Here is my customary response to the weekly scientology insanity that appears on their website during the airing of each episode of The Aftermath.
Anyone who sees the vile invective spewed by scientology about EVERYONE who ever says anything they don’t like reaches the same conclusion: scientology’s reaction is evidence of the truth of the experiences each of these people recounts. This organization is hateful, vindictive and insane. No story is too incredible to be believed. There is no reason NOT to believe everything that is said by the victims.
So, let’s take a look at this week’s ad hominem. They have two separate sites — one devoted to Karen and one for Paul.
Of course, there is no response to what Karen SAID — their attack on her is that Karen is “a woman no one remembers.”
As “proof” of this, they have short clips of a bunch of people saying “I never heard of Karen Schless.” Wow, that is effective. So if I produced a video of people saying “I never heard of Albert Einstein” this would prove his theory of relativity is wrong?
But OOPS, it seems they forgot they have SECOND video of people who DO recall Karen?
This one has her ex-husband taking the lead. I often call them POW videos, but the term is especially appropriate here as Peter looks as emaciated as I did when I was in The Hole back in 2007 (Peter was also in Hole at that time). Maybe he has never gotten out of the Hole? He looks TERRIBLE no matter how much make-up and lighting they use.
There is a lot of blah-blah from Peter and a few other Gold staff (all of whom are truly “nobodies” — worker ants running the hamster wheel of Golden Era but I will give them a moment of fame here: Linda Grielich, Denise Friend, Cindy Cruzen, Geray Maio and Tristan Korringa) who clearly DO remember Karen. Though for some reason they included Tristan who struggles mightily to recall her before saying “she sat right next to me”… Not a good advertisement for his recall abilities.
The entire point of this 9 plus minute video was to reach the conclusion that Peter announces: “She was a barmaid, waitress, trailer trash…”
Wow — this was the woman you married and stayed married to for MANY years. The woman who came BACK to the Sea Org after she left because you convinced her to return to be with you. If you want the real story — read Karen’s excellent book:
And don’t you find it even the slightest bit hypocritical to call her “trailer trash” while whining “stop the hate”?
Of course, like everyone else who has ever left scientology, Karen was a “nobody” who never had any knowledge of anything. Every single person who ever says anything is re-cast in their new history as being a nobody.
Just for shits and giggles — one of our correspondents forwarded us a copy of Celebrity mag. It’s Peter AND Karen Schless on the cover AND interviewed. Guess they forgot about this too…
As might be expected, they put more time and effort into Paul Haggis, who they dub “The Ultimate Hollywood Hypocrite.” (An epithet that should really be reserved for “family man” Tom Cruise who has ex-wives and an abandoned child strewn around the world).
Paul is apparently guilty of various sins: “religious McCarthyism, ” “harassing individuals who are simply practicing their faith,” engaging in a “hate-filled witch hunt,” “bigotry” and “hate.” But they offer no evidence to support their ugly assertions.
Their video for Paul is a name-calling tour de force. It starts out with this “Talk about Hollywood reruns, here comes Paul Haggis, a Hollywood writer no one has heard of” and goes downhill from there.”
Ironically, this line was likely penned by Dan Sherman, a wannabe writer who never made it in the industry AT ALL and has been working on the still incomplete and never to be published “biography” of L. Ron Hubbard since 1993. A little jealousy perhaps?
Then they go on to say: “He’s been lying for a decade — the first lie, that he was ever a scientologist in the first place.”
Well, how did he end up on the cover of scientology’s Celebrity magazine?
This is the old “this person never held any position of authority and has no knowledge of anything” they say about every former Sea Org member (including me — even though I was the current International Spokesperson and on the Board of Directors of Church of Scientology International the day I walked out the door) taken to the absurdity of “this person was never even a scientologist.”
Scientology then claims Paul “falsely claimed he split with the Church because it could not take a position on California’s incendiary Proposition 8 campaign in 2008 regarding same-sex marriage, due to its status as a tax-exempt religious and charitable entity.” As usual, they have twisted the truth 180 degrees. Scientology appeared on a published list of organizations that SUPPORTED Proposition 8. Paul objected to THAT. “The Church from Day One has noted that the tale is made up from whole cloth, as the Church never takes a position on political issues.” They are so brain-dead that they don’t even seem to realize that they are SUPPORTING Paul. He said they shouldn’t be endorsing it. They say they shouldn’t be endorsing it now to “prove” that they could not have complied to what Paul was asking. That they withdraw their illegal support. Cray cray.
And then they drag in the ultimate POW video victim — Marty Rathbun (identified as Paul’s “former guru”) now claiming: “He [Paul] orchestrated a phony departure from a church no one even knew he belonged to.” Rathbun seems hard pressed to get any words out of his mouth — it’s very sad to see the whipped dog performance of someone who used to speak with certainty and direction now reduced to rambling, unconvincing and contradictory drivel.
But I guess they kind of forget about the things Rathbun said about Paul Haggis on his blog a few years ago — or they rely on the fact that nobody will go look it up. Current scientologists would not dare go to his blog, everyone else has dismissed him as either broken, bought off or nuts so they won’t bother either. But, as a public service, I pulled up a few of Marty’s old posts from a bygone era when he seemed more sane:
That was the first day of publishing Paul’s letter. He pretended it was from a different source than Paul himself. This is the “big lie” HE told about which has now become “the big lie that proves everything in the letter is false.”
A “huge mistake” to claim the facts in his letter are wrong… Well Marty, what are you doing now?
I guess we sorely underestimated Marty’s level of desperation and madness (depravity even) as he is now doing exactly what he accused Miscavige of being so stupid to do….
Scientology then heads down a bizarre rabbit hole in their desperation to tag Paul with anything. They claim that Paul has not resigned from his “other” religion, Catholicism which does take a stance against same sex marriage. Then they quote his sister saying “Paul was no more a scientologist than he was a Catholic”?? So now he is not a Catholic after all? But as I have said a few times now, the problem with scientology is that it is two-faced. They will NOT stand by their ACTUAL beliefs — they want to pretend to the world that these are NOT their beliefs. It’s really a struggle for them to keep things straight — these people are seriously confused.
And their response to Paul investigating the abuses for himself, including talking to many people personally is “In reality, he quickly surfed the bowels of the internet” — clearly just a made up assertion that does not even respond to what he said (or what actually happened). And what exactly ARE the “bowels” of the internet?
Their final putdown? “Paul Haggis will play any part for Leah Remini as long as there is something in it for him.”
And just exactly WHAT do they claim is in it for him? The glorious website and promoted tweets about what a rotten person he is? He certainly was not paid to appear. So what’s in it for him?
I guess it might be a leg up in the entertainment industry these days to be an EX-scientologist, but he is already known for that (see New Yorker article, Going Clear and the hundreds of media stories mentioning him). Hollywood doesn’t appear to be taking kindly to scientologists: Tom Cruise is mum. So too John Travolta. Even Kirstie Alley. Meanwhile Lizzie Moss is saying “it hasn’t hurt my career, but please stop asking me about it in public” and Jada Smith is stamping her feet and shouting “I am NOT a scientologist” in an effort to protect her image.
So I suppose one could argue that it is helpful at this point to be an EX-scientologist, publicly exposing he abuses of scientology. If that is what you are referring to, then I guess Paul is guilty as charged.
Otherwise, you and your ad hominem yellow journalism have once again shown to the world what utterly despicable, hateful and heartless people you really are.
For new readers, here is an article that lays out scientology “scripture” on how to deal with “attackers.” Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
I say “Worldwide” Strike against any “Movies” with a “Scientologist” member. That’s you #”Tom Cruise. Got New Kneepads do you?
Knee pads ???
Been a while since I joined in the conversation but I must say I bust my buttons watching. Bringing truth to light is the best disinfectant any Mike and Leah are bleach. I’m proud of your efforts and you’ve reached so many more than you will ever realize.
I was wondering if a person is not allowed to speak to an SP. If Mr. Haggis and Leah any one in the “church” would not be able to work on the same productions as them correct? I think that would not be good for a career if you couldn’t work on one of Mr. Haggis’s produnction. Am I correct and does no one think about that.
I know this is an earlier thread but doesn’t Mark Ratbun remind you of Sipher from the original Matrix? He wants to be reinserted to the lie of the Matrix because he can’t handle true reality. He’s willing to destroy all his friends to for a deal to be reincerted into the Matrix. Sipher says, ignorance is bliss. Mark is Sipher, no doubt.
I’m very disturbed by what Rathbun posted today regarding Mr. haggis. It’s particularly vicious and personal . I really admire the people that speak out. It’s just horrifying to see what they have to go through though
A special episode exposing the POW videos and hate sites would be a nice touch. What will the cult do then? Make MORE POW videos and hate sites?
What gets me they seem so Petty like a bunch of School Kids & to see there disclaimer every show is a bit much so Sct are NOT perfect humans are not wouldn’t it be easier to say we made Mistakes were sorry but Nope they don’t & that’s not helping them to cont to Blame the Victims esp these day’s & only a few know if LRH left this mess to DM & things sure are Iffy at best & seems like ppl have esteem issues which is sad but DM pretty much locks himself up which might not be a stretch & sure hope ? has the nerve to just say were SORRY,tear down there Jails,barbed wires…
Try If there is a key on the image, you won’t be able to see it. If it has an arrow, you should.
Hi Mike,
I tried to email this to you but your email is full of people agreeing with you, I’m presuming.
So here’s the email here for God and the world to see.
Have you seen this yet? They have all of 6,244 signers. lol Wooo. That’s the power of today’s Scientology!
Still cracks me up how these guys don’t know that the first point of PR is not to forward your own enemy line, like they’re doing with Marty. I just laugh. Anyway, here’s the link:
Interestingly, it was written by a very young man in India.
And, oh, I’m sure you two are shaking in your boots. Look at who this young man is CCing on the Petition:
This petition will be delivered to:
International Religious Tolerance
United Nations
President’s Office
US Government
Prime Minister’s Office
Indian Government
International Religious Freedom
The Walt Disney Company
The Walt Disney Company. Is he trying to get you, Mike, prevented from doing the voice over as a wise old goat or something?
Incredible. 6,244 signers? I thought they had 20,000 at least. Maybe that “8 millionth” Scientologist will be out sooner than we think.
Mike how do I watch your series online? I am in South Africa. Much appreciation to you
Google rutube them Leah and the series. Easy-peasy.
I’d much prefer being called trailer-trash to being called a Scientologist.
CoS says of Leah: “Even as a chair on Match Game, she failed and was voted not to return because of her ‘disruption’ and ‘terrible answers’.”
