True to form, within minutes of the show airing, scientology put up a new smear site, with videos from Liz Gale’s mother and an unidentified “family friend.”
To call these videos lame is to give them way too much credence.
Marie Gale spends most of her time talking about me — that I have somehow twisted Liz’s mind to get her to tell her life story and that I knew all about it 20 years ago, so no news here. She also talks about Philip being accepted to MIT. Not a SINGLE RESPONSE to the destruction of the family, abandoning Liz, selling the ranch or anything else in the episode.
The unidentified friend (Lori Blankenship) is even lamer. Philip and Elizabeth always had really nice rooms in a big house. Liz was sent to stay with her in Clearwater when she was 14 (Marie was in North Carolina) and they wanted to make sure that Liz was told about her father’s death in the best possible way. Literally, these are the topics of two of the 4 videos they rushed out.
Just a shout out for Lori — sister of Angie Blankenship, former henchman (henchwoman?) of David Miscavige who left the Sea Org because she got pregnant and took a payout to stay quiet about all the abuses she witnessed and perpetrated. Angie ended up in The Hole with me. How ironic that the sister of someone who has enormous information about the abuses in scientology is trotted out to do a lame POW-style video to defend the abuses? And Lori’s mother, Ellie, a long-time Flag OT, died of cancer.
As I have said before, Scientology remains completely tone deaf when it comes to its responses. Their words and actions prove what is being said in this and every other episode. In broad strokes, scientology is being exposed for two things:
- Inculcating a lack of empathy, compassion and love
- Always operating on “scientology first” and “the greatest good” — sacrificing individuals for the “good” of the group
Yet they apparently think that shouting “this is being done for rating and profits” will convince people not to believe the most heartfelt recountings of personal pain by one person after another after another.
The problem is that while these websites might be believed by scientologists, they are exposed to the world. Everyone can read them. They are absolutely insane. Any normal person would not want to be associated with this sort of neon-yellow journalism. Let alone a so-called church.
But scientology keeps churning them out as if the real world does not exist.
Here are some of choice bits from their latest drivel that surrounds the POW videos:
Exploiting Marie’s daughter, Elizabeth, to attack her own mother, Remini and Rinder mercilessly used their reality TV show to tear into Marie and her faith, blaming her for the tragic death of her son, who was deeply troubled after the sudden death of his father.
Just when one thinks that Remini, Rinder and A&E’s Dubuc can’t sink any lower, they do exactly that. Sacrificing good people like Marie Gale on the altar of Leah Remini’s ego shows that the empress of hate has no clothes—it’s Remini’s transparent goal to spread hate to the point where nothing is too tasteless, too shameless or too offensive to be considered off limits.
This purple prose is really bizarre. Of course, NO specifics. “Sacrificing good people like Marie”? How about the good people like Phil and Liz? Or Liz’s boys?
Complaining that nothing is too tasteless, too shameless or too offensive?” Well, that is sort of true. The abuses of scientology seem to know no bounds. Each week we are shocked at the information that comes out from these brave contributors. If scientology finds it tasteless and offensive the way mothers’ were more concerned about the church’s reputation than their children’s life, so do I. You don’t want tasteless, shameless and offensive scandals rolling out each week? There is a simple solution. Stop engaging in tasteless, shameless and offensive activities scientology.
And what’s with their constant mentioning of Nancy Dubuc? They apparently think she is some sort of weak link? Or because of their culture they naturally think that if you are at the top you are in everyone’s business?
Incredibly, the attack on Marie Gale comes just a week after Remini and Rinder launched a full-scale assault on the mothers of Aaron Poulin and Tayler Tweed, two other tragic suicide victims.
With little to say about Liz Gale other than she was “manipulated” they resort to rehashing their complaints about last week’s show — that Lauren Haggis was foisted off as “an expert” on Tayler Tweed? I guess the people writing this drivel don’t actually WATCH the show….
Those who know Marie Gale know her as a caring, warm mother with a big heart who helped her children. It is shameful that Remini and Rinder portray her in any other way. … With Marie, Remini again exploits a family tragedy, twisting reality into a scripted story to attack a good woman and mother who dedicated her love and care to her children.
Scientology has reached a new low — and that is no mean feat.
They have put a new video on their site from a “whistleblower”… This is allegedly someone who called in to report witnessing the taping of an episode of The Aftermath.
She recounts that she was there in the kitchen when an “elderly couple”was interviewed by “that actress who used to be on King of Queens”. They then show footage of David and Mary Kahn. She claims she witnessed Leah telling these people to cry more and “be more dramatic”. When she asked her friend (Mary Kahn) during a break if this was an OK thing to do, she responded that she was “OK because she was being paid.”
They are featuring this video at the top of their smear website and plugging it on Facebook.
Most pathetic thing I have ever seen. They know it’s all lies — none of the things they just happened to record ever happened, there has never been anyone other than the production staff participating in any interview and no contributor has been paid anything — but scientology is promoting it anyway. Tony Ortega has a very thorough takedown of this video on his site this morning including speaking with Mary Kahn.
I don’t wonder what scientology would do if tomorrow I put up a recording on my blog of an anonymous caller telling me he had been walking on Hollywood Blvd last night and had seen David Miscavige beating someone with a nightstick, causing serious bodily harm? Would it be ethical to publicly air that — even promote it? Of course not. And I would not do it. Neither would Tony Ortega. Neither would the Producers of The Aftermath.
But scientology does not live up to standards it expects everyone else to adhere to. They demand retractions and for sites to be taken down and whine bloody murder at every opportunity while they lie and slander without conscience.
Sick as that may be, there is poetic justice in the fact that the world sees and recognizes the bs and at this point, scientology’s own words and actions in responding to The Aftermath are the best proof that what is said in the show is true.
Just as a Pro Tip: Disqus is WAY better at handling WordPress comments. Plus you don’t have to scroll all they way through to post (; lol
Anyways. I was really troubled that Marie Gale intended to sell their ranch. Knowing now how real estate rich this company is, I was sort of afraid they would swoop in and buy it up. That’s a LOT of land.
Any update on that? I’m curious who bought it, or if it was ever sold.
I apologize if the answer is in the comments I scrolled by :-\
Unfortunately, it was sold to someone outside the family.
Mike, whenever I see you cry because of the things you did & said in the name of Scientology, I always want to put my arms around you and assure you you have redeemed yourself in coming out with the truth of Scientology. We support you 1000%.
I cannot imagine the pain anyone has experienced due to this so called religion Scientology. Leah, Mike and the other brave people that are fighting against Scientology – keep it going and keep the faith that what you are doing is right. I pray for the victims and I pray for you. I find you amazing at your dedication in helping ex-members.
BTW, Tom Cruise and his other cronies will no longer get my hard earned money after knowing their affiliation with Scientology. I feel ashamed in supporting them in the past.
Mike and Leah are brave heros to share their experiences in scientology. To be born into it or enter as a young child would leave you exposed and helpless to their clutches simply because you know no other life and you trust your parent/s. Breaking out and starting over would be an undertaking as high as a mountain. I can’t imagine the fear that would grip those trying and then ultimately leaving with nothing. The abuse inflicted on them by scientology would feel like a punch to the gut. As someone who was briefly “taken in” by the cult some years ago, I am eternally grateful for that gut feeling that gnawed on my conscience causing me to walk out and never go back. I am also grateful for listening to that feeling. I have been mesmerized by The Aftermath and the realization of what could have happened to me and by what does happen to others. I know this documentary will be a warning to many considering to give their precious lives to scientology. I know that many lives will be saved. Thank you Mike and Leah for sharing your experiences and exposing the abomination that is scientology.
I know the church of Scientology is a cover up for all things BAD. I have never spoken of my 20 year experience with this church. As I watch and listen to the courageous people tell their stories I feel they are telling mine. After being away 17 years I still feel the effects of fear, I also have a better understanding of what really happened hearing someone else saying it. It all makes sense now. I never wanted to be down stat, I wanted to please my inlaws. I couldn’t understand why I was a SP I knew of the incest,neglect, physical and sexual abuse the criminal activity cover ups which was all handled with disconnection and auditing. I always felt sick when I walked into the Celebrity Center in Portland, Oregon the place a family member was shot along with 4 other staff members because a man felt he had received bad services for his mental condition. I wanted to mourn the death of my lovely niece , I wanted to mourn the loss of innocence of children. It’s not allowed you must be up tone. I now understand the suicide of my sister in law she had no one to turn to in her deep sorrow. As I watch each new episode I will pray for healing and comfort. I thank each and every soul for telling their story and giving hope to all who leave!!!!!!! I will speak now because I have been given the courage to tell my story. Again thank you for giving a voice to those who carry the pain of this madness!
Hello, S. Burke, thanks for telling your story.
I am SO sorry for what you and your family went through. No doubt you suffer from PTSD. I’m hoping you find comfort in these series and Mike’s blog.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story I do have PTSD with dissociative identity disorder with this series and Mike’s blog I have found courage and a understanding that I’m not the crazy one. I am so grateful that I have been able to express a small portion of the horror my children and I endured. I look forward to the day that many members will be held accountable for their injustices. A question that weighs heavy on me is I wonder if an auditor would be a mandatory reporter if not could police get access to files that tell of a person’s crimes, some crimes there is not a statue of limitations. But I’m sure with the churches cover up tactics the files would be lost !!! I will continue to pray for healing, justice, courage, and hope to all who are still in may they see and hear the truth one day !!!
I have nothing but the utmost respect for Mike Rinder, Leah Remini and EVERYONE who has spoken out and told their TRUE stories of the hell they went thru being a part of that HORRIBLE CULT Scientology, God Bless you all???
Idiots, nough said
“Inculcating a lack of empathy, compassion and love”
Actually more like removing empathy and compassion.
Removing the “reactive mind” is this.
Mike, you and Leah are giving Scientology’s victims a voice and a platform to tell their stories. Anyone with a “non-Scientology infected” brain KNOWS this. I am not, nor have I ever been a scientologist…..THANK GOD!!! However, the more I see, the ANGRIER I become. I wish there were something I could do to HELP. I can only offer my hand in friendship, a shoulder to cry and lean on AND my PRAYERS and the love of God to share. I don’t know if there are any former scientologists in Tennessee…..but, if there are I AM OFFERING MY HELP…as described above….the only way I know to help….give them my contact infirmation, have me checked out…I offer my hand and my deep faith in God….who, by the way, is the true source of PEACE and the ONLY one who can give you eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I would love to speak to you and Leah to pray with you and for you. Please NEVER STOP trying to bring them down. God be with you BOTH.
