Regraded Being is taking a day off. Might surprise us with something on an odd day, depending on schedule, but otherwise will be back next week bigger and better than ever.
In the meantime, we have some interesting insight into scientology’s “groups” – the entities that “introduce” people to dianetics and scientology.
Scientology claims there are “More than 11,000 scientology orgs, missions and groups” in the world.
Unfortunately for them, we know the number of orgs is about 160 all told (they are listed on the website). From the same website there are less than 400 missions even listed and a decent percentage of them have closed. Probably less than 200 by now. And if you count the ones that are open for more than 3 hours a week, it’s probably less than 100.
But, let’s give them the generous benefit of the doubt and say the Orgs and Missions account for 1,000 of the 11,000. Meaning there are 10,000 groups.
This is where it gets interesting and where scientology relies on nobody being able to prove the lies they tell.
Unlike orgs and missions, scientology does not publish the names and addresses of groups. And these “groups” are mercurial at the best of time. There have been dozens of videos shown at scientology events with footage of “groups” in far flung places, from Mongolia to Central Africa and Tasmania to Kazakhstan. Most of these “groups” are flashes in the pan that last for about the duration of the camera lights of the video crew there to “document” them. There are other areas that have been announced as having far more extensive encroachment of these groups — including India and Pakistan. They were once much ballyhoo’ed as important new areas welcoming dianetics and scientology with open arms.
Which is particularly interesting in light of the report we have been forwarded from I HELP UK. (“International Hubbard League of Pastors” United Kingdom — the scientology acronym for the part of the organization that oversees and collects tithes from field groups and field auditors).
The scientology world is broken into different “continents” but there is no scientology “continent” for Asia, so those areas are sort of up for grabs. Australia gets Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia. Rohn Walker sort of took Thailand for a while with a mission or two opened there, and he was based in California. Who knows now. But the old colonial ties still hold strong, so the UK has the Indian Subcontinent under their purview.
So the breakdown of “Big Think” that follows covers England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, Eire, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh.
I have no clue what “other delivery hours” are if they are not Well Done Auditing Hours or Book One, so we should just ignore that.
Wealden House is Lizzie Calcioli’s field group near East Grinstead. The Wincel is also near EG and run by an OT VIII
KRC Group, May Forest and Avi Vatsa don’t show up on any Google search. They could be anywhere, though I would guess the latter is in India.
There are two others reportedly delivering “Book One Hours” – Kushab Life Improvement Center and Kirby Group neither of which show up on a Google search either.
But at the top this is a total of SEVEN “groups” delivering auditing.
And if you count the “groups” doing “other delivery hours” (even if only one for an entire week) the grand total is 16.
Let’s be charitable and say there are 25 because there are another 9 that were on vacation this week and then double that number for no reason at all to make it a round 50.
And let’s be charitable and say the UK/India etc is equivalent to all the other “scientology continents” even though with India included the population exceeds everywhere else except China which sort of comes under ANZO (at least Taiwan does).
That means there would be 8 times 50 more (EU, EUS, WUS, CAN, ITALY, LATAM, ANZO, AF) or 400. Plus UK/India = 450. Call it 500. Being charitable, make it 1000.
So, with the most charitable counting of the numbers provided BY scientology, they cannot account for any more than 2000 “orgs, missions and groups” (more likely it’s considerably less than 1,000).
Where are the other 9,000 they announce in their public statements?
And just as an added note, there are apparently a grand total of 3 field auditors in the UK, Ireland and all of the Indian Subcontinent that deliver any auditing — and two of them delivered a single Book One session.
And there are only TWO FSMs. Funny, you see dozens of these people on stage every New Year’s event — the “Power FSMs.” Every single one of them is supposed to have gotten 1000 selectees per year onto service. That is 20 per week. They’re not even close. But the Conts send anyone that can afford the airfare to “represent” them.
It is sham upon sham. And by this time, everyone in scientology knows it and they are all complicit. They know when they hear the stats or see the videos of their orgs that they are complete lies. But nobody says anything as they don’t want to be “critical” of “COB” and have to pay for a sec check or worse, be declared and disconnected from their friends and family and/or lose their job. In this regard, scientology breeds liars.
I think the number of groups outside orgs and missions is zero. Starving orgs would quickly eat anny outlying group , even in India.
