The scientology scam continues in Clearwater.
How revealing this FB posting is.
This public person is “helping” the Freewinds to get a 17 year old kid to the ship.
She is begging someone to give him a room (if he is going to “pay” why isn’t he just staying in a hotel?) and that’s OK because “he is not going to be on services.”
For anyone who doesn’t know this, people who come to Clearwater for services at Flag must stay in a scientology owned hotel. They would not want any of their money actually going INTO the community.
Remember this City of Clearwater when scientology claims they bring in thousands of visitors each year…
I think is a preety normal young kid but parents have been told to fix it or leave it at his own, so an ethics cycle in the freewinds is a must, the kid need a clearance so he can not stay at the fort harrison, the fsm dont want to stay in other place diferent from a safe scientologyst enviroment, thats all.
The FSM knows about the delicate and complicated cycle and dont want to screwed up.
Otherwise she just arrange a space to keep the young in her own home, and also win something else for the berthing.
About the guy he went too far to give a step back, my best wishes to the young italian, you are doing well!!! dont change any!!!!
If that 17 year old is a normal somewhat independent and rebellious teen, his parents may have conned him into spending a week on the Fleecewinds, presenting it as some kind of a pleasant “Caribbean Cruise.” He’s thinking he’ll be checking out the babes by the pool, tossing back a few cold drinks in the evening, maybe some baccarat or roulette, nice dinners, a chance for some hot love in the cool Caribbean moonlight… then off for a couple of days diving wrecks, checking out the babes again, fancy dinners, good socializing, some evening music and dancing. He’ll be expecting normal Caribbean Cruise stuff, but on the Fleecewinds – fat chance.
The parents want him to stay in a private home before he gets shanghaied to the Fleecewinds so he doesn’t get exposed to serious hard-core Scientologists. They would spot him as rich-boy fresh meat in an instant, and give him the aggressive full Tone 40 you’re a scumbag-so-hop-to-it treatment, which would turn off any sensible teen. On the other hand, maybe the parents are afraid he will encounter the SO slaves, the scurrying bands of heads-down-don’t-talk-to-me serfs who live in fear of Ethics and the RPF, but can’t leave because their passports are held hostage. For whatever reason, the parents don’t want their teen experiencing Flag before being hauled off to the ship.
Of course, once he gets on the ship he may not be seen again for years. It’s happened before, right?
God I fear for that boy. This is the way of Scn parents with wayward kids: they ship them off to Yoke Reeder’s Desert School (prison), or to the Freewinds or to Narconon or to join the SO, anything to get them off their lines instead of handling their own kids, the fruit of their loins. If the kid goes there it will be one long nonstop recruit cycle. And if they succeed, he may never been see again. Once you go on the Ship, it’s almost impossible to get off. Others have had to escape in dangerous and daring ways.
Do you think that they might not want him staying at a Scientology hotel because he is coming from Italy and they are concerned about Covid19? It wasn’t that long ago, that Italy was the “hot spot”.
Maybe they want to just sacrifice the Wogs.
Just sayin’.
No she is saying it’s ok that he doesn’t pay for a hotel room because he is not on service.
Italy WAS a covid-19 hotspot, but really turned things around by doing what was necessary, similarly to NYC, which WAS the US
hoT spot, but is now one of the quieter areas. I don’t even see them being flashed up by the news services like FL (esp Miami), TX and AZ, and sometimes CA, esp the LA area. I COULD be wrong, of course.
They need better cocaine then they can find elsewhere than the ship.
In around 1993 they had Teen Week and a number of teens snorted coke and smoked dope.
Must have been some good shit.
It was bad PR but obviously with their recent actions they dont give a fuck.
One can read between the lines somewhat, on posts such as Flavia’s. Here is what I would guess, and only based on my experience with how Scientologists say things without actually saying them:
1. Flavia is likely an FSM or somehow financially or personally involved with this.
2. The kid is perhaps troublesome to the Scientologist parent or parents, and they’re hoping this seminar will straighten him out.
(First guess: not really interested in scientology.)
3. Nobody quite trusts this kid to make it to the ship all on his own, so perhaps they want to place him with a church member that will assist should he change his mind about going to the ship etc. Otherwise, why not just get him a hotel? If he’s paying, it’s not about money.
