Thanks to Tony Ortega for being right on the ball and putting up the image of the full page footbullet early this morning.
Tony also took the time to retype the text of the ad and I am taking a few minutes to comment on some of their drivel.
First, there is this quote from Monique Edwige Yingling in the NY Times article of last evening:
“Monique E. Yingling, a lawyer for the church, said shunning was practiced by a number of religions, has been upheld as legally permissible by courts and, in the case of Scientology, is reserved for those who have started “attacking the religion.”
Interesting that the church’s defense of disconnection is to have a lawyer proclaim “it’s legal.” Morally repugnant and a human rights violation, but “legal.” So too was racial segregation and slavery at one time. So too sexual discrimination — but that is now changing as society’s awareness of the facts results in changing the laws that were used to justify treating people in a manner that others would not want to be treated.
I would hope Ms. Yingling, that champion of human rights will issue a public apology when she eventually sees the film and has to admit that in fact disconnection is NOT “reserved for those who have started ‘attacking the religion.'” Very far from it. And that is even taking into account that “attacking the religion” is defined by scientology as “critical of the church” or “critical of David Miscavige” or “telling the truth.”
In the world of scientology if a minister of the church was guilty of pedophilia (or physical assault), anyone exposing this would be “attacking the religion.” I wonder if avowed Catholic Ms. Yingling considers Alex Gibney was “attacking her religion” with his brilliant Mea Maxima Culpa?
And here are some wonderful quotes from the footbullet ad:
Now HBO is planning to air a documentary about the Church of Scientology, and like Rolling Stone, HBO is not confirming facts central to its film.
This is the usual bleat from the church to any major media, after refusing often repeated requests for interviews.
If the church is so worried about confirming facts, why doesn’t David Miscavige front up and answer the questions and put everyone’s mind at ease and tell the whole story? And if he is too scared to do it, why isn’t there anyone out of their proclaimed 10 or 12 million “members” who will? Miscavige has long hidden behind an old favorite “You wouldn’t just go ask the Pope for an interview” (he loves to equate himself to the Pope), but that doesn’t work any more now that the Catholic church has realized that an accessible and likable Pope is good for business. He even chats to reporters on the plane. Where’s Miscavige? Remember Anderson Cooper repeatedly inviting Mr. Miscavige to be interviewed.
Mr. Gibney and HBO documentary chief Sheila Nevins have rejected multiple requests to meet with executives of the Church, including those with individual firsthand information.
Note well, this does NOT say that Alex Gibney or HBO refused to INTERVIEW “executives of the Church, including those with individual firsthand information.” In an interview based documentary, you want people on camera. Backroom meetings to be handed binders and binders of information does not advance the ball.
Primary sources for the Wright book have not had any involvement with or firsthand knowledge of the Church for approximately 10 to 30 years.
They have conflated Larry Wright’s book with Alex Gibney’s film. They are not the same thing.
I am certain that there are people interviewed in this film that have absolutely had “involvement with or firsthand knowledge of the Church” FAR more recently than 10 years ago. Even me and I left the church 7 years ago (which, if we are being factual, IS less than 10 and a lot less than 30 years ago). I have had direct involvement and firsthand knowledge about many things — “confrontations” by the church, PI’s filming me, my garbage being stolen, spy cameras being installed to watch my house etc etc. If I talked about those things in my interview, they were certainly firsthand and personal experiences.
But the mash up of Larry Wright’s book and Alex Gibney’s film is interesting for another reason.
Larry Wright DID meet with the bleating church executives and their dozens of binders of “documentation.” In fact, a meeting with Tommy Davis (back when the church still had a “spokesman”) and his asinine assertions about L. Ron Hubbard and the foolish documents he handed over provided impetus for his book.
IF the church is going to take out full page advertisements to publicly excoriate Alex Gibney based exclusively on allegations about the BOOK (you will note that their claims are “The book’s sources include…”) then they cannot also claim that their information was not viewed. If the movie is the book, then the church executives HAVE had their opportunity.
Of course, they don’t even KNOW who is in the movie, but that doesn’t restrain them from seeking to smear people who are NOT in the movie in an effort to tarnish Alex Gibney’s reputation by association.
Here is another doozie.
Not only is the credibility of these sources utterly lacking, each one was expelled from Scientology for malfeasance, lying, and conduct unbecoming a Church member.
This is an old line they have used often. I will speak for myself. I escaped the church (as anyone who was in the Sea Org does). At the time I was the international spokesperson for scientology. I was not “expelled.” So too for each of the others — take Paul Haggis for example. The church sent teams of people to try and persuade him not to leave. That story is repeated over and over.
Those who speak out about the abuses in scientology become the target of smear campaigns and a fictional history about them is created. Sure, now that Paul Haggis or Marty Rathbun or I or hundreds of others have spoken up, the church says they “expelled” us. And they did. After we spoke out. Up until then, everything was fine. But now they try to make it appear that they uncovered our horrible deeds and character flaws while IN the church and “threw us out.” Far from it.