L unatic
R unning rampant on
H umanity
L eah and Mike
R elentlessly working
H ard to stop the madness
Amen! Praying in agreement for Leah, Mike, and Tony as they expose the truth. May God bless your efforts and set people FREE from the bondage of this false teacher. The REAL truth is both free and complete. So many people support your efforts!
Absolutely true. Jesus offers redemption to every single person freely. ❤️
I truly love that Marie Gale is still spouting on her website: that she and Liz are all hunky-dory and that “she’s doing a bang-up job” as ranch manager of the family property. There is a lot more she prattles on about, but it’s quite hilarious. CLEARLY (see what I did there?) if Liz and her mother are doing so well and all is working out for them, then why would she risk it all to come on TV and say differently? Because it’s crap. CHURCH first, FAMILY last. It’s always been this way from other Scientologists I’ve known and it’s consistent.
Thank you Mike, Leah, Liz and ALL the other victims/survivors of this cult for coming forward and fighting the good fight.
As upsetting as these stories are ( I cry every week) a part of me feels for the Marie Gales of the world. She grew up in this in her formative years she was being indoctrinated since before she could talk. Liz showed a real strength and I admire her greatly . All the people that grew up in this, and are still in I hope they can see the light. Those of us who have never been in may not understand what your going through but we do hope you can rebuild your lives. Thank you Liz, Mike , Leah , and everyone who keeps these stories alive.
Can’t scientology come up with something new when replying to episodes? It’s always the same thing, you and Leah are bad people blah blah blah and they throw something laughable up on YouTube.
scientologists may be fooled by there antics, but the public is not (note I cannot in good conscience use a capital where this cult is concerned, I have excellent grammar).
Please continue your good works and the world will continue to watch. We all thank you and Leah.
No matter how many videos they post as LRH said “we welcome an investigation into Scientology “
It would be great if you could use a word like weak or stupid instead of the dysphemism lame It is connected to those with disabilities and does a disservice to those who are disabled. It reinforces that it’s ok to use physical disability the way people used sexual orientation (gay) or intellectual disabilities (retarded) as pejoratives.
The word “lame” has many meanings. I don’t know what you hear., but when we on this blog read or employ the word “lame” with regard to the Church of Scientology, we know exactly what we’re reading or saying. Maybe should never make use of the word “blue” and instead use “azure” because “blue” can also mean “depressed” and as such is disparaging to those who suffer from depression? Get over yourself, Rosalie. Your argument is lame.
This PC crap is completely out of hand. Lame is lame, should we rewrite everything in case if offends someone? I think not.
Please never ever bow down to political correctness, and think you have to change what you say, so no one is pissed off. To borrowed a line from “GI Jane, “I like pissed off”. I like it because being pissed off, is what motivates a lot of people to action, who might not have done or said anything if they weren’t pissed off. Please keep the faith and be as “Politically Incorrect’ as possible at all times.
For me, that is a given.
Suck it up buttercup (rosalie). The thrust of this is MUCH more important than the feelings of those who are too stupid to separate out who the target PLAINLY is, and is NOT, in such an address.
But ‘weak’ = physical disability or ‘stupid’ = intellectual disability are OK? At some stage you have to get over yourself and deal with the realities of language.
By your reasoning, we should not use the words “weak” or “stupid” either. Are you mocking people who have lower physical abilities, or lower intelligence? You’re just as ableist as people who use the word “lame.” And you dare tell us we’re the ones insulting people?
what a retarded complaint.
“Rosalie” has vanished. At this point I suspect we all unwittingly fed a troll.
*grinning* Ya think?
I sincerely hope that the troll has terminal indigestion. Not enough to kill her, just enough to eat at her tummy.
So you mean a president on his last term is what? A stupid duck president?
Many times, that would be all to distressing true.
I think Rosalie raises a valid point. I’m not one to bow down to political correctness, but I do believe in being kind to one another. From what I saw, there really aren’t MANY definitions of lame.
“crippled or physically disabled, especially in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty. 2. impaired or disabled through defect or injury: a lame arm.”
It’s just as easy to use the word “weak” or “pointless”.
Patty, Lame has been in the slang vernacular as used for at LEAST 6 decades in America. Sorry, but you are bowing to PC.
I thought that the church weren’t supposed to watch of read outside materials. Aren’t they going against their own rules? I also think that whoever speaks or writes on behalf of the church seems to a suppressive person. I thought any body that says negative things about others is suppressive! Just wondering!
I’ve wondered that myself Stephen. Officially no one is allowed to watch it but obviously at least one $cientologist has to watch the show in order to to tell the crew who to smear this week. Could it be DM himself, not wanting anyone else to see it? I’m truly curious about this.
I guess I am vicious. But the mental image of DM foaming at the mouth while he sees truth instead of his lies just tickles me pink. I am really mean that way, what can I say.
Don’t feel guilty Jill. Having compassion for Dave is as difficult as trying to tame a wolverine.
Wolverine fun can be useful. Wee wittle Davy is useless.
Have a look at –
The long piece, particularly the second last paragraph, by someone named Thetaclear shows that he is a a real scumbag like Alanzo (who I notice hasn’t stuck his grubby nose in here yet). Child abuse, abortions, etc happened in the past so lets just forget all about it. Pardon my language: Fuck that and fuck Thetaclear and Alanzo! $camology needs to be continually reminded of their repulsive behaviour all the time and if it ticks poor little bleeding hearts like Alanzo, et al then tough luck..
What’s confusing me now about Theta Clear is that when I wrote the article Battlefields: Scientology vs. Critics, he was so on the side of dissing any of my positive views of Scientology. I had to remind him that I am also a critic. He was so anti Scientology in his responses.
And now he is protecting the “tech” from over emotional complainers?
I am confused. Actually confused.
I think these men, Alanzo and TC, cannot handle the intensity of emotions that season 2 is expressing.
That’s the only sense I can make of their utter lack of empathy and sympathy for the suffering of others.
Blaming Mike and Leah for exposing these crimes against common standards of decency may be still the effects of Scientology in their minds.
Just a thought.
There is a study about men being turned off by women crying. I’ve heard a few men so far say that season 2 is too emotional.
Nobody has ever made money betting on the consistency or sanity of victims of mental abuse.
Exactly, Mike!! I commented prior that this guy was still in recovery. A lot does not make sense for him, yet. And TC, never saw someone swing from being aggressive in posts ….then swings passive, apologetic and compliant when someone calls him on it. Plus, TC wrote frickin novels as posts. Which, in my opinion, his lack of succinctness demonstrates to me he’s still trying to make sense of information revealed/exposed. As Leah suggests and admits about herself, it can be a long journey to untangle a belief system.
+10 ?
I left in 82 guys. And I swear I did not know I had this much crap in my mind from Scientology and Hubbard.
I feel for you guys. Sure, there were good things in Scientology. But then you get to hate critics and devalue family.
Oh….. that’s right I forgot. It’s an applied philosophy:
“Families are not good groups; their bad groups.” L Ron Hubbard
It’s doctrines like these that can sever the sacredness of family and family bonds:
You totally nailed it, and them.
Their responses quoted are dreadfully composed – they sound right out of that awful “Mission Earth” book series – simply some of the worst books ever written.
You know I figured out what hell will be like. My NOOK with only LRH’s pathetic *books* on it. I might take up some more amusing, I don’t know, maybe digging latrines.
This just popped into my head. Are you allowed to record a phone conversation without first informing the other party that they may be recorded. When you call businesses you often hear “this call may be recorded of monitored for training purposes…” Then women who answered the phone didn’t say this. Not that the call was real, but if their story is that it is, than maybe the broke some law?
Depends on the jurisdiction, but the law is quite clear in California that the consent of both parties is needed if a legal recording is to be made.
It becomes quite interesting if you make a call from Georgia, where only one caller needs to know it’s being recorded and Florida, where all persons on the call need to consent. From what I understand the law hasn’t decided which states standards to apply.
It varies from state to state. However the majority of the states are two party consent before recording states meaning both parties have to consent to being interviewed.
Dispicable!!! My mother always reinforced my Christian learning concerning discernment of character simply with this not very original but no less true statement:
“Actions speak louder than words”
This rule has NEVER failed me on walk in life to discern between honest and dishonest, valued and devalued, trust and distrust, respect and disrespect. I have weeded out of my life and lifted heartfelt prayers for many people I’ve encountered with whom don’t WaIk the Talk.
I will continue to pray for the cult leaders and those whom are still in prison. Such a sad commentary for an organization which tenents expouse love and compassion. I challenge them to Walk the Talk…
“Action speak louder than words”. Good Christian wisdom, ancient wisdom and common sense, Teen.
Actually Teen, this organization does not expose love and compassion. They may use these words as a PR marketing tool, but that’s all.
L Ron Hubbard actually taught in his “Emotional Tone Scale”; a scale which grades emotions by numbers; that hate is a higher emotion than sympathy. Yes, you read that right. The emotion of hate is a higher level of emotion than sympathy.
L Ron Hubbard did not value family like you and I.
Sympathy and empathy are considered a negative thing in Scientology. It’s all about power. But true believers also think they are saving the universe; delusional.
And from time to time people have wonderful experiences. But at what cost?
Yet another example of manipulation, Brian. To expouse love and compassion as a marketing tool and then teach a value system that is opposite… makes me want to vomit. I’m so frickin proud of you and others who put this cult in their rear view mirror.
Teen in response to Brian: Jeff Hawkins’ book “Counterfeit Dreams” lays it out very clearly, everything in Scientology that LRH says is the complete opposite to what he and Miscavige do…….. It’s called “Cognitive Dissonance”……. Jeff Hawkins really clearly lays it out in his book VERY ACCURATELY. It’s an excellent book and highly recommended.
Not only is Aftermath a great show but for me there has been an added bonus. For weeks I’ve been bombarded with phone calls from the church in LA (once again don’t know how they got my number). I ignore them all but two days ago I answered with the intention to end all calls. This is how it went:
caller – “HI, is this ********” – (he’s all VERY UPTONE)
me – “no, you have the wrong person, but where are you calling from?” (ha)
caller – “church of scien.” (Gleefully)
me – “oh, did you say the church of scien.?”
caller – “YES, have you heard of us?” (enthusiastically)
me – “well yes, I’ve been meaning to look into your church”?
caller – “REALLY” (all excited)
me – “Yes, and I’m watching this fantastic show from Leah Remini, the Aftermath. Are you in what they call the sea organization?”
caller – “yes”
me – “oh, well I know you’re not permitted to watch a show like this and….”
caller – cuts in – “I WOULDN’T WANT TO WATCH A SHOW LIKE THAT” (now really what does he know of this show but the BS he’s been fed)
me – “Well all I’ve got to say to you is RUN FOR THE HILLS and I have one question for you, “when was the last time you ate a decent meal”?
