Scientology’s international headquarters, and the center of so much of the physical abuses, mental torture and human trafficking over the years, sits in the center of Riverside County CA.
Yet, in all this time, no government agency has done anything to curtail the abuses that have been occurring under their noses. Not the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office, nor the District Attorney’s Office nor the Adult Protective Services. Nobody.
Meanwhile, scientology seeks to influence officials in Riverside. Tony Ortega wrote an article about this just prior to the election in November 2018.
Given the subject matter of this week’s episode of Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath it seemed timely to bring this to the forefront again.
Below is a grid showing the campaign contributions made by Muriel Dufresne and Cathy Fraser over the last 10 years. These are the two Sea Org members at the Gold Base who have the job of creating “safepoints” for scientology in the local community.
Remember, these two earn what Sea Org members earn — $50 a week in theory, but often MUCH less and on many occasions at Gold they have gone for months with NO PAY. Just so these contributions are put in perspective.
Now also remember, this does not reflect what other scientologists may have contributed. It also doesn’t reflect the BBQ’s, social gatherings, rounds of golf and other events held for the benefit of local law enforcement and government agencies and officials. Rest assured, since scientology first moved into Riverside County there has been an intense effort to create “safepoints”.
But it is also fortunate that Riverside County provides various hotlines to report abuse, and I am providing them here for those who ask “What can I do?”. These agencies hear from scientology officials. Rarely do they hear from the victims or concerned citizens. Perhaps it is time the balance was tipped:
Riverside County Sheriff:
Riverside District Attorney:
The comfort people feel at home is not in the centre of life, more in a desert.
On the surface, it seems about the same thing we tried in Clearwater in ’75, and I suppose since. Was a flat-out footbullet. There weren’t enough of us to affect any race, but the reporters, photographers, and authorities definitely noticed our “get out the scientology vote” efforts, the bus transporting all of us to the polls. This was before any public took up legal residence in the town, before most public properly knew where we were. Only the 1,000 or so staff were there, and ALL of us registered and voted our “conscience”(which was how our seniors said we should vote, of course.) Not one of the races came out how ‘we’ wanted them to, there was NO effect on the vote totals, AFAICT. The real result was the beginning of the push-back scientology has experienced since, only increasing with the little one’s direct involvement, I see. IIRC, scientology’s perception back then wasn’t too horribly bad amongst the rank-and-file residents, but then, our “uniform” wasn’t so outlandish that we were noticeable; Simply white shirt and black pants, which was a reasonable outfit for the climate, easily laundered. We didn’t even get ‘boiler suits’ in the RPF, which was the uniform policy stated we wear. I suppose we wore what wasn’t too stiff to put on.
Growing up somewhat nearby, In the 1980’/90’s, we would beg our parents to pull over in front of the base so we could see the pirate ship on the little lake. Nobody really knew the evils of the place or even what it was. Us kids just wanted to see a pirate ship!
Meanwhile, friends parents started getting Scientology pamphlets in the mail. Turns out They were reading license plates and running dmv info on cars pulled over and sending promotional material.
Their practice of doing this became public later in lawsuit between Scientology and either hemet or San Jacinto or the county about traffic cameras. Scientology claimed the city traffic cameras were spying on the base, county countered with them filming cars on public roads, reading their plates and mail promotional material. I don’t remember the outcome of the lawsuit.
I was a cultie living in the Palm Springs area back in the mid-80s. I remember reading some sort of ‘entheta’ magazine article about the secretive base. At that time even most sea org members didn’t know where ‘gold base’ was located. There were a couple of sea org missionaires in the area and I was giving them a ride somewhere and I told them what I knew about the location of the base because I had driven by to have a look for myself. They were absolutely amazed that I knew more than they did and were very curious. The funny part was one of them thought that I was really ‘OT’ because I could drive with no problem while looking over my shoulder and talking directly to them. One of them was worried about me getting into a wreck but the other one was confident in my Advance Magazine worthy ‘OT’ abilities. We got where we were going just fine. Those guys probably got their asses ‘sec checked’ to hell and back. Even with the ‘sec checks’ I was getting at the time nothing about this ever came up. I guess my hands weren’t sweating properly for the ‘e-meter’. I never heard anything more about it but hopefully my ‘out-ethics’ activities got them to look a bit and not listen and they are both free of the cult today.
Let’s put this in perspective. My Social Security Statement says while I was in I made the following amounts:
1972: $167
1973: $747
1974: $2049 (that’s when I went to the GO, so I got a HUMONGOUS PAY RAISE)
1975: $2674
The rest of the years, I had supplemental income and made as much as $9,000 one year, but most of that was from typing jobs I took in on the side that I reported to the government.
People who are in Sea Org are allegedly paid $50.00 per week. IF they got full pay, they would get $2.600 annually or $26,000 over a 10 year period. They do not get full pay most weeks. I know, I was in Sea Org. If you blink, you are put in a lower condition and your measly pittance is taken away. There were weeks when the entire org got 1/2 or 1/4 pay or some weeks when they got none. So, for a Sea Org worker to pay $3995 over a 10 year period even if they really grossed $2,600 per year – and they didn’t, that would mean that more than 15% of their gross income went to the candidate. When you subtract out the taxes, it is probably more like 17.5-18% of their net income.
