The news that A&E has commissioned another 10 episodes of Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath brought another lame response from scientology.
Instead of responding to ANYTHING exposed in the first episodes, they did the scientology thing and sought to “attack the attacker.”
This is how they responded to The Hollywood Reporter:
The organization, who continues to refute Remini’s claims and the information presented on her show, gave a statement to THR claiming A&E paid people to appear on-screen.
“Real transparency would be for A&E to detail all forms of compensation made to sources spreading religious hate and bigotry on Leah Remini’s show,” they said.
They then went further with this stupid line of attack in a statement to Page Six:
But a rep for Scientology responded on Wednesday by alleging Remini’s “teamed with A&E to shamelessly turn religious hate into a commodity by treating it as entertainment” and accused the network of “compensating Remini’s sources” for the show.
“Real transparency would be for A&E to detail all forms of compensation made to sources spreading religious hate and bigotry on Leah Remini’s show,” a Scientology rep said in a statement to Page Six. “When the network cancelled ‘Generation KKK,’ the network claimed that paying sources violated company policies. Yet at the same time it was hypocritically compensating Remini’s sources with money and significant in-kind payments. A&E can’t have it both [ways].”
The religion’s rep further alleged to Page Six, “A&E has a duty to conduct a thorough investigation into the extent to which Leah Remini’s show violates its own internal policies,”
The church — which has created an entire Web site dedicated to Remini’s show, — alleges that one person paid for the show is former member Mike Rinder.
Well, they are the boy who cried wolf on steroids.
Scientology knows full well:
Leah Remini was paid as Exec Producer. Why shouldn’t she be? It is no secret and unlike scientology, she has not lied about it.
I was paid as a consultant (and as I have said earlier on this blog, the amount of money was not enough money to live on — I would have been much better off financially not to have devoted any time to the show last year).
Nobody else who appeared on the show was paid a dime. Their airfare and hotel were covered if they had to travel to be filmed.
This includes:
Amy and Mat Pesch and Amy’s family
Tom DeVocht
Jeff Hawkins
Mary, David and Michael Kahn
Aaron Smith-Levin
Marc and Claire Headley (and any of the other people that were seen in that episode at their house)
Gary, Lois, Brett, Jessie and Brandon Reisdorf
Ron and Becky Miscavige
Tony Ortega
John Sweeney
Mark Bunker
Karen DeLaCarriere
Jeffrey Augustine
Paulette Cooper
Chris Shelton
Steve Hassan
Ray Jeffrey
Lawrence Wright
And anyone else I may have inadvertently omitted. That is more about 30 people who were paid not one thin dime.
And that is the totality of the information scientology claims to want to know. But it is information they ALREADY know. But they just keep repeating it, as if by saying it repeatedly it will somehow magically become “an issue.” It’s not. They are throwing shit against the wall to see if anything will stick. And it’s low grade shit. They cannot respond to what these people said or the facts they recounted. And they choose to avoid that by diverting attention to their self-created and non-existent controversy. (And just as a note — it was A&E that pulled the plug on their KKK show, not scientology, who now act as though they have some moral high ground to tell A&E what shows they should air.)
Now, on the subject of financial transparency, here are a few questions scientology has NOT answered that would shed some real light:
1. How much money has Monique Yingling been paid by all church related entities over the past 20 years – just round it off to the nearest million. How much does she bill an hour to be the “scientology spokesperson.”
2. How much was David Miscavige paid last year? And what was the value of all non-monetary gifts and perks he received?
3. How much money does the IAS have? Rounded to the nearest hundred million.
4. How much money does Church of Scientology International have?
5. How much money does Church of Spiritual Technology have? FSO? CSRT? BMS? etc etc Hell, to make it easy, just tell us what you report as TOTAL SEA ORG RESERVES stat each week and you can round it off to the nearest hundred million.
And note, though they claim to “refute Remini’s claims” they offer NO specifics whatsoever to anything, and provide no evidence that anything at all is untrue. Though they did a pretty good job of demonstrating that what Leah said about how they respond to criticism IS true — with PI’s/stalkers and hate websites.
PS: Thursday Funnies will be on Saturday — wanted to comment on this while it was timely.
Congrats on Season 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath !!!! Woot! Can’t wait.
One thing I find really odd about this cult (refuse to call it a church) is that they say they will save they world this and that…. but I’ve never seen them helping any causes, or building homes, even shelters, they are only interested in themselves. and that’s not what a church do from my perspective … If they are not benefiting the community and only bringing harm… why the US goverment let them exist??? is so mind blowing to me.
Matheus, it occurs to me that Scientology is rather like the “prosperity gospel” Christian churches that are similarly focused on money, and uninterested in – and even blaming – the unfortunate.
The government isn’t in the business of deciding just what is and isn’t a church. If they cracked down, a lot of politicians’ (and many voters’) own churches and their wealthy pastors would feel the pinch. But Scientology is pushing the absolute limits, and may eventually find themselves in trouble as an exceptionally bad actor, just like the FLDS (fundamentalist polygamous Mormons) have started to (though they still get away with a lot).
I agree with you, that the government ought to hold churches to a higher standard, including financial accountability, in exchange for their tax exempt status. But if anything, the current political environment is to give any group claiming to be a religion even more free rein.
Hmmm, “sci-fi prosperity gospel,” does that have a bit of a ring to it?
Matheus Martins: I could not agree more. But my response is to the last thing you said, “why does the US Gov let them exist?” I’m sure you meant ‘why the religious protection and tax exemptions.’ The answer is simple, the Cult of Scientology blackmailed the IRS and gained religious exempt status. The word EVIL is almost to nice of a word when describing L.Ron and his minions of delusion. Pray for the people being duped. Their not all bad, just under the influence of a cultic death drug. Blessings
I was never under the influence of Hubbard etal for clarification. I also find TV to be one of the best ways to waste hours one will never get back. That being said, I never missed an episode last season and will not do so this season. Thank you all for fighting. Never, ever quit….anything worth having is worth fighting for. Your family members and the demise of this cult are truly worth fighting for! The hypocrisy from the cult is amazing to me and borders on horrifying. My heart goes out to all who are ‘stuck’ in this brain washing machine through no fault of their own. How scary it is for me to see the atrocities inflicted on these innocents. Nuremburg here we come (hopefully).
As my wife and I watch the show, it always bothers us that the “church” that denies any attraction to or worship of any deity, uses a cross to help symbolize its standing as a “church”. This feeds my belief that there is a special place in hell for those who mislead people in this way, especially for the love of power and greed! Perhaps a “$” would be more appropriate?
Please keep up the good fight and know that you are impacting so many more lives than you can even imagine!
Was talking to my cousin from Cali today who told me there are HUGE homeless encampments in the LA area and another up near San Francisco. Hearing this, my heart broke and my first thought was that effing CO$ they claim to be making people’s lives better that this is supposedly their mission on Earth – yet with all their Gazillions of dollars they’ve never given a thought to helping these people set up homes if not in their “Ideal Orgs” that are empty or just building Tiny Homes on land they own setting up whole villages helping these poor souls get on their feet????
Give us here one week in charge of those “donated funds” we could “clear the homeless” across the country – create jobs and help them more than these hypocrites have in 60 years. All these “celebrities” who claim to helping the helpless are liars just as much as this fake cherch is.
With their mega-bucks they could bring about serious change for those who can’t change their own lives and be real heroes in the end. That won’t happen because this is the most selfish organization fake cherch I’ve ever seen.
Kick ASS Leah and Mike kudos for Season 2!!! So proud to see you standing up for those who previously had no voice. Continue to raise awareness most people can’t wrap their minds around it we NEED TO SEE it to believe it! Thank you thank you thank you!! xxoo
what makes me laugh the most is the mere fact that Leah has many times on Aftermath said “there are many things in Scientology that really do help people” YET CoS hasn’t mentioned that at all!!!! You would think that a “group” that wants to focus on the “positive” in life would say something about that somewhere, right? Another thing I find really stupid about their meaningless attacks on ANY ex member is the continued use of the words “pathetic” and “bigot” oh and “apostate” they repeat this over and over again, for a group that makes its members study the dictionary hours a day you would think there were other words they could come up with at some point instead of using the same standard hate letter they use for everyone who speaks out and tells the truth.
No one should have an issue with participants being paid a fee. The network is being paid by advertisers and should in fact pay “the help”. I really hope, Mike Rinder, that you receive a significant salary increase for season 2. The show would not be the same without you! Congrats to all of you on securing the second season, and I hope it continues on even further. You have really opened my eyes to this cult!
Hear, hear. Or, as any good scientologist would say, here, here.
Mike you better demand better compensation because they are making a lot of money off this show.
The overt doth speak loudly in accusation. Scientology, with ZERO transparency even within it’s own ranks. The secrecy complex is real. Psychos.
It doesn’t matter if Leah Remini gets paid by A&E. It’s actually not important. What is important, however, is the fact that Leah Remini is telling the truth. That’s what this series is all about exposing and telling the truth about Scientology. I find the series fascinating and I record each and every one. I can watch these programs over and over again. I don’t know how Scientology can even call itself a church. A church is a place of worship. What do they worship?
That’s indeed the scam, that everyone assumes that everyone else’s org is doing great. It’s actually a large-scale version of the phenomenon that is also exploited at the individual level in high control groups or cults, where each member has internal doubts and feels that that their personal state is not up to expectations, but assumes that everyone else is actually living up to the ideal (I can’t remember if there’s a specific name for the effect); that’s typically controlled by techniques such as discouraging communication about negative thoughts and feelings, as in Scientology, or when groups send out missionaries in pairs with instructions that effectively have them monitor each other.
p.s. Mike – my suggestion on this point would be to do a personal story about orgs and ideal org fundraising, and then get shots of the parking lots of orgs around the country on Wednesday evening, when I’d assume the most people are on course, and just before noon on Sunday, when most people would assume a church would be busiest, to show how dead things are – and to reinforce how little like a church Scientology operates. The resulting minute or two of video clips of orgs around the country idle at peak times, would also be a powerful standalone tool to demonstrate the actual state of things.
I finally got around to reading the full Hollywood Reporter article, and loved the following quote:
“The way the organization has responded without taking responsibility for what they do to people, I need to continue,” Remini tells THR. “It would be another [scenario] if they stopped trying to discredit everyone’s stories and said, ‘If you don’t like it, don’t be part of Scientology.”
Once again, Scientology “pulls it in” – partly because management follows Hubbard’s narcissistic doctrines, and treats responsibility as something that just gets pushed off on to those lower down the chain of command when things go wrong.
