While there have been many, many lies propagated by scientology about me, it still surprises me sometimes when they offer up new ones.
This appeared a few days ago on my daughter’s blog (though she is just the name and face that is used — this garbage is written by the same people that churn out the drivel that appears on the STAND League and Freedom smear sites).
The idea that I committed some grievous bodily harm on my ex-wife when she and 6 others stalked and accosted me in a doctors parking lot in 2010 has been thoroughly debunked on this blog (see Mike Rinder: “Lady Killer”) and in even more detail on Jeffrey Augustine’s blog where he has systematically tracked and debunked the stream of viciously false claims about me.
Though the report by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s (who I called, not scientology) makes clear the scientology hit squad of 7 people and 2 PI’s had followed and accosted me, that I was trying to leave the scene, there was “incidental contact” and no charges were filed — scientology has continued to use the very incident they created to claim I am a wife beater and many other things.
And now, the latest ridiculous (and documented false) assertion that I “broke her shoulder in front of my eyes.”
Here is the Pinellas County Sheriff report of the incident once again:
No mention of shoulder breaking, even though Taryn, my ex-wife, brother and Sue Wilhere were all interviewed by the Sheriff’s deputies. The others, Jenny Linson, Guillaume Lesevre and David Bloomberg fled the scene the minute they heard the Sheriff’s had been called — why did they run? If I had in fact assaulted my ex-wife, surely they would have stayed around to press charges and try to get me arrested on the spot? Of course, they were there doing something highly improper and they did not want to be on the record with law enforcement.
In the past they have claimed that I caused “permanent neurological damage”, it is a new, even more over-the-top claim that I “broke her shoulder.”
The graze on my ex-wife’s arm — which came from her attempting to pull open the door to my car while I was trying to get in to drive away — and then when my brother took the car keys, she tried to prevent me from getting out of the car to go into the doctor’s office — was treated by paramedics who came to the scene when the Sheriffs arrived. It is hard to imagine that even with proof to the contrary, scientology continues to double-down on their false claims.
You can see in the paramedics notes below, and Jeffrey Augustine’s excellent commentary which I have also included (his article contains further detail) that this allegation is entirely debunked:
One can only assume they continue to perpetrate these lies for two reasons:
- Scientologists inside the bubble simply accept every official church utterance as true and would never think to question them
- There are some who are so intimidated when someone claims, even falsely, to be a victim that they do not dare question the veracity of their claims. Especially when they are with the notorious church of scientology. In this regard, take a bow LA DA Jackie Lacey:
Jackie Lacey on the other hand doesn’t seem to side with the victims of Danny Masterson — she has been sitting on the evidence for years and doing nothing. Intimidated by scientology perhaps?
And here are a few others who have been duped by this scam:
And finally, Gretchen Carlson was scammed. To her credit, when she was informed of the true facts, she asked that this image be removed.
But Jackie Lacey and others have not followed her lead.
This smear campaign is being carried out pursuant to L. Ron Hubbard’s policy.
Here is a summary of the technique he espouses: Find a topical issue, cozy up to “allied groups” and then position your enemies with “hated buttons” by accusing them of crimes on the basis that everyone who speaks against scientology has crimes — and if you don’t know what those crimes are just accuse them anyway.
For a longer dissertation — including the exact words of Hubbard — on how scientology goes about “destroying” their “enemies” read this article: Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
I would say the bulletproof argument that no injuries were sustained is Mike’s presence on A&E Aftermath. I know that the producers did a thorough background check. If ANY incidence on the front of physical abuse or female assault had been found in the background search, there is no way Mike would have been on the T.V. series.
Telling lies like this scars a person’s soul, no matter how “justified” it is. That’s something Taryn will have to live with for the rest of her life.
I highly doubt that Taryn writes these posts. Mainly because she would have access to the internet and possibly learn that her father has been fighting for her for years. Also because they are liars…why would they be honest about who writes them. I believe the point of these posts is to hurt and iprovoke Mike. It seems to me that any long-time scientologists reading them might notice the ever changing story and begin to doubt their truthfulness. I do hope that happens and cracks continue to form in their belief in COS.