But let’s stick with gross. More than 15% of their gross income if they were really paid every month and if they were not forced to give their entire paycheck for David Miscavige’s elaborate birthday present and elaborate Christmas present on those occasions.
So realistically, they probably paid about 50% of their net to these candidates. Or they were given money which was not counted as income which they then donated directly to the candidate in their name so it wouldn’t appear to all be coming from one source. I am not saying this happened. But if I was told I had a choice between buying toothpaste and underwear and donating to a political candidate, I’d probably choose toothpaste and underwear.
“toothpaste and underwear…” Good gawd this brings back one hilarious scientology memory for me. It would have been about 1978 and some sea org recruiters were haunting the mission where I was involved with the cult. One of them was bragging about how good it was to be in the sea org. He smugly claimed that one’s ‘havingness’ was sooooo high as a result of being in the sea org that he even went out and bought underwear for himself. WOW!!! I was in my early 20s at the time, just getting on my feet financially after leaving home and trying to make my own way in the world, but buying some new drawers just wasn’t that big of a deal for me. Little did I know that doing something like that as a sea org slave was a real treat. Probably even more so these days. I’m glad to be such a low ‘havingness’ ex-cultie who can always have some fresh unders any time I feel like it. I’m glad you’re out Valerie and enjoying the real world.
Great comment Ms. B! ☺
While watching the program, I took a minute to look at the Google earth shots of the Gold base. I notice that few if any vehicles are on the property. I am not surprised. Apparently this is quite common at the orgs. Keep telling the truth.
Unless victims come forward and can get the attention of law enforcement, nothing will change. As Graham Berry pointed out, the county supervisor was in David Miscavige’s tiny pocket and he didn’t suffer for that in the next election.
Safe pointing is a $cieno sacrament and it will continue until those who are influenced are held accountable for it.
The sticky wicket of “BUCK PASSING”……agencies sitting back HOPING that “someone else” will do the dirty work that needs to be done. They’ll apparently TAKE the “buck”…but as far as SPENDING it on any type of investigation, that seems to take a back seat to anything & everything else.
The FBI might be continuing to collect “evidence”….to build a case…yet there are BIG EARS & MOUTHS everywhere….a mere HINT of a “raid”, well you know damned well THAT will get back to “you know who”.
Lron’s then wife went to prison….Lron did NOT go to prison & that makes me wonder that if it came right down to prison….WOULD the tyrant then FREE SHELLY from hiding so she could take the blame????
As many have stated, their are files ALL OVER the place, unfiled files, filed files, dust collectors all over….shredded files, files waiting to BE shredded….Files files files….ahh, hidden files….computer deleted files….Woo Hoo…a field day of files yet to be discovered. Auditing done, deepest darkest secrets waiting to be exposed in those God Damn files.
The ONLY person without a file is the tiny terror himself….can’t have his secrets exposed. Some might willingly go to prison FOR him….but everything comes out in the wash eventually, leave a long remembered dark stain of SHAME.
Well, I hate it that I’m asking this question but it’s needling me: With posts like this and all the exposure from the Aftermath series and a sense that maybe some arm of law will take notice, what’s to stop the church from “cleaning it up” at Int Base? We have seen or at least heard of the church stopping forced abortions, letting Sea Org members leave if they want to route out easily with a paycheck and an apartment, higher pay, no RPF…. These are all responses to the exposure of crimes and abuses and are good things but the church isn’t held accountable. Stupid consideration, I know, but I really want this church or david miscavige held accountable in some way.
Mary, they could do all that but it is pretty unlikely that they will.
Not purely out of simple cruelty or malice. The ones that are still in the Hole and the ones that are still at the Int Base are material witnesses of the highest order. They literally know where the bodies are buried.
Worse than that, they are the so-called “command structure of Scientology”. According to the IRS tax exemption agreement they are supposed to act as a check-and-balance structure against the assumed autocratic totalitarian power that is vested in Dave. The last thing Dave could ever tolerate is for them to actually act as President and Executive Director and Watch Dog Committee chairmen etc. again. He would be toast in a New York minute.
Can you imagine what would happen if there were real Inspector Generals in Scientology? Respected officers with real authority who could break the “religion” out of its fundamentalist death spiral and redesign it for the 21st century? Maybe it is a good thing that it can’t, as long as it is stuck in the era of Telexes and Dictaphones it is unlikely to grow.
As long as the denizens of the Hole are broken straws in a pig pen Dave has free rein and the keys to all the cash boxes. Maybe he will let them out to go to the Nursing Home or Hospice on Medicaid when they can no longer string a coherent sentence together. Not before then.
Tiger stripes do not change evidenced by the fact that they still do not have a clue that every time they declare someone, they are basically handing them a microphone to share their stories of abuse and human right violations. DM is so ignorant and narcissistic that he has no idea that he continues to facilitate the cult’s self-destruction by continuing to enforce archaic and ineffective tech and policy vomited by a madman. He believes he’s untouchable, which will be his downfall.
