Tonight’s 2nd Reddit AMA is the final show we have shot for this season of Leah Remini Scientology The Aftermath. A&E has another special coming about Leah, but it is a bonus, not considered part of this “series” of 7 episodes and 2 Reddit AMA specials.
It has been a wild ride — the response has been beyond anything we could have hoped for. What I said at the end of the show is absolutely correct. I am not stopping. This experience has only motivated me to push harder. Though it is on everyone’s mind right now, I cannot tell you that there is a Season 2 yet, nothing has been finalized. But I will certainly let everyone know if things all work out and that is confirmed. There are so many more stories to be told, and so many people who have come forward that something has to be done!
We wanted to take the opportunity with this last Q and A to answer some of the most often asked questions and air some things (like the Debbie Cook testimony and information about L. Ron Hubbard) that are not NEW, but have not been seen by the audience this show now has.
As always, I am interested in your views of this show and now the entire series – including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered.
As always, for new readers here I thought you might find it instructive to be directed to some earlier postings that may help explain some things about scientlogy.
To begin to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it, read this article:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And then read this one:
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally this is a post about the lies they tell about their “expansion”:
Scientology “expansion” debunked
What You Can Do
Call your Congressman and Senator to do something about the ongoing abuses. Initiate a Congressional Hearing. Ask them to demand the FBI or IRS look into things with the church. Write to the IRS. Support and comment on media articles and blogs that cover the abuses (like Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker) and express your support to A&E for stepping up and taking on scientology.
If you are the victim of a crime, report it to law enforcement (local police/sheriff and/or FBI).
Don’t ever think you have no voice or there is nothing you can do. There is plenty.
Your support of Leah and everyone else involved is invaluable and appreciated. Please don’t stop. Knowing there are a lot of people out there on our side is comforting and gives strength.
Thank you so much for opening my eyes to the evils of Scientology even though I haven’t had any personal experience it’s heartbreaking to see how it’s destroyed so many lives. You, Leah, and A&E are so brave and I know you are making a huge difference- keep going! My entire family has watched every show with eager anticipation!!
Mike have you ever seen travel channels ghost adventures episode from Season 12 episode 2 February 2016 where they investigate a home near Los Angeles that LRH and others pretty much dabbled in satanic stuff.
The group consisted of, L. Ron Hubbard, Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley and Ellipsis Levi. The story goes, Anton and Aleister were the Magicians, the spell casters.
Mike could you please let me know if these names ring any bells with you? The episode ghost adventures did was pretty disturbing, especially when they discuss the fact that Aleister Crowley created the religion known as Thelema. what is thelema?
I havent seen it and am no expert on this subject. Google is your friend. I also suggest you read Barefaced Messiah and Going Clear. There is a lot of information in there about this subject.
The house was named Case De Rosas, supposedly was the center of operations for the early beginnings of Dianetics……..the episode talks of what is the early beginnings including mentioning what sounds like “auditing”….
You first have to get past the first few minutes before LRH name is mentioned and suggestions of occult and, black magic, and other things going on..
I saw the episode too, and thought anyone might like to take a look.
@Leah & @Mike:
Please take down the Scientology SYSTEM MACHINE, not only it’s PSEUDO leader -> D.M? Who cares about D.M? BUT sitting on $$$ for more than 25 years, makes him powerful enough to laugh at us (humans) on a daily basis. And with the wonderful help of e.g. “Christian” Mrs. Mc Muffins and similar holy “law families”, who specialize(d) making money with CULTS and their love to protect NRM’s (New Religious Movements), and “Führer”-persons like D.M.
MC, Mindcontrol – back to basic terms. And taking a CLEAR stand – Steve Hassan – this man clearly made his – universal – human point of view, against any sort of mind-abuse, very lucid. Made me cry. Thank you.
Just now got to watch the episode. (work) It was the best one of all I think. Especially learning that LRH war record, illnesses, and medals were a total fraud! That is sick!
I had always had an open mind about Scientology and thought there might be something there for me. I’m also the kind of person who would have bought in 100% and given my time and money to achieving the goals promised. You and Leah have ensured that will not happen. You will never know how many you saved from this cult but you now know of one.
Wonderful Maureen. Thank you.
I live in Canada. I left Scn. I am sure that abuse is not just happening in the US but I am sure across the world. Thank you both for stepping forward Leah and Mike your determination to expose Scn. for what it really is admirable. I am so pleased I watched the series it was an eye opener for me and I do hope that thousands who thought of joining have decided this is “NOT” for them…. I enjoyed your series so much. I was shocked to know that LRH war record was a fraud. The lies… I have attended so many events….to be honest I truly didn’t believe all the “stats” and express so, but not to another Scn. I knew better. You both exposed what people who wanted to leave and tried too had gone through, to see and listen to the abuses was so terrible I cried. I read your story of leaving Mike it is amazing how far Scn. will go to try and get someone back. What real Church punishes those who wish to leave I would like to know? I also would like to know what happened to head of CCHR Int. sorry I can’t remember his name right now but suddenly he was gone. No explanation nothing, have not heard anything I do hope he is okay. He was so popular…that could of been something David Miscavige couldn’t handle. Fear is the worse human feeling…. fear of leaving, fear of not being able to see your family, your children, your friends, fear of “what will happen to me? What will they (Scn.) do to me if they catch me?!!! My good grief to live like that is something I have and pray I never will have to go through. For those who have left I ask them to trust in themselves, seek help if needed, be brave and step forward the more information that is brought forward the more chips into the armor of Scn. It will fall if enough exposure is done. There are many people who escaped who are willing to advise and help anyone who left, as Mike and Leah have shown. For staff members seek help too, I know what they can do to you as well as I have seen many ‘golden rod” notices. I wonder if the staff and Sea Org members are eating just rice and beans because their stats were down. I am sure the stats are down with your series running for such a long time. Not much David Miscavige can do, but hide behind doors and abuse those who did not stop your series what a nasty man he is, I feel sorry for those who will receive his abuse. Power in the wrong hands is something I consider the closes thing to evil as one can be. It goes to ones head and that person feels nothing can stop them…wrong…they will be stopped. I truly would like to see the word Church be removed as it is not a church. The IRS should look into this organization, as that is all it is. Once the word Church is removed all the abuses can be exposed and charges laid against those who ordered the abuses especially David Miscavige as he “has the power” to do whatever he wants he needs to be exposed him…… it is time. Again thank you both so much for bringing forward the truth. I am looking forward to more series I know you both won’t give up, it is time to help expose the truth.
I called the church of Scientology in Lubbock, Texas years ago out of interest. Completely against what you said, Mike, they told me I could keep going to my church and just “use” the things I learned through Scientology as an added help for my life. They called me several times and I even bought the book, “Dianetics”, but it felt so wrong to my core. I told them to quit calling me, they didn’t. They called me all the time and then started calling me all kinds of names telling me I was damned and that I had let down all of mankind, I finally told them I would contact the authorities and they quit contacting me. When I heard you guys talking about taking Scientology as my religion over my own, I realized they were out right lying to me! Even after all these years, I still believed I could “use” Scientology as a help mate to my religion.I know now that I had a very close call and I thank God I didn’t pursue this any further. Thank you and I thank Ms. Remini for clearing up so much for me about this cult. They made me so curious at first and I almost fell for it.
I can’t even begin to imagine how painful this was for you,and Leah.It takes strength of character,and a commitment to educate the public,and offer a helping hand to those who have suffered at the hands of this cult.Thank you for doing the right,and courageous thing with Season 1.I’m sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg.If there is a Season 2,and I’m hoping there will be,know that you,and Leah will have the support of everyone who appreciates the dialogue that is,now,free-flowing about the horrors of Scientology.
Thank you the Mike for this series. I think it will be a huge help. The one question that I was left wondering about is about the people that are still in “The Hole,” is there anything that can be done to help them?
I have been wondering the same thing. I did read something that said that maybe they would not want to be saved. They are so programmed to believe that they are at fault as well as the threats of Disconnection that if they were asked if they wanted to leave they’d decline. On the other hand, if there is even one person in there being held against their will that does want out, I have wondered about hiring PI’s to put the place under surveillance, maybe even to sneak in (hey, if people can go over the fence to get out surely someone trained could go over to get in?) and get video or photographic proof of the conditions? I have also wondered about having people hiding around the Hemet base, keeping watch for anyone trying to escape and then stepping in to help them. Operation Freedom.
Thank you Mike your an amazing person. Good to see secrecy exposing it’s ugly self, always with you ?
Mike, this last episode was heartbreaking! Mr. Hassan really made us all, I think, want to hug all of you! Thank you, to both you and Leah, and to all the brave people who were on, sharing their horrifying stories. I’m hoping for a second season, and will keep my eye on Leah’s other episode. You are all so brave. I just hope that the scientology nuts leave you and your families alone. Much love to all of you, and thank you.\
I love that this expose has brought people together rather than tear them apart…thank you Mike and Leah.
Mike Rinder –
I have NEVER posted to a blog/website before, but this time I have to do so. I am also what you would call a “never-in.” (I did narrowly avoid being sucked into a different cult in the past, though.) I just want to express my sincere and deep admiration for what you and Leah have done – both with this A&E series and as human beings.
Two big things I learned from this series (besides the obvious things regarding Scientology).
1. “Don’t ridicule Xenu (or other odd beliefs)- it invalidates the pain of people who are trying to recover from a cult.” That remark from Leah impressed me very much and has changed the way I talk. I think this principle applies to people with differing political views as well. I now see that ridiculing beliefs doesn’t accomplish what you want, in any case.
2. If you have done things in the past that you now find ethically repugnant, or at least questionable (and who hasn’t?) acknowledge them and try to remedy them, without becoming a doormat. (This was what I gathered from Mike Rinder.)
Thank you both. I hope you do not suffer too much additional weirdness and bad behavior from this group as a result of your series. I am keeping my eyes open for opportunities to help “do something.”
Thank you so much AnnC. Such a thoughtful comment.
There are a lot of them here, and I don’t always acknowledge them. I had a minute to dash out a response. I want you to know this, but other readers who have posted equally thoughtful and kind responses that I haven’t had time to answer (but do read) — thank you all too.
Way to go, Mike Rindah! Keep fighting the good fight! I’m keeping you in my prayers and hoping you get your other family members back.
What a fantastic comment! I, too, learned how NOT to respond or talk to or about other’s belief systems. Of all the enlightening information, that comment hit home and changed my words and my actions.
Another great episode! So glad you got the Debbie Cook story in there. Hope there is a second season, but the first one probably delivered a death blow to Scientology recruiting in the U.S. and other English-speaking countries.
Maybe the second season could begin with an appearance by Monique Yingling, PR Saboteur Supreme. I’d love to see you and Leah dissect her deceit.
Well, here is my take on Leah’s last show:
I found it intriguing specially when Steven Hassan came on wow, I never knew this guy in my life but he was so touching. And Ray Jeffrey, who represented Debbie Cook.
Steven caught my attention on the process of leaving the Sea Org, it is brutal, brutal. You are damn lucky if you get out without permanent damage.
On XMAS Day 1997 when on the RPF I blew, it was a miracle, it was Shawshank Redemption. I learned 25 people mostly useless RPFers were doing the blow drill and hunting me down. I was at the Grand Canyon staring at rocks with my wife and 7 year old daughter we had a brief moment of freedom. But “they” caught me down they always do.
My mother was also in the RPF and I knew if I didn’t go back I would never see her again, never. Similar to Mike Rinder and his mum
Fast forward 2 weeks later when I agreed to return to the Big Blue PAC RPF,
CMO and many others were waiting for me at the horseshoe entrance. I remember distinctly my senior at CMO PAC Molly Savage hissing at me “how dared you blowing”.
What happened the next 6 months was so unreal. Had to smile, stay happy anything to get out
I totally agree with your comments about Steven Hassan…he is so genuine, sincere and compassionate. Congrats on getting out of this cult!!! Enjoy your life and keep moving forward…
Wow! What a wonderful episode! I loved, loved, LOVED Mr. Kassan’s statements to you about how he was so afraid of you for years, and he gets to see your change of heart, Mike, and how you are leading the charge to speak truth to a power. Scenes like that really get me going, scenes where the abuser and victim realize they are both human beings and forgive each other and admire each other.
And now the nurse in me is coming out and is going to give you some nursey words, Mike. I am a little concerned at what appears to be exhaustion on your face. Please make sure you get time to rest. Rest is good for the body and good for the soul. I love your commitment to right all of the wrongs. However, you are not ultimately responsible for all of the wrongs. Do your job and do it well. Then turn it off and rest. Enjoy your beautiful family. Enjoy your lovely home. Enjoy your friends. Laugh. The work will always be there. Thank you for the work you have already done and will continue to do! Now rest.
And as always, I am praying for you and all of the people hurt by Scientology. I am praying for those still stuck in Scientology, including the top bannana himself. May people be healed and set free from the bondage of the cult. May relationships be healed and restored. I am keeping all of the shows in my DVR to remind me to pray. Thank you for being that reminder.
Bless you and yours. I wish I could dump a giant vat of blessings on you.
What a very sweet & sincere letter you wrote.
I thank you for it because you said things that myself & probably others would like to
say to Mr. Rinder.
And for reminding us that we should not only pray for the good people who are still in the
grip of the thing, but also for the ‘head banana:))”
That would be the most satisfying of all; to see DM admit or leave, but I’m sure the perks
& lifestyle that Scientology affords him- are far too good (in his eyes) to give up.
Mike, Leah & the brave team at A&E are really doing something revolutionary.
There just aren’t enough words or enough praise to express what an amazing effort they are making.
God Bless.
I have never been in Scientology and was not heavily indoctrinated into any religion growing up (vaguely Lutheran but never brought up in church). I have always been fascinated by strict religions and cults and the way that people get indoctrinated. I absolutely love this show, for many reasons but most of all because the authenticity that you and Leah have, it’s so refreshing in television. It comes through in every episode how much you both care about what you’re doing.
I find myself wishing I could know more details about, I suppose, the process of indoctrination. Or the daily life of a Scientologist who is doing Scientology and getting in it. I almost wish that someone could go in with a Go Pro camera and show us what a typical auditing session is like, or just hanging out with other Scientologists and seeing what happens when you criticize the church. I feel like, as someone who was never raised in a strict church, I’m missing some piece of the puzzle that I may never quite get simply because of the subtlety and the gradual nature of how abuse builds up until it reaches unbearable levels.
I would also love to see you guys bust someone out of the Sea Org. Correction: bust ALL OF THEM out of the Sea Org. 🙂 Simply because I want them to be free. I find myself thinking of television specials and documentaries of kids escaping the FLDS polygamist cults and seeing how they adapt to the outside world, with support from those who have been there. I think Sea Org members need a network like that, a way to get the message out that they’re ready to leave, or a safe public spot where they can go that if they can just get to this one particular grocery store or mall or something, then someone will come and get them and take them to a safe house.
