Hurricane Leah continues to roll, blowing aside the scientology house of cards in its path.
Their denials and ridiculous responses are becoming lamer and less believable by the day.
Their latest effort now takes issue with the fact they harass people. Everything they do is dictated by the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook for dealing with critics.
But interestingly, more and more media are following Leah’s lead of treating the scientology responses with tongue-in-cheek mockery.
Here is a short excerpt from E!News:
In Tuesday night’s all-new Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, former member Mike Rinder opens up about his life after leaving the church. At the same time, he drops an allegation that the church may have been watching him with a hidden camera.
While a sneak peek of the episode features home video of the camera in question, the church is adamant that Mike cannot be trusted.
That is pretty amusing: “We saw what he said with our own eyes, they deny it and say HE can’t be trusted.”
This is the statement from the church they quoted:
“Spreading lies and misinformation about Scientology is how Mike Rinder makes his living. Mike Rinder has not stepped inside a Church in nearly a decade. The Church expelled him for severe malfeasance and has had nothing to do with him since,” a spokesperson for The Church of Scientology said in a statement to E! News. “Rinder is trying to do what he knows anti-Scientologists have done for years, intentionally misinterpret and unfairly tarnish the Church. The truth is that current Church leadership never has and never would tolerate unethical conduct, which is why individuals like Rinder were removed.”
Let’s dissect it sentence by sentence.
Of course, it’s one lie after another.
Spreading lies and misinformation about Scientology is how Mike Rinder makes his living.
I have never “made my living” by spreading lies and misinformation about scientology. Nor have I made my living spreading the truth about scientology – not even when I was the international spokesman.
Appearing in the media, even consulting on a docuseries, is a financial disaster as far as my life is concerned. I have devoted an enormous amount of time to this project and other media and this blog. Had I not done so I would have made a lot more money. I was in earlier years paid to help several law firms understand scientology policy and practice. But it was never close to enough money to live on. That’s all been documented in detail in depositions the church took trying to prove I was doing what they still accuse me of. You can be sure if there was any real money involved they would have been screaming it from the rooftops.
But this is all assuming there would be something wrong if I WAS earning a living in the “scientology critic business.” Two things about that: if there is a market for this career it is because scientology does so much to be exposed. They could dry it up easily – stop the abuses. Seriously Dave, end the practice of disconnection, allow me and others to freely communicate with their families, make your finances transparent and stop defrauding people, fess up to your sexual abuse problem and clean it out, keep away from children and everyone will leave you alone. And the second point is this: Miscavige lives like a Third World dictator off scientology and a huge amount of money is vacuumed into their coffers every week. Scientology is not Miscavige’s invention so why does he have a monopoly on living high on the hog off scientology?
Of course the real answer is they don’t want me or anyone else that criticizes them having any money at all. Someone sleeping under a bridge desperate to figure out where their next meal is coming from isn’t going to be concerned about exposing scientology abuses. This too is part of scientology “scripture”. And it’s another reason Leah Remini is scientology’s biggest nightmare. She is not going to become desperate and bankrupt EVER. This is partly why Bob Minton was such a problem, but even then ultimately it was cutting off his funds that ended his career as a scientology critic.
Mike Rinder has not stepped inside a Church in nearly a decade.
Well, they got a single fact correct – I have not been allowed to set foot in a church of scientology for 10 years (though I did pay a visit to St Hill in 2010 and while Christie and Sam Domingo were getting a tour I sat in the driveway outside the castle until some security guard recognized me and threatened to call the police).
But, they seem to have forgotten I DID try to go and visit my son when lawyer Monique Yingling told the St Petersburg Times that I was a lousy father because my son had cancer and I had not even tried to visit him. Of course, she didn’t mention that nobody had ever informed me of this fact, even though Ms. Yingling herself had flown to Denver to see me. I was shocked to hear this piece of information from Joe Childs. The next day I went to the Ft Harrison to try to see Benjamin. I was prevented from standing on church premises (let alone entering the door) by hired PI’s and church security guards who called the police and issued a trespass warning. This is all well-documented in a video of what went down. I subsequently learned that Benjamin was at that very moment trying to leave the Sea Org.
3 days later, the screaming jeebies showed up at the doctor’s office telling me to “stay away from your son.” Obviously this rattled their cage big time.
The Church expelled him for severe malfeasance and has had nothing to do with him since,” a spokesperson for The Church of Scientology said in a statement to E! News.