The culture of Scientology does not encourage members to think critically or apply any kind of scrutiny to what they are told. The “US vs. Them” mentality encourages members to base the veracity of information almost entirely upon it’s source and not on actual merits or evidence. When you are in that bubble world its highly unlikely that inconsistency in the narrative would cause them raise an eyebrow. Their indoctrination is generally very strong and members will effortlessly ignore the plethora of inconsistencies within Scientology, it’s teachings, Hubbard’s own words from one lecture to the next, and of course the servere breakdown between Scn policy and it’s application by the organization.
Then again, it can be the smallest of things that causes that first crack in the facade. A crack which can eventually lead to the whole sham crumbling down and falling apart.
Yes, let us then continue to hope for the cracks!
This is so disgusting. And ridiculous almost to the point of hilarity. But Mike I really feel for you. This must hurt your heart – I can’t imagine one of my children doing this. I guess we must remember she is brainwashed and deluded into thinking this is the greatest good. It took me a while to see how insidious and self-serving (cherch-serving) that was. Ugh.
Taryn, there’s an ethics condition you haven’t yet learned. Namely, find out you have a father.
What Hubbard did to our minds with his black ops tech is demonic. Turning children against parents is flat out evil. This church needs to be destroyed by the truth of it’s true nature.
Hubbard’s hypno-camouflaged is getting easier to discern. The man was a monster.
Everytime I watch this I crack up laughing and think about Rinder’s ex wife accusing him of breaking her shoulder, lol. Btw, this is real and not a parody as the link name may lead you to believe.
Well thank god the x wife us a devoted Scientologist!!!! 20k more and 16 hours and she will be able to unlock the power of self healing since Scientology can cure all illness and injury she should be fine. Also she should be brought in because if her shoulder was ripped out it’s because she did something in one of her past life’s or maybe a future one . We shall never know !!!!
If she is a real Scientologist she would be asking herself what overt she committed that would cause her injury, not blame it on someone else.
We cannot be injured or damaged without our consent.
But of course the injury did not exist and is used in a desperate attept to discredit Mike before all of Scn’s crimes are known.l
I have recently experienced lies involving accusations that caused two different people I know to be declared.
In both cases those being accused were innocent. The current state of Scientologists and ethics departments is full on insanity. The condition of those still in is deteriorating rapidly. IMO the demise of the organizations are snowballing into pure chaos.
Mike, this current reaffirmation of lies is truly indicative of the sickness that has permeated a dying cult.
Okay…A new lie about something that didn’t happen TEN years ago. That’s certainly timely and relevant to SOMEthing…. but I can’t for the life of me figure out what that could be. There’s not even (to my knowledge) another “Aftermath” season coming out for them to get their knickers all up in a bunch. Hey, Mike: Have you done anything other than get up this morning to gain the twit’s attention? Did the Aftermath Foundation claim another success, perhaps?
Mike, Perhaps it’s time to file suit . Under direct legal threat your daughter may wake up. Surely she can see the absurdity of a Thetan who has total control over their health, yet somehow has a permanent incurable nerve injury. It’s so hugely ironic that I can’t see how they accept the obvious lies they’ve been fed.
Mike, while I don’t normally recommend litigation (I lost my job after getting in”ethics trouble” with the church, which is against California law, and I decided that it was less stress on me to just let it go) I think that the absolutely and knowingly OUTRAGEOUS lies being spread about you (and with malice ) does constitute libel and I think you should seriously consider this, as you are already a public figure.
$ci lies, that is what it does. It was founded by a habitual liar. The courts and the public are now well aware of their lies.
Yup! scientology lies, must lie, can’t not lie; it’s “scripture” written by a paranoid third-rate pulp fiction writer. All Hubbard “achieved” was based on lies which escalated until he couldn’t tell the difference between reality and the lies he lived by.
ETA: His fiction was as unhinged and disconnected from reality as he was.
But none of it is going to work. None of this is going to stick. All the general non Scn public need to know is that Mike Rinder was a high up exec who left protesting the abuses. The cult’s PR, its reputation is garbage – at best a science-fiction South Park joke and at worst a dangerous, ruthless cult which destroys peoples’ lives.
Mike, thank you for persisting in getting the truth out about all issues cult-related and in particular thank you for setting the record straight yet again with regard to the cult’s blatant, filthy lies about you. As button pressing as it is, as upsetting as it is to read bald faced lies like these, the one thing that grounds me, calms me, is knowing the following: 1) they are lies, and 2) lying is all the cult can do. Its their only weapon. Pathetic, really.