I’m rambling, but really the number one thing I think we all want is MORE. And what one of the guests at the AMA Part 2 said, drying up potential members is the best defense against Scientology. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to the special on Leah! (Also, can we get this stuff on Hulu, A&E?)
This show is one of the best efforts I have seen on television in a long time. I applaud Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, all of the past Scientology members, the film crew, everyone who has been involved, for their courage and strength to bring awareness to the world about the practices of Scientology. My mind has been blown, and my heart has been broken over the pain and suffering people have gone through just because their original hope and belief was to build a better tomorrow, for generations to come. Your hard work on this program will be rewarded by helping more and more people see the truth of it all. Thank you for honesty and heartfelt dedication.
Mike, Leah, crew, participants – I’m grateful for your openness and the tenacity behind your tears. Your series, your very raw and vulnerable work is piercing hearts like mine. I had no idea this kind of mass abuse, grief and suffering was happening in my own backyard. The show has been riveting, but also very painful as I’ve cried right along with every person sharing their heartbreak. Please continue to direct us to ways we can reach out and perhaps be a resource in our community for those getting out.
Feedback on the show;
-a web link to a glossary of terms might be helpful for those not able to record every episode.
-great job keeping it raw – it is right that there should be rage and harsh words toward this travesty.
-the expose’ of LRH’s claims of who he was (military medals) and how he created his empire was powerful…would like to see more of that.
-Steven Hassan’s information was spot-on and dovetailed with everything we had heard thus far. If there is a second season (please!), I feel we could learn more from him.
Wishing you and your crew peace and safety, success in healing and restoring those you love, and many bright hopes.
With much admiration,
Watching this last show for the 2nd time and looking back it took me years to treat gays and psychologists humanely as I was so indoctrinated that they were evil. In 1992/1993 I met with a gay teacher and I made a disparaging remark to another teacher that got reported to the Administration that left me uninvited to the school! I was reprimanded for that incident by my Employer and it took some time to clear my head and reprogram my thinking and now I see these people as deserving of compassion and deserving of common decency. It also took a lot of time to get over the “I’m better than you” mindset. Now I have clients in all walks of life and treat them humanely. Great show and thank you for exposing the abuses.
Sadly, that I’m better than you mindset isn’t found just in cults. I’m a Christian and have seen it in a lot of Christian organizations. It is that broken human side of us that wants to be superior to someone, anyone.
One undeniable fact: OSA has never been this busy reading blogs, ever. Happy entheta!!
This last episode of season one was so powerful…I loved the MH professional who was was a “Moonie” because he was so genuine!! He was so grateful for what you and Leah are doing!! I am a retired state LPC (Licenced Professional Counselor) and I could see his desire to help others…thanks guys!!
Mike: I wrote both my Senators. Keep working. It will pay off. I would suggest exposing LRH’s history just prior to Dianetics when he lived with Jack Parsons. Also, please address Hubbard’s affirmations/admissions. Gerry Armstrong first exposed them and it demolishes the facade of LRH. He was a mentally ill man who tried to treat his own narcissistic megalomania and turned it into a money making cult. The man was a very unstable soul his entire life.
Such as the torso queen, early beginnings of what we now call spirit cooking and table for 2? Also the space agencies suspended elevation crafts solely for the devil’s playground? I’ll tell you now I turned in what I knew of Sir Picko, sealed with a kiss and, the lunch meat factories 3 years ago. No longer a victim, exposure equals healing?
In regards to LRH and the beginnings of pre Scientology, there was an episode of Ghost Adventures recently where Zak B and crew did a lockdown in a house in (I think) Los Angeles where someone was locked in a closet by LRH (again I am not 100% certain it was LRH) and others and kept there until they were completely mentally forced into absolute submission to LRH and/or members. I will now have to go and search for the episode and date aired and post it for you. Just wanted to inform everyone that Scientology abuses and violations of laws are going viral, viral to the extent that ghost adventures investigated a building used by LRH.
THANK YOU MIKE & LEAH for coming forward and airing it on TV.
Thank you A&E for not succumbing to DM’s empty threats.
Apparently Clamwater isn’t the only place where Scientology safe-points politicians and gets to destroy trees in the process. They’re doing it at Saint Hell too:
Last night’s episode was by far the most enlightening one yet. It was beautiful in its honesty and raw emotion. Keep fighting the good fight and know you have an army of love and support with you. WE are not done yet.
Thank you for being here Mike. And thanks to Leah for standing up with a middle finger directed right at that sociopath David Miscavige.
One more thing:
“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”
― Anita Roddick
Love that quote!!!! So true!
Just finished watching the latest episode. Thank you so much Mike and Leah.
Good night Dave you POS. Judgement day is coming MF and right soon.
I am so impressed with this show! I started watching because of Leah, but the people you have had on the show have really touched me and I think I have cried on every episode. Lastly, I have to say something about Mike Rinder. Your quiet strength has been a priviledge to watch, truely. I see strength in your eyes, but I also see kindness. Your resolve to right your wrongs have truly been inspiring. I have read all your blogs and will continue to “check in.” People walk around wearing masks all the time and it’s hard to find people that genually want to help other people without asking anything in return. Thank you to everyone!
Margaret said it so beautifully and I could not agree more.
Hi Mike, I hope you and Leah do go for another season at least. I think you are both doing a great thing with this show with raising awareness about Scientology and it’s abuses as well as the abuses of other cults. I have never stepped foot inside a Scientology church but had considered doing so several years ago because there is one located near where I live. Around that time, I happened to catch a documentary on t.v. about the abuses that go in inside Scientology was horrified by what I learned so stayed away. And the stuff that was revealed in that particular show was pretty tame compared to your show with Leah or the Going Clear movie. But it was enough to turn me off giving Scientology a try. Thank goodness for that. So, you are both doing a great thing – at least one family (mine) was saved from seeing that doc several years ago. I also enjoy how real it is with Leah swearing, the tears that are shed from time to time (not that I like seeing anyone in pain but it makes it more real). In future episodes I would love to see you interview LRH’s grandson, Jamie DeWolf, I hear that he is very anti-Scientology and I believe he was involved in the church growing up. I would also love to hear from Jenna Miscaviage. I think interviewing those two would say so much. Also, I’m curious about Marty Rathbun and why he hasn’t jumped at the chance to be on your show. Maybe he needs a break and that’s fine because I’m sure that reliving those horrors can wear you down over time. Anyways, I hope you and Leah continue your crusade with A&E and continue to save families from this cult and other cults.
This is a message to all of the people who’ve come here due to the show: please, please, stick around now that the show’s over. Don’t forget about this place until Season 2 comes around. Come back here every day. The education you will receive about Scientology and its excesses will make your time here worthwhile. If you think you feel indignant now, like I said, just stick around and the indignance will grow to full-blown anger toward this destructive cult. You also get some side benefits, like getting to know some of the people you saw on the series, like Lowie Reisdorf and Mary Kahn (or McCarran, as we know and love her).
I will warn you that sometimes, we do get into the “tech” side of Scientology beliefs, but don’t shy away from those discussions, because the better you know the beast, the easier it is to understand what makes it tick, and if you know what makes it tick, it’s easier to kill.
Plus, you get Regraded Being every Friday. It’s worth it, believe me.
So, please, even though the show’s over for now, the blog’s still here. Please, come and participate.
I came here due to the show, but have no plans on leaving even after it ends next week with Leah’s special episode. Although I sometimes get lost in some of the conversations between former Scientologists (a great deal of the acronyms and terminology is like a foreign language to me), it’s still very interesting to learn more about this organization, even though sometimes I have to….well, “word-clear” (sorry) some of the terminology myself.
Today, I was also wondering if the same level of enthusiasm from never-ins like me would remain after the show ended for the season, but hopefully people stay engaged until Season 2 rolls around (A&E would have an absolute riot on their hands if they didn’t renew, so I’m sure Leah & Mike will get another season).
Hey Mick, I’ll be joining you here daily. I, too, am a never-in but I want to celebrate with all the ex$cns when we get news of people leaving this cult, the IRS reopening an investigation of this non-religion, billboards being erected, upcoming shows exposing this fraud, and hopefully, charges brought against DM. It’s on! Open the floodgates!
I’ve been hanging around ever since I read Going Clear! I rarely comment, but really do enjoy reading the discussions and especially the blog.
Mike I highly recommend you and all readers here have a listen to Lawrence Wright here speaking to Sam Harris about Scientology and especially what LW thinks would be a good strategy to use to get reform. There is much I disagree with these guys on but very little on the subject of Scn in this episode.
They talk about several subjects, all worth listening to as they all become relevant later when they get into Scientology.
Thank you so much for this riveting topic! I never knew what a nightmare Scientology was and is today. I hope in my heart of hearts that you and Leah’s fight will continue.
It’s time that someone took a stand and demanded the IRS withdraw their tax exemption status. How about a petition on
I would sign that! I started watching this show because I knew nothing about Scientology other than Dianetics commercials from years ago and Cruise and Travolta. I have learned so much, even though I am disgusted with much of what I’ve heard. It just baffles me how any IRS person would have granted back their religious status and given Scientology any credibility. Why isn’t the Labor department asking questions about children working and not being in school? Why aren’t children and family agencies poking around as to why these children aren’t living with their parents or why 12-14 year olds are allowed to be having sex with 30-40 year olds? Why are Scientolgy funds being used to buy Tom Cruise redecorated airplane hangers and tripped out cars? I do truly worry and wonder what harm will come to any of those who were on this show, especially Leah and Mike and their families. Since they hire these nut jobs to fair game people, you have to figure one of them will go too far one day. I pray that all of you and yours will be kept safe because you are truly doing good deeds.
The A&E show was great. I hope A&E will consider doing another season.
I greatly admire Ms. Remini and Mr. Rinder for what they are doing. It is obvious that doing this show is not easy, and every single person involved will be extremely and maliciously harassed.
Also glad that former Scientologists are speaking out, and that the show gives them a platform where their stories can be told.
Wow…the final episode is incredibly hard hitting. I can’t help but hear in the background of my memory, Hubbard’s complaints about women, and how we’re not to be trusted with the state or future of humanity.
These same complaints have been heard throughout history from various cult leaders. The reason has always been clear to me, but is now especially clear after watching Leah Remini in action…….
When you get a woman of substance and power like Leah, broadcasting her revelations on loudspeaker without fear about abuses of power and petty tyrants, all the petty claims to power by petty men come down like cheap scaffolding in a windstorm.
No man in this entire show has lost any stature or power by being in the presence of Leah Remini (OK there’s David Miscavige – there’s that.)
She is their champion, their friend, their ally, their equal. I can’t remember a time when this was more clearly and powerfully demonstrated in modern media times, than it has been on this program.
Things I found highly effective about the series from a psychological viewpoint:
-Leah reading the Church’s letters at the beginning of the show.
-Leah’s emotional responses to what she hears in the moment as she hears them, as well as her authentic visceral reactions (even when she drops an Fbomb!)
-Mike’s explanation of the logic behind the Church’s reactions
-First hand victim reports of their experiences.
The most effective parts that had the greatest impact are the emotional responses of those who endured the pain of isolation, shunning, and vindictive actions against them by the Church. These further validate the authenticity of the experiences to the viewer. As a clinician, I look for these emotional reactions to identify where they are in their healing process, as well as how authentic the experience was for them, (although those who do not show emotion are not necessarily less believable. They may actually be more severely traumatized by the experience.)
For the future, it is helpful to give more definitions of the terminology, and perhaps expert explanations of what is being seen. I highly recommend interviewing Joe Navarro for his experience in working with cults and how they operate, as well as those who work with deprogramming from brainwashing. Forensic psychologists as well as those who work with PTSD might reassure those watching the series who identify in some small way with the feelings of the victim to take small steps to get help. For example, the Sea Org method of isolating and indoctrinating can result in severe PTSD and the person may not recognize it in the moment, but experts can explain how it is effective for cult leaders to use these methods and how to identify it in other forms. (Those who have endured child abuse often experience similar feelings of guilt and shame.) In doing this, you may reach even more people or better yet, help people avoid being caught in the web of Scientology and other cults.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Mike, I’m a LONG TIME fan of yours. I realize that you are sensitive about stepping on toes in certain circumstances, but I wont at this point if you might comment about Marty Rathbun’s turn around.
Your early days videos with him while fishing and laughing at old Scientology stories.. and seeing all those squirrel buster video’s from his front porch, it strikes me a beyond strange that he went quiet.
Can you comment.. or will you comment?
Mike.. your honest words resonate, you ARE leading an admirable cause.
Be careful.. desperate people do desperate things.. but don’t give up the fight.
I think that Mike’s silence is admirable. It shows me that he’s a true friend and respects his friend’s confidentiality. If Marty wanted people to know what’s going on, I’m sure he would use his own blog to communicate. But putting Mike in the middle isn’t necessarily fair to him. I can only begin to imagine the toll this fight has taken on Mike, Marty and all other former Sea Org members. I can’t blame Marty for just wanting peace for himself and his family. The guy’s been through a lot of backlash and criticism from all sides of this battle.
Thanks Mike, The show was great! I couldn’t imagine how hard it is to not only put this thing together but also to hear all the stories. I have been totally hooked on so many of the stories that have been told about the workings and history of this subject. Truly amazingly fascinating and heartbreaking. It boggles my mind that it is even a thing. The bravery is astounding. I loved the series and had some thoughts, just from my perspective. It is the same things I think about when I watch any of the documentaries that come out. I’m always left wanting to hear and see more. I don’t know how possible it would be to give more info into the inner workings of the church itself. Your series, which very importantly went into depth about the disconnection and how it effected these families (which is the most important story to tell). And even then I feel the surface was only scratched a little bit. Since reading many of the books i’d love to hear more on LRH (or his sons/wife etc experiences or going into DM’s takeover even more. Or even the daily life of someone in an org. Maybe even go into how some of this brainwashing actually happens. I have read a lot of about it but on most documentaries those things are sometimes over looked. I liked what Louis Theroux did in his documentary and showed some of the procedures (which are totally foreign to people who never went through Scientology). I think the first season was great and certainly told the stories that needed to be told. I guess for me, I always want to hear more, like what was Leah’s daily routine with the church, or what happened in meetings, or how about when the church stopped the movie ‘The Profit’ from being released. There are millions of stories I’d love to hear. Sorry, rambling now. Either way- A truly amazing series you all put on. Thanks.
Thank you very much.
PLEASE DONT BE DONE. May you both be blessed. Your guts are helping so many, me too not in Scientology but still I was helped with something else. Good on you and Leah.
Mike, great job with the show. I didn’t see all of the episodes. A moment that stood out: Aaron Smith Levin was talking about his scientologist neighbor who was fond of his dog. When she had to disconnect with Aaron, now a declared a Suppressive Person, she was prepared to cut ties with him and his kids but not the dog since it wouldn’t understand. I can empathize with her since I was once that far into it. I also appreciated how Aaron could both express his pain and see the humor in his situation.
Good journalism doesn’t tell you what to think it just tells the story and lets you decide. You did some great story telling.