The SO has such great confront and communication skills. So thanks Mike and Leah for helping me get off their callers list.
Ms. P, you just made my day. VWD baby!
Omg ahahahaha awesome!
Love it; thank you, Ms. P.
Perfect!! But I got so many calls I began just blocking them. There is a neat app called “Mr Number” (its free), and when any number comes in I don’t know I google it, and sure enough if there are any other complaints about it being a Stnk # then it goes on my block list. I must have 30 numbers already…… One day, a few years back, the local org called us 40 times…… How about they just go the fuck away????
Really enjoy the series. Never paid attention to Scientology. As a lawyer I have always been interested in mans misuse of religion or certain principals to control their fellow man! I didn’t know much about Leah’s work in Hollywood but I am taken with the integrity,veracity and compassion you both exude! Show just drew me in! Keep up the great work! It’s true…..We can redeem ourselves every day!
Best to you
There’s so much I would like to say if I had more time, but it’s midnight in the UK and I should be in bed – so the one thing I want to highlight for being the ultimate in petty bitchiness is:
If David and Mary Kahn are an “elderly couple” I will eat my hat. They’re middle-aged and look fantastic: healthy, fit, well-dressed, attractive.
Up yours, you ridiculous organisation!
YEah — I thought the same thing. “Taking advantage of an elderly couple” my ass….
Me too!
Seems to be part of their M.O. — like how they refer to Leah as “that actress” or purposely mispronounce her last name “Ra-MEAN-ee”. It’s such childish behavior, and makes me wonder if lack of proper education and immersion in LRH materials has stunted their intellectual growth?
It’s truly amazing how much they lie. When Mike & I got out, Mike was high on the tech totem pole and respected by many he had helped. So to keep the robots in line they proceeded to feed lies to the robots to keep them scared shitless. One of them said Mike single handedly destroyed orange county Org yet he has been gone for almost 20 years and they’re still failing. Another lie told was that he killed Jill Graham his twin on the RPF, yet he was already gone three years when she died of cancer in the RPF. And the robots actually believe this baloney. He ran into one robot and she turned white and ran away LOL they have certainly got a reputation now being the biggest liars on planet earth . No one of any sound mind will get involved in that cult these days after seeing what they do to people.
Great comment Betsy. Thank you. Nice to see you!
Mike’s a decent man. LRH pulled fair game right out of his ass, that’s why Scientologists can be so shitty.
LRH was a thoroughly vindictive son of a bitch. Why is $scion so anti- psychiatry? Because they told him to go pound sand with his quack b.s. And as he famously said: “I never forget…find their crimes!….destroy them utterly! He was a evil a human being as ever walked the face of the earth. That’s no b.s.
Bixntram, “And as he famously said: “I never forget…find their crimes!….destroy them utterly! He was a evil a human being as ever walked the face of the earth. That’s no b.s.”
This is what my father told me when I was getting involved back in 1973 in Toronto. More like, Scn destroys their critics and will take all of your money. I paid no attention at the time (I was 19 and knew I was right), and I spent months pissing off my friends and relatives by trying to borrow $ for the bridge. Greatest good and all that. My dad also thought the church in Toronto was a firetrap and was afraid for my safety as I joined staff rather than going back to university. The GO told me that ‘someone’ called the fire department and there was an inspection.
Ironically the org burnt down a couple of years later. By then I was far away in LA.
I never saw the malignant side of LRH. There were things like ‘handle or disconnect’ that made me uncomfortable. Also the extreme regging. I was in debt for 10 years after this, until I finally paid everyone off. LRH in the 70s was pretty far removed from most of us, an icon to revere from afar. I left in the early 80s with the arrival into power of the CMO, the dismissal of David Mayo, and the feeling that I just needed to live my life.
It’s hard to come on these blogs and see the extent of the disintegration of the organization, and to see the reality that so many people now have. I’ve been away for 35 years.
I hope everyone who has been harmed by their experiences can heal. Sharing your stories is good.
That’s a hellava problem to have, Dead Men. Very glad you got through it. May the BEST day of your past…be the worst day of your future, my friend.
Sorry to hear about Ellie Blankenship, I knew her back in the day.
Ellie was awesome — so sad she died too young. But this is Scientology in a nutshell. You aren’t getting better, you just feel that way while you are getting worse.
Had to look that one up! Between your blog and Tony’s I am always word clearin’ shit! ?
instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction.
“the failures of the churches to inculcate a sense of moral responsibility”
synonyms: instill in, implant in, fix in, impress in, imprint in;
With each episode they are exposed as the worst of fake news. Everyone knows it. Keep batting away each response with the truth.
First, to Mary Kahn and her family: Thank you for your incredible courage in coming forth with your experience; and, my deep condolences for the terrors you have experienced.
Secondly, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Scientologist. I have great respect for this series and the chutzpa required to put it on the air. I am afraid that the Church of Scientology has a letter-writing campaign to A&E and the production people of this series. So I took it upon myself to write to the VP of programming at A&E in NYC to tell them that I wanted the show to remain on the air. I also wrote to Slauson Productions in California to tell them the same thing. I have felt so helpless while watching this program on TV. I hope my own little personal letter-writing campaign will help. To Mike and Leah: continued success!
I would call their letter writing campaign and raise them an informed public. (Where the hell did I put those stamps)
Email here I come, eat my dust Scientology….
Please, somewhere here, could you list a dictionary of sorts of all the acronyms that you guys use? It gets very confusing not knowing what they mean and I want to understand it all. Thank you for all you are doing.
Hi Lynne – I have found to be very helpful.
Lynne –
As a never-in myself, it definitely took some learning for me too! Here are 2 links for you:
And Bronwyn is totally correct – Xenu dot net is an excellent resource for SO much!
For the meaning of Scientology’s jargon and acronyms, you can check out the following:
The Basic Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology (PDF):
Scientology’s Administrative Dictionary (PDF) [courtesy of WikiLeaks]:
Scientology acronyms (also courtesy of WikiLeaks):
Hopefully, these are useful.
Your article is spot on . Its exactly why fence sitters whom are looking to join Scientology or those about to take their first course in Scientology are leaving the cult before they begin. Its because, they see these negative slandering videos from the church to try and take people down and it makes them ask questions.
Do I want to be associated with people who come from such an emotionally dark place? Is this a welcoming environment? Is this where I see myself in my future goals in life? The answers are that its much too toxic and they flee the church. Scientology cuts its nose off despite its face.
What’s most interesting is that constantly, between you and Leah, AND people that come tell their stories on the show; they often talk about their friends in Scientology and that there are plenty of good people in Scientology. I’m not sure how that’s spreading ‘hate’, but then again all of their excuses are them accusing people of doing what THEY do. Abuse, hate, exploitation, etc. Just like the old adage ‘you’re as sick as your secrets’, someone needs to tell ‘Scientology’ that the truth will set them free. But then again they won’t be a multi million/billion dollar empire of they do so.
Keep up the amazing work! I love you guys.
The cult seems to have some anger management issues. Maybe they should take an OCA to find their ruin. I’ve heard Scientology can help them.
Their ruin is Ron.
Ron is gone to anyone with thinking capacity. But to those inside the Scientology cult bubble he is ever-present, ever-omnipotent, and ever-revered: Down to the last comma and semicolon. Their certainty never consults reality outside the bubble, and so they stay.
If anyone was successful in channeling Ron these day the old firebrand might exclaim: “I bought Scientology into existence as it’s Game Maker, and I even brought it down into a no-game condition as was my right. So go away and make up your own games and find out how fun and aberrative it can be.”
An organization that has absolutely NO respect for the truth whatsoever is an EXTREMELY dangerous one to turn your life over to.
Looks now like the German government was spot on.
The German government has never let up on them.
The Germans learned their lesson with Hitler. NEVER again. NO country is more alert to the types of abuses in which Co$ specialized than post-WWII Germany, and please, I am NOT equating L Ron Hubbard or David Miscavige with Adolph Hitler, NOR am I equating Jews and others being gassed in concentration camps with the abuses of Disconnection, etc.suffered by Scientologists. ALL I’m saying is that the EXPERIENCE German endured with their country hijacked by Hitler and the insane SS – the EXPERIENCE of this, made them EXTREMELY ALERT to any indication that this phenomenon could be reoccurring. This was explained to me in detail by a German friend of mine, so take it for what its worth to you.
Edit: “…in which Co$ specialize…”
They are hyper alert, in Germany. Does anyone know how many Idle Morgues there are in in Germany?
Next…..midget davey will declare himself a “God” (Second Coming) and demand that all shall bow in his presence!
I literally thought the same thing earlier today. My sister and I were watching ‘Jonestown-the life and death of the Peoples Temple’ (2006) and throughout the film we kept looking at each other saying ‘this sounds just like Scientology’ (not being allowed to watch news, not being allowed to discuss problems within the temple with other members, ‘whistleblowing’, punishment for transgressions). When they were discussing Jones declaring himself their god, I couldn’t help but compare that to DMs mindset, and wonder how long it will be before he plays that card, lol.
Sam, I just finished reading “The Road to Jonestown” and was likewise struck by the startling similarities between Jones and Hubbard and between People’s Temple and Scientology. One striking difference: Jones actually had a shred of compassion and decency, buried as it was in his drug-induced megalomania. Hubbard had no such shred. He really didn’t.
Bow in his presence? I would rather slap the dog crap out of him. But with everyone bowing he might convince himself he’s taller.
Mr Rinder, please keep up your good work. I fully support your efforts to dismantle the insidious network that is Scientology. I truly believe this is your calling. I know it’s a daunting task and I know there are many people trying hard to impede your progress. But there many many MORE people who support you and Leah.
No one watching Leah and Mike on A and E should think that these are isolated incidents, or far and few between. I’m just a regular guy who wanted to help Scientology bring good to this planet. I joined the Sea Org in the 70’s. I was put in the RPF for not getting a stain off the complex floor. (This is when big blue was still a hospital). So I didn’t want to do the pgm and was then put in the RPF’s, RPF. Didn’t want to do that so I was put in the RPF’s, RPF’s, RPF. (Yes, that’s 3 of them). That’s where you are held prisoner under guard, rarely fed left overs from what the staff left on their plates, my car keys were stolen and despite me telling Diane Marple that I had no insurance that would cover other’s driving my car, and not to do it, she did it anyway. I was trying to do the right thing and route out “legally”. Big mistake. For almost 3 months I was held prisoner, got really sick, and the only way I finally got out was to threaten them with legal action. I told them I was going to call the cops and inform them I was being held prisoner.