The church acts like a husband who has been caught having an affair by his wife. She divorces him. He then tells anyone who will listen, “yeah, that bitch was a terrible, lying, ugly, ungrateful wife, so I divorced her.”
The Church of Scientology is committed to free speech. However, free speech is not a free pass to broadcast or publish false information.
They should practice what they preach.
They try to cram down the media’s throat that they are “expanding like never before” (especially, as they claim in the NY Times, since Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder left). But as anyone in the real world knows, their statements are lies. They have not “opened new churches” — they have opened new or renovated buildings. They refuse to allow media into any of their churches unless they are on a pre-arranged guided tour with people bused in to make it look like it is busy. They offer no facts concerning their membership, even though they have a list of every member on earth. 10 million is a total lie. 11,000 churches missions and groups is a total lie. Massive expansion is a total lie. But they want the media to publish their lies. They would be HAPPY if anyone would take what they give them and publish it, even knowing it is lies.
Scientology has driven off the cliff. It’s a long way down. But they wanted to take the leap with a bang, Thelma and Louise style. So they took out full page ads to prove to the world “we don’t give a fuck, we have a right to buy advertising space and we will demonstrate that everything you ever heard about how crazy, vindictive and paranoid we are is true.”
Tony Ortega says he is going to go through some of the letters the church sent to HBO on the Freedom mag site. If I can spare any more time, I will probably do the same. But right now I have some other unemployed fringe bitter defrocked apostating to do….
Monique Yingling is a D.C. tax attorney who seems to have based her entire career on representing the Church of Scientology. What business does a tax attorney have making any, let alone false, assertions about the number of adherents to Scientology? Why is a tax attorney defending disconnection as a legal issue? I think her sole job for over 22 years has been to protect the church’s tax exempt status and to protect that status from being yanked due to Miscavige’s actions. Neither she nor Miscavige really care whether the recent “Pouw” statements and attacks on former members impacts ongoing litigation. For example, it is impossible to square the church’s assertions that its arbitration forum will be fair to the Garcias, at the same time the church is making extremely inflammatory statements about how disreputable and evil former members are, and how they have all been expelled for moral turpitude. Yingling could care less whether Pouw’s statements violate the Garcia court’s discovery order. She is, however, clearly worried about any claim that even hints at crimes since provable illegal church actions could eventually lead to loss of tax exempt status. There is no question that a number of Capitol Hill lawmakers are questioning the process that gave the church tax exemption. To date there has not been enough public anger over the issue to force congress to act. Notwithstanding, critical mass is building as the truth about the church spreads. The public is getting angrier and angrier about a wealthy, abusive cult not paying taxes and being given preferential treatment over other religions because of the “secret” IRS settlement agreement. I think it is a foregone conclusion that the church’s tax exempt status will be under intense governmental scrutiny by the end of 2015. Yingling knows this, as does Miscavige. Accordingly, expect her role as the church’s spokeswoman to increase in the months ahead.
Yingling is Miscavige’s “personal attorney” and “trusted advisor.”
This calls for another song.
Sometimes it’s hard to be a lawyer
Giving all your time to just one man
You’ll have bad times, and he’ll have bad crimes
Doin’ things that you don’t understand
But if you’re hired, you’ll forgive him
Even though he’s hard to understand
Though he’s redundant, oh be proud of him
‘Cause after all he’s just a man.
Stand by your man, give him advice to cling to
And some good Scotch to drown in
When nights are cold and lonely.
Stand by your man, don’t let the wog world bust him
Keep billing all the time you can.
Stand by your man.
Stand by your man, don’t let the wog world bust him
Keep billing all the time you can.
Stand by your man.
The cult’s got a long term issue of losing litigation a lot more often than winning, but I suspect the only litigation really worth it’s weight in gold to Miss Cabbage is the litigation Yingling was hired for-her specialty.
And she’d most likely have been previously vetted by the US Govt when her husband defended Cinton re Whitewater. She’s got quite the flawless pedigree. But no one’s without dirt. If I were a betting man I’d start at her time at Vassar.
I vote for Jody Foster to play her in the Sony Pictures release based on the Emmy-winning documentary based on the bestselling book. 😛
I can 100% refute Ms Yingling’s comments. I was in good standing with the “Church”, I read the 2009 Tampa Bay Times story. Then I contacted some of the people in the article to find out if this was true. I then looked at some Orgs and Missions and realized the “Church” was lying about their stats. I did not “Attack the religion” . Next thing I knew, my daughter that I spoke to EVERY DAY, did not call me or return my calls. That was almost 4 years ago.
That is the real TRUTH about Scientology. Ms Yingling will lie for The Church of Scientology for $500 per hour, even in a public forum.
I’ve said it before, but at this juncture, it bears repeating;
David, you are fighting your best guys. In public. They’re actually better at this than you. You look like a fucking idiot. To everyone. We can all see you making yourself look like a crazy nutbag. Any Twittertard can see what an asshat you are.