Mike, you and Leah and all the others who’ve participated in this show are such a blessing to all by exposing this “cult” (not any church I’ve ever known) to the world. By doing this you will have saved some from joining and give courage to others to leave. The stories you all have shared broke my heart, however seeing how happy you all are after leaving is a true blessing. I pray it happens for ALL of Scientology’s members. I pray you and Leah will have another season to expose this prison of evil. I’m Lutheran and never knew what Scientology was or believed and was glued to the series. It woke me up to the evil it truly is – Destroying families, taking all their money, holding them prisoners and beating them, making them have abortions, spying on them and trying to destroy them if they leave – and who knows what else they do! This is definitely NOT A CHURCH. Praise God for all of you!
Dear Mike, Leah and EVERYONE else who had anything to do with this series,
You did this the right way and it’s making a difference in many lives. Just reading what everyone thinks on this blog is helping me more than I can say. So thank you to all responders as well.
I want to see another season like everyone else. Pretty sure you’ll get another one.
Loved the last line of the series with Leah saying “I have to pee” was so funny.
Where can I find the first AMA? I seemed to have missed it. Great work by you and Leah and everyone involved. Hope to see much more come out to expose them for what they really are. Thank you for all you do!
I agree and hope you bring an end to this corrupt and abusive organization. I seriously question the truthfulness of the documents submitted to the IRS that ultimately granted this entity tax exempt status. What is the criteria for being recognized as a “church”? Or maybe the people involved in the decision should be investigated. Undercover Scientologists? I just cannot see any resemblance to any other religion or church on this planet.
Thanks to all of you
And thanks to you for being here!
My kids and I recently read Jenna Miscavige’s book and were amazed by her stories as a young girl at “the ranch”. It sounds as if they basically raised themselves while required to complete full days of hard physical labor and minimal guidance. And no schooling at any level for regular things like geometry, biology, literature, economics, etc. So curious to learn more if that opportunity presents itself (like in a Season 2 on A&E!)
I remember reading a review in The Hollywood Reporter before the first show aired, with their thinking it was good but wouldn’t really appeal to other than a small niche of people after the first episode. Boy, were they wrong. I wondered if they could possibly cover new ground; they did. I wondered if this would be compelling to people who have not been otherwise exposed to it; it was. The show brought me to tears in every episode. And Steve Hassan — wow. He really surprised me. (Time to buy one of his books, too!) This show has so exceeded my expectations, and it made me fall in love with Leah all over again. And you, Mike — you’re so real, warm, well-spoken and kind — and a survivor. It’s saddens me greatly that your family has no idea what they’re missing. I long for the day when I hear you’ve managed to reconcile with them. Keep up the good work. I hope there’s a Season 2.
Thank you, thank you for helping us understand and learn to help others who have been victimized in this way. Your contribution is immeasurable. You have inspired me to work harder.
John, the only suckers they can get are those who don’t know how to use Google. There are no new people coming in. More and more now, it’s just old timers redoing purif, Student Hat & the RRD……..for the third or fourth or fifth time. Seriously! It really sucks being Scientologists.
Thanks Mike. I like Leah and have enjoyed her previously in King of Queens. She is the celebrity to the public, but to me, even though she is the spearhead of this show currently running, or ran, to me you are the celebrity.
I was a former Sea Org member for a decade and a public Scientologist for 2 other decades. I sincerely appreciate both Leah and you, but I have a ton of regard, respect and admiration for you, what you have done and what you are doing.
I only spent a month or two at the Int Base back in 1985. Back then, I had never heard of David Miscavige. I was part of the Int Finance Office. It was my senior, who later blew, who told me about dm and that he was very highly regarded. He was someone you did not want to cross.
The three times I was face-to-face with dm, he was very sociable, very nice to me and gracious. Of course, I was a low-level Sea Org member and he was COB then, but a couple of those times, it was he and I, no entourage — of course it was in the bowels of the Sandcastle.
I suspect that the likes of Debbie Cook, Pat Broeker, Ronnie & Bittie Miscavige, etc. have signed some legal agreement in exchange for big bucks (which I assume are ongoing) in which they have agreed not to talk about what they know about dm.
I do not fully comprehend what would happen to them if they violated the terms of their agreement but I imagine it would be gruesome. Nonetheless, I would love it if they would talk.
I cannot believe that I am the only one who will ask you this question. Where is Marty Rathbun?
When I first discovered (in early 2008) that dm had highjacked Scn, Marty Rathbun was the spearhead on the internet. It was his blog that I read online every morning.
When he backed off, I saw that you took over that piece. But it keeps popping up in my head — where is Marty Rathbun in the fantastic series that Leah and Mike Rinder are doing?
From the little I know, I suspect that Marty knows more about dm then even you do. It seems like such a big omission.
Marty and Monique got harrased, intimidated and even terrorized (Monique) in every way scn could muster. I beleive he will in some way be tracked by scn for the rest of his life. I hope he remains out of the fray. He already did enough.
Chris, you wouldn’t be the Chris from Miami org, would ya? Deena Bruno
Ps…I have written everyone I could think of including the Human Rights organization. Just wondering if you and Leah could reach out to other people who are out in other nations, could you possibly approach the United Nations?
Yes, good idea, since Scientology claims that it works with the UN on its Declaration of Human Rights program. I have perused the UN website and I find no validation for these claims .
I personally knew a governmental employee who was seeding the UN with Scientology safe pointing. This was decades ago which leads me to conceive that more than one mole would be helping to meke the UN politically friendly towards Scientology. In fact it makes me recall that I never received a response from my information and warning letter to them a few years back.
I was impressed by both attorney, an former cult member. Mt. Lawrence, writer and film maker, after I saw his film last year, added to information I was seeking.
Mr. Rathbone was the one who started me down this road with his books, then blog, (earlier ones). Then I started reading everything.
Why? Because for no reason at all this group, (cough, cough), started sending me letters, pamphlets, an other stuff and I don’t know why. This started in Michigan and then has followed me when I moved. Needless to say, my file 13 overflowed.
I read Dianetics years ago in college, back in the 60s an wow, scifi in a different format. Still have that one an only book, an one is more than enough.
Thankfully my therapy came on the back of my horse so there my reactive mind goes free an i am at peace an one with the horse and the nature I ride through.
Sorry to all those poor people who keep sending me stuff telling me to read this, do that, come here, go there, I’d rather spend my money on my 4 legged therapist who does not have a degree, but doesn’t need one.
Better an oat burner than an OT burner.
The series has been excellent…enjoyed every bit of it…season 2 would be great…the series of Escaping polygamy is like in season 4…so maybe add Escaping CoS? It’s weird to read references by Hubbard to Oak Island & hidden treasure….it’s a series too!
Great job! God is smiling on all of you!
This was by far the best episode of the series!!! Thank you so much for the work that you are doing! Thank you for directly answering questions about the racial makeup of the church and about it’s views on homosexuality.
I realized this morning that the one thing I love about this show…no raised voices. No agression. No interruption of questions and comments. COMPLETE attention on the trust and truth of the people you interview. And the absolute EMPATHY and SYMPATHY of you and Leah. Great job Mike and Leah and the panel of men that were on last night. Cheers and love to you all.
The thing I liked the most about Aftermath is that it humanized the people who are currently in Scientology. Through the eyes of you and Leah we see them as the true victims of the cult. They are not the enemy. We should never confront them on the street or hurl verbal attacks at them. That just adds more pain to their lives. Instead they need to know that when it is time for them to escape their physical and mental prison, that there will be a world outside full of people that will love and support them.
Glad that came through. It was important to us.
Quite eye opening, thank you for the personal risks you’ve taken and the accuracy of your show. I am completely fascinated by these stories, never knew of these abuses and the constant pounding for money. A few questions: Does little Davy have kids? How does he get around so secretively; does no one see him coming and going? What do you think his reaction is to the facts currently presented? What do you suspect his actions are presently to protect himself?
Mike, you present the information so eloquently, come across so intelligent and well spoken. How did you receive the education to be so when you spent so many years in the cult?
It definitely came through loud and clear Mike. And the moment in the previous episode when each face flashed up on the screen brought a lump to my throat.
If your ultimate goal is to wake as many up from the mind-control as possible, then shouting current members down or confronting them in any kind of aggressive manner is just the wrong tactic in the first place….. as it only serves to reinforce what they’ve been fed about the “big bad world” that needs Scientology’s saving grace.
I’ve long believed current members should be shown kindness and decency from non-Scientologists. Maybe enough positive interactions can begin to pierce the veil, if the Scientologist begins to contrast those with his/her church connections.
A beautiful reminder for all of us, thank you.
Yes, even my dentist commented on this. She said she and her husband watched the whole series and understand so much more about the church, why people got it, stay in and how not dumb these people are. She said before the series they thought of scientologists as just “those people over there that are kinda quirky.”
Since the show began, I’ve noticed a huge change in attitude on social media and entertainment sites. Before, any stories about Scientology had pretty brutal reader comments, dismissing members as crazy or stupid or gullible. Now the comments are much more sympathetic, with people referencing the abuses and understanding that very nice people are being harmed. And so much support out there for Leah and Mike!
I want to piggyback on what Mark wrote about Scientologists still stuck in the cult. I am also so glad current members are not vilified. Yes, there is outrage over disconnections, but I appreciate discussing those still in with compassion and empathy.
Dear Leah and Mike, I for one am still going through convolutions in my life after spending 45years as a Scientologist. Its actually hard for me to watch your show on A&E as I’m sure its even harder for you to do the show.
Yes I cry with you and your guests.
I would love a show that would interview Pat Broeker . I was at the death event and want Pat’s view point of what actually went down on the take over by DLHDM.
A note to Pat: Your overts are never as bad as sp’s consider. In fact I would never judge you period. Your life and indoc. in Scientology and your hope for a better world and how that hope got shattered is important to me and needs to be shared.
All you would have to do is just send an e-mail to Mike and I’m sure he would help you in whatever way necessary to assist you in making this possible.
Thank you both so much for your efforts, it takes courage and strength to be a whistleblower, especially when you are healing from your own wounds inflicted by such a toxic organization.
Please remember there is strength in numbers, and that already you have an exponentially bigger audience of viewers and supporters than the entire Co$ membership. If you need online petitions signed by the public, demanding formal investigation or backing specific legal actions, please do not hesitate to ask. They are easy to sign and have great weight with anyone elected like legislators or the judicial system. Let us know when you need us to have your back.
Any “church” or religious organization, or its representatives, that commit what would be considered individual sins amongst its members – or criminal acts in the larger society they operate in – deserves to be exposed and prosecuted so those who suffered at its hands can receive justice. People can use a belief system to re-write their own reality, but they cannot impose it on others for personal profit and certainly cannot aggressively harass and persecute the public the way they have done. That is a violation of all our civil rights. That’s not religion, it’s terrorism.
Big hugs to you both, and keep speaking truth to power. You are being heard.
God I cry every time I watch this show!!!!! Mike, I have to say that in this episode, you looked very tired emotionally, which, considering everything you have done and heard, is completely understandable and normal. I hope that you are taking the time now to take care of yourself and fill yourself back up again because it’s the only way to survive and keep going when we are exposed to such horrible stories on a day to day basis!!! Same thing for Leah – if you read this, make sure that you check out what Vicarious Trauma (or secondary trauma) is and how to prevent it. When you are exposed to traumatic stories from others, you can yourself experience some symptoms of trauma. And since you are like me and “can’t let things go”, you’re in it for the long haul! We have to look out for each other. I will continue to inform myself, and participate in which ever way I can in making scientology’s grasp loosen in the world. And I send you all my love, compassion and energy.
Wouldn’t we be remiss if we didn’t recognize and thank Tommy Davis for all he’s done to expose the horror that is $cientology? Thanks Tommy. We couldn’t have done it without you. I’m sure Mommy is so proud.
“For you to say something so bigoted…Right here, right now…I’m so angry…real angry…”
I have no idea why I am drawn to all of your stories. I find you all to be brave and remarkable human beings. I am truly touched by your stories of resilience. From my perspective, this is what I think you guys are achieving with this show and your other endeavors. Firstly, you are making the abuses and contradictions of this organization known preventing others from getting involved. And secondly and probably the most important, is creating a supportive community of those who have left or thinking of leaving the ‘church’, and even connecting them with outsiders and other survivors/victims for support. It’s these connections that will help you all heal from the abuses you have suffered.
Mr. Rinder, you asked for suggestions we may have for possible future shows. I have to agree there can be discussion on the different programs that are run by scientology to prevent people from getting involved or making an informed decision as to what they are getting themselves into.
Thank you for all you do. I wish you nothing but love and success.
Jen Smith
Justice Department: Ok good news guys. I just met with the head of the Mafia. He has reassured me that any wrong doing that has occurred in the past within their organization has been traced directly to a rogue unit that leadership had absolutely no knowledge of. Good….that problem is solved, what’s next?
Good Morning!
Just out of curiosity is there a way you could list what kind of assets DM possibly has at his beck and call?
We know he has a private jet. What sort of luxuries are at his disposal? Limos, cars, motorcycles, villas mansions custom tailored suits (a man who is 5’1 would be shopping in the boys department at Macy’s I think) Anyway it doesn’t have to be accurate but I’m just curious to see what he has and what the value is of each item — an educated guess is all you can do I’m sure since you could not be exact. When I see it I’ll think of the people in Sea Org eating slop.
what a fantastic episode! aside from the actual content, i was struck – once again – by how well-put together the show is. it’s just the right amount of coverage to each point, everyone gets time to explain themselves, and it’s packed with content (so much so, that i get something new with multiple viewings.) i LOVE that they don’t use stupid cliff-hanger teasers before each commercial, or that lame-ass tactic of starting up after the break by repeating what we just saw 2 seconds ago. i also love that the commercials about upcoming episodes didn’t give away the best parts. on top of all that, the organization of the overwhelming amount of subject matter was handled really well, in my opinion. everything was laid out in a logical way with perfect segues from point to point. it could have been so easy to get lost in a million different rabbit holes, but this was so cleanly done – brilliant!
ideas for next topics: yes, the children! also the mind-control factors, the front groups, the stories of those who were lost (e.g. lisa mcpherson, and others lost due to suicide or from being deprived of medical care.)
can’t wait to learn what’s in the works that you guys couldn’t talk about, but i know it’s going to be stunning.
blessings to all whose lives were affected by this despicable organization, and double to those who are putting their necks on the line to escape, move on, and/or help others into the daylight. ♥
Thank you for doing this blog today. Every day I look forward to your writings and reading what follows.
You man are a hero. Leah is determined. Just hurting really bad right now.
We all bow to you and Leah nd to the guests that you’ve had on the show.
It’s not a question of season 2.
…’s a statement of looking forward to more being able to Come out because of it
All the very best
From a supported not in.
Hi Mike and Leah! Thank you for having the tremendous amount of courage to fight for your human fellows. I have to say that thank God we are in the Communication Aera hence, we are not going to allow another crusade nor any type of Inquisition to take place in our life time.