“…they still do not have a clue that every time they declare someone, they are basically handing them a microphone to share their stories of abuse and human right violations.” Which is probably why the church/david miscavige aren’t declaring people with reckless abandon as they were from 2004-2014. Unless one speaks out or is seen with Mike Rinder or Leah or some such person, there’s a good chance they won’t get declared.
The Gold base IS cleaned up, don’cha know, Mary? If asked, EACH of the execs sleeping under their desks and being served slop will say they’re treated VERY well by the great humanitatian, David Miscavige.. Each VOLUNTEERED to forego beds and nutrition in order to “toughen up” for the upcoming apocalypse they’re sure is on the way. AND, it’s been ‘proven’ that staying a little underfed improves longevity. The results were valid only for a specific breed of mice, but it’s supposed to be true for homo saps, too. And how many of them have teeth rotting out of their mouths, haven’t been allowed to bathe for weeks? Those “offices” must smell pretty rank, from the stories I’ve read. That alone might alert the authorities to something “being rotten, literally.
It’s just amazing how cheap souls (morals, consciences, whatever) are going for. Only $3,955 and
$3,485 each? What a bargain. In this case it needs to be seller beware though.
It makes America appear different when law enforcement won’t help the abused. Land of the free? Maybe not ay?
That was the thought and accompanying feeling of nausea in the pit of my stomach (neighbored by burning anger) after watching Aftermath then reading this. I’m SO tired of pompous, lazy, self-protective cowards being in these roles and allowing this to go on. It’s disgusting and I think so many have absolutely had it. I hope (& will be part of) they are absolutely inundated and overwhelmed by the disgust of the communities that they’ve failed to serve and protect!
As I “Tweeted” before, anyone and everyone, ex-members and non-members alike, should just overwhelm the RSO, LAPD, FBI, CSP, APS, etc., with tweets, emails & letter of outrage, and protests, and continue to do so until some action by these authorities are taken. Let them ALL know that not only their community is outraged of their behavior and lack of concern and pay-offs by Miscavige, but also the public at large.
I hadn’t even thought of Adult Protective Services until you mentioned it.
The tides have turned on Scientology. The sides are now unquestionably defined. All media and public know what Scientology is about now.
Any public official who even has the optics of defending or supporting Scientology will be in danger of loosing their political stature and positions BY VOTES!
Those who demonstrate courage and integrity in exposing Scientology abuses and bullying will be seen as a hero. It WILL increase your political power.
On the other hand, if your constituents find out you’ve been in bed with these thugs – say bye bye to your political career and public service positions.
This is not the time for cowardice. It’s time to be a leader and stop the abuses.
Brian, I doubt any politicians or bureaucrats will ever exactly be fingered for having been in Scientology’s pocket. What I think will finally happen is that those around who did nothing, will be on the hook when something tragic eventually does happen, quite possibly just a scandal that finally builds and breaks as staff essentially held at the base becoming increasing aged and elderly, with conditions deteriorating, and the public becomes outraged that such a thing was allowed to happen.
If I had such peoples’ ear, I’d tell them that it was finally time to get ahead of the issue of the base, particularly since abuse and neglect of elders is , and there is almost no way it is not going to end badly. But unfortunately it’s hard to really get such people’s attention, over issues that are still somewhere in the future.
I thought it was promising to see that when relatives asked for a welfare check on Heber Jentzsch, local law enforcement officers apparently put him in the back of a car away from other base staff – which Scientology expressed outrage about, probably out of fear that it’s exactly what could lead to someone revealing conditions they are living in, and being taken away. The LA sheriffs office, in contrast, won’t even say under what conditions a similar check on Shelly Miscavige was made, leaving suspicions that Scientology handlers were present, which goes against what is now known about how such situations should be handled.
Not sure where you got that information about Heber. It’s not true. He had his handler with him at all times.
Mike, I was going off a report by Jeffrey Augustine, that a private investigator working for the church and apparently trying to harass and discourage anyone who might be asking for authorities to check on staff at int base, claimed that “that Heber had been thrown into the back of a police car during the welfare check”:
I assumed that was Scientology’s over-the-top objection to law enforcement officers justifiably putting Heber in the back of their vehicle in order to interview him without others around, trying to paint a welfare check as harassment, as part of their campaign to try to intimidate anyone considering trying such a thing again. If what Jeffrey was told was correct, it sounds like the officers were doing the right thing, and having some knowledge of how police like to control a situation, I can’t imagine that if they felt the need to put someone in the back of their car, they would have let anyone else hover around. But perhaps you know more details of what actually happened, whether or not you can say.
For reference for anyone interested, here is an earlier article about Heber, and the relatives who are concerned about him and probably asked for the welfare check:
Scientology is obviously afraid of people like this getting out of their control – with very good reason. I’m sure they’re trying to coddle Heber and anyone else like him as best they can, but one thing that happens particularly with dementia, is that the elderly may become paranoid that even their caregivers are out to get them. A deteriorating old-time insider might spill a lifetime’s worth of secrets and complaints, to any kind person who gave them cookies and a glass of warm milk.