So the former Scientologists on Aftermath must be lying because Leah gave terrible answers on the Match Game?
too funny…CoS I have to assume you are a Scientologist with your stupidity
Your skills as a writer are so finely honed, Mike, it just blows me away; you are able to spot “out-points” with such precision, equanimity, and a sense of humor to boot! Congratulations once again on an awesome show as well as another awesome blog!
Scientology celebrities are just as culpable in this disgusting smear campaign. Their “religion” is calling people “trailer trash” and “grease monkey.” Laura Prepon, Danny Masterson, Jenna Elfman, even the the mighty Tom Cruise actually think they are better than anyone else? They play freaking make believe for a living. Don’t get me wrong. Art is invaluable. I myself am a professional musician…but I don’t think I’m better than anyone or above any job (well I’m pretty sure I’m better than DM…but who isn’t?)
I make sounds for a living. My brother-in-law is a freaking Marine. He’s constantly putting his life on the line. My mother was a maid who worked harder than anyone I’ve ever known. Scientology values Jenna Elfman and Joy Villa over my brother in law and Mom? That’s complete BS.
I have finally watched this last episode. WOW. Thank you. Thank you so very much for doing this wonderful thing. It was SO perfect and exact, right and true. Scn is spewing amazing lies, and it’s so refreshing to hear the exact truth.
So very very many of my own thoughts are being expressed, leaving after decades of indoctrination is an insane unending ride.
Thank you again for telling the truth.
Thank you more for ripping the lid off and showing what really lies within.
Thank you again
for making me feel less alone.
and feeding me hope.
This is off topic, but i can never find the latest smear videos on guests from Aftermath! Does someone have a link Please?
Just search for Leah Remini After Money and you will find their site
personally I can’t stand to look at them – It’s physically impossible for me. and I won’t give them even a page click. They are the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever seen – screaming lies in ten feet high day-glo puke colors.
The good thing is, they’re so eye-searingly bad and obvious, they’re fantastic illustrations of the true heart and guts of the soul of scientology.
It’s black
It’s ugly
and it wants to eat you.
Just for the hell of it, i watched the video of the SO members including Peter on the Church Hate Site. Is there a phrase ridiculously awful? That’s the best i can do. This video is actually extremely helpful in forwarding the mission of Scientology and the Aftermath. These Scientologists Out themselves with this awful behavior corroborating what is exposed on the show. These people are so in the bubble, they have no idea how bad they look. How hateful and mean. My God. It’s so sad really. As Laurence Wright said ” A prison of belief.” I only hope that Peter Schless wakes up one day, comes to grips with what he has done, rejoins the world and once again graces us with more beautiful songs. Songs, by the way, that the wonderful people who live in trailers, the Bar Maids and Waitresses would also like to hear. (Just a note on him calling Karen Trailer Trash – uh – what exactly is The Hole and how long did you live there??)
My husband and I started binge watching your show when I saw some previews and wanted to see what the Scientology was about! OMG now it’s all I think about! It’s a cult. How can these people get involved with this after seeing this show. I am fascinating by every aspect. This made up levels of classes and the reading. This is just insane. I hope one day law and FBI etc will get involved. Keep up the good work in spreading the word. Three weeks ago I knew nothing about this and now all I want to do is read and research it.
“…alleging she claimed that her first husband used to nail himself to a cross believing he was Jesus.” Insanity by association of course.
$camology:The arm waving and screaming tantrums of an enraged and scared child.
Well since lying comes so easily to Scientologists it’s not surprising if they might take to lying even about BEING a Scientologists. I am happy to see the reversal of industry connection fortune where being a Scientologist ends up being a liability instead of an asset if you want to work in the entertainment field. Now they just look like clueless brainwashed asses. Thank you Mike Rinder and the lovely Leah for all you do taking down this cult of madness.
hahaha, dang, you are on FIRE today Mike, just hittin’ every pitch outta the park!!!
LOVE., LOVE, LOVE the old Celeb mag covers unearthed…oops!
BTW, thanks again for the birthday stop-by last week, that meant a quite a lot to the happy recipient and all around her!
My wife and I watch every episode. It’s beyond me how apparent intelligent actors seem to overlook what is an obvious thieving cult. Yet they claim to be out there helping the world. I have never seen any reports of Scientology providing ANY effort, people or money to help anywhere that has been devastated by natural disasters. BIG hint there.
This is not a religion, this is a world wide WYCO, people need to wake up. You are all doing so much good right now and I can’t wait until it finally gets out to the Feds and they pull the plug on this so called religion. Tear down everything including the HOLE’s and hold all those in power accountable. If these celebrities wish to stand by David, well, so be it, you can sit in the HOLE with him.
These are normal everyday people that have been taken advantage of and brain washed into giving the “CHURCH” all of their time and money. Thank God my father taught me to question everything (I think it back fired on him when I got older LOL). There is no way a rational intelligent person could fall for this unless there is some conditioning and brainwashing going on. I would like to know who exactly transcended to the highest level? L. Ron? I guess we’ll never know that.
I can’t wait until someone plays Guns & Roses “Get in the Ring” to Dave Miscaviage at one of his gatherings . No goons, no help, just a MAN that WILL hit you back.
God bless you all for taking this stand with all you have to deal with on your own. Now you know that people are standing up with you and we will be with you until the end.
While I hesitate to use the word “pastor” to describe the head of a “religion” that gives himself a corporate title (not to mention the pseudo-military ones), I did find some material that indicates they can be sued in civil court (which might imply personal liability outside the confines of their church) for defamatory remarks. As long as the lawsuit sticks to non-dogma issues, it appears to fly.
The threshold of evidence for civil suits is generally less than in criminal cases, there is scads of it from numerous sources, and I would think it would be unlikely they could countersue for libel, particularly if ex-members claims are true and can be corroborated. The efficacy of getting cult members to “testify” against a former members – especially when there are other whistleblowers – I should think would be discounted in court as not having much credibility since their own policies indicate they are pressured to lie to protect the church.
People have been awarded settlements for damages to their reputation by defamatory pastors – and I think putting up public websites is pretty damaging. Also, the LANGUAGE they use is so absurdly cruel and petty when refuting claims of former members. They are unnecessary ad hominem attacks that are so puerile (not to mention irrelevant – (it’s immaterial to anyone but a current member how “important” anybody is in an organization if they have first-hand knowledge) – especially coming from a big bad institution.
Somebody needs to tell this mincing megalomaniac that he will get smacked in court if he keeps trying to publicly ruin the reputation and livelihood of his former members or detractors. You can’t be a big powerful worldwide “religion” one minute and a whiny little baby whimpering about “bigotry” the next. Because none of this has to do with religious dogma – it has to do with cruel and unusual policies and practices that they say don’t exist in LRH’s canon”.
Has anyone tried this before? I might think it could also come under the auspices of cyberbullying, which quite a few states have statues against.
Perhaps a lesson can be learned from the cult’s tactics with the IRS when the cult strong-harmed the IRS by filing a gazillion bogus law suits against IRS and its employees…the IRS folded under the pressure and expense of sending themselves. The only difference would be that a gazillion ex-cult defendants lawsuits would not be bogus. A class action case would be awesome too.
I totally agree. They never should have gotten by with harassing a federal agency like that, especially with frivolous suits. I think there was a better way it could have been handled. But that was institution to institution and I think individual citizens suing would be good – especially if it could rise to the level of a CA. The good thing about these cases is that DM would be PERSONALLY liable for damages. He would undoubtedly use CoS money for his expenses (unless he’s got a crack team of pro bono lawyers and I seriously doubt it these days). Then maybe we could turn around and say he’s stealing from the church for his own enrichment.
That was the way the KKK was brought down decades ago. They bankrupted them with lawsuits. too bad they didn’t keep an eye on them since.
Cecybeans — I’m loving this exchange of legal points. Very informative. I do have a question though: Miscavige (to my knowledge), is not seen doing any of these smear videos. Given the multi-layered structure of the CoS, how can he be sued personally?
Thanks in advance for any enlightenment you can provide.
Wow, so many comments here recently! I’ve been posting here for several years and have never seen so many posts – it’s evident that Leah’s show has been reaching people.
On that note, Chris Shelton, an ex-Sea Org member, has made a relevant video on his YouTube channel called “Some Thoughts on Scientology, the Aftermath” in which he is very complimentary of the show and corroborates things that have been brought up in recent episodes, from his own personal experience. I’d recommend checking it out.
Second note, re: Paul Haggis’s resignation letter when he left – it was originally posted on Marty Rathbun’s blog – for a few months now, people have been saying that pages have been disappearing from that site, mainly those that were critical of Miscavige, so if anyone wants something preserved for posterity, I’d advise making a copy of it right away, in case it goes away.
Interesting on the missing pages. Wondered about that.
On the comments, it is really good to read all the new commenters and especially the never-in’s.
On T.J. commments. I always read yours. I thought for a while you disappeared and commented less and I noticed. Glad to see you’re back.
I just wonder if Scientology realizes just how badly acted their ‘smear’ videos are. It is interesting though that they always fight to tear down someone’s character rather than actually addressing the accusations that person is aiming at the church.
You’d think they would have changed tactics by now if they had. Maybe the same processes that keep members loyal prevent them from engaging in debate in the wider culture? Love your name!
I find it interesting that the POW names are not given in the video. Just a caption on the screen that says “colleague”…which I assume means a colleague of Peter. So stupid and cowardly..
Yeah, I thought they deserved their 1.5 minutes of fame which is why I named them.
Just added another Celebrity mag cover one of our correspondents just forwarded to me. Peter AND Karen Schless. And an interview with Peter AND Karen… So much for the “nobody”
So many nobodies, so little time.
Fascinating. Thank goodness I never ran across Scientology. But love what you do about awareness.
Speaking of MLK, he had something very important to say about our responsibility to speak out whenever we perceive that we’re being lied to and manipulated about something of importance by those who are in authority and responsible for telling the truth and acting in alignment with it.
Like almost everyone else in the U.S. during the period of our escalating involvement in Vietnam, King was lied to by our government about almost every aspect of the war and only belatedly became aware of it. But since it was LBJ’s civil rights-friendly administration which was doing the lying, his decision to oppose the Vietnam war publicly in the Spring of ’67 was not an easy one to make at all.
Upon learning the truth of the matter, through independent news media reports and first hand accounts of the war, there came a time where he felt that he could no longer support LBJ’s actions in prosecuting it, so he decided to publicly broke with the president and began speaking out in opposition to it, based on his growing understanding that it would be immoral not to oppose it.
There’s a great MLK quote concerning the decision he made then to reverse his position on the war, and to influence others to do the same by speaking out publicly against it, which is directly applicable to everyone who’s still in $cn and should be increasingly aware of the cherch’s lies and false stat reports: “There’s a time when silence becomes betrayal”.