4. Further, why does he have to stay in Clearwater for a week before he goes on to the ship? This is the big question. And then, why not just stay at the Fort Harrison as MR points out? Why not just have the kid get a connecting flight and then head off to the ship? I would guess that his earlier arrival has something to do with Scientology‘s agenda rather than his own. Perhaps, he needs some security clearance to go be on the Freewinds or some such? That would answer why he wouldn’t be “allowed” to stay on the base at the Fort Harrison.
A security clearance is technically not “services”.
OR perhaps his parents don’t want him to be in the flag environment, where the Sea Org recruiters or the IAS vultures will be all over him? This is a strong possibility also, but it doesn’t answer why he has to stay in Clearwater for a week.
Anyway, it is an odd request and there is something not being said here. Scientology always makes things so fucking complicated and now trying to think about this just sets me off into an overly complicated stream of thought, and reminds me of another perk about being out—not having to constantly try to figure out what people are not-saying-saying. Geez poor kid…
Flavia doesn’t get all of the commissions if the “kid” doesn’t arrive at the Fleecewinds, thus they’re begging for a 3rd-party chaperone to ensure he doesn’t just head off to somewhere else, somewhere INTERESTING.
Good points, John Doe. Maybe the one week holding period before boarding the ship is to make sure he doesn’t have Covid? Or maybe he uses drugs and it is a one week dry out from alcohol or drugs before going on the ship? Whatever it is , some things are not being said.
Thousands of visitors each year? Thousands? Really? Scientology wouldn’t kidd, right…..ummmmmmmm…..right?
In my experience, “kidding” is something that has been frightened out of most of them.
The concept of “kidding” no longer exists in their minds. Just my opinion, of course.
Skyler, you’re on the right track – “joking and degrading” was forbidden by Hubbard in the 1970s, at the point that he seems to have been cracking down on the freewheeling hippie spirit that young baby boomers had brought to Scientology during its heyday. By then numbers were down as the literal flood of young “seekers” in places like LA’s Hollywood and San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury ebbed, and he was desperate to keep cash flow up, and trying to maintain control of the followers he still had:
“The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.
This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now, we may never again have another chance.
Remember, this is our first chance to do so in all the endless trillions of years of the past.”
Church of Scientology Policy Outlawing “Joking & Degrading”
OSD. Right. But all the money they have spent are for the cult. Including eating and sleeping. Few coins maybe for a coffee at the Zenu Bar.
Ah, yes. The The Zenu Bar. I spent many years at that club. We really should get to gather.
As previously noted, those ‘thousands of visitors’ pump very little into the local economy. Miscavige is a jealous lover and he wants all the money he can get.
Is this poor kid going to be staff on the Fleecewinds? Or is he just going to some bullshit ‘seminar’? Either way, why isn’t he going directly to the ship?
As it is so often, what the hell is going on, on the ship of fools?
Italian week at Flag. Yes, I remember it well. Lots of Italians would come here when Italy takes a vacation.
This year’s festivities should be pretty dead.
OT Mike but FYI if you didn’t already know:
Yep Kelly Preston, dead at 57, Evidently cancer is a bit more powerful than O.T.
And Lisa Marie Presley’s son Benjamin has died of an apparent suicide.
Cancer don’t care ’bout no scientology magickal BS.
If you don’t treat it MEDICALLY, you gonna die — slowly and PAINFULLY. I’m tempted to say she “pulled it in” even after all these years away from the cult, but then some of my returning humanity kicks in and I think that NO ONE “deserves” that sort of irresistible pain. My mom went out with throat cancer and it was awful to confront as a caregiver.
I sympathize JL. My best died of throat cancer. I could write a book…I won’t. From diagnosis to death was less than 2 years. She suffered terribly with all that modern medicine had to offer. I cringe at thinking what life would have been like if she had insisted on something like ‘auditing’…thankfully she was no Sci. Truthfully nothing helped anyway. It burned her down and I watched helplessly.
Poor Travolta stuck in that bubble believing this shite. Maybe this will wake him up. I’ve heard he was a nice guy unlike Tom ‘Cookies’ Crooze. I heard a rumor that in the ambulance on the way to the hospital when his son Jett was dying or dead he was doing the “Bring back to Life” Assist…this is rumor of course but could you imagine the paramedics watching this as they tried to save this child’s life. “Get back in that body!” over and over and over…delusion is quite the drug.
