A new press release from scientology breathlessly announces the “new season” of ScientologyTV.
Though it is a little odd, they seem caught in the “preparing” and “gearing up” as ScientologyTV is apparently just “setting the stage” for a new season? Whatever that means.
This has truly been one of the biggest cash drains in the history of scientology. They not only spend millions creating their slick propaganda pieces, they also PAY to have this dross available on DirecTV and other providers. It is costing a huge amount of money, to reach NO audience. They have never provided any viewership figures — you can bet if there were ANY numbers that could be contorted into something that sounds like it might be good, they would have done so.
But they have come up with some new bs statements. They now claim this is “the fastest growing and most acclaimed religious television network.” Based on absolutely nothing. You can be sure that there are plenty of Christian TV “networks” that have thousands of times as many viewers and there are sure to be some that are “faster growing.” They have no clue if this is a true statement, but know nobody is going to challenge them.
They also claim this is “a highly anticipated new season” — the only people who think this are David Miscavige, who wants to be able to announce it as a filler for one of his events, and the staff at SuMP who are relieved the heat is finally off to meet the deadline to have whatever new content they could scrape together ready for D-day.
Some more hype with no basis in fact: “Since making its debut in 2018, Scientology Network has continued to push the boundaries of conventional programming across the television, entertainment and streaming industries.” The only boundaries they push is the amount of propaganda that can be crammed into 24 hours.
Here is the extent of the “new season” of ScientologyTV:
1 new Signature Performances episode featuring Stanley Clarke.
5 new episodes of Destination: Scientology: Johannesburg, Detroit, Bogotá, San Diego and Brussels.
3 new episodes of Meet a Scientologist: a pizza maker, an interior designer and a producer/film director.
1 new episode of Voices for Humanity about NFL Hall of Famer Marshall Faulk.
3 new documentaries from non-scientologist filmmakers wanting an outlet for their shows that they could not get anyone else to pick up.
That is the extent of the “new season.”
When an actual TV network announces their new season, they announce NEW shows and new episodes of existing shows. Most are 13 episodes each. Some are 26. It is hundreds of hours of new programming. Real networks don’t keep airing the same old stuff and just throw in a few new bits among the already shown thousands of times episodes that never seem to die.
ScientologyTV doesn’t even have any LIVE programming like all other religious networks do. They can’t. There are NO PEOPLE to show at any “Sunday Service.” The only gatherings they have where there are enough faces to fill a frame are the international events. But David Miscavige would never allow them to be broadcast to the public as he knows his relentless lies about “expansion” and “recognitions” and “acceptances” would be immediately exposed.
ScientologyTV is a total bust.
I recall when STAAD League used to post on Twitter belittling the number of people that watched Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. In fact, over 3 seasons and then years on Netflix, the show has been seen by hundreds of millions.
Why no crowing about your number of viewers scientology?
How the statement “the fastest growing and most acclaimed religious television network” could actually be true:
If they went from 17 viewers to 170 viewers in one year, that’s a 1,000% growth rate, which almost certainly would eclipse any other religious broadcaster currently on the air. But of course, that’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of their success.
CoS claims Scientology TV is “the fastest growing and most acclaimed religious television network.” I would bet that that distinction belongs to the Christian network called “Great American Family”.
In 2023 their viewership increased by 76%, one of the biggest jumps in the entire TV industry. Here are a couple links about that network.
So, 17 languages covering 240 nations means viewer numbers have increased by a few dozen is great news. Keep up the good and one day you may even get to say that viewer numbers have increased to 300 or even, gasp, 400. Little Demento will be so excited that he’ll have to wear his plastic raincoat with the strategically cut holes in the pockets while he’s wandering around.
I promise I didn’t see your post until today!! But it certainly adds support to the idiom “Great minds…”
“3 new documentaries from non-scientologist filmmakers wanting an outlet for their shows that they could not get anyone else to pick up.”
While it’s true in some cases, it’s not always the filmmakers choice. Several past documentaries ended up on $CN-TV because $cientology paid either the distributor, or procution company, who are in the business of making money for the next documetary to be able to air them.