I’d argue that for still-in cultists, that time is now — especially in the wake of The Aftermath series, where the truth of the cult’s very long history of serious felony crimes and massive, ongoing human/civil rights abuses has been made so widely and easily accessible. Right about now, no one but in thrall cultists and blind rat moles have been able to avoid hearing the horrific details of the evil that’s been perpetrated in the cherch’s name and with either its explicit or implicit sanction.
This may very well be the point at which anyone who’s still in and has chosen not to look at the literally hundreds of well-documented cult crimes and abuses for themselves is going to be judged as being complicit in them as a result of their conscious decisions NOT to inform themselves. They’ll truly be the Good Germans of our time.
If you’re still-in and struggling hard to remain deaf and blind to the cherch’s vile acts, then you’re very much part of the problem and NOT the solution!
Amen brother!
“There’s a time when silence becomes betrayal”..MLK. (Worth repeating)…
“If your still in and struggling hard to remain deaf and blind to the cherch’s vile acts, then you’re very much part of the problem and not the solution”…Harp (Worth repeating,
And, I will add to this:
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”—Leonardo da Vinci
Rewatching S2Ep6, I was startled to see and fully appreciate the video editor. That person deserves an award for helping create the seamless continuity that we see on A&E.
Another great show! Every week, I’m so disappointed when it ends. I always want more! Scientology is evil and desperate, and it is hard to believe so many celebrities are part of it. Jenna Elfman?? She is so talented!!! I have absolutely lost respect for her. But I have seen the same thing in some of my relatives who are die hard Christians. Once a religion has its hooks in you, they convince you that any doubts are inspired by evil forces, Satan, etc. Indoctrination is indoctrination, regardless of the belief system.
Can’t bring myself to watch any of the ridiculous smear videos but I do love the weekly rebuttals on the blog, keep up the good work!
Keep Scientology Whining
Keep Scientology Waning…
Keep Scientology Wanking.
Keep $cn Whacky…
No one with sense believes that everyone on earth is possessed by legions of dead space alien spirits, except the Xenuvians, and most of them are kept in the dark about that mega-whacky central cult dogma until they’re already so deep in the Kool-aid that they really DO need to undergo an exorcism…to get that lying, fat fraud of a killer mind control cult founder out of their heads for good!
So, the whackier the better when it comes to making sure that the cult gets the reputation that it so truly deserves
Indeed, The Church of Jerks.
And all along I thought KSW was: Konfirming Scientology is Weird.
Is Marty Rat bun still wearing that same brown suit on his video’s?
Probably so as to match the shit coming out of his mouth.
I call it oral diarrhea…
The Joker’s actions are best explained by his thinly veiled brown shirt world view.
I looked at the video of Peter Schliess because I have a family member who was in the Hole (maybe still there?) and I wanted to compare, and I was shocked by how emotionally downtrodden and battered and depressed he looks. A friend commented about my family member, “He looks like his soul has been sucked out of him,” and I feel the same about Peter. Even if the FBI is too wimpy, won’t Adult Protective Services please free these elderly victims of abuse and neglect?
“won’t Adult Protective Services please free these elderly victims of abuse and neglect?” This is a very good point that I never thought of, there are Adult services out there, worth looking into. Maybe this has already been done with no success. Maybe too much legal red tape cause they’re a “cherch”. Anyone here have legal info about this?
The real problem is that most, if not all, would refuse to leave. They are still too dedicated to the “cause”. Same issue would hold for Shelly M, if she were to be asked to leave. They might even think it was a test from DM. Test their loyalty by refusing to leave. So Sad.
Thank you for bringing this up–FreeMinds and Miss P! “Adult Protective Services please free these elderly victims of abuse and neglect..”
OH, how they abuse the elderly! Still-in public over 70 on Social Security DISABILITY after 30+ years of donating, donating, donating–and still not OH TEE, live in squalor and are still bilked for every last dime remaining…
I cannot reconcile finding fault with these “old timers” for their unwillingness to look. Years of brainwashing… It’s all they’ve known for most of their lives. Can you imagine the shock and regret they’d take to their graves? The magnitude of betrayal would literally KILL them.
Wondering, do the VM’s EVER visit “old folks homes” and offer them any assistance or comfort?
I think not. Why? Because this “demographic” is no longer useful in the eyes of the cult. They certainly don’t appear “attractive enough” to grace their shallow, superficial, glossy printed promos which display only vibrant youth… The best “raw meat.”
I have some idea of what happens in the SO when a person is, “no longer useful.” I saw a video by Chris Shelton interviewing Kay Rowe and they talk about this a bit. What struck me is that a registrar was mentioned –one I knew –who was dying of cancer in squalid conditions. As much as I was (at the time) angry with this particular registrar for the tens of thousands wrested from me, I thought of her when I saw that and…. no, I would not wish that end for her. She did her job…as best she knew. Her heart was in the right place, she thought…
From cradle to grave….. the abuses are many. Mike and Leah; please keep an eye on this outrage for Season Three.
‘Tween you and me, there WILL BE a Season Three…
And there we’ll be…
So glad we’re not at sea
on Eight, promised something fine..
(Six was afraid of Seven
because seven ATE nine..)
You won’t find no Heaven and there ain’t no Eleven…
At this point in time, I can’t rival the poetry of MoxiMax and some others. But I’m getting there.
Mike: Whether you intended it or not, this episode rehabilitated a lot in me…
Thanks to all of you and special thanks to Karen and Paul. I can’t applaud you enough for your courage and integrity.
I realize that SCN will have some sort of counter-action for this, but why aren’t family members calling police to do a Welfare Check on the missing member or person in the hole?
CA child protective services advises this in cases where you hear or see abuse happening – they tell you to call police and request a Welfare check. i.e. checking on the welfare of.
Won an Emmy, wrote two James Bond films, wrote two Best Pictiure Oscar films, also produced Crash – Best Picture winner. Haggis – the NOBODY!
Seems to overshadow Dave’s film Battlefield Earth. ?
Ah, yes. The one that was rated worst movie ever.
If you are thinking about crashing the Emmys, Spicer style, remember to bring your own (short) podium.
Just saw the latest episode. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
Without doubt the best yet at explaining the behaviour of Scientology. Paul Haggis is a wonderfully talented, articulated and sincere human being. This episode should be required viewing by anyone that mentions, investigates or refers to Scientology in any way, shape or form – for, against, investigating it or just sitting on the fence, it really doesn’t matter.
This episode and the truth it deals with, without doubt will eventually come home to roost in anyone’s mind that, is, has, was or will ever be involved or has any interest in the subject or behaviour of Scientology. A timeless classic representing the positive, humble and intuitive nature of the human spirit. Personally it was very humbling and I felt like I was actually in the room with Paul, Leah and Mike discussing Scientology. It really shows you that once you shake off the shackles Scientology uses to ensnare, you begin to see and appreciate who your friends truly are.
You’ve set a benchmark with this one that will resonate against many types of oppression and the many hidden forms of enforcing acceptance. Plus it exposes the ramifications of the mechanisms of the avoidance of accepting the truth of such oppression. Those celebrities endorsing Scientology now look like the idiots they truly are!
To everyone involved with this, you can actually say with honesty & clarity, no matter how bad or ridiculous Scientology is or gets, “we told you so!”
Incredible: the man who wrote “On The Wings Of Love” is responsible for all that awful Int Event music. Incredible.
Let me give it a go:
Cut the wings of love
Hanging in the hole
The only way to die
Is cut the wings of love
Cut the wings of love
Only the two of me
Divided in my mind
No surprise
I cut my wings of love
COS sucked the creativity right outta him, didn’t it?
DM and the entire bunch need to be imprisoned for fraud, abuse, false imprisonment and whatever else they can be charged with
A little “Court Jester Justice”……..posted this over at Tony’s blog…thought everyone could use a good laugh!
How do court stenographers keep a straight face? The following statements
are from a book called “Disorder in the Court” and are things people
actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court
reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were
taking place.
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can’t remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he
doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He’s 20, very close to your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid.
ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I’m going with male.
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition
notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL of your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began
the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing
Totally off-topic, but some of this is VERY funny. I always enjoy a good laugh. This provided it…
Are you sure it’s off-topic, Mike? Isn’t this the transcript from a recent court case of a Scientology lawyer cross examining Apple Box Boy….?
I thought that’s what it was….
After all the sadness given to all by these horror stories of abuse… All the joy, happiness, smiles were taken away from so many by the organization’s policies & procedures. I thought something was needed to remind ALL of us that sometimes we need to laugh as well. Thank you Mike for posting this, I hope it gives a smile to those who need it!
Mike – You supplied me with a good laugh during the episode with Aaron, the Scientology neighbor and the infamous doggy door. Rewound it 5 times just to watch you start laughing. He was funny as well – the kids will understand disconnecting but the dog will not.
Yes, it is very good; I have one similar that actually happened to me.
I have sleep apnea, which means that I stop breathing when I go to sleep. A person who was assisting the Freewond’s doctor once told me that ” Someday you are going to wake up dead”.
When I asked him how I was going to wake up if I was dead he had no answer.
Holy smokes Ballet, these made me laugh until tears went down my face. Thanks for the hilarity.
Thank you – had a great laugh!
Thank you I needed the belly laugh.
Richard Lederer! LOVE his books–Anguished English.
Thanks for that. He’d have a field day with the march of the “schizo semicolons..”
Dave’s new GAT 3 Release will include the handling of rampant mis-capitilization in the majority of Ron’s written works that were knowingly added by suppressive RPFers who sabotaged book editing lines as revenge for being busted. This was just found by COB to be THE WHY for struggling Scientology organizations around the globe. The exciting news will soon be shown at an upcoming international event. How many of you, your friends and family can I confirm?
Let’s see now…..hmmm, ummm, ahhh… ’bout ZIP ZILCH ZERO NADA…….how ’bout that Davey boy…up yer giggy with a meat hook.
Me, me, me! Can I Photoshop myself to confirm three? I love international cherch events!
From the book mentioned above, these are actual church signs:
– “Don’t let worry kill you off–let the church help.”
-“Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.”
– “The Service will close with ‘Little Drops of Water.’ One of the men will start quietly and the rest of the congregation will join in.”
– “On Sunday, a special collection will be taken to defray the expense of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the carpet will please come forward and get a piece of paper.”
– “Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on Oct 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in school days.”
– “The choir will meet at the Larson house for fun and sinning.”
– “Potluck supper: prayer and medication to follow.”
– “The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, “Break Forth Into Joy.”
Hallelujah! Can’t wait for the Dayv!
Oh these are spectacular – thank you very much for posting.
The Thursday Funnies are back!
I laughed so hard I cried, the autopsy ones are hilarious! Thank you – after reading all these sick scientology things this was great! If I ever had a lawyer that asked such dumb ass questions I think I’d get up and walk out!!!!