If Joan of Arc was the brave woman that fought for the freedom of her beloved French people, then Leah Remini is the Joan of Arc of our era, trying to free her human race from the mind crotrol games that David Miscavige ( Like a true born psychopath that he apparently is) has been torturing people with and you Mike, I see you a King David fighting (Scientology Organization), Goliath
I am one more person added to all of your followers, in this process of removing the power from the hands of mentally sick people; in this case David Miscavige obviously Represents a big danger to the safety of our communities and human race in general.
There should be enough evidence for a judge to order Mr. David Miscavige to be evaluated by very qualified psychologists and psychiatrists, taking in consideration that these aren’t cases of religious matter, but cases of horrible abuse of power followed by physical emotional and mental abuse with removal of all human rights that innocent people are put through in a very fraudulent way, that has ended the lives of people. (making the innocent one believe they will be fighting to remove the evil and savage from all men kind).
Please Mr. Miscavige you are only one letter away from belonging to the most savage jungle that has ever existed on this planet and if you don’t understand what I am trying to tell you, look for the meaning of the word SAVAGE and then understand that to make the world a better place, you should start with yourself (like Michael Jackson’s song Man In The Mirror), abolishing any desire to feed your ego and increasing the desire for giving to others, without exception of any kind, promoting forgiveness and unity among friends and family members.
After practicing for enough time, the painful process of the selfless actions in your daily life (by that I mean giving up the fake sense of power you have, returning the money you have taken from people, paying the taxes you own, also by asking yourself to forgive your selfish self and then asking your community to forgive you, treating people and Mother Nature with respect and kindness, sharing with others what you have, for example: if after spending 2 or more days without anything to eat, someone kindly gives you a sandwich and as you walk really fast to find a place to seat down and it, suddenly you spot another homeless man with 2 or more children with him, looking very hungry, you should thank the Lord He has given you the opportunity to be a real spiritual teacher to yourself and cut the sandwich in enough pieces to feed that family. I promise you it will be very painful but very rewarding to see the happy smile on that family’s face)
After a sense of selflessness has become second nature within yourself, then you teach 2 or 3 more people for free and tell then they should each teach a small group, for free and so on. What you have been practicing and promoting is demonstration of big ego that only serves as an Antichrist, anti-Buddha, anti-Lao tzu, anti-Vedic teachings and anti all Divine spiritual teachings.
We come to this world to teach ourselves and bring ourselves to a Christ consciousness first, if someone wants to be like us then we teach them as they ask.
Please take a look at what Daniel Amen says in a YouTube video titled “The Most Important Lesson From 83,000 brain scans”, by TEDx Talks. It is very important to have David M. evaluated and treated for those traits that are so similar to the Narcissistic Personality Disorder traits.
Aimee Lemoine
Thank you, Mike. And Leah, obvs. And everyone who has worked on and contributed to the series. It’s been super emotional and inspiring, and I’m so happy and thankful for all that you’ve done and continue to do to help put an end to this organisation’s abuses.
I often think that understanding scientology, its appeal to the ego, its trickery, the power of the group/organisation, the effects of conditioning, propaganda, the use of fear, faith, reward/punishment, et al., allows a person to understand ISIS and other fundamentalist Islamic groups better, and why seemingly “decent”, “normal” people decide to join them. Islam seems to be the number one global religious issue of our time and perhaps discussions around this point, making comparisons when and where necessary, could widen the appeal of any future show/series as well as serve to emphasise how dangerous people can become if such practices are allowed to continue unabated.
Thanks for the very illuminating show you and Leah have put together. Mind-blowing to say the least! I was wondering whether most Scientologists who leave/escape find a new religion or if they’re turned off to religion in general and seek solace in the numinous sphere in some other way.
I would love to see Leah come to Clearwater and lead a demonstration against Scientology. After making the rounds of the local media outlets for a few days first of course. She could draw a lot of people to such an event. Scientology management, esp. DM, would be furious It would also make some juicy film moments I bet.
An extremely moving and heart wrenching final Season 1 episode… see Leah break down in tears because she could not believe the amount of support and love she, Mike & everyone else is getting was just such an honest and open reaction.
To hear Debi Cook’s “punishment”, was sickening. Only someone with a perverse soul could come up with something like that, it is akin to “water boarding”, along with the floor cleaning…disgusting.
The only thing I haven’t fully understood is when everyone signs there billion year contract and then moves UP to “Sea Org”….just WHERE in the contract does it say that you agree to allow CO$ to hold you hostage in the “hole” for an undetermined amount of time, or that they can have staff chase after you should you escape & then return you to CO$ AGAINST your will as if you were a convicted dangerous prisoner.
To think that even Ron M and his wife had to escape his own son’s clutches is mind boggling….I understand the “church and state thing”, but any of the aforementioned seems more like Human Rights’ Violations.
I would imagine that the “elite” (celebs)aren’t permitted to watch “Aftermath”, so they remain in the dark…unless someone has gone secretly against CO$….they will remain within.
I can only say thank you to Leah, Mike, and all those who were featured in the documentaries for stepping forward with their stories. PLEASE know that we love and support you and deeply appreciate your courage and honestly.
Sadly, for those who chose to remain within the confines of CO$……I can only say that “Sometimes you can’t save someone who does NOT want to be saved….you can only save yourself”……God Bless.
if you google ‘scientology contracts’ you’ll find a lot of info. here are two links to some articles Tony Ortega published with the help of his sources:
Thank you Chris… appreciate that. My thoughts are with everyone who has been victimized by any of this… to all!
It took me some time to read through all the “contracts”….no doubt they are simply placed before an individual who might, like some other contracts that are placed in front of us, NOT fully read them or understand them.
The “kidnap contract”….the reason for the Hole no doubt, and the rundown as well, as the old saying goes “How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm”……no other way to keep them in the group unless “escapees” are hunted down and brought back to “serve time”….
Light has been shed on the issues…..Contracts are made to be broken. Sadly if the “church” has to go to the extent it does to bad mouth former members…that gives the Church a “Black Eye”….using personal information against the member…NOT nice!
Series way surpassed my expectations.
Someone earlier in the thread suggested applied scolastics narconon and wise.
Like kids that went to Delphi and then readjusted to real life on university would be interesting.
In all fairness some positive things about Delphi should be mentioned too.
2.Narconon.the lies the scammy purif,the deaths,the fraud to shovel money uplines.
3.Wise particulary sterling.the bankrupties itcaused,the broken marriages.People fied because they had to attend cult classes.
Hoping for a second season
Since you mentioned Isaac Hayes in the piece, when and if you do a Season 2, I’d like to see an episode on celebrities like Leah who left or decided to distance themselves away from the church and how those celebs in the church are still in there and what we can do to ask them to get out (if they can). That would be really interesting for me.
Agreed..that’s a great idea! Hoping for a Season 2….loved the series. Have watched each episode more than once.
Thank you Mike and Leah! Bless you both.
My heart is still pounding. A sure sign for me that MOST of my triggers have been triggered.
THIS episode, especially Steve Hassan, switched a few lights on.
1) How he described cults – ALL cults – was riveting.
2) How in his work as a therapist he knows that every human being, even a “born-in” has a personality that
is good and can be found and nurtured
I remembered something I had forgotten from the very early days at Celebrity Centre on 8th Street – circa 1972-73
Yvonne Gillham-Jentzsch with her then husband, Heber were entertaining the head of the local Moonies organization in an effort to show how maligned ALL alt-religions were. And to gather to scientology allies.
Yvonne had a special dining room in the basement of the house we all lived in — where “celebrities” and political/police/VIPS would dine. Needless to say it was rather primitive.
My heart broke for Yvonne who I knew very well. My former husband, at the time, was her personal public relations officer and they were literally best friends. He would go around the country and to Mexico and Canada with her, starting celebrity centers, going on radio. Doing events together.
The stories are classic and nearly endless.
What I realized is that Yvonne gave her LIFE as did my former husband – UTTERLY and completely under the spell of this cult. I had never REALLY viewed Yvonne ALSO as a victim.
And they both died – loyal to Hubbard. They both lost their families, for years at a time.
I feel as if I’m going to throw up. Seriously. The emotional, neurological and LIFE damage done by Hubbard is sometimes more than I can take.
I’ve often said that BY MISTAKE – scientology saved my life.
1) I found myself living in the neighborhood of Celebrity Center. My choices were: drug addicts or
Scientologists. I chose scientology
2) Some time later I was able to join the Sea Org. GREAT. Now I could do something valuable with my
life, as I had quit University after 2 years and could make my family (who were horrified that I had quit
school and became a hippie)
And the story goes and goes.
It’s taken me years and years and years to stop having heart-stopping nightmares. And to continue to
not give up on myself and others. Not ALL my problems came as a result of scientology — I got into scientology with a suitcase of baggage.
One thing I recently told a dear friend of mine — one of the GREATEST SINS IMHO of scientology is that
it is HUMAN to fail, human to fear, human to make some really really bad choices and do things we aren’t proud of — BUT scientology promises that THE NEXT STEP will make you whole/perfect/good. OF COURSE it never does. Because it is fake. Anything the works comes from other sources. NOT Hubbard.
SO thank you Mike and Leah and those who came on your show.
“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”
(Leonard Cohen)
The two of you have CERTAINLY created a CRACK — more like a teutonic plate shift!! Bravo.
With love,
Thank you for sharing that Windhorse. I think I just got you. We all have such stories to tell.
I know I don’t know you but I just want to say I love you ?.
Mike please keep up your efforts to bring these heinous people to justice. You and Leah are to be commended for all you have done to bring these subjects to light.
Hi Mike,
I haven’t watched the last episode yet but I have it recorded and ready for tonight. In the meantime I have a suggestion, which may have already been suggested.
I have seen reports that the A & E people who are producing these shows are now being harassed (fair gamed) by the C of S. It should be suggested to them by you or anyone, that they should fully document every fair-game move that the C of S is making on these A & E personnel, with video, and fully expose it on its own TV show (or shows, plural).
This would be a great way to continue to expose the C of S’s abuses. The fact that you just had a series of hard-hitting shows exposing their abuses, and now they are abusing the people who are producing these shows, so you have a show, or shows, documenting this very thing. Imagine how much more impact that would have on more people.
Last night’s show was a banquet of delights and having Debbie Cook’s story revealed to the millions, a story that grows in relevance with the telling, was especially tasty. My favorite though was the bit about poor old Tommy Davis.
Well, maybe Hubbard’s military records were “sheep dipped” to cover for his top secret 007 ‘classified’ missions but the forensics on the materials supplied by the church revealing fraud and forgeries, don’t make good back-up for that argument. Particularly embarrassing are the FAKE medals!
As Tommy said, if Ron lied about his service then scientology and dianetics are based on lies. I don’t expect him to EVER be available for comment.
I am so very impressed with the work that you, Leah and your team are accomplishing. It breaks my heart listening to the families that have been devasted by Scientology. You guys are doing an amazing job at opening our eyes to what goes on in this cult, especially for those of us that started out not knowing anything about Scientology. I sincerely hope that law enforcement and the government get more involved and stop sweeping this evil under the rug. Thank you for doing this! You are very appreciated and your kindness does not go unnoticed.
Mike, you look exhausted. I can only hope you and your family can get some peace before you are hurt any worse. I hope you are getting professional help, and doing some major self-care. I applaud yours and Leah’s work, but I worry about you both. Thank you for letting us all in on “the secret” of Scientology.
That is more a reflection of flying/red eyes/last minute arrangements and hectic shooting schedule. A couple of nights of sleep and all is well.
Actually, you looked fine to me. Sharp as a tack.
Good to hear! But still, make sure you get frequent rest.
What beautiful, loving amazing people!…….. eh Mike?
U.S. Government: OK guys we all know that $cientology is responsible for the largest infiltration of government agencies in our history. Right? OK so we’re all agreed they deserve tax exempt status. Good, what’s next on the agenda?
Last night’s show was an amazing finish to the series. Each of the speakers could have carried their own episode, I’m sure they each have many stories they could tell. Debbie Cook clips-wow.
Mike, Thank you for doing this series. It was so well done. Last night’s was the perfect finale. I loved the three guest speakers you had. I wish I could have heard more from Ray Jefferies. Keep fighting. This gives us all hope. Leah is such an avenging angel to do this series which is taking its toll on her too. I do think the A&E execs should film and document each Fair Game thing that happens to them, and they should check to see if there is a Black PR pack out on them or the show too and include that. But Thank You so much and we are all so proud of you, Mike and Leah!
Hey OSA, your boss will spend millions trying to keep his ass out of jail. Do you actually think he gives a damn about you guys? My advice is run NOW.
Mike thank you so much for your beautiful heart and for having the strength to fight after so much damage Scientology has done to you. I was a Sea Org member while I was leaving in Spain, good thing they let me go easy. I really feel for those Sea Org members that are getting punish at the moment because they were not able to stop the airing of Leah’s show.
What a GREAT final episode! I don’t know who’s idea it was to end with three men who are well-respected in their fields but it was brilliant. (So happy Debbie Cook and snippets of her testimony were added. Now THERE’s a woman who deserves a lot of thanks but has to stay mum now. Debbie, we love and appreciate you out here so much for waking people up.)
I was enlightened further with what each of them had to say and I was very moved when Hassan got emotional about the harassment and torment he went through with the church of scientology.
I was also deeply moved when Leah showed how touched she is about her audience and the kindnesses of others. It touched in me that place that is waking up to the surprise of the wonderful people who live in the world at large.
Lastly, I loved the ending quote by Robert Kennedy. I have never had the degree of hope I have had since this series started airing that something is going to be done about the abuses inflicted by the church of scientology.
It’s nice to have hope again.
Very well stated McCarran, I could not agree with you more. As far as Debbie Cook and Tony Ortega, they are at the top of my HEROES LIST (along with Mike Rinder and RB). There is so much exhilaration about what’s happening now to and in the Cherch that I am about to burst.
During the 5 decades spent inside this cult, I was swindled of several hundred thousands US $ out of my bank acc… many thousands of ours out of my life… Long Tons of sweat and tears… and not to forget… and worst of all… my whole family!!!
Must say though that I did get one “IAS FOUNDING PATRON” card.
Boy, do I regret all that.
But NOW the future looks GREAT!!!
For those unfamiliar with Debbie´s letter, here is the link:
ML to all involved in this site!
Me too, Mary! When Steven started crying, I started crying. Very emotional episode for me.
And what an AWESOME series it was, Mike! Everyone that has participated on the show , my hat off to you! Thank You Mike & Leah! All I can say is “More Please”!!!
Mike! I just watched last night’s show. I am still crying. You guys rock!! That poor man who stated for years he was so scared of you, must have cut deep. I applaud you, Sir!
This weekend, my friend and I are going under cover and taking a tour of our local Scientology church. I made an appointment and I’m telling you, they called me twice a day for a week to set it up.
I will report back what happens:)
You’re Good Man, Charlie Brown:)
Strength and support to all of you. You are doing an amazing job and I hope you do not quit or falter.
Here’s to you and Leah for a job well done. I’ve learned a lot and wish you continued success.
