Scientology uses any opportunity to try to get people to step inside their buildings. Each of these supposedly non-church activities is part and parcel of the same big ball of wax. And you can bet that if anyone is silly enough to attend any of these things and give their name, phone number or email they will be receiving SCIENTOLOGY promotional materials for the next 100 years.
And here is another “Valentine’s Day message” put up on my daughter’s web page. The twisted logic of this one defies description. My message to you on this Valentine’s Day is “hate your father and do everything you can to destroy him on the pretext of an incident I and my mother instigated that has been proven repeatedly to be a lie” (as you can sere here, here and here) and oh yeah, don’t forget “so show somebody you love them.” Seriously?
As I have said, I only keep posting these because this site gets a lot more traffic than h blog does so if I mention it often this site will show up on any google searches for her or “Justice4Mom”….
MY DEAR DEAR CATHOLIC RELIGION USURPED AGAIN! How many Catholic saints and holidays will Scientology co-opt in their attempt at social legitimacy? And to steal from a church that rapes kids? Why imitate that crowd of Italian pedophiles? St. Valentine, L. Ron Hubbard Winter Wonderland, Easter events. SAD!
“Taryn” is just demonstrating that scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie, even when it’s gotta be tearing her to shreds—IF she knows anything about what’s being posted in her name. Either that, or she’s completely delusional, off the rails; other things I won’t post to her father’s blog page.
Those activities they are oh so extraordinary and fun. Watch a PSA. Watch a video. Do a quiz. Sign the pledge. How valentiney and how creative indeed.
To follow up on last week’s discussion of how little web traffic Taryn’s website gets, despite the attention it gets from this website (people from here going over there out of curiosity or to try to leave a comment), her overall Alexa ranking is still an insignificant #4,038,866. The sort of site that gets literally zero to a handful of hits per day. Traffic is so low that Alexa can’t generate a ranking for its US traffic, only the global total. And Scientology’s hate website aimed directly at Mike Rinder only ranks at #3,365,745, in other words, in about the same league as Taryn’s. Nobody cares.
And this website,, is doing just fine. #98,868 globally but ranks a significant #19,003 in the US, which is better US traffic than last week’s. Far superior to, which is ranking at #168,933 globally and #42,285 in the US. Tony Ortega’s site is at #82,907 globally and #20,489 in the US. It’s good evidence that there are more people opposed to Scientology or its leadership than are actually practicing Scientology.
Weather watcher, those “stats” prove that there are more people who are interested in scientology’s demise than are interested in the organization’s blatherings.
Sadly, many of the “hits” on scn, inc sites are from those of us bounce from here to there just to see if it’s REALLY that delsional in the bubble.
Aw Mike I’m so so sorry to see you going through this. Bless your heart for continuing to take the high road. Wishing you comfort and continued strength. xo Kate
Kate, re: your book on your Scientology life … A GREAT READ!!!! … Very interesting and also very enjoyable , and I think it would be enjoyed by someone, whether he or she has been in Scientology or not. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
I certainly enjoyed it, and I’m a never-in. I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a good read; Ms Bornstein’s an excellent and very vivid writer.
Taryn’s constant attempts to label her father as a serial abuser actually show the failure of Scientology. If Scientology actually did what it claims then her past hurts would have been vanquished by auditing out her reactive mind. Yet Taryn is on a crusade to slander and libel her Father st every opportunity . Even by creating her own opportunities do so. Which clearly demonstrates not only an inability to resolve the past but rather an unhealthy obsession with a single viewpoint of the past. Proving Scientology is an absolute and utter failure. In fact it’s pushed Taryn deeper down into the Rabbit hole.
I suspect Taryn truly misses her Father and has no way to deal with the loss that occurred due to the enforcement of disconnection. Any attention even if it’s bad is better than no attention at all. Instead Taryn dwells on the loss ,unable to accept her or Scientology’s responsibility for disconnection . Instead she shifts the blame to Mike . Spending more and more time posting and focusing on Mike may mean she’s not compensating well . It’s certainly not a healthy practice for her overall mental health.
Everything about $ci is a lie, just like the life of it’s founder.
The ridiculous amount of energy and attention spent by by scientologists to relentlessly, disingenuously, and falsely attack critics of scientology. It’s so fake, unpleasant and malicious it must really rot away at their spirits and minds. They lose touch completely with truth, honesty, and compassion.
It’s sad to see Taryn both participating and being used to continue to slander and libel Mike for something so ridiculous and fraudulent, something entirely from an incident they caused with unbelievable, over-the-top, pure scientology attack and harass technique. Anyone familiar with the incident and the audio and video evidence knows exactly what happened. But shameless scientology sees an opportunity to boldly and proudly and endlessly lie about it.
So much of scientology is just laughable, and it is fun to laugh at their lunacy. But this type of stuff is so nasty and mean, it really shows the end product of scientology: DELUSION AND DEPRAVITY.
