Time to take a look at the weekly “response” from scientology to The Aftermath’s latest episode.
It is of course as pathetic as all their previous efforts because they cannot address the FACTS, so they exclusively deal in ad hominem attacks pursuant to scientology policy.
I will endeavor to bring some semblance of truth to the stream of lies they put forth about JB and Jackson. Scientology is wearing a trail into the carpet — everyone is a bad person, they are all “low-level” nobodies, they all have “confessions” that “prove” they are liars, cheats and thieves and not a single person was in a position to know anything ever.
Let’s start with John Brousseau.
Scientology’s headline sets the tone: Leah Remini Rewriting History Through the Eyes of a Delusional Handyman
Of course, this “delusional handyman” who “knows nothing” was the person tapped by David Miscavige to build Tom Cruise’s limo, tour bus, airplane hangar, motorcycles and refit the Freewinds. He was such a “nobody” that he has photos of all of these things. Hundreds of photos.
You can find some of them here, along with more detailed descriptions of his activities over the years.
The story of John Brousseau written by Tony Ortega. You can also google JB and you will see a LOT of information about him.
And then you will see what scientology says about him: “Brousseau couldn’t cut it and had no talents to offer beyond unclogging a drain, changing a tire or mowing a lawn.”
They pull out a bunch of Sea Org members to do Korean POW style videos.
These are bizarre and have NOTHING to do with anything he talked about on the show. They variously claim he was a “disgusting, creepy womanizer,” (with NO specifics), had engaged in “borderline sexual harassment” (no specifics again), he’s “he’s kind of stalkerish” and the specific they give is a woman claiming “he made a big deal about my haircut.” This is classic scientology propaganda. They seek to imply someone is bad because they have indentured servants who will say anything…
Of course they drag out a bunch of other sad looking people to proclaim “he was a driver,” “he was a mechanic” and “he would tighten screws on doorhandles.” I wonder if they even realize that they are confirming that this is EXACTLY what JB said he did for Miscavige?
So glad they did, because this report is a bombshell.
THIS is what this report says — as recounted by Marty Rathbun in his blog post of August 19, 2010 (Rathbun kindly attaches a copy of the report itself). I have noted in bold some of the more interesting passages. The italicized passages are direct quotes from the document. The non-italicized are Rathbun’s commentary back when he was thinking and talking straight. I note the first prescient sentence:
Warren has undermined any future dead agent packs that try to attack JB’s credentials for future appearances:
“JB was an employee of Religious Technology Center (RTC), which is under the supervision of Mr. McShane. JB did not have an official title within RTC, however, due to his tenure with the church and his unique skill set he was an integral part or the lead on many high profile internal church projects.”
Warren confirmed that all base personnel (with the exception of JB, and of course he is now gone) had no access to the internet absent restricting filters:
“JB’s internet computer was different from other employees, in that it did not have any filters and JB could search the internet without restrictions.”
McShane swears to the Sheriff, that with the exception of JB – and of course he’s gone – no “church members/employees…enjoy…freedom of movement”:
“On April 22, 2010 (Thursday) at approximately 0730 hours JB left the main facility driving his privately owned vehicle. It was not clear where he was going, or the nature of the trip, however it was not unusual for JB to come and go due to his work projects. His ability to come and go from the facility is in contrast to other church members/employees, who do not enjoy the same freedom of movement.”
“Mr. McShane summoned (4) church members/employees who know JB the best and sent them to Texas to attempt to contact him and perhaps persuade him to return to the facility in Hemet, CA.”
Clearly, JB was an employee of RTC, the highest scientology organization on earth, and had special access and privileges that virtually NOBODY else had and was so important top level officials including Tommy Davis and Miscavige’s right hand woman at the time (Angie Blankenship) were sent to try and get him back.
Yet this is what scientology has on their site today:
“Brousseau attempted to gain status with the media by pretending to be a former “high-ranking” member of the Church, as if changing the motor oil of a van makes him a religious expert. In reality, he was known as nothing more than a grease monkey, a handyman who handled vehicle maintenance, janitorial and groundskeeper duties.”
But then, the irony of ironies — scientology cites a recent Marty Rathbun POW video “where he debunked the myth of John Brousseau.”
Well, here is some more of what Marty Rathbun said about JB before he was doing videos to help scientology:
Here are his links:
Mission to re-capture JB fails
And finally — here is a link to a piece that Rathbun wrote to discredit the claims that scientology had made that John Brousseau “knew nothing” in response to the New Yorker — the attachment has lots of photo evidence that scientology was lying then as they are lying now.
And now on to Jackson Morehead.
Scientology’s ad hominem attack on Jackson consists primarily of three things:
He was a “sick sadist” who “tortured animals,”
He was uneducated,
And he had no “special line to Miscavige”
The entirety of his “sick sadism” and “pleasure from torturing animals” is that he killed feral cats on the property. That was his job, assigned by scientology. Now turned into “sadism.”
“Morehead was incompetent and illiterate, someone who one of his bosses compared to the dimwitted character “Jethro Bodine” of The Beverly Hillbillies sitcom.
“Said one former Security Chief: “His bosses would work with him just to get this guy to learn to read basic primer English. Couldn’t do it. Couldn’t do it. He’s a loser. You know. He’s a complete, dedicated loser.”
Well, if this were to be true (and those who actually watched the program can determine if he is a “dimwit” and a “loser” and rightly judge scientology for its childish name-calling) then this is the product of scientology. Gary’s ONLY education as a child was from scientology…
And speaking of basic english — this is a quote, spelled out on screen, from one of the POWs who claims Gary is illiterate and a loser: “he’s making up lies for his own personal financial.”
They dragged some interesting people out for Gary’s POW videos. For someone who held no important position and knew nothing about anything, it was surprising to see:
Former CO CMO Int Mark Ingber now noted vaguely as a “senior executive” — actually he has NO position at all…
…and former Int Finance Director Wendell Reynolds identified only as “former studio head” – also with no position at all.
These two are Hole people
In addition they brought in Paul Kellerhaus – the former (or current) Security Chief FLAG and Mike Sutter — former RTC Enforcer and Miscavige right hand man who is identified with the vague title of “executive” (Miscavige busted him to “tape stuffer” – who knows what he is today).
They go to great lengths to proclaim Gary “did not have any special relationship with the leader of the church” and “he didn’t have any special lines.” At no time in the episode did he ever make such a claim. He merely recounted the interactions he DID have and his personal experiences. Of course, what he actually SAID is not addressed.
The most bizarre “dead agent” effort is a POW video featuring Gary’s niece who proclaims: “Gary was never around growing up. He wasn’t part of the family. He was not a person I could go to. It was constant disappointment.” Seriously? He was in the SEA ORG. He was not allowed to even tell family members where he was.
And once again, they rely on Marty Rathbun as their “expert” on Gary Morehead. Rathbun complains that “Morehead’s tales constantly evolve, change and are embellished over time to where one can’t take them seriously.”
Oh come now Marty. Pot. Kettle. Black.
Let me help you out Marty — here is a video interview with Jackson published by the Tampa Bay Times in 2010. Why don’t you check it over and see how his story has “changed” and get back to us with some specifics.
And the final irony is they hawk their “video tour of Golden Era Productions, the resort-like studio that features a golf course, a swimming pool, tennis courts, five-star dining and numerous amenities for its staff. Having lived there, Gary Morehead knows full well his characterization of the property is a baldfaced lie.” The shameless lies and propaganda reaches a pinnacle with this video — it might make the North Koreans blush.
This is the best they could do to respond to everything that was said about David Miscavige’s rise to power. There are no documents from L. Ron Hubbard anointing Miscavige produced. There is no response from Miscavige AT ALL. Not a peep. Not even a “provable bullshit.”
Weak stuff. Really weak. If I was to resort to scientology-style name-calling, I would opine that this response is obviously the work of a dimwitted bumpkin who is too stupid to even understand the words he is using and too moronic to recognize the world sees him as the village idiot.
And finally, for those who may be unfamiliar with the lies that scientologists will tell at the behest of the organization (especially Sea Org members), here is an article I wrote earlier that explains this phenomenon: Why Do Scientologists Lie?
Needless to say, this series is one of the boldest shows ever put on TV. Leah and Mike, my hat is off to you and the courage it took for you to stand up to this utter evil organization. People have no idea the lengths and expense the Church of Scientology will go to discredit and destroy their detractors. They have no rules, no boundaries, no morals. They will tell lies about you, attack you, harass your neighbors and co-workers. . The whole Scientology scam is a lie shrouded with enough truth at the entry level courses to draw the unwitting deeper and deeper into its web. My family history with this cult goes back to 1954. Eventually, all but 1 of us got out. Escaped. It took many years but one by one we realized the real goal is extracting as much money as possible from you, regardless of the harm it may cause you. My sister remained loyal. Within 1 year of her retirement, the Church talked her out of her entire retirement, over $350,000! She was 71 years old. She went to Flag for the services she bought. Because of her weight and bad knees, she couldn’t get through the Purification Rundown. After a couple months they sent her home without completing a single service she paid for. She lived her remaining years subsisting on just her social security. 9 years later, when she died of cancer, we found she had hundreds of books and lecture tapes, I mean HUNDREDS, in boxes that had never even been opened. She was a Class VIII, OT IV and they fleeced her till the day she died.
