The OSA fake outrage website has hit a new low.
While they hand out their “human rights” awards to one of the most reviled anti-semites in the US, they have the nerve to pretend they are “Standing With Jews Everywhere”…
Hey OSA, this is your idea of “standing with Jews”? Palling around with Tony Mohammed, Louis Farrakhan’s sidekick and apologist, with the Nazi hate propaganda on his promotional posters?
In fact, you gave this guy your highest award… a Freedom Medal like you gave Tom Cruise.
And you feature him on your ScientologyTV propaganda channel with his own segment…
And use him to shill to get more money from the sheeple at your “Advanced Org” and touring him around the world…
This is really how you Stand with Jews Everywhere?
And you demand that Bob Iger to listen to you with your whining about The Aftermath?
You are disgusting.
Disgusting hardly begins to describe the depths that they plumb. I’m really discouraged that there might not be even one of the clubbed seals who will note this absurdity of joining with the NOI and leaving. I certainly didn’t see evidence of scilons streaming away from DM’s tiny little cult as a result of the original mash-up. I’m even a little disgusted at myself, still remembering and sorta following Tubby’s prejudiced ravings about ‘africans’ (or was it ‘cannibals’, sometimes something like ‘zulus’?)
We should have hanged a few censors at Nuremberg to make a point.
I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that someone who said just let my father die could care less about millions upon millions of people from elderly to baby that were slaughtered, and he embraces yet another evil cult who would do the same to him if given the opportunity. He’s the color they don’t approve of. Strange bedfellows indeed.
more lies:
The Scientology Facebook page counter reads:
662,381 people like this
658,892 people follow this
It’s provable bullshit. 🙂 and I wish someone could out them on it.
The page for DM is more realistic:
25,181 people like this
25,372 people follow this
STAND League:
9,874 people like this
10,093 people follow this
Hubbard has less than DM,
11,907 people like this
1,736 people follow this
Slightly off topic, but in case anyone hasn’t seen it, here is a clip of OSA stooge Peter Mansell giving his thoughts on the Aftermath show:
I could hardly bear to watch this. That guy is so blind and in denial, it’s embarrassing.
So many videos like this usually have some $cientologist trying to strike a an arrogant, tough-guy pose. Makes me laugh.
So, according to this fool, every ex-$ci on Aftermath is “lying”. Yet he never stops to ask himself why $cientology, one of the most litigious organizations in history, hasn’t brought suit against Leah, Mike or the network for defamation.
One very real tragedy of Scientology is that facts and truth become viewed as infinitely malleable concepts, called “considerations.” As a result, Scientologists see no moral or logical inconsistency whatsoever in honoring a virulent bigot and unapologetic anti-Jewish racist like Tony Muhammed, while simultaneously declaring their love of Jews. Cognitive dissonance at this depth almost beggars description; it is a sickness so profoundly dangerous and deeply obscene that it leaves mere “hypocrisy” standing In the dust.
So well said Len! This is mind boggling to me. Other than the obvious money angle. Bizarro!
Miscavige obviously must be paying Farrakhan a commission on every dollar that any member of the Nation of Islam spends on scientology “services”.
To all congregants of either scientology or NOI, you are all being fucked over six ways from Sunday.
A little off topic but let’s catch up with:
(It is midafternoon and Bob and Mary are driving around running errands. As they drive past the org building they notice a crowd in the parking lot focusing on a man of small stature jumping up and down while screaming continually. Behind him is a much larger man who appears to be in his late teens. They also notice Shaheen in her quasi NOI/Sea Org uniform smiling as the little man rants. Upon closer inspection, Bob knows immediately who the small man is)
BOB: Oh my god! It’s Miscavige!
MARY: Miscavige? Are you sure?
BOB: Well, take a look!
( Mary leans out her window to get a better look, then pulls her head back in)
MARY(astonished): You’re right! It is Miscavige! And that’s Tommy Davis with him!
BOB: What the hell is he doing here?
MARY: Honestly, Bob, I don’t really care.
BOB: Let’s go in there and see what this is all about.
MARY: Bob! No! Just leave it alone! For one, we’re declared! And secondly, Shaheen’s in there and the last thing we need or want is a confrontation!
BOB: Really, Mary? Really? You’re worried about Shaheen?