Though you handle it pragmatically and with respect, I just can’t imagine it doesn’t still feel like a little knife to the heart when you see these things under your daughter’s name. Though we do know the majority of the propaganda out there under her name is OSA-generated, the way she’s been coached to avoid to raise or even address that there’s a police report and phone call out there HAS to impact her heart or subconscious on multiple levels. Perhaps it is this that will ultimately lead to her waking up on some level?! But whatever it is, she WAS there and she IS being coached to frame it quite dishonestly. And living a lie, perpetuating a lie or even expounding and building upon one all chop away at what she KNOWS is reality and have the potential to wake her up to the scam of which she’s part. Her mother may never as she’s clearly an unhappy and bitter lady who’s given license to marinate in that by the CO$. But Taryn is a parent and is a daughter who deep down misses her dad.
I can say this because I have a mentally ill mother who’s spent the week exaggerating some health issues to impress upon us kids that her death is impending and therefore we should all put any distrust or scarring from her past behaviors behind us (“leave the past in the past – there is no time left for that now”) and get into relationship with her RIGHT NOW. The problem is, that was followed up by, “I need a car, so if you really love me you’ll send me money for this car because I’m probably dying and my poor 55yo boyfriend is too old to work and he’s taking care of me…” (author’s note – I, her daughter, am 45 and managed to have a baby this year AND work, so I think he can suffer through it like the rest of us!)
Of course when we all offered to even drop past issues, be there for her emotionally, just not in a place to support financially, we were immediately deemed “evil, useless, selfish and not her kids anymore because this isn’t love.” Well, she got one thing right – this isn’t love. Yet, besides all of that, there’s still the little girl in me that wants my mom to care, be proud of me and yes, even love me. I don’t know if after decades of emotional abuse any vestige of “my mom” even exists anymore, but I DO know that we are created/built/programmed (no matter what perspective one has) to want a connection with our parents and there is a wound when that connection is broken. It is THAT, the little girl still inside Taryn that scientology CAN’T stamp out! Because it’s part of our humanity… and try as they might, Homo Novis is a lie just like everything else co$ offers. So despite the fact this is her life and all she knows, being raised within, she is a human being, a daughter & mother…and no amount of conditioning can stamp that out of her!
Even those of us who have genuine abuse in our backgrounds, we all have a part of our hearts that was dedicated to our parents. It’s why we have to forgive over and over again, for ourselves and for the mom or dad shaped hole in our hearts! And it’s why I KNOW the children of disconnection are never a lost cause. Love is very powerful and your love for your children is bigger than the lies they are programmed to believe!
The brainwashing gets so ingrained. My mother is obeying the policy to not communicate with me, because I was declared, although she says he loves me. That family bond just isn’t strong enough for her.
I’m so sorry she does that. I can relate to the pain of a parent not having that natural bond that most do. I don’t know if it’s caused you to question if you’re lovable “if your own mom can’t/won’t…” as it did me, but please know that her failure to have a loving bond is NOT your failure or due to anything wrong within or about you!
I can relate to what a child may feel in that situation, but I CAN’T comprehend how a parent could. I’d never be able to give up on or disconnect from my children (& I have 2 adult sons who’ve made their fair share of mistakes, one even walked away from our religious faith for a time, but it never occurred to do anything but be there for him & affirm that I love him).
Due to my experience w/my mom, I know some people are just broken inside and disconnection gives license to those who were already unhealthy to not hear uncomfortable truths, but I know there are parents that were good, loving parents but then disconnected and my mind can’t wrap around that one. I’m just so sorry that you have to deal with that pain… it’s a unique & painful wound that is caused by a parent’s rejection. Hugs to you!
Be interesting to see if anyone in the CoS would have the guts to give Taryn a Dianetic assist on this “traumatic” incident (aren’t they SUPPOSED to use Scientology to relieve the upset in these events?) … My guess is no, because then she’d have to return to the incident over and over and tell what happened. Use auditing to overcome implanting a lie? … Don’t be silly … Brainwashing is sometimes necessary for the good of “the group” …
Joe Pendleton Opined:
“Be interesting to see if anyone in the CoS would have the guts to give Taryn a Dianetic assist on this “traumatic” incident”
No, of COURSE not, Joe. Sea Org staff NEVER can have feelings, aka “case on post”. If they DARE give in to a bout of depression, the only advise they can get is “Snap out of it” or some such balderdash. NO SYMPATHY, EMPATHY, or any other human emotion is allowed.