And THAT is Scientology.
I’m unsure if this has been asked before. What OT level is Miscavige?
Hip boots please.
““he’s kind of stalkerish”” sounds like a comment about Miscavige: “He’s kind of humanish.”
All the bullshit is there purely for the sheepbots and no one else.
Oh yes, “He was a “sick sadist” who “tortured animals,” sounds more like a description of Demento himself.
Mike – serious question:
Did anyone ever raise their hands to block a physical attack by DM? Or, maybe out of self preservation, pull a fist back as if to strike him? I wonder what he would do if someone stood up to him, even for a brief second.
I think many of us think we’d defend ourselves in a second, but I imagine with the brain f-ck you/they’ve endured, it wouldn’t even be an option.
I’m glad you’re out and living well, that’s always the best revenge.
And having a series supported by millions. That’s the best revenge.
And being able to sleep at night. That’s great revenge too.
And being free in all senses.
That’s not revenge. That’s a human right.
Marc Headley wrote about just such an incident in his book. He was about to put that little asshole Miscavige in the ground in retaliation for getting sucker punched, and that chickenshit COB’s goons stepped in and held him back.
By the way, I highly recommend Blown For Good – it’s about Marc’s experiences with the cult which is very interesting, but really it’s a great love story (with the happiest of endings!). It should be made into a movie.
Thanks, Gus! Looking forward to reading Blow for Good.
Think of pulling David up , or challenging him landed you in the dog house ” hole ” or R P F., little or no contact on daily routine’s , scraps of food bringing you to the level of degrading a human being .He used scare mongering tactics, operated evil intentions to mind control your think and invalidate you , so one wasn’t prepared ready to hit back, lack of sleep ,to be thinking straight , and to act in self defense , more so being shit scared to do anything , Let alone prepare mind to act for self. defense, Obviously it took guts for those that took risks , however authorities should have been told. and some one should have noticed those lines to outside were not available and was one of the most biggest outpoints .
I just can’t imagine any other legit business or group doing such a horrific job of entangling itself in lies as a public response to reports of misconduct. Even a completely bipolar, schizophrenic, uneducated criminal would do a better job. Somewhere Miscavige is hiding and orchestrating all this and convincing himself of his “brilliance”. He is convincing no one and only proving that he and his cult are what people say they are.
This comment is “Morehead was incompetent and illiterate, someone who one of his bosses compared to the dimwitted character “Jethro Bodine” of The Beverly Hillbillies sitcom” is truly beyond the pale and I take personal exception to being called “dimwitted”.
To Mini-Pope:
Are you really happy with this lonely game you play
Looking for folks to frame?
Searching but not finding, understanding anyway
You’re lost in a masquerade
So afraid, that’s why you keep so far away
You must have seen this coming from the start
You try to mask your hatred, but the truth gets in the way
You’re lost inside this lonely game you play
Thoughts of pure deceit appear every time I see your eyes
No matter how much you smile
I understand the reasons why you carry on this way
You’re lost in a masquerade
You’re lost in a masquerade
You’re lost in a masquerade
You’re lost in a masquerade
You’re lost in a masquerade
simply brilliant!
Thanks GP.
Excellent, moxiemaximus. Leon Russell would be proud.
Love this song, and your eloquent parody lyric, Mox. Just went to the top of the charts.
Many thanks Aqua.
Why would Miss Cabbage have an illiterate moron as HIS head of Security? 😉
Miss Cabbage…I love it
Dave in drag. Int Base behind closed doors. Film at 11.
I don’t know. It’s weird to me. Every Time I see ex-scientologists speaking/interviewed they ALL come across as well thought out and well spoken. All of ’em. Funny, given the mindfuck they’ve all been put through, some for decades. And nearly all, I suspect, had little to zero formal education. Weird.
The truth is, cults are not all bad. The irony is that often very high quality, well meaning and highly intelligent people are drawn in because they have a drive to self improvement and meaningful contribution to something greater than themselves. They are often highly dedicated, hard working and incredibly strong. Coming out the other end of this devastating experience can make you as stronger, wiser and better person. I do NOT credit the cult for this, it is ONLY because of the amazing resilience of the human spirit. I was in a cult for 18 years and I left my group, who were some of the highest quality people I have ever known. I happen to believe that the best and brightest are the ones who break out and especially speak out. These people are heros. Not just to other Scientologists who they are trying to reach, but to anyone who has had the misfortune to have been drawn into a high control group. It does not surprise me in the slightest that these are high quality, intelligent people with big hearts. I will dare to say that I can relate so much, I know how it feels. Stay strong y’all!
Very well put GP. I agree.
It’s one of those things which keep me up at night; how the hell is it possible that intelligent, sometimes very well educated people get involved in scn?!
I’ve met some truly fantastic people in the SO, and I feel sorry for them that they are still in. They deserve so much better! But then again, I managed to get out after almost 20 years so they should be able to do it too.
I hope Mike and Leah (they are true heroes) will put an end to this nightmare-cult of all cults.
Wow, thank you for acknowledging the countless intelligent ones. So tired of being called gullible and dumb.
What is totally true for me is all of Scientology’s accusations are actually a confession of their own actions.
They blame and shame others, but they are actually revealing themselves.
They are the the liars
They have questionable morals
They are after money
They are anti religion religion
They are the bigots
They are the ones who are greedy
They are the ones manipulating media
They are the unqualified
But they have NOT demonstrated dereliction of duty or gross malfeasance. That is because L Ron Hubbard instructed these people to do exactly what they are doing.
What you see going on here is the by product of following Hubbard’s words on power. How to keep it and how to destroy those who criticize.
Ron was a paranoid person who was terrorized by being doubted and criticized. Ron was terrorized by being seen. Miscavige is a Hubbard mini me. Have you seen Miscavige lately?
Ron was an intellectual coward because he brought destruction on those who questioned his claims. He could not debate doubters and skeptics because his claims can’t stand up to reasoned scrutiny. So Ron created doctrines to destroy critics.
What you see coming from David Miscavige and his underling dumpster divers, is the actual application of Hubbard’s actual writings.
They are instructed to “find the crimes” of critics. Hubbard said ‘don’t talk to critics. Find their crimes.’ Yet Scientologists consider themselves masters of communication; fairy tale.
Ok, so what are these hate sites that Miscavige is creating doing; they are attempting to convince us that all of these critics of Scientology have a dark, criminal personality.
It’s all they know. Hate and attack critics. It’s what Ron taught them.
So no dereliction of duty there. No malfeasance at all. It is the duty of Miscavige to manufacture slanderous accusations.
The Hubbard’s instructions I’m talking about are revealed in this link below.
Just when you think Scientology is weird. It keeps getting weirder.
So when Scientologists bleat that they are under attack, the are just being scrutinized.
To the Scientologist scrutiny is the same as attack. That mental distortion came from Ron. These people were not like this before they studied Hubbard.
“So when Scientologists bleat, they are just being scrutinized”. Trained and ordered to, no doubt, I’m guessing not of their own volition. Regardless, COS aka DM is REACTING, isn’t he? In the most declasse fashion, vile and malicious slander.
COS aka.. is a sows ear, and it (he) is showing the world. KSW. Lol.
It’s deflection, which is a classic Narcissistic trait.
What is interesting to me is that his teachings are so contradictory. The smear videos, a reaction to each episode, are oxymoronic. So is the effort to control media..the Google, Twitter and YouTube spamming campaigns recently. It’s fascinating, but I feel so bad for those smear puppets. They stick to McSavages script, but can’t look at the camera, fluttering eyelids, blank eyes.
Great summation.
“…. and his underling dumpster divers…”
Funny Brian 🙂
It is so revealing that following the Code of Honor is actually forbidden within Scientology.
In Lie-in-tology seeing the truth is a High Crime
In Lie-in-tology doubting and asking questions is Suppressive
In Scientology applying the Code of Honor makes you into a bitter apostate or suppressive wog.
Just ask Paulette Cooper if this attitude started with Miscavige.
All of this madness comes from the mind of L Ron Hubbard. Scientology is an organization projected from the mind of a Maignant Narcissist.
End of story!
The disgusting inhumane and family destroying events, we are all appalled by, are instructions from a paranoid demented madman who valued power, money, and delusional imagination over the sacred bonds of family.
Tonight I just watched a show on the ID channel, “After Scientology: Mark Rathbun’s Escape” also featuring Claire Headley, which I had never seen before. Wow oh wow, watching Marty THEN and watching him now is well, what can I say? He presently looks like a robot, mesmerized or in a trance.
I have decided like many others here that he has been paid off. And that the money trail has been brilliantly well hidden and it will take some geniuses to track it down.
The only other explanation for his present shenanigans is that he’s gone completely insane, which I doubt.
One other explanation – they have some terrible secret of his from his auditing tapes, something so bad he is trapped into this sad hostage existence as they threaten to expose him if he doesn’t tow the line.