They never tried to get him into a police car though Scientology did make that claim. Anything Scientology says is almost uniformly wrong.
Peacemaker and Mike, I was under the impression the police car event with Heber had happened as well. I have been wondering exactly what did happen or was said. I’m glad to know the truth as I had shared that info.
Mike, thanks for the clarification.
I’ve observed that there’s often a kernel of truth in Scientology’s propaganda claims. In this case, maybe it’s just Miscavige’s fears running rampant.
I do think Scientology’s elderly are an area where they are increasingly vulnerable to having their abuses exposed, and are at risk of having some instance or incident go very wrong for them. Americans may have trouble understanding and dealing with issues of undue influence, coercion and control when it comes to adults, but with elders there is more agreement that they may be manipulated and even taken advantage of, and need to be protected – which laws now cover, and government now tries to enforce. What Scientology has been used to getting away for decades with doing to people who are in the prime of life, is looked at differently when those individuals get on in years.
Here are a couple of references – note that several things that Scientology routinely does, particularly at the base, such as financial exploitation and isolation, are considered abuse when it comes to elders:
CANHR – Recognizing and Reporting Elder Abuse – What is Elder Abuse?
“In California, elders are defined as persons 65 years and older.
Under California law, elder abuse can be both criminal and civil.
Criminal elder abuse occurs where any person who knows that a person is an elder and willfully causes or permits that elder to suffer, or inflicts unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering on the elder. It also covers situations where a person willfully causes or permits an elder to be placed in a situation in which elder’s health is endangered. (Penal Code Section 368)
Civil law defines civil elder abuse to mean physical abuse, neglect, financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction, or other treatment resulting in physical harm or pain or mental suffering to an elder. It also means the deprivation by a care custodian of goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm or mental suffering. (Welfare & Institutions Code Section 15610)
Abandonment: The desertion of an elder by someone who is a caregiver.
Abduction: The removal, without the consent of the conservator, of a conservatee to another state.
Financial Abuse: The illegal or unethical exploitation and/or use of an elder’s funds, property, or other assets.
Isolation: The intentional prevention of an elder from receiving mail, telephone calls or visitors.
Mental Suffering: The infliction of fear, agitation, confusion through threats, harassment or other forms of intimidating behavior.
Neglect: The failure to fulfill a caretaking obligation such as assisting in personal hygiene, providing food, clothing or shelter, protecting an elder from health and safety hazards, or preventing malnutrition.
Physical Abuse:The infliction of physical pain or injury, sexual assault or molestation, or use of physical or chemical restraints for punishment.”
California Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud & Elder Abuse (BMFEA)- Elder Abuse Laws (Criminal)
Thanx for the article Peacemaker. Every day I think about Heber. Absolutely heartbreaking!
Karen recently wrote about Heber: “He is now 83 years old and having had a major stroke, cannot sit up straight and has a Sea Org member in full time attendance. He cannot walk.”
Yes, it’s heartbreaking. She posted a moving tribute to what he went through growing up with an abusive father in the FLDS Mormon sect, and then in Scientology, at:
Hopefully he’s at least being well taken care of. I’d expect Scientology to try to waste (from their point of view) as little time and attention as possible in taking care of him, so there’s the possibility of neglect as happened with Sea Org child care as happened decades ago; and then some poor Sea Orgers who sacrificed and suffered in what they thought was work to save the planet are now being used for senior day care, because Scientology’s secrecy and need to keep abuses hidden prevent them from just hiring and properly paying people who chose to do that work.
I have been watching “Surviving R Kelly” – and it is as riveting (almost) as Scientology; the Aftermath staring Leah Remini and Mike Rinder.
Mike and Leah – the show is off the charts. It is amazing. Exposing David Miscavige’s crimes and abuses on the last show was EPIC. Millions of people watched the show and can’t believe this goes on in our Country and the FBI does nothing about it.
There is a very eerie similarity between “Surviving R Kelly” and surviving Scientology.
The most common thread is the lack of justice to victims of both cults. There is a glaring red flag – a lack of law officials and the justice system doing their jobs – cops, courts etc due to R Kelly’s money and celebrity status and $cientology’s sleazy Attorney’s.
The successful actions are victims and advocates for victims being relentless in exposing his pedophile behavior.
People speaking out, protesting and contacting various organizations to boycott his music.
Let’s continue to speak out, protest anyone who supports Scientologists or Scientology.
Also, the public can boycott anything involving Danny Masterson.
The victims need to go public and make it real noisy like the victims of R Kelly.
I was riveted to Surviving R. Kelly also. There are so many parallels. The justice system’s failure or lack of an ability to do anything about it was one of them. The other is how an entity can take over the mindset of another individual and get that individual calling them “Daddy” or a “religion” is another. The fact that the women involved with R. Kelly and the individuals involved in the church of scientology are adults leaves law enforcement with their hands tied. The despair and heartache in the parents I saw in Surviving R. Kelly were so similar to my despair – their inability to reach their child and be cut off from their child probably by that child’s agreement with the R. Kelly to cut off all communication with their parent, is my story with a different Authority Figure.
