The Scientology PR machine is rolling… Like a runaway train on a toboggan ride down the Matterhorn (to steal some shermanspeak).
They not only have the international news of the announcement of Alex Gibney’s scientology film premiering at Sundance next month, (and a tongue in cheek statement from HBO about having 160 lawyers being picked up internationally to set the mood and get a LOT of people wanting to watch it to see what the noise is all about), now they have a new video of bizarre bubble behavior leaking out into the real world with Cathy Fraser and Co “confronting and shattering” Marc Headley as he accompanied a Danish film crew to the Int Base — see Tony Ortega’s article from yesterday. The main person they put out front was one of the Stepford Wives who became so infamous on AC 360 for their drone-like recounting of rehearsed “lines” completely inappropriate to the circumstances.
And this follows on the heels of the now infamous viral video of Jenny Linson and Mutt and Jeff “confronting and shattering” Marty Rathbun at LAX.
It’s a Grand Slam Breakfast of Fail.
But then one of our vigilant Special Correspondents sent us this — right from the home of the largest scientology third dynamic on earth ™. It is the cherry on scientology’s PR pancake.
A list published by Time Out LA, a popular site for Angelenos and visitors alike to find restaurants, entertainment and events in LA.
In a feature entitled “25 weird and fun ways to explore Los Angeles” one of the entries concerns the L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition.
This is what the text says:
L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition
Scientology is so LA, so why not dive in and see what all the fuss is about? At the L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition, you can finally uncover the mysteries of Scientology—or discover that it’s as nonsensical as you assumed, but still damned entertaining. Test out an actual E-Meter, learn the history of the religion, or watch a video explaining what emotions are and why they’re bad. The paranoid behavior of the people who work there will make you feel like you’re trapped in a real life version of 1984, but scarier.
That is some impressive PR area control right there in the very epicenter of scientology’s massive international humanitarian and world clearing efforts.
PS: It is amusing to read the church responding claiming they “expelled” Marc Headley (see Ortega this morning). This is such a tired old lie they have trotted out about everyone. It’s one of a few in their PR “arsenal” they have said about virtually EVERY person who has escaped from the Int Base (including me, Marty Rathbun, Tom DeVocht, JB) “we threw them out after we discovered they were stealing/violent/wife abusers/animal torturers/devil worshippers/alcoholics/child abusers/bed wetters/meanies…”
There are a few other old standards they roll out too:
“You cannot trust a bitter apostate, because a scholar said so.”
“They never held any position of authority, they were a low level worker ant.”
“They have no idea of the CURRENT state of scientology, they have been gone for 3 weeks and could not possibly know anything relevant.”
“We have signed confessions statements from 47 people that make clear this person was the source of all evil in the church and caused everything bad that ever happened when they were in the positions of not being in authority.”
“Their ex-wives/husbands/children/parents/siblings will tell you what scum they are, you don’t need to believe us, you can believe them (because they are members of the most ethical group on earth).
Readers can probably extend this list.
They are preparing all these and more, with binders about each of the subjects of the Alex Gibney program, binders for everyone Louis Theroux has talked to and the same with the Danish TV. And all of them are going to fall on deaf ears as they systematically destroy ANY possible credibility they ever had with their crazy antics and constant stream of lies that everyone in the world KNOWS are lies.
Mike, you forgot a few of their PR lies, I mean PR lines:
“David Miscavige never tortured anyone because he was too busy with his ecclesiastical duties. Besides, when would he have the time to watch fully-clothed staff jump into a cold swimming pool at 3 in the morning. Mr. Miscavige is always at sleep at that time, usually”;
“Those bruises on his face were not from David Miscavige; he did it to himself”;
“Who are you going to trust – David Miscavige or 200 bitter, defrocked apostates?”;
“David Miscavige never hit him, but he hit PLENTY of people while he was at the Int Base. Why weren’t the police called? Well… um… um… no one wanted to file charges?”;
“The ethics matter was handled internally, after it was allowed to continue for three years”;
The church has never blackmailed or extorted anyone, and if you say that again we’ll have your knee caps broken”;
“The hole does not exist”;
“I know every square inch of my husband’s body, even though we haven’t had sex in twenty years”;
“Everyone on the RPF who is scrubbing dumpsters in 110 degree weather with a toothbrush is there voluntarily – they find it therapeutic”;
“Even those staff members under 24 hour “blow” watch could leave voluntarily if they could run fast enough and jump high enough”;
“Scientology is expanding like never before – the number of hired lawyers and private investigators and refund requests and blown staff are highest ever!”;
“Nobody works harder than Captain Miscavige, if you consider calculating how to eliminate and destroy a perceived enemy or threat as actual work.”
“We threw them out after we discovered they were stealing/violent/wife abusers/animal torturers/devil worshippers/alcoholics/child abusers/bed wetters/meanies…”
Left me in stitches.
“And all of them are going to fall on deaf ears as they systematically destroy ANY possible credibility they ever had with their crazy antics and constant stream of lies that everyone in the world KNOWS are lies.”
How therapeutic to let the freedom of expression run through a necessary ‘generality’. – remember when we had that restraint?