Karen’s book is fantastic. I hated for it to end. You know how sometimes you finish a book, and you are sad, because you have become so invested in the people/stories, that you hate for it to end, want it to go on and on. I feel I got to know her. Her ex-husband Peter is such a loser, now, never got it, never figure it out, gave up his life and soul, his creativity, because he is AFRAID to leave, afraid of life on his own in his ‘career’ path. Karen is courageous and brave. She left and started over. A really solid person. An enlightened Soul.
Paul’s work over the decades speaks for itself. It is tremendous and HUGE. He’s got an Oscar, for heaven sake. And I’ve never heard of these people smearing him. Paul is courageous to stand for his beliefs, no matter the consequences. That is heroic. He is a man of quality and integrity, honor and caring. I love his work too.
This Aftermath series is incredible, and keeps getting better and better. I watch the episodes over and over. I can’t stop watching. Leah and Mike and all those who come on the program and speak, tell their stories, are doing something huge for all of mankind, not just for exes, but for all peoples, and for all scientologists still in too (though they have no idea that all of it is being done FOR THEM too and ronbot hate responses towards the very people who do this work to free them from their enslavement). This should be required watching for all schools, in order to educated and protect the children and young people before they venture into the world on their own. Karen’s ex Peter could have used a few lessons . . .
As for Marty, well he was ruined and broken by DM/OSA/CoS in this last year or so. It is a tragedy, because he was on the road to recovery. I think his tale would have had a different ending, if he’d not been so arrogant, thinking he knew it all already, and had sought some kind of cult exit therapy. He could have come through this and succeeded ‘out here’ in the real world, he could have had a real life, and regained his honor and integrity. He could have been heroic too. Like Mike, Like Leah, like the others who stand up and speak, and are counted. That is, if he ever had any honor and integrity to begin with. If he did, he threw it away, dead-agent-ed himself, and shit all over everyone who believed in and trusted him, and helped him when he left. And he will probably never be able, now, to admit how he rues that choice. He’ll go down as the ‘thug’ who could not reform. In his head, he always has to be ‘right’. And he has done so much wrong. He hasn’t got much left, I think, if he doesn’t have himself. He shit all over that too, his own ‘self’. Really sad.
The cult’s reaction to each new episode of The Aftermath is as predictable as the result of throwing a five hundred pound ship anchor high in the air. The important difference with the cult is that instead of getting out of the way, because the anchor is sure to come down and destroy anything it crashes down on, they seem to work extra hard to figure out the most likely place it will fall, then position themselves right underneath it
Trying to refute specific allegations of the cherch using fair game tactics by using those very same fair game tactics — even when they’ve been completely busted out for doing the exact same thing in the past to others — is completely and obviously self-defeating. By doing so, the cherch, under lil davey’s mismanagement, is itself proving the larger pattern and uniform implementation of their general policy toward all of the cherch’s perceived enemies, instead of effectively countering the specific allegation that’s been made against them. It’s so breathtakingly stupid that it would be hilarious to watch unfold if it were not for the harm the cult does to its own parishioners, who are sounding more and more like they’re truly being held hostage and coerced into making these POW-style whinesmear videos under threat of punishment
“I guess we sorely underestimated Marty’s level of desperation and madness (depravity even) as he is now doing exactly what he accused Miscavige of being so stupid to do….”
No, that’s not sMarty doing that independently and of his own accord, with no coordination or involvement with the cherch. That’s lil davey speaking through sMarty’s mouth, like he was a puppet, dancing to his tiny master’s evil tune. It’s the exact same BIG Fail strategy that the cult must always employ, based on the Holy Writ of Elron; it’s just coming from the cult’s evil leader on a “via’ through sMarty and made to appear as if sMarty had undergone re-conversion (again!) and that these are now his real positions.
It’s just a question of whether lil davey rented sMarty’s soul or if he just enslaved him through $cn’s usual coercive means and then required him to dead agent himself because, as everyone knows, the cherch completely lacks the credibility to do that itself.
I’m not arguing here that sMarty should be held blameless; I’m merely pointing out where these lame counter-attacks are actually coming from and why they seem so completely familiar. Why should we care how sMarty ended up getting flipped? Because if he was blackmailed into dead agenting himself, then exposing exactly how that was done serves to illustrate just how diabolically evil the cherch, under lil davey the destroyer’s sadistic regime, has become. Of course, if it turns out that he was merely influenced to destroy his credibility and betray his friends for money, then that scenario throws shade on both the cult and sMarty as well.
Either way, it’s just the most recent of the cult’s many BIG Fails that, when taken together, are scuttling this cult ship o’ fools faster than ever before!
COB’s ship of fools is about to descend to the unfathomable depths of Davy Jones’ locker.
Harpoona–I’ll quote my husband on this one: “Money doesn’t talk, it screams.”
(A paraphrase on Bob Dylan’s ‘Money doesn’t talk, it swears.’)
I should have ref.: Mr. Rathbun
I may be repeating a theme, but what I see is that Scientology is calling all of the folks who tell the truth on your show liars, suppressive, kicked out of the church, etc. I see all of this as a gift of collaborative evidence from Scientology. They can’t have it both ways that Scientology makes you a better person and that only the best people are members of Scientology. How is it that all of these people were long-time former Scientology members, some high OT levels, and they are ALL liars and ALL bad people and how did the church and the emeters not divine all this?
Robin, don’t try to apply logic to Scientology. The two are mutually exclusive.
Well scientology taught these people to be liars and so they know nothing else! An E-meter is nothing but two cans – so what’s that tell ya!
What’s it all about, Davey?
Is it just for the money you live?
What’s it all about when you sort it out, Davey?
Are you meant to take more than you give?
Are you really happy being blind?
And if only the blind lead the blind, Davey
Then I guess the truth you’ll never see
And if life belongs only to OTs, Davey
You’re stuck in the madness of Elron’s disease
As sure as I believe there’s a heaven above, Davey
I know there’s something much more,
Something even non-believers can believe in
I believe in love, Davey
Without true love we just exist, Davey
Until you find the love you’ve missed you’re nothing, Davey
When you wake up, start by freeing your slaves
And undo all the crimes that you caused yesterday, Davey
Wow just saw Scientology’s attack ad against Leah using her father right before Chris Shelton’s newest video . . . in which he’s talking about Co$ black ops/pr, whispering campaigns and attack ads . . . and how OSA has stepped it up since season 2 started.
OSA = Office of Shit Anonymous.
I thought it was Office of Shit in Abundance
I stand corrected
First, it was the Inch Wives. Now, it is the Bitch Wives; well versed in musical chairs with spouses, in their tiny pond of inbred insanity, wayyy out there in the desert. You won’t go there anymore.
Credible apostates wayyy outnumber a few bitter bitches.
Caution: justice is approaching; FBI, Grand Jury, IRS, Burnt Toast.
BTW, Peter’s teeth are looking more and more like Hubbard’s teeth. Hole Tech. Recluse Rundown.
The special Dave 12 1/2 hour intensive is all that’s required to turn a well meaning thetan into a sycophantic cob bot.
What I find interesting is the fact that I’ve never seen an ex-Scientologist say anything negative about a former spouse.
Just the opposite. I’ve seen Jefferson Hawkins say kind things about Catherine Fraser. I’ve seen Tom DeVocht refuse to ‘retaliate’ to his ex-wife’s accusations.
I’ve never seen you publically trash your ex-wife
either Mike, even after she slandered you.
Yet here we have someone who refers to his ex-wife as “trash” and imply that there is something wrong with waiting tables.
Why do you think the Co$ didn’t identify any of Schless’ “colleagues”? Is that to prevent anyone from Googling and maybe finding out some unpleasant things about Miscavige’s Minions?
Has anyone that’s appeared in these POW style videos ever had one made about them after having left/escaped Scientology and spoken out?
All in due time Sharon.
I’m usually not surprised anymore but – what?! How can they be so intensely out of touch with our cultural climate? I mean they’re not THAT in the dark as to who we are in the western world. They can’t possibly imagine that any reasonably decent person would be okay with an organization which would write-off a person’s pain (or worth, or value, or credibility) because she is ‘just a waitress’. (never mind the name calling.) I don’t know why I’m all of a sudden so mystified, but surely even your average scientologist would cringe in embarrassment.
From cringe to unhinged.
Peter could have a stellar career. Sad. Thinking back I watched and listened to him try to manipulate others to join staff and put their shoulder to the wheel of the Scientology machine. Peter had this attitude that if HE was going to make the personal sacrifice of his career and “work for LRH” as the “highest calling” then others should do so as well. I honestly believe that what Karen describes as the love bombing and intravenous ego boost drip is the factor that appealed to his own ego driven stance. Peter claimed he was a Clear although I was not aware that he had even ever had that much auditing. I think there is a soft spot in each one of us and the Scientology Indoctrination process acts like a hook to sink in, as it appeals to a persons innate desire to be part of something much much bigger than themselves. Peter bought in hook line and sinker. Peter Schless could make an argument and was manipulated by Hubbard through his indoctrination to be an agent for Hubbard and his campaign to get others “onboard” the third dynamic (the group is all). His campaign motto was stop asserting your petty 1st dynamic (urge to survive as self) goal and come work along side me as well help LRH clear the planet. Peter Schless’s soft spot was his own self-importance. Even the musicians who were in his close circle who knew him well “understood” that his rah-rah-go-team was just something that came along with the entire package. Celebrity Center really dug their hooks into him and used him as a tool of manipulation and coercion. Peter became a victim of the Scientology machine via his own ego driven desire to be admired and elevated to a “rightful position” with the Sea Org and working at Golden Era Studios. I bet Miscavige saw him coming. And I can imagine that Miscavige recognized this soft spot in Peter and planned his eventual downfall into the hole as part of the process of stripping away a persons dignity and turning them into a tool to manipulate others. Karens tale includes the mention that Peter Schless was a part of the “blow drill” and helped recover one of the church’s top executives when he tried to escape. And I’m not surprised because as long as I knew Peter Schless he was always on that blow drill, metaphorically speaking. Always looking for a crack or crevice where he could insert the idea that if other people would just follow his example, then the world would eventually become that utopia that Hubbard was envisioning.
I was watching the Twitter feeds Tuesday night that were being almost drowned out by the same unimaginative droll on Paul Haggis over and over and over. They are trumping the National Inquirer at this point – it would be nice to create a hub of all this trash they put out along with snippets of the vitctims and see what commentary you get then. Then blast that out to social media over and over and over…. along with pictures of celebs flashing the finger. This Scientology attack mode is something new to the general public who they think are simply stupid wogs….
My 6th Sense “smells another Emmy coming”. Keep up the great work Leah & Mike! This rebuttal of Mike’s was impeccable, can’t deny as they’d say in the old days “something rotten”.