It’s so delicious. Nom nom nom. We drink your tiny, tiny tears as you go down with your asbestos laden failboat.
Brilliant post MIke, thank you! The rcs really knows how to convolute an issue. Regarding disconnection, I remember just a couple of people declared in the 70’s for very specific criminal reasons. The vile practice of disconnection has grown and grown over the decades, to be applied to anyone voicing critical thinking regarding real problems in the rcs, of them violating their own tenets. Open and truthful communication is one of the most basic. It’s not unlike political prisoners in other countries, where even voicing opposition to the ruler or ruling party gets one arrested. People are also being declared or ostracized for being failed cases, actually caused by the out tech created by gat, and ridding the church of a huge percentage of it’s seasoned, experienced auditors. The problem of being upset and in case trouble is exacerbated by the extreme costs of trying to handle it, compounding the stress and upsets. “There are no dog pcs” is also a basic tenet of Scn which is being violated, and the upset person is then targeted for sec checks and/or declared. The wins of pcs/preots is one of two, of the only actual Scn products and they are using disconnection as a mask of their own incompetence. It’s unimaginably ironic that even disconnection has been squirreled, in abandonment of the actual original purpose of Scn, to seek and live with the truth, to cause as-isness, to free beings.
C’mon guys, don’t you think you’re being too harsh on poor DM?
His lies have all failed, so he’s got to frantically spread sick falsehoods. He’ll work even harder with his lousy lawyers and advertising agencies when this backfires.
My lawsuit against the church, published on Tony’s blog, tells some of the story of how they treat people who were stars just two-three years ago but dared to communicate. This was followed by a documentary on Israel’s Channel 10 that has exposed their evil madness.
Dror Center and other “indie” practitioners are flooded with work, new public to Scientology or recent refugees. So real Scientology is steadily expanding, as their perverted version is shriveling.
The “Continuing Overt Act” is hard at work. DM cannot but repeat obsessively those actions which are destroying his organization and himself. And from very bad, it’s only going to get much, much worse for him.
2015 will be a year in which he will pay Israel a lot more attention, for all the bad reasons.
Poor Davie, can’t even go in session, to alleviate the suffering.
That’s what you get for violating the 7 rules of cult branding, excommunication.
Damn, I should have bought those popcorn stock options…
No worries, Stat! I’ve got some options left over. I’ll share with you…
OSD, I am quite worried about you. A Scotsman offering to share? Please rush to the closest emergency room posthaste. I will be pacing the floor until I hear that your parsimonious ways have returned in full force.
Full Page Ads before the movie is seen, that’s great .
Next step is hire the Goodyear Blimp with lights DON’T SEE THIS MOVIE.
Marching Bands, Monster truck advertising , mass distribution. handbills,
Chorus line dancing girls.
This movie will be a big hit !!!!!
Maybe someone will parachute into the Super Bowl game trailing a banner about the HBO documentary reading: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE! YOU’LL CATCH PNEUMONIA & DIE!
Jose Chung, you just gave me an idea: wouldn’t it be funny if a large group with Guy Falkes masks went demonstrating with signs that said, “Don’t watch this HBO documentary on Scientology on (day of the week and date) at (time)”
They really are lemmings going off the cliff. We’re watching it happen.
Cogent, incisive, commentary on the cult’s latest pathetic PR stratagem, Mike. How I would love to see a face off between you and Monique Yingling. You’d wipe the floor with her. She’s disgusting.
I wonder — Who is Miscavige screaming at today for the incredibly dumb idea of his of placing that full page ad in the NY Times?
This HBO Documentary is going to be epic, but the crime syndicate’s violently insane response is going to be epic times eleventy million.
I know! This is going to be so much fun to watch! What a massive meltdown it’s going to be.
what i don’t understand is why this guy just doesn’t put his feet up on his desk, light a cigar and just relax.
you have a bottomless back account and a small(er) army of people at your disposal, what else do you want?
miscavige is like lance armstrong, he doesn’t know when to quit.
i wonder if at times, miscavige misses the world, when he feels the walls of the bubble he’s condemned to live in.
well don’t worry davey, the wog world is going to welcome you back again in due time. just hang in, we’re on our way to collect you.
Nice. A sense of humor is a sure sign you have taken your life back. Thanks Mike.
Hey, what about all the Daveshit that talks about attacks equaling massive expansion. He should be happy about the documentary ………………………. watch for His announcement at the birthday event of 94X expansion just since the HBO documentary was released.
Yo Dave,
Be Happy!
Oh, puleeeeaaaaasssseeeeee, Coop!!!! If he’s going to talk about expansion after the HBO documentary, he’ll be saying they have expanded by 1,000,000x and that 1 in 6 people on this planet are scientologists. All because of this film…
“Monique E. Yingling, a lawyer for the church, said shunning was practiced by a number of religions, has been upheld as legally permissible by courts and, in the case of Scientology, is reserved for those who have started “attacking the religion.”
