Though this “PR Newswire release” is in ENGLISH with a title that claims “Church President Describes Basic Beliefs…” if you read the article you will see that the “President” who is doing the describing (apparently in english?) is the “President” of the church of scientology in Madrid, Spain.
Once again, it highlights the huge omission of the “President Church of Scientology International”.
Heber Jentzsch has been disappeared in the great tradition of oppressive dictatorships through history. He is written out of history. There is no explanation for his absence at the most important events in scientology. Nor is there anyone named as his “successor.”
Further proof that the “corporate structure” of scientology is mere window-dressing. How does the Board of Directors of Church of Scientology International not have a President performing the duties of the office? The answer is simple, most of the members of the Board are in the Hole or its current day equivalent. They even sign “board minutes” in the Hole to maintain the appearance that they actually exist.
Mike I read your blog almost everyday and see HOW many countries in Europe are affected by scientology, and I’m wondering if you know the reason scientology never appeard in Poland? I know they are present in russia, ukraine, germany and in every country around us but not in Poland. Do you have aby info about this subject? I know they tried in the 90-s but failed.
Polish people are too smart….
DM starts telling Polish jokes in 3,2,1…
and/or too catholic. Religious fervour is still very much present there
Vanessa, but you can say the same about Italy too…
Yea… ?
Heber has been pulverized and subdued into being submissive to Miscavige. MIke Rinder earlier essay ~~
Karen- Is there any news on upcoming podcasts? I really miss them so much.
Thank you, Karen. Like I say, it’s important that someone tell his story and get it out to the world, the same as Debbie Cook’s story was told to the news. Just like people are asking about Shelly (whom I’d never heard of, with all due respect), they should be fervently asking about Heber. I believe this is elderly abuse which is not only bad form from an “Ecclesiastical leader”, it’s actually illegal.
I keep wondering if he’s ill or worse. I hope we can do something for him before it’s too late to try. Can you contact his brother and see if he will try one more time? If Heber’s in the hospital it will be easier for his brother to reach him and maybe take him home with the family, if he’s ill.
This song keeps running through my mind when I think of Heber. “In a land that’s known as freedom how can such a thing be fair?”
So its not sure if he is in the compound or in a hospital ? Hopefully the brother can confirm either?
It might be a diffcult process of Heber saying how it is within if he remains within. what or if any one knows who last saw Diana Hubbard and if she gets to see her Daughter who is already out.
Amazing fakery.
The organization is a shambles, and for good reason.
Scientology is pretending to be something that it is not.
In fact, that is all it has ever been.
From its core to the surface, the whole game is
getting you to believe in this fairytale of privileged knowledge,
and then once inside,
preventing you from both receiving real knowledge from the world at large, and
also preventing you from getting your own story out.
No, no, no.
No family ties to break the bond of being a scientologist.
No internet, no googling,
Chop media from your intellectual diet altogether. You shall be fed “source” material, and it shall be 100%.
The only vacation I ever heard of as a Staff member was to attend a funeral.
No clubs to join, no social connection to the outside, period. Never mind that the scientifically proven essential element to mental and emotional health is social interaction. You have your fellow scientologists, who are always driven to a frenzy to meet targets, and that is it for you, dear, devoted…slave. Please do not ask questions. Like, “Why am I penniless?”
And they profess to be the bridge to total freedom.
According to a friend who lives near Madrid, the President of the Church of Scientology of Spain is the magnificent leader of a flock of barely 100 souls.
An enormous, ostentatious building is just not needed if your aim is to help people.
It’s only important if you have an enormous ego that needs an enormous amount of stroking on a daily basis.
the first thing that is mentioned in the article is the building, that it is “imposing and iconic.” if I didn’t already know that this was written by the COS, I would just from the way the article starts. this fixation on real estate, the size and “impressiveness”, methinks DM, and by extension the entire corporate COS entity, is trying to compensate for their small stature in all areas.
Yes….and a flock of 100? Didn’t they receive their “Ideal Org” well over 10 years ago???? So, ten people a year…that will really clear the planet!
I gather that CoS has someone read these blogs and comments. I wonder, do you think they (OSA?) read these posts and realize they’re worshipping a tyrant?
OSA workers don’t realize anything. It’s hard to wrap the thinking gear around the fact such automatons exist in human form.