No policy ever forbade anyone to say “everyone in the world KNOWS” if it was a fact.
But it so became that no one could speak words like ‘everyone’ or ‘always’, or anything like that, even if it was an accurate statement. So that crimes done in hordes, crimes done en masse, could never be described as such – or you’d again be discovered to be an SP or one of the things from the list above.
It just so happens that ‘everyone in the world KNOWS’ is accurate!!!!!
Finding this use of the words, reading them, was actually immensely liberating and cathartic.
Damn it, what’s the problem with us saying it as it is?
Years and years of unsuspected gagging….
The comment section of the “Time Out” entry for the LRH ehibition could do with some critical input.
Two Scions have already left their spin. Excerpt from “Sarah’s” post:
“L. Ron Hubbard’s had the most adventurous life I think I have ever seen!”
Yay! at Danish TV 🙂
However, I hope they realise that this level of fanaticism is not isolated to the Damnation Navy and it’s not isolated to far-off hidden hide-outs in the dessert.
This level of fanaticism is present everywhere KSW is being taken seriously. It’s present when a “registrar” is coercing a member to lie to a bank in order to get a loan they can’t afford, it’s present when family members have to be disconnected from and it’s present when pre-pubescent children of members are to be enrolled in the Damnation Navy.
This level of the fanaticism is the rule in the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology, not the exception.
I think Peter Gabriel may have visited St. Hill before he wrote this gem.
Yes, the world is indeed waking up to the fact that virtually every statement from the Church of Scientology is a lie. That world includes law enforcement agencies. Including the local police who assisted Marc Headley in escaping, despite Frasier’s statement to the contrary (which by the way confirmed that Marc was not “expelled”). I have seen organizations and cults hit bottom, but this is the first time a cult is disintegrating live on social media.
Statpush asks: “This may be premature, but does it seem like we’ve reached a tipping point on the subject of Scn and the church?”
We’re all feeling that, I think. And so maybe it’s time for another periodic reminder of Steve Hall’s “Scientology Indie 500.”
This is a roster of former COS members who have broken free and have been courageous enough to publish their names publicly. It was created by Steve Hall (a.k.a. Thoughtful) a few years ago. The site is pretty much self-explanatory, including instructions for adding your own name.
Steve has said that he picked the number 500 not because he thought there was anything special or important about it, per se, but because he had the feeling that when the day comes that 500 ex-Scientologists have been willing to step out in a public forum and declare their freedom from the church, a “tipping point” will have been reached.
When I just checked, the list stands at 488 names.
Miscavige thinks that what fuels Scientology into the future is money. Wrong. What fuels Scientology into the future is their good PR.
By that account, Scientology as a subject is almost dead and Miscavige’s Church of Scientology is as dead as Kurt Cobain. It’s only an army of lawyers and PI’s that animates this zombie Church of Scientology which cannot speak for itself because it is dead, dead, dead. See the positioning of Sundance’s promotional literature. It’s not an accident:
“Sundance 2015 lands Scientology, Kurt Cobain and campus rape documentary premieres.”
No doubt Miscavige will hire 160 lawyers to lie to the press and use double that number of PI’s to harass the press! Ha. But he will NEVER speak up himself as the Pope because he and the organization are dead, dead, dead from a PR point of view.
What four letter noun rhymes with grave?
A slave in a cave didn’t stave off Dave the knave so he will soon wave good-bye and hit the pave-ment…. I am sure I missed this. I am out of “aves”
Here’s a hint. First letter is D.
Oh, that Noun: Dave
Dave will last through his generation of robots/zombies (us baby boomers and our children), but his legacy will forever be the SP that destroyed the Church and almost destroyed Scientology.
“You cannot trust a bitter apostate, because a scholar said so.”
One of those scholars, whose name I have blessedly forgotten, but he was a big wig in sociology of religion in the late 1990s, sent me a terse e-mail with the words “fuck you apostate” in it. The problem is, of course, that I’ve never physically been in a church of Scientology, much less a member.
It really put me off the fraternity of sociologists of religion, considering that so many of them were in the pay or thrall of the organizations they study. I don’t know if that’s changed in the last decade and a half or not.
That is a funny story 🙂
The main one used by the cos is Bryan Wilson, now deceased. He was a professor of religious studies at Oxford University. His paper on apostates (that the church paid him to write) is the gold standard when it comes to “proving” that “apostates” are liars.
Funny thing, I don’t think he ever MET a scientology “apostate” but was instead spoon fed information about specific individuals and statements they had made that were untrue.
In any event, had Bryan Wilson been taken for a tour of the Hole and then read the stories told about it, I know that he would have opined that these were “made up horror stories” which paraphrased is the quote that is used from him. He was a very conservative man who rode his bicycle to “work” each day and was extremely remote from the realities of the world outside academia.
Sundance 2015 should be a Big Hit.
Shaping up to be a real barrel of fun.
I can almost see the grin on Robert Redford’s face. 😉
I wonder which facial expression will appear on Krusty, John and Toms lips? I say John will be the next to depart the Cult.