MARY: I just don’t want an ugly scene to develop.
BOB: Honey, Miscavige is an ugly scene. And as for Shaheen, I can handle that little bitch!
(Bob turns the car into the org parking lot where a huge piece of plywood is being used to replace the demolished front gate. The wrecked gate itself is propped up against the building. In one corner of the parking lot is the ruins of the VM van that was demolished by the police during the fundraising hostage incident several months back. As Bob and Mary pull up to the group, Shaheen leans over to Miscavige and whispers something in his ear. Coming alert, Miscavige storms over to the car and demands that Mary roll down the window)
MARY(smiling): Hello, sir. How can we help you?
MISCAVIGE (angrily): You’re the Wilsons, aren’t you?
BOB: Yes, sir. That’s right.
MARY: Something you wanted, sir?
MISCAVIGE: You’re damn right there is! Thanks to you two this Ideal Org has seen it’s stats plummet! It’s down on Bodies In The Shop, Well Done Auditing Hours, Number Of Students On Course, New Public Routed Into The Org! But the downstat that really is pissing me off is Gross Income!
MARY( breaks into laughter): You’ve got to be kidding! The main stat that you’re worried about is money?
BOB(also starts laughing): And you hold all those international events where you tell people that Scientology stats are shooting through the roof! You are such an ass!
(At this point, Tommy Davis, along with Shaheen, approaches Bob’s side of the car and has Bob roll down his window)
TOMMY: How dare you talk to the Most Ethical Being On The Planet like that!
BOB: Go back to your playpen, baby face!
SHAHEEN: Step out of the car and say that!
(Bob opens his door and steps out of the vehicle causing Shaheen to retreat behind Tommy Davis)
MISCAVIGE: Since you two are the cause of this Ideal Org’s failing stats, I am putting both of you in lower conditions…………
BOB(gets back in the car and shuts door) Which you can’t do because we’re both declared, so fuck off!
MISCAVIGE (fuming): That’s it! I’ve had enough of you two! I order you both to Ethics and to pay a restitution of $200,000.00!
MARY(smiling): Sir, have a Coke and a smile!
(Mary then shakes her 20 ounce bottle of Coke, removes the cap, and sprays the beverage all over Miscavige who stumbles backward then falls on his ass, his $10,000.00 Armani suit covered in soda)
MISCAVIGE: Bitch! You’ve ruined my suit!
MARY: So go buy another one, asshole!(throws the empty bottle at Miscavige hitting him right on the forehead)
TOMMY: You can’t do that to our Great Leader!
BOB: Go play in your sandbox, little boy!
(Bob shifts the car into Drive and proceeds out of the parking lot. Shaheen picks up the empty Coke bottle and throws it at their car, hitting the rear bumper)
MARY(yells out the window): Oh, Anne! Anne Archer! Come and get your little brat!
(Bob and Mary leave the org and continue on their errands)
Reminds me of that time John Travolta went to congress and said of German Scientologists something to the effect of, “nobody’s being gassed and nobody’s being put in camps yet, but still…” Disgusting to try and latch themselves onto the Holocaust, the only industrial genocide in human history, like that.
Miscavige and Co. don’t even attempt to make sense. It boggles the mind.
When still in, I found out around 2010 Scientology had great results with NOI higher ups to the extent they were willing to push their own members to receive Dn auditing and train, I was somewhat shocked as I knew about Farrakhan and the NOI opinions and beliefs. But then I thought, well actually that’s great, Scientology will have some civilizing influence on them. Right off the bat, here they are embracing the philosophy and therapies of a white man, that’s already a sign! Nothing wrong with that direction. It’s just going to be interesting to navigate through their prejudices and the impact it will have on Scientology’s already tenuous standing in the world.
By now, I have seen the double-talk, and the effort to create an image of perfection and never acknowledge any mistakes. They don’t seem to realize this is the most well-known trick in the world and has been going on for 10,000 years, “claims of new tech” to the contrary. The more you have to work on creating an image, the more it means you actually don’t look so good. HA HA HA, laughable!