Back in the day I use to do general auditing and ruds etc on staff and was often very surprised when word clearing or doing end ruds etc on some “Office of Special Affairs” people in that they couldn’t follow even the simplest of procedures and had almost zero cognitive functions. Yet, they were running around the behind the scenes being experts on who was or wasn’t an enemy of Scientology. I can still recall my session write ups and lack of response from the CS. They were no case gain, nowhere on the bridge and had no intention of doing it.
There’s a bunch of dangerous morons masquerading in the Cof$ similar in tone and attitude to Gestapo agents. Until you’ve actually had one opposite you in an auditing situation you may be mistaken they are human – they are not!
Around the late 80s or the early 90s they were except from meter checks, end ruds etc anyway as I recall it and seldom if ever saw them in the course room and if they were they certainly weren’t on auditing courses, only hatting stuff. Miscavige would be proud of them – they are the proverbial “chip off the old block.”
There are bubbles within bubbles in the Cof$.
Very revealing comment IYawnalot – a lot (not all) of the GO staff were like this as well. It was as if studying and getting audited were for namby-pambies. Trying to communicate with them also was sometimes rather hard as they were quite stand-offish and aloof, and yet as you say, many of them were NCG types or certainly leaning in that direction and certainly didn’t actually deserve the respect that they thought they should have by their attitudes. Actually they were the classic “strong silent types (highly aberrated)” as mentioned in DMSMH. They were almost uniformly poor students, never turned up for auditing and didn’t get up the Bridge (somewhat like Miscavige, per reports). And yet these “solid citizens” make the decisions as to who should or should not go up the Bridge.
The other thing is, is such behavior is seemingly infectious and many “Executives” now believe that this is the normal way an Executive should behave, although this was creeping in long before Miscavige. As I recall from somewhere in some long-forgotten HCO Policy letter Hubbard states that Executives should make good case gain and be good students.
You are quite correct in your statement about “bubbles within bubbles”. I read somewhere that Hubbard stated to Mayo that he (and tech people) had to keep these people in line for the sake of the future Church, so Hubbard was well aware of this factor, but of course they did Mayo in before that.
Again they promote how big and luxurious their building is over promoting the tech.
Reflexs how David Miscavage thinks. If the public only knew DM has kidnapped Heber.
If you want to know DM’s Scientology watch “The Matrix”!
Hebert put his ass on the line….for what ? Are there other “presidents”, how about the USA…Canada … UK ?
Every time I see a pic of Heber my concern for his health and well being grows. I’m guessing that rotting at Int. Base under the control of a micro-dictator wasn’t in his plan for his life. So sad.
NOLAgirl, that is the same thing that always comes to my mind too. How is Heber? … and Shelly.
I hope someday they both can be free. It pains me to even imagine the mentally beaten-down state they must be in now. I suppose we just have to keep “keeping the faith” that they’ll both get the opportunity to walk free again. *fingers crossed*
Hey Dave….Kim Jong un called. Seems there’s an opening for a like minded individual to help run his country. Hope you don’t mind, but I told him I thought you might be available soon and gave him your number.
Mike, your site has been so helpful, whether with information or for laughs! Just want to say thank you. And, you know it’s a cult when it likes every other cult. And here’s another one with the same MO!
Heber is the most kindest brilliant leader.
A casualty of David Miscavige number one policy.
Evil always goes towards good, in order to suppress it. Good also goes toward evil, to convert it. It’s the yin and yang of life. The age old struggle of good vs. evil. It is in us, around us, in the world. There is probably a much better way to express this idea, but I am not so articulate as to know how to say it. So I risk looking foolish by saying this. :p To relate this to D.M., I would say he is mostly evil, so he enjoys overcoming someone who is mostly good. It must feel good to him to have the power over him. (does this bring images of anime-style fighting cartoon characters to mind? lol.)
Of course in Scientology, “president” used to mean chief spokesperson (PR man) in any given area. Mike, I guess you should have gotten that title when you were made spokesman for the CoS, but I also guess that Heber’s name still had some value in fundraising, so even though he was no longer on post, he kept the title so that he could be dragged out of his hole whenever he was needed for an event or anything else. *Heber’s body may still be alive, but he died as a being decades ago when he sold his soul to Miscavige. Or maybe he didn’t “sell” it, he just gave it away thinking that was the most pro survival thing to do on the third and fourth dynamics (and yet, the analytical mind is not supposed to make that mistake when you are clear, oh well … )
I remember Guillaume Lesevre achieved the “Kha khan” status.