Please continue the show. I am very curious as to where Shelly Micavage is and are there other members who have disappeared? Many years ago my first husband at the book Dianetics and was starting to get real damn. When I read a few passages I thought it was crazy and 28 years later I was proved right. Thank you for all you guys have done to expose this
Mike what a wonderful testament you are to the the triumph of a person over such horrible adversity. What a beautiful person you have become since leaving Scientology. Thank you so much for all your hard work to bring forth this cult’s abuses of people both in and out of its clutches. Leah is so wonderful in her strength and passion for telling people’s stories and her own journey out has been inspirational. Keep up the good work both of you and stay strong, a second season will come.
Now about Islam and Scientology: I have reverted to Islam as a Sufi and it has been a great thing for me. I have finally found my peace and happiness in a faith. I can tell you as an ex-Scientologist that Farakhan has lost his mind. There is no way that the tech can mesh with the inner workings of Islam primarily because it blames you for everything that happens in your life which undermines the purpose of Allah’s will in your life. Also the tenet of Zenu would completely go against the faith of creation and auditing would be a confession to someone other than Allah. The use of the tone scale goes against the basic tenets of even Sufi teaching and conflict with the law of self love found in the Qur’an. Just sayin”.
Keep up the good work and may you and Leah both be blessed for this work against this evil cult. Love to you both.
Michele Kalis, Farrakhan is leading the group called “Nation of Islam”, otherwise known as the “Black Muslims”, which is not a real Muslim group, but a racial separation and superiority movement, and is not recognized by groups following Islam. Please read a little about them here:
(Quote) “Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.” (endquote)
The N.O.I. is strongly anti-jewish and anti-gay and refers to white people as “blue-eyed devils”, in fact their whole theology is one of black superiority and separatism.
As far as the Scientology-NOI connection, in 2015 legal charges were filed against members of NOI including Hanan Islam for committing massive Medicare fraud incorporating Scientology’s Compton Narconon center. Tony Ortega wrote about it: and other articles.
Please don’t stop now and expose the many fronts they use like applied scholastics narconon colleges Delphi and all the new recruiting places and business that are out there. It seems like a dream that after decades I see on TV the things I’ve been saying and been put down for so much. We are victims. We didn’t “pull it” because of our crimes. Thank you for providing true healing for our violated minds.
Hoping and praying that y’all do a second season!!! Great work!! Although I have enjoyed some of Tom Cruise’s films I always thought that he was a bit flakey…now I know why.
Wonderful show. Great series. I hope there is more to come. It’s very important work you have all done. Congratulations!
One of the concerns I have had with those who want to tear apart the public school system and go to vouchers for private or ‘for profit’ schools is that cults of all sorts, Scientology included, would likely find a way to further scam money from the public, just as they have done with taxes.
Keep up the good work!
Fantastic series! I’ve been obsessed, disgusted and angry all at the same time. It’s a crime what is and has been going on behind closed doors.
Mike, when Steve Hassan spoke directly to you about how terrified he was of you, it disappointed me that you didn’t apologize to him. You spoke in the past how one of the reasons you are doing this was to make up for all the ‘wrong’ you’ve done to so many people. This was one of your opportunities to give back and sincerely say ‘sorry’ to this man as he was clearly broken up, but you just sat there and shook your head. You only responded to him as he praised you for opening up this cult, with ‘Thank you’ . I would of liked to hear or see some remorse.
Either way, I have been spreading the word to help in anyway I can to open people’s eyes to this travesty.
Keep going strong!
Unfortunately u can’t capture everything or include it all in the edit. Steve and I are good.
I’m glad to hear you and Steve are good now. Keep up the good work. Stay safe!
Mike is devoting a majority of his time righting wrongs. I have nothing but respect for him. We thought we were saving the world. Silly thetans.
Hey Dave, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Nancy my two cents on your comment; I was one of those people who at one time, hated Mike Rinder for the role he played. Believe me, every critical thought anyone had about Mike Rinder, I had too. I did my homework on the abuses perpetrated upon critics and exes by Mike and others. Here’s the thing. Unless you have been victimized by the cult, you might not appreciate what it’s like to be put in that position. And once you’ve been selected as a target for destruction by the very group you supported for so many years, you finally receive the gift of motivation and courage to debunk and verify all the BS you were fed for so long. Mike is the only former Int Exec with actual “face time” in front of thousands of Scientologists (on camera) to have left and speak out. There are others, like Amy and Tom and Matt and others but they were never introduced by David Miscavige ON STAGE repeatedly over the years. It’s not what a person does while in Scientology, it’s what they do about the problems in Scientology once they have had a chance to get de-programmed (unindoctrinated) It’s why Leah deserves the kudos because she like Mike are DOING something about it. Despite personal danger. Despite the cost of doing so. Its the reason I support him today. He woke up, he did his due diligence and now he’s taking steps to take responsibility in a manner that his prior position provides a unique opportunity for. Others have shrunk away or disappeared. Mike is standing in front of the cameras, the lights, and taking the heat. My only comment to those who would criticize him for “not making up the damage” (even while he IS making up the damage) is this….WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HELP?
And here is a tiny peek into Mike Rinder’s history of being forced or the undue influence, into the narcissistic mode of Scientology.
This post # 80 by Sheila on the Snow White redux thread on ESMB, well worth reading to see how even a compassionate person such a Mike can become so deeply enmeshed in a world which was foreign to him.
So glad you broke free of that Mike. Thank you
” Most SO members only had a short brush with people like Val Lisa. Mike Rinder had to deal with her insanity nearly every day, for years. Val thought of herself as his “mentor.” Eventually, Val Lisa’s scientological psychopathy and the isolated bubble of the world of the Sea Org and GO rubbed off on Mike Rinder, too, just as Val planned.
I’m not sure anyone under the thumb of Val Lisa and saturated with the PTS/SP tek of scn for that long would have done much differently than Mike Rinder. He was far better than many people I can imagine in his post. Mike Rinder sometimes approved cancellations of SP Declares without requiring A-E or Comm Evs or Boards of Review circuses. Cancellations of SP Declares only occurred for a short time period in the early 80s. Melanie (something) and Jergen Brock as CJCs assisted those cancellations, but Mike did as well. That may not sound like much, but under the circumstances, it was huge.
Back then, Mike Rinder was a man of few words and the occasional bark. He had a poker face and sometimes sneered. On his own, though, he could and would listen to logic. Unfortunately, he came to believe in squirrels and SPs as evil. Unlike Val, though, Mike would sometimes see when someone was incorrectly labeled and did not want the person to suffer. He was not psychotic, like Val, but he was influenced by her and others like her. Deep down, Mike retained some compassion, some sense of humanity and logic that could sometimes be reached, despite the GO persona. “
No idea who wrote this — I think they confuse me with someone else? I had little interaction with Val Lisa…
OK sorry Mike and readers. Sheila has discussed this with Janis Grady and Sheila admits it was not you who she was remembering of that time 37 or so years ago. She asked me to post a link to her discussing the sorting out of her error.
Still waiting for Rutube to put it up. Hey, Vladimir, get off your duff and put up the second Reddit AMA!
This last episode is a big red bow that ties together and sits squarely on the other episodes.
I am just amazed how this idea of doing 8 shows of people’s individual stories of abuse, figuring it out by the seat of their pants, unscripted, unrehearsed and not formatted came together and turned out the masterpiece that it did.
Thank you Leah for being a celebrity and doing the work to make that happen because you became a voice that would be listened to, coupled with your broad understanding of the church. Thank you Mike for your life’s journey that brought you to this place of expertise and consultation in helping this become a work that others of any cult-like mindset can observe and learn.
Perfectly stated McCarran…….every single person came across as what they are HUMAN….who thought they were involved in helping the planet become a better place. Sadly, like some things, if something sounds to good to be true….it probably isn’t true…a bitter lesson to learn..
The sad stories of being victimized by what one firmly and wholeheartedly believed in to most of us is incomprehensible. Yes, willingly being taken advantage of to benefit CO$….
To give so completely of oneself including all your financial assets, to discover down the road what you were working toward never really existed. Then upon leaving or escaping, to have your family “disconnect” from you, and to leave with little to no financial means of support, and if you do “blow” (escape) to be hunted down by a pack of “wolves” (staff) who seemingly will track you down to the ends of the Earth to “return you to the fold”, even against your will….what kind of religion DOES that?
So many courage former CO$ member and those on this blog who are making such lovely supportive comments…those still in hiding or in the healing process…know ONE thing….YOU are LOVED by ALL of us!
Keep shining the light on $cientology’s money laundering Fraud/ tax exempt 1993
501c3 via Miscavige in 1993/ IRS agreement kept secret between RTC & The ‘Church of Spiritual Technolog/ Corporate Scientology ‘Business Establishement/ TPP/ Worlwide/ WISE Charter Committee/ Watchdog Commitee/ Hubbard originally intented via Sea Org ‘ s CMO after Hubbard’s death in1986& prior to his death.
Ref DemocracyNow!.0rg
Amy Goodman
Glen Greenwald investigative Journalist.
News & Public Affairs block Community Conscious Radio/ PBS/ Pacifica/ WEDU
Fact check/ Tampa Bay Times Reports.
Thank you sooo much Mike & Leah for all your hard work exposing destructive cult !
Tonight’s addition of Ray Jeffrey, Lawrence Wright, and Steve Hassan added remarkable depth and accuracy to the honest portrait of this very dishonest organization which you and Leah have courageously assembled.
But public revulsion at Scientology’s fraud and abuse are not sufficient. It’s victims deserve real justice which requires that people like Pam Bondi, the Florida Attorney General, who have been compromised through financial benefits from Scientology will recuse themselves. Likewise, the LAPD and Clearwater Police have both been subjected to corruptive influences from Scientology.
When law enforcement agencies understand that Scientology acts more like the Cosa Nostra than a religious entity, only then will justice be possible.
Ii agree wholeheartedly.
Me too!
It is hard to say one show is better than the next because they are all so great, but this one for me was the icing on the cake! Each segment had jaw dropping moments. The questions asked and answered were spot on. I particularly was impressed with Lawrence Wrights astute question to Leah about how she has changed being in the real world. Her answer was very emotional and many of us have gone through the same experiences since leaving. Thank you to Leah, Mike and their guests and to A&E for having the balls to run this series!
Just finished watching the last episode here in the west coast.
Very emotional, heart breaking, very strong, very honest and truthful.
Kudos to Leah and Mike and everyone else involved. Amazing, fantastic, direct! Gave DM many sleepless nights, hopefully!
I sure hope it’s only the beginings and season 2 is coming. There is much more to reveal about this evil organization. Looking forward.
Tip of the hat with a bow to you.
This last show of the series was the most compelling.
I thought so too. Steve Hassan and Lawrence Wright come across as caring sincere individuals not the monsters that Miscavige portrays them as.
Agreed. And Steve Hassan’s comparison of the CoS to other cults and indicating it is far more vicious was a serious blow to it.
Momentum is something you can never really plan for but when it does arrive, ride it for all it’s worth, it has a relatively short lifespan. It’s your moment Mike… stick it to ’em where it counts, good luck buddy and may be the force be with you.
The link for this petition was on Leah’s twitter. I do not use twitter or Facebook so I copied and pasted the message below from my email.. I wanted to pass along for your blog.
I have not watched tonight’s episode yet, very anxious to view when I get home from work.
If for any reason you do not think it should be posted I will understand.
Thank you
I just signed the petition, “United States Supreme Court: Revoke Scientology’s Tax-Exempt Status.” I think this is important. Will you sign it too?
Here’s the link:
Th sentiment is good but you have to have a lawsuit to petition the USSC. That is how it works. Their job is to review application of the law through review of decisions made in lawsuits or criminal prosecutions. It’s pountless just sending them a “petition”. And BTW the last decision, never overturned, by the USSC is the Hernandez case that says monies paid to scientology are NOT deductible because they are NOT charitable donations but quid pro quo transactions.
Mike, I understand the Hernandez case ruling. Since that ruling hasn’t been overturned, that means that the IRS is denying, or should be denying, the deductions being taken by Scientology members on their tax returns. Do you know if that is what is happening?
No, the IRS is allowing deductions. They made an administrative decision that they would allow deductions to scientology 5012(c)3 entities. At the time of Hernandez there were no 501 recognized scientology organizations.
Their last decision has never been overturned? Hmm…that’s interesting….
Thanks for the clarification Mike. Sorry for clogging up your site.
I can tell you I have written to my Senators and did complete 13909 form after the second episode.
Last nights episode was gut wrenching, each episode had this affect for me.
I applaud your strength and hard work. You are amazing. I believe your comment to Leah, you will continue this commitment! With or without future A&E episodes. Bless you.
I have always loved Leah as an actor. Her heartfelt commitment and hard work on the series has given me a deep respect for her as a sweet , loving human being.
Thank you both for having the conviction to speak the truths.
Riveting stuff. I’m so sad for all the suffering and thank all for their courage in sharing their stories. Keep going; this is imporant work!
I’m a Never In who has been reading and watching everything I can get my hands on about many cults, particularly Scientology, so I already knew a lot of the stories and info featured on the show. That said, the way it was all presented was so compelling I found myself crying yet again over stories I thought were done affecting me that deeply. Friends of mine who have never understood this fascination or read or seen anything about Scientology beyond celeb gossip have also been watching and it’s amazing to watch them transform into people who care about this subject and the people who have been, currently are, or will be harmed. Thank you so much to you and Leah for getting this to a medium that’s much easier to get people to check out and for everything you are doing off-screen, looks like you got one heck of a partner for your mission here! Best wishes to you both.
Wow. Another excellent show. I couldn’t help but cry over how humiliated and degraded Debbie Cook must have felt in that court room. Having looked up to her for many years, the thought of her being treated the way she was, horrified me. It’s like a scene from a horror movie or something; so unreal and insane.
I told a close friend, whose son has been disconnected from her for years, that some 2 million people were watching this show and that with so many people watching, something HAS TO happen! And it will! It has to.
Hoping, like everyone else, for a season two! Y’all are awesome!
Hassan made more of an impact on me than I expected. I was impressed with the humanity of all the guests and came away humbled by the privilege of being a part of the moment. I do hope it continues. It feels as though a seismic shift has begun. I hope A&E feels the same way.
Thanks for sticking it out when it’s so rough. It feels like maybe there really is hope the voice in the wilderness is being heard.
What do you think the chances are that L. Ron Hubbard was still connected to the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence when he was starting this science fiction cult? Hearing the term “sheep dipping” on tonight’s episode made me think of that possibility. Other cults have had connections with U.S. intelligence agencies allegedly including Jim Jones’ Jonestown Temple, The Family, Moonies, etc. MK Ultra involved themselves in many brain washing techniques and activities throughout the years.
Investigative Journalist James Corbett has covered the concept of “Sheep Dipping” comprehensively in a story he did about Lee Harvey Oswald in 2013.
Jonestown history was covered in a documentary called “Evidence of Revision: Part 5” available on YouTube. –
Peace and Thanks for all you’ve done!!