““More than 11,000 scientology orgs, missions and groups”” is a true statement. Each robot, sheep, etc in $camology is an org, mission, and group. 97% of them just don’t know it yet.
I was smacked in the kisser 2 Times a while ago, had to miss a front tooth.
Yes the dude packed a bigger punch than Midget Miscavige
But this is the song for me and all of you:
Hi Cat Daddy, You get the replica OT titanium bejeweled encrusted carrot on a stick for being smacked in the kisser & the ultimate missing front tooth award.I salute you.Many moons ago in Sea Org,I got sucker punched twice in the face before I enjoyed my thirteen + hours in Big Blue’s morgue.Boy those doing the hitting could pack a wallop and then some.
I would love to know the title of the song you picked because my Siri hates Jave script and will not let me use it ever.Go figure! Xo, Ann.
Another great post Mike–thanks. And I laughed out loud when I saw that photo. Priceless.
I started out as a mission staff – later became Flag staff at Clearwater. At the beginning the mission birthday game was huge, missions competing for LRH birthday games, etc, or trying to become a Class V org. It was an active scene in 1990s but they disappeared. That atmosphere is gone. It is really hard to become a Class V org as you might get required to buy Ideal building now, etc. Some orgs – like Vienna, New York hardly has any staff they hardly produce anything. Half of Scientology income as I heard from a CMO INT staff is from Clearwater. It is true – field group are jokes – hardly any control over them and made up auditing numbrs, etc.
Attila, over half of Int revenue has ALWAYS been from the FSO Land Base (from shortly after it was established until present). The rest of SCN planet wide never amounted to much money. Scamology was just never that big and booming at the lower levels.
During my Comm Ev I was accused of using truth to damage Scientology. I was read this quote from The Science of Survival:
“While it may be true that something is undesirable or that a person is bad, if it serves no good purpose to make the statement, the issuance of this ‘truth’ is in reality the establishing of an entheta line.”
So, Scientology really is not interested in truth or actual facts if it is not “theta”.
Combine this with this little gem, also from SOS:
“It could be said that life was made to be lived, not died out of; and that facts which encourage a high level of living would be, for man, the most truthful facts; and that those which encourage his demise would be the most untruthful facts.”
So, data (true or false) becomes more “truthful” if it contains survival potential.
By operating on these principles the whole conception of Truth becomes quite malleable and murky. Including the rejection of provable facts and calling them lies. Or the promotion of lies when they are demonstrably false.
Scientology, itself, determines what is true and what is false. If their claim to have 10,000 groups is a statement of “fact”, they do so because they feel it has survival potential, therefore “more true”. Anyone challenging the claim or refuting it is attacking them by spreading entheta.
This single factor prevents the Scientologist from recognizing their delusion. You can say “Look here! With your own eyes! Irrefutable evidence of …” The dutiful Scientologist sees no survival value in it and summarily rejects it as a lie, without analysis. Safe and secure inside the Bubble of Lies.
In scientology it’s only trur if it improves this weeks stats.
Speaking of lies, I’m a never in and went to Big Blue a few days ago. They asked if I wanted a tour and I asked if I could see the RPF. They said there’s no such thing as the RPF.
OMG – they obviously learned how to lie from the way that their dear, short leader responds to the press. That is hilarious. So, they don’t have any disconnection policies, there is no RPF and David doesn’t beat his staff. Yeah right.
Mike, you need use the secret code. You can’t ask for the RPF, you have to ask for the FPR. Then they’ll think you’re one of them.
No such thing? Why was it when I was talking to Larry Jacobs, he specifically told me he didn’t blow (he did and was “recovered” using his wife and a threat of divorce, he came back and his wife divorced him), he was on the RPF?
Hmm, I wonder if he got re-RPFed for “pretending” there was something like the RPF.
Holy Cow. There is no Hole, no physical assaults, no forced abortions, no disconnection policy; now there is no RPF. If Mike plays his cards right, pretty soon there will be no more regging, and no more IAS Fundraising. Seems the only people affection positive nonexistent change within the church of scientology are the whistleblowers. David miscavige seems to be nothing but a stimulus response mechanism.
The last paragraph is the sad truth. It makes me think of the battered wife, craving the love and approval of her abuser. A sick cycle that repeats itself, on automatic now.