I could have done the “Bring back to life” assist once…….but I wasn’t “High Crimed” on it…..
My wife got the same but she always did every year routine controls and make it to cure herself in time.
I believe that this OTness idea makes one to stop taking care of simple aspects like going to a doctor for normal controls.
That’s really weird since CoS has many empty hotels and motels in CW. Maybe they are charging insanely high rates for bed bud ridden, flop house quality lodgings. Would be par for the course as CoS has always charged Blue Diamond prices for harmful or at best, worthless products.
Dear Flavia,
Do you realize just how MLFU your request is? Please report to a public school for some sanity training.
When I listen to someone’s still in Scientology it’s with certain negative expectations.
It doesn’t matter what anyone believes, Reality remains real. And stay out of the Fort Harrison Hotel, I’ve heard bad things about it.
“The Italian teenagers week seminar?”
My former FSM was from Italy and died after OT VIII. You would think that the word spread in Italy. She was chasing Hubbard’s Demons and entities. Her husband, who died a few years later, was also caught up in Hubbard’s Body Thetans, Targs and demons. Scientology wants to prep a 17 year old to follow Hubbard’s Bridge. The problem with Scientology is that they sugar-coat the steps of the bridge and never tell the truth. When I joined in 1972, I wish Hubbard would have just said that he copied the theory of demons from King Solomon and Crowley. In 1952 Hubbard joined with Mary Sue to explore the world of entities and Demons. You can find original OT VIII on the tape. Hubbard thought he could control demons because he was theta. Hubbard did not even know he was following Zoroaster and King Solomon. Some say Solomon was about 900 BC and Zoroaster 600 BC. So after following these two, he decides that he was the former Buddha, the original Buddha and the future Buddha all at the same time. Foolishly he solves all the religion problems in the entire world by claiming that the Buddha was actually exteriorizing from the body in 550 BC and teaching it. He uses the Pali Canon for his proof. Well anyone can read the Canon and learn the internal mental process of perception. So then Hubbard says you cannot use the Canon because it is subject to errors. Well, if it is subject to errors why are you using it to prove Scientology? Nothing but circles and contradictions in Scientology. Now the internet can trace Hubbard’s history of Demonic fears. Goodbye Scientology.
Right, George:
“Goodbye scientology”.
The sooner, the better; assuredly the sooner, the less bankrupt
— in so many ways.
George. He tried to sell the idea to the buddists (mid 50s) he was Metteya.
Among the multitude of real differences that don’t match between Scn and buddihsm or zen, the biggest one was certainly his huge ego.
That really does paint a seemingly accurate picture of how his thought process, impulsivity along with reactionary personality would jump from one thing to another and try to cover one backstory with another he picked up on the fly when challenged.
Plus the way you stated and explained above makes a lot more sense when those unfamiliar with your background and studies/writing (and not aware of LRH’s dabbling in Crowley-ism) hear you discuss the satanic influences.
I think with UTR or lurking OSA, reading some of that is thought-stopping (entheta) because they can only relate their own experience in co$ and know they weren’t reading or doing anything that had to do with satanic anything… so without some of the nuanced background you’ve provided for those of us who’ve read your work, I think it’s just “too much” and therefore “obviously false” to them.
I think your work is likely MOST powerful with those who got in as Christian or Jewish. A genuine Muslim would also find his background abhorrent, but it doesn’t seem many from that background are sucked in and what the NOI practices and believes is most certainly NOT of Islamic belief. Plus they don’t question their own leaders pushing them into scientology or anything else.
Lastly, I feel with an atheist (not those who are actually agnostic but calling themselves atheist) would also be very off-put by his background, though I don’t see natural skeptics being as easily pulled into scientology anymore – I think that heyday ended by the mid-80’s when things got more militant. So I think your work can be very powerful for so many to read
Sad news I just read Kelly Preston, wife of John Travolta, “that the actress passed away on the morning of July 12, “following a two-year battle with breast cancer.” John has lost a son Jett & now a wife & mother of their two remaining children, one of whom is only 8 years old.
That’s not just terrible but, overwhelming. I hope they can get through it. I know it’s going to be hard.
And Lisa Marie Presley’s son, Benjamin, just committed suicide. See Tony’s blog.
Maybe John will wake up and realize Scientolgy is a scam…didnt help.his son. And now his wife
Don’t think JT can leave. Those Case Folders live on.