“What do you think the chances are that L. Ron Hubbard was still connected to the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence when he was starting this science fiction cult?”
Slim to none. If the gov’t spy agencies were going to provide him with a fake war record, then they wouldn’t have screwed it up so badly by awarding him medals that either didn’t exist at all or that he would never have been in line to receive.
Behind all of Elron’s attempts to portray himself as an accomplished scholar and brave war hero lies a desperation to escape who he really was and what he’d failed to accomplish throughout his life thus far. His BIG lies didn’t start during this period and they certainly didn’t end after it. The one consistent theme that unites his entire personal biography is confabulation on a grand scale.
His post-war occult sex magick period and life at the “Parsonage” were too well-documented to be denied outright, so in order to white-wash his actions and re-frame his motives, a different story had to be made up. Too bad for Elron that he wasn’t more careful in making sure that the made-up tale was at least plausible.
With the recent in-depth airing of Hubbard’s two way dealings in policy on this site, it struck me that he never really expected to hit the big time like he did. His success unexpectedly overwhelmed him and the lies he let loose earlier in his “career” must have haunted him like a bad curse. He went way too far, far too quickly to ever have an opportunity to undo them and with his perceived threat & danger of loosing everything he had to live the charade. We now have the history of him as he really was openly displayed in the sunshine. I feel for the messengers, especially after reading Lois’s story having to put up with him. And in Scientologese, the missed withhold phenomena must have been horrendous, no wonder he screamed and intermittently went from happy to angry in an instant. Keeping himself insanely busy would have been his only respite. Being caught by the law wasn’t an option – all his lies would have been exposed for all to see & hear. And now Miscavige and his antics… what a fucked up mess the Scientology organisation is!
Crazy thing is, it didn’t have to be that way. Taking his own advice he insisted others follow may have been his best option.
I concur. Somewhere on the web carried forward a comment by some associate of early Hubbard who still young , that if all the personal stories in which he participated, just by their sheer volume, if true, had to mean Hubbard would have to been hundreds of years old to have lived them all.
Prevarication for sure. Truth can indeed be stranger than fiction, but Hubbard was awash in his own fiction, as has been iirc been well explained by S I hiyakawa ( sp) circa 1951.
Jack, I’ll respond to this since it is an area where I have some knowledge and interest. Basically, I see no plausible evidence that Hubbard ever had any real intelligence connections, though it’s possible to come up with a conspiracy theory for just about anything (see Barbara Schwarz).
Hubbard was only an “intelligence officer” in the Navy in the sense that even the smallest military unit has at least one or two members assigned to that functional area, doing routine things like censoring servicemembers’ mail and forwarding any captured documents during wartime. There is evidence that Hubbard was trained as a censor, which fits the general pattern that he seems to have been considered suitable for only the most mundane duties.
I think the reality-check on this was that if Hubbard really had any intelligence role, he would have been able to name people he worked with and someone would have come forward to corroborate it. His claims to have been wounded as part of the service “sanitized” out of his official military records, are also disproven by the accounts of several people who attended to him physically and medically, who have stated that they never saw any scars on his body.
Then there are the crazy letters that Hubbard sent to the FBI in the early 1950s claiming that communist agents and others were after him and even breaking into his apartment at night to kill him, which led the agency to conclude that he was a “mental case.” He was clearly the sort of “idiot-lunatic” (as another report puts it) that government agencies would want nothing to do with, and who had no direct contacts of his own inside the government to communicate to.
The letters are also interesting evidence that Hubbard was really unhinged during that early period, and quite possibly taking a lot of the sort of drugs like Benzedrine to which he referred at the time, and which his wife Sara said that he took. The FDA was certainly monitoring what he was doing at that time, and other government agencies looking into the use of drugs and brainwashing techniques would logically have wanted to keep an eye on what Hubbard (and his collaborators) was doing to see if it turned up anything of interest, but again direct contacts seem implausible.
That said, there is evidence that government intelligence agencies later paid attention to the possibility that Scientology could be developing psychic abilities that were useful like remote viewing. There were reports that the Russians were pursuing similar capabilities and it only would have made sense to investigate anything going on in this country which might have implications for national defense, though the research into those sorts of abilities never turned up anything provable or useful – which is in itself a realty check and another piece of evidence that Scientology can’t produce what it claims to. If anything ever had come of it, we would not for instance be seeing the government unable to locate most-wanted terrorist leaders.
Also, there is the interesting report that one of the people in remote viewing experiments connected to Scientology once accurately located a ship. I suspect that if that is actually true, it might be due to Scientology’s Operation Snow White infiltrators in the US government passing information that was used .
On a related note, if there are anomalies or gaps in Hubbard’s official military record it could be due to tampering by Scientology’s operatives. But it seems as if the records are largely if not entirely intact, and that infiltrators perhaps only succeeded in stealing old blank forms to create the fake records that Scientology now has.
And even if there had been “sheep dipping” of Hubbard’s records to hide some covert role, the copy of his papers given to him to use for his own civilian purposes such as showing to prospective employers, had it actually come from the government, should still match the one that was put in his file and is given out under public information requests. The copy that Scientology has, has also been shown to have numerous inconsistencies and impossibilities.
Many conspiracy theories fall apart due to similar incongruities, such as that on the one hand they assume that there are hyper-competent operators who can achieve feats like the “sanitizing” of government files,” but on the other hand effectively concede that the perpetrators of such elaborate schemes somehow allow other basic things like the consistency of documents to fall through the cracks.
Doesn’t the old evidentiary challenge that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs” apply to Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology, from beginning to end?
Good homework. Your logic plays out. It’s incredible what a lie and the accompanying charade will accomplish. The exact truth may be gone forever. If so, so be it. But lies indeed were told.
“The exact truth may be gone forever.”
Here’s what seems to be a more balanced examination of the myths and facts, with photo copies of physical evidence:
Wow! What an interesting, imformative and eye-opening series. I get so sucked-in like I’m watching some movie of people trying to escape he’ll on earth, yet they can’t. The brainwashing is a horrible thing, but the surveillance and entrapment is beyond belief! I have researched so many stories since this series aired that I was having Scientology dreams (or nightmares) last night! Thank you all for shining the light on the happenings behind closed doors. It breaks my hear for any individuals and families ever involved and like many others have stated, I keep hoping for the house of cards to come crashing down soon.
I do have one question and don’t know where else to really post it. Have many ex-Scientologists looked into becoming members of another religion (I believe the Reisdorf’s talked about how a “normal” church would have handled the situation with their son much differently) or are most scared to death of any organized religion after escaping what they’ve experienced?
Keep up the great work! NOW you two are saving the planet/mankind!! ?
I for one have been a bit stand off ish towards organized religion. Part of it not wanting to go down a rabbit hole again, knowing that I might have the pre disposition to do so. Another part thinks it’s just a place for like minded people to meet. ( that could be left over from the Scientology mind think.)
The need and want for help and closure would make a church inticing on the surface. I always thought when they found out what group that I had been apart of . they would want nothing to do with me. Would I even be able to believe…
Welcome to free thinking, Dylan. My grandson has your name.
Dylan, I hope and pray you do find a community of believers where you will be embraced no matter what your past. The truth is we all have pasts. Yours really isn’t one of the worst. It was a horrible experience for you, but that doesn’t make YOU unworthy or unloveable or undeserving of support and healing. Humans are designed to live in community. I pray you find a HEALTHY community.
I can’t really speak for everyone else, but I have seen many say they were simply done with religion after their Scientology experience. It kind of poisoned the well for them.
Others have returned to the religions they were part of before Scientology. A few turn to meditation or other “eastern” religious traditions.
Factually, just because Scientology used religious terminology and various beliefs as a fake justification for their undue influence on their followers does not prove or disprove anything about the original beliefs. Hubbard appropriated them. Even the bizarre OT III beliefs are rooted in earlier traditions (check out Mark 5:9 in the Bible).
As far as my own experience, I have gone back to practicing the Lutheranism I grew up in. Having been burned by Scientology I question and test the beliefs a lot more, read a lot of C S Lewis and religious history, take nothing as a given. But I find a lot of consolation there as well.
Religion was invented by people and will never be perfect. But if we can take the basic message of love and apply it in a way that includes all, even those we disagree with, it is a force for good overall.
Depends on the Scientologist (Ex) you are talking to.
Hi LaDawn, the petition thing has been done a bunch of times. Even one to the White House.
A better option is to *call* and write to your senators and reps in DC.
Also, take the time to fill out this complaint form directly to the IRS. It is very easy and you do not have to have been a member of the church.
This Is a quote that has always resonated with me….more so tonite, after watching the question and answer show.
I cannot say enough good things about all of you who were so brave to speak out against the Injustice of the COS and David Miscavige. You have opened the floodgates. Those who were afraid to speak out now know that they have a VOICE….and that they deserve to be heard. And that people are listening.
Keep Going….Keep Going…Keep Going.
Yours…. OverTheBridgeTPA
One other thing….I truly lost it tonight when Steve Hassan said that Scientology had members dress up as Nazis and stand outside his workplace. Who EFFING does that? Cult thinking aside……WTF? Nothing demonstrates the darkness and sociopathy of the so-called…..”most ethical..we have all the answers…save mankind”….group on the planet. Disgusting.
I think Mike Rinder is hot 🙂 He is a very foxy Daddy 😉
I also really enjoy the show.
I must tell you that this series has been riveting, frightening, and fascinating. How can these awful things be happening right under our noses? It all seems quite crazy when these different horrific situations are described! You and Leah are so brave. I love her open heart, the way she speaks the truth without BS. We are so sick of lies. The truest religion is kindness. Just truth and kindness. I hope that people find this hopeful, and that they use you as a bridge to start to live their best life.
Keep up the good work. My heart went out to you tonight – when the ex-moonie man basically told you that now you are human. I’m sure that in your heart you were always a nice guy but you were doing what you thought was the right thing to do. When you had that moment that made you realize that maybe you have been tricked and said to yourself – what have I done? Keep teaching people about how the cult sucked you in and that it can happen to anyone. Be careful – these people seem like kooks that wouldn’t think twice about harming you or Leah. I worry about you two.
Dear Mike & Leah:
Thank you for everything you’ve done/doing. What a brave duo you are. You have enlightened me – a WOG – beyond belief. I’ve developed this daily habit of 1) Checking then 2) then Twitter to see what’s going on regarding the show and anything any of the three of you may have tweeted. Anywhere else I need to check for updates?
I’m forever in awe of you guys and the others as well as those who were guests on the show in every episode I saw incredibly brave people in their own right. I’ve watched every episode often brought to tears then angered and offended….the audacity!! I’m sure I’ll watch them again and again.
I’ve told people here in my WOG world to watch the series, posted it on FB and did my best on Twitter to get the word out, not sure if I actually succeeded but I’ve tried.
Today, I sent a link to donate even $10.00 to the “Call Me” billboard to my Baptist cousin who replied “F*ck Scientology May They Go To Hell!” even though out of character it doesn’t mean she didn’t donate….but to show you the average American is repulsed at the entire truth that has come out – before we knew about it but never looked into it – now so many of us are on the warpath!
Please do not give up. Please hug Leah for me (and millions of others) we have grown to adore her and you both. I hated seeing her tears she got so emotional tonight I could see how much she truly cares, I hope this is not the end of something we don’t know about.
Today I read the President of A&E is being Fair Gamed I hope she endures it, films it and later shows her own experience to the WORLD. Great news the series will soon air in Australia, hopefully it can be translated so people in Spanish speaking countries, France, Italy etc can see the series. Like a pin ball machine this series should be bouncing around up and around everywhere.
I hate bullies. I hate seeing the strong pound on the weak and subservient. I hate they are diddling in our politics and acting all cloak and dagger worming their way into government positions. Maybe too friendly with the PD’s in CW and LA….creepy.
DM is the Anti-Christ. I’ll forever boycott films made by TC/JT and anyone else I’ve learned is caught up in this “Celebrity Social Club” pseudo “cherch” supported by kids and hapless other helpless true believers. I mean really when has KA lost any real weight anyway? She’s so vulgar I can’t stand to hear her speak.
Sincerely and with Adoration and Respect Keep up the fight! Millions are behind you!
Based on viewership and popular opinion it appears you’ve done very well with the show. On a purely personal level I’ll say that when the bigger Scientology exposures were juxtaposed with the ridiculous it seemed to hit me hardest. For example, Aaron Levin Smith’s tragic story of disconnect from his brother who later died and then the Scientology neighbor with the dog just came out of nowhere and was so bizarre to this outsider. It was funny but in a WTF, this is crazy, this is daily life in Scientology, kind of way. Or when you and Leah were tailed. I don’t mean that the personal journey stories aren’t important – maybe it’s the variety you included and some exposure to the mundane (for Scientology “enemies”) reality you illustrated that gave me a small window of understanding.
Thanks for the series.
Both my husband and I, who are military veterans, were absolutely infuriated to learn of L. Ron Hubbard’s military records being falsified and for him to look like some war hero. #STOLENVALOR
We are thankful for you and Leah, and all the others who have been so brave to share your stories. Continue to be brave, but also be safe!
God bless you, Mike!
Tonight’s Episode. I was just fine, just fine! until Steven Hassan Suddenly I wanted to jump on the couch like a Tom Cruise stand in and hug him. But then I saw the look in Your eyes, and I wanted to hug you even more. I have to tell you, Mike, that was quite a moment for me too. I can’t verbalize to those who haven’t experienced the mindf*ck of Scientology how excruciating it can be to sometimes tell our stories knowing full well what it means to expose your most vulnerable nightmarish moments in your life. That was damn raw courage on Both your parts.
I tweeted my Q to Leah asking if we could find out what more A&E needs to see/hear for Series 2 which I hope will be dedicated to the children of Scientology. Newcomers to the subject “ain’t seen nuthin’ yet” in ratings if they do. If I had the chance to send them a message, it’s simply that we are now approaching an era of undue influence the likes of which we haven’t seen in some time. Your and Leah’s series could be vehicle to advocate for education on the subject. Ridicule and hate has never helped a single soul. I know that now. Hope you will find after care comfort in all the love and support being sent your way. Including a hug from me.
Keep shining the light on Scientology, all the abuses and extortions. The more light, the more exposure, the more is exposed.
Everyone involved is brave beyond words. May the Universe continue to give you strength
Mike – Lived in S FL since 1987, and had no idea that this crazy cult, Scientology is based in Clearwater, FL (although we’re on the SE Coast). Up until now, we had only thought of Scientology as an organization of “higher spirituality” which mostly the wealthy Hollywood celebrities like Cruise & Travolta were involved in.
However, after seeing Going Clear on HBO and now, yours and Leah Rimini’s series, we see that Scientology may just be one of the biggest scams and abusive cults in modern US history! We would like you and Leah to know what a phenomenal job you and your crew have done with this series, and we sincerely hope you can both continue with the series for a Season 2, and your pursuits of justice for all the people involved in this terrible organization which tears apart families and destroys many lives.