Dear Mrs. Yingling
While you rake in the money to act as an enabler for that practice you should take a look why this sacrament of disconnection is practiced by the CO$.
The sole purpose of disconnection as practiced by the CO$ is about power and control and its ability to extract huge sums of money from individuals. In its application of disconnection the CO$ literally walks over dead bodies, destroys families ruins people and does all so without the slightest scruple or thought about the wellbeing of others.
The reason for all of this is money, – not any religious purpose or idea.
The same money the CO$ and David Miscavige pays you to help them to cloak their crimes under the coat of religion and legality.
You are taking blood money and you should be ashamed of yourself working for a crime syndicate.
It does not matter if it is formally legal or not. It is amoral and criminal.
You should be ashamed of yourself together with the other CO$ attorneys that sell their soul for mammon.
Gerhard Waterkamp
Lets not forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wonderful quote. I have not seen this one before.
It’s from Letter from the Birmingham Jail. The whole thing is worth looking up and reading.
Alle the best, Mike Rinder. let’s watch them fall 😉
A couple of thoughts..
1. The letters to HBO are written not to right some wrong or correct anything. Just to be used after the fact to show how hard the COS worked to get the truth told. As you noted in earlier posts, the Church built on the subject of communication is hiding behind a locked door pushing out documents through the letter slot. It’s the wizard of Oz. Never mind the man behind the curtain. Keep your eyes glued to our video presentation. Read our documents.
2. The word “bitter” in bitter defrocked apostate. If you watch interviews with Mike, Marty or Paul Haggis I don’t see much bitterness. Candid, assured, humorous, intelligent seem closer.
Compare that with Jenny DeVocht at the airport. Now that is bitter. She is currently the closest thing they have to a live spokesperson.
Just sayin…
To Scientology lawyers and OSA:
You are defending the tyrannical nightmare mindset of David Miscavige. Somewhere in your own mind of integrity you are denying the truth because you are afraid of consequences. You have assigned your silent judgements of Miscavige to your own imaginary crimes. You have thusly destroyed your ability to think for yourself.
You have assigned the liberty of free thought to being evil and a suppressive. Somewhere in you……… YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT.
The more you defend David Miscavige the more your own legacy will be infamous.
Do the right thing. Have the courage of your convictions. That’s why you became a Scientologist
You said “Maybe we should start some kind of letter and send it Alex Gibney or the New York time with a simple statement.
I was once a member of what is known as The Church of Scientology.
I was not expelled.
I escaped”.
Doesn’t the brief film made by Tiziano Lugli “The Shrinking Cult of Scientology do a good job of what you suggest?
Yes, it does, but I was thinking if dozens (hundreds) of people signed that simple statement and sent it to the New York Times today in response to the ad it might be a simple, eloquent response.
I’m not sure of the logistics. I do wish comments were available on the article. That would be an easy way. Other than that, given our geographical separation, it might not be something we can do.
You know, Scn should take a page out of the Mormon handbook and what they did when the Book of Mormon musical took Broadway by storm. Inside my program, were full, color page ads for the Mormons. Sure, the show made fun of them (and everyone else) but they played it like it was an opportunity to get their name out there. They didn’t try to deny the whole Joseph Smith and the Golden Plates story or anything else in their history which is less than sane. Of course, the Mormons probably do have ten millions members and I think are expanding, so never mind… 🙂
I was very impressed by how the LDS reacted to The Book of Mormon musical. They may be cultish and creepy, but at least they’re nice!
S:”Of course, the Mormons probably do have ten millions members and I think…” they also have a “disconnection” – an “Out there in the frozen darkness go the heathen and gentiles”. ….well…. no religion is perfect. Got to have our levels, our secrets, our prophets.
So who can fault the Dave too much when he looks in a mirror and mnemonics “YCSPOS!!!”
and,… of course,… we know that he reeeeally means Your Church’s Saviour, Pope Of Scientology!!!.
Of course we know that, Davey, …of course. 😉
Yes Brian, exactly. Even under the radar guys can pitch in. I ordered Guy Fawkes masks @10 for 1.49ea with no shipping cost from China on the 29th of Dec and they arrived at my PO on Jan 5th. I have 3 persons to go with me(so far). Makeing signs now. All you UTR guys can do this too. Something can be done about it is the motto 🙂 Amazing how doing something about it has made me feel better about the disconnection.
What would be an amazing media presentation is having ALL those dear folks who have lost family to dress up in black and march in the front. Have a podium and a PA and have each one get up and speak of the horrors of disconnection. It will be captured by all media and sent world wide.
Get permits from the city to have the event on Sunset in front of the Blue Building. Have thousands come. THOUSANDS.
