientology has too much “dirt” on them and they are afraid to come forward. It takes pure evil to figure out how to manipulate people, break the law and get away with it. Praying that you and Leah kick their collective derrieres.
I have reported these tweets and any other tweets where he is spreading hate and false facts against you, Leah, A&E and even Disney.. I know there are others doing the same. I’ve seen people thrown off twitter for far less. I can only guess that twitter is reluctant to act due to the “religious” aspect or they are deferring to their legal dept. Like I said I’ve seen people get kicked off for a lot less. Hopefully we can get their account shut down eventually.
I’ve definitely seen people kicked off for less! Great idea .
As ridiculous as Scn’s claims are towards the Aftermath- why should there be a celebration for the former Executive Director International, Bill Franks? Separate from abusive, crazy stories during his time managing LA Org, as the executive director at the Washington DC org he was known to terrorize staff, punching staff, disconnecting the hardwired phone during staff’s conversations with public, and most shockingly he’d point a loaded gun to threaten and intimidate staff under his command (the gun was he kept in his desk draw.) It’s a management style which could be viewed as a training model for the abusives read about going on today. He should not be held up as a poster child for fixing things.
The blood is one the hands of Co$.
)The only thing that Scientology (which is not a “church”) knows to do to defend themselves is to a) shift blame; b) call people bad names. They can’t even show where in their pol;icies it says NOT to do something, i.e. disconnection.
Back in 2010 there was that incident where a former Scientologist showed up at Scientology’s Celebrity Center in Hollywood with a machete. It was only a matter of time until someone got through.
What have THEY done to pull that in?
This poor young man was totally out of his element and lost his life directly due to Scientology policies (avoid authorities at all costs, handle everything within whether these untrained SO members are trained and equipped or not because we can’t risk bad PR even if it means someone gets hurt… yet DM gets armored cars, private armed security among other perks of his unjust enrichment… each of which could have saved the precious life of this poor young man. Then there’s the refusal to seek or allow anyone remotely connected with Scientology to seek true professional mental help, which also could’ve kept this tragedy from occurring… I could go on but people here will cover the plethora of additional ways in which this could’ve been prevented).
My heart and prayers go out to the loved ones of the young man who lost his life and that they might find comfort in the fact that we won’t allow the loss of his life to be lost in false attacks on others. Please know so many of us are thinking of you and mourning with you.
Then there’s the young man who, had he gotten mental health assistance, could have been starting on a long road of processing feelings, understanding how to appropriately express them and gaining REAL tools to function in life so that he’d have hope and a life’s journey ahead of him. Yet due to the selfishness and controlling nature of this cult, nothing close to that happened so his life is now ruined and his mother is likely being coerced and hidden from contact or allowed to speak only with cult-sponsored attorneys and handlers.
The reason I have hope that this will not just go away quietly is because it occurred in Australia under the watchful eyes of Nick Xenophon, Bryan Seymour, Steve Cannane and the countless warrior exes who’ve worked so hard to dwindle the impact, inform those in power and of course our favorite Aussie Mike Rinder and lovely and fierce Leah Remini!
US Gov’t and Law Enforcement take note… if nothing is done over here, sadly we will likely hear many more tragic stories where people feel so desperate and powerless then take action based on desperation vs reaching out appropriately to law enforcement for help!
Please to anyone in pain, angry or feeling lost… there IS hope and help. Contact the Aftermath Foundation and they WILL listen and point you to resource. Violence is never the solution and it won’t make anything better!
Good comment Jenyfurrr!
‘The reason I have hope that this will not just go away quietly is because it occurred in Australia under the watchful eyes of Nick Xenophon, Bryan Seymour, Steve Cannane and the countless warrior exes who’ve worked so hard to dwindle the impact,’
Jennyfurrr – Besides these champions to the cause against $, there is also the Australian Royal Commission which not only banned $ for a time (it was ultimately rescinded), but has also taken aggressive action against the JW’s on the subject of sexual child abuse. In fact, it has leveled substantial monetary rulings against them in a demand for full disclosure of records, and it shows no signs of letting up. Couple this with new legislation from the EU in relation to the handling of personal information, all these cults are going to be hit Hard in the foreseeable future. My question is, ‘when the Hades is Our government going to do something’?
Mike and Leah continue the good fight. Your message is being received and believed by those of us who would of otherwise never known what a sick disgusting child abusing cult Scientology is.
Its sad that people have to suffer because of this cult. I am constantly updating my blog as you are, which is caused by their own stupidity in the way they function. I guess we will never be surprised of their denial, threats etc, in pushing blame onto others instead of admitting it.
Good response to the spiteful garbage the church has released. They concentrated upon striking a blow to their enemies instead of standing up for the victim and his family.
The church of scientology has no heart or soul. It cares not one iota about the tragedies and losses it has created or helped to create.
Thank you and Leah for your fight and for exposing the black soul at the center.
No one but those who have actually “been there” Mary like you and the others here can actually describe and know first hand just what this dark and heartless and soulless cult is capable of. There’s one thing for sure though, all of you, and especially Leah and Mike, are in that little man’s nightmares.
Still keeping you and others on my wish list that you all will soon have a path to reunite with family and friends.
You are so right Mary. I totally agree. You said it so succinctly, I have nothing to add…
Mary Kahn, They are only doing what Hubbard wrote for them to do. OSA Ed Parkin only does the Hubbard orders relevant to the OSA playbook which Ed Parkin follows. Hubbard wrote their nasty behavior script they follow.
Ed Parkin does not know, but Aftermath Fdn would even help him restart his life if he quit OSA and contacted them.
I may be a “Never In,” with no inside knowledge of Scientology, but as a human being with a brain and two fucking eyeballs in my head, I can see that this 16-year-old was a child who needed his mother.
Yes, Scientology, a 16-year-old is still a child whose brain functioning has not yet fully developed into adulthood. He is not an adult in a little body. He needed his mother and professional mental health care. He was cruelly denied and the results have everything to do with your cult, not two people who happen to have a television show about your cult.
Thank you both for your show. Thank you both for your bravery and thank you to the bravery of all the others speaking out. Hopefully it will prevent people from falling into this insidious cult and help revoke their ridiculous tax exempt status as a religion. They certainly do devote a LOT of energy into trying to discredit you both, as I discovered when I was looking for your site. You really do have them running scared!
I had a slight brush with them as a teenager and was lured in to do one of their personality tests, but quickly sensed there was something weird going on, grabbed my girlfriend and got out of there. I also had experience in my work as a front-of-house person at an entertainment venue with a certain famous ‘motivational speaker’ which has a LOT of cultish goings on in, and I would warn everyone to be very careful about attending his ‘seminars’.