A church based on “Make money, make more money, make other people produce so as to make more money” can’t conceive of people doing a thing because it is right. In my 20+ years in the “ASC” as they’ve taken to calling us, I can’t really point at anyone who’s made a massive bundle off of exposing Scientology for what they are. If Lawrence Wright, Louis Theroux or Ms. Remini make a few bucks for the massive amount of work and courage required to challenge this broken, corrupt organization, more power to them.
Please Please Please include Jenna Miscavige Hill’s experiences in Season 2. If she doesn’t want to appear in the show you can just reference her book. She was doing hours and hours of manual labor at age 7. She was also in charge of dispensing medications, also at age 7. The children had very little real schol That can’t be legal and could really help to injure the church. Maybe other children who went to the “boarding school” are now willing to share their stories.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience and exposing Scientology as a sick cult that literally costs people their entire lives. Im so glad to hear there will be a season 2 because I couldnt get enough of the first season. It opened my eyes and I did a lot of research and show this to everyone who will listen. Thank you for your words and sacrifice! I hope you get to see your son again! <3
Kudos to all who are bringing truth to light. Keep up the fight and never back down.
On second season please talk about all the pending law suits and specialy Luis and Rocio Garcia and how arbitration is a sham
So happy you’ve got a second series. You guys should come over to the UK for an episode.
Mike, make sure and haggle A&E for season 2. 10 times you should be paid. It’s the American show business way.
Nuclear Bodyslam!
Heck – I’d pay my own way to make a point. No quarter – the abuses need to continue to be exposed and stopped. Good on the 2nd season – this is great news! The more stories covered en masse the better.
Mike, thank you for today’s excellent post. It left nothing unsaid and asked the exact questions of CofS that are the perfect response to their attack.
Dear Scientology,
Please keep attacking everyone who exposes your crimes with your most ridiculous letters and unfounded accusations and don’t change a thing as you are making yourself appear even worse, confirming what is being said about you…demonstrating the worst possible PR strategies…ever…and hastening your own downfall. Never get a clue. You should see how everyone laughs and rolls their eyes every time one of your attack ‘rebuttals’ is read or shown on A&E. We’ve come to expect you to make yourselves look bad. Please continue discrediting yourselves so blatantly and show us all just exactly what kind of ‘beautiful’ ‘religion’ that you are as you clear the planet and take over the world.
BTW, how’s that working for you?
I think that they are really afraid now. I’m so happy to hear that there will be another season. I will watch it faithfully, as I have the first season. No matter what they say, we know that all of you are telling the truth and nothing but. Miscavige must be raging! Oh well.
$camology will be asked as a courtesy if they want to put their point of view forward and allow interviews and being $camology they will no doubt go into paranoid mode and refuse. A & E will be bombarded with the usual shipping crates of documents purporting the be the “truth”, the $camology dirt web sites will go into overdrive and threatening…I mean toothless…threats from lawyers will abound. All in all, just another giant yawn from a “religion” continuing to do oozlum bird impressions.
Thank you for being strong and defiant against this cult also the others such as mike rinder and mattie and the rest of the courage people who have left/escaped.
I would like to watch season 2 but I live in Liverpool, England.
Keep up the good
Love Rebecca Kelley
A few thoughts on today’s post: Very happy to hear of another series coming. Hope to see people coming forward with examples of abuse which are still within the window for suing or, if not, that their examples of speaking out inspire and encourage those who are. Because I truly think that this will be the best way to force disclosure of Scientology documents and testimony which could likely start a domino effect. Of course, criminal justice would be ideal as well but perhaps less viable considering the difficulties inherent in Scientology’s status as a religion and the high burden of proof for criminal vs civil cases. IMO the very same legal machinations which have served Miscavage et al will bite from the other side once there is substantial money to be made.
Also, I think it’s best that the shows guests have not been paid. Do they deserve compensation for what Scientology has put them through? Of course. But from a public relations standpoint and as testimony to their honesty it’s undoubtedly best for the cause that they were not. I don’t see an issue with Leah Remini’s salary nor yours any more than there is with anyone else on the series crew being paid for their job. It’s a non- issue.
Yes, it’s a non issue. In fact, I hope they make a lot of money. Why not?
If Aftermath creates a high viewership they deserve to make money.
Screw the church of Scientology for judging people for making money. They are such hypocrites.
I think the show down will go something like this:
Scientology (David-Bolivar I Ain’t No Family Man-Miscavige) will continue to express himself through lawyers. And society will say,”Hey,where’s David Miscavige. Why isn’t he showing up for make his case”?
And the revelation of abuses will continue to surface, now that we are not afraid of black ops thugs fucking up our lives.
I hope and pray that this season brings the truth home on the doorstep of loyal officers and madmen.
Could this be the tipping point?
Mike, I’m curious if Eli Holzman, Aaron Saidman, or others from the production company have been targeted by Scientology/OSA?
The Intellectual Property Corporation and especially A&E are also owed my enormous thanks for having the courage to produce and air the show, knowing full well the risks they were taking and the unrelenting microscope they were putting themselves under.
Bonus Question: Seeing how scientology finances the “largest relief force on the planet,” how much money has the organization shelled out for public benefit projects (rounded to the nearest Dollar)? This is EXCLUDING the costs for video teams sent to these locations for no benefit other than to the “religion.”
To fairly balance this, how much money has it taken in by suckering donors into springing for WTH pamphlets for disaster areas, sold at full cover price?
Congratulations, a 2nd season is fantastic news.
I was thinking that people would be very interested in hearing about the hidden microphones in the reg office. The reg would purposefully leave you in their office with your husband, then go where they could secretly spy to hear what you were saying about your finances when you thought you had privacy. They really suck. So many things they do on a routine basis just give people the creeps. The more truth revealed about their sick behavior, the more people will be saved from being their victims.
That’s horrible. And besides microphones in the reg’s office, they had tv recording set up in all MAA offices. When the MAA shuts the door, the recorder automatically goes on. It stops when the door is open. And this is unknown to the poor schmuck in who is sent to see the MAA. I found this all out the hard way.
This is tough shit. I know from UK that everything was filmed like KGB-Paranoia 10 years ago. But in a normal org?
This leaded to discussions of the worth of such videos?
This is old german Stasi style. 15 years later you got the movie shown while being in kafkaesque hearings to blackmail you and your families.
This hidden blackmailing Methods are quite implanted into scientologists as a good characterstyle to help the Dynamics.
Look at the arc triangle:
this looks intelligent at first.
But it is completely manipulative. A holy person never would use this to “better” you.
Are you such an Idiot that you must constantly become manipulated for your best?
I guess: no.
I was speaking of Flag and the MAA’s recording the sessions. I don’t think the outer orgs can afford all that wiretapping and recording equipment, so they may not have it. I remember when I saw the MAA who was a young newbie Eastern European kid still struggling with the language. So she had an ear piece and a more seasoned older HCO terminal stood in the next room looking at our “session” and she told her in her ear piece what to say to me. I saw the older woman go in and close her door right when we closed ours and it was obvious someone was telling her in her ear what to say.
Well, these people should’ve been paid. After all the things these victims have gone through because of this cult, and all the money that COS has taken from them, they deserve to be paid and paid well. The FACT that they haven’t been paid tells us how these people are doing this for all the right reasons.
David Miscavige and sycophants accusing other people of being unfairly paid or only being in it for the money is somewhat like Adolph Hitler accusing others of committing genocide.
My ex-wife was an avid Scientologist. I owned my own business and, by the time I stopped supporting her and her ” religious pursuits”, I figured “we” had “donated” between 35K and 50K for her to ” move up the Bridge”. The offer made to me by Scn. was that she would move to LA, pay for OT1-3 for $21,000 which we would obtain by selling our Home; myself and my 3 sons would move into an apartment, and I would send her 2500.00/month living expenses. When I said no, I was visited by a guy named Phil Tunnison who demanded that I agree to this or I would be declared an SP. I laughed and told them to go ahead. He, literally got up in my face ( about 6″ face to face ) and stated that my Wife and three Sons would disconnect from me for life. At that point, my wife walked into the room and took his side against me demanding that I comply. I told them, quite plainly, that TWO signatures were required to sell the house and I wasn’t signing anything. As the abuse and threats continued, I finally told them, and I quote;” You have three seconds to get the F… out of my house and you can take her with you as, after three seconds, I will not be responsible for my actions. They left and we got divorced costing upwards of 50K for the Divorce as it became a hate fest. Put it this way: I love you show and watch every episode. My girlfriend is probably tired of hearing me shout out: F…that’s what they did to me…Damn: I thought I was the only one….Your show has been the best therapy that I have ever received.
Thank you so much. I feel your pain. But so glad you cut the ties when you did. And so happy the show resonates with you.
You’re very far from being the only one! Thanks for sharing your own personal story of how $cn helps families to grow and stay together…that is, unless there’s money to be made being a religious home wrecker!
Love to hear more of your family’s story, if you’d care to tell it. Were you able to keep your sons out of the cult? Did the ex-wife become an ex-scientologist yet? If not, then let’s hope she wakes up soon because this is a cult in the midst of imploding.
Yay! Love your story. Glad you got out of the BS. There may be thousands watching this show that have personal experience and will now get to ‘blow that charge’ LOL Scientology as we knew it is doomed. 🙂
thanks, Mike
F…that’s what they did to me…Damn: I thought I was the only one….Your show has been the best therapy that I have ever received.
Geoff, I’ve had this same experience in my journey. Hearing stories on the show, here at Mike’s blog as well as Tony Ortega’s. Down to the latest with Danny Masterson confronting his accusers bit – similar thing happened on a 2d thing (but not rape, thank goodness)
I’m ashamed to admit that I knew Phil Tunison back in the day. We were friends. It’s hard to believe that he didn’t have the good sense to get out and that he is not only still a scientologist, but a raging one at that. I’m so happy that you were able to get away from that mess. Thanks for sharing yet another example of how “enlightened” people become as they move up the bridge.
@Geoff Hunkin — you didn’t mention your three sons….did you get custody? I hope so!
It’s just amazing to me that the church cannot correct itself or even handle all the allegations against david miscavige in any common sense way (or “in tech” way – AFTER ALL, that IS THE TECHNOLOGY THAT CAN HANDLE ANYTHING). The fact that I or anyone might think that something is wrong with or in the church of scientology or david miscavige means ONLY that WE have transgressions or are effect of someone else who has transgressions (and even THAT is because we have transgressions) speaks volumes about the state of affairs in the church of scientology. The church of scientology cannot rest on the validity of its own technology alone and let that “infallible” thing speak for itself. This is why the church of scientology is screwed. It cannot correct itself. It can only call names and natter about those who have a grievance.
Thank you Leah and Mike. I hope you continue and have a platform for as long as david miscavige continues his reign of terror.
“Real transparency would be for A&E to detail all forms of compensation made to sources spreading religious hate and bigotry on Leah Remini’s show,” they said.