You just can’t legislate against brainwashing but sooner or later despots make criminal mistakes for which “the law” can take them down. The failure to take down R. Kelly or the church of scientology to date is a failure of society. Their crimes have been going on for tens of years with broken lives left in their wakes.
I’ll have to watch the R. Kelly docuseries. Mary, I think you’re one of the bravest women I know. Your story with your son is heartbreaking, yet you keep perspective. Good Karma is bound to find you, stay hopeful and keep smiling that beautiful smile! ?
Awesome analogy in present time A Walking Cluster. Love your handle. R Kelly is going down due to public exposure from the victims and advocates not because the justice system, courts and cops representing the Laws of the land – have done their job.
The public is doing something about it. BOYCOTT R Kelly. No more R Kelly – he will spiral down to nothing now.
Enough is enough. Boycott Scientology run businesses and Scientologists.
Tick Tock David Miscavige, OSA and Scientologists Keeping Scientology Hurting families. Tick Tock. Your days are numbered. Scientology is going DOWN!
Please Mike and Leah – continue to expose the abuse. Tony Ortega posted a story yesterday about a 82 year old woman who was financially exploited by Scientology – fraud – lies, elder abuse – opening credit cards and charging $60,000 on credit cards she never authorized. Please have her on your show.
BEWARE OSA, still in Scientologists Lurkers and David Miscavige -All crimes done by Scientologists are going to be exposed. ALL OF THEM.
Yes the story on Tony O’s about the 82 year old woman who was taken for tens of thousands of dollars without her knowledge does constitute ELDER ABUSE. The laws favor elders in any elder abuse case and come down hard on the perpetrators. However, when the church is ever ready to step in with a huge settlement to its victims, no justice can be done. I hate that just when we think we have DM and Scn on the ropes of a lawsuit, he just whips out the cash he fleeced from his flock and paid no taxes on, and pays people to shut up. It is disgusting. I wish the FBI and IRS would look through this ploy and move in on the church anyway.
Spot on A Walking Cluster! Everything I have learned from following scientology was completely applicable in the R. Kelly situation. When you learn how to spot a sociopath, malignant narcissist, or manipulative abuser you see the patterns and behavior from a mile away!
This is so true Ann! I noticed many parallels and I’m a never-in. But there are things that you and others have described so tangibly that it’s stuck w/me and I recognized some of it in that documentary. I’m glad to see other things stoking the fires towards justice for all who’ve been hurt by scientology! This week’s show, the announcement of the Danny M episode being aired, the outrage of those making the connection between the R Kelly high control situation and Scientology being part of the same whole… it gives me great hope!
This safepointing is just a happy way of saying buying off or turn a blind eye in regards to law enforcement. I am a huge LEO supporter, but draw the line when it come to things like this and the whole scientology squad out there in LA that perserve and protect scientology at all costs. Hell, Masterson got his crack at smoozing them ( LAPD) with a charity golf tournament when it looked like it was getting close to arrest time.
So RCSO what does CoS have hanging over your head? Why is it that you cannot go in with the Social Workers from APS and make sure that interviews are done in a safe environment, free from interference by meddlesome, threatening, and intimidating CoS goons? Or a warrent to see “the Hole” on a surprise visit with APS since recent reports are that an 80 yr old man is living in that olace and still getting hit on! Just go check for marks for God’s sake! RCSO your failing badly here and for what? A BBQ? Golf game? Don’t have to patrol much in that desolate area cause their security will take care of things? Tell you what RCSO you think that CoS is so lily white and has a positive message let your sons or daughters join, wait a year or two and see how you feel. We’re not going anywhere. In the meantime …. THE SHAME IS ON YOU!
Well spoken.
I guarantee you it’s more than a BBQ and golf
It’s votes and someone getting some serious cash
“Why is it that you cannot go in with the Social Workers from APS and make sure that interviews are done in a safe environment, free from interference ”
Because YOUR curiosity or concern doesn’t override a persons innate right to privacy and freedom of association. You need to study the subject of natural human rights. It IS what the US Const. was designed around. There isn’t a person we are talking about that hasn’t had opportunity to notify others that they are being held against their will if that be the case. Therein lies the problem. Given the opportunity, they are silent.
Excuse me, but I am extremely naïve. Just What is the difference between ‘Safepointing’ and Bribery?
Five letters.
“Safe pointing” is when you put on a dog and pony show.
“Bribery” is when you give them the dog, and the pony.
“Extortion” is when you threaten the dog, or the pony.
“Scientology” is where you teach the dog and the pony to lie, and to rat on each other.
Lol…eloquently defined… Thank,you.
Holy Fucking Fuck!
Shame on you Riverside police and politicians!
Do your fucking jobs, for Christ’s sake!
I’ll second that!
Thank you for the contact information for the Riverside County Sheriff & DA. I live in the neighboring Orange County, but I have plenty of friends and family in Riverside County. I will be forwarding this information to all of them and making a personal request that they call. These Riverside County officials need to know that they will not be getting re-election votes from their constituents if they fail to DO THEIR JOBS of protecting the public (and that public includes the people held in prison-like conditions at the Int Base).
