I recently noted the bizarre scientology stance on marijuana that is contrary to Hubbard’s pronouncements in Dianetics that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.
The exact passage from Dianetics comparing marijuana and other drugs to alcohol:
Scientology would not dream of running campaigns to educate the world on the “dangers of alcohol” and seek to have it have it deemed illegal like old time prohibitionists.
Yet, here they are, holding an event in the Ft Harrison ballroom — the “Mecca of Tehnical Perfection” and most “on-Source” org on earth that flies in the face of the Hubbard Book One Bible.
Hilarious—her last name is literally “Ron’s House”! The Great Thetan returned and they don’t even know it.
Cram for david miscavage:
1) Go to applied scholastics and learn to read.
2) Method 7 on DMSMH with particular attention to the differences between alcohol use and marijuana use.
4) Write an essay on how you can apply this information to you’re activities in scientology.
To: Karl W Woodrow.
From: Office of David Miscavige, All High Exalted Admiral of the United Flying Saucer Fleet of Teegeack.
Re: Word clearing for Exalted Admiral Miscavige.
It becomes apparent to Our Most Beloved Space Commander that you are an SP due to your statement that Our Most Exalted Admiral is in need of word clearing on the most foundational sacred text in the MEST universe. Such an exalted and highly theta being has no need to be word cleared on DMSMH or any text for that matter. He has read and cognited on all of the written data generated by our Most Valuable Beloved Founder who has since departed for Target Two. Our Most Beloved and Exalted Space Admiral orders you to cease these accusations at once.
Office of Fleet Admiral David Miscavige, United Flying Saucer Fleet of Teegeack.
To: Alcoboy, a.k.a. David Miscavidge, a.k.a. Lord Dark Helmet of the Space Balls Confederation
From: Qual Division of the Ancient order of the Loyal Officers Guild
Re: Word clearing for Miscavige, Alcboy, etc.
Since you refuse to apply Tech to yourself (yourselves) you are ordered to report to the Inter-Galactic Ethics Office. Before doing so, it is highly recommended that you off load your scotch collection and refrain from smoking pot with your twin sister Denise for ten days.
I agree a bit with several of the posters below. Dr. Strabismus makes a good point in that it’s Miscavige that’s most likely the anti drug crusader. Hubbards dreck is so contradictory that little sense can be made of what he thought like Mwesten pointed out. What we do know is that in Dianetics Hubbard all but said some drugs are OK. Hubbard states that “Making one drug immoral and another one taxable is a sample of the alcohol engram in society”. I agree with the first part (can’t believe I agree with anything Hubbard wrote). I won’t go on about the farce that is engrams we all know it well. So I agree that the US government has decided by taxation what drugs are ‘good’ and what drugs are ‘bad’. Despite research and legality in other countries showing that with proper controls in place some drugs can be used without society breaking down.
Also as Mr. Shugart states there are certain issues that COS wants to be on the side of ‘social betterment’ to give them credibility. It just wouldn’t look good for Miscavige to push Narconon while at the same time having part of their sacred scripture say drugs are alright. Which is exactly what Mike is pointing out today. Hope the OSAbots read some of this and at least get an ‘engram’ about it. Wake up OSAbot. We will still be here when you do.
Hubbard’s Scientology also has some real contradictions, like being against the use of aspirin but favorable to cigarette smoking. And aspirin is actually based on a compound found in the bark of the willow tree which has been used medicinally for millennia, go figure….
I remember once asking an OSAbot in Sydney org why “they” took such a hard line on drugs when Hubbard Hisself stated in Mission Earth that the way to handle the drug problem was to make them all legal and then it took out the “I’m doing something naughty” factor as well as bypassed the criminal organizations that made money from it.
He’d asked me to contribute to some campaign that they were running at the time (this was in the ’90s)
He had no answer and I think went off later to see his boss about it. Never got back to me on the subject tho” 🙂
Oh gosh, I stopped doing drugs, and it wasn’t Scientology’s quackery that assisted me in that decision.
I realized drugs cloud your mind, and the joy of doing them, even drinking, isn’t sufficient. Champaign, on New Year’s is about it for me. Better to read books, and continue one’s adult education in life, and learn all the wide knowledge that’s out there and been written about, it’s better for you.
Hubbard’s Scientology solutions are quackery for all the imagined problems which the world’s other real solutions and people’s better common sense vs Hubbard’s quackery solutions, the world’s fine without the Hubbard quackery.
Skip the Hubbard Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism snipe-hunting scam of Scientology.
It’s so hard for me to not immediately dismiss all of Scientology, if OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, those final OT levels of Hubbard’s, are all about exorcising Xenu’s body-thetans! What a crock.
Snipe-hunting Xenu’s body-thetans, and the final chapter of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book reveals Hubbard couldn’t successfully exorcise one or two pesky body-thetans himself.
Hubbard was bested by his own scam exorcism which didn’t even work to exorcise some of Hubbard’s body-thetans! What a dupe to his own scam, which defeated even him! Beaten by his own scam! That’s L. Ron Hubbard for you.
This may be a good example of how OSA is afraid to tackle more serious socio-political issues that the general public considers more important. Sure, there are crusaders on both sides of the marijuana issue, but it seems to me that it’s a way for the COS to hold a relatively safe position that still gives them social betterment credibility, while avoiding more serious issues. You know, like rape and child abuse.
Hub contradicts himself repeatedly. He even admits it somewhere, claiming his entire output will eventually be edited and streamlined to ensure logical consistency [sic].
GAK did not accomplish this. Not that it was meant to. So until that day arrives, he doesn’t contradict himself and all datums are true and valid even when they’re not.
You think Clear is a finite state or that all illness is caused by PTSness? Hub says otherwise in docs you aren’t yet ready to see. Just pay up and shut up.
What is Greatness and Counter Attack Tactics are both true. I’m not sure how, exactly, but they just are so stfu. Hub’s essay on Kindness in no way contradicts Intelligence Principles or A Manual on the Dissemination of Material. So there.
Critics of Scientology are caused by institutional failings and shoddy service? Who cares! Get them fired from their jobs and harass them so they stop their whinging.
Cultism is dumb.
I’d make a guess that Scientology’s bizarre Hubbard-contradicting stance is because, as a psychopath, Miscavige finds smoking weed makes him even more paranoid than usual, instead of laid-back and inclined to giggle.
Strabismus, to me it fits with the ‘conservative’ trend of the remaining membership. It’s the traditionalist (alcohol good, marijuana bad) resistance-to-change mentality that I’ve seen among members and exes, that follows Hubbard’s alt-right ideology and the increasing conservativism (not to mention authoritarianism) of his later years.
It supposedly impedes recall in session. Or at least that’s what the CoS claims. There may be some truth to this (for some ppl at least) especially as it relates to time and chronology. I had some experience of this as a low level freebie auditor of new public, to the point where I started to think Hub’s no-drug window wasn’t long enough.