Someone forwarded this recent scientology email blast to me.
They’re trying to keep it hidden. Note the “DO NOT POST ON FB” bold ALL CAPS at the end.
It contains a bunch of coded language. Despite what it says, the recipients of this message know they are not supposed to actually do their own research — they might see something they are not supposed to see.
By labeling Aaron an “Anti-scientologist” nothing more need be said.
Because he is an “anti-scientologist” he is automatically an “anti-social personality” (or SP).
Every scientologist knows you must NOT support an SP.
The campaign to get scientologists to vote for Aaron’s opponent is running hard, and will continue until March 15th. Every scientologist will be ordered to vote against Aaron. Sea Org members who are eligible voters will be given time off to allow them to vote (this is a very rare occurrence). This is an organized, but secret campaign. Why secret? Because according to IRS rules a “church” is not allowed to engage in political campaigning.
Kurt Belshaw has been told by an OSA person how to write his email so it has the color of “do you research and vote your conscience” when in fact it is simply a directive to NOT vote for Aaron Smith-Levin.
This is why they don’t want it put on social media.
Would love for someone to attend one of these “Wednesday briefings” and report in on what happens…
If you want to support Aaron’s election to the Clearwater City Council, go to his website here.
I’m not surprised that scns haven’t noticed that the “wogs” tend to vote opposite scn’s stated wishes and efforts, so their efforts against Aaron will likely vault him into his council seat in March, as they did to Mr Bunker.
Hi Mike,
Is it possible to donate Aaron’s campaign anonymously?
I think it is law that you have to identify yourself when making a donation but I gave no idea how anyone knows if it’s your real name. But you should check with Aaron.
I think it’s disgusting what you are all trying to don
What is it that’s disgusting?
I think it’s disgusting that you think it’s disgusting.
Obviously, you support the grifters and criminals. Shameful.
That’s it? The best you got?
Mike – that comment wasn’t meant for you. Sorry. It was directed toward the comment by For Justice says who, said he thought it ‘was disgusting what you all are trying to do’. BIG APOLOGIES! I am a HUGE fan of you and Leah and all the others fighting!
IRS Form 13909 Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) can be found here:
Along with your complaint, download and attach a copy of Kurt Belshaw’s e-mail to the Form 13909. The form can be submitted anonymously and you do not have to be a US citizen to make a complaint.
US folks may also want to send a copy to their Congress critters and Florida residents to their State, County and local officials.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink ….youse guys know who to vote for, dontcha?
This may be more a referendum on what the city things of $cientology. I bet that everyone but the clams vote for Aaron. At least we’ll get a fair survey of clam bed.
Has anyone forwarded today’s blog to the IRS? I’m not sure what method might get their attention. In fact, I’m not sure if anything that Scientology does ever gets noticed by the IRS.
I have a limited understanding of the original 1993 era IRS-Church agreement, and what I know shows the Church has made no attempt to follow the rules to which they agreed in order to get the exemption back. If at the beginning of Scientology’s current tax exemption the IRS made no method of oversight to make sure Scientology did their part, why would the IRS do anything to rock the boat, especially decades later?
I think the IRS has given the cherch a permanent pass, and nothing other than a Jonestown-level awakening call will ever roust the IRS from its self-induced slumber. Maybe I should call it “a Masterson-level awakening call” and give some hope to those of us who are tired of helping subsidize the abuses within Scientology every time we pay Federal taxes – and they don’t.
You have to remember, the IRS has had its budget decimated and is woefully understaffed. Scientology is such a small organisation that they will not even cause a blip on the IRS radar. They really only have a limited budget to go after the “Big Fish”.
The IRS is careful NOT to see what disgruntled apostates might write; they might just have to stick their necks out and ACT… In that, they’re about as frightened as the scientologists still hangin’ in there.
You cannot rely on Tax man to be enemy or friend.
As they may surprise you with their hammer to revoke privileges, enjoyed so far.
IRS is part of beaucracy, just like Justice Department or Home Land security , watching all the news reports , maintaining news clipping, creating list of interested parties etc etc.
And one fine morning when all the ground work is done, reaching understanding with Capital Hill and DA office, they make their move.
When you were famous ( high profile) they wait for your journey to bottom, to square the account.
As federal agency the IRS is subject to The Iron Law Of Bureaucracy. What is The Iron Law Of Bureaucracy? If an action isn’t necessary to collect a paycheck it won’t be performed. I discovered The Iron Law Of Bureaucracy directly in The Army when I was stationed at Fort Benning. I had a dermoid cyst that to be removed and the receptionist at the troop medical clinic had said I had already missed two appointments to have it removed. The receptionist notified the clerk at my company headquarters but I wasn’t notified. As far as the receptionist believed I was notified when in fact I wasn’t. I had to work around the clerk to make my third appointment.
Ammo, there is nothing the IRS can do about a private person writing a letter. What do you think they can legally do against free speech?
Dear Office of Special Affairs:
A residence is something a resident lives in.
Exactly right -residence is the house itself- RESIDENTS are the people… but then, grammar & literacy aren’t exactly stressed in that culture. He probably relied on spell check. Cool that it may well undermine the credibility of the message!
Everything they DO undermines their efforts, Teri. “study tech” AFAICT, is Ron’s effort to PUNISH those of us who were pretty good students. For instance, I soaked up English, mathematics and science like a sponge, but the “student Hat” left me LESS confident in understanding what I’d just read. As I peel away its strictures, I find myself enjoying reading once again. in scn, reading was a chore, laborious.
It also took me awhile to enjoy reading again after I left the cult.
Before I got involved, I was a voracious reader, largely due to the influence and encouragement of my librarian mother!
“Study tech”, in my opinion, was(is) a tool of confusion and indoctrination. It had nothing to do with actual study, developing critical thinking, or strengthening cognitive ability.
I think you have a “misunderstood word” there. I don’t have my handy-dandy Scientology dictionary with me but it probably defines ‘residence’ as a person. Kinda like ‘ethical’ means any unethical action is okay as long as it helps the cult.
“residence” was ‘close enough for scientology work’. It’s only a wog language, ffs. Don’t expect any sort of precision when you’re using it.
Every time there is an election of any sort I have spend hours explaining to my house who is the best candidate to vote for. It never works, it’s like having a conversation with a brick…oohh…that’s why it’s a failure. Could it be that because my place is all brick that the combined intellect of the house is on a par with the average $camalotofmoneyologist sheepbot?
Lol I noticed that too! For homo Novis they are pretty much illiterate
I was bussed by Flag to the polling place to vote against Richard Tenney I 1982 . It was no surprise then; nor is it now. If they could kill their opponent, they would certainly do so.
After all, they killed me, didn’t they? And I was loyal to them up to the moment of my death.
Bill, however you kept walking despite their crap. I think this is really great.
It’s evident that their ‘tech'[nique] isn’t very effective, as here you are, alive again— resurrected, I suppose, and they weren’t able to vote opponents out of office in ’82 or when I was down there about ’77. But their/our ATTEMPT was obvious enough to be discussed in the local paper. They’re STILL doing the same things, expecting different outcomes, the maroons.
A definition of Insanity is expecting a different outcome when the same act is performed.
The Scientology political campaign is clear now.