You know if you’re going to lie about something, lie about something that can’t be so easily disproved.
These kind of lies are just more foot bullets for Scientology. So that’s OK with me. Just shows more of what you’re made of. But it is a shame.
Overrun opined:”You know if you’re going to lie about something, lie about something that can’t be so easily disproved.”
IF you
1)are sane,
2)have any connection to real world events, and
3)CARE at all about the truth,
you’d be right, but Tubby, and in extension his creation, didn’t check any of those boxes.
I doubt Hubbard eventually knew that he was lying. The balderdash he reeled off was as close as he got to the truth in his own mind. So *SAD*.
Time to file a slander/libel lawsuit. You don’t need a lawyer, either. Yes, I know it’s your daughter and stuff, and perhaps she’s being coerced into this but it will not stop unless you take legal action. I have done it and it works.
Agreement with a couple of comments: It’s time to go on the offensive and give them some of their own “medicine”; You can hardly be subjected to worse than your extant declaration and fair-gaming.
Nah, no lawsuit. That’s exactly what the cult wants when it attempts to get under Mike’s skin, pumping out a few more lies, using Taryn this way. How the cult would laugh if he blew his top to the point where he started legal action against them!
That would be a BIG WIN for them. They’d blast their case all over the news media. And Mike would be spending his own money. Oooh the cult would LUUV that!
What Mike’s doing is 100% correct as far as handling the cult. He’s ignoring them, while at the same time continuing to pump out the truth about them. He’s blowing off steam HERE; he’s getting his support directly HERE, and that’s funny because we KNOW that Miscavige and OSA read this blog every day. They HAVE to!
Funny, when you think about it.
Mike’s “revenge” is in persisting on his given course. That’s why he (we) are winning and the cult is losing. And that’s why the cult will do anything to get him riled up, or grief stricken, or both.
Sorry, cult; not gonna happen!
LRH was a nut job and so is DM.
Former “Scientologists” [and others] should call for
and have “USA marches” [I would attend] and set the date
for, perhaps, six months from now and announce
the event widely. If this was done, DM and his
“lost souls” would most surely respond with a wide
variety of crap and it would be BIG news across the
country. DM would s it a brick. Draw attention to
the organization to EXPOSE it using this method.
Greece recently “kicked out” much of Scientology.
Keep your chin up Mike. Thank you!
Gary McCutchan (Retired Psychologist)
“Lying in the morning
Lying in the evening.
Lying in the summertime
Hear my massive lies
And lie to me all the time”
With apologies to the McGuire Sisters.
Another thing about this is that Mike’s daughter and ex-wife never even try to contradict what Mike and Jeff have written to show that their claims of physical abuse are untrue.
In other words, they say that Mike physically abused his ex-wife, then Mike and Jeff write things and show things to prove that their claims are not true. But if Mike actually had physically abused her, that would mean that the things that Mike and Jeff have written would be untrue.
So if that’s the case, they should be able to contradict the specifics of what Mike and Jeff have said about it, and prove them wrong.
But they don’t even try to address this. If they could present something to prove that Mike’s and Jeff’s writings about this are wrong, I’m sure they would do so.
“But they don’t even try to address this. If they could present something to prove that Mike’s and Jeff’s writings about this are wrong, I’m sure they would do so.”
Don’t hold your breath for them to address any actual issues. Never defend, always attack, even if they have to manufacture lurid stories. They are verboten from doing anything different.
What the cult is doing to Mike is what’s called in Scientology “Bullbaiting”.
Yo Cult ,
Mike’s TRs are IN.
I’m giving him a pass on TRO Bullbait.
Excuse me, now as I believe he’d like to write a Success Story.
Much love,
Taryn may be signaling to Mike that she is aware of being used by the church, and raising the injury claims to a ridiculous level, beyond all evidence, is a way of putting Scientology into a trap from which they may have to back up, or pay up, or both.
Maybe, just maybe, Taryn has had her fill of lying scientology.