The church and the rest of us know the answer. A big fat zero ($0.00) of course because bigotry and hate are not subjects of the series. But bringing light to a dark and dank crevice with the famous sign from Dant’e Inferno “Abandon all hope, you who enter here” is the subject — a brave and noble task.
A few words for Dave The Miscreant:.
– Thanks for the advertising and for making audience growth straight up and vertical.
– You are a hypocrite even mentioning the word transparency when you live in a one way glass bubble.
– How about for a start addressing the five points Mike lists?
– I’m eagerly awaiting the SUMP programming you needed so urgently to disseminate the COS story. It’s almost the anniversary of opening and still no sign of the SciTV channel you announced would be up and running soon. If you don’t pull your finger out TV channels will be as out of date as the unusable mountains of paper and 8 track tapes you have stored in the Golden Era facility.
Kudos to all the people appearing or working on the show. Given its success I hope A&E can now cover your out-of-pocket expenses and time.
So true, Scientology is hell on Earth. It is the deceptive snake.
Great post Mike. I would add number 6 to your transparency list: How much tax-free money has the church spent on private eyes in the past 5 years?
It is soooo good to hear that you and Leah will be airing a Season 2! (you will keep the same double team format? It really was effective and entertaining.)
Yes, that definitely was an oversight…
Expose the truth with the show … the spaceship is crashing into the ocean.
It occurs to me, that beyond the question of just Yingling, there is the issue of how much Scientology spends per year on attorneys and private investigators, and how many of each they employ. I would assume that there must be some past numbers available that could be the basis of realistic estimates.
I think that the big figures for attorneys and PIs would be an eye-opener to most people, in a way similar to how the personal accounts from former members hit home. Scientology gets away with much of what it does because when they call themselves a “church” people assume things such as that they are generally truthful and trustworthy, misdirecting them from understanding how the CofS really works. The raw numbers for the costs of their attack strategies, or the best estimates for them, would be a visceral example of how Scientology operates in an un-churchlike and abuse manner, and more effective than attempts to explain the insidious subtleties of their legal and investigative strategies.
Also, a point I come back to from time to time, is what we might hope and work for eventually in terms of some realistic legal and regulatory reforms that would at least put some limits on cults and high control groups. One item that I have previously mentioned would be to require wealthier religious non-profits to make basic financial disclosures. Nobody wants the shoestring operation of the Little Sisters of the Poor burdened with financial accounting requirements, but at the point that they have a billion dollars presumably they are spending a fair bit on internal accounting anyway and could easily share some essential information (and at that point, the public has some interest in ensuring that they are engaging in proper internal accounting to avoid misappropriation and theft), and if they’re spending money hiring lawyers and private investigators then that certainly ought to be disclosed.
I grew up as a member of a Southern Baptist church. They weren’t poor but weren’t rich either. There was a business meeting once a month. Every member, including me, was given a copy of the current financial state. What did the church pull in over the past month. What was spent. Where was it spent. What do we plan on spending in the next month. Etc. And this would then be voted on. If there were questions, they were presented publicly with answers given publicly. There was a similar process for the annual budget. Full transparency and full democracy.
The state and national Southern Baptist organizations do the same thing. If you ever need a cure for insomnia, you can look up the Southern Baptist Convention budget for 2016-7 and see exactly how much is being spent on salaries, printing, charities, missionaries, etc. There’s no excuse for any religious organization to not be up front about where the money is going, and how much was brought in. Even Little Sisters of the Poor can open their books, since they’re keeping records anyways, and show the donors how many orphans were fed this week.
cs, long ago when I handled finances for one of the Sea Org Orgs we did a weekly planning and the amounts of income and spent were listed out item by item weekly. However there was in each org and ‘Flag Banking Officer’ and only she and the executives were shown the total income for the week. What the org was ‘given’ was it’s portion. For some 35 years I protected LRH from the comments about how he was raking in the millions. I truly thought I knew where the money was going! Brainwashed even when it was right in front of my eyes I could not see the pressure on the income and money flowing up to the top. So nice to know all churches don’t operate like that.
” There’s no excuse for any religious organization to not be up front about where the money is going, and how much was brought in.”
Well CS, I heard one the other day which was the excuse I think Dave likes to use as his main ‘go to’ excuse when ‘the Ess Pees are raging at His door (translated into the cherch is doing really well right now) which is……….(drumbroll please)………..
Yo Dave,
No fucking doubt about it good buddy! You know we believe it because it is You sayin it ………………………..Dave.
However Dave, there is a slight crack that has developed which is letting in some more of that pesky light of truth which I know causes You endless anxiety, severe drawdowns on your Scotch and perhaps some degeneration of those copper electrodes that you like to put where the sun does NOT shine. That of course is dealing with ‘word clearing’ the above ‘excuse’ which only seems to EFF EN when it is reworded into ………..
You fleetle in needing Dave!
“It occurs to me, that beyond the question of just Yingling, there is the issue of how much Scientology spends per year on attorneys and private investigators, and how many of each they employ.”
Yes, and there’s the additional, related question of how lil davey the deceitful is covering up the fact that he, and he alone, is the shot-caller for every decision concerning this ultra-sensitive aspect of the cult’s conniving skullduggery. He’s super paranoid, but he needs at least a few cut-outs to provide the semblance of others being in charge.
Sure wish someone who’s really on the inside would defect and bring all the dox with them! It’s way past time that this killer cult was brought to its knees and the tiny tyrant was held to account for his crimes and complete mismanagement of $cn. The cult’s brand is already about as dead and stinkin’ in this country as you can get. But when the second season of Leah’s series is over it’s likely to be tits up for the cult’s rep all around the world 😉
Several have posted here that they were fed poor quality food and poor housing by the “organization”. Is there a financial statement on what the “organization” spends on food for it’s “staff” and housing as well?
WHAT happens to the Social Security Checks the Elderly receive who are members of this group…..can anyone justify where they are “sent” to spend the rest of their lives once the elderly become incapacitated and can’t care for themselves anymore, and what about their burials>>WHO pays for that?
I would love to see a link provide to what Leah showed during Season I and that would be the COST for the course for “moving up the bridge” I believe I saw $100,000 for a several lesson course…WOW, truly disgusting.
I think I saw somewhere that the Sea Org is fed on $3 per person per day. That means cold scrambled eggs for breakfast every f**kin day. Or rice and beans 3x per day, yum!
Better off going to a rescue mission or Salvation Army who will provide a better hot meal….but then they’d put their “many lives” in mortal danger.
CoS is just pissed because they are getting any money from A&E. Sick bastards.
Any TV show that communicates lies about Scientology will not survive. Any TV show that communicates truth about Scientology will survive. Leah Remini’s show is commissioned for another 10 episodes so I guess it is something people can live happily ever after with. 🙂
Yep! They’re bad (sick). Sad.
Leah and Mike: Scientology is all about the money.
Scientology: They were paid to say that!
““When the network cancelled ‘Generation KKK,’ the network claimed that paying sources violated company policies. Yet at the same time it was hypocritically compensating Remini’s sources with money and significant in-kind payments. A&E can’t have it both [ways]…A&E has a duty to conduct a thorough investigation into the extent to which Leah Remini’s show violates its own internal policies,”
Don’t you just love it when the cult throws a faux fit and the lil guy stamps his tiny feet, while tears well up in his goat-like eyes? I know that I sure do! It’s all just sooo unfair and (sniff, sniff) we’re the innocent victims of religious bigotry and hate. Yea right, tell that to the hundreds, if not thousands of families who’ve been dealt irreparable harm by this killer cult’s evil actions.
A&E can have it any damn way that they like because the cult has no coercive power over them whatsoever. When it comes to launching costly litigation just to brush back others who might be tempted to expose their crimes, it’s just not a strategy that they engage in anymore.
That’s not because the cult’s been reformed and mad dog Missavage has been put down; it’s because they’re desperately afraid of having to testify under oath, where exposing their lies could have some very serious consequences.
“Real transparency would be for A&E to detail all forms of compensation made to sources spreading religious hate”. Right. And real transparency would be for Scientology celebs to disclose all their free auditing and services from the Celebrity Center; for Davey to reveal his inurement, which includes living in a $20mansion for free; for a real Narconon track record of failures (and successes, if any); and, of course, where Shelly is (and show us a perfect clear).
The Church of Scientology is a bunch of sorry ass losers and crybabies.
Look, Scientology: You have a $100,000,000+ state of the art television studio right here in Hollywood and you have movie and television stars in your ranks. Why don’t you people do your own damn television series and say what you want to say?
Seriously, Scientology, if you have that studio and in-house talent and you can’t answer Leah’s show with your own then you should just admit your failure instead of complaining and putting up hate websites. People are sick of Scientology’s whiny complaining about how you’re all the victims of big bad Leah! What happened to “OT” and being cause over the MEST universe? Or is that all just bloviating nonsense?
Put up or shut up Scientology! Put David Miscavige in front of a camera and have him debate Leah. Of course, this assumes Miscavige has any confront which he doesn’t.
So use Tom Cruise. He is an A Lister. Have him do a show stating Scientology’s side. Have Tom debate Leah.
Do something Scientology. Handle it. Let’s see some “Cause Over Life” here.
+1! They absolutely should create their own show using SuMP. The crickets can be used for sound effects and the tumbleweeds rolling through studio can be the backdrop.
J. Swift sez:
“Do something Scientology. Handle it.”
As some senior asshole was always screaming at me when I was on staff, “MAKE IT GO RIGHT.”
Right now I couldn’t agree more. MAKE IT GO RIGHT ASSHOLES!!!
Good luck with that one. Still waiting for a SMP broadcast, podcast, some kinda-cast.
You are so stuck on paying $50 per week. Get over it.
Even though there is no need (since you milk the cult for all that you want), you are compelled to follow in Hubbard’s footsteps by stashing lots of your own cash. Gotta be ‘on source’, ya know.
Great challenge to them, Jeffrey. Except for one little thing: if they actually did “put up” and put Tom Cruise in front of a camera to debate Leah, without a script, it would expose Cruise for the poorly-educated brainwashed drone that he is. The moment the debate deviates from any talking point Cruise would have been briefed on beforehand (and Davey himself would do the briefing; he can’t trust anyone else to do it), Leah would turn him into ground chuck. Cruise’s career would be over five minutes after that show ended. Davey wouldn’t risk that.
So who could he put up? Alley? No way would anyone take her seriously. Cartwright? How seriously would you take the voice of Bart Simpson (think of it from the perspective of the casual wog who would tune in). Travolta is supposedly a reasonably intelligent individual. He’d at least put up a fight. That taps out anyone above C- List on the celeb scale (with the possible exception of Laura Prepon). They’ve got nobody who can actually debate. It’ll descend into a bullbait session, which would be an absolute disaster for the cult.