Sell 25 books and get ‘commendations AND capers’??? Who can resist the allure of Capers?? I sure can. How does one spend ‘commendations’? It won’t pay the rent or buy anything, but it might reinforce the clam delusion.
With all the focus on ‘stats’ when does any one ‘audit’? I think the accounting department at Enron had more realistic numbers.
zemoo, auditing is a naughty word now. Now, if your talkin’ bout starting over at the bottom of the bridge, I hear ya! But, auditing? That’s so last century…
“Scientology breeds liars.” Now there’s a statement!
The all powerful, the all dominating COB works very hard to ensure he doesn’t have to work very hard. His automated system of self incrimination should one look toward the light is on full auto and sec checks plus disconnection/declares take care of anyone who questions the system.
It’s just another day at the office for Scientology at the rising of the sun every day. Systems checks and balances in place, stupid people in line – it’s all good. It’s only a tired, stupid plan when viewed from the outside and that doesn’t matter inside the bubble. People like us aid their resolve, therefore, we are important to them even though they despise us.
What’s that famous song by another religion… “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war…” The old rally round the flag trick. With Scientology, they introvert you – it’s always greener someplace else, what are you doing to fall behind? Ahhh… the SPs! Let’s rally around the flag, COB or Hubbard, doesn’t matter, it’s all the same thing. The thought of losing one’s eternity is just to much to bear, let’s declare. A clean slate is a happy slate! And that includes your family too.
Developed and nurtured arrogance within religion is truly a marvel of misguided human endeavor in search for life’s answers, all the while lining the pockets of the unscrupulous.
Big whopper lies are hard for Scientologists to understand precisely because they are big whoppers. “There has to be some truth to it or why would DM say something like that?” is the logic. A normal lie like, “there are 10 students on course when there were only 5” is easy to understand and Scientologists recognize it as a false report. But big whopper lies like, “we have millions of members, 11,000 groups and 50% less crime in Bulgravia” are accepted as “truth” because COB DM said it and because we are “big and powerful beings saving this planet” so it must be true..
But, big whopper expansion lies used to prop up a Ponzi scheme to get the last money out of the shrinking membership is insane. Crash and burn insane.
Great comment, Robert Almblad. Its true – big lies are believed much easier than small lies because people judge others by themselves, and most people in a position of trust don’t have the nerve to tell huge whopping lies. In fact, most people don’t have the nerve to tell big lies at all. Little lies, exaggerations, yes, but huge whoppers, mostly not. So when hearing this they apply inverted logic. “This has to be true; COB would NEVER tell such a lie!” I think it was Goebbels, under Hitler, who laid out “The Big Lie” theory, back in the day, whether he called it exactly that or not.
Robert Almblad, that really hit the nail on the head, well said!
What an amusing inversion. When I was active in Cl IV (now V) Org management in the early ’70s, Senior Management was acutely attuned to inflated (read false) stats and came down hard on any perceived instance of same. Now Senior Management (read DM sycophants) is acutely attuned to a failure to inflate them. Would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.
Last time I was in Thailand, I looked for the mission. There was nothing I could find in Bangkok.
It well behooves me not to talk about others, but for the record the alleged “Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation of the Church of Scientology” located in Elizabeth, New Jersey is nothing more than a mail and telephone call relay point to the Org in New York being run from the rear office of a Scientologist dentist on Westfield Avenue in that town. It is not my intention to crack a joke here either, but at this rate all 80,000 non English speaking immigants in Elizabeth should be ready for their L’s by next year. 🙂
That’s funny, Lawrence! Oh, well – one way or another this dentist performs an extraction 🙂
Squirrels like you should stop spouting such entheta, Scientology is currently going through a period of unprecedented expansion.
Squirrel Buster is right! The cult added 3 new members several years ago! I mean, that’s expansion, right?
LOL yeah, 3x expansion (if you don’t count the 18,000x contraction).
Well, just stop counting the 18,000 contraction! C’mon on now! Let’s celebrate the expansion! I mean, those three are no longer in the cult, but, we can pretend they are for the stats….
David Miscavige will give up the names
of all Squirrel Busters to the Dept.of Justice
in a Plea Bargain. Then Blame them as government
spys who destroyed Scientology.
Squirrel Buster, are you OSA or is you ‘jes funnin’ wid us?
Edit: “Is” you OSA.