Other than reporting specific cases or incidents, it’s most effective for citizens to present general concerns about Scientology’s presence and activities to their elected representatives at the city, county and state levels:
In Riverside’s case, elected officials include the Sheriff:
As I understand it, Scientology’s base is outside Hemet in unincorporated Riverside county, so the city’s only likely role would be if their law enforcement officers encountered escapees who had made it into town.
Does anyone remember the controversy surrounding the Riverside County Coroner’s Office in regard to the death of L. Ron Hubbard?
The body of L. Ron Hubbard was cremated less than twenty-four hours after his death, and there was no autopsy performed. The cause of death was simply listed as “natural causes.”
A year later, it was learned that the Riverside County Coroner had been accepting illegal campaign contributions from the Church of Scientology, and resigned shortly thereafter. Interesting, isn’t it?
Hubbard died in San Luis Obispo County not Riverside
Actually, there was to be an autopsy, but suddenly Elron opened his eyes and said “I’d rather burn in hell than have a damn autopsy.”
As usual, his wishes were granted.
Target One must be heaven.
There has to be more we can do. Maybe not legally at this point but with that being one of many goals. How can communities organize a safe haven for those who are out and still being terrorized or want out but have no options like money, a place to go or get on their feet. How can we turn this into a much more mass effort?
The Aftermath Foundation
Please excuse me if this suggestion appears to be crass. I can see how many people might strongly object since I’m going to ask you to consider maybe doing something that The Scam does. But maybe if you do it to fight The Scam it’s like using their own tactics against them? So I don’t know if it’s a good suggestion or a terrible suggestion.
I didn’t even know there was an Aftermath Foundation. I just visited the website and on the front page I saw a Donate button. Have you considered allowing people who make a substantial contribution (maybe $100) to be listed in a box titled “Some Silly Platitude Member”? Many organizations have “Bronze Level Members” and “Silver Level Members” and “Gold Level Members”. There are all kinds of prideful names that people use.
It may be silly but since I can’t really contribute to the show in any way, I would really like to see my name associated with the struggle to put an end to The Scam. I know it is prideful and vain and kind of stupid. But is it worth considering?
I would be so proud and happy to take my grandchildren and show them my name on the list of the people who helped to put an end to this scourge. I’d also like to have something I could stick in the face of the Tiny Fuhrer when he is being led to the penitentiary.
“Up yours Asshole Miscavige. You can abuse some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time. … But when you abuse all the people all the time, you get to go to the penitentiary for the rest of your miserable life!”
Calm down, Skyler. You can always donate by check, then blow up the canceled check real big and frame it to show all your friend.
p.s. no need to worry about DM’s future. No matter what, he gets to be himself, 24/7. I can’t think of a worse punishment.
Heh! Heh! Good point Ammo.
By the way, can you tell me how the “Like” system works? I tried to click on the star beside “Like” in your post but that doesn’t seem to be enough to bump the number of Likes. Instead it opens a window and asks for my “account”. I entered my email address. I tried entering several different email addresses. But no matter what I entered, it didn’t seem happy with that and it didn’t increase the number of Likes it was showing.
Can anyone tell me how it’s supposed to work? Thank you.
Lol Skyler! I can’t get it to work either.
Thank you Ann. It feels so nice to know I’m not alone. Except of course if it’s one of those Scam Buddies following me to make sure I don’t try to “blow”.
That must put a real damper on Birthday parties. What do they do to extinguish the candles if they cannnot blow?
Can I be in the “Taller than Miscavige” box?
As far as I’m concerned, you can be in the “Better than Miscavige in every way” club.
Over time, we have added people to the big list because they gave to e.g a gofundme for an ex.
Should the Aftermath Foundation publish full names of people who are e.g in completions, then that would be a reason to be added there also.
Donating money to The Aftermath Foundation strongly appeals to me. It would be so wonderful to be able to tell my grandchildren that there once was this insane evil cult that regularly imprisoned people both physically and mentally by brainwashing them and keeping them in a closed compound behind razor wire fences – very much like the Nazi concentration camps in WW2. In fact, their leader bore several remarkable resemblances to Adolf Hitler.
Eventually two very brave people decided they could not tolerate this any longer and even though they knew they would suffer all manner of abuse for doing this, they decided it was just no longer possible for them to remain silent and Leah Remini and Mike Rinder started to speak out about how the leader of this cult subjected so many of its members to criminal abuses. They created a TV show to tell the public just what was going on and it began a movement which eventually caused the destruction of this cult and the imprisonment of its insane leader.
I would love to show my grandchildren their grandpa was one of many people who contributed to the foundation that helped people who escaped from this cult and eventually helped to eradicate this evil from the face of the earth.
I can’t think of any better way to put some money to good use than to contribute to a foundation that helps people who have escaped and need help. But I’m so excited at the prospect of donating some money to The Aftermath Foundation in order to help people who need it. I only wish I knew about this foundation sooner and I’d like to suggest some ways to see more people learn about it so they can support it.