What was my crime? Wanting to do the right thing and to help.
This is SOP folks.
That’s sick, Overrun. 🙁
Overrun in California, my heart hurts hearing this. You are a survivor for sure. You are an inspiration to all.
Fuck Scientology!
You know, thinking about how you were treated O/R in CA this is the sort of situation the ‘selective looking’ assholes like JT & TC needed to be cornered with and asked to comment on it with the expectation of having to answer it. The organisation they openly support is pure evil.
Overrun, I am so sorry that happened to you! I have dreams of a big class-action lawsuit in the future where CoS is sued for the abuses it perpetuates (and has for many years) on its faithful, the predatory ways it markets its wares, the false claims it uses for profit of the elite few, and the defamation and harassment it uses to intimidate and silence its victims and its critics. I am sure there would be hundreds and hundreds of plaintiffs, that could not only sue for pain and suffering while there or for speaking out, but for how the organization persecuted them afterward, ruined their livelihoods, and the PTSD treatment they probably need on the outside or after their aggressive campaigns of terror. I hope you are feeling better and continue to do so. And I hope they are forced to pay for it with every last dime they siphoned off innocent and well-meaning people such as yourself.
Any organization that responds to criticism in such a nasty and vicious way is simply proving to the public they are not the victims they claim, but the abusers. That might work on people who live in the bubble, but that level of cognitive dissonance looks pretty obvious to the rest of the world in demonstrating just who they are. There is nothing worse than an ideology that uses humanity’s highest aspirations as an excuse to practice some of its basest behavior. Any organization that refuses to collectively examine and admit its flaws is absolutely doomed to failure. Thankfully, CoS is in your rearview mirror!
Yea, that was quite a while ago, but it still pisses me off a bit. Those around at that time will remember that was when the EPF was located in Charlie Chaplains old house in L.A.. I think on Lake street. Lot of folks on the E.P.F. at that time. Had to do product 0, 1 and 2. Took a while. Very “Lord of the flies”. Drop of a hat, you were RPF’d. Such a racket. Talk about slave labor. And on top of all of that, I had to pay a freeloaders debt! A lot of good people there. A lot of good people mistreated. Diane Marple ran the RPF at that time. What piece of work that one was. I think she died, right? Well if so, better for all of us.
I hear of Diane Marple quite often on various sites. I knew Wayne Marple from the Apollo days. Were they married and would anyone know of her maiden name?
Overrun –
I’m SO sorry you went through all that. But you said it perfectly! So many people I’ve come to know joined Scientology BECAUSE they wanted to do the right thing, make a difference and help others. That’s why it’s so important for people to read stories like yours and hear the ones on the show.
It’s easy to read an article or blog post, having never been in, and think, “I’d never fall for that!” But the people who tend to join are NOT dumb, they’re usually looking for something or in a place of needing help and CO$ takes advantage of that in the worst way!
Thank you for telling more of your story because those still-in need to see that even if one tries to “follow the rules” and is genuinely trying to do the right thing, the evil has pervaded every level of this “organization” so when you’re in something that unhealthy for so long, you lose perspective and the abnormal starts to seem normal. So glad you saw it and got out – just sorry that they tried to tear you down in the process!
This is what I don’t understand- when smart people first inquire about Scientology- don’t they think to google LRH? Don’t they read about how crazy he was- his drug abuses, his cult experiences, his abuse towards women, the fact that he was a science fiction writer!!?? Don’t they put two and two together and realize the entire “religion” is based on his crazy science fiction ideas? His own son reported to the FBI how insane he was. How do they believe he is god-like and worship him and follow (to the T!) his policies when they discover he was the antithesis of what he preached?? I get wanting to help the planet and help others and better oneself, but it doesn’t make sense (to me) how these people would continue their interest in Scientology after learning facts about LRH’s past and who he truly was!
Does Karin Pouw exist or is that just David Miscavige in disguise?
Both — she IS a real person. But she is not allowed to do or say anything on her own. Her name is used by Miscavige to put out press statements because he doesnt want them in his own name.
Mike, why is he afraid of putting his name on HIS messages?
Same reason he is afraid to appear in public. Or go on TV.
Aw. Poor wittle Dave. Its so scawy outside.
Don’t forget all those five year olds with pea shooters.
My take on it is that everything uttered by a Scientologist publically and even privately is micro inspected and can and will be used in evidence against them in the court of public opinion. For Miscavige to say anything will instantly attract a army of critics with a very large chip on their shoulders. The honour bestowed to the one who eventually brings Miscavige to justice is a game that will just get hotter and hotter as time goes on. I think it will be one of his lawyers that eventually gets him exposed and in front of a court, but that’s just my opinion. He’ll disappear well beforehand if it ever came to an eminent court appearance.
What a coward. Not a man at all
Thank you for that clarification Mike! Keep up the pressure and great work!
Another Bold shot to the heart of the Cult of Scientology. I personally feel the closer we get to that tipping point for them, the louder the Lies, howls & screeching. It has been this way from the start. The difference as I see it, is that instantly the cult can use their hate site platforms instantly to spread more venom.
So it goes…until it becomes apparent most of us on all the blogs mean business when it comes to taking this evil down. Liz, Leah, Mike, Mary I support you One Billion % & send Hugs & Love. A grateful thank you for the walls you are tearing down. ????
Here’s what I don’t understand……Scientologists cannot even clear their own Scientology community……how the heck do they think they can clear the planet? It would be impossible. What gives LRH the credentials to know what goes on inside of the human mind and the subsequent mental health? Scientologists are not happy people. There is no reward for them while they are in Scientology. What takes Scientologists sooooo long to finally say “I’m done with Scientology.” Why can’t they see that there isn’t any good in it within three years and not take 20 years? Most of all, how can a good parent give up their child? There is no greater bond and the separation causes unimaginable damage.
Everyone has to eat!! Let’s be honest, He was in the “kitchen” during a break.. the only logical place to eat or to comment about eating….
Leave it to the CoS to take a maid/aides words that the CoS PAID for and twist them up, then days later claim that the Kahns, via The show are being paid off, to “act” more dramatic than they truly feel….Absurd.
just like a few of the CoS who posted above (keep hiding behind those fake screen names) obviously they know no bounds, that said. It’s clear who’s who!!! The very posts just like the response released by the CoS, only confirms thier guilt!! Week after week-
The CoS is in for a rude awakening
Crystal ball says=
-they lose the tax exemption within the next 6 months, as the were never really a religion in the first place. Having to pay rearages of hundreds of millions of dollars- (i see bankruptcy coming)
-Investigation pending from SEVERAL Government agencies in this country and abroad- after next week, they go from pending to active!!!
– the loss of hundreds of thousands of members and their pocketbooks
-David’s wife is finally found- by a non-church member- and is on the show speaking out against her abuser, the man who’s held her captive since she showed signs of wanting to leave the church (Lisa McPherson all over again) except Mrs soon to be ex Miscavaige makes it out alive.
– The Tom cruises and John Travoltas of the CoS finally transcend and leave as well..its 2017 folks, how much longer can they credit a “church ” with such a erroneous history for their successes without being guilty themselves
-Florida wakes up and kicks em out…finally a cloud over the sky’s of the bay area -Dissipated!!
Summarization =
One or two people speak out it can be dismissed, or set aside- when hundreds speak out…the Chruch needs to lay down and die all ready- those hundreds ain’t all wrong- common sense!!!
#Awake&Free without Scientology
I love your crystal ball fantasy, if only. From your lips to God’s ears, let’s pray.
It truly makes me nauseous how innocent people can be brainwashed so easily. I’ve always known Scientology to be a cult. I don’t think anyone on the outside of Scientology that is educated in religious studies or simply the difference between right and wrong–has ever thought of it as a positive, healthy “religious” organization, therefor, Scientology is merely wasting its time defending itself among its already brainwashed members–they have never, and are not now–fooling any of us lucky ones on the outside. And as an aside, when I see actors and public figures who are Scientologists, I am so disappointed. I don’t know whether to pity them because they are victims or be disgusted by them for not being the told models they should be!
“It truly makes me nauseous how innocent people can be brainwashed so easily.”
Don’t be nauseous, Erin Van Sickle. Brainswashed people are all around you. Many people exist and make decisions and operate in a brainwashed state. This is not a phenomenon unique to the cult of Scientology or of any cult, There are plenty of people who NEVER question or demand proof in order to beleive what they’re being told provided what they’re being told comes from their own, correct “source”. Whatever the trusted source is saying is believed; whatever a MIS-trusted source says is automatically disbelieved. The trusted or not trusted sources of information can be individuals, groups or media outlets. Lots of people operate this way because its saves having to think.
This is why Mike Rinder said, a few articles ago, “I don’t want ANYONE to ‘follow” me”.
See, he doesn’t care if you don’t believe him. If that’s the case, go ahead and fact check and form your own opinions and conclusions accordingly.
Re; the mother, can you talk about preojecting her own feelings ” im sure as far as mike is concerned , she is just a peice of dust in the wind”…those seem like the way she has treated her child all her life!!! Gale has that typical glazed look..anytime the daughter wants to reconcile? yeah is she just cries uncle and says she will submit to the churches practices….what a bunch of BS!!!!
From the church’s hate site: “Liz was sent to stay with her in Clearwater when she was 14 (Marie was in North Carolina) and they wanted to make sure that Liz was told about her father’s death in the best possible way.” So does that mean that Liz was told of her father’s death not by her mother, but by outside people whom she was sent to stay with because mom was in North Carolina? So did Liz learn of her father’s death from her mom or from these acquaintences?
This is not a rhetorical question. I truly want to know.
I believe that was in the episode but I do not remember who she said told her.
“Sick as that may be, there is poetic justice in the fact that the world sees and recognizes the bs and at this point, scientology’s own words and actions in responding to The Aftermath are the best proof that what is said in the show is true.”
They provide direct, albeit completely unintentional, support for the contention that the individual instances of abuse and injustice that have been recounted in Leah and Mike’s series were not just isolated, rare exceptions to the cult’s doctrines, but instead, constitute widespread, systemic abuses that fulfill Elron’s direct and explicit directions concerning how everyone who’s deemed an enemy of the cherch is to be treated, from now until the end of time.