I agree with you GP. I’m sure Marty did some shady really criminal stuff while working for mcsavage. He definitely looks like a POW in his little tapes.
I agree. Marty did some shady, maybe even illegal things under order of DM. But DM is too smart to have anything trace back to him, that way he can blackmail people like Marty later.
Very true he’ll have lined up hose guilty
It’s probably his unflat OT 3 case. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
I tend to agree with you Ms. P. Lately I’ve been thinking that things are not going well for Marty. I cannot imagine him being a seeker after truth and then going back to zombie land. I got to know him during his “starting to doubt Hubbard phase”. He almost kicked me off for my Hubbard criticisms. Yet he was liberal with me by posting everything (except one nasty reply to Marildi LOL). I will always thank him got that.
Now I simply find it hard even looking at his face. Things must have gotten bad for him to sink so fast.
Marty, I wish you well and hope you get back to yourself.
What we once again see is that even if you were brought in to Scientology at a young age you can think for yourself. It’s not easy and after you leave you may miss it but a part of you knows abuse is wrong. Even the fact that we hear people say how they justified the things going on in their heads means a light went off so to say. The response of the organization also shows how despite their claims to build you up they break you down. Talk of someone being less than because they are just a grease monkey or uneducated contradicts their actions. Sea org members have said time and time again how they left school . We hear about the value of the work in the rpf .Yet these are the things that the response from the group attacks. It’s always a deflected attack and not addressing the issues raised. It’s the reason that we need to be cautious and kind when speak of the actions of those who escape. We as a whole need to support them and not taunt them with past mistakes or regrets. Scientology loves when we do that it just proves its point that the world outside is awful.
To those who have left or are thinking about it you will be ok , you are strong and capable.
Thank you, Christine. Beautifully stated.
Wow, it is painful to watch Marty… I am sorry for whatever happened to him. Notice when he pauses to take the huge deep breath. He must be under so much pressure. Also, it seems these days whenever people are trying to deny the obvious they have to use this ridiculous phrase “there is no there there” Their absurd attempt to smear our guy JB does nothing to discredit his story. So what if he was a mechanic, janitor or only changed the oil- is that somehow suppose to discredit him in our eyes (not that I believe their BS) – and the claim that he was uneducated? hahaha – isn’t that on them? They are using tactics set up to hoodwink people from the 1950-60’s. Sorry Scientology, people are a tad bit more sophisticated nowadays- I truly feel bad for all the POW’s including Marty- hope they can be rescued somehow…
Watching Marty’s newer videos compared to his older ones it looks to me like his heart is not in it. It’s apparent to me he’s not believing his own BS. His vids when he was opposing the cult show more honesty and passion and direct communication. In these newer ones he seems to half heartedly be sticking to a script. Maybe that’s his way of telling us all that he really doesn’t want to be there. I hope so Heartbreaking to see how deflated he looks.
I think Rathburn is having heartburn.
Hi Mike Rinder
I have a question for you. Does anyone audit David Miscavige?
PS great job on the show and your blog
Wow. That’s not sending a great message to his parishioners. Even LRH did auditing right?
Yep — Hubbard was convinced auditing was the answer to his problems.
Now honestly, Would the church or more specifically false report for stats or Money? Do the math!
“Hole people” sounds like the name of a horror movie.
To David Miffed Scavenger:
How about using all that free time to get your high school diploma?
Maybe Sean O’Keefe can get one of his people to infiltrate CoS and do one of his exposes. What about Amnesty International or ACLU? Isn’t there an advocacy group who could make a lot of noise about this? What about lawmakers like Governors, Senators and Congressmen/women (probably more likely in Florida than California)?
So proud Leah’s latest episode devoted about half a minute to my photos of Gold Base Security circa 2009!
You go AGP!
Congrats, AGP, you’ve certainly shot some excellent footage over the years, which ends up turning up in all sorts of places…none of which the cult’s very pleased about!
We were having a discussion awhile back in Tony O. Land concerning the effectiveness and ethics of various modes of $cn activism and your in-your-face style of confrontation came in for some rather strong criticism, mostly with respect to its effectiveness and the possibility that it just drives folks to hold onto their whacked beliefs that much more tightly.
It occurred to me then that the proof is really in the pudding there, with the number of $cilons that you’ve helped to free from cult’s evil clutches being the only real success stat there.
So, let me ask you: Do you know how many $ciloons have been directly helped to escape the cult through your personal efforts, using the AGP signature approach? I completely understand that with $cn the planting of any kind of seeds can often take awhile to germinate, so success is often not that easy to measure.
I wondered where I’d seen those before. Thx AGP
I saw your name in the credits! Keep fighting the good fight, Angry Gay Pope.
Does Scientology not understand that THEIR response is as, if not more, indicting than Leah and Mike’s show?
Can Miscavige not think for himself? Their policies do not work in the modern era.
I know people say the attack ads are aimed to convince current Scientologist but the general public sees them as well… and Scientology is killing their own image.
As an outsider, I would look to be joining an religion that could make me a better person…an organization that will teach me to deal with adversity with dignity, calm and strength. Scientology deals with adversity like an emotional Child. I don’t imagine the average adult is going to say ” I would like to sign up with a religion that name calls, denigrates working class people (calling him a “grease monkey”), and never, ever ever admits to a single mistake.”
Also, since I don’t know any Scientologists personally, I like to hear as many viewpoints as possible before forming an opinion (since I have no real life experience on the subject). So, I would be far more likely to question Leah’s show (or at least think “ok clearly Scientology has made mistakes but largely they are still doing good things”) if their response was…
“We take these claims very seriously. We are working with local law enforcement and conducting our own internal investigation. So and So is always welcome back to Scientology and we wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors.”
But the way they are currently handling things AND the fact that Miscavige won’t publicly address the criticism makes them look unquestionably guilty. I have no doubts in my mind about the authenticity of the stories being told on Aftermath. They are so worried about Leah Remini, they don’t even realize they are killing themselves.
Maybe Miscavige should make a hate website about himself.
JBX, I agree with you completely. The fact that you suggested an actual sane response that a normal business or church might say, scares me as maybe DM will read your response and try to use it to fix his horrible PR. But, I think my fear of him ever responding in such a responsible and adult manner is unwarranted. They have to follow LRHs 50 year old policies no matter what. Whether it be using telexes, addresso machines, file cabinets full of their Central Files, letter writing campaigns and of course Fair Game and always attack, never defend – I could go on.
If IBM or Apple were still following 50 year old policies and not evolving, we would all be working on floppy disks.
I wouldn’t worry too much about him taking my advice. His ego is obviously bloated and corrupted. He’ll never admit fault or change course. At this point, If he did do as I suggest, it would actually make them look even more disingenuous …unless they announced that Scientology was undergoing a major reformation.
But I do not think that will happen while he is in charge. He has run Scientology into the ground.
Chris Shelton, a former sea org member who has a YouTube channel and podcast, said “Scientology as a religion is dead. It just doesn’t know it yet.”
Scientology: the scratched, copied, non workable, obsolete OS floppy of days gone by. With a one megabits hard drive!!!
I still & sometimes wonder what WOULD happen if one of their long time mega/major celebs woke up one day & thought….”this is bull crap”……& then made a hasty exit OUT of Scientology as Leah did. What if J.T. or T.C. even tried to exit “the organization” & made public statements. I can see the smear site going up…..immediately…..& the combing of files to find any & all innuendo, peccadillo, admissions of something not so nice they’ve done being released.
What can we expect from T.C. who starred in “War of the Worlds” but a true belief in Xenu…..& now in a movie “American Made” with some mention of the CIA I believe in the movie. Geeez, if anything he is more “Scientology Made” & to see him support a “religion” that abuses others with his “bestie” giving those orders. Has he NOT seen this “bestie” slap others around? Is he so sequestered in his “pent house condo” that he is blind to all of this despite the fact “loyal members (no doubt) are the ones who clean, cook, & do his biddings as unpaid slave labor?
To step forward & make a statement about “the problems inside are being handled”…..Well that in itself is an admission that something IS wrong. The Catholic Church beat around the bush for decades over the sexual abuse of children by some rogue Priests…but even THEY had to admit this was going on, & they’ve paid out big money to settle lawsuits.
It’s all circling the drain….the truth can’t be hidden forever. In my heart, I already know that the leader & chief already has his bags packed, his new residence ready in a country without an extradition treaty in place, plenty of $$ to live out his life comfortably. He cannot for any reason appear in public at this point…the media would hound him, the public would be on him….DM is NOT prepared for any of this.
I am also a never in and have been reading/watching info about $cn for several years. It does not make sense until you realize that what $cn does was prescribed by ‘Source’ (LRH) through the myriad of documents issued throughout the years. As LRH’s scibblings are ‘law’, then they are being faithfully followed by the minions, including ‘always attack, never defend’ and ‘bring to total ruin those who attack’ (not direct quotes but the gist of the directives).
It is amazing to me even now how predictable the smear sites are the same, with minor differences, but all as directed by LRH’s doctrine.
Yeah, I have read the policies as well. Mike Rinder always does a good job highlighting and explaining them. It’s an incredibly stupid policy. If their policy was “kill them with kindness” Tony Ortega might not have ever started the underground bunker.