The holes in Taryn’s fake soap opera are big enough to sail The Freewinds through:
1. Taryn Teutsch was present at the scene. However, Taryn did not insist that her own mother be transported by paramedics for examination in the nearest emergency room. Why? If her own mother had just experienced a crippling assault and injury then why did Taryn do nothing? We take Taryn doing nothing to mean that nothing more needed to be done: Mom had a minor scrape on her arm and the paramedics applied a dressing. End of story. What likely happened next is that Taryn and Cathy left the scene and drove away — presumably to debrief OSA on their ambush.
2. Under Florida law, Paramedics are required to transport all patients they treat to an appropriate level care center. The only way out of this legal requirement is for the patient to sign a release and waiver indicating their refusal to be transported. Cathy signed a refusal twice. She drove away from the scene with Taryn after their fellow plotters had fled before the deputies arrived.
3. Taryn tried to drag Gretchen Carlson into this soap opera. When Gretchen was told that her name and photo were being used in this way by Scientology she demanded Taryn’s tweet be taken down. Taryn and Scientology had no choice but to comply.
4. The first I’d ever heard of Cathy Bernardini’s fake injured shoulder was in 2018 when Dr. James Bell, an orthopedic surgeon in Palm Springs, did a YouTube video describing Cathy’s pain. The video has long since been removed as Dr. Bell appears to have not wanted his good name dragged into a great big Scientology lie. I don’t blame Dr. Bell. Then the Aftermath-induced barrage of Fair Game garbage ensued with the fake injured shoulder stories and videos posted by the Cult. I dug into the actual evidence and found Taryn’s story to be contemptible lies.
5. Gretchen Carlson objected when Taryn tried to drag her name and image — and the #MeToo movement itself — into this Scientology smear campaign.
On the other side of Taryn blatant lies and smear campaign against Mike Rinder, we see Defendant David Miscavige’s lies of Ideal Orgs, fake stats, and paying a retired Colombian Police General to give him a medal in Barbados for saving the world.
Bottom line: Scientology will insanely continue to lie even when its lies have been thoroughly debunked. Scientology’s chronic and habitual lying only serves to reinforce the perception that it is a lying and dishonest Cult.
Great, great post, Jeffrey Augustine. Thank you!
What will they claim next, Mike? That you produced a trebuchet from your breast-pocket and fired blazing tar-barrels at your ex-wife? Or you appeared over the horizon with your hordes of Tartar cavalry and crushed the poor Scientologists under merciless hooves? Please sue the stupid buggers before their disgusting lies sink further into pathetic self-parody.
We in RTC could have Scientology TV do a piece on blazing tar-barrels, etc. However, we would have to hire non-Scientology actors as we have no actual in-house talent. In any case, Scientology TV is backlogged with “Meet a Scientologist” episodes to be completed. Upcoming episodes:
1. Scientologist and award-winning gerbil breeder Fred Fortuna of Phoenix describes how he uses LRH’s giant-tomato-growing techniques to breed gerbils as big as Great Danes. We don’t know if this is good thing or not. The droppings are enormous. Still, it’s a result.
2. Scientologist Stayta Kleer shares how she uses LRH Tech in her Tampa Bay window washing business. “Windows get so much cleaner when washed with newspapers,” she enthuses. “Thanks Ron!”
3. Scientologist Phloat Eng Kneedel of Hong Kong shares how Scientology helps him offer creative financing deals that are, in his words, “Most definitely not a Ponzi scheme like GPB Capital.”
“Award winning gerbil breeder…Stayta Kleer…Scientologist Phloat Eng Kneedel of Hong Kong…” OMG, LOL! Thank you for making me laugh. After this article I really needed to laugh! Forgive the Scientologese but thank you for bringing me “uptone”.
If this just appeared on your daughters blog a few days ago, it must be because something you’re up to currently has them scared witless. Otherwise, why bother with a new lie instead of staying with the old one to try and discredit you?
Now what could you be doing that’s got Defendant David Miscavige calling for clean underwear?
Although I am with the groups of people urging a lawsuit simply to force their hand and get them to produce (nonexistent) medical records in discovery, it would seem also that you have other and more important fish to fry. Sorry this keeps happening. Sorry karma is so slow.
As I understand it, this is mainly aimed at scientologists.
How do they reconcile “permanent neurological damage” and the need for physical therapy with the magical tech ? Wouldn’t a nice little session of feel my finger and auditing cure this ? Or is there some exception I’m not aware of when said injuries are caused by big bad SPs ?
