Scientology has come up with a new tactic to add to their smear videos, “Open Letter”, legal threat letters and Google Ads. They are really scraping the barrel now.
It seems that over the weekend they ordered people to buy Ryan Prescott’s “takedown” of A Billion Years and then write glowing reviews about it! I’ve not seen this done before. But they have gotten enough people to fork over $3.50 that this is now listed as a “Best Seller” with 147 glowing ratings…
You know these are false, because if you have ever read any of the previous drivel churned out by Ryan Prescott, you would know that any REAL reader would not give his work 4 or 5 stars.
I’ve done a few blog posts about Ryan in the past, here are two of them:
What Happened to Ryan Prescott?
Ryan Prescott’s Star is Fading
Scientology has figured out how to game the system once again, not that it really matters. Propping up Ryan Prescott is a complete waste of time, and the only people who have bought this book are obviously those who have been ordered to do so. It’s probably why the price went down. I’m surprised they still charged $3.50… Probably to cover the cost of Amazon shipping it.
Speaking of gaming the system, they have also sent their bots to leave 1 star reviews at Goodreads. It’s easy to spot them — they appear in clusters on the same day and the “reviews” are clearly not from someone who has actually ready the book, but are simply regurgitating OSA talking points.
A couple of other amusing things showed up on my Twitter feed.
Two new “Tweeters” from OSA trying a new tactic. Insulting how I look on TV.
Apparently someone in OSA thought this would be amusing, so they created a couple of their fake accounts and fired off some “mean tweets”… Look at these two accounts and how many followers they have…
What is REALLY funny is that OSA is afraid of going on TV at all!
In fact, I was on Court TV last night with Vinnie Politano discussing the Masterson case. He stated several times that they had reached out to scientology and asked for someone to come on the show and they refused, but instead sent a statement saying that no scientologist is discouraged from going to law enforcement!!! And that they don’t think it’s “appropriate” to bring religion into the case…
Now that is even funnier.
Winter is coming.
It must be bad times for scn’ists. So much entheta buzz everywhere, so difficult to look on the web without seeing it. The thought is “when will people realize that scn is the only way out?” What is wrong with everyone that they attack the only people on the planet doing something about it. They begin to be more uncomfortable with the cognitive dissonance.
The next scn event will tell them that everything is OK.
Go back to sleep scientologist.
Seems like the Scientologists’ accounts on Goodreads praising this hackjob were mostly created in the past week. They try to hide it by also randomly liking a bunch of other random works including dictionaries, but it shows the dates they were active.
Just keep telling yourself that, his book shows a deep and sick believe that is hurting ALL of the members. Nobody believes you, time to move on. The more you behave that way the less credible you are.
Interesting! I wonder if their claims about “chubby Rinder” are a tacit admission that while in the cult he was indeed emaciated and malnourished from the scraps he was fed in the Hole.
I will be reporting the Ryan Prescott Fake “gaming the system” to Amazon where I have a pathway.
Attracting all this negative attention (albeit from bots) means that you are winning. elron said it. So it must be true.
Yes, checked out some of the negative tweeters a week ago. No followers. Pathetic.
I can picture the upper level sheepbots standing, quaking in fear, around the pool of bubbling whisky waiting for the rising of the cut price short-arse version of Ra’s al Ghul to yell and scream and swear at them for not doing anything to stop Mike Rinder.
I got a feeling that 4′ `13″ COB has had his attention shifted today to events in LA. Could be he is getting spread a bit thin.
And I can picture all the pressure the OT committee members are enduring.
If Scientology feels so compelled to lie about its most basic printed and followed policies, like never turning its own criminals (includes child rapists) over to outside authorities, then maybe they should confront that something is wrong with the policies. Of course the problem is that Hubbard wrote the policies and he is “Source”, can never be wrong, can never be questioned, etc, etc so Scientologists carry on like hypnotized zombies eating flesh while doing everything possible to deny it. The insane directions of Hubbard are walking Scientology off a cliff. Of course Scientology covered for Danny while he violently raped Scientology women. Just like I have personally seen Scientology protect Scientologists that raped their own children, other male and female children, adults, an outside elderly non Scientologist woman attacked in her own home, a Sea Org member posted to care for the toddlers of Sea Org members, etc. This “religious” organizational behavior was covered up the entire 27 years I was in the Sea Org. If my little peep hole view of the organization allowed me to see so many cases then the situation must be HUGE. All covered up and hidden by people that thought they were doing “the most good for the most dynamics”. Scientology is saving the world = Scientology must be protected at all costs. Now Scientology is having its dirty laundry hung out in a high profile case getting national coverage. Pay back is a bitch but the zombies will just keep marching on, they can’t help it.
Just sick that all that was covered up.
Ryan is writing real facts! What’s true for me is true for me. What I read with my own eyes is what’s real. I have read his books and they are filled with REAL words. I have not read Mike Rinder’s book which is full of FAKE words.
You can’t possibly know if words are real or fake if you haven’t read it. If you want to do a real review, that’s fine otherwise you are a troll.
How much is Scientology Paying you ?
Fake words?? What, made of cheap plastic or watery ink?
I like you Howie – you’re funny. I have not read the law books, so I guess it’s impossible for me to commit a crime by your logic.
Keep ’em coming Howie, I need a giggle, that is true for me.