No time to read the comments before I ack the following: “It’s a Grand Slam Breakfast of Fail”…”It is the cherry on scientology’s PR pancake”. You’re good, Mike.
Mike, I guess I will have to cop to the fact that the church actually expelled me, though not in the manner they think. Consider me the watermelon seed between the thumb of David Miscavige and the forefinger of the rest of the organizational insanity at that place. A little pressure (or a lot, actually) and out I squirted to a new and much better life.
And I, for one, am so happy for you and your successes in your “new and much better life.”
What galls me is that he (Dave) could pull the TR’s Film that LRH directed.
“Readers can probably extend this list”
Sure, in light of the ongoing debate on “The Enhanced Interrogations Techniques”, that the CIA has been having fun with,
I would like to ask David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology, to please comment on how it is a religious practice to subject Sea Org members to forceful interrogations, imprisonment, beatings, public humiliation and severe sleep deprivation.
Mike, I found something that I’ve not seen for a long time, you probably know about it, but I think it is pretty good source material for Miscavige’s RPF, mind control and torture camps.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago”,
Here is a link to its 3rd chapter “The Interrogation”,
Mike and Mike Mallen, The interview with Sarge Pauff is not only in Lawrence Wright’s book but also in one of Marty’s last two books. Marty interviewed Sarge. It’s quite revealing.
In that interview with Sarge, he didn’t say that Ron said he is never returning, but he did say that Ron said he had failed. I personally don’t think Ron will return. But the tech can live on in the Indie field when we use the unaltered tech. Also Ron said to, “build a better Bridge.” And to me, the term “cause over life” means among other things, that at some point you have to break out on your own and take full responsibility for your life and spiritual endeavors by doing it yourself, using all the truths you have gained along the way. LRH said that he won’t always be here for us and it is up to us. I agree. I think my mistake as well as many other Scn’s mistake was getting in and letting one person decide everything for you, dictate what you will and won’t do, spoon feed you etc. That is for the birds. Take back your life! Guide your own boat. You can use the tech if you like, but be responsible for your own survival and life and dreams. That is what I’m attempting to do anyway. Wish me luck!
I read both. Only thing I can say is I wasn’t there to hear what Ron said or didn’t say. Best reference I know on the subject is contained in The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine.
The PR is really bad and yes they look like an evil organization, but you have to look at the good side… wait, there is no good side. They don’t help strangers…. VMs just get dressed up for photo ops and they don’t stop at car accidents to help like Tom Cruise always does. They don’t help each other… they rip money off from each other to build edifices to honor their Dear Leader. They don’t help themselves…. they allow Jack Booted RTC to alter their tech while they “go with the flow” and try to stay out of trouble with ethics so they can get to next level.
I don’t think there is anyone left in the Co$ that is really trying to help others or help each other or even enlighten self. They are too busy trying to survive inside the cult or maintain the cult. A sad end to what could have been, I suppose.
When LRH purportedly said at the end of his life that “we lost and I am not coming back” he probably foresaw the death of the Church of Scientology. Like a rocket shooting across a canyon that runs out fuel before it gets to the other side, he could see it was going to crash and burn before it got to the other side.
I think with HBO and all this horrendous PR, we are witnessing the crash and burn that LRH foresaw.
Sorry, I meant to say When LRH reportedly said, not purportedly said
What is the source of the reported statement?
The interviews with Sarge Pfauth that have been published in Lawrence Wright’s book and Marty Rathbun’s blog…
As they say in legalese, that’s hearsay evidence. Thanks for answering my questions though.
Right — it’s going to be hard getting anything but a second hand account of the words of Mr. Hubbard. Unless they are piped in through the A/C vents….
This may be premature, but does it seem like we’ve reached a tipping point on the subject of Scn and the church?
I prefer this definition:
“The tipping point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development. The term is said to have originated in the field of epidemiology when an infectious disease reaches a point beyond any local ability to control it from spreading more widely. A tipping point is often considered to be a turning point.”
Tipping points usually start with a lot of smaller things which culminate into a much larger, unstoppable event.
I have nothing to base this on, but I would suspect Scn and CoS’s approval ratings to be in the single digit range. There really is NO good news coming out of the church on any front to combat this onslaught of criticism.
I honestly don’t know how they could recover from this. As a brand, it’s toxic as all hell.
So now they’re in a weird situation where DM and Co are sitting on a mountain of reserves, a dwindling membership, and the public-at-large reaching for their barge pole. Ideal Orgs are all dressed up, but no place to go.
What the hell do you do? Go on pretending? Close ranks and become an official cult? Become more and more vicious? At this stage I would have to treat them like a wounded animal.
On things for sure, it’s looking like 2015 has 2014 already beat.
“Critical Mass” is the same concept and same question I asked recently when I realized that it has been met. Critical Mass (Tipping Point) was met, IMHO, with the Debbie Cook Email and her testimony in court, and the Anderson Cooper 360 show on the church’s History of Violence. I think what we have been witnessing in the interim is the “physical universe comm lag.” IT is coming down. We are witnessing history.