If so, why the heck was he demoted and installed in the Hole?
And I remember Registrar from AOLA, Michael Silverman also had a Kha Khan and yet he was declared SP too. More proof that the church structure and ethics codes set forth by LRH are ignored by DM and crew.
So was Rocky Stump, back in the old days. He got declared and kicked out. From what I understand, they begged him to come back later saying it was all a mistake but he told them to fuck off.
Made me smile about Rocky stump , Gosh wonder where he is these days.
He lives in central Pennsylvania’s
Anyone that has ever expressed a genuine interest in Dianetics and Scientology for bettering their own life as well as the lives of others around them has been declared, expelled, put in the hole or exiled elsewhere.
The only people that remain in the church are the “big breadwinners” or psychotics, and psychotics I do not put in parenthesis. Like the Flag registrar I garnered. She was a woman that tried to show me how to “do O/W’s for people” twice a week. Some people cannot or find it hard to grasp the concept of criminal or deranged clears and OT’s before they are fully able to grasp even the actual scope of Dianetics and Scientology but still determined to do so. Like David Miscavige for example, he reminds people of the lady that won the “Ms. Autopsy of the Year Contest” and guess what her prize was in front of the audience. It really takes some confronting and if one is not trained in TR’s and does this, all the better, but TR’s help bring others to an understanding of one’s reality afterwards. 🙂
And by this I mean that she wanted to do O/W write up or get O/W’s off with me twice a week in case that was not clear. That is not the way to do an O/W handling and the wrong way to greet new people to any group. 🙂
Ed, after achieving the Kha Khan status, Guillaume ran into the Kha Boom status. And that’s when everything blew up…
Add Marty Rathbun to those who were given Kha Khan status, by no less than DM himself (per his book and in an interview I saw) and he is no longer affiliated either.
When I was the Treasury Sec FSO (Flag Service Org) part of the tax exempt status given by the IRS came with certain agreements. One of the agreements was that a non Scientology tax accountant firm would do yearly inspections of the “church” to ensure everything was financially proper. One of the points was the Board Minutes for Flag in Clearwater. OSA would create binders of “board minutes” and I would run them around for the “board members” for them to blindly sign. It was all made for show as part of the illusion.
Ah, the old smoke and mirrors trick. Use to run around the teacher’s only area at school sometimes with a piece of paper looking very serious like and no one ever challenged me, pinched a whole heap of the morning tea cookies that way. Kid’s got to eat right?
Illusion properly deployed often turns into delusion, it’s the intention behind the illusion that counts. With Miscavige it’s all evil. Your view from the Treasury Sec post would have let you have a grandstand view of the crap in motion, money reveals all if you look closely at its flows.
Thanks for your honesty and insight into Church of Scientology practices, your posts are always illuminating. It’s time for change alright… the church engages in some really questionable practices.
I feel bad for Ivan Arjona. Walking on eggshells would be easy compared to what happens to anyone upon whom David Miscavige has seen fit to paste a temporary title. If David Miscavige knows you exist, you have become one of his targets.
Shelly, Rena Weinberg, Annie, Heber even Tommy Davis are all casualties of David Miscavige’s “sweetest, kindest, most generous” act. Tommy still reacts fearfully on those rare occasions when seen in public.
Run, Ivan if you still can.
hey that’s right.. where is Rena Weinberg? whatever happened to her.
scientology – open and honest – NO, closed and very secretive – DEFINITELY. Funny that they are the ones who promote the idea that privacy is a bad thing, as is lying, extortion and deception, yet these are things the ‘church’ is involved in on a daily basis. Little wonder that so few people trust a word they say.
“We doan need no stinkin’ ‘splanations!”
No we don’t. Besides, their ‘splaning anything is always about lies. They wouldn’t know the truth if it bitch slapped them in their collective faces. You’re heard of the “Laugh Factory?” Well, this is the “Lies Factory.” Ah, yes…Lying for the greater good so you don’t get sec checked….
