Tony Ortega has an excellent piece of investigative journalism on his Substack this morning.
When caught in their big lie, scientology of course attempted to squirm out of it by providing a declaration in court that supposedly “proved” they had at least a purported basis for their bs .
Turns out, surprise, surprise, they did NOT.
Great work Tony.
No day should pass without taking the opportunity to reveal L. Ron Hubbard’s secret (no longer) quackery soul-freeing-exorcism steps OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Almost all Scientologists never reach and finish the full five exorcism steps, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, so most Scientologists don’t learn that OT 3 thru OT 7 are the exorcism/soul-freeing steps even.
Hubbard made it taboo to discuss the soul theory behind Scientology’s soul-freeing/exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
So newbie readers of this blog, who never simply were told nor allowed to know, that OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five exorcism/soul-freeing “levels” of upper Scientology should be told, briefed, what their fake religion’s soul beliefs were!
Scientology is a pseudo-therapy soul memories alleviation practice, supposedly.
Upper Scientology’s 8 upper levels consist further of the 5 exorcism levels, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The exorcism levels, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, each chip away at the invisible souls which infest our human body.
These invisible souls, called body-thetans (BODY THAY TONS) don’t have bodies, and they infest and hitchhike on all humans today.
The Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, which all even lower Scientologists hear about and know briefly of that big engram, know that something really bad happened 75 million years ago.
The two most taboo words in Scientology help explain this Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic “engram” ancient tragedy.
XENU is the space leader who caused the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram.
BODY-THETANS are the invisible souls mass murdered by XENU and these invisible souls were spiritually implanted with super bad soul memories called the “R6 implants” (Hubbard’s words)
Xenu mass murdered billions and billions of humanoids from the distant Marcab star system, brought those humanoids to earth, mass murdered them, then implanted the souls of these humanoids with the Hubbard R6 implants.
Those invisible souls, the body-thetans, still infest all humans on earth today, and Hubbard said the only way to get those invisible souls off our human body is to use the Hubbard Emeter gizmo and to do the Hubbard OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism/soul-freeing techniques on those body-thetans which we each have infesting each of us.
Scientology is double whammy quackery.
First it is past lives pseudo-therapy to help a person supposedly alleviate themself of their past lives soul trauma memories, and reach “Clear.”
Second is the five exorcism steps, to remove the invisible souls off our human body and eliminate the leaking of the R6 implanting ideas from leaking over to us from our body-thetans.
I hope newly exited Scientologists appreciate this little explanation of the Scientology quackery.
If people quit before getting the secret soul pseudo-therapy/exorcism explanation, good for you.
Most people do quit Scientology and only later after they quit learn the Xenu soul R6 implanting/exorcism solution explanation, since it is taboo for Scientology to tell their members this. (Hubbard rigged his Scientology exorcism steps so people had to reach and do the steps to get the summary info above, LOL. great scam by Hubbard.)
Now you know.
Chuck Beatty
ex 75 to 03
Strategic lying is L. Ron Hubbard’s policy.
Survey the best lies to tell, and start lying.
When the lying fails, then re-survey what new lies might work better.
L. Ron Hubbard’s general strategy which is official Scientology policy.
Who are the key OSA people today charged with the “black PR” lying?
It’d be interesting to see their paper files on all surveying and past proposals that hit the editing floor, and going back decades, what lies have worked best in Scientology’s Guardian’s Office and now modern Office of Special Affairs “black PR” history.
Leah is solidly rightfully the future of Scientology celebrities.
Public I talk to, think of
Tom Cruise
John Travolta
Leah Remini
She utterly IS the right direction in history. She’s the direction John and Tom ought go.
Leah is so huge, nothing against her can undo what Leah’s courageously done.
She’s changed celebrity Scientology history like no one!
Average people agree with Leah!
Some people when I chat Scientology stuff with them, they think of Leah first now! Tom and John are in their minds the dupes.
Leah is the right one to expose Scientology and have gotten out of it.
The public wish John and Tom would do as Leah has done.
The credibility of Scientology has descended to level of Herr Doktor Goebbels und der Reichsminstry fur Kultur. ABSOLUTELY NONE!
Mikey, Mikey. You of all people should know that Scientology has it’s own dictionary with it’s own (bizarre) definitions. What is ‘proof’ to the rest of the entire human race is NOT proof for a scientologist!