I agree with you McCarron. Critical mass has been hit and we are watching history. When the church finally crumbles (ad it is already doing that), and we get our kids back (I hope and pray), maybe then people will wake up and realize that when we left the church and spoke out against the abuses, we were true to ourselves and our integrity was intact. The only reason I could deal with my kids’ disconnection is the quote, “Your integrity is more important than your life.” I urge others to come out publicly and sign the Indie 500 list. I think we need this at this time.
Good one re “physical comm lag”!
Yep, let’s make it to actual 500 by the end of this year, that would be awesome! 🙂
insanity is doing and saying same thing over and over again expecting different results. Scientology is beyond insane!
I think that exhibit is going to see a much more insouciant crowd than normal.
Indeed a train wreck. In the 1990 Scientology PR had through their celebrity’s access to US Senators even the US President.
In about two decades the PR presence was managed down to a type of outlandish freak show at the carnival. They mostly have the attraction of a monstrosity one wants to have seen to believe it actually exists and then cannot fast enough forget about, – because it is so nightmarish disgusting.
The most important man after David Miscavige is the laughing stock of the media and a template for Zucker Productions movies with Leslie Nielson like “Scary Movie 4”.
One could be mildly entertained if the abuses would not still go on. Another couple we well know sold their house to donate for the IAS and Idle Org status. What a shame.
Fantastic article as usual Mike. I really enjoy your humorous descriptions and quips that have me ROTFL over what is actually a very sad and pathetic situation.
One of the “rumour mills” here in South Africa is “See? At least 5 OT’s that were declared have died” (Accompanied by a sanctimonious nodding of the head………. ). In truth, 3 people have died all of them over 70 years of age – one of them my 81 year-old mother after the Church enforced her daughter (my sister) to disconnect from her which my sister did with viscous glee – dragged my very sick (and enturbulated) mom onto an aeroplane after announcing this was “the last time they would be together”. My mom died before the plane landed. I won’t say how I feel about this as I don’t want any “libel” charges…………..
And of course we won’t mention the KA’s dropping like flies now will we? 5 OT’s in the last few years (one OT7 was stabbed to death, the other dropped dead on his way to Anzo, and yet another dropped dead less than a month after returning from Anzo). No less than 3 SO members and 2 public OT’s contracted cancer (one already having died in 2012 after being worked into the ground despite having pancreatic cancer which was left too late before they sought medical help for him). The ex-CO CLO AF Ken Krieger rumoured to have routed out after being repatriated back to the USA to face the RPF – also contracted cancer (OT5).
The body count is quite amazing – seems “saving the planet” is detrimental to one’s health. We should demand a black box warning on all Church promo.
Good one, Shelley.
So sorry about your mum. So sad.
Thanks McCarran – I still intend blowing the lid off what really happened with this story. It’s been touched on lightly in some articles, but the time will come when I reveal all. Still not over it – every time I think of what happened I have to physically quell a murderous rage for revenge. Eye for an eye…. etc.
There’s also Steve Brackett, he was OTVIII, he jumped off a bridge and his family was told by the family that he’d died in a head-on collision.
It is delicious caek! These violently insane Scientology crooks just. Can’t. Stop. Themselves from showing the world what Scientology’s criminal racketeering does to people’s brains. 🙂 Love it! I hope these insane crooks keep up these public exhibitions right up to and past the point when Federal agents kick in their doors and order their ringleaders to the ground.
Nothing says Tone 40 like a bunch of Feds pointing Glocks and yelling.
And you just explained their problem: They Just. Can’t. Stop. It’s almost like they really want to fail! And, maybe subconsciously, they do want to fail so they can go back to all of their families.
Oh, come on! You know that Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is entirely right to trust the Sea Org…
Scientology is what it is: A SCAM and a big one at that. You are fortunate if you did not get involved in the CULT and caught up in the BS because there is a lot of BS and smoke and mirrors.Run for the hills if your in and avoid that group like the plague, it will kill you both financially and spiritually if you get involved.
Re: “Mike Rinder, Alex Gibney, Marc Headley, Tony Ortega, Marty Rathbun, Tom DeVocht, JB, DollarMorgue, Abi Ja, tetloj, Old Surfer Dude, Richard Grant, Michael Mallen, Morris Adams, deanblair06, w. martin, Doug Parent, Robert Eckert, Robert Almblad, McCarran, Cooper J Kessel, Tony DePhillips, Margaret, Idle Morgue, I Yawnalot, Mat Pesch, Martin Padfield, jonsty, Out and About, SILVIA, Errol, Still on your side, maggie, human being, NOLAGirl, Brian, outraged, BFM…
… are a proud team. We have so much more to come. We are in our prime and are just now getting going. The future is brighter than it has ever been. Happy… Holiday Season!”
Season’s greetings Jenny.
Jenny, your TR’s are brilliant!
To you too, Jenny!
“21st century SP’s are 47x more evil than all previous SP’s.”
That’s a planet wide record, isn’t it?
So many highly trained, accomplished and dedicated Scientologists have been declared Suppressive that I hardly feel worthy to be counted among them.
I wish everyone a 47x better Christmas this year!