Tony Muhammad says he has his own religion and his own God and is just using Scn for his own benefit. He and other higher ups are clever at incorporating Scn beliefs into NOI beliefs with NOI beliefs remaining senior. Welcome to ultimate squirreling and ongoing spin. In an early lecture Rev. Louis explains to the flock that it’s okay to learn from teachers in all fields whether or not they are Black and that Mr. Hubbard has discovered valid teachings in the field of “the mind”.
ESMB has a couple of threads about the Scn/NOI relationship.
Probably like all Scientologists past and present, NOI newbies to Dianetics and Scientology (Farrakhan himself once being one of them) look at Dianetics and Scientology as a mental science with no particular religious or other belief being required. God in Scientology is the nebulous 8th Dynamic represented by the infinity symbol which could mean anything.
COS, NoI fit very well with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The only difference is the money. All three are sham religions who take great joy in hurting others. Church of the Flying Spagehetti monster couldn’t care less about money unless it interfere with your weed budget.
While the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often ridiculed, missunderstood, and considered by many to be a ‘sham’, we harbor no ill-will to any man. Certainly we abhor the thought of finding joy in the pain of others.
The only pain we wish to see in any man, is the occasional intestinal discomfort associated with over-indulgence in the benevolence of our lord.
Blessings to you,
Bob Semolina
Southwestern Conference
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Burp – that spaghetti tasted good – Burp
I am happy to see that you finally realize that answering the auditing question and the technical details are a waste of time. In fact, all they lead to is security checking. They are also not needed for any form of clearing or enlightenment. You can easy see that these questions can be framed in an infinity of ways and thus only lead to insanity. So Hubbard’s “Route to Infinity” is really “Route to Insanity”. The only measure you should be using is Joy. There is no joy in any of Hubbard, Miscavige or the main body of Scientology. The joy is something very specific and probably misplaced on your tone scale. Keep up the good work. You are changing.
It seems George has gone haywire and is rambling. What are you on about? Is this some sort of non-sequitur delayed reaction comment and if so to which comment of mine? I realize my comments are pithy and no doubt getting in your craw but did you suddenly wake up from your nightmares about Lucifer and the Inquisition and all that, and hit the keyboard with this non-sequitur babbling? George – come into present time! Perhaps Brain can give you a session? Brian if you don’t sort him out he might give yours and his game away about making up gibberish about “OTVIII” next!
George, I too believe the proper measure of Scientology is the amount of JOY in and around Scientology and Scientologists….
when do these Robots Batteries Run Out I’m so Sick of there semi Legal or ” There Facts in there Mind” when your show which I don’t see as a Show but more Truth & Facts but CoS has pretty much the same reply to everything There Lying about this that,She/Him are lying ? Never happened But I can see what U all went through & prob said ? to get out of that room being held hostage who wouldn’t w Fear,threats so ppl can get the hell Out of that Hell & whatever that Cult says I wouldn’t believe what they would say about there ppl other than DM lil odd he’s SO Perfect yeah sure NOT & I can’t wait till they come tumbling Down & sorry I’m not buying your so called facts & there so right they can’t stand up and be on TV to show anything there a Scam & hurting ppl so DM that Is Not Legal to do.
Granted, I’ve only seen photographs and only a few of those… But, the ONLY times I’ve ever seen Eddie Parkin standing is either in a corner behind the potted plants with his hands protecting his nether regions and woefully pretending to confront and shatter in his mind. Or, standing next to a cop looking “fierce” while telling said cop “Sic! Sic ‘em! I have a generic restraining order from 1973 against them…” Something of that sort.
I can’t even say this kind of crap is unbelievable, because of course it is, just more of the same from the gross CoS. Then again, pigs are definitely not kosher.
In early 1945 my future father was a 25 year old sergeant, a well trained tank driver with the 11th Armored Division in Europe. They raced across the English Channel, debarked in record time, and set off on the fast road march to Bastogne that earned them the divisional nick name “Thunderbolt”. They fought through the end of the Battle of the Bulge, in relief of Bastogne, where he suffered frozen feet, which was serious enough to make them cold-sensitive, and later earned him a small disability check – and a desire to move to Texas, away from the cold and snow of his upstate New York hometown. The 11th Armored fought their way through the formidable Siegfried Line, winning their way east and south to German Austria, taking their objectives and suffering casualties all the while. At the Austrian city of Linz, something else happened. Something never before seen – or even imagined.