And when the coverage shows women after women, wife after wife, mother after mother. Son after son, father after father etc tell their stories of disconnection out in the open air, on Sunset, reported by all the news media, their impotent lies about bitter apostates will be overwhelmed by the sincerity and numbers of real faces and people.
At this point the numbers of devastated families are legion. If all these folks step up and tell their horror stories, maybe the Feds will start sniffing around.
This is America God Damn it! This evil church with the the doctrine of lies and attack attack should not be allowed to abuse it’s citizens!
RALLY!!!!! RALLY!!!!!! RALLY!!!!! RALLY!!!!
I’m in!
I was reading this blog and laughing at the fact that Scientology placed this ad in the New York Times. A friend asked what I was laughing at. I told him about the ad. He asked how to get tickets to Sundance to see the movie (he is a never in). Of course I obliged him by finding out.
He and a group of 7 others who had heard little or nothing of Scientology now are making travel plans to go to Park City on the 25th of January to see the documentary on the Church of Scientology as a direct result of the ad placed in the New York Times.
Quote: “Wow, it’s nice of Scientology to do the advertising for this film like that.”
What Miscavige is going to do is whine to his whales about alone he is, what a tattered soldier he is, how valiently and brilliantly he is shattering the SPs with Dead Agent tech, and expensive the ads were/are/will continue to be, etc. etc, and the idiots will cough it up.
You know what they say about being an unemployed fringe bitter defrocked apostate? You never have to suck up to the boss! Have a great weekend all.
BTW, I am wondering if I am the “30 years out” guy. That is the basic timeline I have stated many times on these blogs. I am feeing warm and fuzzy.
Working title – Miscavige: Dave’s World.
If TC ever becomes defrocked, he could play him as he’s spent lots of face time with the dude. (Check out his cameo in Tropic Thunder). I think it might just give his career a major boost.
The more they resist and fight with media, the more people will want to know. The more people want to know, the more folks will search the Internet.
Can anyone say PR suicide?
At this point Scientology’s black ops power has been basically defeated.
Long live freedom of speech, assembly and press.
Speaking of assembly, we should have a massive rally across the nation. With signs thousands take to the streets to show solidarity with those wanting to take down this evil
Anonymous, are you listening? Anyone out there want to make this happen? I’d say the Blue Monster on Sunset.
Just tossing out some thoughts. That will bump up HBO’s ratings for this big time. It will bring this thing to a head.
Somebody here will have more info (I hope!) but I could have sworn I read somewhere that there is some kind of Anon protest against the church coming up in Feb.
CALLING ALL ANONS! CALLING ALL ANONS! Please report to all major cult buildings around the world.
But it makes sense if you are David Miscavige and your job is to fleece the chumps out of the maximum amount of money they have. PR suicide doesn’t matter because the cult is finished in any case. It is not going to get many new paying members around the globe – ever! It keeps going by fleecing its current members, therefore his job is to get the sheeple all excited so they donate, donate, donate.
Roland, they will have to, at some point, imprison all the Scientologists in a compound and built an impenetrable wall and keep them away from the world.
This tsunami will wash away but by bit the hypnotic spell of those inside. Little by little, one Internet and media story at a time.
Writing and reporting about the abuses of Scientology is now a financial boon for those who undertake it.
The interest is similar to reading about the mafia and nazis. This story has just begun. Scientology is the gift that keeps on giving.
I am waiting for the movie. Sean Penn as DM.
This is a reply to Brian. Instead of Sean Penn to play Dave, my vote is for Al Pacino – they’re about the same size.
Michael M, yes, Al Pacino – with some hair coloring, the perfect height and body type, and a brilliant Method actor. He could do Miscavige like – God, I’m getting chills just thinking about it.
I think Dustin Hoffman would be better. Hoffman even has personal experience. He tripped Miscavige at a celebrity basketball game that Miscavige attended with Cruise. Miscavige broke his leg.
Hoffman is a perfect size match for Captain Miscavige…
Miscavige broke his leg tripping over Dustin Hoffman? Way to go, Mr. Hoffman!
Interesting, Mike. I had no idea Miscavige ever broke his leg. Well, I’m still leaning toward Pacino because of that ability of his to suddenly and without warning go utterly violently psycho – Pacino does that so well – but, then, if Dustin Hoffman played Him, we our good wishes for his performance would have deeper significance: “Break a leg, Dustin!”
“I would hope Ms. Yingling, that champion of human rights will issue a public apology when she eventually sees the film and has to admit that in fact disconnection is NOT “reserved for those who have started ‘attacking the religion.’” Very far from it. And that is even taking into account that “attacking the religion” is defined by scientology as “critical of the church” or “critical of David Miscavige” or “telling the truth.””
“In the world of scientology if a minister of the church was guilty of pedophilia (or physical assault), anyone exposing this would be “attacking the religion.” I wonder if avowed Catholic Ms. Yingling considers Alex Gibney was “attacking her religion” with his brilliant Mea Maxima Culpa?”