Hi Suirrel Buster. Welcome. You’re liable to become privy to the truth about scn, visiting this site. I hope you’re open to it. though. What did Hubbard say, “LOOK, DON’T LISTEN.
Gas also expands.
Hi Dollar Morgue, Thank you for my Friday laugh.Just think all the front porches of Infinity in all the astral and parallel universes! I am very happy I will not go to the next level as a SO member or any other cos member.What a nightmare- to serve the cult lifetime after lifetime! The hypnosis was magnetically powerful that kept me totally believing Ron, until duress helped me see otherwise.I remember in CF @ Asho in 74 I had folders from those folks my age now who ran at home Dianetic groups circa 1951. Got letters back from them too.I bet they are still in CF as I type!Love,Ann.
Hi Mike,Your piece today contains a very favorite line for me ” Scientology breeds liars “… I thought as far back as I recall when acquaintances of my late parents had left DMSMH at the house in 57 or 58. My parents paid no attention to it.I hated the volcano.My point being all the way back then there was Ron breeding that culture of liars with his intense love of money and control.Just my experience with him.xo Ann.
Scientology in the UK is so moribund that collecting stats on it is like practising necrophilia.
Scientology, the only game where everyone pimps.
You mean to tell me it’s now the Church of Pimpology? Pimping as a career? Things are changing so fast.
It’s simple: No pimps, no pope.
Ahhhhhhh (nodding head up and down). Now that’s something I can understand…
“I have no clue what “other delivery hours” are if they are not Well Done Auditing Hours or Book One, so we should just ignore that.”
Badly Done Auditing Hours? 😛
Can’t be Sec Check hours as the numbers aren’t high enough even for the few remaing
Every time you scream in someone’s face, “what are your crimes” it counts as a delivery hour.
10X the hours every time you get an answer (other than GFYS)
Well, there’s the Bitch-Slapped To Cognition Stat, and then lthe Face-Ripped To Compliance Stat, for starters, under the heading of Well Done Delivery Hours.
Lost Admin, soon to be released in the Golden AGe of Admin’s all new OEC course.
This will make Planetary Clearing a reality. The time is now.
Dave’s in power, unfortunately, not the kind the world recognizes.
Pizza delivery hours.
Those poor staff have to do something to get food. And toilet paper.
Hi Kemist, I had to second your post.Poor Miss Ann Four years in Sea Org and not one bite of a slice of pizza.I hope that has changed but from 74-78 at Asho zero pizza -was not allowed it,wog made or some such logic.Our big treat was PB&J for midnight rations.One tub of PB gone every night! Laughter,Love,Ann.
“In this regard, scientology breeds liars.”
And a rare breed of schizophrenic liars they are.
In a group where you are required to tell on anyone who speaks the truth, how can they accept at face value any knowledge report written by the person reporting on the truth speaker?
It is the collective group think that you must pretend everything is better than it is, that you are “totally responsible for the condition you are in”, yet blow up everything that looks bad into the bleakest darkest horror possible and place blame on someone else for its inception.
No wonder I get a headache just trying to explain it.
Stop trying to explain it! You hit on the head when you said, “schizophrenic liars.” They wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped them in the face! I don’t want you to get anymore headaches….
Valerie, don’t get a headache. You’re cracking me up. Thank you for helping me to understand that everything that happens to me that’s bad is my fault, and everything that happens to the Church of Scientology that’s bad is also my fault. And yours, of course 🙂
Hi Aquamarine, Oh you have me laughing all Sat! Thank you Always,whoops I thanked a bitter defrocked apostate SP-DB.Where is my A-Z notebook!! xxoo Annie.
Besides being afraid of sec checks and disconnection there has to be an element of wanting to believe in the lie. If they admitted what they know in the back of their minds to be true then they would have to reevaluate their whole identity and reality. The way they look at and define the world around them would crumble.In short, they have no confront. Absolutely zero confront. Everyone with the balls to own up to being scammed and rebuilding their lives has done so. There are nothing but cowards remaining in the bubble.
Superb comment, Kuato. I wholeheartedly agree with all you’ve said. And that element of “wanting to believe” in the lie, is, in my opinion, powerful enough to be their stable datum, for the precise reasons you’ve outlined.
Hi Kuato,I truly understand your post about those in the bubble.I think there may be heroes amoung the cowards still in the bubble working quietly from the inside.That is a hope of mine.Even if not happening in my beyond 65 years rapidly approaching,I have decided to still send silent love to those forever trapped for their own reasons.Always,Ann.