Well, this is something they say about EVERYONE. After they escape (SO members) or announce their departure (as a public person like Leah does) scientology then claims “we expelled them.” Everyone has now seen the footage of me in the door of the church of scientology in London, looking like a concentration camp survivor. That was days before I escaped. Yes, before I walked out and ran to the tube station. There I was, the International Spokesperson for scientology, despatched by David Miscavige to London, receiving daily communication from the great man himself. The spokesman for the church.
Rinder is trying to do what he knows anti-Scientologists have done for years, intentionally misinterpret and unfairly tarnish the Church.
More Alice in Wonderland newspeak. I repeatedly cite to the exact “scripture” of scientology. When I say I have been followed by PI’s I provide video footage. Same with them taking my garbage or setting up a surveillance camera on my house. Their hacking of my emails resulted in the hacker being sent to federal prison. Everything I have said about disconnection is documented 100 times over. Same with the fraudulent fundraising. I challenge them to come up with anything that is a “misinterpretation.” They NEVER respond specifically to anything that is brought up, they just claim the source is a liar and offer sweeping generalities of “it’s all lies.” So, some specifics please on what I am “intentionally misinterpreting”…
Meanwhile, scientology creates sleaze sites to smear anyone who says things they don’t want to hear. And I am the one “unfairly tarnishing”?
The truth is that current Church leadership never has and never would tolerate unethical conduct, which is why individuals like Rinder were removed.”
Right. That’s why Miscavige himself (the euphemistic “current church leadership”) sent me to London and was on the phone and sending me emails every day I was there.
But let’s look at this another way.
If I am so unethical and terrible and Marty Rathbun was so unethical and terrible and Amy Scobee was so unethical and terrible, and Tom DeVocht, and Jeff Hawkins, and Claire Headley, and Marc Headley, and, and, and – why were we at the top of scientology for decades? What suddenly changed? The tech stopped working and turned us all into SPs? Doesn’t fly.
Media Objectivity, or Wimpiness?
This is the headline in an otherwise generally well put together piece on Scientology the Aftermath that appeared in USA Today yesterday.
‘Leah Remini: Scientology’ accuses church of harassment
I am sure scientology HATES the headline and hates the article.
But I must point out that many media outlets still appear to be intimidated by scientology. The headline would be more appropriate “Scientology harassment exposed”. Why do they need to attribute their story to a source and add “accuses” as if there is some doubt about the facts that are laid out in the program.
This is supposed “media objectivity” – but there really is no such thing. It’s more media wobbly-knees. They don’t run headlines like this “President accuses ISIS of atrocities” – no, it’s “More ISIS atrocities in Syria.” They are statements of fact, not “someone says.”
Even if their headline substituted the word “exposes” for “accuses” it would be both more accurate and less wimpy “Leah Remini exposes church harassment” if they cannot come right out simply say “Scientology Harassment Exposed.”
The media in the US (not a problem in Australia, UK or Europe) need to stop giving scientology the “benefit of the doubt” – the evidence is overwhelming, documented and sourced to numerous people. They are way beyond mere “accusations” at this point.
Surely those high-powered lawyers that mainstream media employs have realized the letters from scientology are more useful to demonstrate the insanity of their well documented “attack the attackers” policy than they are any real legal threat. Scientology has not brought a lawsuit against anyone who has reported on them for decades despite deforesting huge swaths of trees with their volumes of ominous sounding but ultimately toothless chest pounding.
But then, a breath of fresh air.
Kira Davis, who writes for RedState news, a conservative political blog, came out with this story which you should read in its entirety.
Her headline reads:
Leah Remini’s Scientology-Busting Reality Show Is The Best Thing On TV Right Now
If you watch one thing this week, watch Leah Remini’s “Scientology and the Aftermath” on A&E.
It also comes with a brilliant tag line that appeared on Facebook when I shared it that is not in the body of the article itself. It perfectly describes this show: “It’s Beauty vs the Beast and if this show’s any measure, my money’s on the girl.”
This article is a shot to the gut of scientology. Unabashed and unashamed, Ms. Davis tells it like it is.
Here are some of the choicest excerpts:
Remini – with Rinder beside her – lays out a plan for seeking out other disillusioned COS members and escapees. The remaining 7 episodes – including the latest “Fair Game” – seem designed to familiarize the viewer with the inner-workings of COS as well as exposing the often horrifying abuse of its members.