Why hasn’t the big man who knows all and controls all stepped forward in defense of “his church”….could it BE because he knows it’s NOT a church but a money making organization. I know of no other religion that would charge exorbitant fees for so called religious instruction. You’re talking huge money here…..a college degree in theology-ministry would not cost this much AND you’d have an official college degree to show for it with a major & minor clearly stated.
So many refuse to see or know what’s going on because they are forbidden to look…all too sad.
Mike – thanks for viewing and reading this garbage. It must be an incredibly tedious exercise each week.
“And that IS scientology. Evil insanity.”
The acme of a succinct and accurate description of scientology.
Let me add something, Mike: Evil Insanity, Inc.
HOW will cos ever be able to reply to Aftermath’s episode on Child Beatings ???
They’ll repeat what some of the “celebs” say…..NEVER SAW IT……..
The now adults who were abused as children KNOW they were abused, they well remember it. Emotional abuse hurts just as much as physical abuse. The sexual abuse is beyond disgustingly evil…..these adults who were the parental figures in the eyes of these children trusted them…..they were horribly deceived & in some cases overlooked or forgotten by their parents as what is more or less expected. Sea Org Staff are expected to put their “church” ahead of all else, including their own babies……..what a complete sickening perverse sense of parenting.
Mike, my best to you and Leah for the work you are doing. I just pray I’m alive to see the day when Scientology tumbles to the ground.
Me too, Dianne, me too…
Yep, with you on that one. Damn getting old – I never ordered it but it seemed like it was sent express post.
Ditto. I just hope I’m around long enough to see it fall. As for Miscavige: none of us can get away from the karma we create in this life. Miscavige will get his day of reckoning – one way or another.
I may be older, I Yawn.
Same here, Old Surfer Dude …
The church use of the term “unvetted” cracks me up. Right. Vetted by whom? Leah should let the church vet her contributors. Afterall, they are doing such a stand-up job with the people they put on to talk shit about each of the contributors.
Leah allows the audience to vet her contributors and her audience can always go to the church’s smear sites to see how the church vets them. Then the audience can make up its own mind.
Yep, I left this comment on the video, which I suspect will be gone by the time you read this comment here.
“Ecch, I need to exfoliate after watching this. This video was pure hatred, yet it said ‘Stop the hate’. Thanks, guys, at least any other lies I hear today will be less insulting to my intelligence than this video was.
Thank you
I LOVE this blog!
Careful this blog is addictive!
People have to go through a 12 step program to get off the blog…
Scn PR works like CIA. They use any methods and means necessary. “It’s a PRO World.”
Just had a look at the cult’s ‘who is paul haggis’ web site and I see there’s still a video on there called ‘Marty Rathbun: A Violent Psychopath’. I’m guessing they’ve spewed out so many hate videos now, and got so few staff, that they’ve no chance of being able to keep updating them all to reflect who’s currently in favor and who’s currently out.
Mike, I am overwhelmed by all the letters that are sent from David Miscavige and his cronies. Every statement they make after your show is the same old thing they said the week before. Again, I am so, so curious as to where Miscavige is right now, and why he doesn’t show his face. Probably because he’s grown some horns. I can see him in his office or his home, watching your shows, swearing and throwing things around, assaulting anyone in his way. He must also be counting his millions, ready to flee at any time. Is there even anyone who thinks he won’t? This has to stop, and you and Leah, and all of the amazing, courageous people who are speaking out, will make such a difference. Keep it up. Sending you all much love from Canada.
So well said, Mike! Thank you & Leah from
The top and bottom of my heart! <3
Love you to pieces Tory! I think you’re fabulous and love your YouTube channel! Check out TORYMAGOO44, for anyone that hasn’t seen it, is a must watch! Great important information in short, easy to digest segments! She is absolute perfection!
Just watched your video of today (love it, going to bed on a happy note) Love them (and the purple streaks in your hair). We have a seizure disorder in my family so I know full well what you are talking about and how family members react after grand mal/generalized tonic-clonic seizure . One family member had one after mistaking his medication for another. 1 day was all it took. I can imagine what you went through and your anger over LRH hypocrisy.
For those who want to see Tory’s video of today
Being in France and not having a TV, I just managed to see two episodes of Scn and the aftermath, which I found very moving. Thank you Mike for your dedicated and thorough work. It must be difficult to be DM these days. High fives to you and those who have spoken.
I am a first time poster long time follower and just want to say that you really have a way of breaking the information down so that a non scientologist can really understand. I am from Winnipeg Canada and noticed on google it says permanently closed for their church in Winnipeg. And a few days ago it was said on one of your stories that they spent 10 million on renos a couple years ago. Hopefully a sign of things to come. Keep up the good work, the foundation is crumbling and I am going to buy a sledgehammer. If there is anything I can do for you up here in the great white north, let me know. I have some influential contacts.
Same in Toronto, their bldg. is abandoned, the windows that aren’t boarded up are broken, it’s an eyesore. According to them, they are doing major renovations to the bldg. and have a small space near by until the renovations are complete…that was back in 2013, it has not been touched.
I believe they’ll be open for business in 2033. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Don’t you just hate union reps?
Moxie…Scn will be history by 2033. You can bet..
I thought they were already history.
That’s what I thought. Most of their members are old (and dying off).
I do hope they go down in Toronto.
Posts like these are truly heartwarming. I keep rooting for the org in my home town of New Haven, CT to go belly up. It’s an embarrassment.
Big fan here from Winnipeg too. I also looked up our local location and found it closed.
Could it be that Canada is on its way to being the first $cion-free country in the West? THAT would warm my heart big time. I know the one in Montreal is ailing; I’m curious about Vancouver.
The one in Montreal who I think is kind of dead. Unfortunately Vancouver I think it’s a little more vibrant
It is bizaare and baffling how the Cult calls the critics “Haters?”
Do they not see what post on their hate pages ?
MIrror Mirror on the wall, who’s the Hater of them all ?
It’s their training Karen. Studied, demoed and applied. I know you know this buts it’s still difficult to conceive. They are trained in the art of hatred by Hubbard.
“Don’t talk to critics. Find their crimes.” It’s simple. They’re simply following Hubbard’s instructions on dealing with critics.
There is no mystery to Scientology’s behavior.
The man who helped inspire his son’s demise
The man who almost destroyed Paulette Cooper
The man who tossed his wife out like garbage for PR reasons
The man who wrote Bolivar
The man who wrote Fair Game
The man whose delusions saw psyches from the planet Farsec
The man who fought against electro shock his whole life and then wished to commit suicide by electrocution…………………..
Is the man these people revere and emulate standardly and precisely.
Scientologists are taught to hate. They’ve learned very well from their course studies.
But I know you know all this
. I’m just needing to let these ideas out.
Hubbard researched himself into either a black or white scenario as an answer for everything. He used a non-existent grey to ensnare others but the bottom line is he detested the human race. It’s all coming out now where his research was heading. Diabolically clever he was, humanitarian he was not. At best he was an instigator of extreme prejudice and hate as his policies now show. In my close examination of his R6 research I am now aware he simply forgot/ignored to equate anything in his technology to love, companionship, loyalty etc. He gave it all a devious undertone, trusted no one and punished anyone for being human. Just look at his treatment of shipmates, children etc. Don’t read his words or listen to him, look and listen to his victims!
Then he believed he could audit/research himself out of the damage he had done to others. He had a black conscience indeed, no wonder he tried to electrocute himself. His past deeds and wicked policy are the ghosts that haunt the hallways of Scientology.
Ron reminds me of that famous character in Batman, namely, Two-Face!
Yawnalot, this is the most brilliantly succinct analysis of Hubbard’s character I’ve ever read. You completely nailed it. He hated the human race. The “devious undertone:” Yes! It was in everything he wrote or said or did. You can hear it in his recorded speeches and see it in his face. Whenever Leah’s episodes show that brief footage of him smirking in his commodore outfit, I always have a visceral reaction and remark to my patient wife, “what an evil son of a bitch!” Why the hell can’t those robots see it there in his face!
Anyway, you said it all; thanks for your post.
Thanks bixntram but you could even take it a step further and claim he detested the MEST universe even more (hence the follow on effect of the residents in it, who continue creating it without a clue what they are doing). He raved on extensively in the 50s how it is the trap to end all traps, a degraded universe composed of old unweilding, condensed energy running on the premise of the “conservation of energy.” He composed a wonderful example, beautifully designed to introvert you when he stated, “if you want to do someone in, just give them some MEST” (of course that didn’t take into account handing over all your money to him or signing away your life & body to serve him). His hypocrisy knew no bounds but it could also be suggested it aligns with his appraisal of existence according to his Qs, Logics & Axioms. Whatever you think of them imo is irrelevant because he turned the whole thing into a sham. His space cooties OT levels are an extremely bad practical joke and are the pinnacle of his Bridge.
I’ve served with number of officers in my time. They all had access to the same disciplinary system. Some were assholes, a few were great and others had no friggen idea how boil an egg with it. Hubbard could be called passion fingers, because he fucked everything he touched. He raved on about self-determinism but banned it from his organisation and wrote policy that severely punished anyone ever exercising it. The biggest generality of all time is his use of the word/term ‘Scientology.’ Think about that for a sec, and see how it filters though everything, especially the ethic’s tech. Any criticism or counter suggestion at all is generalised to being “against Scientology.” Well according to Hubbard everything about him or his technology is Scientology – he’s the sole source.
Scientology has some interesting stuff in it, but it’s a lot easier to survive defusing a live mine while sipping your eighth pinna colada than trying to comprehend most of it.
I would rather be blown to smithereens by the enemy than to be attacked by my best “friends”.
He used to completely creep me out when I was a kid on the ship in the early 70’s. People were so enamored of him. He had to have his clothes and cabin cleaned just so, but he never took the same level of care of his body. He was fat, greasy, and seemed to lumber around. His manner of speaking was glubby-sounding; slurred, unclear diction uttered with a smarmy smile on his face.
IYawn, that was an amazing insightful post.
Concise and to the point. Powerful!
Thank you.
I signed it and encourage others to do the same.
Peter is a lost soul. On the one hand I want to shake him up. On the other I feel pity and compassion. He must really be suffering.
Peter, take the wisdom of the lyrics to your song ‘On The Wings Of Love’ and follow your heart out of the insanity you’re trapped in and get back to your original purpose as a musician. It’s not too late. I speak from experience, having abandoned my own career as a professional musician. I always knew I was betraying my calling, and the only way I found true joy and happiness was getting back to doing my music and freeing myself from the insidious trap of L. Ron Hubbard’s faux spirituality.
Peter, I truly hope you wake up from the hypnotic trance you’re in and make peace with yourself and those you’ve wronged.