Mike and Leah have done a tremendous mitzvah (a blessing) by raising public awareness about this criminal madness. If there are some ways to now “follow through” with this heightened awareness – such as commissioning some Public Opinion polls or advertising the existence of this foundation, that would be a way to “multiply” the effect of what Mike and Leah have done. I’d love to see you participate in some projects that would use the heightened public awareness for which you are responsible to “springboard” to a higher level and perhaps get a lot more money donated to this foundation.
Please forgive me for trying to tell you what to do. Even though I try to disguise that by calling this a “suggestion”, I realize the truth is that it takes some kind of ego-maniac to try and tell someone how to run a project that they created. I’m just so very excited at the prospect of helping to bring down this atrocious criminal evil and its insane leader that I can’t seem to help myself.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Would you mind if someone from the Aftermath Fdn gets in contact with you directly?
Mind? I’d love to help out in any way I can. I’d wager that almost everybody would feel that way!
Right after I made the long post above, I sent the Foundation an email and asked them to forward it email to you. You know where I live and you know my intentions towards you and Leah and the foundation. If you contact the foundation, I think that you will be in sort for a nice surprise.
I wish to withdraw my suggestion that people who contribute a certain level of money can get their names posted on The Aftermath’s Foundation. I believe The Bible says that when you give to a good cause, you should do it anonymously. Giving a donation should be plenty of reward all by itself.
It seems like someone could wear a pen or glasses that work as a video camera and catch DM in the act of one of his infamous temper tantrum/beat downs. This guy seems to be unhinged. Combine that with power and money, and it’s a terrifying combination. By the way, their response to the show is laughable. Who writes that crap?
Was Warren McShane ever beaten up by Miscavige?
Did Warren have as part of his daily routine ensuring any Security Gold videoing which contained footage of beatings was edited/destroyed?
Did Warren have any other evidence destroying daily routines?
Who in RTC besides Warren, like did Hara O’Hare vet pc folders for stuff?
All of the Int Base people on “tech” lines, who are the ones who might be complicit with destroying evidence of the beatings?
Since Miscavige isn’t at the Base today, then who would be making these decisions to ensure video cameras at the int Base aren’t recording any staff to staff ongoing beatings, etc.
Who is your pick of who the FBI ought be watching for daily destroying evidence of law violations at the Int Base?
I live 20 miles from Gold. The neighboring city is Hemet and has one of the highest crime rates in Riverside County. Once, a lovely area for retirees to move to and flourish, having the most banks in any city in Southern Calif, it is now a popular city for the Calif. parolees to be released..namely, ex-cons of sexual crimes against children. It is now a haven for drug trafficking and drug use. A family member was a victim of sexual assault by a police officer, won her case, and he is now in prison. The populace live in fear and most elderly who could afford it, relocated out of the city. I personally know 2 Sherriff’s deputies who were once assigned to work in this area and both have shared Hemet is the pit of hell, which they have shared is only two patrol units. Riverside County Sherriff’s have their hands full in this area. Human right violations are the norm there.
With that said, what is happening at Gold is beyond local jurisdiction. No one wants to take the initiative because, hey, what if they’re wrong? Could end many careers. There will be a lot of elected officials who will one day, God willing, have some explaining to do…and may face criminal charges themselves. I am always appalled at the lack of personal integrity and base morality of the individuals and/or organizations that could be doing something about this and don’t. We elected a new sheriff this last election. There is always hope.
I have called these numbers. They have heard from this concerned citizen many times. Not sure what would be a big enough motivator to inspire action. I always hope the motivator would be compassion, but that is unlikely.
Thanks for letting us know the situation around Hemet.
It sounds like Scientology managed to find a suitable location for their most nefarious operations. And so much for their claims that the presence of Scientology improves an area.
Unfortunately for Scientology’s victims, and former members as well as outsiders concerned about the abuses and crimes, this means that local law enforcement – including, probably, Riverside sheriffs in the area – already have their hands full. That plays into Scientology’s hand, and is perhaps is one of the reasons that Miscavige has felt safe to do whatever he wants behind the razor wire fences of his compound.
it would not hurt my feelings at all to read about David MisCavige running into a group of So Cal Hell Angels bikers — and having a less than civil conversation with them. I heard he spends a lot of time hiding behind a desk and drinking rotgut Scotch though, so it’ll have to be something else….
How do you think he would feel about Stomach Cancer or Liver Cancer?
I’ll ask the same question I asked when I quoted Marc Headley’s tweet on the subject. Is Church of Scientology engaging in straw man political contributions in violation of campaign finance laws? The question is neither rhetorical nor argumentative. I don’t know. I ask simply because political contributions made by individuals that are in excess of what it appears they can afford is a possible indicator of such illegal straw man contributions.
Good point.
What are the chances it is not a Straw Man dono? IMHO right about zero!
Yo Dave,
Howz the cash flow problem working out with Danny Masterson? Better open up the safe cause yer gonna need more ………………… a lot more ……………………….good buddy!
Sorry, bad joke here, but when you said “open up the safe” I thought aaaaaand there’s the safepointing.