About the LRH life exhibition, I notice that “museumsusa” lists a changed staff: Valentine Prevedello, Director; Chelsea Garcia, Manager. Lissa Uvizl (I’m not sure I have the spelling right), who had been either manager or director for many years (she was the tour guide once when I visited the place) and who is featured in some of Scientology’s recent promotional videos, is no longer listed. Would this be related to the Sea Org restaffing of Pac base?
After reading the post and comments I can only quote a well known sportscaster…..
“OH MY”.
Or a certain Captain Sulu would say Oh,myyyy!
How about, “Holy Cow!”
Re: “Marc Headley…
… is warm and effusive; [he] has treated me with kindness, compassion and understanding that knows no bounds.”
2015 will be so bad for the church that it would be useful to assess its state at the end of 2014 as a starting point for the crash. The event at the Shrine will yield some numerical and anecdotal evidence. I saw Mark estimating the number left at Gold on a comment at Tony’s blog yesterday, and you’ve made some estimates for Flag in the past. The church’s own fliers give a starting point for estimating active and UTR public in various fields. Think of it as a State of the Union message estimating the state of the church a few weeks before Sundance. Either keep the focus on the US or include short passages on UK, ANZO, and all the other continents. The church’s irrational behavior in going after Marty and Mark could well be their playbook for the documentaries and everyone in them. This will not play well for them in the press. I’m not alone in forecasting a major drop in numbers and reputation in 2015, and at the end of next year it would be great to line up estimates against this year.
The Thriller in Manilla was for Mohamed Ali what the Sundance Film Fest is going to be for the Bitter Defrocked Apostates. Dave the Dildo will not be recovering from this one …….. period.
Yo Dave,
Think rope-a-dope good buddy. You are not going to be able to figure out whether you should shit or go blind and frankly, I’m not sure anyone cares. Tell Lou to have lots of moist towels and a big bucket of water in your hole, I mean corner good buddy.
The animals in the Xenu Zoo are completely befuddled. If Marc Headley had said, “hey! You are SO right. I stole money from Davy Boy, I was absolutely wrong to leave, my life is miserable, take me back!”
The koolaiders would have passed out flat on the street, run over by the closest squirrel mobile. Even what they want they don’t want.
My deepest respect to all the brave people who have kept the torch of truth shining on the ugly side of this cults face. Day in day out, year by year.
Reckoning day is knocking on the Captains door. He lets his drones answer and do his bidding.
But the world isn’t falling for that trick anymore. The minions are pitied having to act on the foolish orders of a Captain blinded by self-importance.
His vanity is leading him and his cult down a path many dictators have travelled before.
Keep the popcorn and coke within reach.
“Keep the popcorn and coke within reach.” What…no beer? Really?
I thought I was missing something; of course, beer! OSD, I, for one will be so incredibly happy when Slappy meets his inevitable faith I’d happily provide al the beverages and throw in some cheese too. A good old beer & cheese party! 🙂
There’s lot of beer ……………….. I already checked!! Where is Dave? Gotta bring Dave even if he doesn’t get a beer.
No worries, BFM! I knew you’d come to your senses! And, once again, I’m willing to host the party here at the beach! It just doesn’t get better than that!
Nice comment BFM. It’s a karmic tsunami as Brian said. I’d like margaritas please.
Yes, Hallie Jane, Brian chose a very appropriate term — karmic tsunami, love it 🙂 !
Margaritas are mixed, ice cubes crushed. Its gonna be one helluva party at OSD’s beach.
Re: “The Scientology PR machine is…
… suppressive, lying, destructive, criminal, unbelievable, disgusting, embarrassing and pathetic. It’s all over, $cientology.
Scientology is finally on the defensive. That is what I got from that roadside entheta circus. In the past spokesmen would seem all professional and eclesiastical. But now they look scared.
Scared: just like the people they attack and tried to destroy.
Scared: like Paulette Cooper, Lisa McPherson and the countless ruined families that fear they will never see their loved ones.
It’s a karmic tsunami that no organized para military black ops operation can assuage.
In fact, their violent criminal operations are being captured on film/phones.
DM, we know who you are. And so does the world. The jig is up. The time is nigh. Your paper crown is being lit ablaze by the embers of your own violence.
Bolivar, Fair Game, The Family Man is a GE, we are not moralists, sympathy below hate on the tone scale, the greatest good, Ron is the only hope………………….
Scientology’s dream for planetary take over (for all those not ins, when I was in the Sea Org, after our duties at the Hotel Martinique, we would all look at a map of the globe and visualize a Scientology planet) is now just a psycho dream as it always was. But now the truth is known about Scientology.
Wogs actually know more about the truth of Scientology than most Scientologists today because of the evil Internet.
The downfall of this dispicable empire has now become entertainment for the masses.
Marty being accosted at LAX is approaching 700,000 hits on YouTube.
“the truth though always fought, always in the end prevails”
Gosh, where do I start? Brian, outstanding post! Bravo! I especially liked: “Wogs actually know more about the truth of Scientology that most Scientologists today because of the evil Internet.” More truer words have ever spoken. When I was taking a personality test at the Pasadena Idle Morgue, I mentioned the fact that our nation’s biggest domestic spying scandal was perpetrated by their (cough, cough) group. The kid looked at me with a blank stare. He really didn’t know about it.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you Surfer Dude.