Well said, and I hope that happens for him.
So very well said and with the exact measure of compassion that’s so completely missing from this entire faux religion!
Peter looks like shit, he sounds like he’s been both coerced and lobotomized, and his half-ass efforts to dead agent his ex-wife are so ridiculously lame that it appears that he sold his soul in exchange for the opportunity to provide proof of that transaction.
I sincerely believe that we should set up some sort of cult half-way house for $ea Org escapees, which would support and assist them to re-enter the real world and to retrieve their lost souls in a caring and compassionate environment. Peter was once a very talented musician and composer, who’s been reduced to making ineffectual hate videos on the command of someone truly evil, who could care less about him as a person.
He’s not evil, but the cult that turned him into a mere shadow of his former self sure is. Why can’t folks like Peter who are still-in NOT see how completely and blatantly evil that the cult’s tiny tyrant so obviously is!? That’s some Teegeeack-class mindfuckery right there!
Harpoona, a halfway house is an excellent idea. I would be happy to contribute to it to give disenfranchised Sea Orgs members a place to land.
Me too! Some of these poor duped and implanted Ronbots have been down so long that they have no support on the outside, no money, no resume, nowhere to live and no way to get there, even if they did.
I could see how facing all that uncertainty, after losing your soul to the cult, would be very discouraging prospect to even consider. But the truth is, folks like us who were fortunate enough to escape the cult and go on to do well out here in the real world are understanding, compassionate and supportive.
Busting Peter out of that killer mind control cult would be very satisfying indeed, but there’s just so many more who are in exactly the same fix that it makes my heart ache to think about them. The only cure for the Sadz is to do something about it.
Fortunately, through my own hard work, and as a result of not having given most of my resources away to the cult in exchange for meaningless paper “statuses,” I’m in a position to do just that.
Come on out, Peter, we’ll help you to rejoin the real world, with nothing at all expected of you in exchange…pay it forward if you like, but there’s nothing you need do, except to get yourself out of that killer mind control cult and recover your soul, in order to be the beneficiary of our good will.
Great Harpoona. Feel free to have Mike give you my email.
I’m in
If there was such a thing as a halfway house (a Shelter for Battered Thetans?), wouldn’t it be fair gamed to the max, with PI’s and $cion stooges swarming all over it? I would likewise be glad to contribute.
Battered women shelters have been operating under this same premise for years…and they are successfully “hidden” and inhabitants protected. They have the law on their side and readily utilizes law enforcement services if there is a threat. I would not have a problem calling 911 on any asshole who showed to harass the occupants of a safe house. Bring it the f**k on!!
Even a “quarter-way house where I could finish being worked to death would interest me if it was for a good cause.
I just got out of the hospital a few hours ago. (I have heart failure). It seems that although they have good treatments for HIV / AIDS now, this means that HIVers are 4 times as likely to get heart trouble, a thing that they were not worried about before as they were going to die anyway. I was 20 when I joined the SO. Now at 58, few people are going to hire me for a MEST job and my resume is a great recommendation from the Chief Engineer of a cult prison ship. Of course, when he wrote it he probably figured that nobody would see it because I was supposed to be dead in a few months. I do not want charity from anyone. I just want to do something that matters to someone. Ideally, I would like to help with the show but I am sure that Leah and Mike have the personell they need.
I forgot to mention that I am doing Ok now but do not know how much time I had left. After I left the ship the Chief Officer Bill Bragg told me I should go to Disneyland or the movies and have a good time. This annoyed me. It was like he wanted me to waste the time I had left instead of doing everything possible to stay alive. My odds of survival now are probably better now than they were then. I just want to make my remaining time count.
Go for it, Bill!
Hey Bill – I have read your posts a few times and I want you to know that you’ve touched my heart. Please do not lose hope. There is a job out there for you. The first one you find will lead to the next and next and next. Don’t let anyone tell you you are over-qualified or perhaps too old. Just say “I hope you won’t hold that against me” smile and accept what they have to offer. Then get to work using that incredible work ethic you have and you will be rewarded. This is not like Scientology. There is a place for you out here and I know you will find it. Praying for blessings, provision and peace for you.
HP ~ Thank you.
Yes, great idea.
Thank you. I’ve thought about this a lot. I’m in.
I would support such a thing. Not sure how, from Ontario.
My dream for the future: Mike and Leah solicit for one of the best law firms in the country to set up a non-profit foundation. Find Directors and Board members who are both civilian and ex-CoS members to manage the foundation. Mission statement or purpose of the foundation is to provide support i.e. tempoary safe-house shelter, monetary support, medical references, job counseling , legal advice, and assistance to obtain Driver’s License, SS#, and the like for persons wishing to leave or who have left, obsessive and abusive cults.
Many of us have lent monetary support to individuals fighting ‘the good fight’ against the abuses of $cn. However, having one central place to donate money that will directly assist the victims really appeals to me.
It’s a fantastic idea and a perfect way to keep The Aftermath going strong after the series ends!
Many people would trust and donate to a charitable foundation associated with the series.
The thing that stands out as always is the crying of victim yet they come at you so viciously and badly. Sadly I get that indoctrinated people ( some anyways) will believe these ridiculous videos. The fact that Paul was featured on the cover of Celebrity magazine disputes their claim he never was a actual Scientologist. Yet this wasn’t acknowledged , it was blatantly ignored. Who is Paul Haggis… Someone who should be proud of not going quietly when he learned about the wrongs being done to people, and raising a strong family that survived possible disconnection. Thirty Something,Crash, Flags of our Fathers, and Letters to Iwo Jima are just a few works to his credit, we should all be as unsuccessful as Mr. Haggis. I just wish he had been able to reconnect to his sister. I would just like to point out her cancer wasn’t cured by Scientology, another victim.
As for Karen Schless, I applaud you for shedding light on the glorification of celebrities. You are incredibly brave for speaking out. I wish both of you ( everyone who dares to makes a new life) peace of mind and joy in the freedom that you deserve.
The respected Artist and the criminal.
Paul Haggis has won 2 Academy awards ~~ both of these won BEST Picture. “Crash” and “Million Dollar Baby”
Scientology Inc got 2 indictments for criminality. From the State of Florida for Lisa Mcpherson death and from the Federal Government Department of Justice for infiltration and spying. (Snow White)
microphone drop.
Oh gosh, I forgot about the 2nd one, for Million Dollar Baby. Yeah, and he also an outstanding artist/writer – and father, person too. Thanks Paul.
I went looking on yahoo for the story. I thought the link may now be worthless and it is. I looked for an updated link, but apparently yahoo doesn’t keep it’s stories for that long, and I have enough research to do for my papers, without scouring the bowels of the www for this.
Anyway I set the month and date range on Google and came up with these links for backing
And that’s just the 26 October 2009 – many more came in the days afterward.
Co$ I know you know what the Google is since you’ve paid $$$ to keep your smear sites on top of any search of any name or anyone who’s been critical of Scientology (I’d actually curious of the total number you have up).
And I know you know about Wikipedia. Anyone who has ever or is currently editing Wikipedia knows you like to go in and change things. You could, if you wanted, edit /delete a person’s entire bio, so it will look like Mr. Haggis has done nothing. And you might look correct what you’ve written, that no one has ever heard about him (the sear volume of articles covering his letter not just suggests your wrong but loudly screams it.) But you also know that as soon as your vandalism is caught, which will probably be in less than 15 minutes, it will revert back to the before CO$ messing with it entry.
But for that possible 15 minutes . . . well if they find nothing there. there is IMDb – and you can’t edit it. Even if someone doesn’t know who Paul Haggis is, they can (and will look) there
And then they will discover that they’ve been watching his work their whole life – and that will form an immediate bond/affinity. That, and that alone gives him a leg up in the credibility department.
I’m still waiting to see the stories on MSM about how your orgs have opened their doors to hurricane displaced families, how you are running a soup kitchen on premise to help feed those who are displaced. I mean if Muslims can (finally) gain nation wide good press for doing those things, it would seem like an easy get for you too.
I wonder why such a forward thinking guy like LRH didn’t prepare y’all for the internet and the world wide web. Isn’t being able to see into the future a super power? Oh yes that God like thing, that includes omniscience, right?
It’s almost like LRH, Miscavige, Tom Cruz, etc. and all didn’t see the world wide web, Anonymous, etc. and Mike and Leah coming.
Hey Davy – it looks like you have a lot of vacant buildings you could use to house the homeless, etc. It would be better for Co$ image than a Scientology Brothel – but the church is probably getting kick backs or at least rent from the cat house.
P.S. Thank you Tony Ortega for answering this question.
Disgusting and pathetic.When my “WOG” friends hear or read Scientology responses they all say that it just shows how vile and stupid the cult is.
I stated this on another website. I will repeat and paraphrase myself here.
The people who are now speaking out, those who have been victims of this cirminal organixation have INTEGRITY/. It is a trait to admire. It make these people attractive. We want to know them, to be their friends.
Paul Haggis never questioned speaking out when he learned of the abuse. He, as a celeb, may never have known until he started to research this vile organization. He is someone to be commended. (As Mike stated earlier, PH has done wonderful humanitarian things because it was what he wanted to do, what was the right thing to do.)
Leah after getting wierd vibes started to research Co% and was shocked (gobsmacked) by what she learned. She started to speak out. Her voice is loud and strong.
Mike, you went through hell. II really wonder if some of those long term prisoners are even alive, but that will be another tale of woe. You went through many years of what I refer to as ‘decompression.’ He were able to regain the empathy and compassion that that Co$ tried to kill. Thank you for taking a stand.
I thank all of you.
I thank everyone who is brave enough of speak out. Your voice is added to the chorus of those who speak of injustice.
I have empathy and compassion for everyone who escaped.
Having a moral compass or personal Integrity is something we should all strive for. It is a part of ourselves that can not be taken from us no matter how much oppressors try. Stay Strong.
There is a difference, though. PH left because horrible things happened to others. Mike left because horrible things happened to him.
For an organization that makes delusional lofty claims about “clearing” the planet, they sure do pollute it with a lot of petty, whiny, snowflake-y garbage. You cannot tell people you are above anything or anybody when you are down in the mud wrestling with your critics.
Even us stupid wogs can see through that level of cognitive dissonance. Every time they attack anyone, they are making it look like LRH was totally full of it. If that’s how OT’s behave in real life – like a stalking, bitter abandoned girlfriend on Jerry Springer – it will be awfully hard to sell those expensive courses. It starts to look like you are paying for nothing more than a lot of fancy jargon and acronyms to describe life instead of ways to rise above your obstacles.