“Note well, this does NOT say that Alex Gibney or HBO refused to INTERVIEW “executives of the Church, including those with individual firsthand information.” In an interview based documentary, you want people on camera. Backroom meetings to be handed binders and binders of information does not advance the ball.”
Damn Mike, you sure have a way with words! Sweet!! This documentary is going to be like a public ass whipping for little Davey boy.
Tony — Mike DOES have a way with words, doesn’t he? Somebody ought to interview him. Like, for a movie or something.
” This documentary is going to be like a public ass whipping for little Davey boy.”
And it is going to leave marks! Imagine the sweet smell of napalm footbullets in the morning air of Hemet. Think of the wonderful ecclesiasticalness of the experience of working with the greatest sociopath in history and of the endless string of sleepless nights, rice and beans and beans and rice …………… and beatings ……………..forever and ever.
Yo Dave,
We are just getting warmed up good buddy. What else you got????
Coop, I believe it is entirely possible that when he views the HBO film, his head will explode.
Speaking of pedophiles, remember when it became news on the blogs that a KA drinking Scn got busted for being a pedophile? The church didn’t Declare him SP and expel him. Oh no, he is still in good standing. And yet anyone who reads a blog, without “trying to take down the church” at all, is now declared SP by DM and his minions.
Cindy, it’s Dave logic – you wouldn’t understand.
The more I see the lies that emanate from the church, the more I am happy with my status as a suppressive person.
Me too, Shelgold, but I really have a beef with whoever’s hat it is to send me my Goldenrod. Call me shallow, but I earned my SP status and I want the tangible proof. I figure it’ll look great in a gilt frame right above my desk, and it will be great PR for me as well. I want my Goldenrod!!!!!!!!!
Probably the closest you’ll ever get is a confiscated urine specimen from you know who.
Me too!
Holy flying cars Batman, this is going to be one fun ride!!!!!!
Yo Dave,
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy New Film That’s Coming Out, Coopman! The jig is up!
Monique Edwige Yingling is one of the most disgusting beings alive or dead. the embodiment of pure evil.
Oh, come on. She doesn’t come close to David Miscavige.
Well written Mike. Well written.
I’m going to be telling everyone about Alex Gibney’s documentary and Tony Ortega’s book.
She’s cut from the same cloth.
That would be a severe understatement McCarran IMHO.
” Monique Edwige Yingling is one of the most disgusting beings alive.”
Now that is something I can agree with. We need a group shot of Dave with his girls, Jenny, Lou, Monique, Karin ……………… we’ll just call em the warm and fuzzy bunch!
at that depth comparisons are irrelevant, as there is no such thing as “worser”. once you make the grade there is nothing you can do to make it worse. you can’t get more than pure.
she has made the grade. just her appearance in Australian court says enough about her. and there is so much more………that is easily accessible online.
from what i’ve seen and heard coming from her own mouth is enough to make me conclude she is an evil person. she knows what evil is and she likes it.
Mike, there wasn’t a reply thing after your comment, so I’m replying here. I agree that the world at large doesn’t care if DM is or isn’t following LRH. But what journalists like to do is point out out-points and have the person answer up about why this and that outpoint. And it is an outpoint that it is in writing and on tape with LRH’s voice, that Disconnection and Fair Game were cancelled, even if it was just for PR purposes. A good journalist might say, “well the founder of your church cancelled disconnection, and I see that you are practicing it quite heavily… why the discrepancy?”
An excellent point you made is that Disconnection, in many references by LRH, was for the real SP that couldn’t be handled with GRGW or whatever other tech. So per LRH, only in a small set of circumstances would disconnection ever be recommended. And with family members, it was always, “Handle” and almost never disconnection. At least that is how it was in the old days when MAA’s were not robotically doing what “command intention” told them to do. But as you pointed out, now it is opposite of that. Now under DM’s regime, disconnection has become the knee-jerk handling for anyone who dares to read a blog, or who dares to question, or who dares to point out the outpoints. Very different from what disconnection was meant to be in the beginning.
Thank you, Cindy.
I, also, was under the impression LRH cancelled disconnection and operated off that as a CS for years.
In all of my training and application of it, I somehow came out with the idea that you HANDLE – with all the tools that were provided: the PTS/SP course, the PTS Rundown, the Suppressed Person Rundown, 10 Augs, the XDN course and XDN RD, GF 40s, plus all the ethics courses available, etc. etc. etc. and if the person still couldn’t handle the one in his environment, THEN disconnect in a very non-make-wrong way.
My answer to anyone telling me I had to disconnect from someone was that I was a graduate of the PTS/SP Course (a few times over) and had attested to completion of the PTS RD as well as the Suppressed Person RD and was very well armed to handle it myself, thank you.
Plus, LRH said you always leave the door open a crack – which I have always done.
As a CS, this is how I handled all my pre clears. Granted, that was decades ago – pre the little man.