In other words, the cult itself provides corroboration of the assertion that these anecdotal instances of abuse and injustice are pervasive within the cherch and represent its official position on how all such individuals are to be treated.
In combination with Elron’s own clear and explicit policy on the subject, lil davey’s own ineffectual, imbecilic efforts to go on the counter-attack against this small group of ex-members just serves to prove the much broader allegation of system-wide, scripturally-mandated abuse and human rights violations that are being orchestrated at the highest levels of control within the cult on an ongoing basis.
Thanks, lil davey, you’ve done something extremely important for the Aftermath series that its creators could never hope to have accomplished without your unwitting help: You’ve made it crystal clear that not only do the vile and unconscionable cult practices of coerced disconnection and fair game continue to be applied, just as Elron ordered, but that the cult has absolutely no intention of taking responsibility for any of the harm that it’s caused and will continue on in perpetuity to engage in what everyone outside the Bubble can very easily perceive to be pure evil!
Mike, you may already be aware but just wanted to tell you that Jeffrey Augustine via is sending an electronic petition (email) to try and pressure the IRS to investigate the tax exempt status of Scientology. I signed it and he’s gotten thousands of others to do so as well. Looks authentic to me; he also sends updates on progress of this effort.
Marie Gale is a terrible,mother,and an even worse human being.She has enough shame to last her a lifetime.
Maybe Gale is a monster but I doubt it. Scientology indoctrination and the years of cultural influence is what creates the monsters. Witness Mike Rinder. While in the cult he ate small children and harassed critics using unsavory methods. (Just kidding about the children) Point is he had an epiphany and found his soul again.
Now the whole world can easily see he’s a caring person with a good heart. It’s that simple. Reveal the lies and people revert back to a better version of themselves usually. Lets not forget that folks. Hubbard did a number on EVERYBODY.
Aftermath and its goal is a redemptive process for Mike, in my opinion. When he takes responsibility for how he treated others while he was oppressed in the cult, he shines brighter and brighter. I love him for this public vulnerability. Truly….it’s like watching a rebirth of him and Leah and each contributor on the show. Rebirth = painful and life affirming. This must feel remarkable and scary…
Doug, I’m with Pamela on this. Cult influence or no cult influence, some women should just never be mothers. There are men and childless women who make or would make better mothers than some women who give birth but don’t have it in them. Its an instinct, really strong. This Gale woman, hoo! It could be argued that the cherch obliterated her maternal instincts but I for one am not buying it.
Scientology (L Ron Hubbard) educates sympathy, empathy, sacred family bonds and common sense right out of a person.
People are decent in the beginning. But once they grant Hubbard infallibility their minds and hearts become distortions of their former self. Good people take on the mantle of bad person.
“families are bad groups” L Ron Hubbard
“all critics of Scientology have criminal pasts” L Ron Hubbard
When a person agrees to these above insane quotes, their decency gets ripped out of them. Good mothers become bad mothers. Good friends become enemies.
L Ron Hubbard’s Malignant Narcissism gets imprinted on the minds of his students through his writings.
It’s sad that people are following this so- called teaching of Scientology. What religion would make you disconnect from loves ones. It sure isn’t the God I follow. This is a cult. These people will eventually have to answer to a higher power and it’s not called Ron Hubbard. The devil comes in many forms and David mscaviage is one of those. My heart is sad that people have to be tormented when they choose to leave and speak their minds. It’s called free speak, read the constitution. The law needs to protect them from bullying and harassment. Wake up people
Oh my goodness! You certainly have their full attention Mike. The lie machine within the bubble has been turned onto full. Hate to have to think this way, but that is a good thing. Their end is well past the beginning stages. They are digging their own graves but geezers… aren’t they ugly, ugly, UGLY minded people!
The Church of Scientology, the concentration camp of the mind!
So true the Church of Scientolgy is indeed the concentration camp of the mind. The perfect description of this sham of a church.
…the concentration camp of the mind. Once again you’re right on the money. Well said.
CoS states that you & Leah were “kicked out” because of malfeasance…how the CoS tried to help them but it was too late by then…..
Did Mike or Leah have any letters from the church that sez you guys were lazy, drunks, wife beaters, home wreckers & how they “warned” you that you’d be kicked out? I didn’t think so….
I agree, Barbet. Mike and Leah should ask for the proof that the church “kicked them out first.” Each of them escaped from the church and only later did the church twist it to be the opposite. Also Mike, since you have caught them in several slanderous lies about you and Leah, are you suing over the slander and libel? I sure hope so. I know you have some kind of lawsuit going but don’t know what it is for. And please tell Angie Blankenship and other ex high up SO members, that any hush money paid to them to keep them quiet is not going to be enforceable in a court of law. Look what happened with Debbie Cook.
Are you suing over the slander and libel?
No. That is an arena where scientology holds a massive advantage — unlimited money and an army of lawyers. Tie you up forever. Without real financial damages this is not a battlefield on which I choose to engage. Plus libel and slander suits are notoriously difficult for plaintiffs.
Thanks for the clarification, Mike. Whatever your lawsuit is, I am rooting for you. Choose your battles carefully and it looks like you have.
What you are doing is better than suing them for personal gain. Aftermath and the ex blogs are exposing COS’ true colors. It’s out in the open.
After next week, the question will be “If all of this is untrue (and the Church will no doubt say that it is untrue), then why doesn’t the Church, with its phalanx of lawyers and infinite money, sue for slander (easier to prove than libel)?” Could it be because truth is a defense against libel, slander, or defamation?
Oh, please, let them do it. Because Marty will have to go on the stand. So what’s it gonna be, Marty? Tell the truth, or support Davey and face having to do time for perjury?
After the next episode featuring everybody’s favorite COB, they’re going to post the expulsion letters prior to Mike and Leah’s departure, proving that they both were kicked out, Mike for gross malfeasance and dereliction of duty and Leah for failing to live up to the ethical standards of her religion while going past misunderstood words, craving the limelight and failing to increase her status in the IAS. Hope that clears it up for everyone.
Even if they did have some sort of documentation of Leah and Mike being removed, I wouldn’t believe a word of it. All they would have to do is back-date it. And since we all know what they are capable of, a couple of false back-dated letters is not beyond their scope of lying.
Note to OSA-the Keystone Cops of The Church of Cornered Snakes:
There is absolutely no reason to attack Mary Kahn, of all people.
It truly shows your total lack of humanity and heart-stopping desperation.
Don’t you have some babies to eat or something? Concentrate on that. You’ll have a better chance of coming out with some semblance of dignity.
LOL! We who see, Mary, see clearly. We got your back, darlin….. The Cult Dragon is only steam…steam disappates to nothing.
Dear WhatWhenAllWho,
CSW please.
I believe that WAS in the form of a CSW:
Situation: There is absolutely no reason to attack Mary Kahn, of all people.
Data: It truly shows your total lack of humanity and heart-stopping desperation.
Solution: Don’t you have some babies to eat or something? Concentrate on that. You’ll have a better chance of coming out with some semblance of dignity.
Forgive me, I DID forget one thing:
Thanks, Moxie!
Always glad to help someone standardly apply the tech. (wink, wink).
Honestly? I’ve seen better smears on a two year old’s diaper. It’s seems Mr Misgivings (not a typo, that’s my pet name for the hateful little troll) has worn through the straws he’s been clutching at for all these years.
I think Li’l Davey knows deep down in his thetan, that when he effected his nefarious coup and assumed power, it would end badly for him.
I’m waiting for the downfall with a cold beer in my hand…
Bottoms up mate.
Cheers! Good on ya mate!
… glass of white wine …
“Badly” being the absolute best possible outcome he could ever hope for.
I have no doubt in my mind what-so-ever that when he falls it will be from both a great height and with such impact that he’ll take his precious Cruise with him.
No other true religion calls people out like this if they disagree. Not even the Catholic Church does this with victims of abuse. These are sick people who have nothing better to do with their lives. So sad.
Your comment made me appreciate thinking along another line. For all of Scientology’s screaming how the psyches and SPs of the world are against them – it sure seems as though their biggest and worst threat for them comes only from those who are ex-Scientologists. In other words, the monster under the Scientology bed is of their own creation.
If there is any solace to come out of this, the victims of Scientology abuses were abused mostly because they are sane, trusting and good hearted people. Justice is just around the corner for Scientology but it is blunt thing and slow to respond.
Scientologists take notice the loudest critics are former members, outpoint much?
‘the monster under the Scientology bed is of their own creation’
I love that line!
Well reasoned and spoken I Yawn.
I had a monster under my bed once. She made fun of me because I had been in Scientology.
Yes, well… but… was she friendly in other ways? You know…not ALL monsters are that bad all the time (Scientology is the exception) and can be fun when it suits them. Monsters are similar to cats – they have staff.
A cat likes to toy with David Mousecavige.
A cat likes to shred David Mousecavige.
I always think of that, too… if a church member leaves, you wish them well, tell them you hope they find what they’re looking for, and pray for them. You do these things not because you were told to, but because they’re part of the environment of human decency and care for others that you’ve seen and read about in that environment. I guess that’s the difference between a free religion and a pay-to-play club started by a sci fi writer.
If you leave it makes them wrong. That’s why they get so pissed off & defensive.
Standard tech is stranded tech.
Yes OSD….Add to that….if you leave THEM so does your MONEY…..that’s the reason for the huge backlash. Just how the Hell is “the organization” to continue to feed the Cash Cow without the constant influx of $$$. How are certain people to continue to live a high brow existence if YOU take your ass OUT of “the organization”…and along with your ass heading for the hills is your unwillingness to donate donate donate $$$….the money is dwindling so now the next stunt is to get OT ( & OT 10 up and running..
Role models not told models
I rolled up on a model once. I told her she was very pretty. Then I rolled away.
Off topic but relevant. Real life vs. scientology.
DiCaprio foundation gave $1Million to Harvey Relief.
Scientology with its billions in reserves is setting up yellow tents and begging people to donate.
The only thing they have in common is being trapped on the Titanic as it’s going down. Fortunately for Leo, it was only a movie.
Well now I have a Celine Dion ear worm,
near, farrrrr, where ever you arrrrrrre . . . .
that’s going to follow me in my sleep
Yeah, thats the real world but the guys from CCInt inside the cult like Cruse, Kristie, Archer, Preston, Elfmann, and even Cartwright have no made any donation, they are not even allowed to just bring a moral push.
Where´s Travolta Boeing 747 plenty of goods?, like in haiti, it seems like they are no longer supporting their own VM´s even with tax deductible benefits
Bad Indicators
Even Donald Trump is giving a million to Harvey relief! A miracle!