How long does it take to have immature pettiness, hypocrisy and cruelty audited out of people? Because DM is proof that it must never be enough. The self-aggrandizement looks pathetically false by contrast. And they dishonor people who trusted them to provide all the answers they brag about having. DM comes across looking like a fuzzy engram magnet. They aren’t transmuting anything, just regurgitating it out. Not very “ideal” state of being.
Eventually these willfully ignorant celebrities will wake up and see that it will be more embarrassing and detrimental to their careers to stay silent than to come forth and admit being purposely blind. The tipping point is coming and you all are making it possible. They had better hope you are in a forgiving mood. Because they had the means and power to knock this down in ways that others did not, and that kind of complicity and negligence will be remembered.
Well said! Thank you.
Oh so well said!
I’m actually hopeful Scientology’s videos regarding Karen and Paul go viral. The other smear videos were BAD but these are on a new level of insanity. Anyone with a brain viewing these is outraged and ready to stand up to these assholes. I feel the impact of these videos are going to be the turning point for Scientology because it’s getting the attention of people who normally don’t pay attention. You’ve pissed off a ton of people with these videos David Miscavige. The abuse claims were a murmur that’s turned into a roar that can’t be ignored any longer.
My ex-husband and I divorced in 1983. He did not pay child support, he lived only a few miles away and chose not to his children. I kept my mouth shut about him and let my children get to know him on their own terms. As adults, they see him on very rare occasions He has never made an effort to meet my daughter’s 2 children ages 3 and 1 1/2 although she has told him about their births.
The last time they saw him, 4 years ago, they went to his house. After about a half hour, they said they had to get on the road because mom was waiting for them. He immediately went on a rampage about how horrible I was and began telling the children how I did this, that and the other. My children stood there frozen, open mouthed.
His wife looked at him and said “Mark, shut up.”
THAT to me is the effect these “responses” to the episodes are having as well. No one. NO one believes that every person who was ever in scientology suddenly is a horrible person because they left. If scientology truly creates that many tremendously horrible people and they stay in the organization for so many years then there is something immensely wrong with scientology.
They would be better off making absolutely no response at all than the bitter shrill whine they come out with after each episode. Each attack is just adding gasoline to the fire.
Attributed to Albert Einstein:
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Scientology has boundlessly proven this cliche to be true.
whoops – misattributed. Not said by Albert Einstein.
take Business Insiders word for it, or alternatively, Huffington Post:
or many other sources, please Google it.
I love Einstein, but that was not said by him.
Thanks, First google line was the one I took. Was’nt sure.
LRH actually wrote celebrities are “earth’s top strata of beings”? What a joke! It’s no wonder this mind-set is wired for failure. Thanks for pulling back the curtain on the celebrity thing. Great episode!
I thought that David Carradine had already pulled back that “curtain”……or “closet door” in his case.
I have been watching this series and the last series. Very interesting. I have also read Leah Remini’s book “Troublemaker”, Ron Miscavige’s book “Ruthless” and printed articles off the internet re: L. Ron Hubbard’s life. I will take the flaws of Christianity any day (I attend a mainstream church regularly) rather than join Scientology! I find it hard to believe how widespread that “church” became.
Someone following in Canada
I have never heard the term ‘bowels of the internet’ either. I usually just surf the ubiquitous net. Scientology accuses Mr Haggis of surfing said ‘bowels’. They don’t seem pleased with the idea of ‘bowel’ surfing which makes me wonder if they visit often ? Hang ten guys !
For someone who was never a Scientologist, it’s odd that Haggis has several published service completions, was a Patron and Founding Patron, and attested to Clear (#5925).
Idiots. I’m sure they’ve now dutifully un-counted him as one of their millions of members.
“Trailer trash” “grease monkey” they are so stupid and offensive. All religions are flawed because they are run by humans but I have a really difficult time with Scientology and their bullshit classism and belittling working class people.
I believe in God. And my belief is that God loves us all, especially those that struggle. Scientology clearly has no use for the working class because they won’t line DM’s pockets.
Scientology DOES have use for the working class: slaving away in the Sea Org for a pittance with no social security benefits. This is just my unprovable theory: the few people who DO get snagged into scientology these days are less educated than those who idealistically got into it a generation or two generations ago. They’re neither well-read nor culturally literate; they can’t be, considering all that’s now known about $cion through internet access and of course, the heroic efforts of Mike and Leah and all the brave people who come forward on their shows.
The working class people who fill the ranks of the NOI are quite useful to the cherch.
From what I hear, they are importing them from other countries at a rate that looks alarmingly like human trafficking as well.
Like my ex-wife said; who happens to be African American and who is still in the Church and disconnected from me with no letter or notice: ” I have nothing against Niggers. ” ” I think everybody should own one.” I should add that she saved my life by getting me medical care after I no longer recognized her due to AIDS dementia.
I ask myself this from time to time: How was I ever a part of this insanity? It’s like Hubbard’s book ‘Typewriter in the Sky’ where one’s will has been hijacked by some malevolent entity. I’m so glad I grabbed it back and shook off the chains of the mind fuckery that is Scientology.
These videos literally make me want to go medieval on David Miscavige. Peter, when I see you belittle and insult your ex-wife Karen, who really loved you (and probably still does) while you make nothing of her contributions to your career, the thought that immediately comes to me is a line from Hellbound: Hellraiser II: “Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell!”
Now that’s what I’m talking’ about! Their pain will know no limits……
Peter Schless is a victim and became a tool for the cult based on the elevated positioning that they custom made for him. He never had to “rise up through the ranks” he had a little soapbox to step up on since day one. His suffering began the day he passed through the gates at the Int. Base as they closed and locked behind him. Cognitive dissonance is powerful enough to disable the self protective layer of awareness in some cases. Peters ego was the driving force behind his own incarceration.
I well remember Peter at Celebrity Centre New York trying to recruit me for the Sea Org. I thought it strange that he seemed to be abandoning his music. Dude, let’s face it, you got off purpose!
That’s Scientology for you. Quickest way to fuck up a career, personal pursuit or family ambitions, not to even mention finances.
Interesting… Why do they bother to say a word about a bunch of nobody’s? The irony?!
Thank you for your bravery, thank you for taking a stand. I am moved beyond words.
As a woman who believes in God I will keep you and all of your families in my prayers.
I just got to watch the new episode I’ve never been a Scientologist but we’re not stupid people,we see the evil deception and the countess lies,DM will eventually crash and burn important people are watching the spotlight is shining bright on DM I’ll bet you there’s probably a task force being formed if they haven’t already,yep keep on telling those lies !
Thanks Mike and Leah you guys rock!!!
A refresher for Peter Schless from the phone conversation I and Mike Sutter listened in on while you worked hard assisting Dave Miscaviage to recover your wife Karen Schless back to the base… “Please Karen, I love you with all my heart, I love you baby! It will be better when you come back! We want you back….. I WANT YOU BACK!!”
Now from me Jackson, Peter, if Karen is white trash then you are a spineless wanna be man who served his own balls to the Mighty Appelbox Boy some people identify as David Miscaviage. Has Dave brought you by his office and let you see in his drawer the balls you once owned just as a reminder you where you stand in his book?!
I worked hard for you buddy to have your wife by your side, each time she found success of leaving that god forsaken place. You scareamed she be returned. It was a messy cycle and in the end she won.
How’s that swift kick in your empty nut sack feel now!!
Go back and play with the synclaviair Pete! It’s your happy place!
You considered me a brother once for all the effort I put into the many and final recovery efforts of your previous Princess as you called her.
Now, GFYS!
Harsh words Jackson, but needed to be said. Thank you.
Outstanding post, Jackson! I like your style!
Jackson –
Jackson, you stole my heart in the last episode. I would love to hug you and thank you. But I can’t so I would like to tell you I think you’re amazing. Thank you for speaking out and standing up. It would be easier not to do anything. I admire you so much. Thank you!
Ditto, Jackson!!
Way to tell him Gary! So many words so little time. Her book downloaded my to my Kindle app on my iPad Monday night. As soon as we finish up with our current client (hopefully Friday) I’m in for an allnighter.
Quick question for David Miscavige. If she’s such a nobody, why did you fight so hard to keep her book from being published?
And if she was such a nobody, Davie, why did you try hard to get her to come back 3 times? Same question to you, Peter, if she was such a bad wife, why did you tell her you loved her and wanted her back three times?
OMG!! This kind of stuff can only be said by those who truly know the truth. As much as I want to call him ball-less, it sounds so much better coming from you…lol! Well done..
Bartender, I wanna buy Jackson a round or two. EPIC SMACKDOWN!
Jackson….I watched you last week…and your story is soul-crushing. But realize….You have made it out of the Darkness and are now completely in the Light! You sir….are a good person.
On another lighter note…I absolutely LOVE this very personalized response to Mr. Schless….it’s not harsh at all. This is how men talk to each other…when they want to strike a fatal blow on another man!!!! AWESOME!!!!
I guess the fact that as a woman….working with about 230 people….with 210 of them being men…..has enlightened my sensibilities!!!!
You Rock!!!!
When the “big boss of the organization” TELLS or ORDERS you what to do…you do it. To not obey would or could mean immediate dismissal from your position, or to be placed in lock down in “the hole”. You did what you had to do, your JOB.
Sadly, as time passed you were the one who got the kick in the groin after years of obedient & faithful service to the leader of the pack. You not only lost your wife, your child but your job as your only way of income. To repent is a glorious thing, especially when it is done with a truly open heart & mind. You are forgive Jackson, but as stated, you must forgive yourself. To have to live with the past is indeed hard, but you are on the right path now. Bless you Jackson.
I’ve never met you but I’m here to bless you.
Peter, maybe you could ask The Applebox Boy (love that BTW) if your pair could be placed next to Marty’s in the drawer.
That way they can keep each other company and maybe not shrivel up into raisins
Which proves Davy is a nutcase.
In this episode, when a journalist asked John Travolta if he has seen the series from Leah Remini, the reaction of denial of Travolta with a little smile, reminds me the sentence of Paul Haggis talking about his Celebrities friends ” … they remain purposely blind !
Powerful rebuttal, Mike! Well done! This cult has absolutely gone psycho. They cannot keep up with their lies. They lie to cover up their lies…they are hamsters going round and round on the wheel of extinction. Pathetic and desperate and so very fearful in all their actions.
I particularly enjoyed the comment on the wannabe writer, Dan Sherman…seriously…that was priceless
Bless Karen & Paul…..stand firm in your personal morals and values. The light is drawn to you both.
It made me think of Mark Bunker’s merry go round video, which is now, sadly off youtube, or harder to find.
A Scientologist (a woman), whom he knew, kept circling him asking what his crimes were, as he was recording. He thought it so funny he added merry go round calliope music to the background.
He said later he felt bad about it when he heard she blew. But wished her the best.
That merry go round calliope would be good to mock their smear sites I think.