Not to belittle anyone’s experience with this monster’s application of Handle/Disconnect – I just wanted to say as Cindy said above – what I got out of it was sane. You disconnect ONLY when you are being harmed by the connection and you have NO OTHER alternative.
And even THEN, I think the door should be left open. People change.
One last thing: when an MAA told me I had to disconnect, I asked if he was implying I didn’t get the gains in those courses, etc. I attested to – or – was he implying the tech didn’t work?
That shut them up – but by reading all of the horror stories on this and Tony’s blog, I surmise that would not work with the preteens on MAA posts now.
Brilliant Mike. As usual, you nailed it. LOVED the pic – lol.
RCS is so utterly predictable – deny everything, admit nothing and obliterate the character of anyone who witnessed or experienced everything they say they did. “It didn’t happen” is the mantra – followed up by a bunch of BS claims stuff which REALLY didn’t happen! Do they even realise what fools they look and sound like from the outside? The bubble walls are very thick – just like the dwellers within it.
LRH cancelled Disconnection and Fair Game. And you can get a sound bite off the RJ 68 tape that is on Milestone II. The fact that LRH cancelled it and DM brought it back should be given to the media to show how he has perverted the tech and doesn’t follow LRH.
1. Disconnection was never really canceled. It was a PR statement.
2. It was “brought back” by LRH, not Miscavige. It’s written in HCOBs by LRH.
3. The USE of disconnection as a political tool and control mechanism — very different from how its described in the HCOB’s — is something that Miscavige CAN claim credit for
4. Outside of those inside the church, nobody in the real world gives a hoot whether Miscavige is or isnt following LRH. That’s just a fact of life.
It’s really not like LRH provided this really great tech and David Miscavige perverted it IMHO. You might want to read Bare Faced Messiah and see what you come up with.
Good point, read the letters printed in “Freedom” Mag now posted at Tony Ortega’s blog. We may be used to the language typically used by Miscavige, but it will be very interesting to know what outside people think of the rambling, disjointed, and raved expressions used in them.
… and repetitive.
“The Church of Scientology is committed to free speech.” Just ask Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes, Gerry Armstrong and Leah Remini. Ask Stacey Brooks how committed to free speech Scientology is.
The mafia is committed to helping orphans…that IT has created.
Goddamnit Mike, there you go again with your facts. Don’t you see how much that pisses Dave off? I strongly suggest you send him a blow up doll of yourself so he can at least have the insane thrill of releasing all that pent up fury – I recall someone once saying that pleasure moments are valuable. Sheez, have a heart, will ya?
I’d rather see David Miscavige blow up.
Patience McCarran, patience.
What is legal isn’t always moral or right.
Although I usually have compassion for those whose spouses have died or those whose spouses had Alzheimers, Monique Yingling makes it really hard to feel compassion for her. One look at a photo of her shows that there seems to be no soul behind her eyes. Her words of human rights activism and her smile both stop at her mouth and don’t reach her eyes.
IMHO She is as likely to issue a public apology as David Miscavige is. She is also as likely to watch the film as David Miscavige is. There is no reason for either of them to see the film. They have already passed judgment on it.
The only reason she’s not in The Hole is because she already passed the bar exam.
She is an Taxation expert, why is she working as a PR person?
Love the way you expose their lies.
I, too, escaped the “church”. Even those who were “expelled” were “expelled” after they escaped so the “church” could keep up its’ PR.
Many of the prominent members, you included, who managed to, still have not totally escaped because you are harrassed on a constant basis by the “church” simply because you are no longer on the inside.
Maybe we should start some kind of letter and send it Alex Gibney or the New York time with a simple statement.
I was once a member of what is known as The Church of Scientology.
I was not expelled.
I escaped.
There is no reason for each individual story to be told at this point. With enough signatures, it would make a powerful statement.
Good one.
Although I was lucky enough to never have been in the SO or on staff, I and every single ex ESCAPED.
Where can I/we go to sign your brilliantly posited potential letter?
I like your idea, Valerie. I didn’t have to escape the SO, thank God, but the church told people that I was working to bring down the church. Really? Since when does reading the blog constitute working to bring down the church. They give me more power than I have, I’m sorry to say. It’s like the childish kid’s refrain to his mother, “But he hit me first!”
It’s not a bad idea though!
Baptist church? You can just walk away. Catholic Church? You can just walk away. Methodist Church? You can just walk away. Jewish Temple? You can just walk away. Scientology Cult? Holy fucking shit! YOU CANNOT JUST WALK AWAY!!! The ONLY WAY to leave is to ESCAPE as if you were a prisoner!
And, if fact, that’s what the remaining staff and SO are: Prisoners. And they don’t even know it.
I hate the use of shunning by any group.
I also escaped and was brought back by an Army of OSA and MAA’s and then routed out (it took 3 month). I know many more who escaped, harm their own bodies and other acts of desperation, so they could exercise their 1st amendment to speak out about what is going inside The Church.