Yeah, I remember when it occurred to me that “wogs” knew more about Scientology than I did. And I noted that not one of them died of pneumonia.
I have agreed with that concept too, Brian, that “the truth though always fought, always in the end prevails.” but unforturnately The Dark Ages might have to be gone through before the truth to prevails. Hopefully, this is the church’s “Dark Ages” and the truth will soon prevail. I would really like to be alive when my son realizes the truth.
I hope you and your son can be together soon McCarran. I shall pray for that. And for all the broken families.
During the Christmas season I believe there are powerful spiritual vibrations covering our globe. I feel them. May those vibrations of good will and love storm the ramparts of this fake church and set free the sons, daughters, moms, dads, aunts, uncles etc.
The family man/women is not a mindless genetic ghost!!!!!!!!!!
This is one of the most evil doctrines from Hubbard. It has justified the ravaging of familial love, for the greatest good (money in) and given rise to ecclesiastical tyrants who view the family unit with condescending distain.
This trash will not stand! With all the will in my soul, with all the power of my concern, I send out thought vibrations against this enemy of man.
May all those stuck in the fear of loosing their eternity realize: you are a fish in the ocean fretting on not having water!
You will be McCarran. I will be too when the same happens to my kids. And so we work……
Dave Miscavige know this……………………we are gonna take you apart, one lousy lie at a time. We feel your pain bro but there is a lot more to come for ya so get your lonely ass ready for the big train wreck just ahead. And pahleeeze, stop your damn whimpering for christs sake!
Beautiful, Brian. And Thank You.
And you too, Cooper, I wish this reunion for you and all the broken families created by this church – with all my heart.
Good analogy Brian. $cn has lost control of the centre of the board (chess) = it’s all defensive now.
The king has lost his queen and the two rooks have started blogs.
Yo Dave – checkmate motherf****r!
And the money coming into King David’s counting house is slowing down, probably gonna grind to a halt in when, the next five years? He’s got buildings galore moldering or being underused around the world, he’s the subject of two documentaries, and this Danish one which I hope is released with subtitles here soon after its’ premiere in the land of butter cookies.
Whenever Tony Ortega publishes his CoS book, along with dish on what the OSA has tried to pull on him, that’s not gonna help as well. And if some of the people like Lisa Marie or Leah Remini start talking plain about their experiences in the church, that’s going to add more fuel to the fire.
Pass the popcorn, and one Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.
Dave’s new theme song:
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
Nobody knows my sorrow
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
Glory hallelujah!
All Davey can see right now is the back of his own head, which is why he keeps walking into things.
Oh Dave, you’ve become such a farce.
But I’ve always enjoyed good comedy so how about sending me three tickets to the New Years Eve event?
Why three? Well, I’d like to accompany Cooper J. Kessel and Old Surfer Dude while they do some dissemination at the party. I promise we’ll dress up. 🙂
On behalf of Coop and I, we are so there! NOLAGirl, it will be a pleasure to join you!
Davy boy, you’re going to love us!
But you NEED to dress up OSD. What will your feet do with shoes on?
Ok, Ok! I’ll put on shoes! BUT, my flip flops will be in my coat pocket. You can take a surfer away from the beach, but you can’t take the beach away from a surfer. But I’m sure my mellowness will win them over.
OSD, that cheap bastard Miscavige better have the good Scotch out or something unfortunate could happen to his ice sculpture. 🙂
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Nice LOLAGirl! Very fitting.
Oh, that brings up one of my (least) favourite words of the language of Scientologese… On invites, it would say:
Attire: Upstat
So, make sure to dress, uh, “Upstat!” lol
Miscavige’s playbook is a diluted, and, thankfully, poor imitation of Stalin. Truth is the enemy. Family, friends, and colleagues are also the enemy unless all express unequivocal loyalty to Miscavige. In order to maintain this “loyalty,” “enemies” are created. Straight out of Stalin’s playbook, or “1984” – which was written about Stalin.
Perhaps the only meaningful contribution Scientology has ever made is to serve as an example of a wannabe totalitarian organization.
In the Zoo of Bad Ideas, Scn, Inc. would have its own habitat. It would be instructional for future generations.
They are like a gang of child pick-pockets that go out on orders of their master.
Shades of Oliver Twist.
Or a twist of Oliver’s shades? C’mon now Michael! You know I’m old.
Consider yourself at home!
Consider yourself part of the family!
And another song, perhaps more applicable to the Sea Org… (Orphans singing about their gruel). “Food, glorious food! Hot sausage and mustard..while we’re in the mood, cold jelly and custard!”
Rice and beans our main cuisine, we get this grub til we come clean.
And the church itself, together with its leader’s tactics is, willingly or not, providing ALL the material the media loves and uses to finally expose the criminal, abusive tactics the leader and other members have continued and expand for years.
Yes, we all can hear a BOOOOM of the collapsing criminal empire as more PR flaps flare up; for sure these won’t be the last ones, it is like we are just getting started.