Lying is truth, truth is lying… that splans it, doan it?
Scientologists need a course in diahectomies.
I’m satisfied…
“Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”
Inigo Montoya
“Hey Lucy, you have some ‘splaining to do.”
Ricky Ricardo
I always wondered why he was named Ricky Ricardo, because if Ricky is short for Ricardo, he would be Ricardo Ricardo.
You’re right on the Ball with that one.
The more audacious the act, the less people are willing to believe it.
Just so, Mike.
I know that back in the day I would have never believed the church to be capable of such acts, such evil and deception. I would have dismissed it all out of hand as tripe from SPs because it would have been too – what? Too much, I guess. Too outrageously bad to be believable, too much at variance with what I was being told at Int Events and spoon fed by staff I trusted.
that’s the problem. We got in to help people so assumed that all at the top were of the same character… 🙁
Right Aquamarine and Mike Wynski… the problem is that people of good will and good nature just naturally assume that other people are like them. So when you run up against someone of evil intentions, you are ill-equipped to recognize it. 🙁
True dat, Mike. That’s why for a long time the outside world didn’t believe that thousands of Jews were being gassed. It was too big and horrendous to be believed.
Exactly Cindy. I have read some of the comments from Churchill, Truman, etc. And that is exactly what happened.
The SP’s are coming!!!!!!!
Xenu Longshadow says, (in a very deep Darth Vader voice) “Resistance is futile. You WILL be enturbulated!”
Cool! Can I be enturbulated with one of those Borg arms that have all the nifty attachments like a turnip twaddler and various marital aids?
Correction: The SPs are here!!!!!
OSD what have I told you about those Poltergiest BTs? You need the Television Static/Scary Dwarf Lady rundown.(TS/SDLR), on sale this week only at ASHO.
(Sounds of me running to my car. Squealing tires. Me honking at everyone on the road to get the fuck out of my way. Nearly caused a half dozen accidents. Squealing tires as I roll into the ASHO parking lot, jump out of my car and run into ASHO). “Fuck me! Did I make it in time to get sale price???”
Does ASHO have a Black Friday sale?
Hey I just want to tell you guys that I am glad that there are people making an argument against nonsense, Keep up the good work sincerely rock on.
As an aging rocker, Tito, fear not as I will sincerely rock on…
The one to success to poor cretinized and enslaved Heber is a criminal called davey. None other. The poor french guy Guillaume who was CO EU has also been enslaved years along by the senior Enslaver Superior has almot no word to be read. His right arm, another frenchie who was also idiotized and commodored near the shot legged pope of the cult is also nowhere to be heard. Neither the ex-Senior CS of the “mecca” of the” cult, after he obeyed to DM regarding Lisa McPherson, and helped him to kill her with insane C/Sings … coming from Ron Hubbard.
That’s how the enslavement cult runs since may 1950.
Roger I have a difficult time feeling any empathy for long time Scientologists, whether they were decent human beings or not. THEY made the choice to follow LRH’s insane space opera and all the misery that particular belief system entails. THEY made the choice to turn a blind eye to the sheer idiocy of Dianetics and Scientology “therapy” whenever common sense reared it’s ugly head.THEY made the choice to join the ridiculous pseudo-military Sea Org with it’s faux uniforms, idiotic campaign ribbons and made up officer ranks. THEY made the choice to continue furthering Scientology’s criminal aims and to viciously attack dissenters. In short, they chose to let themselves be enslaved.
YOU, sir, made the choice to act like a dufus and adopt a complete lack of compassion. Speaks poorly of YOU, but I (ex-Scn) stiil have empathy for you in spite of your blindness. Does that make me better than you? No. But for the moment at least, it appears I have more compassion.
ui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent
Bang on.
Heber was rightly described as “sinister” by the panelists in this roundtable:
To Scientologists past and present, out and in, he’s a hero. To normal people he’s pondscum getting what he deserves.
Heber Jentzsch’s kid got raped? Oh dear. Perhaps Heber Jentzsch shouldn’t have indoctrinated his family into an abusive cult and dedicated his life to promoting and promulgating that cult.
Heber Jentzsch’s kid died for lack of medical care? Oh dear, perhaps Heber Jentzsch shouldn’t have abused people’s human rights.