“During the invasion of German-held Austria, the “Thunderbolt” division overran two of the largest Nazi concentration camps in the country: Mauthausen and Gusen. On May 5, 1945, the 11th arrived in Gusen, which had originally been a subcamp of Mauthausen. The division’s arrival prevented the SS guards from murdering thousands of concentration camp prisoners by dynamiting the underground tunnels and factories where the inmates had been forced to work.
The next day, the 11th Armored Division entered the Mauthausen concentration camp.”
From there the descriptions are not breakfast fare, or lunch or dinner, so go see for yourself if you wish.
My dad would never talk about those days, not even in his eighties, not even during the years he was active in 11th Armored reunions, or the year he served as that organization’s president. He only talked about the training in the US, marrying my mother, moving from Louisiana to the deserts of California for more training… but he never talked about their time of heavy combat in the wintry Ardennes Forest, or punching their way through the Siegfried Line. He was mentioned in the official history once, for driving at full speed past an intersection where a huge German Tiger tank was supposed to have a bead on anything passing through, a near-suicidal run, but nothing heroic – just a soldier doing what must be done. He did mention one event: at a rest area, they heard incoming artillery, and he and a fellow soldier dove under the tank. Just ten feet away one of their company was killed. That was war. Ten feet one way or the other meant life or death. But, as bad as their war got, it was never as bad as the suffering of the dead and near dead prisoners of Gusen and Mauthausen concentration camps.
So, all you NOI anti-semites, in a certain time, in a certain war, you and your families would likely have shared dying space in Gusen, or Mauthausen, right along with your Jewish friends. Think on that.
I spent months watching all of the videos about battles in WWII. These are brave men. My father-in-law fought in WWII in Germany, Anzio(Italy) and Korea in the Army. He survived after being left for dead when he suddenly revived. An incredible man. His telling of the Battle at Anzio is beyond belief. The German Units charged en masse. One of my removed cousins had a Destroyer named after him in WWII for his heroism in battle – The USS Witek. The “Aces” in the Pacific are also remembered as heroes. Thank you for bringing up this information.
My grand fathers brother was in D-day and the bulge.
In the years I knew him he did speak once to us about the war. Specifically the landing, and the bulge fight.
What he related, was horrific.
Remembering the events was extremely painful to him, but I think he wanted us (the family gathering of young teens and adolescents) to know something of the context of a movie we had watched.
That you never heard him speak of the events he witnessed, I can understand.
Thank God for all the heroes of The Greatest Generation. Recounting the brave mens’ actions During that war makes me proud to be an American. You all have something to be cherished. If you haven’t read O’Reillly’s books on Patten and Killing the SS you need to read them.
Yes, thank you, Mr. Rinder. I am appalled by the Nation Of Islam, with their racial bigotry and anti semitism. For all of their so called seperatism and hatred of the white race, now their leadership claims LRH, a white racist homophobe is a “savior”! It seems their preaching of the evils of the white race gies out the window when the color of money is involved.
How will Mr. Tony react when he sees that OSA, CofS is standing with the Jews everywhere?
Another fun Twitter moment was the Australian TV station that reported Scientology saying The Aftermath had “Blood on its hands” – which Last Eddie spun as the TV station saying that – rebuking Eddie and Scn for totally mischaracterizing what they said.
Called out in a bare-faced lie before the whole Twitterverse… Edward, you have reservations at The Hole, party of one
You can’t promote Holocaust Memorials on the one hand and partner with a group that thinks Hitler was right on the other. There will be a reckoning at some point.
Miscavige will probably make some sort of announcement that Hitler has been found to be nothing but an implant.
Talk about holocaust denial!
That ahould go over well with people.
The BEST news in the world is to “hook up” with another “organization” just as bad or even worse than the one noted.
This is when an “organization” is beginning to DIG THEIR OWN GRAVE WITH A TEASPOON….
..No worries, it will be a LONG & LINGERING DEATH…..but death will come as the EVIL within it’s own realm & confines is slowly POISONING ITSELF.
Every time they scream about Aftermath, human rights, bigotry, and inciting hate crimes that promotional poster for LF needs to be posted as well. Or something! People need to know what disgusting hypocrites they are. This NOI crap blows my mind. Infuriating!