But I actually don’t think DM follows that policy just because it is law. I think he follows it because it encompasses his entire philosophy towards life….Attacking people; controlling people, disconnecting from people, robbing people.
All this makes me wanna see Hallmark Channel come with a new original series, a bromance cop show called “The Fatman and COB.” Two intrepid private dicks – a doughy, redhaired con artist with bad teeth and a streetwise, fast-talking bantam prick from the back alleys of Philly – travel around with E-Meters in hand pulling withholds and finding crimes.
I mean, the possibilities for great comedy are endless!
This seems like a perfect place to share a story that all of this reminds me of and that has been very useful to me. I have no frame of reference for the belief in Scientology or the organization but I can definitely see a parallel that cuts through the jargon.
Years ago, my sister worked for many years at a large west-coast telecommunications company (one that was famous for indoctrinating its employees with devotion to the “company line”). She worked her way up to middle management, did every job they assigned her well, and yet she became increasingly stressed and unhappy at how her superiors were handling things. They were aggressive, inefficient, biased, you name it. She felt terrible about noticing these things but they began to interfere with her health, her ability to perform her job efficiently. She tried talking to her superiors, to no avail, and in fact was treated badly for speaking out about how to improve things.
Finally, in desperation, she went to talk to the corporate psychologist (that’s what I said – this guy is going to be objective when he gets his paycheck from the same people?). But he listened to her concerns and her experience and he asked her a very important question that cut through all of the problems she was having about being a loyal and dedicated employee.
He said “if you had to describe your relationship with this organization as a relationship with a person, how would you describe it?”. She thought for a while and finally said “well, I’d say it was an abusive relationship”. He asked her what she would do about it. Of course, it is scary to think about what might happen if you left, but ultimately, many people decide to leave an abusive or controlling relationship, even though they are warned it will be catastrophic, because they are afraid they might not survive it ultimately. She told him she would leave a person being that abusive. And he said “well, I guess you have your answer”. No judgement, no trying to talk her into conforming, nothing like that. He just framed it in a way that made the answer simple.
Well, she did end up leaving, and though life is never perfect, I think it definitely gave her the freedom to make and be responsible for her own choices and become more fulfilled. I never forgot that message and have used it in various situations where I have felt conflicted between loyalty to the ideology of an organization’s principles, and how they were practiced when it comes to work. When a relationship can be characterized as abusive, it does not matter how much you believe or not in its principles; it’s toxic and dangerous. Period. Whether with a person or a big organization. And life will go on better without it. It takes courage, but the world is made up of people who have survived the same thing and they generally band together to help each other through it. Just like these folks do here.
“he made a big deal about my haircut.” I literally spit out my coffee at this.
I just laughed out loud! I’m sure it wasn’t suppose to be funny but I read it that way..
I have one important peeve about Tuesday nights Aftermath show. In one ‘flash on screen $cientology denunciation’ of Gary Morehead, the blurb stated that Gary’s allegations had been ‘refuted’. Whatever mouth piece the Clampire is using hasn’t ‘refuted’ anything any one who testified has said.
Gary’s pain in recounting his actions that helped get his wife to abort was very plain for everyone to see. Anyone who takes that pain and twists it is going to get some serious confront from me.
$cientology’s fail is total. Sometime one of the nameless $cieno ‘responders’ is going to cross the line and commit some tort able action. I can recommend some good lawyers, just don’t stiff them on their fees.
Rathbun has completed his loss of mind and any remaining sensibility. It will appeal to their Co$ remaining small adherents, and perhaps a few hundred outsider sympathisers Their response is not only repulsive, it is quite obvious Rathbun is attempting to honor his payoff.
Another great summary Mike.
There is so much more to Miscavige’s psychotic behavior.
Gary Morehead wrote in a comment on Marty’s blog (25 Mar 2010),
“What I alsoWITNESED first hand was DAVID MISCAVIGE physically hit SCIENTOLOGY HIGH RANKING EXECUTIVES AND STAFF. I witnessed DAVID MISCAVAGE make 5 SCIENTOLOGY EXECUTIVES deficate into a clear plastic bag out in the broad open, make them shower by use of a garden hose in the broad open – male and female executives mind you AND I have witnessed DAVID MISCAVAGE execution of FAMILY DISCONNECTION.”
Wow. That is SICK ! I don’t doubt Jackson’s story is true. U can’t make things like this up.. Any sane person for that matter. ..
Hope authorities know this in the end, was Jackson says reference order of disconnection and whether the women lawyer acting for D M will listen to what she said again , which was that theirs no such thing as church using disconnection
Wait, wait, wait…
Made them deficate in a plastic bag out in the open???
For f**k’s sake, just when I think Miscavige can’t be any more vile. What a sick bastard.
DM is a sad, pathetic little man with ignorant minions to do his dirty work. God Bless Jackson, JB, Leah and Mike for bringing light to this corrupt, abusive cult.
Get this, Miscavige, and get it good:
What is done TO a person does NOT degrade him.
Only what a person does wrongly to others degrades him.
David Miscavige, somewhere in the utter solidity of your now monstrous, artificial beingness is a dim spark.
That’s YOU, that spark.
That’s Who You Really Are.
You’re never going to kill YOU. You can only be made it dimmer and more invisible.
You have to be YOU – forever.
You can’t leave by going out the bottom.
All your efforts to go out the bottom have resulted in nothing more than a deeper and deeper abyss.
It will just keep getting deeper, and you’ll still be you.
That’s your punishment.
“Too gruesome”, as LRH would say.
Well, you’ve managed it. Congratulations – that took some doing.
For some time now, you’ve been wandering around, down there, slipping and sliding, trying not to bump up against the slimy walls, looking up, catching glimpses of sunshine with people walking way, way up there on solid ground, people who are confronting whatever wrong things they’ve done to others.
They may not be always happy and they may have plenty of problems and situations but oh, boy nobody knows better than you how much better of the unhappiest of them are compared to you.
As you look up, you recognize some of the people you tried to degrade.
You’re envious of them, aren’t you?
Who you REALLY are would trade places with any of them in a nanosecond. You would not hesitate.
Because suffering or riddled with problems, who you really are knows they’re better off.
Well, you’re right about that.
Certainly, they are suffering. You did a good job on that score. They are in pain, frequently.
On the other hand they can laugh, sometimes. And you can’t. No, not really. Who You Really Are long ago let go of laughter.
These people you hurt – they live with tremendous loss. But they bear up. Their heads are high. Their hearts can still love, while they deal with the pain of acknowledging their own part in what is now causing them at times unbearable pain. You see, they know that they had a hand in what now causes them unspeakable pain, and THAT knowledge is ITSELF extremely painful. But they bear it. They bear it – God knows how they bear it, but they do.
They are ALIVE. They can CARE about people, themselves, animals, hobbies, causes. They are interested, they are interesting. They are funny, they are productive, they are helpful.
LIFE, Mr. Miscavige. They’re on a LIFE PATH.
They’re alive, and becoming more and more so. Physical age can’t stop them, won’t stop them. We’re talking about “beingness” here.
They’re way up from where you are on good solid ground, walking around and you…well, you’re pretty far down, and trapped. The walls are steep, slimy, slippery. Sometimes you’re not even sure where the walls are. They fade in and out. Sometimes you think you’re OK and the next minute you’ve run into a wall and have mud and slime all over your spiritual face. Its impossible to stay clean. You sink and stumble. You’d love to get out but its hard to see where you’re going and there don’t seem to be any footholds to climb onto, to start the trip up…..you’re looking up…there that glimpse of sun shining again, and there are these people you hurt, way,way up there, glimpses of them, walking around…how you wish you were one of them, even the unhappiest, the most troubled of them, what a relief it would be, what joy…..how will you ever get back up?….maybe if you dig a little deeper you can go out the bottom and not have to look up anymore…because its so painful to look up…
These people walking around on solid ground, breathing fresh air, are getting rained on sometimes. But the sun shines on them too.
And it never does on you, does it?
Well, the reason for that is, these people chose LIFE.
Whilst you, unfortunately, chose DEATH – not of body, but of beingness.
Death of your beingess, was YOUR choice and it was a bad one because of course, Who You Really Are cannot EVER die..
Not ever. Not totally. No matter how low you go, your beingness will not die.
And so, Who You Really Are, weeps.
We understand.
Aquamarine, I hope / wonder if he’s listening.
Amazing post.
You state your truths so eloquently, Aqua. “Death of your beingess, was YOUR choice and it was a bad one because of course, Who You Really Are cannot EVER die..
Not ever. Not totally. No matter how low you go, your beingness will not die.
And so, Who You Really Are, weeps.
We understand.” Took my breath away.
Scientology hits below the belt. A thoroughly scary institution.
Hello Mike,
I’m curious about something, with all of the Dead Agent happening. Where Scientologist do everything in their multibillion dollar backing a so called church/Cult trying to stop people from working which could leave them homeless and not being able to feed their kids, could something legally be done about that?