CF is a very useful stat, just not the way they think. It’s not people that are reaching for $cientology, it’s people that are RUNNING AWAY from $cn. The proper use of the stat is, don’t waste any money on these, look for new people OTHER than these. Although finding new suckers, I mean people, is not easy these days, with their PR being worse than Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc. One “good” sign: the press is losing their fear of the Co$. ABC looks to be a leader in this. Their coverage of the Atlanta Morg opening will likely be used in their 20/20 interview with Ron Miscavige on May 29. The billboard coverage has been very good. Because the Co$ is so horrible, ANY press will be negative, even when they are trying to be nice. CHEER UP! The end is near, and probably this year. Just think of the SP parties that will be happening worldwide. The families reunited. The friends together again. Having toilet paper….. with DM’s face on every sheet
Yes it is all a sham, and yes those in know. I once picked up an outright lie at the MV OT night event, when they showed ‘Africa’s’ OT hours stat. I used to do the OT stats for one org and knew the figure announced by fuckface was a complete fabrication. I brought it up at the next meeting and was explained blah blah blah. Lies. “It’s all part of the positive PR.” My last year in, I tabulated all the stats for our org, and afterwards a missive came from Flag to “find more stats”. Right on. Even the stats I did declare were inflated by me to include people who hadn’t given stats in that particular week, and on top of that by a further 20% on average because I assumed people weren’t declaring all their hours. There is inflation upon exaggeration upon pure BS.
That’s pretty funny. You’re busy padding the stats in all these little ways, and in the end what difference does it make if they’re going to just make up new stats to replace yours anyway? I think it serves a purpose though. Everyone up and down the hierarchy who participates in the fraud gets to share the responsibility — no one is guilt-free. Better, if you’re going to be painfully aware of the fraud, that you don’t get to hold yourself apart and blameless.
I believe the vast majority of the baby boomers in SCN, know the cherch is a tad prone to exaggeration. The big justification is that we are saving mankind and if we have to stretch a little, it is okay, because the SPs are making our job so much harder. Of course the stretches are rarely “a little.”
It has really degenerated into a small circle jerk, with everyone patting each other on the back about how amazing they are.
I was as complicit as the next guy – and I KNEW IT.
And I would be totally OKAY with it, if it weren’t for their evil disconnection policy. How they, without any doubt, enforce disconnection and then lie about it.
The only person I still miss is my grand-daughter, Gaby. But that is a big MISS.
Sheldon, may Gaby some back to you soon. All of us here would love to see you two reunited.
OSD – from your lips …
The picture you provided looks very similar to a “mission” I visited outside Budapest. An old wooden shed full of tens of thousands of dollars worth of unopened book stocks.
“…unopened book stocks.” Isn’t that a high crime?
Yes it is OSD. Punishable by being forced to sell them all or buy them yourself and store them in your garage. I’m sure that’s happened by now.
I know, huh! How many ex-members have tons of books that they do store somewhere on their property! On second thought, they’ve probably burned them or taken them to their city dump.
Miscavige has failed completely in developing the GAT of Mathematics.
Wonder why? Because he would have to accept he has amassed (stolen) millions of dollars from church and parishioners, he would have to admit the 10,000 attendance to a ribbon cutting ceremony were 500, instead of 10,00 and because he would have to admit that instead on 1,00os of groups, etc these amount only to a very few as exposed on this blog today.
No, ain’t be good to reveal the true numbers, so lets keep the followers blind, ignorant and lying one to each other.
The accounts you didwere not “charitable”, they were completely over the realities!
Worse, even orgs accounts are ridiculous: some of them have still -I can’t imagine why they still rent one – “building”, where nobody can be seen coming , all the shutters closed a saturday at 16.00, and people applauding near when some anonymous people start to picket the org!
This is all because Hubbard promoted the concept of misunderstood *words*, not misunderstood *numbers* 🙂
+1! Nice.
In the world of 12 Step any gathering of 2 or more alcoholics/addicts/salt n pepper shaker collectors is considered a meeting. I wonder if CoS is using the same math.
Well, Scott, they certainly don’t use Wog math. They always use cult math. What is cult math? It’s whatever they need at the time. And, of course, it’s all made up.
“And, of course, it’s all made up.”
