Well, the “All New Season” of scientologyTV was an underwhelming flop.
We have a LOT more new and original programming on SPTV.
This is what is listed as the programming when I clicked on the site.
“A Description of scientology” which has been aired several times a day every day since they started their “TV channel.”
Then a tour of the Sydney “ideal org” — really a sort of travelogue of the city itself. Don’t know if it was there previously, they have had these videos about “orgs” since day one and they all look the same other than the city they are in.
Then they have 3 “shows” that may or may not be “new” episodes. They are really hard to tell as so much of what is covered is the same each time:
“Meet a Scientologist”
“Voices for Humanity”
“I am a Scientologist.”
Then “Inside Scientology” showing off the SuMP — but that is not new programming.
Then another ideal org — London — that is old.
Then “L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents” — which is just some Hubbard writing with pictures illustrating it.
And then a REPEAT of the “Meet a Scientologist” and three more times later, another old video about Flag and a REPEAT of the Sydney episode which is subsequently repeated.
NOBODY is curious…
This is one of the most visible flops in scientology history. Enormously expensive, it has accomplished NOTHING for scientology. But because they cannot admit it’s a failure and cut their losses, they keep spending more money on it.
Meanwhile, SPTV is rocking along. We had a LOT of fun last night on our Monday Q & A and it has become a bit of a tradition to give away things each Monday. Loads of fun.
The only thing of my interests would be a video of LRH talking about anything. And perhaps DM trying to talk about something very incredulous or strange. Perhaps Sea Org members explaining what they do and how “wonderful” it is to dedicate your life to “clearing the planet”.
I just want to see the original training films, as directed by LRH himself. And I’m not alone.
I just skipped through the Sydney org video. Great travelogue for Sydney, but I wanted to see inside the building.
You wouldn’t have time to see the sights if you did services there.
I’m interested in the Sydney org. I haven’t been there in years.
$camology TV: The shopping channel, so to speak, of a cult.
Can’t TC get in on the act?
You know, something like a heart to heart chat from the cockpit of a jet fighter about how Scientology is going to rid humanity of insanity and wars.
Come on Tom, put one up for Team Scientology!
I had a quick peek recently, and it looked like they had several categories in which there were new “shows,” which seemed to me like it would translate into somewhere between 8 and 16 hours of new material – not really very much for a whole ‘season’ or year. That includes the documentaries made by independent filmmakers desperate for exposure.
If they did some XENU subject shows, they’d get more interest.
One thing Scientology TV cannot tell, is Scientology’s full history.
It’s a problem.
A subject ought to have the ability to write it’s own history and name names, and deal with the dissention of the quitters of that subject, and deal with the arguments for the quitters quitting.
“Scientology Quitters TV” get the full story. aka SPTV
I lament that Ken Delderfield wasn’t interviewed for history of Scientology’s publishing the red vols and the green volumes, and the fiction books at the end of LRH’s life.
Ken’s life, he was pretty much the man for the most important publishing done in Scientology’s early history.
I truly wish Jon Horwich would at least tell of his decades in Sea Org, he was a Class 8 I believe, I thought he was an excellent auditor, he gave me a very decent Sec Check (even though I went to the RPF for what I coughed up).
Jon lived through the making of the Action Bureau on the Apollo, all the Flag Orders on Mission running, the two man “Mission Impossible” types of Sea Org missions.
Jon lived through the original FEBC Program, and he wrote a slew of the issues that we used when years later I was in the OEC/FEBC Course Room as a course sup and word clearer.
Jon’s lived through so much LRH and then Miscavige history, I think he would be the best one yet to lay out a huge comparative of Sea Org history during LRH and during DM.
Plus, Jon could “think” with so much. IN the OEC/FEBC Course Rooms, he authored the customized checksheets, which later were dumped by persons who truly had a much worse grasp of the material than Jon did, for “string pulling” and for doing evals on the go in an org, which execs in orgs were to do. It’s always a problem if the AVC person or higher don’t know as much as the submitter of a submission.
Jon wrote the checksheet for Stat Analysis, which had the student study ALL fo the LRH stat analyses, as practice.
Jon really was one who took Hubbard seriously, Jon could think in the big issues, smallest details, and besides his somewhat abrasive and outspoken behavior, if you didn’t know LRH to the T, then Jon steamrolled you rightly so.
Anyways, I wish to HECK Jon Horwich would speak to someone.
It was great in one of the recent Videos on SPTV an incident with Jon is told, and it is hilarious.
Jon thought DM rightly was nuts and the SP and sabotaging Scientology.
Gosh I hope Jon can be coaxed to speak, to someone, someday. He was a really important hands on player in comparison to those that didn’t leave much on policy paper of their work in Sea Org history.
Sounds like a good source of the true history Chuck. That would be wonderful if Jon would have spoken up of his knowledge of Scientology development.
Meet Some Ex Sea Org Members!
On SP TV !
Find out what decades long ex Sea Org members think about the subject of Scientology and their disheartening soul crushing careers.
A few weeks ago I really had nothing better to do than doing an analysis of the videos on the Scientology YT channel.
As I can’t post the file I used and a few excel pivot tables I’ll just refer here to my post on WhyWeProtest.
(No, really – I had nothing better to do.
Also: I like lists. What can I say?!)
I have just one thing to say to Mike Rinder and those SPTV people…
ScientologyTV needs some new (stuff that’s found on the surface of a cattle feedlot).
“Learning hay, processed through the bowels of a male bovine.”
That would be a good show.
More in response to yesterday’s entry concerning numbers.
In an article today spokesperson Stettler claimed 5,000 Scientologists for Switzerland. An expert was quoted saying Scientology poses no threat to change Switzerland because they’ve become too small. In the 90’s there were about 3,000 active Scientologists, nowadays there are about 500.
Stettler just 10x’d the real number.
AnEx, I find only 3 orgs in Switzerland, and we can see from event photos that 50 or so active members seems to be typical. My guess is that even 500 would have to include people who hold IAS memberships – often sold on a lifetime basis – who rarely if at all show up at the orgs. 5,000 would likely be one of those numbers based on something like the number of records in “central files” of people who did some courses long ago, or even just bought a book.
Agreed. And there’s also the factor that whoever gets counted as “in” gets most likely counted by more than one org. (BTW: There are orgs in Zurich, Lausanne, Basel, Bern and Geneva).
“They keep spending more money on it”. In the meantime they continue to collect funds from the public to throw into that black hole that is scn TV to keep it going. There is not a penny that comes out of scn reserves as there is not a penny produced by this “tv” to self support.
Speaking of loads of fun. When I and my _real_ friends at the time were in we had loads fo fun as scientologists UNTIL summer-autumn 1982 when Finance Police and Miscavige and other real suppressives showed up and it wasn´t fun any longer and we just left. Just like that!