It’s a little hard to play the victim coherently when you also like to pretend you have superpowers.
Also it’s pretty awful to accept to be used this way against your own father. It would torment me. I cannot understand how she sleeps at night.
Thank you, I wondered why one (or more) touch assists didn’t solve this problem for such an advanced Scientologist. Maybe someone can tell me why it wasn’t used. LEN assured people it would and his word is inviolate.
I’m speechless.
I wonder if Taryn has been put through so much directive auditing, that she now believes that’s what she actually saw. Scientology’s hypnosis-related processes are capable of implanting false memories* like that, just as they do with the completely made up pre-natal and past lives imaginings – and that’s one of the ways in which it’s the closest thing to brainwashing that exists. Of course, they’re also just willing to lie shamelessly, and pressure anyone in their ranks with any shred of human conscience left to do so, as a matter of course and even policy.
So sorry you’re still having to deal with this, Mike.
* “A false memory is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls something that did not happen or that something happened differently from the way it actually happened.
Therapists have used strategies such as hypnotherapy, repeated questioning, and bibliotherapy. These strategies may provoke the recovery of nonexistent events or inaccurate memories.”
Sigh …. (I’m so sorry this continues).
All this article does is to let YOU know just how IMPORTANT you are/were to them & how much they NEED you & miss you.
One would think & hope that if you were so hated & deemed “unworthy” by COS & your former wife that.they’d ALL just “let it go” & move merrily along their own way. Cathy is remarried, Taryn is married….they CHOSE to stay in & live this life.
IMHO…accused of “abandonment”…Well, you did what you HAD to do to save yourself from being placed in “the hole” or locked away to suffer the same consequences as Shelly M…BTW…just WHERE is Shelly M….chances are you’d be in the same fate.
Damned well KNOW that IF you had given Cathy ANY inkling you were going to BLOW…she’d have reported it & the outcome for you would not have been good. There is no way in Hell Cathy would have ever agreed to go WITH you.
In her attempt to confront & embarrass you, all she did was embarrass herself & those with her. For your brother to “take your keys”…I would think you could have pressed charges on that issue as well.
Her injury was achieved by her OWN means….if you’re going to physically confront someone chances are someone IS going to be injured.
Striking out in Anger….she’s never gotten over it. She needs PROFESSIONAL HELP…which isn’t allowed in the realm of the Bubble…so she will continue to be vengeful & encourage YOUR children to do the same because not ONE of them is ever going to leave.
You are free from oppression & free to live your life the way you choose. What WE see is a happy more enlightened Mike Rinder who has admitted his errors in the past, stepped willingly up to the plate & tried his damnedest to help others.
A & E needs MORE Aftermath to get the word out…..
These ridiculous, baseless, propaganda pieces issued by Scientology management are only believed by those still in the bubble. WOGs (derogatory term for non-Scientologists) find them funny, absurd and revealing.
I wonder if Scientology management actually thinks that their Fair Game propaganda pieces convince WOGs that Mike is a dastardly individual. They probably only serve to keep those in the bubble from looking at information sources, such as Mike, that would reveal the egregious behavior of a cult.
These ridiculous, baseless, propaganda pieces issued by Scientology management are only SEEN by those still in the bubble … an we who would like to help them ESCAPE that insanity.
In my opinion, groups that become easily malleable like NACW/LASCW are fully deserving of the eventual blowback from associating with these habitual liars. Unfortunately this also weakens the credibility of those who actually deserve support d/t real abuse.
Like water, karma eventually finds it’s level. Hang in there Mike.
I am sorry that they continue to lie about you.
Happily, the dwindling adherents who believe this hogwash, are vastly outnumbered by ex-scientologists who support you and appreciate your continuing efforts to to answer each lie and false claim of success with truth.
I also want to acknowledge the growing group of never-ins who feel strongly about the cult heaving its ponderous bulk at you with the finesse of a pissed off four year old. The cult, with dwindling opportunities to ‘win,’ doubles down on its failed attack campaign, following the words of a decomposing con man. The out and out lies are the sign of a group gone insane, calling the red door black.
Both ex’es watching and the never-ins witnessing, can see see this continued attack as another fascinating example of the lengths the cult will go to, in protecting their faltering, shrinking and brittle empire.