Its sad that they made Lori Blankenship have to speak out against Marie. Lori’s mom was one of the first to complete OT 8. Like so many of the OT 8’s she soon died of terminal cancer. Lori’s brother Scott was extremely upset and didn’t understand how this could have happened to his mother being OT 8. Because I was a very good friend of Scott (he is a great guy, as is his whole family) I was sent to help “handle” him and any upset he might be feeling toward the cherch. There is one thing Scott said that has always stuck in my mind. Being raised a Scientologist, he believes one must do something bad in order to pull in (self create) something bad happening to oneself. When Scotts mother was on her death bed he tried to get his mother to tell him what her “out ethics situation was”. Even as a Sea Org member it just struck me as such a sad and pathetic thing. Then there is the sister of Lori, Angie Blankenship. Angie spent time in the “Hole”. Angie got pregnant by someone she was not married to and routed out of the Sea Org and gave birth to a beautiful boy. Angie did not get declared. I believe her good fortune was a direct result of all the exposure to the abuses in the “cherch”. Lori lives in Clearwater, is part of a Scientology family and community. I also know she is on the ball and tends to look and think for herself more than most. No doubt she was pressured by OSA. I’m not surprised that she kept her statement against Maie, so bland. Lori’s family was not immune to the ill effects of Scientology. Truth be told.
Believing that the upper tech lines of Scientology such as OT 3, 7 & 8 makes you cause over life is a grave mistake. Too many people get sick and disabled from it, not to even mention the regime delivering it devours all you hold dear, including your family, finances & sanity in the pursuit of it. No one is immune to the ill effects of believing in the Church of Scientology. The organisational representatives of it are all you need to look at. Oh, that’s right… they don’t have public representatives who are Scientologists – just lawyers and smear sites! Neither of which respond with answers to direct questions and evidence of abuse.
Oh Mat, the stories that drive home the saying “Scientology: Always Worse Than You Think” just keep coming fast and furious these days. But this tale of a son badgering his dying mother to figure out how she pulled-in her cancer is a new, if unsurprising low. I know what it’s like to snap out of years of magical-thinking nonsense, but I can’t imagine how he’ll feel if he finally does wake up to what he did in his mother’s last days.
I had to laugh at the “Bonus B.S.” tag
You and Leah have been saying that ex-scientology members contact you, not the other way around. And on one episode this season you and Leah both say your getting lots of calls day and night from ex-scientology members, some not wanting to be on your show, just needing to talk.
If you were to take all the calls you’ve received from ex-scientologists you want to tell their stories on your show (even if you can’t get them on) AND those who just want to talk and were to make an episode for each one (yes sometimes there are two or more on an episode, but for this exercise we’ll keep it to one person per episode), given a standard number of episodes per season, how many seasons would you have right now?
Perhaps 10 more, but it would be awfully repetetive
The point I was going to get at wasn’t how repetitive it would be but the shear number it would be. Which means to anyone outside of CO$ that the problems aren’t a bug, they’re a feature.
We can safely assume that there are many current and ex-scientologist who have not called.
It can be assumed because you’ve covered instances of unreported rape with in the co$. RAINN reports that “out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, 310 are reported to the police.” Rape is one of the most under reported crimes. Add to that the culture of co$ is one of victim blaming, that people look the other way, or that co$ does the “pedo priest hussle,” and, well, the numbers are much higher than just who has called.
Abuse is a feature in co$, not a bug
My wife tried to get off the Freewinds after it was found out that I had AIDS from a blood transfusion and the Captain would not let her go saying that I was going to die and that nothing could be done for me. That was just after they took me away from Dr Denk and sent me to a chiro in Sacramento who told me in no uncertain terms that taking the medicine the doctors would give me would kill me faster than HIV. 6 months later, just before I got dementia, my wife was Comm-Eved and found to be unqualified for staff. So she was kicked out, though she had been caling me every day for 6 months trying to get out of there. I only wish that I had called the FBI myself.
That’s a hellava problem to deal with, Dead Men. Glad you made it through. May the best day of your past… the worst day of your future.
OSD, as a Scot, have you obtained official permission to offer this Irish aphorism? 😉
“…too tasteless, too shameless, too offensive…obsessed with maligning good people…wrecking relationships…”
Yes, that’s right, Cult of Scientology, that’s what you do, and nobody does it better.
Your money is your life support, Co$. It alone is keeping you artificially alive.
But then, you already know that, don’t you?
Yo-yo Dave,
SPLC is known to be transferring millions to offshore entities. If you and your Mark decide to skip, do you really think that your web of intrigue is not being tracked?
What does SPLC mean ? Surely not the Southern poverty Law Center
Is COS so clueless as to be ignorant of the laws prohibiting recording conversations without permission? Soooo, what did they gain by this BS recording? They just let EVERYONE in on the fact that they record telephone conversations! Listening to the lame thing it sounds like only ONE side of a conversation. It doesn’t sound like a message left on a voicemail. If they had received authorization to record the conversation they should have played that BUUUT that would mean the other person be taped ….sigh, it’d be sad if they weren’t treating society like a bunch of ignorant lemmings. I vote it’s time to sue THEIR ASSES!
They probably figure they can get away with it because it was recorded in a studio, not off a real phone line.
Talk about a complete and irreversible melt-down. And they are unable to change it, because LRH told them to do it this way (always attack, never defend). If they ever tried to change it and actually showing any kind of compassion for these individuals, then they would be admitting that LRH and his so-called “tech” are, in fact, fallible.
And I’m still confused with the statement from the “church” that A&E shows before each episode…..did Leah “stage manage her departure from the church”, or was she “expelled”? Apparently both, because that’s what C of S says (that’s sarcasm by the way), but I can’t for the life of me figure out how you are able to manage your own departure from something if you’re already expelled from it.
Thanks Mike for all you had to say! It was very telling!
You hand in there?
Please keep up the good work, as difficult as it may be. Lives will be saved, if that I am certain.
I watch each episode and sit in disbelief, knowing people join this cult and remain in it. Mind numbing…
Doing a public survey of what WOGS know about Scientology…
Keep up the good work Mike and Leah and everyone who is exposing the criminal and inhumane acts by this cult / organization / billion dollar corportation – disguised as a religion….
WOGS hate Scientology and won’t go near it!
Hip Hip Hooray!!
Proud WOG here!! ?
Copy that ????
This blog/comment section needs a like button. A love button would be better.
Scientology continues to dismiss the victim’s experience. What good mother abandons her children and leaves them for stretches at a time with basically strangers to care for them? Parenting is completely lost on Scientologists.
I am surprised that Scientology has the time to respond to the episode given the public service work that they are doing in Texas.
You know that what you are doing is really getting under their skin when they fire back so quickly,kudos to yoy,because no one believes that crap now that it is exposed love the show,even though heartbreaking,but it is information that needs to get out there.keep up the awesome job,you have an army of your own behind you,i am sure,after reading your blog..
Dear Mike and Leah, good job, just keep going creating that great effect
It will be a goog idea to find some people that had been handled in ethics for view the aftermath and then decide to left the church, exposing the way they were getting over this just for look at the show.
Treats, disconnection, donations, conditions and so on that will advice the world on what is really going on, how their slavery mindset is for the people inside,
Really a success story for the audience
And as an off topic, you must be proud about the free marketing that they are doing on your website motto SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT if they are really giving any assistance in Houston, the yellow shirts, caps, tents, promo pieces and cars all saying that at unison like those chinesse school drills
No wonder if the dwarft decide to change the VM´s motto
Gives new meaning to the word MOTHER!
The more Dave and OSA express themselves publicly, the more the society sees the truth of Scientology.
All Dave has to protect himself is LRH doctrines of attack and destroy critics.
You would think that masters of communication would try to resolve inharmony with dialog.
Dave and company are trapped inside the bubble of L Ron Hubbard’s sick and twisted doctrines of hate.
The more they express these doctrines of hate, the more they destroy themselves.
It’s a flow zero thingie.
Swan song of the last standing Scientologist: I did it Ron’s way.
(to the sound track of Game of Thrones) Winter is coming to Scientology.
Well said Brian.
Thanks Terri.
Dave and his groupies have been in the bubble of L Ron Hubbard make believe for so long, they have no idea of how they look from the outside.
They are seeing all of this through the mind of a Malignant Narcissist. It is an absolute in their eyes, that the outside world is filled with bogey men.
That is the imprinting of Ron’s paranoia made into church doctrine and practice.
I feel sorry fir them. And then when I hear these stories destroying families I am angry at them.
This whole drama we see being acted out like a Shakespeare’s play is in reality the mind of L Ron Hubbard being applied.
The mind of an insane man. A man who thought himself the wisest man ever.
An insane man who wished for suicide by electroshock when he was running BTs on his ranch.
Co$ is in Total Bunker Mode, Brian. Wagons circled, drawbiidge all the way up, hatches battened down – choose your metaphor.
As blind as two bats.
I swung a bat once. But, it wasn’t blind.
Oh… but I’d bet you’re good at groping around in the dark Dude, a specialist you might say.
I’m betting that at some point the legal system will kick in. Not sure who, or with what strategy, but it would be fitting that the legal system brings them down.
They’ve weaponized the American legal system. Lawyers are their fangs. They’ve harmed people like Paulette Cooper and made television studios cower in submission for fear of law suites.
A fitting karma would be DM taking a dose of his own medicine:
The legal system!
From what I can find the number of Scientologists is less than 40,000. And it is dropping like a rock. I pray that within the next 20 years they become a bad aside in a sick joke. Being Mormon I checked their reported numbers and it topped 15 million. They have more missionaries in the field than all of the Scientologists.
Here are the numbers on other religions as reported by Wikipedia:
1.1 Catholic Church – 1.285 billion[2]
1.2 Protestantism – 800 million
1.3 Eastern Orthodoxy – 270 million
1.4 Oriental Orthodoxy – 86 million
1.5 Anglicanism – 85 million
1.6 Restorationism and Nontrinitarianism – 35 million
1.7 Independent Catholicism – 18 million
1.8 Minor branches – 1 million
How such a small segment of people amass the money they do is staggering. Bleeding people to death for their next *useful* building.
It’s beyond belief.
Estimating at lower than 40,000 is VERY friendely to the cult.
At the end of 2013, there were between 15,000 and 20,000:
This was before Going Clear, a whole lot of other crticism and of course The Aftermath show.
Until a few weeks ago I would have said 10,000 to 15,000.