It sure seems like it but I pray in my lifetime that Scientology is gone the more they make comments ,post, blogs they tell so many lies and they’re so obvious I actually have a physical reaction ,my stomach feels all twisted up isn’t that crazy, it’s just I have so much empathy for everyone, they’ve gone unchecked for way too long,
Mike I do hope that you’ve forgiven yourself, you’ve made up for all you’ve done, I like this Mike Rinder, you’re a great man, husband and father!!!!
My brother’s wife died just over a year ago. He recently started dating a woman whose father died yesterday. Therefore, I had a long conversation with him last night because that’s what people who care about people do in situations like that.
During the conversation, we went into such diverse topics as “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” and scientology, which he said at one point mildly interested him, but not enough that he actually ever bought a book *phew*. I was the only one in my family who was sucked in..
We touched on my time in scientology and why I never discussed it. I said “explaining it would be at least an all-nighter.” He said “I watch Scientology and the Aftermath, you could probably just say something like Episode 2, 7 and 8 of season 1 and Episode 3 and 5 of Season 2 and I would get it.”
I asked him what he thought of the disclaimers scientology issued that Leah read or that appeared on the screen during the show. His reply: “they’re great comic relief.”
Thanks for being a voice to explain to those we know what it was like for us. People who were never in are being made more aware. People who are still in are becoming braver. No one is buying the “disclaimers” IMHO.
Valerie, I’m so sorry for the death of your brother’s wife. Sending you love and good wishes.
Yeah Cece, you nailed it. In fact, I have noticed there are several distinct stages of typical abusive relationships. The first is the abuse, of course. If the victim complains or even notices the abuse, the gaslighting starts. The first line of defense is to claim the victim is simply lying. But if that doesn’t make it go away, then the victim is told they are “overreacting” or “imagining” it – they are making a big deal over nothing, etc. If that does not work, the abuser moves on to blaming. Well, yes it may have happened, but it’s something the victim themself caused, something they “made” the abuser do (for their own good). it still wasn’t as bad as they say, etc. When minimalizing or blaming doesn’t solve the problem, the last stage is that the abuser tries to usurp the position of the victim for themselves. They “couldn’t help it”, they were “forced into it”, they are truly the people suffering from all of this, they are being “persecuted”, etc.
So the typical route is for the abuser to use every available tool to justify abuse, and when that fails, to claim the role of the true victim. It is a scenario that plays out in domestic abuse, it plays out in abusive bosses, it plays out in abusive governments, or elements of society where one group exploits and oppresses another. One or all of those scenarios is generally involved. At every stage, the abuser compounds the abuse by denial, minimizing the pain, blaming the victim or stealing sympathy for themselves.
I cannot imagine DM is doing anything to Marty other than extortion (unless Mary is seriously mentally unstable). Maybe you can wear people down with years of harassment and threats. Maybe it’s just easier to take a “salary” to reverse course.
It may work on CoS members, but he has ruined his chances of ever being a legal witness for them. His credibility is completely shot, and given the accusations most people who have left are levelling, his flip-flop will look more like he is being threatened than anything else. It all smacks of how the mafia operates. People don’t do abrupt 180 turns unless they are being intimidated. People don’t suddenly stop being witnesses for the prosecution unless they are being threatened or paid off. When you recant to that extent, you nullify your negation pretty instantly.
I am sorry that the FBI thing did not pan out, but perhaps another avenue will – particularly one that involves abuse of the tax-exempt code. Religious organizations are not frequently successfully sued by individuals. But sometimes class actions have worked. The Catholic church has been successfully fought regarding child abuse cases. And although that has not proved completely effective, the attendant publicity has made the public extremely wary of their tendency to cover up sexual predators’ crimes.
The really idiotic thing that DM is too much of a high-school Mean Girl to have figured out (and he is the last person who should be leveling cruel charges of being “uneducated”), is that when you talk about people the way he does – not just using ad hominem attacks, but using petty and highly subjective language to frame it – you don’t sound at all like a large institution defending itself but a co-defendant in a really nasty divorce case.
Big religious institutions never punch down, they don’t need to. They don’t act like bullies and tear down the character of the people who accuse them of crimes. (Big corporations, however, successfully can and do use those tactics in court against whistleblowers). And that’s where DM will eventually hoist his own petard, in the public if not within the organization. He makes CoS sound like a whiny, trifling and oppressive person or a big evil money-hungry corporation instead of a charitable religious institution with the alleged gravitas it claims.
Every time CoS posts a character assassination nastygram of someone who comes forward to criticize them, they just prove what incredibly mean-spirited bullies they are. Excessive force is never a good look, and it sure as hell destroys any perception you might want people to have you are a poor, pathetic “victim” of religious persecution. Abusers always out themselves by their nasty aggressive behavior, and DM is no exception in how he “defends” CoS from its much weaker critics.
People in the public expect real churches to “suffer in silence”, not overreact and go on the attack over every slight. That’s the other identifying characteristic of abusers – they project their sins on everyone else first. No exception here. DM may have dodged a bullet the last time in court, but using these tactics will make him lose the next time. The more I see of this place, the more I think it’s a giant RICO case waiting to happen.
Very well put, Cece.
The way I’m seeing it right now, in the most important court of public opinion, DM has already lost.
The Leah and Mike team courtesy of A&E have millions of supporters who aren’t being asked to fork over one red cent to forward the message.
DM on the other hand has a few thousand supporters who are being asked to donate every penny they have plus their first born (if they’ve not already been coerced into aborting him/her).
DM has lost Hollywood and his current actions against well-liked members of that community ensure that he will never get it back.
DM has lost any chance of sympathetic support from anyone in main stream media.
DM has turned tens of thousands of avid supporters against him by ripping them off and then tearing apart their families when they objected to his greed.
Mike and Leah have the dox. DM has nothing but his temper tantrums and lies from people obviously suffering from an acute case of Stockholm Syndrome.
Cece, speaking of sMarty you note: “It may work on CoS members, but he has ruined his chances of ever being a legal witness for them. His credibility is completely shot, and given the accusations most people who have left are levelling, his flip-flop will look more like he is being threatened than anything else.”
Utterly ruining his credibility and reliability as a sworn witness in any future $cn-related legal proceeding was exactly lil davey’s prime objective in flipping the ol’ $cn warrior back on side in the first place.
Marty was either bribed of blackmailed to dead agent himself because the cult’s credibility was already so completely shot that they could never accomplish that very important task themselves and no settlement agreement gag clause could shield him from being compelled to testify in, say, an IRS battle over the cult’s tax-exempt status either. Marty had to be coerced or bribed to do that himself.
Now that this goal has been accomplished in aces, Marty is going to have to steer clear of buses for the rest of his life, because, umm, $cientology!
Edit: 3rd para., 1st sentence, change “bribed of blackmailed” to read “bribed or blackmailed”.
“There is no There There.” ??
M. Rathbun’s article: “Petition the President of the United States” about the FBI in 2011:
“Many local law enforcement officials have heard my complaints against Miscavige and the church of Scientology (tangible, current assaults upon me and my wife), in four different states, who have shrugged their shoulders and asked me, “where’s the FBI? This stuff is clearly a pattern and crosses state lines daily.” And each time, I have covered the FBI’s back by putting it back on the locals to stick to the narrow picture – granting the FBI’s stupid request that I keep the fact of their investigation quiet. (I call the request stupid, because they continued to assert the church couldn’t know of their investigation more than a year after I demonstrated for them it was impossible that the church did not know by then – based upon people whom the FBI had visited and briefed and based upon whom I know those visited had subsequently spoken to).
I know precisely how the FBI was bought into submission by the church of Scientology. I even warned the honest line agents involved in November 2009 exactly how it would be done so as to proof them up from having their work sabotaged.
My attention was recently directed to a petition that appears on the White House’s web page. I ask that you sign that petition titled, EXAMINE THE GOVERNMENT’S FAILURE TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY CRIME, FRAUD AND ABUSE.
I also encourage you to make the link known to every person you have the ability to reach in person or electronically and that you urge them to also sign.”
It’s amazing to find an organization disparaging someone for alleged lack of “rank” and education when it’s an organization led in turns by:
– A high school drop out
– A guy unable to pass his freshman year
Certainly, in terms of pretense, lies and stolen valor, it’s hard to beat:
– Two fellas sporting unearned, self-appointed make believe titles of “captain” and “commodore”
– Claims to numerous never earned academic achievements such as “dr”, “engineer” and many others
– Claims to have earned medals that do not even exist
If everything a person is saying is automatically disqualified because he allegedly complimented someone’s hair, what does that say about the credibility of:
– A bigamist
– A philanderer
– A guy who in writing confesses in detail his obsession with spanking his monkey
– A wife beater
– Dead-beat “dad”
– Wife disappearer
It would behoove the cult to get their criteria straight for what disqualifies a person from speaking about their life experience. How much more would those same criteria ruin claims to being the founder or global leader of a “global religious movement,” a war hero, a bona-fide professional, and so much more…
It is obvious that David Miscavige has a crippled soul, but for me he is also another victim of this evil organization created by LRH
I agree that DM is a victim in that he was brought into the cult at a young age. But his sociopathic, violent and disgusting behavior cannot be excused as being a victim, in my opinion.