So where’s the theta, Scientology? Doesn’t theta drive out entheta? Or maybe, just maybe, you (read: Davey) had plans to do a show of your own from the SuMP, but you pitched it to various cable outlets and all of them laughed in your face, not wanting their network to be connected to you in any way, shape, or form. What’s stopping you from using YouTube? Oh, yeah, I know why. We showed you nine years ago that Anon owns YouTube. You’d have to leave comments off, which would be a bad PR hit for you.
Season 2 equals Scientology’s Screwed. Let the shafting begin.
Espiando, you have a point. Tom Cruise without a script would be like Ron Burgundy without his teleprompter. It would be a disaster. And hey, stay classy San Diego!
Tom Cruise would not be like Ron Burgundy in that case, J Swift, because Tom Cruise is not as well endowed in certain places as Ron Burgundy is. Big difference! And size DOES matter.
Now we are talking J! Let’s call for a Tom, John, Krusty and Dave show. Hell, lets have Bart show up along with Jenna and her squeeze to M/C it. Dave could smile, nod his pomp and hold a box of tissues for any teary eyes.
Preach! Truth to power. COS is a scam, a waste and a criminally culpable organization.
Mike — It was because of your and Leah’s show on A&E that I first became interested in Scientology. I remembered the ‘volcano’ commercials from years ago and was somewhat aware of the celebrities connected with the organization, but never gave the church a second thought. All that has changed. After seeing your show, reading 8 books on the subject of church abuses, two objective journalism pieces AND researching Scientology on their own websites and in Dianetics, I say emphatically that never did I get the idea of religious bigotry from you, Leah or any of your guests. I do not remember ever hearing a remark that the core beliefs of the church as founded, in and of themselves, we’re wrong or that people did not have the right to believe anything they wish. To the contrary, I believe A&E took extraordinary steps to invite an open dialogue and provide a means of rebuttal to the the church. That Scn would not appear is their decision.
A person has the right to adopt any belief system they wish……hell, I have a sister who believes in Wicca (and I love her to pieces). But what a person, of any faith or creed does NOT have the right to do is : demand everyone else adopt their belief, perpetrate abuses on others, inhibit or impinge basic human rights , and in any way break the law under an assumed ‘religious’ immunity.
Mr. David Miscavige, Church of Scientology, et al: There is no bigotry here. It is the abuse of your members…..mental, physical, financial ; along with human trafficking, the exploitation of children, violation of fair trade and labor laws, and defrauding the public, that we all object to. Make no mistake, we will not ‘be handled’.
My sentiments exactly. .i knew very little about Scn until reading 5 books written by ex members..
Im sure their contents are the tip of the iceberg
You have no idea…
After reading and seeing the South Park attacks on SCN, I thought they were weirdos and close to insane
After Leah and Mike’s show, I realized that the SCN organization is evil and run by a monster.
The way this cult responds to criticism is actually a gift given by it’s ridiculous founder, that evil creature named Hubbard. Since his word is law, they can not deviate from that cretin’s rule book.
So, they will forevermore look like extremely soft-headed robots that have no tactful or diplomatic method to respond to any attack. Can you imagine if they ever reached out in compassion to right past wrongs? It might make them look like they had a human heart.
Luckily for us, as per their guru’s instructions to forever be on the attack, they continually look horrible to the outside world. I personally kind of like that perception, because it is the truth. “You can’t handle the truth!” Uh, no, actually I can; it is the cult of scientology that can’t.
I’d love to know the answers to Mike’s questions about earnings in scientology as well. The truth about what the IAS make and how they really spend it would be fascinating. I’m guessing that they are very clever at compartmentalizing information so that very few people who deal with this stuff every day even know the real numbers.
Beautiful truth here, Mike. Thank you for this data. I wish you were being paid a whole lot more for all of your excellent hard work.
I’ve recently cognited that there’s nothing original or innovative about Scientology’s “attack the attacker” stratagem from LRH wherein one totally ignores the actual points of the claims, accusations or arguments (the “What”), and instead, focuses attention SOLELY on the sources responsible for them, (the “Who”).
This is an old, old ploy that has been the modus operandi of suppressive or if you prefer, sociopathic individuals, groups, religious organizations and governments for many an age.
All one needs to do is spot this and its very easy to do.
Spot it, and one might as well be looking at a big sign that says: “Warning! Total bullshit ahead!”
Spot it, and the deliberate liar, the low information liar, the criminal, the group. the government, etc.are exposed in all their weak, wobbly glory.
Then, one can expect to hear it repeated again and again in order to cloak their own frailty and weakness via very high volume repetition
Facts be damned! We’re going to drown out your voices of reason. If we say our bullshit often enough and loud enough, we win!
That’s how they “think”. And, unfortunately, far too many people continue to fall for it.
Not us, and not here, thank God.
I encourage Scientology to say more, and respond a lot more. The more they say, the more they respond, the more they will lie and make stuff up, the tighter the noose gets.
It’s their financial bootlaces that are being tying together under the desk here, and the more they respond, create hate sites, hire PIs, buy media coverage adds, reg their public harder for defense and the like the more ammunition the Cof$ not only gives to their enemies but they are also creating more enemies, especially within their own ranks as their scam becomes exposed. Knowing Miscavige’s arrogance, the more he is made to feel offended or feels the threat of exposure, the more he’ll to flex his organisational muscles and tell his lawyers, PIs etc what they have to do… the more the money wheels of Scientology grind away. The more desperate his lawyers are forced to become the more money they make. It is only a matter of time before the Cof$ trips and falls on its own sword. Always let an enemy display and flex their resources as many times as possible by getting them to create responses & initiatives against skirmishes and parrying, just like tiring out a large fish on light tackle. They just don’t know they’re caught yet. The term is, “being played.” Something that Scientology has done to a lot of people for a long, long time. The tide is reversing.
Probably the worst is yet to come and it’s going to get ugly, but hey, it’s already ugly. The Cof$ is going down, it’s their screams you are hearing!
Last word, one needs to toughen up here, the battle isn’t over, it’s just getting going. Compassion is something Scientology relies on in people and takes advantage of it and uses it against them. Scientology is under a group type of hypnosis and that needs to be broken. Win first, then pick up the pieces. For a lot of us it’s family we are fighting for.
“Probably the worst is yet to come and it’s going to get ugly, but hey, it’s already ugly. ”
I’m afraid that you’re exactly right there. The End Days of an imploding cult are always ugly. There’s not going to be a better time to escape or begin to step back from cult involvement than RIGHT NOW!
I agree Harpoona. Watch for Dave mailing out boxes to the A & E staff with those funny little toys like he mailed to Monique a few years ago.
Expect the unexpected and you’re close to what that nutter Miscavige will do when it suddenly dawns on him he’s losing money and his usual tactics are no longer working, or worse, his inner legal circle starts deserting or turning their backs on him. The worst fear he’ll ever have would be to be blackmailed by one of his former lawyers, or Shelly disappears.
That could be dangerous indeed….i.e. “fess up or lose your license to practice law”….WOW, that would hit them in the gut. All it takes would be ONE of them, one who will be willing to lose “his eternal soul & reincarnation”….rather than go to the really nasty “Fed Pen”…..
Ques is how long will the wake up call take, circling the drain for a long time is a good possibility.
If TC is ever agreed to be interviewed, please chairs only, NO couch…
Radical idea — Scientology should produce and air hard-hitting counter programming in their shiny new facilities at the KCET location. That’ll show ’em! Know what? They can pay their counter bigotry participants all they want, and I won’t even ask how much.
” They can pay their counter bigotry participants all they want, and I won’t even ask how much.”
I wholeheartedly second that motion, since that would mean they’ve paid the SO or other staff slaves SOMEthing, finally; the more, the more likely said folks can afford to escape back to the real world.
Bingo! You know what? Maybe they ARE trying to produce a counter “Anti Anti-Scientologist show” but they can’t even FIND credible people who will say nice things about Scientology for MONEY!
Conversely, there is an embarrassing surplus of COS victims who will tell you as much BAD stuff as you can stomach about Scientology for FREE. So what does that tell you?
In fact, A&E could probably do a whole show about people like me: who never were Scientologists, but who somehow learned about it and are so appalled that we’ve become advocates for those who’ve suffered at the hands of this criminal organization, which hides behind the tax exempt cloak of religion.
Now, I long for the day when the United States government finally does ITS job and at a bare minimum, divests this organization of its tax-exempt status.
For those of you close to other ex Scientologist, what types of changes have you seen since the show was aired? Are more outsiders getting interested in your fight? Are more private conversations occurring? Have people contacted you saying how the show influenced them? Have people left the church based on the show? Any comments on people saying how the show prevented them from taking a course in Scientology? What have you witnessed or experienced without giving personal private information? Unless you want to. Just looking to understand the shows impact so far.
Scientology as a ‘religion’ is so egocentric to think even religions (mostly themselves) should be free from criticism (especially when they act so poorly), and then to call it religious bigotry and hate. The Catholic Church has had issues within the church that was criticised such as priest child molestation or residential schools in Canada. They didn’t scream discrimination or say they were facing religious hate when being criticized, unless hate crimes were enacted on Catholics for their belief system. The church dealt with it, even if quietly. They owned up to their mistakes and faced their problems. Or when it comes to their stance on things such as abortion, they stand by it for their reasons, whether we agree with their belief system or not. They don’t scream bigotry or hate if people criticise their belief system, nor do they go through lengths to threaten or stock someone who criticizes them. If it were hate, people would not hire a Scientologist based on religion, or ostracize them from society (however they do that to themselves). For an organization that likes definitions, they sure like to impose their own meanings to words. A show discussing a religion people have left due to abuses within the church they have faced is not bigotry or hate, especially with evidence. (And if the shows guests were lying, wouldn’t the church show evidence to back it up? Their arguments have no substance.) It’s personal stories. This is why staying with personal stories as the base of the show is so important. It is people’s personal truths. The show is well done and I look forward to next season.
A&E got a lot of public pushback on the KKK show simply because it doesn’t seem fair to compensate members of a hate group that has a history of perpetrating crimes against the vulnerable and justifies it with thin claims to a religious affiliation (white supremacy organizations are almost always Christian, more specifically of Protestant descent, and frequently use blblical doctrine to bolster their claims.)..
That is different that compensating people who have been internal VICTIMS of a group that has perpetrated crimes against them and masks its own hate and aggressively nasty behavior toward all those outside its group by pretending to be a religion (when the founder only took that route to avoid litigation – otherwise Scientology would have simply been a lucrative self-help racket.) Defining this organization as a church is problematic even by their own internal definitions and philosophical standards of religion.