Dave, all the schmoozing in the world will not ward off the mountain of motivators about to come your way. To paraphrase Bane in the Dark Knight Rises, “We are here to end the borrowed time you’ve been living on.”
Love this comment. COB, if you thought your paranoia was bad before, get ready. Even your own shadow is conspiring against you at this point.
(Oh David, yours is a sad tale … how history will paint your portrait is a cautionary story.)
Dave’s shadow is suppressive and is now harrassing him. Apparently no amount of Macallans has been able to handle this. Perhaps a telex to Ron at Target Two or assigning a few DBs to the RPF will relieve his suffering.
Back in 2009 a number of people made presentations to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors regarding human rights abuses within the base, the denial of protester’s civil rights outside the base, and opposition to then Supervisor Jeff’s Stone’s proposed ordinance to limit protests outside the base. Although the proposed picketing ordinance was voted down the Supervisors and the County Attorney were unwilling to make a pip-squeak in response to the revelations.
Graham, thanks for that bit of history.
Perhaps with everything that has come out since then, from Janet Reitman’s Inside Scientology to Aftermath, there’s a new opportunity to make progress against Scientology’s abuses – including as their cadre of long-time loyalists ages, and issues of elder abuse and exploitation start to come into play. It also seems increasingly clear that Scientology is now all bark and no bite, able to hire expensive attorneys to send letters and threaten, but little more.
I think it’s also not insignificant that since then, authorities took action against the FLDS in Texas, failing in liberating the children held in conditions of undue influence but at least jailing the leader Warren Jeffs and confiscating much of their property, dealing a likely fatal blow to the sect; and more importantly but less sensationally, went after the related but larger polygamist group in Colorado City, Arizona/Hildale, including dissolving the completely infiltrated local police force (,_Arizona). That’s increased awareness of insular, abusive groups, and set precedents for doing something about them.
Well meaning, but police and other agencies are not going to respond to anecdotal reports or complaints.
An official, specific complaint would need to be filed.
They have not responded to specific complaints. Maybe some pressure will accomplish something. The sheriff is elected.
I really believe that local agencies are waiting for government agencies to act. Less fall-out for them….but they may not understand is that they would still be held accountable for lack of warranted response. It’s ridiculous…and in the meantime, people are suffering.
I just saw that you have a most excellent criminal lawyer on the Board of The Aftermath Foundation. As I understand it, when dealing with the police or FBI or other similar agencies, it is always best to be represented by a criminal lawyer. May I ask if you could give us some more info on how he came to be affiliated with The Aftermath Foundation? It seems to me his story would be an excellent one and he would be much better equipped to deal with those agencies. Don’t you think?
Ray Jeffrey is indeed an excellent lawyer. He specializes in civil rather than criminal law. He has been a staunch advocate for victims of scientology abuse since first representing Debbie Cook when scientology sued her. He ensures all things concerning the Aftermath Foundation are kosher legally. He is not a general lawyer for all things scientological. He has to earn a living too…
Following the money…I couldn’t locate where the actual amount is posted, or if it’s posted, but the Riverside County office does acknowledge that the Co$ is the 16th highest contributor to property tax in Riverside county.
Should the cherch go belly up, the county would lose all that revenue. However, if a large housing development with expensive homes and a golf course emerge, the county would probably triple the amount of taxes they could collect.
It would be quite nefarious is someone surreptitiously started a rumor line that the cherch was actually costing the county money by their very presence. And maybe the county would be better off without them. And maybe some of these abuses should actually be looked into.
As I watched last night’s episode, I kept asking myself who the hell were they paying off. It’s blatantly obvious that’s what is happening. It disgusts me!
That was my first reaction as well. But upon reflection, there are many possibilities and it may not be fair to say that someone is being paid off. I’d really like to hear from some lawyers or consultants who are expert in such matters and hear what they have to say is the likely cause of this unbelievable lack of action.
The problem is there is no money to be made for the agencies. Cops don’t like spending time and money on investigating crimes that do not create revenue. Why do you think rape kits go untested? Why do you think they don’t care about burglaries and property and assaults?
The ONLY way Riverside authorities get involved is if there is money to be had.
The tides are changing, and the tax payers are demanding abuses be dealt with. FBI take your finger out of your ear, and remove the thumb from your anus. We are behind you.
VERY great reporting. Since I live in NYC would it be appropriate to call the number?
Please call… Human rights have no borders.
Yes, Petlover, Yes!! Please call that number!
It’s only appropriate to call hotlines if you have relevant, specific information about abuses or crimes to report – as well as requests for welfare checks, especially on older members, by relatives no matter where they live. Otherwise, you risk clogging important communication channels, and possibly even playing into Scientology’s attempt to portray critics as a bunch of cranks.
I’d suggest writing or e-mailing elected officials. It’s most effective to contact your own, such as congresspersons who have oversight off Scientology on a federal level for those who don’t live in California, but for those it don’t it wouldn’t hurt to also send copies to elected officials in that state, though they are much more likely to pay attention to those from constituents.
It might be appropriate if you can ID someone who had been from NY. But INAL, and haven’t played one on TV. Sheer volume of calls might get something moving in Riverside County or Fresno.