Yawn, I think Howie’s post comment was sarcasm.
Strange sort of sarcasm. But this is an online blog about Scioland.
Well, I’m not 100% sure, its just that what he/she said was so off the wall that I figured it likely was.
The fact Howie hasn’t responded or further commented should tell you something.
It’s got to be something of an enigma regarding scios or scio sympathizers communicating, even under an alias online. The threat of the communication getting back to OSA would be like having the gestapo find out out you are hiding someone in the attic.
Scientologists of the first water are extremely self policing. They fear the emeter preempted with, “I’m not auditing you,” as they would a serpent. So they wouldn’t post on line without great reservation and certainly not create threads.
Anyone else negatively posting here is, well… we all have garbage to take out.
You’re right. You bet it tells me a lot! This is an OSA troll, communicating here, very likely, I see now.
And, yes, though I never made it to OT in auditing, WELL do I know how fearful OTs are when it comes to, “I am not auditing you”…! Oh, yeah! Expensive, time consuming, complicated arrangements to stay longer at Flog…they’ll do ANYTHING to avoid engaging with someone who sounds the LEAST bit negative about ANYTHING Scientological. So much for their “Ability Gained” on THAT level of auditing! So much for being “Able to talk to anyone about anything”. Decidedly they are not “able” in this regard 🙂
Yep, it’s fear and loathing. The horror movie version of Cheek & Chong (not) in Vegas but in an Org near you.
Geezers, I’m showing my age, sigh…
Fact you never made it to OT auditing – good on you!
Cheech & Chong it should read, far out man, a typo…
Wowie Howie,
You have a wicked tongue and skill with sarcasm So, are the words you wrote REAL words or FAKE words? Last I checked words is words I’ffn they is in the dictionary then they qualify as w o r d s. If you have not read Mr. Rinder’s book how can you tell if they are REAL or FAKE?
Now, as to truth: Truth is truth. I’ll leave it at that.
How would you know? In order to comment on a book you need to actually read it. And if you did you would have packed up and run for the hills!
So this is the response of an OT Organisation with the only tech of life at their disposal.
One wonders where they find the time to do this when they have the whole universe of humanity to salvage.
Gee, I wonder what they would do to a plumber when they have a persistently smelly toilet? (anyone familiar with an org would know it could never be from too much toilet paper being used).
Write unkind flyers about him?
I couldn’t help but think of tweet from “Reginald Harris” as a genuine compliment. I think Mike looks great after putting on 50 pounds after seeing the photo of him right after his escape. In that photo he looks like he just escaped a concentration camp. Oh ya, he did.
Mike looked just fine!
If the only manifestation of possible nervousness he displayed was a flushed face, then I’d say he’s in the upper 10th of the 1% of authors who are not actor-types promoting his book on nationwide TV while millions of Americans are tuning in – a book, by the way, that needs to get into the hands of millions of Americans, that needs to be read very widely so that the general public is sufficiently informed about the real Church of Scientology making it therefore very important that he communicate in such a way that what he had to say was not only widely received and well received.
His interview was perfect.
And yo, Captain Miscavige:
What say you?
How come you ain’t on nationwide TV genning in the Wogs about Man’s Only Hope?
Ain’t you the Only One Who Can Do Something About It?
Ain’t you the Tone 40 Specialist?
Aw, Whatsamatta, you scared?
OK, you screwed up back in ’93 with Koppel, sure.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
But that was 30 years ago!
Thirty years should have been more than enough time to polish up those TRs.
Int Events only give you a tiny audience.
Nationwide TV would give you millions watching and listening to you!
So how about it?
Whatsamatta, you chicken?
Much love,
Still #1 in Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality, Other Practices, Scientology over on
$cientologists aren’t discouraged from going to law enforcement? Whoever said that needs to redo “Introduction to $cientology Ethics” and pay attention to this bit under ‘High Crimes’:
“16. Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without defense or protest to the demands
of civil or criminal law.”
In my opinion those who believe themselves to be superior beings will do ANYTHING.
Notice the tweet by “Pablo.” He asks, “Where you hungover . . .?”
Grate jobb, OSA-bots!!!!
This is not new for them
Maybe send these books to Bob Duggan and other multi donors?
Probably they would be able to compare? Or?
You think they don’t know, these big donors? Don’t kid yourself. They know. There’s no way they’re ignorant and innocent of cult crimes. And yet they give millions anyway. Why? If/when you have the answer please tell me.
They don’t think religion should come into the case…… until they think religion needs to come into the case.
My point:
They don’t want disconnection at the command of the “church” to come into the case as a result of giving a reason that someone would not want to report to the police. That they are under threat of this if they do go to the police about a crime, not a religious question. People are not allowed to report a freakin crime done by other people in the “church” buy, but, but….. They can bring up religion when they say that you sign a contract when you join that binds you to their method of solving problems. You can not go to court for any reason you have to submit to religious arbitration. Which I have read in numerous places is not arbitration but a rubber stamped hanging.
Should not be able to have it both ways.
The more I read the happier I am I never got involved.
The cult has always had it both ways. When they need to be a religion, then they are. When they don’t, they’re not. And when they need to be a business, they’re a business. And when they don’t, they’re not. It really depends upon the situation. And they get away with it and always have.
The bubble is bubbling still…………………The pressure on them is intensifying GOOD FOR YOU!