Co$ needs to realize they are more analogous to the KKK than to the people on Leah and Mike’s show trying to expose them. Committing crimes and hiding behind a religion are exactly what they do. They punish insiders for any criticism and turn into whiny snowflakes that claim “religious persecution” if someone on the outside dares point out their many flaws. (Hint: real “religions” don’t bother acting like litigious nuts filing frivolous defamation and “copyright infringement” lawsuits to harass and avoid their detractors. Those kind of aggressive and preemptive defense tactics are generally used by organized crime.)
A typical, and weak, argument in court cases to erode the credibility of expert witnesses is to expose the fact they are getting paid. This is supposed to trick the jury into thinking they are opportunists. Of course that is garbage – experts are professionals whose time is valuable and it is reasonable to pay them to provide testimony. Their credibility rests on whether they have a deep knowledge of the relevant subject matter, not the fact they are compensated for their time (unless the compensation is excessive.)
But of course an organization that uses free slave labor would look at any kind of compensation, even if it is just reimbursement or providing for travel and per diem expenses as excessive. When you are busy bilking the government of all taxes, including Social Security/FICA on labor, then any expense that doesn’t go straight to the organizational coffers looks extravagant.
Of course they haven’t said anything about the second season. They already look like bullies to people who have been inside and those who have simply commented negatively or critiqued them. Their hypocrisy is on full display, they will only make it worse by calling attention to themselves and acting like they are a “victim”. No organization with several billion dollars of profits is a victim of anything.
I can just see you saying “… one thin dime”. Perfect.
I think the full quote was: Not one thin dime for Wallershine (sp?).
Thanks Valerie.
“A&E should investigate its own internal policies.” When did Trump join the cult?
Does that guy live in your head, rent free?
Instead of Body Thetans, we have Body Trumps!
Now that’s a really scary thought….
That’s funny, Mrs. B!
I’m a woman raised in a Scientology house, parents, grandparents. Who hung out with Hubbard.And messed up 6 kids .This show brought answers for me about my mother who gave at least 1 million dollars to Scientology. In the 90s my sister got multiple Sclerosis. Unbeknownst to me mom thought it was her fault, no love no compassion. I never knew why she was so mad at mom. I got MS 10yrs later, I didn’t care what my mother thought. This show has showed me so much about my family. I so look forward to season 2,3,4,5….
Oh, that is terrible. Glad to know it helped.
I’m sorry to hear your story and situation Susan. I’m sure that stories like yours is what keep people like Leah, Mike, Karen, Tony and others grinding away.
Something’s gotta give….
Thanks for sharing, Susan. Your story counts. May the BEST day of your past……be the worst day of your future.
Thank you all ?
Mike, can you publish again the email address where people are supposed to send their Scn stories so that you and Leah can read them and decide who to interview from that? I wanted to pass it on to an Ex but couldn’t remember the email address. And congratulations on a 2nd season. I can’t wait! And let’s all contribute to Mike so that he makes more money than he would have if he stayed home and worked instead of doing the A & E show!
[email protected]
Best of luck to you and yours Susan. Yes, Scientologists view compassion as a weakness and can be the coldest of people sometimes. It really hurts when it’s family.
In Scientology, ‘compassion’ is a dirty word.
OSD said
“In Scientology, ‘compassion’ is a dirty word”
So too, is “reason”. There’s no reasoning with them since Ron made that verboten.
You’re quite right! Reason??? We don’t need no stinkin reason!! We’re Scientologists! We just need Kool-Aid! A constant flow of Kool-Aid…..
I want there to be more seasons than the Simpsons
Doubling Down Update:
The summer SEASON is shaping up to be hot and sweaty, for 10 rounds of mud wrestling. Be sure to wear your thong. Now that the Joker has folded, will you be next?
Your buddy Lee Baca has now been convicted for lying to the Feds. He has a court date on Monday to set a date for his sentencing. He is looking down the barrel at 20 years in the slammer.
Meanwhile, your peer thug and trafficker, El Chapo, is getting settled in with his solitaire cell at the Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center. He is not so concerned about his legal issues, but is very concerned about his IMAGE and what people are saying about his ‘celebrity STATUS’.
When you meet your fate, will your memoirs focus on your IMAGE or your ecclesiastical contributions to mankind? Will you dictate your memoirs to Lou, over the phone from your solitaire?
if/when Davey boy does a memoir, he’ll need a crack team of editors to clean up his prose (exclude Sherman, Dave – He’s too adjective-happy to write convincingly/ coherently. )
I’m glad to see the Cult of Scientology WIDELY promoting the 2nd season on A&E. More people trapped inside the bubble will now be aware that they get another chance to watch!
Maybe they should be reimbursed by the church for all the money they paid into their fake religion. Then they can get something. Leah is taking time out of her life yet again to do good. I’m sure if you saw all her expenses within the time frame she did this compared to the money she made it wouldn’t be “a living” she is emotionally stressed about this too because of them! As well as all the other people on the show! I’m sure they don’t want to have to revisit all the abuse over and over. But they want to make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else. And for the “church” to dismiss all these people is completely disgusting and shows you how there is no compassion or love for anyone other than themselves. So they shouldn’t claim to be “saving the planet” because they aren’t doing anything but taking care of themselves. Get the kids out of there. Psychopaths. Makes me completely sick.
And let’s not forget the money Leah has personally spent on attorneys to help in her fight, like their work is ever cheap. The cost for increased security for her and her family has to have been substantial as well. Mike has said the series has been a net financial loss to him and I’d bet the same goes for Leah, all things considered.
Keep shining the light, secrets die in the light of exposure
+1! Nice post!/
Season 1 was very well done! Gritty, determined. Loved it! I am very glad to see a Season 2 coming! I will be watching.
I wish there was someone in the LDS (Mormon) church that was willing to produce something similar. As Scientology now is, Mormons once we’re (still are, in some instances).
Not sure if you are aware, but A&E has done shows called “Escaping Polygamy”.
Mike –
Don’t let Scientology ruin your havingness.
You deserve to paid. Everyone who appeared on the show deserves to be paid. A&E is making a lot of money on this – they need to pay the people who are making it possible for them to profit.
I do know that Season 2 is always a bigger paycheck for anyone involved in a reality TV show, and everyone who made this show a success deserves that.
Will you be talking about Gerry Armstrong in Season 2? Or any of the critics you actually went after as head of OSA?
Why or why not?
I would think this would make for great TV.
And an Episode (reality/documentary) of a Missing Person Report being filed on David Miscavige, since he has not appeared in public for eons. Another Episode of the ‘Silence of the Lambs (sheeple)’.
Why don’t you just put the link from your site with all you said about what Mike should do on season 2? Because this not even half of what you whined about.
Mike, I don’t know why ole slappy Dave is holding back. He knows damn well the people behind your show and backing you and Leah are…………………….The RUSSIANS!!!!
Those pesky Russians have their dirty hands all over everything else these days. I am sure he can get Rachel Maddow to run with the story. CNN would believe anything if it comes from the correct “source”
Well, sorry, that is fake news. Everyone knows it is Big Pharma that is paying the bills and making us all significantly less wealthy than Dave and Muffins Yingling.
Next they’ll be saying you guys are in collusion with the Psychs to force ECT on the world O.o and the COS can’t see how absurd their claims are. Congrats on season 2!!!
Big Pharma ………..Bastards, I should have known! 🙂
It’s all about the pills….
The blue one or the red one?
Big Pharma – I’ve got a bone to pick with them. Check is always late…
Aqua, you should put a request through the ARSCC to be put on direct deposit, bitcoin is untraceable. Also, when you get in touch, Mick doesn’t seem to be in the system yet, ask if the Psychs want him put on the payroll so that The Committee can run him, or just left to do the useful work he’s performing as an unpaid dupe.
p.s. The new ECT that works through computer keyboards is almost ready. The approach of applying small amounts of current over an extended period of time, has been proven to be as effective as it is with the e-meter.
Hang on a second PeaceMaker. Maybe you mean someone else, but…..Mick? Mick who? I know of no other Mick around here. Are you referring to me? Was I supposed to send in an application to ARSCC (I had to Google that term btw) so I could properly be put into your system or something? If you’re referring to me, have I been nothing more than just an unpaid dupe this whole time I’ve been here the past couple of months when I could’ve been compensated for my admittedly rather long-winded ramblings every day? If so, is this any way to treat your new initiates, by withholding this vital bit of information from them?
Mick R., yeah, um, I meant the other Mick, er Nick…name….. Anyway, never mind, soldier on!
p.s. Mick R., if you found the real ARSCC then you will know that it Does Not Exist (DNE). However, the ARSCC (DNE) Wellness Department, if it did exist, which of course it does not, would want me to pass on a message to pace yourself and not risk burnout, it’s easy to sucked into the excitement of the struggle but this is just part of a trillion-year campaign.
p.p.s. all members and agents, the Research Department wants me to pass on a message that you can see for yourself the results of the new extended-treatment ECT keyboards. Several ex-Scientologists who did not get enough time on the e-meter when they were in the org to receive the equivalent of our full course of ECT, had beta versions of the keyboards surreptitiously installed when they started posting heavily online, and you can now observe them approaching near full-on uncritical “clubbed seal” state…elsewhere on the web, of course….
Oops, my bad. Yeah, it doesn’t exist. OSA, if you’re reading this, please disregard my previous comment.
PS. If we’re ever asked about our central committee, that doesn’t exist of course, what’s our shore story supposed to be again?
OK PC, you and Dan definitely get the “You’re A Goddamned Riot” Prize for the day. I wish I could claim it just once for myself, but I guess I’m only able to recognize the brilliant humor, not generate it. Bummer…
Oooh, guys – ECT – oooh, the pleasure I get out of the concept of brains frying, sizzling a little, like steak in a frying pan…itsa beautiful thing. Only another SP would understand. I learned my lessons well in Big Pharma U. Hey, and here’s my check!
Susan, I am sorry to hear about the way your mother treated you sister with MS. I am also saddened that you are suffering with MS too. I am relieved to know that this excellent program has helped you to understand why your mother was so cold in her attitude towards your sister’s illness. What type of religion would even approve of taking a mother’s ove away from a child and a very ill one at that. COS is no church at all. Just a bunch of greedy people like DM and TC taking advantage of people’s compassion for others. Hopefully this Cult is going to fall apart. I agree that with their billions everyone that has anything to do with them should receive monetary compensation and the others like DM who mistreat people should spend a long time in jail. Susan I do hope things improve for you after watching this program. Many thanks to Leah, Mike and all of the brave people who participated in season one.
If Miscavige were on the cans and was being asked about the abuses and the fraud and families he destroyed he would probably physically assault the auditor if not kill him. I hope Scientologists can see that by the churches response (or lack thereof) he is admitting his guilt by virtue of his silence. Can’t wait for season 2 !!!