Thats sad..he is basically helpless ..if he wanted to leave
Fercryinoutloud, OF COURSE Travolta can leave the CoS if he wants to. It’s 2020 and he’s an extremely rich older actor. What are they gonna do? Reveal he’s had sex with men as well as women? Probably help his career.
We need to see Blackmail (and other acts of coercion) for what it is.
Out of respect for the Travolta family, I do not want to cause any pain. However, Kelley Preston completed OT VIII a few years ago. Both of my FSM’s who were OT VIII died a few years after the level.
Breast cancer caused one of the deaths and took a few years. She spent a lot of time at Flag and on the Freewinds with no positive result.
Well, I’ll say it:
So much for getting thru OTVII and being Cause Over MEST.
And so much for OTVIII’s EP, whatever that is at the moment.
Maybe while they go OT, they could also quit smoking?
It might help.
Hey Aqua. Did you ever see those Public Service Announcement byYul Brenner? ( famous actor from the 1950s who was in The Ten Commandments and many other films).
“If you smoke, STOP! If you don’t smoke. Don’t START!”
So powerful because he made them when he was almost dead and he was so weak that it was hard to recognize him. We need to find someone today who will make a similar Public Service Announcement like:
“If you are in Scamatology, GET YOUR ASS OUT! If you are not in, DON’T JOIN.”
Yes, Skyler, Yul Brynner. Lung cancer, I believe. Terrible. He hung on for a while; I read somewhere that he got heavily into fresh carrot juice in the belief or hope that it would cure him and that he drank so much carrot juice that his skin turned orange…I’m not being funny. He may or may not have been receiving traditional medical treatment; that I don’t know, but he was brave and vocal in his battle against the disease and went all out in an effort to communicate the dangers of smoking widely to as many people as possible. A terrible tragedy and loss of a fine actor and person. Hopefully his message resonated with some people.
Aqua, to be fair, that’s no longer the official ep of OT8 … I think now it’s something like “ability to get off the ship and be free of constant regging” …
In any case, we all die eventually but Lisa Marie? Sheesh!!!! Four divorces , she’s been in and out of rehab for decades, son kills himself, she appears often to be a basket case … Lifelong Scientologist… (You can already hear the whispers, she’s PTS, can’t apply the tech cause of a zillion mu’s, won’t get auditing, yadda yadda yadda) … And it’s not like her mother is any success story either …
If he had any guts, Travolta would leave for the sake of his children …
“ability to get off the ship and be free of constant regging”
Now THAT’S an EP for ‘ya 🙂
And yes, Lisa Marie was long ago represented to me as having “serious limitations”. Of course, the cult will say its because she LEFT, became vulnerable to SPs, etc.
Fingers crossed too that now that his OT8 wife’s untimely death has ended his sham marriage, Travolta gets the hell out.
So disgustingly sad to think that a religion can “save you or make you well” when medical science cannot.
Add to that the thousands of dollars PAID to “be able to cure oneself & rise above all illnesses”…..
They’d already lost a son Jett….their youngest son was and is a miracle baby….now he’s an 8 year old motherless little boy.
So sad….they put all their faith & trust for a long time in a religion that took their money and for what. Jett is gone, Kelly is gone….RIP
Lisa Marie Pressley….her son…gone…. Hard to live in the shadow of Elvis….what a heavy burden to have to carry.
Ballet Lady. Just right. Lisa Marie Presley apparently has left scn since years.
The bottom of the story is that scn keep selling the old miraculous potion of Dr Hubbard.
They have updated the label but the content is the usual dirty water sold as a old honored panacea.
George. Maybe becoming OT VIII caused it…
Seems like a pattern
My internal optimist suggests this MIGHT be a good time for
JT to exit the cult and tell the world what he’s found out about it
Little or nothing good, I expect.)
I was thinking the same thing, jere.
Or, he could finally come “out” – if he were so inclined.
After all, Catherine Bell is “out”. She lives with a woman, another Scientologist in fact. The cult seems to be OK with her being openly gay. So why must JT keep pretending?
Unless he has truly changed and is not gay anymore. Which is fine too.
Like, whatever.
Maybe because JT “gave it up” while married to Kelly & claimed due to cos he was “cured???” OR he doesn’t want “it” to embarrass his two children Ella Blue & Benjamin, especially since Benjamin is only 8.