You don’t have to go into a Scientology building to get your name on the eternal mailing list. They got me years ago while I was at an event that had nothing to do with scientology. They had their secret agents gathering names and addresses of unsuspecting people, lying about this and that, to increase the size of the mailing list….. Now, they have created their own enemy. I am studying the craziness of this SCi-Fi group, and will be scouring the internet looking for an opening to give Legal support to end their Religious exemption, and I believe I already have it….posting soon to come
Off topic for today, but here goes anyway………Satire…”the role of satire is to ridicule or criticize those vices in society the writer considers to be a threat to civilization. The writer considers it his obligation to expose these vices for the betterment of humanity. Therefore, the function of satire is not to make other’s laugh at persons or ideas they make fun of. It intends to warn the public, and to change people’s opinions about the prevailing corruption in society” (literary……..So brings us to Xenu and his eternal battery. Since the only thing close to an eternal battery is atomic power, and xenu used atomic power to blow up his enemies, it has to be considered that the concept of xenu is a satire based upon the use of atomic power to destroy people. Since xenu is satire, any higher level teachings in scientology about him are NON-RELIGIOUS. The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster had a ruling in the state of Nebraska that denied religious exemption because their they were a PARODY RELIGION, not an actual religion (flying spaghetti monster Wikipedia) I am claiming that anyone who has ever paid good money to scientology is entitled to a refund for the specific OT level that teaches Xenu. The lower aspects of scientology will remain as religious, the higher levels of Xenu need to be erased from the religious part of scientology since Xenu is SATIRE, not a religious figure…..Onto the 1 billion year contract…Since the contract is written on everyday paper and nothing else, it will not survive the billion years that it has to exist. L Ron Hubbard is having his writings stored in underground vaults on stainless steel tablets encased in titanium capsules. Why doesn’t Scientology store the 1 billion year contracts in the same way?…..Onto the Freewinds… the ship is not a religious artifact. It was made just like any other ship. If it has a cross on it, all ships have crosses on them (masts and crossmembers that look like “T”s.
“Now, they have created their own enemy.”
That’s what they are really good at.
Meanwhile there are more exes than members, and they deploy deceit instead of being honest and straight — “The most ethical group on the planet”.
Pluvo, the only “product” scientology actually DELIVERS is its enemies, which easily outnumber its adherents.
“scouring the internet looking for an opening to give Legal support to end their Religious exemption,”
IMO, the best possible support for that laudable goal would be the “Aftermath Foundation”, dedicated to helping those who want to ESCAPE that toxic organization.
What a fucking load of horse shit! Blood FLOWING out of her arm!!! Give me a fucking break!
Once again, this IS Scientology!
Her recent videos have zero views. And the ones that do have only a few. Comments are also disabled on them.
Scared much of what truths people might say?
I just made a couple more comments. The one I made last week is still up. I think her, meaning their, strategy is just to keep churning these vids so no one will visit the previous ones.
Once I ran to you now I run from you. This tainted love you’ve given – I gave you all I could give you. Take my tears and that’s not really all. Oh, tainted love, tainted love.
Don’t touch me please, I cannot stand the way you tease. I love you but you hurt me so. Now I’m going to pack my things and go.
Tainted love
LOVE that song, though it’s a pretty sad message and apropos to this, here!
Comments are no longer allowed on her (OSA’s) blog. Too bad. I went there to post a copy of the recording of the actual encounter. Obviously other people have already done that so now no one is allowed to comment. Hmmm… if this was true, wouldn’t she be posting the police report herself? Lying liars who lie.
The lowest point of my post-scientology existence was after my mother died in 1983. We found her daily journals. For some perverse reason I wanted to read how she felt about me while I was in scientology (no one else in my family was ever in). The comment that seared in my brain and caused my meltdown was “I wish she wouldn’t lie so much.”
As much as it hurt and as much as I am glad I escaped scientology and was able to really reconnect on a loving basis with my mother before her death, I sincerely hope for both MIke and Taryn’s sake that at some point she has a similar epiphany. Not holding my breath.
To the OSA person monitoring these comments: you have been taught that love is a misemotion as is grief. When you suppress these real emotions, you destroy yourself. Call your mother. Hug your children. That is what life is about. The hate and venom you have been taught is not real life.
My heart aches for Mike and his family that they STILL are being subjected to stalking and are sullied by a money-grabbing, vindictive, brain washed cult. Scientology, over and over, proves itself to disregard human rights. The cult promises freedom but delivers servitude.
It is an indictment of the on going toxic insanity that is Scientology that the organization turns the children in it against their parents if they speak out about the cults abuses. I have experienced this personally and it is an unreal experience. Thanks Mike for continuing to post your family story. Someday this will change. I for one will not rest till it does.
I had a scientologist and ex friend, Ben Kugler, tell me it was “about the big picture.” What he was saying in so many words was that it was okay for him to lie to my son about me or the truth I told about what was going on in his church didn’t matter, that it was about the survival of the church of scientology and “the greatest good” for the church of scientology, no matter what the truth REALLY is and no matter how the truth is twisted or flat-out lied about. What this church, and Ben Kugler (who has thrown so many of his friends and family under the bus for scientology) doesn’t understand is that their “big picture” is being created right NOW. All the lies this church (and its sychophants) tell and all the dastardly deeds they commit right now are contributing to its “big picture” which is already in focus for most. It’s not looking good.
Dave, your “eternity” is not looking good.
“Dave, your “eternity” is not looking good.”
As morally bankrupt as the twerp is, as demonstrated by the treatment he gives his family, ESPECIALLY his actual wife, his PT ain’t looking so hot, and there’s some indications that it’s gonna get worse for him personally.
She’s preaching one should spread love not hate. Maybe she should heed her own advice?
“She’s preaching one should spread love not hate. Maybe she should heed her own advice?”
That would be good, but the professional hypocrites posting to her blog are prohibited from anything so “reasonable”.