“If Miscavige were on the cans and was being asked about the abuses and the fraud” ,HA, the e-meter would EXPLODE and fry him from his OW’s.
If the dwarf ever picked up the cans, they would melt……
Could we somehow rewire the cans and flow a little more current…but wait! I just spotted an evil purpose! I’d like to write a Success Story.
Your success story is one of the best that I’ve ever read! Let the current flow…
Thank you, OSD. My space is so much bigger now. I’d like to recommend that you too do the False Porpoise Rundown, delivered only at Sea World.
I’ve done the False Porpoise Rundown every time l’ve gone surfing…
LOL The examiner will be impressed!
Per the tech, Mis-cavingin would not read on the meter. Criminals have no REALITY that what they are doing is an overt in any way. See: Science of Survival
I hope it registers on him that the words of Scientology can be turned back on it—him—them.
That’s right, Jim! MisManage wouldn’t even register on the cans. He’s way too far down on the responsibility level for that. Wow.
Which begs the question: on the responsibility level, where is Co$ as an organization? I’ve always wondered about this. My take on it is that there are 2 principal groups of Still Ins – a small minority of knowing criminals, the rest, the blind Sheeple, ignorant, low information enablers by accident or design.
That would seem to make sense – like quite a few things that Hubbard said that superficially appear common sense.
While it may be true in a few cases (one of the flaws of Hubbard’s methodology, is to generalize from ), I checked and it does not seem to be a useful principle, at least if the e-meter can be roughly compared to a modern polygraph (which is actually more accurate at lie detection, due to its use of better and multiple sensors):
“What evidence there is, however, indicates that psychopaths respond to polygraph testing in a similar manner to other individuals.”
The Polygraph and Forensic Psychiatry
Don Grubin
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online December 2010, 38 (4) 446-451;
Very good point, Jim. Miscavige is a psychopath and would not respond to criminal activities. And I wonder if anyone still in are aware how long it’s been since he has ever been in the pc seat?
Doug P: It reportedly wouldn’t be the first auditor the demented midget has roughed up. And I’ve heard that he doesn’t bother with auditing or training any more. He’s already the “biggest being” on the planet and there’s nothing he doesn’t already know, don’t ya’ know.
Forgive me if I am repeating what another commenter has said (I’ve not read all the comments), but two things are glaring at me from this article.
The church’s response refers to the sources for the show “spreading religious hate and bigotry.” Anyone who has seen the show knows that is NOT at all what it’s about, but that’s a pretty succinct description of the COS itself does. It spreads hate, not of religion, but through religion, hate cloaked in religion. Religious, sanctimonious, poisonous, indiscriminate, hate.
And typically, they are so entrenched in this same angry, self-righteous, spittle-spewing hate that they cannot see that the question of who has been compensated for what is not an issue for anybody but them. People don’t care. In the real world people compensated for their time and contributions, and had any of you so involved been paid for your time few people would have a problem with that.
These two issues that comprise the cos’s line of attack, the spreading of “religious hate” and the ethical question of how one’s money is acquired, are two of the churches biggest vulnerabilities. They are the dark closets that hold so many of the group’s crimes. And the more they harp on them and the louder they cry, the more people are seeing this. Millions of people. And they are talking about it now.
Thank you, Mike, for the blog, and for the show, and for your bulldog persistence.
Great point Katherine. To add to your point, it’s not even an accurate description for them to decry Leah, Mike, and the guests on this show of promoting “religious hate and bigotry”. It’s not hate towards the actual religion (Xenu, auditing, etc), it’s about exposing the abuses within the organization itself. No religious institution can just willy-nilly proclaim any practice they want, especially if it’s abusive, as their “religious right” at their own discretion.
This is the same load of crap that leaders of other abusive cults (such as Warren Jeffs) put out to try to silence their critics, by trying to label them as religious bigots. Well, if being passionate about ending abusive practices and gross human rights violations, especially against children, is what they define as a “bigot”, then I suppose that’s what I am. Lord knows this church has already unilaterally redefined the definition of plenty of standard English words in their own minds.
I think that is part of the reason Aftermath was so successful. It’s one thing to say someone’s religious beliefs are weird – it is good for convincing people to avoid the weird group, but it tends to feel a bit off. People have been socialized to live and let live. If we can allow 500+ genders and every sexual practice under the sun, what’s the harm in people doing techno exorcism on a lie detector?
It’s something entirely different to expose a religion extorting money from members, tearing apart families, destroying critics, and running a quasi-military secret police agency. That is immediately apparent as evil.
“People have been socialized to live and let live. If we can allow 500+ genders and every sexual practice under the sun, what’s the harm in people doing techno exorcism on a lie detector?”
Well said. The attempt to cut down their religious beliefs or even beliefs about their founder would only detract from making the abuses the focal point. It would expecially alienate those who are still in the church and make them wonder about the reliability of the stories of abuse.
See, the Sheeple, the blind Still Ins, won’t WATCH these shows, but they WILL read Co$’s castigation of the shows with their accusations of A & E’s airing of “religious bigotry”. So, the Sheeple will BELIEVE, without observation, that Leah Remini’s shows are all about religious bigotry. Simple.
Aqua, you are so right. Never watching the shows and only reading all of the cult’s BS about us evil SP’s just solidifies their beliefs of how every show, every article is one big plot in an attempt to destroy their church by bigoted suppressive people. This will motivate them to donate more and fight back more.
One would think they would wake up and find out why the world is so outraged with SCN. Why it is becoming the butt of so many jokes on TV, even the Oscars and front covers of Supermarket rags. Instead it cements them further into the cult. Mind control at it’s finest.
True Scientologists are not of this universe. They know they are only here because of a mistake made long, long ago. What is true for us is not true for them. They know Davy will save the day, he just needs a little more money to correct that mistake and then he’ll show all of the true Scientologists the path out.
Smells like a young Jonestown in the making doesn’t it?
CPO, yeah, I hear you. One WOULD think the Sheeple would wonder about why the world is so outraged about Scientology. Well, they don’t “wonder” because they “know”: The ill will stems from the SPs who hate Scientology because Scientology is WINNING! See? One of their go to answers straight out of their catechism. (Said with no offense toward Catholics, please.)
How delightful for these proudly ignorant Sheeple People that they never have to think, never have to wonder, query, reach, research – no, its all right there for them. Have a question? Hmm, I think Answer #19 handles this…good! Certainty is such a marvelous thing…I’d better make sure to take all necessary precautions to maintain this rock-like certainty of mine, its such a comfort, and so necessary for my survival…well, so long, I’m going back to my mental cave. I’m so secure there. Its so great to know that any questions I ever have about anything will be spoon fed to me by those who will never lie to me…bye…
Thanks for the quick reference Valerie.(HCOB noted below) Another one of the predicaments facing Dildo Dave is that the collective knowledge of $cientology is very likely larger outside of the cherch than inside!
I had an opportunity to connect with several ex members recently and out of 16 people, half were trained to class VI or higher, another four were class IV, all were clear and above, I think 5 were Oh Tea Ates. Some had intimate knowledge of El Con or Dildo Dave. All were soooooo glad to be done with that stinking litlle cult and it’s dear leader.
Yo Dave,
You may recall this datum from your time of study; if you don’t then get a cram soon:
“Whenever we’re really winning, the squirrels start to scream. You can tell if somebody is a squirrel. They howl or make trouble only when we’re winning.” LRH. – HCOB 1 May 1958”
So I have only one question good buddy. What the hell is all the fuss over the A & E show? I mean it is only a signpost showing how your great works of human trafficking, tearing apart of families, total control of staff with sleep deprivation, low pay, bad food and horrific living conditions and all of the other wonderful things you and your cult do to benefit society in really working out.
I say relax and enjoy the ride to stellar heights of Oh Tea Ness and massive expansion Dave. In a word ……..Chill ……. good buddy. Everything related to your Cult is fine Dave.
Bad Hombres Update:
The noose is tightening; are you GAME?
I’ve been bad to the bone, but, never a bad hombre.
Do we have tickets to the tightening noose show? I’d pay good money….
$50 allows you to release the floorboards.
I’ll do it for free!
When did Scios start using ‘attack, never defend’? Well, my copy of Ability, cira March 1955, ‘THE SCIENTOLOGIST, A Manual on the Dissemination of Material’ has that quote about 1/5 of the way through this Major Issue that defined the HASI and stated: ‘..the substance of this book should become source material…’
This stable datum, along with KSW 10 years later, have served to separate, isolate, alienate, and put Scientology members at war with all other individuals, families, groups, other churches, governments and the human specie as an organism (not known for being rational). This has been doctrine for 60 years, and it cannot be changed.
They have lost, long long ago, those members with the ability to think in broader terms than us-vs-them. The members now left seem to have little understanding of the subject, ability to discuss the subject, compare the subject to other practices, or hold any intelligent conversation on any topic except selected Ron quotes. All efforts at positive public relations are but covert actions to further their unrevealed (hidden) agenda.
If part of the Non-Existence (NE) condition includes truly finding out what is needed and wanted by the population at large, I’m afraid that they are now at the bottom end of NE, they are not able to apply the actions required, and sliding into extinction.
Jim, interesting comment. Only one disagreement; I’d say Co$ is WAY BELOW Non E. The Cherch is quite well known and not in a good way. In the eyes of the majority of the America public, I’d say the Cherch would be at its highest in Liability, at its lowest, Treason, with the most being viewing it as Enemy or Doubt.
That’s why whenever a new Ideal Morgue opens and the staff do a Non E formula, it is a doomed action, a total waste of time, effort and money. A new Scn Morgue doesn’t need to “Make themselves known”. The neighborhood knows exactly who they are, what they are, and what they do.
Any new Morgue’s REAL answer to “finding out what’s needed and wanted” from the people in their area is, “Stay away from us”.
Well since we’re all coming clean I confess: the BBC paid my £50 petrol costs when I went to a BBC studio to contribute to this piece on their religious affairs program recently. I promise I will refund every penny (to the BBC) just as soon as my IAS donations are refunded and the money illegally extorted from me for sec checking at Flag in 2001. Every penny. Promise.
Not I. If I ever get paid for anything to do with my activism (hasn’t happened yet) I will hold out on refunding the money I am paid until Luis Garcia wins his lawsuit.
+1! Yo, Val, count me in!
If someone/anyone feels so strongly about their cause, why wouldn’t they be willing to step forward to defend it? I would have expected or hoped there would be several members including celebs who are so very loyal that they’d jump n the bandwagon in defense of their “organization” instead of presenting a “mouth piece” lawyer who seemed very uncomfortable making her presentation. Why doesn’t the COB or one of his “best friends and close associates” make a statement in support of the “organization”?
One of the persons who still to this day touched my heart was Tom DeVocht, when he broke down and said basically something to the effect of “If only I hadn’t gotten involved”….i.e…..what he WOULD have done with his life had he not dedicated himself to this organization.
