Karen De La Carriere alerted me to this video that was posted on YouTube on 18 May by SkepticShe.
I was not familiar with Lauren before seeing this. Obviously she has done previous videos of interest that I will catch up with.
Her irreverent honesty reminds me of one of my favorites — Carrie Poppy of Oh No! Ross and Carrie fame — though Lauren is much snarkier. Anyone who reads this blog knows I have a snarky streak and I enjoy her mastery of the snarky burn.
Lauren analyzes the “Decade in Review” International Scientology News that is a rehash of the “big” New Years event. Her take is pretty funny. And pretty typical of how non-scientologists (“wogs”) view the utter waste of forest these glossy collections of self-congratulatory crap represent. Nobody but a bubble-dweller could believe anything contained in scientology propaganda, especially their “PR” pieces like this or Freedom magazine. They keep churning them out at enormous expense only to convince the sheeple they are saving mankind and everyone loves and admires them. Hah. It would be funny to watch, if it were not for the fact that everyone else’s tax dollars are subsidizing this garbage. It’s not free and harmless.
Take a look at her video. It’s not long.
Subscribe to her YouTube channel SkepticShe. Someone with the courage to speak like this deserves support.
karen and Mike,
Thanks for this. Scientology would say she is wicked. :(:(:(
Jim would say she is wickedly funny. :):):):)
An org interior resembling a creation science museum . LOL
I had a look at other Lauren videos. She is aware of what she says and has a pungent humor that demonstrates great intelligence. Brava Lauren.
I subscribed.
My favorite Lauren video is the one from last Christmas entitled “Scientology’s Holiday Catalogs Will BANKRUPT You!”
I just watched this video. I just wish there were more people in this world like Lauren. Millions more.
She is clearly very clever. It takes many wasted hours for most people to realize the bridge and the E-meter and all the books and pins are just a bunch of useless junk and Lauren figured it out right away.
In this video Lauren asks the question, (paraphrased), “How is anyone supposed to be able to afford all this overpriced garbage?” Allow me to try to answer that question. These crooks expect people to give them all their available cash (called “donations”) and if you don’t, they will get you in a room and brow beat you with high pressure techniques until you do. Then, they expect you to go into hawk to the credit card companies (usually to at least $50 thousand) and often much more. They “arrange” to have your credit limits maxed out until you are forced to declare bankruptcy and then they just cast you aside onto the garbage heaps.
Some great church, huh?
I wish I could remember the name of that poor young man who got pressured until he almost went nuts and now he openly protests against them. He is currently in a loving relationship with another man and very happy. He has made several videos describing the torture he (and many other people endured) at the hands of this criminal cult and I just wish I could remember his name so I could post a link to some of his videos here for Lauren to see in case she hasn’t yet seen them. I consider them to be the best examples of why this criminal torture cult must be obliterated ASAP.
Celebrating 30 years of contraction with 100X bad, I mean TERRIBLE PR. Put all the lipstick and shiny jewelry that money can buy on that pig called Scientology while there are still some Scientologists left. Outside a few thousand inside the bubble, NO ONE buys the BS. Scientology is a TOTAL non factor in the real world. They can clean all the cabs in the world and pass out Way To Happiness booklets by the trillions and still no one will give a rats ass.
Mat observed:
“Celebrating 30 years of contraction with 100X bad, I mean TERRIBLE PR….”
IKR, Mat. My “take” on it is that the contraction started a few years earlier, specifically when they dumped ME, like, …really, ME! on the “beach” as a useless drain of their resources. I was pretty bummed about it at the time, but had a succession of employers consider me valuable enough to keep me reasonably well-stocked in my vices over 35 years, until I decided to retire and not do anything in particular unless *I* want to do it for some reason. Laughing at their foibles appeals to me these days. That’s something I never could have gotten in scn unless I somehow became bigger than Dwarfenführer®, which doesn’t appeal to me; I enjoy NOT being a sociopath.
“Fluff” and “Crap” were some of the keywords I got from the video.
She was great! Look forward to more of her videos.
Sacrilegious! Profane! Blasphemous!
I loved every minute of it.
Yes. Me too.
What Lauren said reminded me of the waste seen over the years of magazine paper or materials that ended up rotting in dozens of basements.
Sometimes already outdated and useless before being printed because new priorities had cropped up.
Just a useless waste of resources and a pompous display out of place.
They remind me of those old guys from a long time ago that although times had changed, they continued to dress in the tuba and clothes that dated back 30 years.
But they thought everyone else was out of reality.
She has a way of making me laugh. Very good video.
There is another use for all the ‘waste of forest’ – It’s called papercrete. Mix shredded paper with concrete to make it. Papercrete has certain advantages to building with instead of cement-only blocks, it’s stronger, lighter, uses less cement and actually becomes more fire resistant. It’s a real thing, you can look it up online.
I had an idea to rent some PO boxes with phoney names, have the $cn. cult mail me their dumb promo, a deluge of cult BS promo ensues, then shred it all up to make papercrete blocks to build a house with. Seems like a higher and better use to honor all the trees that the cult killed.
The $cn. cult still wont return the 57k they mugged me for. Seems like the least they can do is provide me free building material for a house.