I recall seeing him holding then son Jett’s hand walking him on to his private Jet…as if this young teen boy needed assistance or guidance to board a plane…but then some people DO have a fear of flying.
Then….it was so sad….I’d seen a previous picture & back then thought to myself that Jett didn’t appear to be a normal active kid…..all Jett’s “problems” were hidden away…question is WHY?
Did COS tout that Jett would be “OK” with “a little carrot juice & Calmag or something….heartbreakingly sad.
So many people gone because of Covid…and now adding a young man’s suicide (Lisa Marie’s son) & the death from breast cancer of Kelly Preston Travolta….so much pain and sadness…..
When Travolta’s son was a toddler I watched him in some TV interview talking about his first child. He was so happy, glowing. Thrilled to be a father. Nothing phony about it; his enthusiasm just flowed out The interviewer – I forget who it was – congratulated him on his child, his happiness…I remember that he turned to her and said, “I am just so in love with my son!” He wasn’t choosing his words, he didn’t care how he sounded. He was just…so happy, is the only way I can describe it. Not phony jumping on the couch happy like Tom Cruise. He didn’t have to prove anything; you could just see it. I personally would never doubt that Travolta loved his son very much, and that whatever he did or didn’t do for Jett was in the belief that it was best for his kid. I also believe that if the cult had told him to do something that he believed would harm Jett that he would have refused. This is just my opinion and it isn’t an informed opinion other that observation of him in that interview back in the mid-90s. Oh, I remember now; he was promoting his film “Michael”.
Yes Aqua…I well remember how overjoyed he was when that child was born. They named him JETT because of John’s love of being a pilot. I had seen a few pix of him when he was very young….and then “blip” there really weren’t that many photographs like we’d see of OTHER celeb’s kids.
The loss of a child at ANY age, I can’t even imagine. They wanted another child & were Blessed with Benjamin. So sad that little boy only had his mom for 8 years… many tears….John was HEAD OVER HEELS in LOVE with Kelly……..I recall their marriage as well & their involvement with COS…..
I am so saddened by all of this….along with Lisa Marie’s son’s suicide….I hope they all have enough supportive family & friends.
Balletlady, Jet was autistic. Unfortunately when an autistic boy hits the adolescence years hey can suddenly manifest epileptic seizures that can kill if they happen at the wrong time. They did nothing wrong. I’ve been working with autistic children for 13 years now. Jet was low functioning. Girls can have that happen but the % is small with females who are autistic.
Agree “Wyn”….I’ve encountered & worked with several young and teen Autistics & it’s a challenge. One friend had a son who’d sit & shake his right hand back & forth & continue to blankly stare at it as that was his coping mechanism.
One friend’s son had multiple Grand Mal seizures…different meds didn’t work & he did pass away in his teen years. After a late afternoon nap He’d locked himself in the bathroom & they could not open the door that quickly…. .
BL –
Tony posted about it in more depth here on Sat:
My heart went into my stomach when I saw she’d died. It does sound like they submitted to professional medical help, as those weren’t lightweight facilities he thanked. The poor kids!!!
Now likely having “operatives” assigned to keep them in and addressing it scientologically, telling them not to be “grief-y “ and so on just hurts my heart for them. Perhaps this will be something to help get him out if his kids are clearly being “mishandled”? I so hope extended family (not-in) will be around them as well!
Then reading about Lisa Marie Presley’s son on the same day?!? As a mom of adult sons and knowing how especially close we are even in their 20’s because of my years as a single mom (us against the world!), I can’t fathom the pain she must be in and hope she has people genuinely interested in her continued recovery surrounding her. Perhaps even the contrast between the cold scientology approach to his loss vs those not-in who will empathize and comfort might help get her daughter back out (& hopefully LM and her mom PP didn’t get sucked back in)!
Tragic, all!
Lots of love to you! Miss you… I’ve been kinda quiet because it was Haven’s 1st Bday Saturday (bittersweet) and my mom showed up on my brothers doorstep w/her latest BF on Friday. They’d driven 2600 miles (from VA) and told no one and of course wanted motel $ or a place to stay… so it’s been “exciting.” Not important in the scheme of things and I’m being careful and upholding my boundaries (thought of and was encouraged by you as it all happened!) and just expressing that I love her and can only “help” her help herself… BIG hugs to you (& to the hubby too) and I do hope you’re getting to see your daughter through all of this! Love – J
That is a weird one. It’s a recruitment cycle I bet. Get him here! He’s 17. No money. Has not agreed to join staff so can’t stay on base. Needs a public to house him because he can scrape up a couple hundred bucks. Pity the poor kid when he arrives 😯
RoseMarie. I bet the same. Recruitment ‘cycle’.