So much heartbreak from lovely people who thought they were doing something wonderful to “save the planet and better mankind”….so sad to see their family members disconnect. Life is too short for any of this disconnection policy to separate loved one………a deep overwhelming loss, can’t get that time back, can only hope for a wake up call to come to reconnect and begin anew. My prayers are with you!
I was touched by his story and his personality the most as well. Tom just appeared to be humble and the most sincere. Just a likeable guy. He’s still young and still has time to live a fulfilling life.
Tom’s story also has impacted me the most. All other stories have amazing and wonderful impact in there own ways but when he said “If only I hadn’t gotten involved” as A Yash mentioned, that really made me “put myself in his shoes” and was overwhelmed by how that must feel. I am 27 with a 1.5 year old and love every horrible and amazing part of my life and couldn’t imagine changing a thing. Think of all those people that are so controlled they don’t even know that a life is out there waiting……
Thank you Jen & Peg…..the look etched on Tom’s face and sound of Tom’s quaking voice speaking in total honesty and sincerity really got to me….and then he had to excuse himself to collect his thoughts….heartbreakingly sad that these wonderful GOOD people had their futures and the possible future of their children stolen away from them by a “church”. To see Tom hold that delightful gorgeous red headed little baby girl was a point well taken….you CAN find another life outside the “organization”…Yes there IS hope for everyone who is willing to blow the bubble.
PS: My Grandma left me a HUGE Antique Hat Pin….I would be more than happy to BURST the bubble with it anytime! My deepest love and respect to all of you!
Congratulations on Season 2. Looking forward to seeing more truth exposed. Congrats Leah Remini and Mike Rindah.
I can confirm that my family members and myself were not paid a dime, not even travel expenses as we live only 2 hours away from LA. Even if they had offered any compensation we would not have taken it. We went on the show to expose the truth about scn and their tactics and to fight for my child who has disconnected. They are so full of shit.
And thank you for doing that!!! So sorry for all you went through. : (
Thank you Lois. You and CPO deserve a standing ovation for your courage and perseverance in supporting you son. We hope for a reunion of all family members.
You’ve got the mange ridden feral street beast all riled up Mike. They are going to fight to keep this season of Aftermath out of the public.
They are freaked out because this season will uncover for all to see more and more of the truth.
But Miscavige and the lawyers must know that the more they fight the more people will become interested in watching the drama.
Dave and friends:
This next season will be a nightmare for you. It’s possible that millions more than last season will become aware of the truth of Hubbard and Scientology; millions!
A&E are upstats. Aftermath is upstat. Your attempt to squash Leah and Mike are downstat. No one here believes you. Your law harassment is downstat. Dave, you are the liability in your own thug organization.
Unfortunately for you Dave this is America. Freedom of speech will destroy the church of Scientology with the truth about Scientology.
This is death by a thousand cuts Dave. You will see many leaving the “church” this season.
It is your behavior Dave, the behavior of ruthless violent management style that you learned from Ron, that has created this condition.
This is your condition Dave. SPs are not responsible for this Dave; you are.
Bolivar Dave……… studying and applying it has brought you to this moment.
You must now experience the effect of your cause. It’s called karma.
“Freedom of speech will destroy the church of Scientology with the truth about Scientology.”
Excellent point there Brian. I think I just had what they call a “cognition”. This “church” always screams about and hides behind their First Amendment right to freedom of religion.
However, they seem to want to “suppress” the rights of their critics as it pertains to some other key portions of that very amendment……freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to peaceably assemble (and also the spirit pertaining to the petition for a redress of grievances). Talk about “suppressive acts”.
Very well said, Mick. Thank you.
Brian, dog and cat lover that I am I must say that your likening of Miscavige and the Co$ to a “mange ridden feral street beast” is inaccurate, harsh and an insult to mange ridden feral street beasts everywhere 🙂
I am soooooo pissed off! Brian, you just can’t spew insults like that.
Ha ha! Now that you guys mention it, you are right. I love feral street beasts!!
I apologize to all the mange ridden feral street beasts. I am sorry for equating you with a human with free will who is playing the dark side.
Thank you, Brian. Apology accepted. Would you like to write a Success Story?
Yes, you do need to write a Success Story, Brian. If you refuse, you’ll have to do the course over again.
Let me get this straight … the “church” of Scientology is whining about people getting paid for producing a product … say WHAT?????? … this is the crowd that demands tons of money to INTERROGATE their parishioners!!!! … I consider myself one of the lucky ones who “only” had 10 G’s extorted from me on my last “ethics cycle” (and I am not being ironic or sarcastic here, I really do consider myself fortunate to get out as cheaply as I did).
My only suggestion for a show on season 2 might be to hit the money angle hard. That is to say, go over actual price lists (a “church” with price lists) and really hit this hard, how much each thing costs, including the mandatory hotel room prices at Flag, meals, etc) And of course the extortion for IAS contributions and how regging for this and services actually occurs in the “church.” (and show the effect that all the borrowing had on members’ finances, maybe show fifteen or more people laying out how much they spent and what condition that left them in financially).
Keep up the great work, Mike and Leah. You guys absolutely freakin’ ROCK!!!!
Let’s have a brief segment on each season 2 episode where the church’s lame objections are aired and their hypocrisy is exposed. Every point made above should be heard on TV especially relevant is the compensation M$. Yingling, who isn’t a scientologist, receives to defend the church. Let us remember that laughter is the most powerful weapon ever devised.
+1! Absolutely! Great idea, Roger!
Yes. And especially that last sentence.
To be fair to this “church” and give their vaguely-disguised insinuations of “bitter apostates seeking fame and fortune” due consideration, let’s consider the information currently available and try to apply some rational thinking to that information. So, what’s in it for the people speaking out, and what is their motivation for continuing to do so?
I can only assume that Leah will never have a need for money for the rest of her life and certainly doesn’t lack fame. Mike has already mentioned that financially, the filming of this show is a net loss for him (and that doesn’t even take into account the time away from his own family). And no one else is getting a dime, so there’s no potential financial motivation there.
Mike has two children still trapped in this cult, so in my opinion, he has a very justifiable reason to continue his crusade against this so-called “church” (I’d be fighting like hell for my kids too). But even if, hypothetically, Mike and Leah and all of these individuals appearing on the first season of the show were in it for fame and/or fortune, what about the many other former Scientologists who corroborate these allegations of abuse by speaking out on this blog and other websites?
These ex-Scientologist commenters get paid absolutely nothing for their comments here and elsewhere, yet they are still just as passionate in speaking out about these abusive practices. One can only assume that they’ve either witnessed these abuses first-hand (such as coerced disconnection), they’ve experienced it personally, or they are absolutely certain of it based upon their deep understanding of the psychological culture within the world of Scientology. There is no financial motivation for them to comment and speak out on these websites, and in many cases, they actually use pseudonyms instead of their real names, so they certainly aren’t achieving any level of personal fame.
These allegations from this “church” in which they vaguely accuse “all of these bitter apostates” of seeking fame and fortune (without producing any evidence to back up their claims) just doesn’t hold up to rational scrutiny.
Sorry CofS, but based on the information available (and your inability to effectively refute these allegations from an ever-growing number of former members), one can only conclude that these allegations of abuse within your organization are accurate. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to come up with something much better than that if you wish to persuade us never-ins who personally “don’t have a dog in this fight”.
I’m pretty sure they’re just making these statements to communicate with their own members in the hopes of calming their fears so they can retain them (and their money/labor). Even the seemingly delusional leaders of this “church” has to realize that they’ve already lost this battle in the court of public opinion.
I hope the court of opinion includes those folks that met with Miscavige the other day.
Mick – love your very well thought out and logical comment – thanks for understanding us SP apostates.
Ms. P, I’m a raging SP apostate. In fact, I’m raging right now as I post this! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr……..
The Bitter Apostate Surfer Dude! The mere mention of that name vaporizes case gain within seconds! 40 years of wins, gone in a flash!! OH THE HUMANITY!
There he is, Bitter and Defrocked, riding the Paved Wave and blowing charge and huge chunks of case!
That’s why they don’t let near any of the Morgues. I can wipe out case gain with a wave of my hand…
So what if they are getting paid. Goodness! They have to eat! It would not bother me one iota if they did.
The subject of money is something the Co$ should NEVER question.
Thanks for the update. While the Scn broadsides have started in response to the 2nd season the loyal members have little or no clue that anything significant is happening. Many don’t know that your show exists or they believe it is this tiny unwatched cheap reality cable series created by a loser actress and full complement of the nastiest SPs on the planet. So why even investigate the show. Members ignore it. Or go to the official SCN website on Leah to validate their bubble mentality.
What I observe when I am around clams is complete unwillingness to discuss any doubts or questions they may be harboring. They are true ostrich people. The older ones because they have lived through years of 24/7 cognitive dissonant stress are physically falling about.
And permeated through their whole culture is a lack of joy and sincere love for family and friends. It’s all about what their next course or auditing will be.
Hmm .. So, according to Scientology Kirstie Alley can get paid for time spent appearing on the T.V. Show “Dancing with the stars”. Danny Masterson and Laura Prepon are also
“Allowed to be compensated” . BUT, Mike Rinder can’t get compensated for also appearing on a T.V. Show ? What hypocrisy. If Mike is a member of AFTRA or SAG , the Unions that govern the Industry , HE HAS to be paid for apperaring on a set. The serie’s was also Leah and Mike’s “job” for months.
They should have been paid!
I agree! It’s no ones business really. If you think and believe they are compelling and it’s coming from the heart…. Then watch.
If I could I would pay them!
If your going to turn hate into a religion you are likely to run into people that hate your religion.
Whoa….now that’s heavy….and true! However, hate can be a double edged sword. What goes around comes around. Instead, let’s continue to laugh our collective asses off at them! They hate being mocked…..
Scientology is on its way to joining the Westboro Baptist Church on the list of widely-despised religious groups. From what I hear, the WBC has similar degrees of financial scamming and cult behavior.
In the Church of Scientology it is foremost about raking in a lot of money, disguised as ‘donations’ for legal reasons. The Scientology’s salesmen – called registrars – are relentless and are even using emotional blackmail to get it.
The hypocrisy of pointing out that it would be wrong that Leah and Mike and the whistle-blowers and critics are getting money for their expenditures and their work!
The Church of the Almighty Dollar.
How much has Monique Yingling been paid in connection with Leah’s show? This would include preparation for all blink blink appearances on camera as well as all background meetings with the army of other attorneys.
How much have other attorneys been paid to fight Leah’s show? How much money has been spent on paper and binders for the thousands of pages of lies and half truths that are thrown at the producers?
How much has been spent in paid ads by scientology to shoot themselves in the foot over this show?