Heber Jentzsch is abused daily and going to die sad and alone, a prisoner in a religious compound? Boo fucking hoo.
It makes you wonder if in fact he is still is still alive at all since it appears theirs no proof he is not dead and their previous behaviour of karren de la Carrie’s son’s death appauling at it was and the covered up on Annie Broekers death in not telling the Mother Jean after Annie’s death, Who knows if Jean Tideman the mother of Annie is not already died, as she was well into her late 8o’s a year or so ago .
Nothing to describe Dm, but a heartless human.
HADLEY!! Dead on – honestly, no pun intended. That is exactly right. I have had attention on Heber’s well being for quite a while now.
First, according to Karen, Heber was put in the ship’s engine room for 8 years and was in not-too good shape when he came out. (I’m so enraged about that) Then, after years of degradation in the hole, his son dies at a young age, unnecessarily, and now he’s secreted back to the base after a photo op at the service to show he’s still alive. The service that Alexander’s own mother was not informed of nor invited to.
Outrageous in the world of human kindness, respect and compassion.
I can’t speak for everyone else, but I’m furious that another human being, a friend of mine, has been abused like this for decades.
In the realm of the “real world” this is unquestionably elder abuse in the worst way. Mental torture and unwilling confinement. Possibly physical abuse.
Can anyone call attention to this in the media? THIS is the next, big story. And Heber needs his story to be told. Maybe Ron Miscavige can talk about Heber since he’s known him for so long and he would have first hand knowledge of how he has been mistreated all these years (just a thought).
Does anyone agree with me? How do we go about getting this story told?
I know that a lot of us were/are friends of Heber’s or have had some interaction with him on some level – watching him on interviews, at events, speaking or working with him, personally, etc.
I’m sure he’s no angel. Just like Mike and Marty did some things that weren’t very nice, we also have been drugged by the toxic policies of the church at one time or another. As Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.”
We need to do some stone throwing, and it’s not at/about Heber. What can we do to make this the next thorn in DM’s side, the size of one of those razor’s edges on the tops of the fence?
Any ideas?
This picture makes me so sad. He looks so drawn and such. Make your own conclusion. It is the only picture that made it out of Alexander Jentzsch’s memorial at Celebrity Centre.
This was Heber in his healthier days:
At his wedding to Karen
With Alexander
Karen at the on board service for Alex
Here he is peppered through this. Interesting history of Scientology for those of you who might not know about it.
Who will speak for Heber besides our dear Mike Rinder? (Thank you, Mike)
Who will? Who can you send this to?
Hi Indie – you have stated just what I was thinking. The Heber story makes me ill. What is needed is another “Where’s Shelley” moment ala Leah. Calling the police or whomever and asking “Where is Heber”?, no one has seen him in years. Then again I’m unaware if this has been done before with no success.
Anyone have further data on this? Mike?
Indie 8 Mill, YES I have been thinking for a long time we should piggy back on that billboard that Phil and his wife put up. (Is her name Willie? Sorry I can’t remember). But anyway I thought we should do another billboard or maybe change that billboard after its run, to say: “Free Heber!” This is Elder Abuse and in CA you can go to jail for that.
Yeah, it’s Phil & Willie. I like your idea of an encore billboard wise! However, if authorities came out to Int base to see how Heber is doing, those authorities would have the company of the dwarf and his minions as Heber spoke. And what he would say is, “I want to be here.” Authorities would leave and everything would go back to normal. Well, however normal is defined by the dwarf….
No indie. Heber wants to be there. Already confirmed by his brother. He could walk anytime. When he dies DM will leverage it somehow. So, we’ll know about it.
I have to disagree. I don’t think Heber wants to be there, I believe he feels he has no choice, no options, no resources, it’s like a prison of the mind. This idea just cannot be discounted. Stockholm syndrome? Patty Hearst joining her captors in a bank robbery? Elizabeth Smart being taken into Police headquarters and still denying she was Elizabeth Smart and had been kidnapped until really pushed and shown evidence, and finally Jaycee Dugard kidnapped and molested for years and still could not break away or tell anyone until the end… if you read anything written by them years later and watch interviews they tell how this could be so… how they were unable to break the mental conditioning and hold on them.