This coward, Miscaviage should be LOCKED AWAY in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT in PRISON for the remaining years of his PATHETIC LIFE! We hope the FBI, the legal system, and the IRS finally steps up to the plate to get ALL of the ones at the top of this insane cult. There’s nothing wrong with finding a higher self and being more spiritual, but certainly there is no religion which condones such illegal activities, mental and physical torture, mind control, manipulation, financial extortion, and imprisonment such as this nonsense shown in Scientology!
I think it’s clear now that LRH was nothing more than a CON-ARTIST as is Miscaviage and the ones by his side! I understand they get many perks from Scientology, but seriously, they must really have A LOT of dirt on celebs like Cruise and Travolta if they still believe and protect this HOCKUS POCKUS!!
Thank you again for ALL that you and Leah have done to expose them and for all that you continue to do…if we could help without getting harassed by the “men in black” Scientologists or those hired by them, we would; not sure if making any phone calls to our local and state Politicians would do much, especially in this mess we may be in for the next 4 years. But, regardless, we support this effort 110%!!! Thank you!!!!
I agree with Barry Goren.
Barry Gorden–You took the works right out of my mouth! Ditto!
LaDawn–Yes! That is a great idea! I think besides the IRS, also petition the FBI too! The abuses go way beyond just the financial, obviously.
Mike Rinder–I know you can’t comment on the legal proceedings specifically..But I was really hoping the lawyer’s are doing some focus on how the children that were part of the Sea Org, were basically emotionally, psychologically abused by Scientology protocol’s. How can the FBI not think that that is abusive behavior towards minors?! My jaw literally was on the floor hearing how children were ripped away from their parents & had slim to none contact w/ them! There was also, (I think) child labor laws violated! How could it be legal to make children do hard physical labor all those hrs?
Those two types of abuses specifically, I would think, would enable the FBI to be able to get a serious investigation underway! Not like there aren’t plenty more abuses that they should be held accountable for and prosecuted. I’m just saying, when children are involved, those should definitely be a prosecutable offense!
I think it’s harder to prove when it’s adults. I am guessing that is exactly why the Scientology CULT, started changing their “laws” & not allowing Sea Org member’s to have children anymore. I think they well knew that was a legal vulnerability for them & why they put a stop to births & forced abortions on pregnant women.
That is the one issue I would have liked it been given even more attention in the series. We of course, heard the sad stories of many, (now adults), that were once kids brought up in the CULT. I think a whole episode dedicated to ALL (the once kids), now adults & defector’s, would have been very powerful.
The episode where (forget his name) where his twin brother & he were estranged for so long & the defected brother would break down emotionally when he would even hear his brother’s name mentioned; then the deep trauma when the twin died a horrible death! The surviving twins deep emotional pain he displayed on the show, just ripped my guts out! I cried right along with him as I watched the show!
I just saw a You Tube video, where two men (I think it was the man that was the twin) & another man, talked about how Tom Cruise cruelly ousted his 13 yr old niece from her ENTIRE FAMILY, just because she was seen on his security camera’s at his home, kissing a boy! WTH!; does Tom not remember what it was like being a teenager w/ hormones for God’s sake???!!!!!
At the beginning, when the man was exposing what had happened to his young female friend being ousted by her Uncle (Tom Cruise), he didn’t at first tell what the “offense” was that caused her to be ousted. When I finally heard why!, I was completely shocked!!! How did this fricken IDIOT! Tom Cruise, think that that “offense” warranted a young girl to now lose the love & support of her entire family?! If that isn’t mental abuse! I don’t know what is???!!!!
Children NEED their parents love, support, & guidence, especially at that tender age of adolescence! ANY normal human being knows that! Any parent knows that! That is psychological warfare! If you ask me!!!!!!
I hope & pray that there will be a major investigation underway soon further exposing this CULT! & that charges WILL be filed & David Miscavich will be wearing ORANGE, REAL SOON!!!!!!
I hope A&E will bring the documentary back next season. I will definitely write them and convey my sentiments about that.
To you & Leah, & every single journalist & de-fector of the Scientologist CULT that bravely came forward, told your stories, & put your asses on the line, I thank you! Brainwashing, abusive, family & life destroying CULTS cannot be allowed to flourish in the world. The “PUS” will/is coming to a head! & It’s only a matter of time, before “it” pop’s & all the “bacteria” will FINALLY! be washed away! It can’t happen soon enough!!!!!!!!
I also agree with Barry Goren. I would just like to add that not only should DM be in solitary confinement but he should also be made to lick the prison bathroom floors clean for the rest of his life..Debbie’s testimony last night was so powerful, I was so beyond sad watching this women. She was completely broken, they literally took everything she had to give and broke her. It was so clear just looking in her eyes, just absolutely devastating. Season 2 has to happen, the children need to be heard. I also hope anyone that was once scared to tell their story see and feel all this love and support you guys are getting and come forward. This last season you can see how liberating it was for all these people sharing their experience and speaking out against the “church”. I hope many others get to feel that same freedom sooner than later.
It’s absolutely amazing what Mike and Leah are doing! I have so much love and respect for you guys and everyone else trying to help stop this awful cult.
Never stop fighting for what’s right!!! ?
Keep in mind that the Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi, is in Scio’s pocket. Like the LA police and sheriff’s office and, I strongly suspect, many members of the Clearwater Police, scio spends a lot of funds on safe pointing efforts.
Al Capone did the same with bribes and stand-over tactics. The Mafia does similar and even on a political level. No one ever really thought apartheid would come to an end like it did. Things do change and it’s quickly developing that the Cof$ is becoming toxic to those that either support it or benefit from it. It a blight on our social consciences that we have a system that protects criminal enterprises with legalities originally conceived to stop such things. Public awareness, like Mike and Leah are creating is like an awakening. There is much more to do but it is becoming increasingly embarrassing to both the power brokers and judicial system to be associated with or protecting religious criminality. The Catholic church for example is reeling on what to do with the exposure of its abuses – and don’t for a second think the judicial system doesn’t know that what the Cof$ is doing is illegal and immoral, they do. It’s setting up the right scenario where exposure of that aspect will bring about change. It is a tricky thing but it is happening.
It could be suggested that both Hubbard and Miscavige never wrote up their Power Change formulas – just look at how the game is now “getting them.”
Going back to 1975 with project Normandy and jumping forward to circa 1995 with the Lisa McPherson case the old GO and then OSA pushed very hard at influencing Government officials including the prosecutor from the Attorney General’s office. This is standard practices of Scientology and some reading of a law review paper as well as Joseph Yanny case, and Lawrence Wolersheims and Graham Barry’s you tubed speeches will show you the Scientology attacks on the courts,judges, all in Scientology’s efforts to be above justice and the law.
I would speculate that money contributions are but a very small part of similar influence and control of Pam Bondi.
Can you get one of the law firms to come up with an online petition to the IRS? I think you’d be shocked with the amount of names you’d get on it!
That is a great idea! Leah and Mike, know that you are hero’s, and you are loved! It’s okay to just be a “person”!
Every episode has had a tremendous emotional component. For some reason, this one had the most impact on me. Maybe because the three guests who were not part of the church yet carry on the fight. Maybe because of the emotion of you and Leah and the hope of change. I think that this episode showed the magnitude of what is to come. Let us hope that A&E will have you back for another season. The two of you are an incredible team.
Mike, is there someone in particular that we can write letters to at A&E in order to express our support for the series? I would very much like to do this and want to make sure that I am reaching the correct persons or department.
I am very grateful for your and Leah’s efforts. The series was wonderful! Keep up the good work. You and Leah have more friends than you can imagine.
Leah said last week that she believes that she is the person who is supposed to be doing the work she is doing right now, and I completely agree.
You should probably go to @AETV. You can always write to Nancy Dubuc who is big boss of A&E Networks
Mike , bigest challenge to A & E is Gretta Van of Fox news -a scientologist & gov Rick Scot/ Bondi AG FLORIDA
Greta has been gone from Fox News awhile now.
Greta Van Susteren is now with MSNBC.
Even though appearing on a “liberal” outlet, Greta takes a welcome more moderate and neutral viewpoint and often challenges extreme liberal positions. 6:00 edt on MSNBC
While you are @AETV feel free to use #MoreAftermath
It’s a hashtag I’m trying to get going
Greta started the other day on MSNBC
Good for her. I hardly evah watch that station.
Thanks, Mike. I’m writing to Nancy at A&E. I’m sure the church has deluged A&E with letters so it might be nice to hear from the public (including ex-Scientologists) viewing the program.
I’ve studied cults for over 20 years, due to my brief involvement in one (a small “church” no one’s heard of.) I was shocked back when Scientlg$ bought the rights to the cult awareness network website. I was furious. I supported that sight, and it offered so much info. Scienlg$ snapped its fat fingers and bam, innocent people who go to a site to learn about cults end up in the grips of the worst. I am ecstatic to see Mike and Leah work so hard helping so many. I’ve written my representatives – EVERYBODY – write a letter!! It’s the least we can do. I wish I could give you both a big hug and tell you in person how much I admire and am grateful to you. Please be encouraged… be undaunted. You are doing such important work. I want to suggest people financially support the Underground Bunker website, as well as yours. I’m going to – right now – and I’m disabled so can’t do much… Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sacrifice and your quest.
Susan Winter– Thankfully! You got out of the cult you were in! I once again, had my jaw dropped reading your post & finding out the Scientology CULT, bought out the website “CULT AWARENESS NETWORK WEBSITE”
Mike Rinder— This has got to be exposed BIG TIME! Am I not remembering?….Was this talked about on the series? If not, it’s gotta get out there.
I don’t wanna go to the site to support ANYTHING that cult owns! but MANY unsuspecting people might be going to it, maybe even more than ever, now that so much more has been exposed about the Scientology CULT since the airing of this A&E documentary!
Can you & Leah make an alternative site? Making sure that your site clearly states that Miscavich owns the other one? I swear! he REALLY has the mindset of a fricken Hitler!!!!!! What a psychopath!!!!!!!!!!
Mike, As a Never in, I read Leah’s book and was amazed at what Scientology was all about. I was excited to hear about the series and have not been disappointed. It has been a masterful exploration of families torn apart by a sick religion. The information is so compelling and I have spent hours perusing blog sites and learning the tragic stories and consequences of following the tenets of Faith as practiced by active Scientologists. How this organization could ever be considered a religion is beyond me. Please continue this necessary work. You and Leah are crusaders and so valuable to this fight. The last episode that just aired really got me emotional and I pray that the two of you continue on.
Where can we see the full publicly available testimony of Debbie Cook? Is that online yet?
What do you make of the research done by David McGowan regarding the origins of Scientology…
“The Process Church, which set up shop in San Francisco, was itself an offshoot of the Church of Scientology, which was the brainchild of L. Ron Hubbard – an agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence and the son of a U.S. Navy Commander. Before being inspired to create his own church, Hubbard was a close associate and follower of Jack Parsons, rocket fuel scientist and avid follower of the occult, who helped found the prestigious Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
Parsons was at the time the head of the American chapter of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), a title bestowed on him by mentor Aleister Crowley, a flamboyant occultist, British and American intelligence asset, and avid Nazi sympathizer and propagandist both before and during World War II.”
1952 – Jack Parsons is killed in an explosion at his home laboratory in California. Parsons was a genius rocket scientist who co-founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He was also a devoted disciple of Aleister Crowley, and headed a lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis. He was a friend and business partner of L. Ron Hubbard until Hubbard ran off with Parsons’s mistress aboard a boat that he and Parsons owned. here is some footage of Debbie Cook’s testimony. There is also reporting from the trial over at The Underground Bunker.
J. Edgar, you quoted a site that says
“…L. Ron Hubbard – an agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence…”
Hubbard seems to have been nothing more than a cable censor, a function that organizationally comes under Naval Intelligence but which hardly makes him an “agent.” See my comment elsewhere on this topic about why it’s improbable if not impossible that Hubbard was a real intelligence officer or agent, when his records from WWII show him as being regarded as unfit and unreliable, and a few years letter he was submitting fabulist reports to the FBI (not through intelligence channels) that got him labeled a “mental case.”
Leah and your show really inspired me to do something about this. Im like Leah im not one for letting stuff go. There has to be something i can do. They are destorying peoples lives. I pray and beleive if enough people speak out about the church of scientology it one day will come to an end.
Thank you, Mike, Leah and everyone who has contributed to this show and been a part of it. It’s infinitely fascinating to those, like me, on the outside looking in, but to those like you and Leah, who were once a part of Scientology’s interior, it must be an often painful double edged sword. I know you already know it, but your efforts are so heroic and so important, so please never stop until what must happen DOES happen.
And on a side note, I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but every time I see you smile or laugh or joke like you did on tonight’s Q&A, I find myself smiling too. ☺️
Loved the show, and my wife and I hope you folks continue until this house of cards falls.
A funny aside: In this past episode, it was how apparently the city of Hemet wanted to be CLEAR that the Gold Base is NOT in their city. Here in Riverside County, many of us make fun of Hemet. How crummy does your organization have to be to be disavowed by Hemet??
Thank you Mike and Leah for all you have done and continue to do. It was a really awesome show tonight and I am SO glad you included the Debbie Cook story as that will really resonate with the UTR’s (under the radar) scientologists. Thanks for giving my family a voice. You guys are the best.
Thanks to you and Gary for sharing the story of you and your sons on the show as well. It was eye-opening how manipulative this church is. There are a lot of folks pulling for you and your family now and hope that you can one day soon be reunited with your son Craig.
Ditto! Lowie (if I may be so personal) Your story tore at my heart when I read that you had to write your mother all the way in SA for bras, shoes etc. while in the Sea Org. What BS they didn’t have assistance to help you with such items at the time in CW.
Thank YOU, Mrs. Reisdorf, for telling your story. My heart aches for the pain and trauma you have gone through. May your family be reunited and relationships restored and healed. Blessings on you and yours!
Damn – Hurricane Remini Rinder! Quite a blow to the Church/CULT of Scientology. It will never ever ever be able to repair this exposure. I have friends from around the US calling me tonight – apologizing to ME that they did not understand the mind fuck I was under when I was in and the pain and suffering we all endured in and then out of Scientology. It is one of the most painful things I have ever experienced – waking up to the fact that the whole entire thing was a SCAM!
Please – continue the fight. We need you.
Let’s get organized to get our money back.
Deception and fraud, manipulation and lies are easy to prove. There is no statute of limitations on how Scientology used fraud to scam all of us!
Help us please – don’t ever give up Mike!! We are WINNING and the Suppressive Scientologist’s are howling!
I like the idea of a whole lot of former scientologists asking for refunds. That would generate additional negative PR for the church. It would force them to explain their “no refund”policy.
I was in Scn for 8 years and spent $94,000. I was young (mid 20’s to early 30’s). Half of it was savings, the other half was credit cards and high interest loans.
A couple years after I left I sent a letter asking for a refund of $16,000 that was still on account for services that hadn’t been used. They sent me a policy letter on refunds.