Full transparency here, more money has probably been paid by Miscavige to attack Leah’s show than to the participants in Leah’s show.
One of my former stepfathers used to blink blink blink very much like Ms Yingling does. With him, it was a “tell”; he wasn’t being forthright or honest. I wonder what Ms Yingling’s “tell” is signaling?
Morse code for “I don’t believe a word of the shit I am saying”
Throwing Muffins into the 20/20 show was a brilliant roll of the dice for the Clampire. By blinking the truth away, Monique got attention off some of those whose testimony really damaged the $cieno empire. All that blinking was rehearsed to bring more attention to Yingling and make her part harder to cut out.
So what if the audience saw that Yingling was a lying, manipulative ass. That is the core membership of $cientology, where everyone wants to be just like Lron. And it kept more exs from testifying about more atrocities.
At least, that is how Miscavage will sell it to hie current drinking buddies. Everyone else will just snort in derision.
CWOMNOTO!!! (coffee went out my nose on that one!)
LOL! That’s exactly how I translated it (with a side of “will someone please rescue me”)
“But I really love cashing those checks!”
“…I wonder what Ms Yingling’s “tell” is signaling?”
I wonder if Miscavige sees that kind of blinking as signaling a ser fac (i.e. a way to make oneself right and others wrong, per the tech) – or if he even knows that’s what it is.
Wouldn’t it be great if Muffins did an encore? A blink-a-thon. Now she sees you, now she doesn’t, now she sees you, now she doesn’t… Only half of her vision is impaired, the other half is still counting the money.
LMAO!!! Blink-a-thon! now she sees you now she doesn’t! LMAO!!!
Maybe the multiiple eye blinks were Morse code to DM to indicate “get me the Hell OUT of this”….just sayin’
I think you’re on the bullseye, in fact five dollars says Ms. Blinkling NEVER again appears on TV as a spokesperson for the church. There’s not enough money that can make her go through that humiliation again.
I hope I’m wrong though. She is SO much fun!
I know Muffins is not a Scientologist but one would think that somewhere along the line she’d have gotten the hang of confronting another person and saying what she has to say without excessive blinking and shifting of the eyes. From time immemorial such facial fidgeting has indicated fibbing. I mean, she’s an ATTORNEY for Christ’s sake!
She’s an attorney, and a blue-blood attorney at that. She went to the finest schools and had every advantage. Google her bio sometime. Her now-deceased husband was also an attorney and moved in the HIGHEST circles of Washington D. C. power. She is extremely wealthy and has no excuse for continuing to represent this abusive organization except for bald-faced greed. As an attorney, she has plenty of training in critical thinking and knows damned well who and what she represents. She has absolutely no credibility to me; in fact I find her repugnant.
How do you sleep at night, Ms. Yingling? Are you proud of how you’ve defended the Constitution with your shiny law degree? Are your children proud? Or do you only care about beach homes and private school tuitions, among other luxuries paid for with those auditing “donations?”
When all is said and done, Monique, will the money you’ve earned from Davey & Minions be worth the price of your soul? Or do you somehow rationalize this all away? If the latter is true, I feel sorry for you and yours, for there are things much worse than financial poverty; spiritual and moral poverty among them.
Could it be that they chose to use someone “outside the organization” for a reason such as …. “Well, she is NOT a member so she doesn’t fully understand our doctrine, she is giving her own viewpoint”…………
Great article, Mike! I love the questions at the end proposed to cos.
Keep up the good work!
Go Leah and Mike! Great blog Mike! You continue to tell it like it is!!! This is the only pathetic response they can come up with! All of these individuals associated with the show mentioned in your blog should sue for false imprisonment and pain and suffering that will continue forever due to the acts of this “religion”! No religion treats its members cruelly … only cults! Maybe they can compensate for this from their billions of dollars….no compensation would be enough! I pray the citizens of Clearwater and surrounding areas will fight to protect their City from any further invasion of this cult! Drive through downtown Clearwater and watch the brainwashed, zombies walking the streets! Sad and pitiful! It makes me ill that no one wants to go near downtown Clearwater to be filmed by security cameras and eyed by guards! What are they guarding anyway???
“All of these individuals associated with the show mentioned in your blog should sue for false imprisonment and pain and suffering” not only this but I would LOVE for ex-SO that worked like dogs for free for Tom Cruise (i.e. his cars, etc.) and other celebs get together and sue him/them for compensation. They should be paid in currency for work produced instead of receiving a free loaders debt and an SP declare. What say you TC? you piece of shit.
And despite protestations from them that their Disconnection policy is cancelled, THEY STILL FORCE THEIR FOLLOWERS TO DISCONNECT. They just cannot be believed. A legitimate religion would NOT force family members to disconnect from one another. The IRS gave them tax exempt status…mistakenly.
Just a quick anecdote here. I recently met with an old friend I hadn’t seen in many years. We knew each other while we were both culties back in the 70’s. Since it had been so long since we had talked, I wasn’t sure of where he stood regarding scientology. We met at his sister-in-laws house where he was staying while on vacation. When I walked in the door, he introduced her to me and said we had met while in scientology. Her response was: “scientology, oh ya, Leah Remini”. We all laughed and our reunion proved very auspicious.
This series IS having an impact with ordinary run of the mill wogs in the hinterlands. Keep up the good work Mike & Leah.
It’s interesting to read the website Co$ has created about the show (the not so clever title Leah Remini – after the money). A lot of bending of the truth, or taking quotes out of context to make people look bad.
One example – in one interview Leah was asked about a lawsuit she has against the church, and she said ‘I’ll never see a dime.’ Later Leah said in an interview that she was being compensated for doing the show. Co$ stated that she lies – first saying that she would never be paid a dime for the show, but later admitting she was compensated. They totally took the quotes out of context.
They do the same talking about disconnection. They say they never force families to disconnect .., but then they continue on to list reasons why disconnection happens.
It’s like me swearing that I never hit my kids… except when they misbehave or talk back to me … Well, ok, then you DO hit your kids.
Keep up the good work Mike and Leah. DM can’t survive long hiding in the dark when you continue to shine the light on all his activities.
Keep fighting the good fight!
Also, how can COS be called a religion when no deity is involved?
I continue to wonder the same thing. Also, once the IRS max such a ruling is there ever a re-examination of that designation to ensure it is still appropriate?
WTF!!!! Seriously??? L. Ron Hubbard is, in fact, NOT God????? My world is crumbling…
It’s all a play on letters. Pronounce god backwards!
Now put ‘top’ in front of it – now you’ve getting it. He’s a SOB!
And you didn’t even mention how much property they have recently bought in downtown Clearwater!
Thank you for today’s comment Mike. Extremely important and helps me to understand with deeper clarity, the desperate actions the cult is resorting to hurling insults etc at those who tell and expose the truth. Honestly I would think by now some lesson might penetrate the prison belief system of those still in. Attack attack Always attack never defend is sounding very lame and hollow. So Leah and Mike got some pocket money and all the other incredible people who did the first season and went out to do their interviews so the truth can be heard-Mike, Leah and all of us are liars and fakers and money hungry fiends. Dm and the cult turn the mirrors toward your actions. Continuing to declare Scientology the only best hope for mankind has worn out it’s welcome.In fact the welcome mat was ripped up long ago. ????
Ann: Remember what Hubbard wrote: “Communication is the Universal Solvent: it solves all things.” I’ve always used that from when I first got in. It proved to be at least 95% correct in all cases. As far as I can see, the only cases in which it would not work would be when one is dealing with (1) a criminal, (2) a con man or (3) a psychotic. Hmmmmmm…. And as far as” attack, attack, attack” goes, that would be an extremely low toned communication. Unfortunately, it’s all Dinky Dave knows since he qualifies on all three counts.
Hey Scientology, you are a CULT, not a religion!!!!! Quit hiding behind religion just to get your tax exemption!! And IRS, wake up and make them pay!!!!!
Every single expense and wages lost for these people appearing should be covered without needing to hide it. If that’s all Scientology has to throw at this, then that says it all. Weaselly wolves preying on wounded sheep
It takes a $cientologist’s twisted think to believe that, for example, their mother would act out made-up painful stories … for fun and fame? (The thought behind it would be: She’s an SP, so it’s expected she would do something sick and twisted.)
What? The Co$ are taking and running with the playbook of Donald Trump (or it it vice versa)? Just because an accusation is made does not make it true, no matter how many times you repeat it! But unfortunately any accusations will be believed by some, just because it is written or stated! Go Leah! I love the show and am very happy to hear the show is to be continued! Leah kicks Co$ butt with facts and attestations, not accusations!
Can we please knock off the political pot shooting at the President? I’ve seen nothing of what you speak. So far, he’s done what he said he was going to do. I didn’t vote for him (or her, either), but at least give the guy a reasonable length of time to see what happens! As my lady has said, what most people know about DT is what has been learned from a very slanted and politicized media, whichever side you came down on. So let’s not get scio or DM confused with a man who has been wildly successful in his life and hasn’t had to hide people away and misfeed them to achieve his aims.
Yes, thegman77, thanks for your comment. Tired of people comparing DT with DM it’s annoying. Haven’t heard yet about DT sending people to a “hole” and beating people up. Nevertheless, whether you like him or not this is not the forum for politics. We are simply bitter apostates bitching about scientology.
PS – having said all that, hugs to Mike for letting people have their say!
Ms.P, the funny thing is…..I’m finding all of you “bitter apostates” on this blog to actually be lovely individuals. 😉
Great post! Even if all those people were given a stipend I wouldn’t care. It would not make it any less true and it’s not like they will ever be compensated for their pain and suffering. But it’s good that you put it out there that they were not. And yeah I’d like to know the answers to all your questions too!
I think you’re right. It’d be insulting to get a few hundred bucks as compensation for showcasing their pain. In an ideal justice situation they would get significant damage awards from the Co$.
According to El Fraud, scamology must be winning to have shows like this get a 2nd season due to PUBLIC DEMAND!
Oh, if we are to believe LRH, does this mean Leah is winning? Substitute scienoologist for squirrel in this LRH quote.
“Whenever we’re really winning, the squirrels start to scream. You can tell if somebody is a squirrel. They howl or make trouble only when we’re winning.” LRH. – HCOB 1 May 1958
And with a second season, no less, Scientology must be winning like it’s never done before!
Good point. David should be happy about all the free press………. lmao.
Yes, they explain shows like Leah’s with “We are winning so of course the SPs must howl”.
But then, how do they explain away their empty orgs? What is their stock excuse for THAT situation? “We are winning so the public stays away from us in droves”?
I would really REALLY love to know how this gets justified, nowadays.
Aqua from what I’ve gleaned everyone thinks that only THEIR Ideal Org is empty because they aren’t making it go right.