Just when you think scieno’s PR could not get worse.
Sundance chose several hot topic documentaries- including one about campus rape.
So all the news outlets talk about them side by side. This is what is called “positioning” – setting two things side by side in the minds of the audience.
There have been hundreds of media articles that mention the documentary picks for Sundance and almost all of them mention campus rape and scientology side by side.
Check this out for scientology positioning:
“….includes high-profile documentaries including “The Hunting Ground” which explores sexual crime on college campuses and institutional cover-ups, and “Going Clear: Scientology, the Prison of Belief”…”
There are literally hundreds of them.
Like they were peas in a pod. Comparisons like this are just speeding up the express elevator to hell that scientology is riding.
Even with all the bad press and bad PR, I DO wonder though, how long will it take for those IN or you guys in OSA to realize that your boss, the ecclesiatical leader of the church, is a nutjob – That it’s all-a-crumblin’ down not because of the SP’s from without, or the drug companies or the psychs but because of the brutality and lies from within, or put in another way that “communicates” – because those IN or you guys in OSA failed to KSW.
I was involved with SCN for over 30 years. My son knows the whole story of my involvement along with all the reasons for leaving.
In a chat last week he asked, “What in the world is with those people harassing the guy at LAX?” After I explained the situation he commented that the whole university had seen the youtube video…yes, an exaggeration that “all” had seen it, but his comment is also telling in its own right. He said that people he knew thought SCN and DM were nut-birds, and this was not based on any discussion of SCN…it was just based on general reddit and youtube viewings.
He had “no other fish to fry.” (joking there). He was just noting what he is aware of at the university. SCN’s PR is beyond awful and beyond repair. No one, absolutely no one, would do SCN again.
Great to hear this.
The orgs often prey on the college students in their cities, sending people out to do personality tests on campus or offer free seminars. Many of my fellow staff were from the local university.
I am really glad to hear the students are wiser than I was.
I was doing a community play a few years ago, and the subject of CoS came up between my time onstage at a rehearsal. A young lady on the crew asked me about it, and I went into Xenu and the whole bit. Her eyes almost bugged out and I don’t know what she’d been told before, but she clearly never heard of Xenu and I might’ve kept her from getting further involved in it, if she ever was in the first place.
I go to Sundance every year and can’t wait for the premiere!
Oh, Pluleeeeeeees take me with you, Margaret. I’m not much trouble.
Me too. Pretty pleeeease.
We know you’re LOTS of trouble OSD! 🙂
Me too Margaret
Mike, I loved your explanation on Tony’s site. I have not been able to understand what these people that come out to “talk” to Marty or Marc (or the wives or spokespersons on Anderson Cooper) are thinking because they look so stupid or insane. Your explanation of who they are “playing to” and their marching orders explains it all. I feel sad for some of them, knowing the trap they are stuck in.
“It’s a Grand Slam Breakfast of Fail.” I have nothing to add. You really really should write a book Mike. Really.
Really, Mike. Do it.
Do it Mike, you meanie!
What makes it even funnier here in the USA Martin is that we have a restaurant chain called Denny’s and they have a breakfast special called the “Grand Slam”. But for the cult, it is all you can eat FAIL!! Lol.
One good PR can take down Scientology and all the lawyers in the world. The truth is that powerful with the fast, open communication lines that now exist in the world.
Any advertising is good advertising hey Dave. You do believe that don’t you?
Oh, it’ll be a fun Christmas this year for the scillions but what’s in the new year, WOW…
Gran Slam Breakfast of FAIL! That is good Mike!
Scientology – stick a fork in it – it is soooooo DONE!
I love the fact that anything the Cult of Scientology does is recorded for the new raw public to see. This will ensure a continuous stream of RAW MEAT NOT going into their big ole empty buildings that are dripping with blood and sweat and tears from clueless members aka Clubbed Seals.
Scientology has had 65 years of declaring anyone that speaks against them “bad, terrible, theives, adulters, murderers, criminals etc….and anyone looking at doing Scientology these days will see that.
What anyone does to Scientology is terrible, unthinkable, unforgiveable…etc
What Scientology does to its members is NO BIG DEAL….
What did the founder of Scientology LRH say about that phenomena???
EXACTLY – Scientology – the biggest con of the 21st Century
And the 20th Century
“It’s a Grand Slam Breakfast of Fail.” I wish I would have said that. 🙂
Yea, I liked that too, Tony. Plus, this one from whoever wrote: “The paranoid behavior of the people who work there will make you feel like you’re trapped in a real life version of 1984, but scarier.” His write-up makes going into that Exhibition sound very “entertaining.”
You just did.
I know right!
You will, you wil…
Lying to the press to cover up wrong doing? Everyone knows that tactic does not work because the press (and their readership) love to expose the truth. Their lies follow them around like a swarm of angry bees and until the fess up, they will keep getting stung.
That’s what I was going to say, Robert. The church is OVER, DONE, FINI. The only chance it has at survival is to come clean, but that would have to start by getting rid of David Miscavige. So, in other words, “The church is OVER, DONE, FINI.”