Absolutely correct. David Miscavige is a sociopath. And he’s evil.
He was a sociopath even as a kid and only got worse.
I agree with Katherine. If it were just LRH, then everybody in power would behave like DM. I think that LRH provided a convenient accelerant for DM’s sociopathic and disturbed tendencies toward spiritual arson. Many philosophies are dangerous, but prove to be more dangerous in some hands than others.
I absolutely agree. LRH created a culture in which David Miscavage’s (early) hidden cruelty could flourish.
$cientology has helped Him be all He could be. Think of what a poor sap he would have been without help from El Con.
“everyone is a bad person, they are all “low-level” nobodies, they all have “confessions” that “prove” they are liars, cheats and thieves and not a single person was in a position to know anything ever”. Wow how sad to see how a So Called Church speaks about ppl, okay this so called Super Church that Claims they can Fix any prob & everyone but go back and belittle a man who spent 33 Years of his life doing things that some think Isn’t much yet is given Imp Jobs access to TC’s home,drives ppl Pretty Important things IMO & I’m sure he paid lots of money into this church & if he had no talent or couldn’t be trusted they’d think putting him into those roles was lil or Nothing smh & maybe he didn’t wanna back stab his way up that never ending ladder to nowhere & he’s not smart huh really if that wasn’t enough Sct feels the need to LIE and be the very thing they claim is what there against Huh, there are NO perfect ppl regardless of some ppl’s Big Ego’s & from what I hear Sct Lies.thieves & gotta Love Not a single person was in a pos to know anything that dose sound about right w that one seems like most have no clue what’s going on how can they ask if it’s frowned upon to seek Truth, from an outsider’s POV I swear the More they speak the more they sound Nuts those disclaimers don’t help at all talk about Lies Hello and so sad any Church or a so called one who goes & attacks there Ex Members ? there PR ppl are seem more like school yard name calling Bullies who go so far to Blame your show it’s your fault your lying ppl who tell there Truth there all Liars & rest of us are all Bad a tad of Judging esp ppl U don’t know Sct ppl but what’s common is Ones who speak like the Loudest often are the same ppl who are doing the Bad Deeds & we’ve heard other real religions talk Big about Drugs,Sex,ect & come to find there doing what they bark the loudest & when they get caught explain that one but again were Not perfect ppl we make mistakes but Own it,fix it,step down & move on talk w God do ? U need to but NO Church has any right to lock ppl up & can’t believe how they threw the Wife of one of the guy’s and she went to Jail that’s tacky too but keep working to help ppl who are exploited,mistreated & abused… Sending Love your way
Something that Leah said rings true. It all started with Hubbard and his policies. That is the original source of all the abuse and criminality. Miscavige cannot address that. It’s the core of the cults destruction.
My question is,if they are not allowed to watch or listen to outside corrospondence,WHO is watching the show to be able to respond so quickly,this cult is bad bad news cannot believe that tom cruise is so deeply involved,sure changes my whole attitude about watching any of his films
They don’t have to watch the show. They just read Tony Ortega the day before and have people do smear videos based on who Tony says is going to appear on the show. That’s why they don’t address any of the content IMHO.
Your humble opinion is quite correct, Valerie.
Valerie, the church actually has more heads up time than just Tony Ortega’s site. A and E actually tells them what each episode will be about and invites them to come on the show to give their side of it. That is how they have time to prepare the hate sites so they come up almost the minute it airs. I asked Mike R if they could stop giving the church these advance notices because it just helps them to get a big hate site up that much quicker. Mike said no, they want to give them advance notice so that they can respond and also that when they do put up their hate site, it is so over the top that it makes them look even worse, and so becomes one more foot bullet for the church.
It is policy not to address any allegations. To address them is to confront the alligator. Which makes me wonder why LRH chose Florida of all places for the Flag land base.
It would be interesting, tough probably too time consuming for those of us who,actually have a real life, now that there are so many individual POW-style videos up, to go through them and compare the words and phrases.
Just reading your descriptions on a weekly basis reveals many similarities. I would be willing to bet that there are probably no more than 3,000 individual words in the total if the videos used as ad hominem against the people who,appear on the show, just coming out of different mouths.
The tragicomic aspect would be there if these weren’t real fearful people being forced to do this to save what little family life they believe they still have.
Mike – Are these POW videos for the clams? Or are they for the handful of outsiders they MIGHT convince otherwise?
If they ARE for the clams then how do they show them these videos?
Entirely. When they find out anyone has seen or heard about the show the Ethics Officer sits the person down and shows them the website and videos. They work only on the thoroughly brainwashed. Everyone else sees them as proof that all the abuses being exposed are true.
That’s how desperate they are to keep the few remaining believers they have.
Wow – thank you and congratulations on your well deserved Emmy.
I think one thing that is hard for outsiders to appreciate, is that the remaining loyal scientologists, whether by nature or by indoctrination, are actually apt to be swayed by these sorts of videos and attacks. There is also some portion of the general public, whether as high as the 30% who will buy into conspiracy theories, or likely much fewer, who may still be lead to doubt whether all the outrageous stories about Scientology could really be true if a “church” flat-out denies them and presents such opposing testimony.
From reports, it sounds like the approach is also increasingly less effective with the remaining scientologists; though there will always be some so lacking in critical facilities or desperate to hold onto their beliefs, that they will buy into anything.
I feel that reading your blog entries are now part of the weekly episode as it wraps everything up so well. I think the thing that really does it for me is the autobots that pretty much say the same thing abut everyone that comes on the show. It can usually be summed up as 1. If this person was a nobody, why do you care enough to do anything but write a press statement (why so much energy convincing me they are nobodies)? P.s I could go on for ages about someone ever being a nobody in scientology, thought that wasn’t possible. 2. If this person was at once a somebody than a. You sure attack a lot of child molesters in your organization as much as you call people that, aren’t you worried there are so many? and b. Why do all these high level people keep getting churned? In the real world, a ceo would have been fired a long time ago.
Keep the fight
I love it when Marty puts on his ‘Make Beleive Attorney” hat and gives us his legal analysis.
Marty claims the 9th Circuit didn’t even need to use the Constituion because they found the “facts were false.”
Someone needs to tell Marty that appellate courts are NOT finders of fact. That is, appellate courts do not try cases and analyze the facts of the case.
Appellate courts ensure the lower courts (the triers of fact) applied the law correctly to the facts of the case. However, the appellate courts do not determine what those facts are. That is what the lower courts do.
I haven’t read the opinion Marty refers to – I’m not quite sure which one he is even talking about.
But c’mon Marty – you were once the head of Scientology’s legal department. Surely you understand the function of an appellate court….
I started reading about Scientology several years ago. It was around the time all these nasty things about John Travolta were being said in the tabloids. I didn’t believe any of it because I just thought Scientology had started all those rumors. When I watch Leah’s show I never believe anything Scientology says about anyone.
The hypocrisy of Scn: they want to clear the planet and at the same time they try to destroy people, publicly humiliate them, tell lies about them, stalk them, demand others shun them, etc. I know of no religious organization that deals in this kind of suppression…only Scn. Their own staff are virtually imprisoned in the miasma of cult ‘must do’s’ living in constant fear of being punished. The only way someone can leave Scn is by escaping. Scn must not be permitted to continue. its evil.
One on the things I enjoy most about this blog and the comments is all the new vocabulary words I learn! Comes in handy for The NY Times cross word. Word of the day… miasma..
Whoever says Scientologists are stupid needs to read these blogs. IMO smart people caught up in a real prison of belief.
Rheva Acevedo, are you related to Bob Acevedo?
it really looks like Marty has either flipped his lid or sold his soul to the devil, either way he comes across just as nutty as they sound.
agree 100%
MARTY RATHBUN needs to get on the side of RIGHT and finally DO THE RIGHT THING, Come clean, speak the truth.
Since I believe he was paid off, that’s not going to happen.
Paid off or blackmailed, it’s either one or the other. I just can’t imagine any other reasons than those, except perhaps, complete psychosis, which he doesn’t seem to be in the grips of.
I still believe he was paid off by the dwarf.
I think he was paid off, but I was thinking about it and started wondering. I know Marty’s views were ALWAYS shifting but it seems like this last 360 came after the goons sent to harass him in My Scientology Movie started talking about his son. Now I’m wondering if they might have found something about the adoption that could get him taken away and they are blackmailing him w/ that info too.
Marty’s conscious will get him no matter what justification he brings against Leah , He is paid to do what he is doing, and partically hostile , against her and others, his OW catching him some where along the line no doubt The circumstances of him in PT is that he is a traitor in the In-depts, and i a snake.
What you say makes sense, Mike.
Thank you for breaking this all down for us. As I was watching the episode I was really moved by Jackson’s interview. He is obviously very tortured by what happened to him. I hope you and Leah were able to offer him some comfort, some peace. I don’t know if he’s “away” enough to go for therapy or if he can even afford therapy, but I hope that he is able to get some counselling. I also hope that he was able to find a good job in security as he definitely has experience. I hope JB was able to find a great job as well as a mechanic or contractor as he too has skills and experience. I’m glad these brave men stepped forward to tell there stories. Stay in touch with them Mike, check in on them.