One really cannot say with any confidence that Heber wants to be there, after he has been subjected to years of increasing mind conditioning and subtle influence and coercion. But then again I’ve not been in his position. I feel what I’m saying has a basis in fact, but I wish someone who has been in this position would second my thoughts, back up what I’m saying, co-sign… until then, I’ll continue to say what I believe, that he has a certain mind-set that keeps him there, even without hearing it first-hand from Heber. Or Shelly.
Mike Perhaps your right ias you say
” What I have to disagree. I don’t think Heber wants to be there, I believe he feels he has no choice, no options, no resources, it’s like a prison of the mind. This idea just cannot be discounted ”
Yes and Heber having aged and his health might not be that good to have the strenght to fight to leave / escape even if any attempt of his brother has been done to convince him to leave. It hasn’t adjusted the mind think of Heber and I don’t think its that easy.
Those that go to prison are on programmes for rehabiliation and get help to prepare to adjust to the outside world again, That’s not happened obviously, and we are talking about a person that would be pretty aged by now.
Mike You have the right to beleive the thought mind set as you say without hearing from Heber himself. I Most definitly agree. But sad as it might be he has the track of what has occurred / The manipulation both for him and others under one controller and might I dare say, has gone into the effect and agreed to remain until the end when ever that is. We don’t have his answer.
Hi Hadley… You are quoting from my post (T.J.) not Mike Wynski… he has the opposite viewpoint entirely. I thought I would mention this, so as not to annoy Mike W. by attributing my remarks to him, as he does not agree with them. Thank you for agreeing with my comments, I appreciate it whenever someone takes the time to read and consider my thoughts and gives honest feedback. Best wishes to you, have a happy day – T.J. 🙂
OK thanks for correcting me ,
T.J. it isn’t relevant if you agree or not. Heber could walk anytime. Just like anyone else can/did. He’s had MANY opportunities out in public alone. But, it is FALSE that people cannot leave Int base if they really want to. The ONLY and SOLE criteria is that they have to WANT to leave. THAT IS IT.
My dearest Mike Wynski,
Good afternoon and I hope this post finds you well and enjoying your day. A little reply to your last post:
definition: closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
Well… of course agreement or disagreement with any opinions expressed on a discussion board are always relevant. So my comments are certainly relevant.
It is quite obvious by your strong statements and use of capital letters in your post, that you are totally convinced of your stance regarding Heber, and you are not open to considering any other view, even when given concrete examples of cases in which people were held somewhere they did not wish to be, by only a conditioned mindset, not physical force.
It’s pretty interesting to observe this. It’s interesting to think about the cases that I mentioned where someone was kidnapped and did not leave even when they had a chance. But you have to be open to considering this, and why it was.
It’s also interesting to observe how someone reacts when their point of view is challenged, as what happened here. I’m sorry if your ego was bruised by my disagreement with your statement. Even sorrier that you won’t allow yourself to honestly think about and consider the points I made.
Your “black and white thinking” where it’s either all one way or nothing at all, is one of the first ways of thought one learns to challenge when one begins to apply ‘critical thinking’ techniques to their thought processes.
The use of absolute! statements with force and writing in CAPITAL letters really does nothing to convince another person of the validity of your point of view… but it does convince someone that your mind is closed, that you are not able to mull over issues surrounding the topic at hand.
Relevant? Yes, relevant.
Thank you and have a nice day! 🙂
Love always, T.J.
Leave it to the CoS to “leak” a photo that makes Herber appear he’s at some chinsy fundraiser, arms around buddies and smiling – when in fact he’s at his only son’s memorial service. Sadly, he probably was happy that day, the first day he’d been allowed out of his prison, put in a suit and allowed to act like a human being worthy of respect again.
Pretty well describes how they work and cover up reality,as if any one is going to beleive seeing a nice bright photo of him suited and booted and expect it to be reality to date , I don’t think so, at least for any one that knew him and baring in mind his current aging process. Respectfully spoken.
David Miscavige – in case you have not noticed…everyone see’s your O/W’s.
Wognited DLHDM will use his lazar eyes now to melt you down to a cinder. Be afraid be very afraid,
Ha Ha I see his OW’s too and I have come to the conclusion that it really sucks to be DLHDM.
Especially on Hollywood Blvd.