Dear Flavia,
I don’t have a spare room.
But I do know where there’s an attic he can hang upside down in.
Much love,
Rosemarie, it also sounds like the “kid” might not be entirely on board with the transaction.
Rosemarie –
What’s even weirder is that he DOES have the money! They’re offering to pay whomever he stays with. The whole thing is off and I truly hope it doesn’t come together so he can’t come, poor guy!
O/T. HIghly Commended Scientology Field Staff Member Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad attacks “Imposter Jews.”
Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad received a Commendation from the Church of Scientology, and indeed was “highly commended,” for her work as a Field Staff Member at the Church of Scientology of Miami.
She has now attacked “Imposter Jews.”
[To briefly explain, it is the position of the NOI that: (1) they (i.e., NOI members and Black people generally) are the “real” Jews of the Torah and the Bible; and (2) the people who are currently identified as Jews, and particularly the Ashkenazi Jews and/or anyone who follows the Talmud, are “fake” Jews who fooled everyone by switching places with the “real” Jews.
In addition, Sister Renata Muhammad promotes the anti-Semitic book series “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.”
Will the Church of Scientology rescind the Commendation?
Will the Church of Scientology continue to employ Sister Renata Muhammad as a Field Staff Member?
ESMB Redux thread with all documentation:
Twitter thread consisting of two tweets:
I’ve read similar insanity about some groups who claim Arab & North African monarchs in Southern Europe hundreds of years ago were really sub-Saharan Africans. When they were just slaves in the Muslim slave markets of North Africa and Europe. More batsh1t cray cray stuff.
Wynski, the NOI is an offshoot of the Moorish Science Temple of America, so there’s indeed a connection to that type of thinking. The NOI’s found Fard (Muhammad) was another dabbler and grifter like Hubbard (and other group leaders in a similar vein*), with enough charisma and organizing energy to start a cult of his own:
“Competing factions developed among the congregations and leaders, especially after the death of the charismatic Ali. Three independent organizations developed from this ferment. The founding of the Nation of Islam by Wallace Fard Muhammad in 1930 also created competition for members.”
“For some time, one W. D. Fard assumed leadership of the Moorish movement. According to Bontemps and Conroy, Fard claimed that he was the reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali. By 1930 a permanent split developed in the movement. One faction, the Moors, remains faithful to Noble Drew Ali, and the other, which is now led by Elijah Muhammad, remains faithful to Prophet Fard (Master Wallace Fard Muhammad). ”
* NXIVM’s Raniere, for example, borrowed from Scientology and NLP, included various pseudo-science and pseudo-medical practices (relevant to current news, several of his followers died young of cancer after he discouraged their seeking treatment and provided his own remedies instead) and promoted beliefs typically including conspiracy theories.
THANK YOU for that and the links!
I had no idea they had connections to the Moorish movement – WOW – that def makes more sense. Plus how ironic that NOI/Fard constructed their belief system so similarly to Co$/Hubbard! Both of them Frankensteined together to keep up the facade and patch up the plot holes. I was going to just ignore that book, but I may read it just to better understand of what twisted “history” they’re convincing followers.
As a descendant of Eastern European Jews (some Ashkenazi) I’ve tried to learn much of the history of our family. So it baffles me how people can claim these things if they’ve learnt even a small bit of history. But as with co$, I know there just comes a point where the cognitive dissonance is such that regardless of past education, whatever the leaders say must be true as it’s just too dangerous to acknowledge that string of doubt, let alone pull it!
ISNOI News, that “commendation” won’t be rescinded unless and until she ceases to bring in the MONEY. And then, they’d do it in the most low-keyed, quietest manner they/he can think of
I started to write a response to your opening statement in today’s blog. But the profanity was far too much – even for me. Every sentence seemed to begin, “Those Mother-Blanking-Sons-of-Blanks really and truly do believe that we will actually believe this load of H-Shit they are dumping on us today?