OSD that one sentence rather elegantly sums up the entire CoS experience. What stuns me are the escapees who still believe – no matter what truths are revealed – that Scientology’s “tech” is valid and that only the cherch management that needs to change.
You are so right, Scott! They’re clinging to a fantasy. There is no “tech.” There was no 30 years of research. As I Yawnalot has said, “Nothing good can come from being in Scientology. And that is absolutely true!
OSD, El Con learned from Lenin, “a lie told often enough becomes truth,”
Fatso did, indeed, learn from Lenin…And he told woppers by the thousands! It never let up…ever.
That’s what gets me too Scott. “Piece of Blue Sky” and “Barefaced Messiah” made me rethink everything I believed to be true and look at the real truth.
I guess it’s like riff on a comment Merle Haggard (RIP) made in an interview in 2000:
“When you get older, you find that things you were absolutely, positively sure about, you didn’t know nothin’ about.”
Modify that to “when you decompress you find that things you were absolutely, positively sure about, you didn’t know nothin’ about”.
“Barefaced Messiah” is one of my favorites. I mean, when you read this, Russell Miller just eviscerated Hubbard and you start thinking, “Hmmm…I wonder if Russell Miller will get sued?” And I thought that too! But, every single fact was just that. The cult did nothing. To me, and I do admit to being a fan of Mr. Miller’s, this was nothing short of a complete annihilation of everything that the cult has said to its members, staff & SO. Sucks being them…
“When you get older, and you’re a scientologist, you find that things you were absolutely, positively sure about, are all wrong, but you cain’t do nothin’ about it, an’ you have to pretend you’re still absolutely, positively sure about ’em. Elseways you’re goin’ to git put in RPF, or ethics, or forced to disconnect, or some other mess o’ trouble’s goin’ to come down on you.
“Goddamn, it’s enough to drive a man to drink, exceptin’ you cain’t afford none ’cause all your money went to the damn ol’ IAS.
“Heck, now I need to strum away them blues on my ol’ git-tar, ‘ceptin’ I had to sell it ’cause of some tornado or some such in Mongolia or some place. Goddamn.”
Scamology has more orgs & groups than it has parishioners! LOL
Mike, are you telling me they’re actually lying about the number of orgs and groups? Shocking!
OSD I believe the kids these days call it “lying out your ass”, a vernacular of which I remain blissfully ignorant..
LOL!!! Scottie boy, I’m blissfully ignorant about EVERYTHING! Ahhhhhhh….truly, ignorance is bliss…..
Thanks Mike. I kinda sorta wondered every now and then what the hell the church was referring to with its claim of 11,000 bla bla. A while ago I used to sorta think that even behind its many lofty claims that there was some weird laudable white lie, but I gave up on that notion a long time ago and pretty much gave into the voice in my head telling me that the church of scientology is a short, pompadoured, tiny fisted, pathological liar.
“And by this time, everyone in scientology knows it and they are all complicit.” This is sadly true.
Mary, they’ve been making up numbers since the 50s. Didn’t Hubbard say something like, “We always have to be seen as expanding.” The only the cult is expanding are lies….
Well known incident where Heber said their are 8 million
Scientologists and David Miscavige corrected him to
say 11 million because it sounds better.
Both numbers were false.
Heber quoted 8 million members to Mike Wallace when he was interviewing him at Big Blue (at least I think it was Big Blue). Wallace said, “So, if some buys a book but never takes a course, do you consider them a Scientologist?” Heber replied, “Yes! Because it’s that powerful.”
Heber, I truly hope you can escape the insanity.
Scientology – knowing how to delude.
I like it! ‘Knowing how to delude.’ My oh my, the Church of Spiritual Delusion….
Reality is real. Understanding reality is essential to living a human life. Given this the truth must be seen as nothing less than sacred.
Missing my RB FIX.
Power FSM’s , now there is a Dead End Job.
No matter how I look at this and try to rationalize
the concept it always comes out to putting
Vampires in charge of the Blood Bank.
Maybe it’s a cumulative stat like New Names to CF? Once added, they are never removed, so going back to 1950 and counting every field auditor, mission and whatnot since then, and adding a good sprinkling of imagination and wishful thinking, as well as PR (big numbers sound big, right?) we do indeed have 11,000 O.,M.+G. At least on the astral plane and in parallel universes.