I agree McCarran ….. the cult is TOAST. It has been left in way too long and pushed down way too many times to even be recognizable as something you would want to eat. And as far as ‘coming clean’ ……….. as likely as a leopard losing it’s spots. The MisCarriage is not able to learn from observation and by evidence, he cannot study.
Yo Dave,
What will the world be calling the greatest ecclesiastical leader in the universe after the Sundance Film Festival?
A:) Burnt toast with a hairdo.
Yes, McCarran, I believe that is true….. they are OVER, DONE, FINI
Miscavige obtained the dictatorship of the Church by using the policies that LRH created to destroy the enemies of the Church. Except, Miscavige used the policies against HIS enemies. That is why the Church is FINI. The Church is gone and Miscavige is there instead.
Miscavige now uses those same “fair game” policies against members of the Church who have spotted him squirreling the the technology and bastardizing the stated purpose of the Church of Scientology. The organization has morphed into a money grabbing cult where NO ONE can achieve spiritual awareness or freedom because they are so damned PTS…. shit, even your spouse and children will turn you in… how unsafe a place is that???
Dead right, Robert A. “The organization has morphed into a money grabbing cult where NO ONE can achieve spiritual awareness or freedom because they are so damned PTS….shit, even your spouse and children will turn you in…how unsafe a place is that???” Well said! So true!
Mike, your post is one of the best. Your writing and wit are so good and funny that I just have to bow to the master. Don’t believe the bitter apostates because they are “…violent/wife abusers/animal torturers/devil worshippers/alcoholics/child abusers/bed wetters/meanies…” you put it so well. Dan Sherman should leave the cult, get de-programmed, and then come to you for writing lessons! He should be so lucky.
Scientology could have gone so much farther if they had just told the truth, apologized, and changed their abhorrent behavioral policies. Instead they lie, make the other person responsible for everything, and follow all of David Miscavige’s crazy orders. The whole world is learning the truth about the cult through the internet and the media in general.
Those may be DM’s orders, but they are hubbard policy. Telling the truth, apologizing and changing behavior? “Acceptable truth”, “always attack, never defend” and infallible “source” are the DNA of scientology, fundamental or independent. The leopard cannot change its spots.
It’s been cult from the very start. A cult trapped in the 50s with no away out. A cult that constantly shoots itself in its collective foot over and over again. A cult that the entire planet is on to. A cult who’s remaining lifespan is getting shorter and shorter. A cult that’s being shown the ‘exit’ door. A cults that’s actually dead but doesn’t know it. Hey, wait a minute! If the cult is dead, that means all the remaining member are Zombies! How cool is that!? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some of the remaining members on the show, “Walking Dead.”
Although you are 100% correct, I like to view it as, “the leopard is forbidden from changing even one single hair!”
” Scientology could have gone so much farther if they had just told the truth ”
YOU WANT THE TRUTH? I THINK I’M ENTITLED. YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH! I think that scene from “A few good men” is quite near the mark. Because SCIENTOLOGY SAVES LIVES. Right? “thank you” How else do you justify it?
We use words like beingness, thetan, gaLAXy, moreover, and so forth. But to you, they’re just a punchline!
I agree with you completely Dean. If seeking to live with the truth had become an operating principle, things would be very different. But we, and many other decent people and groups are still practicing that in the world, while the radical church is left in the dust. I’ll never regret my desire to help, the people I’ve helped or the wins that I’ve heard.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Mike, from the picture you posted, I can see Dave and Co. have taken training to a whole new level.
Dave – Never let up on your attacks. You are creating an effect!
Mike, when are you going to FLAG to collect your christmas greetings ?!?!?!
Marty received his at LAX
Marc got them at INT Base
Mike – when and where ?????
Do all of us a favour and keep us amused during this holiday season.
It’s a XMas surprise….
Woohoo – cake!
And boy do I love surprises! Especially the Christmas kind! I can hardly wait, Mike!
Down the chimney?
One that involves a freeken’ helicopter, I hope! Ha ha! These Scientology crooks are insane.
Love ya’, Mike! Keep up the excellent work.
Are you gonna put a “where’s shelly” banner on a sleigh and use flying reindeer over Int Base this time?
Please make it a “Where’s Heber?” banner on this run! Everybody in the world knows Heber – and you, Mike.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Why don’t you make it say, “Where’s Mike Rinder?” Mike? Then you can drop flyers with your URL with the top 5 article titles – “Letter from Debbie Cook”, “Leah Remini leaves Scientology”, “How many LRH trained Class XIIs have been declared? All of them!” hahaha
I talked to some KA drinking staff members and brought up Heber as well as the entire Int Exec Strata being disappeared probably to the Hole. They went back to their org, got the “real story” and came to tell it to me. They said that “Heber is alive and well and is at Int being semi-retired and spends his time writing and doing his post and he is enjoying life and doing fine.” OMG. They believed these lies. So if you did a fly by sign asking “Where’s Heber?” It won’t have impact. They’ll just regurgitate what they’ve been told which is what I said here. How about a fly by sign that says instead, “Free Heber!”?
In Sovietology, Christmas greetings send YOU.
And I read “The Scientology PR machine is trolling…”