Basically it said I needed to go to the org and do a metered interview on why I wanted a refund. The policy letter stated that after the interview most people decide they don’t really want a refund after all.
There was no way I was going back to a Scn org, especially this particular one was 400 miles away. I decided not to pursue it. I figured being out of Scn was worth a lot more than $16,000.
Because I asked for a refund I thought I would be declared an SP. Apparently not because this was over 20 years ago and I still get phone calls from Scn today. I’ve moved a number of times and have changed phone numbers but they still find me. I don’t talk to them. I know what they want. Time and money.
However, it would be cool to have a class action lawsuit asking for billions. If successful it would bankrupt the church.
Carl who do you write to as I would like to request my funds back from Flag?
I’m sorry but I don’t remember who I wrote to. This was back in 1995. I had money on account at ASHO and AOLA. I no longer have my receipts as I threw away everything associated with Scn years ago.
You put money on account for services you did not and have not yet received. In the IRS filings back in the day, the cherch states that they refund those monies when asked for. There is a proceedure. I recommend you look at Jeffery Augustines Money Project (sorry, don’t have the link but you can google it).
The more that ask creates that much more pressure on the fradulent activities of the cult. But we do have to ask for what is rightfully ours. Help the groundswell of change. Good luck in your pursuits!
Thank you for the info. I’ll check out Jeffery Augustine.
Thank you, Mike and Leah. It is because of Leah’s coming out three years ago that caused me to start to LOOK at things on the net. Having been off for many years and having known of the execs being gone, etc. my first Q was: What Happened To Mike Rinder?
I never liked or agreed with the way the staff ran things or treated people.
I’m very grateful for yours and Leah’s dedication. Such a dynamic duo with clout to get this done.
What an brave enlightening series. I had never really given Scientology much thought other than I knew “Crazy” Tom Cruise was a member. I had purchased the paperback of Dianetcs “way back when” but never got around to reading it, thinking it was a self-help book. This series was so eye-opening and it is truly amazing you made it out. So much heartache and pain that you and all these families have endured, it is truly horrifying. I hope you and Leah will be able to bring forward more stories and that this topic stays in the spotlight. Hopefully the status of “religion” can be removed from Scientology and thus begin its fall.
You guys rock!! So brave…Be safe. We are praying for you all….I hope you bring this cult down!!! Keep it down!!
LOVE YOU AND LEAH! Keep fighting and sharing the truth. DON’T.EVER.STOP.
It seems quite strongly that you guys have a duty to do. In the east, they would say it’s your Dharma. In other words; it’s your personal duty that fits to a higher calling to help the real “greater good”. All of those good people who are in the prison of belief.
I love you Leah. I really got you tonight. Your vulnerability, authenticity and fierce compassion is inspiring. Thank you. I love you.
That’s why I think your Playa name is Shield Maiden. Lol!
Thank you for caring guys. You both rock!
Mike, you are amazing. Articulate, insightful and such an essential integral part of this movement. That’s what it is Mike; a movement.
I’ve been totally blown away by this series. You guys have done an amazing job bringing so many injustices to light. This really is a cult that has brainwashed what I thought were somewhat intelligent human beings – ie John Travolta, Tom Cruise, etc,. Just the fact that none of the stars have publicly defended David Miscavige says something in and of itself.
I really hope A & E continues with future shows/seasons.
Kudos to everyone involved.
Terrific! I might add that when Leah “apologized” for being over-sensitive, no explanation was necessary. Indeed, my immediate thought was that she was being “authentically-sensitive” (for want of a better term). She had me crying too. Thought it was a great show.
Mike, I hope this doesn’t come across as me just blowing smoke up your ass here, but I have to say, Steve Hassan summed it up perfectly for me as a never-in and recent commenter when he talked about how you are an inspiration by being proof that someone can be in a cult like this and yet still come out of it and be a leader and a decent, law-abiding human being.
I don’t know you personally, and I’m sure you’re not perfect and that you have your own faults (just like me and every single other human that ever lived), but I honestly am amazed at how you were able to not only escape and start your life anew, but how passionate you are in trying to help others escape the abuses and devastation that this group brings down upon good, decent human beings.
I just stated this on Tony Ortega’s blog, but each show continues to make me, even as a never-in, more and more hopeful that we are witnessing this church’s final days of abuse and mind-control, so I can only imagine how hopeful former Scientologists, who’ve never had a voice (that you and Leah are now providing), must feel that they may one day soon be able to rebuild their lives and reconnect with their loved ones who are still around. Bravo to you and Leah and everyone else involved in this show for bringing this issue to the public in such a compelling way. There is always hope. Please keep up the fight (I know I don’t need to say that to you, but wanted to anyway).
Thanks again for being an inspiration even to less knowledgeable never-ins like me.
Mike, many years ago when I first looked into Scientology for myself, I browsed through the internet first to see information for myself…I first had come upon the story of the girl in Clearwater who had been kept locked up in a room and had died on the way to the hospital, from there I saw many videos that had you in them. I used to think you were the devil incarnate for the hell you helped put people through…When I heard you flipped, I was shocked but also quite happy for you…Now that I’ve seen you with Leah, I see that you were not really yourself all those years were controlled, by someone twice as evil as I thought you were…May God continue to bless you and your family. I think you’re a wonderful man with such a big heart..God bless
Mike, my friend, thank you for doing this show and giving my family, the Reisdorfs, the opportunity to speak out in an attempt to get our son back and to end SCN’s destruction of so many other people and families. Lois and I were rather desperately grasping at straws and at the time did not know that this would be such an effective straw.
You, Leah and Alex (producer) were unbelievable.
Thank you again, and your parting words that you were not giving up, made me extremely happy. Although I never doubted your dedication to this cause.
Thanks again.
Clearlypissedoff, thank YOU for telling your story. I pray your family and relationships are restored and healed. May your lives be flooded with blessings!
Thank you Mike & Leah for this eye opening series keep up the fantastic work hopefully the both of you can get something done about this cult and David Savage
Mike: In your opinion, does DM believe in Scientology? Does he believe all the BS? Or is he just some sort of opportunistic sociopath? Do you think he is capable of murder or a mass suicide type situation if he is really cornered?
Your con is being eroded by a growing Constitutional belief system. You and your ilk are on the run. But, you will be reeled in.
Fantastic show tonight Mike. In every way! Excited to see what is next.
I missed the show! when did it happen? How can I watch it?
A & E is showing it at 11:04 pm Pacific time tonight (Tuesday), an hour and a half from now. After that, it’ll probably be up on their website and available to watch via their app for a short time. The only episode that isn’t available on their app now is the original Ask Me Anything one, which was something like episode 3. That got taken down pretty fast, but it was up for a week or so. I’m guessing this will be the same.
But watch it soon, on your computer, on A & E’s TV channel if they reshow it, or on your mobile device. My comments are always subject to moderation; I hope this gets posted in time.
You can purchase the episodes on Amazon – it supports the series and lets you watch them later. I was happy to spend the price of a pizza for the season pass.
So good to know about Amazon. Thank you!!! And Kudos to Amazon!!!!
It has been 20 minutes since the show ended and I still have tears. Incredibly powerful and a huge thank you to your guests. As a never-in, my heart aches for those still in and those on the outside that are dealing with years of mind-altering manipulation. Thank you for relentlessly pursuing this fight to expose this cult and ultimately shut it down. May God bless you richly for all of your efforts — that includes you, Leah, A&E, ex-$cns who have found the courage to speak up and your guests richly for all of your efforts.
We know it has been at a huge personal cost to put this target on your back. Since this series aired, I have learned so much from all of the excellent blogs and websites out there by journalists and ex- members. I urge people to join this fight and educate yourselves by reading up on this cult. Write your congressmen, help pay to erect billboards, write the IRS, support others who are fighting. Again, Mike & Leah,I can’t thank you enough.
This is my first comment on your blog although I have been reading for a while. I didn’t know what to expect from this series but I was BLOWN AWAY. You and Leah deserve so much credit for focusing on the stories and letting people know that they are being heard. This show could so easily have been all about Leah and how her life changed after separating from the cherch, but instead she used her fame to bring the stories of regular people to light and to expose the horrors and suffering. Thank you for saying you will not stop. You are a warrior and a rock star.
My only criticism of the series, and perhaps you did this out of respect of your guests and/or you did not believe the Scientology lies, or maybe to you it didn’t matter, but I would have liked each of them to address the stuff in their particular letters. Was Leah about to be kicked out? Did Ron Miscavige beat his wife and maybe son David? Did Mark Headley sell video equipment? I would have liked to have heard their side of those stories and say, no these are lies. I wasn’t violent, I didn’t steal. I think was it Aaron Smith-Levin who talked about a disagreement he had with his Captain but that’s about it. But as for the rest of it. I loved the show. I loved the change in you Mike since you left. In the tape I saw of you still in you looked like you were already dead, a ghost. So unhappy. Even though now you are out and have lost family members you definitely seem happier and have a mission. I believe you and Leah are both so brave and courageous for exposing this and the abuses. Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Jenna and Bodhi Elfman are the most pampered, stroked sick people. They are being cared for by slave labour which thinks it is making the planet better by washing Tom Cruise’s dishes or doing his laundry. That alone is horrific to me and sinful. I used to think Tom Cruise was a decent guy, now I want to punch his face (but I won’t). Anyway, it’s late and I’m babbling. I’ve just watched the last episode so emotions are high! I hope you get a second season and I also hop to see Leah in a new series or movie and that she gets to do what she loves again!
Take it from me, everything said by the church about anyone who appeared on the show is untrue. They literally make stuff up. Ron Miscavige did talk about hitting his wife on 20/20 but not like they describe it. Of course Leah was NOT about to be “kicked out” — she was still a source of revenue. It’s well covered in her book. Headley did NOT steal money selling audio equipment (he did sell it — he has debunked this many times)
Of course. We (the general public) can definitely see that those bizarro character assassination letter..shit is only proving the case against Scientology
Nobody who watches the show and hears the letters Leah reads aloud from the church and goes “Hell yea what a loving and accepting religion can’t wait to go party with those guys”
Thanks for replying! I guess I have a lot of reading to do. I guess my thinking was to those like me who haven’t read the books or were watching not knowing anything it would have maybe lended more credibility to hear their side of such fantastical stories.
OK thanks for your input. NOt ignoring your thoughts.
Oh I know, I was just trying to explain myself better. Like I said the show was phenomenal and I believe a game changer! Even if not many people deep inside are changed by it, it will prevent others from signing up.
A very good goal!
WTF is wrong with you? Speak for yourself..”Even if not that many people deep down are changed by it” This show is not just about telling stories about some weird cult far away. It’s a call to arms to inspire everyone to fight for their own humanity..and I bet Mike Rinder and Leah Remini aren’t stopping when Scientology self implodes (and it will) They are going to continue to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves and this includes any cult,religion,school,any oppressive authority. Hoping and praying that the friends and family they love who are still imprisoned..Idk..Finally rise up and fight for their humanity,too.
I think it would be fun to go step by step through one of these WHO IS sites. For example, on Mike Rinder’s, they interview an orthopedic surgeon, describing disabilities and injuries… Watch very closely, he never mentions Mike’s wife by name, and never discusses the specifics of the injury. (Could have been a deposition during any proceeding)
Please note, these people are all folks that spent decades in auditing, as a normal human being, some of the admissions I would have made, under such pressure, would make interesting public fodder, but in reality is a bunch of overblown crap.
After looking at Mary Kahn’s site, man, she must be an angel…Wow!
Even if someone needed to actually ask if these accusations were true, two things stick out immediately that make them fishy.
One is the overblown, exaggerated, language that sounds like someone trying to trump up charges to get a restraining order. Ask yourself – would a real place of religion even think of using such defamatory, attack dog language to go after a former member? It’s hyper-aggressive and hyperbolic. Not to mention juvenile.
An act of vandalism by an upset ex-member who is being denied access to a family member is a “hate-crime”? What religious organization would even want to be seen as that vindictive? It shows a complete lack of understanding of the outside world.
A certified PR pro would never be that libelous or unnecessarily belligerent (except under the direction of a megalomaniacal despot). It’s excessive force – it’s over-reactive and defensive. Maybe some creepy, nasty, litigious unfeeling corporation, but certainly not an organization that pretends to be bringing spirituality to fellow men and wants to recruit new members. The hypocrisy of even doing that unmasks them. It shows that they have nothing in common with actual religious organizations who generally take the high road when dealing with detractors, instead of issuing a fatwa against them because it does not reflect well on them to be seen as aggressors.
The claims that ex-members have about their treatment are always less dramatic than the ones the church has against them (although ex-member testimony corroborates their testimonies). . They come off as a bully. They have more resources, and yet they “punch downward”. No self-respecting organization gets down in the mud to wrestle its individual critics. It’s just ignorant and amateurish.
Second, there is a boilerplate quality to all of the accusations – the phrasing in the letters is designed primarily to discredit former members by character assassination. The same tired accusations, all worded to make them look pseudo-criminal, appear over and over, like the wording is picked out specially to resonate alongside the legal claims other authentic religions use in court to protect themselves. The “church” is always the victim. That is also the classic behavior sign of an abuser. Deflect the attention from oneself and transfer the crime to the victim.
When an organization claims to have the answers to all the evil of humanity and acts like a petty, vindictive spurned lover, it’s a good sign they are totally full of shit. Committing crimes to rid the universe of crimes may work on the sufficiently brainwashed, but it does not play well to any audience outside the confines of their bubble.
“Committing crimes to rid the universe of crimes may work on the sufficiently brainwashed, but it does not play well to any audience outside the confines of their bubble. ” This. Sadly those within the bubble won’t “get it” until long after they have left and others have taken their place.
Cecybeans, really great comment!
You said “It’s hyper-aggressive and hyperbolic. Not to mention juvenile.”
The content of Scientology’s response to critics is determined by their policies for dealing with such: 1. Always attack, never defend; 2) All critics are criminals.
I suspect that their juvenile tone is attributable to Miscavige’s particular personality disorder(s).
Great series, I really enjoyed it I hope you do another season.
This series was so enlightening. Thank you for having the will to speak out.
Thank you and Leah for working so hard on the series (so far!). I hope that the attention that you have brought to this destructive cult will help move people to contact their lawmakers so that more is done to protect the families and children being victimized. I appreciate the emotional labor this project must have been for you both, to have to hear things that hurt and experience the church’s wrath and take on the weight of so many stories. Please know we all appreciate you for holding space open for those that aren’t able to speak yet.
+ Part of the labor (I would imagine) is sorting out the confusion, or the disparity if you will, between the good of Scientology and the mess individuals have made of it all – as well as what you state. Something like the U.S. taking on Werner von Braun, differentiating between rocket science and Nazis and von Braun as an individual, as opposed to doing a classic A=A=A on it. Believe in the good of man is, to some, a faith. And it often seems that way.
“Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977) was a German, later American, aerospace engineer[2] and space architect credited with inventing the V-2 rocket for Nazi Germany and the Saturn V for the United States.[3][4] He was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany, where he was a member of the Nazi Party and the SS.”
[End quote.]