Now the “ban aftermath” petition on change dot org was started and the number of people signing stalls at 6,100 I’m not even sure of that anymore.
The cult is dying, and it looks it’s going faster than I always thought. For now, their billions and the whales (rich people giving lots of $) keep them afloatt. The more urgent problem for David will be he simply runs out of people to run the COS.
It’s nice to watch.
I drive down L Ron Hubbard way many times. I see more Sea Org members than public. It’s been that was for quite a while. It’s a ghost town.
Scientology is going fabian.
Weren’t a number of those “signatures” found to be fake?
Jill, you might be off by 20,000 members.
Hard to pin down any numbers. That 40,000 was an average of what I was finding. Lord knows we won’t get *real* numbers from cos.
Jill, there’s actually been a significant effort to pin down numbers, including incorporating information from defectors, though unfortunately it is not as well documented (like a single updated web page) and publicized as it might be. TrevAnon is citing figures that are pretty well grounded.
If you’re looking for counts of religious groups, ARIS (the American Religious Identification Survey) has pretty good numbers, and they counted 25,000 in 2008 (which would include independents, and ex-CofS members who still considered themselves scientologists – and, just in the US), which is pretty exactly in line with other figures and estimates of the time. Since then, Scientology’s count has shrunk below statistical significance, meaning it is too tiny to be gauged accurately in surveys, but we know it has further contracted to a significant extent.
All the information seems to converge on a current count of probably fewer than 20,000 scientologists worldwide, with something like 5,000 to 6,500 being Sea Org, mostly in the US. The 6,000 or so who signed the anti-Aftermath petition, apparently after urgings that amounted to close to an “all hands” count, is telling; there is also a private semi-official Facebook group that is said to have 15,000 members, though I suspect that includes several thousand who are no longer really active, and who would leave if they could do so without consequences.
Thank you PeaceMaker for the clarification. I was going cross eyed at the different numbers I was seeing.
Thank you Mike, Leah and all those who speak out the truth. Bravo! Love is not a word or emotion they can use or even admit too.
Interesting to see how they attack the next one, if it’s about the leader. It all backfires on them as usual.
Hiding the abuse ALLOWS it to continue. Bringing the abuse to public view is like lighting a candle in a pitch black room. NO CHURCH should be permitted to bury it’s “crimes”….notice the word CRIMES….a “biggie” in the lingo of COS. One of the COB’s favorite words as in “what are your crimes”……Even the Catholic Church had to admit that some of it’s Priests were child sex pedophiles/abusers. Other televangelist had to admit that THEY had sins “of the flesh” & weren’t as pure as they were showing themselves to be. .
No religion should push someone to want to suicide because they are gay, or they just can’t “cut it” & make it up the bridge & are continually bashed, or because they don’t want to disconnect from their family, or PREVENT someone from seeking professional psychiatric help & the necessary psychotropic medications to curb the demons that their minds create.
IF a church has nothing to hide, they should willingly open their doors to investigations, open their FINANCIAL RECORDS to review. In plain words, hide nothing if there’s nothing to hide.
As unpleasant as what we have been viewing, hearing, learning it’s a lesson in life. Life is not all sunshine, lollipops & brightly colored balloons….life has it’s UGLY side too, & exposing it to the LIGHT is what needs to be done. The TRUTH can’t be hidden forever, someone “knows where the bodies are buried”…. knows where the money is, knows what really goes on based upon the PRINTED COS documents we’ve seen.
I praised A & E, Leah, Mike & all those brave people who’ve stepped forward. Keep lighting those candles…..
Very well said.
FWIW I gave Mike some info at one point. He asked if I would be comfortable testifying on camera about it. I consulted with family members and said no not at this point. He said ok, we do not want to do anything to make you uncomfortable.
End of story.
On the flip side, when an attempt was being made to recover me by scientology, I got close to 300 calls and hundreds of letters in less than 6 months after I said no. (Well, I said a lot more than no and a lot more forcefully but they stalked me mercilessly).
Mike and Leah are not scientology. They do not continually harass you. They take no to mean no. They do not coerce people to do things.
Just because it is common practice in the scientology world to use coercion, blackmail and threats to get what you want, out here in the real world, we respect people and allow them to move on if they say no.
The fact that the attack on Mike and Leah intimates they use these techniques speaks loudly about the fact that Scientology does not understand how,the real world works.
I second everything you have said here Valerie and have had similar experiences myself with both sides. Mike was always very cordial and not pushy whereas the church is harassive, abusive, overpowering, bullying and spent hundreds of thousands if not millions to follow us with 5 private investigators, spying on us for 27 years, undercover ops to harm and destroy our family, etc. The church is more abusive and harmful than any other organized group I have heard of other than the Mafia and I would say they are heading in that direction.
They will do anything to cover up their criminal deeds and destructive policies. They want to turn every being into mindless, robotic slaves, that is their MO and that is where the “tech” takes you.
That is what drives people to suicide, being made into a mindless, non-emotional, non-sympathetic slave to Miscavige and to LRH’s tech, the opposite to the freedom that built America, the freedom and power of choice that we all as human beings strive for and die for.
“FWIW I gave Mike some info at one point. He asked if I would be comfortable testifying on camera about it. I consulted with family members and said no not at this point. He said ok, we do not want to do anything to make you uncomfortable.”
Well “everybody knows” that those who expose the truth are responsible for the abuses they expose, not the abusers. None of the abuses that are brought to light ever happened until they were exposed and even then they never happened if the church is involved. It’s an altered maxim to you are responsible for your own condition… the Church never is!
Get on the road to fleece-dom
Help us fleece all mankind
Your children and your assets
Are only in your mind
It reminds me how in politics these days pointing out racism is turned around to the counter-accusation that the accuser is racist themselves in many instances.
Lori Blankenship knows David Miscavige hits people, because Angie, her sister, did inform her of this shortly after moving to Clearwater. It’s amazing how scientology helps you to unknow things that you know, and know things that you don’t.
Scientology, the study of knowing who to know.
Ha ha ha! “…and of learning what to know and what not to know”.
LRH musing: How do I get rid of all this goddamn cognitive dissonance in my midst?
And Ron’s favorite entity spoke to him.
Entity: Put an end to it by writing Keeping Scientology Working!
LRH: Yes, yes! Brilliant!
Hey Moxie! Pauly wants you to come to New Jersey. He wants to know who you know.
Mike, I do not watch any of trash that Scientology puts out after the show because it is meaningless to me. I agree with you that it only supports the policies that you have referred to in the show and online. Scientology seems to me to be about a lack of balance, a lack of harmony. Navajo’s (Native American’s) believe in harmony and balance and it is much more than what the word conveys. It is about beauty in your soul, balance in everything in your life. Harmony between body, mind and spirit. I’m also a Christian and am eternally grateful to my mother for teaching me about Christianity and then giving me the freedom to choose what I believe personally. She always told me that whatever church I worshipped she only asked one thing, to know the theology and beliefs of that church. She was a very wise woman. Scientology seems to me to be about a lack of balance, lack of harmony, lack of beauty, lack of morality down to the foundation of what LRH wrote and required. Obvious to me because a man created the concepts and beliefs and practice of Scientology. The pain of the people that speak on the show is obvious and almost too much to watch. I do not believe Scientology or their leaders will ever acknowledge their pain and that is horrible beyond belief to me.
” I do not believe Scientology or their leaders will ever acknowledge their pain and that is horrible beyond belief to me.”
I agree Lucy. This is why ess pees like me will NEVER rest until they are gone. Another day, another communication to someone who has not heard about the A&E show and that makes one more person aware of this fanatical cult. We must carry on until there is some sign of change.
Yo Dave,
Another day and another mat burn good buddy! You ARE going away …….. Dave. If you want to try mud wrestling, it is dirtier but fewer mat burns ….. you pick …….Dave!
Lou, Lou, Lou!!! Godamnit I told you to terminatedly handle that fuc*****Newcomer. Why is he still blaspheming my name on SP Rinder’s blog? Don’t you dare backlash to me with that raised eyebrow routine. Get Marty on the phone, maybe he can handle it since you’re about as competent as a paraplegic in a tennis match.
If DM hasn’t jumped ship already. He is certainly staging to do so. If I wanted to waste and misuse parishioners money for PI’s, I’d hire them to watch airports.
It’s beyond my comprehension that Scientology can run paces like *The Hole* and not be raided for human rights abuses. I would dearly love to hear them try and explain why there is razor wire and locked gates surrounding these places. But I guess human rights abuses can’t happen in the US, we only get on our high horse to rescue prisoners in other countries.
So…Will we see ‘set up’ shots in a future episode showing there was no such person as the ‘anonymous caller’ present when this weeks episode was shot? As mentioned over on the ‘Bunker’, Miscavige appears to be coming even more unhinged. Maybe because he’s the focus of next weeks episode.
It is quite interesting that the lines used by recent trolls on this blog (this being a “reality TV show, attacking the mothers, etc.) are what the church (and Cos henchman) have been using. A VERY coordinated pack of lies.
Also, the criminal founder of the new Independent Church of Scientology, Merrell Vannier, has joined with the Cos in attacking Mike & Leah for exposing the Church criminality. Last year Vannier actually strengthened the grip RTC over the TM’s by filing a fatally flawed challenge to the Marks that anyone with an IQ > 20 would not have done. His stupid Indie followers haven’t yet figured out the double cross.
Wynski, “coordinated pack of lies”. Yeah. I’ve thought this for a long time. Scripted, eh? Maybe they don’t see it, but those never-indoctrinated, and those who have broken free can see it.
Exactly Gravity.
Wynski, interesting but what are the “Marks”? E-meters? I’d like to research this as I’m uninformed on it.
Wynski, I think by “Marks” you meant the stupid people in the church who were rubes or someone you’d take money from? But what does “TM” mean? Translation of your post please.
TMs = Trademarks. Vannier tried to disestablish the trademarks the cult holds to things like “LRH” (yes, “LRH” is trademarked) and failed miserably. And “marks” in this instance is short for “trademarks”. Took me a couple of reads to understand it. Mike should have been a little clearer.
Aqua & Cindy. I mean trademarks in both sentences. He got a positive ruling by the USPTO for RTC on the marks.
Espi and Wynski, for handling my MU Phenomena, thanks ever so 🙂
WTF? One wasn’t bad enough? Now there is an Independent branch of this shit? Please, what;s next? The Branch Masonian? Charlie will love that.
I hope you have someone tuned into the series inside the US Department of Justice, the FBI and the IRS. You and Leah are uncovering sufficient actionable information to merit a formal investigation in the “church” — including reconsideration of the IRS ruling.