What can I say? ‘Stupid is as Stupid does’ (Forest Gump)
Birds of a feather. A criminal created a criminal church (Hubtard Cos) and it aligns with another criminal cult (NoI).
“another criminal cult (NoI)”
First time I saw it capitalized like that, I first thought:”No Intelligence”. (No I) I’m not sure which cosmology is more anti-intellectual, but at least NoI doesn’t pretend to be scientific, so it can be somewhat excused for having no relationship to reality,
If it weren’t two faced and contradictory, it wouln’t be $cientology. I really have to wonder what Miscavige is getting out of the NOI ‘alliance’? I can only see more faces of color in the mOrg. That is not enough to put up with the NOI nonsense.
To be fair, I’m not sure CoS is BETTER than the NOI, so you could pose the same question towards the NOI as well.
I don’t have any real knowledge, but I would guess that Scientology gets fees from NOI members, and they also “diversify” Scientology’s ranks and show them as psuedo-tolerant. I’d guess some money gets funneled back to NOI leadership as well. Each has their hand in the other’s pocket, while believing the other is inferior and getting played. It’s amazing and gross! One can only hope an FBI raid reveals the details.
My guess is that Miscavige hopes the NOI alliance will somehow give Scientology legitimacy that provides insurance against the IRS questioning whether the CofS really qualifies for religious exemption. Though obviously that might also risk running up against that IRS settlement provision about exclusivity.
From what I can tell it, and typical of Scientology organizational history, the relationship seems to have evolved by accident as much as anything. I suspect that Scientology initially thought – and may still think – that the NOI members would just end up becoming scientologists, eventually increasing their own membership, plus making it more diverse. And I suspect that the NOI leadership just thought they were going to get some useful self-improvement “tech” for their members, and maybe some organizational and control tools like “security checking,” and also didn’t really plan for how the strange relationship seems to be evolving.
Zemooo, Mustsavage gets out of the scn-NoI mashup exactly what he gets out of anything, the almighty dollar, but I expect he gets fewer from NOI than he’d like since their target demographic isn’t in the top 0.1% by any stretch of the imagination.
Thank you for pointing this out!
Isaac Hayes (RIP) was the reason DM started courting blacks into the church. Isaac had complained that there weren’t many blacks represented in the C of S. So DM went after NOI to get blacks in. I wonder what Isaac Hayes would think about having the NOI in the church and being touted as they are? Surely he knew that NOI was a racist group?
Scientology and Nation of Islam, are strange bedfellows in the religion business field.
And the two are birds of a feather flocking together.
Wise are those more traditional religions who rejected attending Scientology’s orchestrated ecumenical gatherings.
The words themselves evoke brash bold unbelievableness.
Scientology sounds like a fake knowledge some bold new quack crank crackpot is trying to legitimize giving it the “ology” ending, and by even centering upon and using the “Scientology” label means that the chooser of this label for the title of the subject, that that person lacked understanding and insight as to that bad choice.
Hubbard, well Mother Hubbard.
The prior positioning connotations of the words, do still to this day, to me, have a root meaning that puts ,me off on the wrong foot.
Scientology can’t escape its own bad name with the wrong footedness its “founder” Hubbard took.
Hubbard was a quack pulp writer who just poured out words.
The Hubbard admissions document are so important, and frankly all city and government officials ought to at least put “Going Clear….” book on their bedstands and read who L. Ron Hubbard was.
If they need an academic book, then Hugh Urban’s book on Scientology is adequate also.
What are officials in cities that have to contend with Scientology thinking?
They need to do some bedside reading of Lawrence Wright’s and Hugh Urban’s books as a start.
Don’t officials read anymore?
Every single thing Scientology claims they do actually, in reality, is the exact opposite.
Everything Scientology accuses of others of doing – they are doing themselves.
Scientologists are nasty. They have filthy mouths and arrogance that surpasses none. They are horrible peole they make horrible friends and they are a liability to society. I include myself in the mix. Scientology ruined my personality.
Scientology is a narcissistic parasite that feeds off of good intentions of people who just want to help. The problem is – Scientologists, in order to survive, take on the personality of David MIscavige and L Ron Hubbard and eventually turn into monsters. Scientolgoists, over time, will all turn into Criminal thugs because Scientology implants the idea of “must have / can’t have. I
have seen good people do horrible things for money to get Scientology auditing.