I kind of wonder how Hubbard would have handled things today.
But he missed so many of his other major Scientology empire flaws, although being the “founder” boss, he could just rip up things he wished ripped up.
I wonder what the learning curve is on such people like Hubbard, which although he did rip up some of his old rules, he left in place some draconian bad regulations that traumatize all concerned to this day.
Life isn’t long enough to have society fix nutters in their midst like the Hubbard nutter.
If he had more time to see things were NOT being grandly solved by his quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism-soul-freeing techniques, I wonder if he would have changed things more of his empire.
The KSW Hubbard policy writing is like a cult guru’s service fac (unreasonable unfixable self-righteousness).
I wonder if life for cult gurus was longer, would they admit failure and eat crow about it all.
I’d read a book which is a compendium of all the final thoughts of the world’s history of gurus and saviors. Just their final honest self assessments, summarized, that’d be a useful book I’d liked to have read before joining any non-traditional mystical like group.
Chuck Beatty
1975 to 2003 Sea Org dupe staffer
I told my best friend COB that he should create some content himself and air it on cable. I think it would be fantastic!!! Like film a show on the Freewinds, call it the ‘Give Boat,’ it will be all about regging unsuspecting parishioners on the boat while offshore. I think you can see the possibilities. Maybe we can make a show where the boat is invaded by pirates and bums and i save it with some impossible mission shit!! Or a show called ‘Whats My Line Charge,’ where you have to guess things about a preclear. Well, that might not be as exciting as ‘Gillicaviges Island’ where the captain of the boat has to save everyone’s ass every week. Davey seems to like that one, and asked if he could have a whip. I said I wasn’t so sure about that one.
They could make The Hole into a reality show! “The Hole Track” – who gets to go free? Who has to stay? Who gets an extra portion of slop? You decide!
Maybe even better would be “Who’s Overt is it Anyway?”
Where they read an overt out of random, but well known parishioner’s folders. The overt is read to the audience, to many guffaws and snorts, or perhaps even gasps!!
Then hundreds of thousands or millions that have ever done some sort of confessional somewhere in some religion where they do that, have a brain puckering moment.
We gotta clean this place up.
Denise Duff, Jenna Elfman, Trish Duggan, then that well travelled, badly overdressed bottle blonde bag of Tom Whatsisname’s (not Cruise – you know, the super tall male Whale with the scary smile) and then…oh, let’s see – yes, Grant Cardone’s gargoyle Elena – I’d like to see all of these White Trashettes in “Real Housewives of L Ron Hubbard Way”. Have them scheming and plotting, fighting and snarling about who gets the biggest trophy from Miscavige; whose husband gets this year’s Freedom Medal.
I remember see8ng posts about the ScientologyTV channel and how it replayed the same things over and over. I believe the things being played were just Scientology ads. I don’t see the point in them making a TV Channel for Scientology other than to make Scientologists believe that they are growing. Most people in the outside world know that it’s a cult and if they don’t they can just Google it and read about what has happened and the crimes that Scientology commits.
It probably is true that they are the fastest growing religious network. After all if they go from 100 viewers to 200, they have expanded by 100%! If another network has 500,000 viewers and they add 100,000 viewers, they only grew 20%. In Scientology statistics, the graph looks much better going from 100 to 200 (straight up and vertical) than going from 500,000 to 600,000. Often at events they show graphs with no numbers. These may look impressive until you see the underlying (or lying) numbers.
Good one! Scientology sure does a lot of lying underneath their propaganda self praise.
Scientology under lying, lying under their wordage.
I was in the Tampa area for vacation about a year ago and saw the Scientology TV channel and I wanted to see what was going on. Nothing it was pretty much showing what the Scientology youtube was showing.
When SuMP was ‘launched,’ I received several calls to watch it. I was off the radar, but after being persistently urged, I decided to take a look. However, for some reason, I ended up on Mike’s blog. And from there, a lot started to change, also thanks to those who leave comments.
Anyway, their schedule is pathetic. Besides being repetitive, it’s deadly verbose. The most interesting thing was the one about you meeting a scientologist (wow!).
And where can you only meet them? In an org. Morons.