The old kids jack-in-the-box song, “Pop, goes the weasel,” works great too (see here )
Yes it would!
CS, you said:
“It made me think of Mark Bunker’s merry go round video, which is now, sadly off youtube, or harder to find.
A Scientologist (a woman), whom he knew, kept circling him asking what his crimes were, as he was recording. He thought it so funny he added merry go round calliope music to the background”
I believe I’ve located that video at: .
The woman Scientologist was apparently Mary DeMoss, who did eventually blow, may God prosper her!
That’s it! Thank you!
Any time, CS!
I had told a friend about this video who binged watched Aftermath last week to catch up. She didn’t know much about Co$ before Aftermath. Her comment about this video was “Wow. This is insane.”
I have shared this with her today.
Mary was a concern troll before concern troll was a thing
I wonder how F.(a) R.T is doing
I guess I should add the video about that
And thanks for this takedown of their lies. This show, each episode is more powerful than the last. And Paul’s career definitely has not been hurt by their lies. He continues to thrive and create and does so with freedom and his family intact. He loves his wife and his daughters and is proud of them all. I loved Karen’s portion. The fact that there is a commission factor built in I just kind of find disgusting. What Leah said about not being able to breath the same air as Tom Cruise until you had paid a million, that’s just sad and disgusting that he would demand that type of servitude. He must look down at every one of his fans, every one who goes to see one of his movies and puts money into his pocket, he truly looks down on anyone who is not a Scientologist. So, of course, how could he love a daughter that is not one. Poor Suri is a throwaway.
Inner Space, I believe you! “[Tom Cruise] must look down at … everyone who goes to see … his movies and puts money in his pocket]”, you say, and I believe you. I don’t think anyone has ever more clearly stated a reason to quit giving money to him in any way, including watching a long-ago movie on television for which he still probably gets paid. If we can starve the Co$ by withholding our money from Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and other Scientology-owned celebrities, then we owe it to ourselves and all the victims of Co$ abuses to do so.
I’m doing this as a never-in from the standpoint of my own values, which include “an injury to one is an injury to all” and “As long as there is one person left in captivity, I am not free”. No doubt I am extremely late to the game, so let me just join the rest of you who have long since taken this vow. I will withhold our family’s money from Co$-boosting celebrities for as long as they continue to turn a blind eye to the money-grubbing, the abuses, the disconnection, fair game, and all the other ills practiced by their “cherch”, until they leave and make their departure known.
Thank you, Inner Space, and much love to all the once-ins who have gotten free. You inspire me, every one of you. And to Mike, our gracious host, and Leah Remini, you two champions of real civil and human rights, I only hope I can be worthy to follow your examples.
No Cruise movies are allowed in our house. My spouse found an old MI in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart. I insisted that it go back. He knew I was serious. Now when he watches Aftermath, he understands better than he did back then.
When the MI Lego Dimensions pack came out, my son told me he wasn’t going to buy it because it might benefit Cruise. Good kid that one.
I remember reading that Cruise used to stalk Joe DiMaggio. @Jackson, You did a wonderful job on the show. Your story broke my heart. You are obviously a good man. Forgive yourself and find happiness in life
COS is so predictable in their responses! They sound like a broken record which makes them come off as all the more desperate.
Brilliant! Simply Brilliant! You’ve dissected them wonderfully with reason. Please more lol!
All Scientology has to do is express itself. The are incriminating themselves by being themselves. And you are masterfully unpacking their sophomoric stupidity.
It never seizes to amaze me – humanitys inhumanity to itself – exposing it is the best way to combat it – thank you mike rinder & leah remini
Scientology’s response is a disgusting joke. I don’t think many outsiders take it seriously…but that doesn’t make it any less despicable.
I would like to address another response to the show that I feel is more of a threat to change than Scientology’s own stupid propaganda: public apathy.
I have seen a fair amount of people on social media responding with thoughts like “well, lots of religions do bad things. Look at pedaphile priest, Prosperity ministers, Islamic extremists, FLDS etc etc..” yes, those are bad and need to be changed. But just throwing your hands up and saying “screw it, back to my x-box” is just apathetic “what aboutism” that accomplishes nothing.
We’re humans. We’re capable of complex thought and accomplishing multiple things. Just because I donate money to Hurricane relief efforts doesn’t mean I’m saying “screw you Mexico and your earthquakes!” I can also help there!
So, I’m just curious if anyone else has encountered similar situations and what your thoughts are on the matter.
One need not do anything in order to bring an end to Scn as it currently exists; Miscavige is doing all that is necessary to accomplish that. With true membership at about 20k and falling, with whole countries pushing against the totalitarian nature of Scn, with few new members and few claims of training new auditors, and all the big donors’ money spent on empty buildings, it is unlikely that Scn will last another generation. The 60s and 70s were good for Scn because they fostered multiple generations of eager converts, mother and child. But now the third generation has arrived, and they are just not buying into Scn, and I do mean ‘not buying into’ it.
Scn services are simply too expensive for anyone without a trust fund or hugely profitable business or assets and credit galore. It’s easy to find a current price sheet for Scn services in the bowels of the Internet. Even the Intro courses are out of reach of 80% of the people of the world, those who live on less than $10 per day, so even the most faithful Sea Org members can give up on any notion of ‘clearing the planet’.
For a member to arrive where they can attest to Clear costs a minimum of $75,000, and who today has that amount to spare except people already millionaires many times over? Then to get past OT III, the Wall of Fire, the price tag totals over $125k, money not well spent, as many robbed by Xenu’s minions might attest. Fifty years ago clear-thinking Scn members were already calling for lower prices to increase Scn membership, but that never happened. Instead, prices of Scn goods and services have skyrocketed, along with incessant demands for money, money, and more money.
Scn has always been about money. Years ago, people thought they were getting something for their money, and thought they could afford services that had an end in sight. Some people were having a good time, with hope of personal growth, and many new like-thinking friends. Now, even forgetting about the harsh nature of where Scn has gone under its warlord DM, the cost of Scn services are totally out of the reach of an average wage earner, and hardly even affordable for those who earn two and three times the median income.
There is no need to kick Scn, it is quickly dying all on its own. I’m glad to see it go, even if I somehow managed to avoid buying into it. I guess I was always too poor, and knew it.
Brilliant blog Mike. I’m so glad you saw the light and got away from these weirdos!!
Mike, what can us lay people do to help this cause? write congressmen? it’s disgusting what’s going on and the government staying out of it.
Hi Rachelrob,
You can sign this petition to revoke IRS tax status on Scientology.
Then you can help us make it viral.
Much thanks for your service???
The difference between a church and a cult is, is that you can leave a church and they don’t send you bills or come after you to bring you back. That’s why he didn’t have to quit Catholicism. You just stop going to church. You can be excommunicated for horrible sins or ask to to be excommunicated for instance if you are marrying into a family like the Royal family and you have to adopt their religion. But they don’t send people to your house. So Scientology…you’re a cult. Catholicism is not. There ya go. Oh and they also don’t smear people who stop going. I only go with my mom when I visit and on holidays but there’s no smear sit and no priest has hunted me down.
Agree Inner – Raised in Catholicism but don’t attend church anymore. Yes there have been giant priest issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. One of the big differences to me is that the spiritual closet in Scientology is a neglected, empty room. I could go to Catholic Mass, Buddhist temple, etc. and cull what I need and I don’t have to pay $50.00 for the service. Not so with COS.
Exactly! And Catholics were the most horrified when these issues came to light and it was Catholics themselves that demanded change. With Scientology they always deny and deflect and say everyone else is lying.
Not only do you and your cult not pass the smell test, you and your cult fails the puke test.
Aren’t they supposed to be “clearing the planet”by helping people? What a crock of shit
An amazing comeback to them Mike. I have no words…..just WOW! Makes me sick how stupid they are. Digging their own grave. Read Karen’s book which is so well written and I have spoken with her personally, she is lovely, highly intelligent, and a caring person with a lot of compassion. Also, how can someone get onto OT VII and NOT be a scientologist – I’m referring to their insinuation that Paul Haggis was not a scientologist. Just wow……
Excellent dissemination of the practices that are OSA. Davey’s running scared, can’t wait till next week Same Leah time, same Leah channel!
So predictable. Mike, I don’t know where you find the energy to keep up the good fight.
But please keep it up.
Maybe winning is a good source of energy. Oh, and where is scientology’s leader. Has he nothing to say in public? Lurking scientologists, THAT is your leader… a COWARD.
I just watched your show Mike! I had it recorded. You Guys are all incredible seriously!! I love listening to you talk Mike as well.
Just have a few questions. Do you guys ever worry about your life being threatened? What about the celebrities ….can they slap you with lawsuits or anything? They must be really trippin right now!
Thank God that you guys have the nerve to do what you do!!!
I can not say enough about the show. If this had happened years ago the Church would have reformed or gone bust by now. The important thing is that you continue like you are doing until the change that you are working for happens. I would not change a thing. If there is anything that you or Leah needs to help you there are hundreds of people on this blog, myself included, that will do anything we can to help you. The important thing is that, sir, these crimes are exposed until the offenders are all in jail or at least powerless to fuck people over. (Pardon my French “or not, as you see fit.)
I am so sad to hear Marty got pulled back in (what happened?) I thought he was out and recovering?
They processed his refund..
Good one, Teen!
My apologies, Deb….I sense a genuine concern with your question and it was answered with sarcasm. As far as I can read, no one knows the truth to explain his turn-around but there are many speculations. Notably, his wife mysteriously firing her legal team and withdrawing her lawsuit. Some speculate a pay-off… You can google it…..and the theories.
There’s a lot of speculation. Tony Ortega posted this about it about a week ago
I think scientology has a typing monkey writing this stuff. It’s the same old, same old every time. In their case, repetition only shows lack of imagination, let alone proof of their assertions. They need new writers…………..I hear Paul Haggis is pretty good! lol
Lol…good one! I have a feeling that, based on the level of disclosures about the cult, there is only one guy “good enough” to oversee the abuse campaigns. Besides, what else does he have to do?
“… one remembers….”
I remember, and am thankful that all of these ex’s have spoken out! All of them!
The ex’s DO REMEMBER, thankfully!
And they tell their stories! Thankfully.
Ex’s telling their careers and membership sagas, is normal good and helpful to warn against Scientology.
Excellent take down of their lame lies and hate sites, Mike!
Mike – I finished watching the episode with Karen Schless and Paul Haggis tonight. Every time I watch another show, I get more insight into the current scene in the CoS. You and Leah and the team are providing an important public service. Well done, and please continue. Looking forward to the next one.
Informative and thorough as always. I honestly don’t know how you continue to do this. I am amazed by your dedication to vindicate those being sullied. Blessings to you, sir.