Is there no more reality remaining in this world? How stupid and how gullible do they have to be to actually accept the lies they are spinning resemble any kind of truth any more?
They are obviously lying through their teeth. After a while, these lies are just too much even for seasoned members of this cult. We cannot accept these lies anymore. And, to top it all off, there seems to be almost no point to all the lies any more. It is just so ridiculous. It is just so incredible. I really cannot stomach all these lies any longer. I just do not understand how they can possibly figure we will accept these lies as some kind of version of the truth. Well, you know, I just never will accept any of these distortions as anything else beyond a ridiculous attempt to avoid living on with their version of the truth. It is all just far too much to be acceptable. OMG! These crazy lying cultists have no idea whatsoever that people just will not buy into their lies any longer. It just makes me oh so sad!
How in the world can they figure that we will actually believe this bullshit any more?
OK. I better stop here. I can see the rest of this post will just be more of the same. I’m sorry and I hope the rest of your day will be a lot more enjoyable than it has been so far.
When I left scientology I picked 275 instead of 92. A shorter trip save money but a longer trip save the life.
“For anyone who doesn’t know this, people who come to Clearwater for services at Flag must stay in a scientology owned hotel.”
This is true except if one has a medical condition that scares the cult into thinking it could become a PR flap. I personally know a guy who has atrial fib (heart issue) who was forced to stay in a wog hotel instead of the fort harrison or sand castle. And he was there for OT shit.
I guess the cult wants money only if there’s not a potential flap involved. Too many deaths at their hotels maybe?
You can always DONATE, that way the cult gets money with no strings or liability.
This makes sense. Maybe the kid has a medical condition so Flag won’t let him stay there. My friend had one epilepsy fit in her whole life, but it happened at Flag, so after that they made her stay off base in a wog hotel. They were scared she’d have another episode and die on base. That’s why the won’t let her stay.
Glenn, they must also fear “flaps” from people acting strangely or even going psychotic staying in public accomodations. While Lisa McPherson was the most infamous case of what can happen with someone subject to scientology at Flag being out in the community, there must have been a lot of bad PR and less severe cases over the years, with people in various states from bug-eyed “keyed out” to on the road to psychosis.
It’s interesting to hear that they don’t want people with actual medical issues on their properties, though.
Yes, I was surprised to learn they forbade parishioners with medical “issues” from staying in the cult’s hotels.
Besides Lisa Mcpherson’s flap there have been a couple others I know of.
A German couple came to Flag as the husband wanted services. The wife was a “wog” and had no interest in the tech at all. It was discovered she had some psych treatment in the past and she was put on the Purif R/D. This was back in the day where the exercise portion consisted of running around on the streets. The woman ran along the waterfront a couple blocks from Flag and was observed to divert her path down the bank and into Clearwater Bay. She drowned there. As I recall it made little press coverage.
Then there was a dude from Europe (Copenhagen maybe) who’d been on service at Ffag for a couple of months. He had a room in the fort harrison. Joseph Havenith was his name if I recall correctly. One morning a room cleaner found him drowned in his bathtub. A dude from the guardian’s office was called over and later the police were notified. The man was lying in the tub which was only half filled. The GO dude found a letter from the deceased’s girlfriend a few days earlier which tried to console him for the depression he was feeling because of the lack of real results for all the money he paid. The police arrived but the letter was hidden from him as it was feared it might create a PR flap.
Then there’s the death of Quentin Hubbard. True it occured in Las Vegas and was clearly a suicide as he was found in his car with a hose running from the exhaust pipe into it. Joe Lisa of the GO went to Vegas to try to learn and suppress all he could. Guess he was fairly successful as the only real flab that seemed to have occurred was within the family. When LRH was informed of his son’s death he response was something like What the fuck is that idiot trying to do, Ruin me? I knew Quentin personally and know he was gay and so kind of a family outcast. But LRH’s reaction was outrageous to me.
That makes a lot of sense. And actually, being that they tend to be very behind the curve when it comes to current events, they may conflate Italy with COVID and a potential PR flap there… or another attempt to LOOK like they’re so on top/ahead of the pandemic stuff so they’re requiring a week of quarantine first (which makes no sense since it’s supposed to be 2wks and he’d be better off in one of their super-super-Decon’d rooms where they could control his movements and ensure he stays in & doesn’t expose anyone) but typical to them, they do it in such a way that makes no sense.