I would be tortured too if I was made to shoot ferel cats on the property. I felt so sorry for him. He looks really messed up and in need of counseling. It was sad.
Fantastic rebuttal, Mike. I watched a few of the attempts to smear Jackson and I was struck by how emaciated these folks look. Clearly, no one at the Int Base is being overfed. I’m also glad that you posted a link to some of JB’s handiwork. He is easily the finest craftsman I’ve ever known. Incredible imagination and skill. No wonder he made a living doing high end boat renovations.
“Please see Gary “Jackson” Morehead’s videos on the Tampabay.com website wherein he talks about how Yager was treated by DM during his subsequent captivity in a self-made hut in a remote corner of the property. Regular beatings. Some severe.” – Marty Rathbun, 05.30.2010 – https://archive.is/ube8Z#selection-171.354-171.594
The Marty video used against Morehead doesn’t mention any supposed false claim by Morehead save for the thing about the scanner. Morehead’s response to Marty can be read here: https://tonyortega.org/2017/06/14/marty-rathbun-tries-to-rewrite-the-record-on-scientolog-spying-but-we-have-the-dox/
Great episode!! I watched some of the smear video the cherch put out about JB. I was a amazed to see the first woman talk. In 2011, I was sent to the freewinds for reprogramming (security checking and ethics conditions) due to my disaffection.
The woman on the video was the ethics officer assigned to me. I was full of info I had read from Marty Rathbun’s website when he was a much more interesting fellow. Her job (along with several others) was to disabuse me of anything negative about the cherch.
I had mentioned to her reading that this guy “JB” (I didn’t know him) had blown from the Sea Org. She said, “there is no way that is true. He is an awesome guy that was just here for more than a year leading the major upgrade of the freewinds.”
I said she should check it out because I was quite sure it was true, having followed the whole story on Marty’s blog as it was unfolding.
When we met the next day, she didn’t say one word about it. So, I inquired. “Did you check out what I said about JB?” She checked and had found out it was true, then quickly moved off the subject.
Now she is talking shit about him with normal clothes on. Almost didn’t recognize her without her sea org get-up.
I truly wish Scientologists had the right to watch and read whatever they pleased. It was my unwillingness to give up that right that led to my expulsion.
Hi Mike. Thank you for your detailed work in my and Jackson’s defense.
I am not surprised or alarmed by the Church’s attempts to discredit and attack me as a result of what I recounted for you and Leah.
They are free to say whatever they want. And we are free to say what we want. It’s the liberty we are afforded by our freedom of speech.
In the end, the people who witness our proclamations are able to make up their own minds as to what appears to be factual or fabricated. Smart people will be able to glean the truth. Stupid people will blindly rally to the bullshit.
I know firsthand what the reaction is amongst Sea Org members and Scientolgists when someone publicly challenges or attacks DM and his actions. Somewhat tantamount to the extreme reaction one might expect from radical Islamists if one were to set the Koran afire.
To not attack me and Jackson as they have done would be considered tacit agreement with what we have said. And that is a dangerous place to be for them. I am sure most of them do it out of absolute shaking fear for their lives and eternities.
Meanwhile, I continue to enjoy my life free from such hilarious self-imprisonment.
Thank you for your bravery!
Thank you JB, for your courage and honesty. And thank you to Jackson also. And thank you Mike for this great post which shines a bright light on the failing smear campaign that DM is attempting. You are all so brave. I know that the risks are real, especially as DM gets more desperate.
JB, your (and Jackson’s) ability to speak calmly and articulately, relate the facts as you experienced them, and talk about your feelings and emotions in such difficult moments is impressive.
As a viewer, I could see why you were trusted by so many people, unlike the creepy, screeching, haranguing examples that scientology trots out.
My best to you!
Mr Broussard – you certainly write well for someone who only unclogged drains and mowed the lawn! Both you and Jackson came across as intelligent and decent guys. Never forget that you woke up, left and spoke out against the abuses. From my perspective, that is a miracle worthy of an OT VIII’s mastery of 3D reality. You reversed years of bad nutrition, lack of personal freedoms, punitive treatment, sleep deprivation and fear in one moment of blinding clarity. It seems to me (as a never-in) that it is you and Jackson, Leah and Mike and the other people they have interviewed, and all the others who left the cult who are clearing the planet with their bravery and vulnerability. Ironic, isn’t it?
Thank you JB for coming forward with your story. I have to tell you that I’m in awe of your talent, you have as they say “hands of gold” and a great artistic vision. I hope you have a great job using your talents and that they pay you tons and tons of money. Now that is the best revenge.
JB, Thank you for coming forward with your story and for shining the light on DM’s inhumanity and cruelty to others, as well as his hostile takeover of the church. In your comment here, it is very literate, articulate, and grammatically correct. So how can they say you were illiterate? Look at some of the things the SO writes and sends out. Not only is it full of spelling errors, but sometimes it is hard to understand because it is so illiterate. And yet those mistakes are never caught on proof reading. They are accusing you of their own overts of not educating their staff. I loved that you cognited that you were enabling and abetting an evil sociopath and that you had to get out of there because you were done with it and would no longer be DM’s enabler. What a great life changing moment. I wish you the best in life and thank you for what you’ve done to tell the truth. And I am so thankful for Gary Morehead (Jackson) too. Both of your are very courageous and of the highest integrity.
As the self promoted village idiot your delusion continues to prevent you from keeping in mind that your peer, El Chapo, does not have access to his ill gotten gains for his legal defense; nor or did his caterwauling do any good when complaining about being in solitaire for his own good.
Try trotting out your pathetic victims to the Grand Jury, following the IRS review, and see where it gets you. Manson’s cell block may have a vacancy; but it would be up to you to work out a deal. Ditto your Joker.
One would need to mention that Marty Rathburn I am afraid has to answer up for a few things he has failed to confront and own up to on what his part was in executing outrageous orders and witnessing abuse, and what does he known about physical abuse ., mental abuse , and Verbal abuse . and held against will.
Scientology – THE WALL OF LIES!
Evil, disgusting lies. The insanity level is high with these people.
Great post Mike. That’s why they can’t sue for libel. Nothing they say could stand up in court. Marty turned his coat and deprived us of a legal victory in Texas, but, his insane POW videos contradicting himself are devastating to the cult. High fives to you and to all those who have spoken. The Cult of Greed is an agonising patient laying on piles of cash in an empty room.
i don’t think the cult really cares about the fact their lies are so quickly uncovered and their claims so effectively disputed. It’s all about subterfuge at this point. Noise noise noise…to distract. It’s a silly game of chess where they continue to play after they’ve been checkmated! Futile.
I think it’s mostly for the ‘followers’. DM is counting on them
1) getting the word from Leah – DM is even advertising the show to the followers (the petition and boycot the sponsors) Of course they are watching – its coming up in KRs and sec checks LOL
2) if he counters it and the followers have both sides ~ then of course they’ll pick him He has their jobs, friends and family after all.
What an evil evil man.
Exactly Teen, the eight ball has already been sunk and they keep trying trick shots off the cushion hours after the winner has already gone home. Futile is a good word.
It is interesting though, Scientologists prefer their own lies rather than the truth the rest of us are forced to live with. Happiness is something a Scientologist has to make up out of nothing and then lie to themselves about. They can never earn it. Example, Rathbun is still a Scientologist! Do you think he is a happy chap? He revels in confrontation, to win or lose is irrelevant, the confrontation is the prize and making him wrong is impossible in his own mind. He thinks he is clever & cunning because he’s not in jail (yet), just like Miscavige. The sort of formula Miscavige lives by, imo is bunker orientated – the world is out to get him and he knows it to his very core. It’s hard for people to grasp that he’s incapable of experiencing the freedom it takes to buzz out for a burger or catch a movie on a whim or even hit the beach when the surf is up. He’s dug his own grave with the way he got control of all that money.
Well, sad as I am to say it, both sMarty and his tiny master have successfully escaped justice for their many cult-related felony crimes…so far, that is.
Hopefully, the bright hot spotlight of public scrutiny will forever shine on their miscreant asses, until they shuffle off to meet up with Elron on a planet far, far away.
Very well done post! Good time, place, form and event.
And a word to Jackson, if I may. Please forward this to him, if you would, Mike.
Jackson, beautiful man that you are. You didn’t know. Just like if you feed the wrong information into a computer, it will give you a wrong answer, that’s what was done to you. The analytical mind ALWAYS comes to the most pro-survival solution WITH THE DATA IT’S GIVEN. If you’re told that only salt will soothe a cut, you’ll continue to use salt on people, even though they protest and say that they are in the depths of pain. It won’t make sense why they aren’t appreciating your help because you’re doing the best you can do with the data you were given.
Yes, that’s the way it is.
One thing that’s not taught in the church is forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself because YOU didn’t do it. Read the transcript for “The Decent of Man” where Ron talks about who ACTUALLY made the problem. YOU can’t own it if you weren’t the person who fed you the wrong information. You didn’t do it.