In keeping with the spirit of snark, if you ever wondered where David Miscavige got the idea for the three swing F/N, it came out of his personal research on the minimum number of punches on staff and execs it takes to make a lasting impression.
I watched Lauren’s first YouTube video on $ci. If I remember correctly the person who lived in the apartment before Lauren was getting Freedom Magazine and it has conrinued to be delivered. Lauren first $ci YouTube video was also about the Freedom Mag she received.
O/T. “I was brain-washed”: The star player who quit Saints for Scientology
Great to see this “new story.” One can’t speak out enough about this vile church.
Oh My Gosh! (I didn’t use the common abbreviation – OMG – just in case any of the scam’s slaves ever read this so they will have a chance to understand what it means.
But … Oh My Gosh! … I think I’m in love!
Actually, I can’t possibly be in love with Lauren because I am easily old enough to be her grandfather. Also, it is ridiculous to think I can fall in love with someone I’ve never met. So maybe I should rephrase that to say that I have great respect for Lauren – even though I don’t know her last name.
I’d like to take issue with one thing she said in this video, however. She claims all the publications and glossy booklets are useless and ridiculous. I think it’s important to explain why I disagree with that because it seems that we will be seeing more and more South American countries having terrible problems just trying to live.
These booklets and pamphlets definitely have two uses I can think of. The first way is they can be used as toilet paper to wipe up shit from our asses. They are natually well suited to that because they were produced by shit heads to be read by slaves who have shit for brains. The second use is that as countries run by corrupt dictatorships begin to find they cannot get any of the essentials to live – like food and water, ways to heat their home in the cold nights that even South American countries experience, these things can be burned to give off heat so that people will not freeze.
That seems like a rather minor point. But I have another reaction to Lauren’s video. That is that most people who hate the scam and the rat who believes he is the poop head leader of the scam (is that why he calls himself the pope? Does he really mean “poop head”? Most people who hate the scam as much as does Lauren usually have some personal experience inside the scam. Either they have wasted many years of their lives and wasted all the money and property they earned by donating them to this scam or they have friends or relatives whose lives were destroyed by this scam.
Does anyone know what Lauren’s history may be? Specifically, does Lauren have any personal involvement with the scam?
I hope Lauren will read this edition of Mike’s blog and if she does, perhaps she would be willing to tell us just what that involvement may be. Of course, the alternative just may be that she never needed any personal contact with the scam. She just may be a very intelligent person who understands how harmful this criminal cult may be and how much it needs to be shut down. So, maybe she never joined the scam but she may just be smart enough to see what a crock of shit the whole thing is. Still, being the nosey old fart that I am, I would love to hear about Lauren’s history and how and why she grew to hate this criminal scam. If she has ever explained that, I sure would like to hear that explanation.
But, regardless of the history, I would just like to say, “Bloody well done, Lauren! You have hit the nail on the head. You are a natural leader of the struggle to outlaw this scam and see the leaders thrown into the penitentiary. Please go ahead and fight your good fight!
Thank you very much for your kind words, Skyler!
To answer your question, my channel is mostly about leaving Christianity, but a former resident of my apartment was subscribed to Scientology propaganda and never changed their address. That means I get the magazines accidentally (lucky me…). I decided to make a series out of reading them on my channel, and the rest is history!
I am very appreciative of Karen and Mike for sharing my silly production, but most especially for what all you former Scientologists are doing.
So glad you enjoyed. Keep fighting the good fight.
Dear Lauren, thank you so much for your presence and contribution.
You are the voice of what many people (never been in) think of this cult.
Know that your video has now reached here in Italy (lol) .
I took the liberty of referring some friends around Europe to this video. Thanks again and good luck.
PS. Lauren, congrats for the songs. Really.
Thank you Lauren! Your video nailed the ridiculousness of that magazine and you did it SO WELL with humor (or as Mike said, snark). Love the “white savior” reference. 🙂 Keep up the good work.
Hope you are fully recovered.
“Illuminati Cover Spread” So clever. 🙂
Lauren ~~
You have a delightful insouciant and flippant style.
This is looked on darkly the Scn culture.
In fact “joking and degrading” is looked on as a “CRIME”
Although assault and battery is not a crime.
Unauthorized charges on credit cards (theft) is not a “CRIME”
and so on…
Welcome to this community !
I just ran into this video a couple of days ago. I highly recommend it.
I love the smell of snark in the morning! 🙂
Smells like . . . . freedom!
It’s the one popping up on the list at youtube. A guitar is there for use?
Roger I don’t know but I looked at it. He is one of the best guitar guys ever.
What role, if any, is Scientology playing in the CoronaVirus pandemic in the countries they brag about helping in this glossy magazine? Virus must be rampant among Scientologists since they probably reject masks and social distancing and all testing. Bet it all goes unreported in Clearwater, Fla and everywhere else they are hold up.
Thank you Gordon Weir.
As far as the role this scam played in COVID, I would guess that ….
when faced with the choice of using your last five dollars to purchase a mask or instead to “donate” it to the scam, all right-thinking slaves will naturally choose the scam – even though it may cost them their lives. After all, they know they will have eternal life by donating …
Oh my! I can’t continue. What a crock of shit!
Aside from the virus, I wonder what kind of respitory problems VM’s, and people around them, without the proper respirators are having from breathing the Decon7, or whatever it was, they were spraying around?