I wonder where this guy “sees” this?
Scientology being the talk of the town?
The city coming together like never before?
The eternal false hope of scientologists. They so desperately WANT to believe this is possible, despite all evidence to the contrary.
This guy is not really any more deluded than the average scientologist who actually really believes they are going to Clear the Planet. This is not a pie in the sky idea to them — just like it’s not pie in the sky to this guy that the building they have struggled for decades to buy and renovate, but now cannot man, is going to “change everything.”
Voltaire’s Candide, the classic satire of unfounded optimism, is weak sauce in comparison to the ridiculous optimism of scientologists being slapped in the face by reality (ask Deo how many Clears they have made in Chicago this year and what his paycheck was last week) and continuing to spout foolishness like this.
I swear for all the media I’ve seen coming out of the Chicago Org, I haven’t seen anyone in it who I actually remember seeing at that Org. Is that normal for Sci churches and the media they put out?
That reminds me of the sort of visioning and affirmations popular with new agers decades ago.
I’m sitting here in Chicago, eager to participate in the great Chicago Yawn in response to Scientology.
I’m outside of Philly, a few blocks from where McSavage decided NO ONE could teach him ANYthing and blew from a high-quality high school. His English skills SHOULD have been better than I see, so he also seems to have backslid from his Grammar school in South Jersey.
BTW, the only mention of scientology in the area when I check is that they STILL haven’t corrected the code violations in that white elephant of an idle org, bigger than all the Flag buildings in Clearwater combined.
Scientology at effect rather than cause? I can believe that. I’m not sure what he means by “talk of the town”. Wouldn’t Hubbard have called that a “whispering campaign “? Is he expecting something newsworthy soon? Like the “church ” losing its tax exempt status?
Zzzzzzzzzzz, Z-Zzzzzzzzzzzz, Zzzzzzzzzzz, wake up dude. He’s still asleep. Everyone be quiet.
He’s listening to the fundraising lullaby, and it’s whisked him to dreamland.
Does he really believe it or is he just saying what the authorities want him to say? If he came from an abusive environment it would be easy for him to fall into this trap as an adult. Boo hoo! No tears for him!
Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.
He might not be entirely wrong. If they open their Idle Morgue and try to push themselves into Chicago’s attention, they may well bring the city together in opposition to them and be the talk of the town in terms of what is the greatest blight and most undesirable group.
In the land of the Blind – the one eyed man is king.
Unfortunately good people often do not suspect the liar and the conman as its not in their nature.
So true!
Corporate Scientologists are actively encouraged to outdo one another with hyperbole about the cult. Hence some of the truly ludicrous Attest statements. This is just more of the same delusional tripe that tunnel vision creates for those still trapped inside Old Mother Hub’s black cupboard.
None is so blind as he who refuses to see.
Or something like that. They keep the blinders on.
Re: “The eternal false hope of scientologists. They so desperately WANT to believe…”
It reminds me of believing in Santa Claus as a child. Or the Tooth Fairy.
Fred, you know what I think it is? I think as you say they so desperately want to believe because they really, really want to help, and they’re convinced that Scientology help is the only viable, worthwhile help, and as such then they MUST believe that somehow, someday, in SOME way its all going to work and come together, as long as they don’t give up trying.
I think (this is my opinion only) that in cult parlance they have a “must have” on helping via Scientology. And “must haves” are unlucky. Whatever you call them, they’re bad news and bad luck almost always. Going further, along with their “must help with Scientology” they’re also experiencing continual “can’t help with Scientology”. Two equal opposing forces. Their attempts to help via Scientology come to naught but at the same time they must help via Scientology. This has to be a slice of hell for them. They’re helpful people. They must help, but the help must only come via Scientology. But they don’t help via Scientology because so many people know about and loathe Scientology. A continuing, thoroughly depressing problem for them with no “ethical” way out of it… God, I’m getting slightly queasy in the stomach just writing this.
If it weren’t for their shared fantasies, there would be no scientology.
Now THAT is a dead on accurate statement!
Their FANTASIES, SOLELY (out of which spring their donations and efforts) keep Scientology alive!
In other words, their efforts and donations are not in the least motivated by FACTS, but are instead, purely FANTASY-BASED.
Amazing, really!
I agree, Aquamarine. A “must have” in scientoligyville becomes a “can’t have,” and that can turn into a “GPM”, or goals-problem-mass. Thank goodness Scientology counselling is available to “rescue” them from that.
Does anyone in The Bubble understand the difference between being The Talk Of The Town and Laughing Behind The Back?
laughing behind their backs would require people paying attention to them, which I don’t see happening much except as scientologist activity adversely affects them.