Scientologists will betray their own family and friends.
David Miscavige is the head of this parasite. He is the driving force.
David Miscavige, like all bad dictators, will pay for his crimes against humanity. He will be held accountable for his crimes. David Miscavige will go to jail for eternity and we are going to help.
“David Miscavige will go to jail for eternity”
If his individual consciousness does go on, somewhere in the back of his being, he may recall being one of the worst people (most artificial, most harmful to others) humanity ever dredged up. I think the actual punishment is being his completely empty self for the rest of this life. Consciousness may go on, but I doubt it’s in the form of these individual selves once there’s no body holding it in place. The other aspect of the punishment is that he will go down in history as a blatant narcissist, like Hubbard and Trump, and will be remembered as a con man who hurt a lot of people in his wake.
Assuming there’s still human history to go on, that is. The really sad thing is that our failure to remove people like this from positions of power early enough has brought humanity to the verge of self-destruction.
Your post is very powerful, especially having been in yourself! So sorry you feel scientology ruined your personality.
What are some of the things you find you still struggle with personality-wise due to your time involved? How long ago did you leave?
I noticed your handle lists you as ex-guardian’s office… that had to make it even harder to leave, and demonstrates it didn’t truly ruin you because you had the courage then to leave and still have it because you’re speaking out passionately to inform and protect others from the cult!
Sorry for all the questions, I’m a never-in but impacted via my husband’s former employer. They tried to recruit us/him then meddled in our marriage. After finding this & tony’s blog my “bonus son” (eldest son’s best friend from childhood) got involved and has since disconnected from us.
do not include yourself with these scoundrels…You personality is brave & honest..thanks for speaking up
I highly doubt david miscavige will ever go to jail.
Sadly, Mary I have to agree with you. Everyone ELSE will suffer the consequences….but DM will jet off to a country WITHOUT an extradition treaty & he will live out the rest of his life in complete comfort.
That rules out Colombia unless he agrees to give the medal back.
“David Miscavige will go to jail for eternity and we are going to help.”
IMO, Dwarfenführer doesn’t need any help; He’s accomplishing it all on his own with the bumper crop to be reaped from all the bad karma he’s spread. IF the MWH theory has a basis in reality, He’s thrown hisself into a very dark,dank dungeon which will be his home for longer than I care to consider. What’s the word, shadenfruen? No, it’s schadenfreude. Thanks, Google; found it even through my misspelling He reportedly so enjoys the misfortune of others [particularly when he engineers it] that it’s sorta fun that he’s due or overdue for some personal misfortune. Is there a dynamic he HASN’T thoroughly trashed? His overts on the 2nd are monumental, about as cataclysmic as any I’ve ever heard of. On the 3rd and 4th, he’s been the *best* SP anyone could be, doing a masterful job of dismantling scientology wholesale. Wherever there was soothing that sorta worked and expanded the org, he dug in and broke it, but GOOD.
THREE CHEERS for the dwarfenführer! Accomplishing what none of us suppressed people could.
Oy Vey. The blatant hypocrisy knows no bounds. The world of scientology truly is its own little reality; there doesn’t seem to be any perception of what real world perceptions are, especially of IT.
Mary so true! Due to their “attack and never defend” they can’t even acknowledge/make excuses like “we may have different perspectives on some things, but we support their right to…” which doesn’t make it ok but at least acknowledges they’re talking out both sides of their mouths (as per usual)!
But this post is just a slap in the face to so many in light of their support of those who deny or underestimate the scope/impact of the holocaust.
Mary, your comment brought up a memory for me. When I was UTR, my daughter and I were at a mall and we went in to get a drink at some place. As my daughter was at that time (and I assume even now she is, but I haven’t seen her in 4 years because of disconnection), very beautiful and young, the young man behind the counter was instantly smitten with her. He asked her if she works around here and was trying to chat her up. She said, “I work at the church of Scientology.” She had nothing on it and assumed everyone loved Scn. His eyes got big and he stepped back a bit and then looked at me, the mom. I rolled my eyes at him and he got it. My daughter was oblivious. She thought everyone loved Scn. What a disconnect from the real perceptions people have of Scn.
I know, right? The action is : eyes, ears, & thoughts closed to the real world