And, as the great philosopher and spiritual leader, Jesus said: “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Please be kind to yourself and think about yourself this way on a Flow Zero, my friend. Forgive yourself because you knew not what the truth was, at the time. <3 <3 <3
Here's an excerpt that pertains to what I'm talking about here:
from LRH lecture: "The Descent of Man":
"Full responsibility contains the willingness to let somebody else be responsible, too.
Now, any malcondition which is persisting is being misowned. It may be that the person did it and is saying somebody else did it and has a picture, then, which is misowned. He's saying, "I didn't run the car into the tree. I didn't run the car into the tree. The actuality is she was talking so much and so hard, she distracted me so much that the car ran into the tree and I didn't do it. I didn't do that." And they've got the accident right there all the time. They ran the car into the tree and they made the picture. Just like that. And they're shoving the blame off on somebody else so it persists.
"But equally they have other things which they're saying, "I did it. I was a nag, I was a bum, I should have lived better. I did it." And the thing's persisting. And they didn't do it. Their wife went bad or their husband left them from other causes than their own action and behavior. And this person is accepting all of the responsibility for some other person having done something terrible or dreadful and is feeling bad about it when the actuality is they had nothing to do with it!"
You, dear Jackson, had nothing to do with it.
You take resp. for what you feel you did do, but leave what Miscavige did on his shoulders. You don't have to carry both of those burdens. <3
You'll see the link for the transcript for The Descent of Man here: http://www.liferepairspecialist.com/ScientologyMaterials/index.php?dir=00_3+WRITTEN+Materials+-+Books%2C+Coursespacks%2C+Checksheets%2C+etc%2FTape+transcripts+in+order%2F5506C03+Anatomy+of+the+Spirit+of+Man%2F
LRH speaks the truth here.
Hey Dan, I think so too. It was a life-changer for me. So much so that, when I read it, in some dark hour, I walked around the house saying, “I didn’t do it. Wow. I didn’t do it.” Very therapeutic. I can’t/won’t disavow that help.
He didn’t get EVERYTHING wrong. It’s just too bad that, as time went on, for whatever reason, Ron succumbed to his own insanity. That’s sad for that human being and was destructive for a lot of people. I still appreciate what he did get right.
How ironic, and frankly misguided and obtuse, Indie8million, that you’ll quote the charlatan Hubbard, whose policies stipulate the very abuse Jackson was and is being subjected to, to display some kind of empathy for or ” pan-determinism” about his plight. Oh, please…just…stop.
From Hubbard’s affirmations: “Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves. Elemental spirits are your slaves. You are power among powers, light in the darkness, beauty in all. “
Indiezeromillion, quoting Elron’s gibberish to a victim of his grand fraud scheme is seriously cold comfort, I’m afraid. But that’s your perfect right…now that you’re no longer a member of the cherch, that is.
Has it never occurred to you that Elron lost whatever authoritative status that he might claim when he lied about curing himself of permanent, disabling war injuries through the use of the techniques which would later become formalized as Dianutics, given the fact that he never suffered even the slightest war injury to begin with?
I mean, how does one reconcile that huge of a lie, concerning the very foundation of cult dogma, and go on to take seriously anything else that he had to say!!?
It’s like buying a piece of blue sky from some idiot shyster, then coming back the next day for more, because the first piece now has clouds obscuring it…HOW DOES ONE DO THAT!!?
For Mark and Harpoona Frittata – We all do have the right to feel the way we feel and say what we want to say. I respect your rights to do the same. We all have different experiences and degrees of pain that was caused by lies he told and things he and his gang did to people that were inexcusable. Scott Campbell comes to mind.
But there is an old expression about ‘Throwing the baby out with the bath water’.
You can hate and revile him for his heinous crimes. That’s your right. IMO, there are still differences and similarities and, just because “Hubbard said it” doesn’t mean that it’s inherently evil. Some people did get benefit from some of what he wrote or brought forward from earlier writers and they might say it more if it weren’t for certain people coming in to try to beat the shite out of them for saying so. Who died and made you two the new thought police, hmmm? 😀
We can’t carry the bad habits of the cherch out here to our new, clean ground. Speak what you will, but not everyone will agree. Such is life.
Respectfully, indie8million – celebrating the time when “all 8 million” (joke) Scientologists are out.
What childish behavior. Name calling? Really?
Vile. Absolutely vile.
Would expect anything less from these people? And yes, vile is an accurate description.
Haha 🙂
Excellent False Report Report Mike. Thanks for sending us your ‘ethics copy’. I’m quite sure DM will get his LOL
Let our children and friends go DM or I’m positive it will get worse. LRH says so 🙂
Great post
My question is, has Marty been a plant this whole time or is he now, currently brainwashed or PDF’d? Or paid off. Crazy.
I believe he is seriously mentally ill and possibly (as a friend pointed out) physically ill.
I think many persons (especially those in or leaving an abusive relationship) are or have been mentally ill to one degree or another. Some don’t make it and others have pushed to be a better person and are working on it while keeping things under control.
Marty has his mental illness out of control which may also have to do with a brain disorder.
A dear friend of my partner and I got in an auto accident a year ago. When she was taken to the hospital a cat scan revealed a tumor running from her forehead around the center of her skull to her neck like a big banana. With the help of friends and family she is now doing extremely well.
Two days ago another friend of hers who spoke to her only hours prior to the auto accident told us that she and her husband gave her a large bag she needed to pack up her stuff and leave…. and she crawled into it! I gasped and made sure I had it right. She crawled her entire body into the bag. They could not stop her from finishing packing up and leaving. She was in bad mental shape. I did not know. I only knew she had been in an abusive relationship and was seeing a therapist. Reminded me of Lisa M that DM killed.
I think there is more to know about Marty not just that he has once again collided with the church.
Cece – Yes, really sad.
Sad for Marty who, as we have seen, can be a very helpful and genuine human being.
Sad also that “little Hitler” would take advantage of someone who isn’t all there, mentally, and use that to his advantage.
Sad like how he left Heber in the engine room just long enough to turn his mind to mush. Horrible.
Funny how Scientology says they fight mental abuse but are guilty of the same and, possibly, worse crimes against human beings. Not so funny.
I asked myself the same question just a few days ago. On reflection, I don’t believe he was a plant. He was too public in his criticism for way too long. Plus, he allowed Mosey to suffer enormous harassment from the CoS. That’s something you do for an important cause. I suspect that having the baby made a crucial difference.
I think you’re right about the baby, Heathergraceful. And maybe about not being a plant too.
I hope someone has screen capped and downloaded the info on these links. I have a feeling they may all be scrubbed by morning.
I was thinking the same. I believe there are copies made of the entire internet on some sort of lookback sites?
Gosh Mike, how can you STAND the crap they have Marty saying???! What is he DOING? He’s making himself look like such a crazy, brainwashed, liar! I don’t get it, Scientology spent years trying to get everyone to believe Marty is a liar (and everything else they say about him) and now they trot him out and expect what? People to believe him NOW? I’m so confused.
Kirsten, You are not nearly as confused as Marty and the cherch is!
Absolutely correct!
Excellent work, Mike.
It’s so comforting to see how bit by bit this organization is dissolving under its own power.
Scientology is DONE!
Hip hip hooray (3 times) ☺️
Leah and Mike….Take comfort in knowing Scientology hasn’t changed their ways in dealing with the issues.They react in the same manor as when you were Scientologists….The difference is you are no longer brain washed and see through the lies and deceptions…… Leah and Mike are making a difference in the world and helping mankind by showing the truth and Scientology cant stop that! Way to go!
I had to cut my cable pkg down and unfortunately can’t see the show this season. I thought Marty was on your side??? What happened??
Apparently he went back!
Hmmmmm…and what would make him come back? MONEY!
You can watch everything on Russia’s version of YouTube, called Rutube.ru. Search for Leah Remini and everything is there.
Thanks Dankoon….I was able to catch up on some episodes on Rutube.ru. 😉
I am pretty sure you can watch all episodes on A&E . com
After viewing this episode, the only intelligent, logical and informed conclusion I can come to, is that David Miscavige is the MOST suppressive person in scientology and that scientology itself is not a religion based on truth, but rather one based on an incredible ability to twist the truth.
It’s not a RELIGION at all….. it’ a business. A dirty business.
Yes, I know…………but DM IS scientology now, and he calls it a religion, thereby proving the lie.
Given a “tax exemption”…………umm….aaahh….not a religion… but STILL a tax exemption?
Nailed it.
It’s called gas lighting. The whole mess is contradictory in the tech and admin and how they each are used only for the advantage of LRH and the church. We are told one thing and another is seen then we are told we didn’t get what we were told correctly which is of course our fault.
Yes, it’s a whole pack of lies. Read gas lighting on wiki. Lies is how the gas lighter takes your attention of his own evil ways by making you (the abused) think you are going nuts! Crazy shit.
Most abusive relationships seem to me to have much to do with that.
– That’s why when/if we eventually leave we still have a hard time blaming the gas lighter. We have trained our brains or allowed them to be trained to blame ourselves ~
And to make it worse this can all get confused with karma or going to hell etc.