With a little help and alteration of Princess Leia Organa’s quote, “The more you tighten your grip, David Miscavige, the more star systems (your cult and it’s hoodwinked victims) will slip through your fingers.”
I agree with Zee Moo. l Isn’t it time to sue for slander and libel? YOur proof with all the reports you showed are very compelling. Sorry she is doing this to you so publicly.
A lawsuit would stop this BS from continuing in a heartbeat. Plus, suing for damages.
I am sorry you are going through this Mike. The lies are obvious. Your daughter really looks suppressed. I hope she wakes up and leaves the cult. You will be there for her, strong with support in place for her arrival into your loving home.
Support the Aftermath Foundation.
It lends a helping hand for those traumatized cult members leaving Scientology.
If they’re going to tell a big whopper like this, it would have far greater impact showing a picture of your ex-wife in a wheelchair.
If it were true that you attacked your ex-wife and broke her shoulder, Scientology would shout it from the rooftop- we would never hear the end of it, and there would have been lawsuits against you.
The most ethical group on the planet is again showing their true nature – liars.
Mike, is it lawsuit time yet? You certainly have enough reason to sue and by showing the long running slander and libel, you can implicate all of the $cienoverse in the conspiracy.
Then again, it is only the internet and publications given only to $cientologists. So the audience is very small and no one outside of the $cieno bubble will every hear about the ‘wife abuse’ and those who do hear about it will see it comes from $cientology and ignore it.
Still, wouldn’t a lawsuit be so much fun?
For years the Church of Scientology has enjoyed playing the victim card and using the law courts to harass and intimidate any who would dare question “The most ethical people on the planet.” The tide is turning on those who would use the court system to suppress. I believe, in the very near future, we will be seeing courts and juries coming down hard on a Church and some of its members for breaking actual laws such as slander. Running hate websites based on lies is not being “Ethical.” It is, in many areas of the world, illegal.
When police reports contradict their statements, sounds like you’ve got more than justifiable cause to sue (slander/libel). Don’t know whether this is feasible knowing the cult’s sordid legal history. The IRS needs to be apprised of what they’re still trying to do to you – it’s downright subversive! What kind of ‘church’ does this!
I’d slap the shit out of them!
I’m sorry you have to endure this from your daughter, Mike. If it were someone else, I might ask if you’d considered suing for defamation, because “broke her shoulder in front of me” is such a blatantly defamatory lie, and easily disprovable. But it’s your daughter. Scientology uses disconnection to put people in these emotionally devastating double binds, but this one with your daughter seems to mutate into worse and worse forms. I hope someday she notices the truth. I hope she can be reconciled with you.
One of the definitions of Abrasion – ’cause to rub by accident’
They hold onto this lie because there is NOTHING ELSE they can have as factual or truthful to attack you, and this drives the criminal behind all this really, really mad.
The fact that they say these things is proof that they are not true as they are just a bunch of lyin cockaroaches.
We believe you Mike! I’m so sorry they’re going to these lengths to only fool themselves… maybe they need to escalate how extreme each new allegation is so that they can believe it and keep the hate passion going. Stay strong! Big love from Australia
I am always disgusted by the charades that they play. Especially knowing that we who were “in” have aided and abetted this stuff against others. I am UTR, and sometimes wonder what they would use against me. Thoroughly disgusting. But the bright side of this is that more and more never in people see this crap and know up front. Scamatology is becoming famous for the deception that they practice on a routine basis. They are blind to it. Doesn’t make it any easier to put with though, I am sure.
It just keeps getting worse. I predict that in the next couple years, Cathy’s injury will morph into her having her arm torn off her body and thrown 20 feet away.
I hope you are sending this excellent write up to those that have been duped and lied to by Scientology so that it has its proper blow back.
So astounding. And disgusting. On so many levels.
So much for the cult being able to cure pain. Geeze what a horrible thing to use Mike’s daughter for. She knows it’s a giant lie, yet she’s so brainwashed she will go out there and say it with a straight face. Talk about tossing out some bait to try to get Mike to respond. DM must be terrified of him.
So sorry Mike. And if she only realized how much you love her in spite of all this.
You got that right, Mary!
The only truth in the cult is that it lies vehemently, it misrepresents itself completely and commits fraud all and only for its own sake and purpose. And if members don’t abide they are attacked as PTS/SPs.