Oh, what Homo Novis has become. If scientologists are demonstrating the new man, the rest of us should get off this planet.
It is so damn crazy.
Is that what clearing the planet means!!??
David Miscavige has a HUGE little man syndrome.
You said it, Jill, and “shrinkage” doesn’t even come close to it.
First thing Mary, thank you for standing up. This seems very much a David and Goliath thing. I found this and would love to hear your take on how factual it is.
*And nothing is forbidden to the Church of Scientology in carrying out their all-important mission. The church can commit any crimes, any abuses, any fraud and it is excused because they are saving the planet! They can and will lie and cheat and steal to forward this all-important purpose.*
To bad RICO can’t be applied here.
“…I don’t wonder what scientology would do if tomorrow I put up a recording on my blog of an anonymous caller telling me he had been walking on Hollywood Blvd last night and had seen David Miscavige beating someone with a nightstick, causing serious bodily harm? Would it be ethical to publicly air that — even promote it? Of course not. And I would not do it. Neither would Tony Ortega. Neither would the Producers of The Aftermath….”
Are there false leads being sent to the show to muddy up the legitimate material?
Good question and point. More examples of what Marty, Leah and the producers must wade through.
I would love to see it, talk about something going viral!
Just as an aside, I was also in the kitchen when David Kahn came in to get something out of the fridge. I asked him if he was okay with what was going on in the other room with that lady that made a fool of herself at Tom Cruise’s wedding. He said to me, and I quote: “Hey, we’ve all got to eat.” Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Now you’ve done it. The church will expose this on their own site tomorrow?
Is that you Allen?
Shit, busted.
I’ll hold Moxie here until you come over, Coop…
Like me on Facebook?
Everyone has to eat!! Let’s be honest, He was in the “kitchen” during a break.. the only logical place to eat or to comment about eating….
Leave it to the CoS to take a maid/aides words that the CoS PAID for and twist them up, then days later claim that the Kahns, via The show are being paid off, to “act” more dramatic than they truly feel….Absurd.
just like a few of the CoS who posted above (keep hiding behind those fake screen names) obviously they know no bounds, that said. It’s clear who’s who!!! The very posts just like the response released by the CoS, only confirms thier guilt!! Week after week-
The CoS is in for a rude awakening
Crystal ball says=
-they lose the tax exemption within the next 6 months, as the were never really a religion in the first place. Having to pay rearages of hundreds of millions of dollars- (i see bankruptcy coming)
-Investigation pending from SEVERAL Government agencies in this country and abroad- after next week, they go from pending to active!!!
– the loss of hundreds of thousands of members and their pocketbooks
-David’s wife is finally found- by a non-church member- and is on the show speaking out against her abuser, the man who’s held her captive since she showed signs of wanting to leave the church (Lisa McPherson all over again) except Mrs soon to be ex Miscavaige makes it out alive.
– The Tom cruises and John Travoltas of the CoS finally transcend and leave as well..its 2017 folks, how much longer can they credit a “church ” with such a erroneous history for their successes without being guilty themselves
-Florida wakes up and kicks em out…finally a cloud over the sky’s of the bay area -Dissipated!!
Summarization =
One or two people speak out it can be dismissed, or set aside- when hundreds speak out…the Chruch needs to lay down and die all ready- those hundreds ain’t all wrong- common sense!!!
#Awake&Free without Scientology
It would seem that they are using the “click bait” tricks to drive people to watch their comebacks. I recently watched “Merchants of Doubt” about how it only takes one or 2 very adept marketeers to insert phrases or words that provoke “just a speck of doubt” – because that’s all you really need to keep people wondering. They (Merchants of Doubt) did it successfully with tobacco for about 30 years or so, then with climate change (and we see where that is leading). Scn, or LRH must have borrowed those tactics and attempting to garner even a speck of doubt about the The Aftermath show. Not working, though. The cat’s out of the bag, and people are riveted. Each episode leaves me feeling agonized for how these families have been ripped apart by something claiming to be the answer to all the world’s problems. Really? How about starting with genuine compassion, then?
Re: the “anonymous” phone call — at least they admit they record ALL phone calls. Else how would they know when and where such a call would come in?
Also, as Aaron Smith-Levin pointed out, there is no number one can call where it will be answered “church of scientology international.”
I think OSA International answers it that way…
I would call COS’ responses to these episodes juvenile, but that would be an insult to childish people everywhere.
The complete lack of self-awareness they display every week is staggering. They put up these videos and smear sites, and then presumably all pat each other on the back for a job well done. All of us outside the bubble, though, just see it as reaffirmation of everything that has been said about them.
I venture to say that maybe even a few scientologists still in, would cringe if they watched the church’s videos. I know I did when the church showed me the Dead Agent video they had created on Marty Rathbun with Anderson Cooper slam. It was written by a tween, I swear.
Then maybe it’s just Miscavige patting himself on the back.
These honestly look like what you’d get if you gave a 6th grader access to production facilities. The production values are good, but the content is along the lines of “I know you are but what am I?”
I had a friend who was a devotee of AA. He discussed that the moment you become addicted to something, your age freezes there and only after you have shaken the addiction and begin living a normal life again can you begin to mature. I believe David Miscavige has frozen at the age he became addicted to usurping power.
Interesting theory. Valerie.
Possibly, COB’s addiction to physical abusing his subordinates started on his Class IV Auditor Internship when he slapped his PC.
Too bad someone didn’t insist that she write a Success Story:
“YES! I realized that I really need to get the fuck out of here! by any means necessary as soon as possible! And, YES! I would definitely want everyone to have this cognition!!”.
Pretty much. I hope there is a hell and that piece of describable crap aka elh (capitals very definitely not used) is being roasted slowly over and eternal flame. But the stench will only add to the ambiance
State your true feelings, Jill. Don’t hold back 🙂
*laughing* I know, I am too kind. It’s a flaw I am working on.
Could not agree more.
It could go further back than that. Didn’t he suffer from asthma? If he had breathing treatments, or used a nebulizer, he was getting steroids, which raises adrenaline levels. I know about this first hand.
I have also wondered about the “attack”, enemies, destroy messages that Hubbard has impacted in his doctrines. When I feel threatened, I go into fight or flight. Either of those are caused by adrenaline. Too much caffeine will do this, too, but that’s another story.
Da Madman may have had too many steroids and the start of an addiction. My guess is 10 or 11, judging by his way of taunting. Just a grade or 2 up from nannynannybooboo.
Summoning his rage is a homegrown way of summoning adrenaline. Just sayin.
(Not a dr, not a psychologist, just a former asthma sufferer. I flokin HATE steroids)
I think you’re onto something as re the steroids, Gravity. From what I’ve read, the root cause of asthma is adrenal exhaustion and that babies can be born with exhausted adrenal glands leaving them prone to asthma and/or allergies. Steroids for asthma pump a person up artificially and actually cause MORE exhaustion and dependency on the drug. I’ve also read that Miscavige eats 5 times a day which indicates that he has hypoglycemia, which can cause extreme irritability. Money or not, it sure must suck to be Him, lol.
There is no such thing as adrenal exhaustion. Some people prefer to eat many small meals a day.
From the Mayo clinic for Rosalie: Substitute exhaustion for Insufficiency…..
Signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency may include:
Body aches
Unexplained weight loss
Low blood pressure
Loss of body hair
Skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation)
Adrenal insufficiency can be diagnosed by blood tests and special stimulation tests that show inadequate levels of adrenal hormones.
The more I read the more convinced I become that LRH was trying to create a world of emotional black holes. No matter how much love and compassion they received from their family they simply took it in but nothing was ever returned. Being able to *disconnect* without a qualm is baffling to me. My greatest source of comfort and strength comes from my family.
Correct rosalie. The term is adrenal insufficiency.
The diet for that condition follows: Eat frequent, high protein meals and snacks (3 meals, 3 snacks daily). Be sure to have breakfast within 30 minutes of waking, and plan to eat something every 2-3 hours to help keep blood sugar levels stable.
Nice try at deflection but like most OSA trolls you are uneducated.
Current asthma sufferer here . . . I hate being put on steroids. There are however different classes of steroids.
Roid rage is attributed to anabolic steroids. Steroids that are used to treat asthma are corticosteroids The most serious side effect of inhaled corticosteroids is hoarseness, plaques and thrush.
So the Disney film, ‘Frozen.’ Is all about the dwarf?
Exactly Mary, If I were still in, I would cringe at these videos and it would CONVINCE me that the church was dirty and then I would start investigating, eventually ending up on these blogs. I know myself and these vids would not sit well with me. This is one of the reasons that I feel zero compassion or understanding for those “still in”, especially the old timers. Let them live the zombie life that they’ve chosen.
Mary O/T, but I recently re-watched the episode you were in from last season and wanted to comment that you are a very talented & gifted artist. The portrait you did of Sammy was beautifully lit from within by what can only be described as a mother’s love. Made this mom cry seeing it both times!
“Staggering”, yes, because they’re flying by the seat of their pants with no viable defense strategies, yet they must do SOMETHING because “The Wrong Thing To Do is Nothing”. So by way of response to the allegations of lies and abuses, they lie and abuse some more. Its all they can do and their not going to run out of money, so we can count on their continuing to do so until something, somehow, stops them.
LRH, wherever you are, when you wrote, “The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing” were you including the possibility that ALL allegations of negative behavior made against your church would actually be true?
No Aqua, when he wrote that anyone coming up with him or another church exec as a PTS item HAD to be type 2, he KNEW that he and other execs were criminals.
That why he wrote that piece of “tech”..
I have to wonder just what will happen next. When Mike and Leah confronted the PI and he said he was working for TMZ, that blew that idea. So the people collecting garbage, lying, setting up cameras, getting in anyone personal space while screaming, don’t you touch me, when they make contact impossible because they facilitate contact.
When each of these situations are documented and show co$ to be the aggressor, when can the stalking laws come into play?
The crap that Mike and his family had to deal with is far worse than stalking. And Stalking is life threatening.
The more they focus on the people who talk to Mike and Leah, the more Mike and Leah are able to document what they are saying, then the less veracity co$ can claim.
Mike and Leah, this is becoming clear what you are saying is true. I have never doubted it, but some people take a while.
BTW, I went to the grocery store yesterday. I haven’t bought a People Magazine in years. I did yesterday simply because that purchase was one more way I hope to keep Leah and Mike in the spotlight. They are sick of the shadows of co$. Keep it up, it’s working.