What a great idea to put together the signatures of all “the bitter detractors”. People should see their are many many hundreds of those that want to put their name to expose the hypocrisies of the current “leader”(dictator). That would be a great support to Alex Gibney and the Documentary.
Black Heart and OSA may think that using a full page in the Times will provide them with the same result they had back in early 90’s. However, Internet was not as spread as it is now, so their crippled attempts to ‘defend their honorable proclaim’ are NOT going to be seen by many.
Second, their reputation of dishonest, backhanded, corrupt way to litigate has become a hallmark of scn so, the more they rant and rave, the more people’s awareness will increase as far as seeing who Misccavige and his minions really are.
Last, this is giving Alex G great publicity and is inviting more people to watch the documentary. Oh, OSA, and this is just the beginning, it is going to get worse.
“I have some other unemployed fringe bitter defrocked apostating to do…”
Hey, it’s a living.
Can I be your helper?
” I will speak for myself. I escaped the church (as anyone who was in the Sea Org does). At the time I was the international spokesperson for scientology. I was not “expelled.” So too for each of the others — take Paul Haggis for example. The church sent teams of people to try and persuade him not to leave. That story is repeated over and over. “…. Exactly. Once the battered wife decides to walk out the door with the kids the repeat offender cries for opportunities to “make things right” and then tells the neighbors he gave her “every chance” to save the marriage. There is a reason that every single founding old time Scientologist, Class 9 and class 12’s are not seen standing in support behind David Miscavige. There is a reason every single one of those Scientologists have been declared SP by Miscavige. There is a reason the only people standing behind David Miscavige is a bevy of lawyers 10 deep and 40 wide.
You nailed it…
That’s a straight left jab followed by a devastating right cross and Dave is left on the canvass out cold.
Yea. This is setting off a shit storm of more angrier, more bitterer, more defrockeded apostates.
Oh! Give me that shirt “Je Suis David Miscavige!”
I hope other news media expose the lies you point out in your article here, Mike. It makes my blood boil when effing Monique says those of us shunned are shunned because we attacked the church or the other statement of how the church is committed to free speech.
If the church plays its cards right, maybe it can help Alex Gibney’s documentary WIN Sundance or the Oscar for Best Documentary.
Right on, Mary! I love your enthusiasm in trashing this evil cult!
It appears I have misused “Je Suis David Miscavige!” Just wikied “Je suis Charlie” which means “I am Charlie.” I knew the intention behind the statement but didn’t know the meaning of “Je suis Charlie” in full.
Should have done my homework before posting.
“Je suis Alex” I guess would be what I mean when I stand up against the abuses committed by David Miscavige against the right of free speech of others.
Quel domage! (what a pity).
Another Right On for you, McCarran. I was shunned because I insisted on being shown LRH references on Ideal Org Fundraising. Not Miscavige references, L. Ron Hubbard, the Founder’s, references. I gave them no entheta, no HE&R, but I put a very fine point on that for a number of terminals: I wanted the LRH references. Well, apparently the only LRH on fundraising is the one where he practically begs us not to do it. After that, after TR3ing politely but firmly with several org terminals, the org people and public went out of comm with me. Honestly, I feel sorry for them. With no false pride, without arrogance, the fact is that it was their loss. The “friends” I lost, all who went out of comm with me were and are heavy KA drinkers with dynamics deeply entrenched in the cult. I thank my lucky stars for having neither family nor loved ones in the cult, nor any business connections dependent upon cult approval of me.
LOL, using $cn math, you left well over 47 years ago, Mike.
My children, who their other parent disconnected from, have never attacked $cn and in fact expressed their support of that parent to believe whatever they wanted. The children weren’t interested in doing $cn, however, and “shamefully” wanted to remain connected to me.
It is so disgusting to use “it’s legal and other people do it” to excuse dispicable behavior. And then try to say out of the other side of your mouth that you don’t really do it… or that it is their fault. Such BS.
Thanks again for all you do, Mike.
Tick, tock…
Also, he never held a management position
I love you! Go do that unemployed fringe bitter defrocked apostatizing! I read the letters, they are desperate, don’t bother!
Make that double love for Mike! I was especially interested in the point that all the spokesbots who provided information that ended up in Lawrence Wright’s book have now been declared SPs or worse. It would be interesting, at the end of such a documentary, to simply show face after face of loyal Scibots (say, Debbie Cook) and underneath the photo a couple of lines about the Chorch’s current view of them. (I think we’d ALL be interested in seeing what, exactly, is the take on Tommy Davis now; and a number of them, Heber and Shelley et al, would just have to say “Not seen publically since ____. Disappearance unexplained. Whereabouts or state of existence unknown.” THAT would be a shocker…
I wonder how much money HBO will save on advertising, now that the COS is doing for them?
Deliciously hilarious. As they say at The Underground Bunker and on ESMB (and elsewhere, probably), Scientology is the gift that keeps on giving.
And you know what? These kind of faux pas have been par for the course for 30 years at the minimum.