COS has enjoyed tax-exempt status as a “religious” group for quite sometime. With the rise of the internet more and more people have become aware over the years of the insidious, ridiculous nature of this so-called “church”. There is no way this fraud of an organization should still be cheating Americans out of billions in tax revenue, but since they won that battle they have become a massively influential group with large cash reserves and billions of dollars in prime real estate holdings across the planet.…
This is one show you should be watching. It is riveting, chilling and deeply emotional. This might be one of the best reality shows on television right now. Adding to the drama and thrill is knowing that you’re not just watching just another reality show…you might well be watching the beginning of the end for one of the biggest scams in religious history.
As Ms. Remini says to the COS (after they sent a very nasty letter demanding no one watch her show),”When you stop f***ing with people’s lives and families, I’ll stop too.”
Go ‘head, Ms. Leah. We’re cheering you on.
And to you Ms. Davis I say: brava!
My brother texted me today an it said” It’s on A & E right now! The whole world is hearing about your plight and.enslavement. Get an ultra lawyer now. Don’t wait another day…etc He then said that he has lawyer contacts that he will talk to. He doesn’t know much about Scientology but he knows the basics of my story. I don’t expect to get any money but they got the IRS to capitulate with lots of lawsuits and it would be fitting to use their own tactics to expose the abuses. The show is having a tremendous effect. I talked to Tony Ortega last week and he said it is time to tell my story again along with other things I haven’t spoken publicly about yet. I think that they are finally about to crack. Well done to Mr Rinder and Leah and all who helped.
“The truth is that current Church leadership never has and never would tolerate unethical conduct,”
lol, “unethical” according to whom’s viewpoint? The problem is, CofS is obsessed with people touching their pee pees or dressing up like girls and such – that’s just terrible and unethical and abberated! We’ll not stand for such unethical behavior in CofS!
Whereas human trafficking is an ethical way to handle their personnel issues because it results in more free labor for the CofS which is the most ethical group ever, so human trafficking is “ethical” CofS-style and you’d best not complain about it if it happens to you, that is “nattering” (and only occurs because they have not been able to apply totalitarian mind control to get you back under control so they can get away with it).
Pressuring women to have abortions that they don’t want in order to save on child care costs is “ethical” too because it results in more free labor for CofS who are the most ethical people ever so of course it’s ethical.
Scientology “ethics” are not about morality but rather about the question “will this make our group more money?” as you pointed out in your last paragraph about abortion.
A woman or couple with a child will divert at least some resources to that child – away from the church – and that’s intolerable. Thus the first policy (abortion) which was only discarded after bad PR became known. This led to the second policy – getting kicked out – because an avoidance of an expense (bad PR) is almost as good as income. Note that “right” and “wrong” don’t enter into it, this is just about finances. Which is what I would argue Scientology ethics are based upon.
If you view their actions (the church in general and LRH’s and DM’s in particular) through this lens, then what they do makes a lot more sense. For example, real estate is a more certain investment than a self-help catalog of reading materials and coursework that attracts not only a specific type of person but also requires a great deal of additional effort.
It’s also why “give us money and do all this work to feel better” does not bring in as much money as “give us money to feel better” which is the IAS’s schtick. Or at least that’s what i would expect. Does anyone have any hard numbers on exactly how much they take in? I know charities have to report income and expenses, do churches have to?
jmsr7, charities don’t HAVE to report income and expenses to the public. In general, people won’t GIVE to those that don’t. Not the same thing.
Hello to you all 🙂
I’m a never in, longtime daily reader/first time poster.
Watched part 2 last night, bravo to all involved! Informative and emotionally engaging, very well made. Inspired me to finally comment here.
I became intrigued by scientology years back, watching a video of the affable Mark Bunker being harassed when visiting a scientology “open day” street event. Been reading and learning since! Used to post on esmb for a while, met some great people there and learned a lot about the emotional impact on those ensnared by scientology.
I watched the John Sweeney doc’s with particular interest as I am Scottish and have huge respect for the BBC. I remember my heart being lifted watching Mike in the second part, after his great escape. Even so soon after leaving, with little time to decompress and adjust, the change was so dramatic! Looking years younger, and able to smile and speak freely, it was the start of us getting to know the real Mike. Been a fan ever since! In spite of the “ethical experts” ongoing, spiteful, efforts to bring you down, its been great to watch you go from strength to strength in all aspects of your life.
I just want to say you have my utmost respect for what you are doing; so many would want to simply move on and get as far away from their abusers as possible after such an ordeal. Yet knowing full well the magnitude of the struggle, you step up to the line daily with eloquent, informative, inspirational and often hilarious posts, while also providing valuable input to numerous projects such as Going Clear and Aftermath. Tip of the cap to you sir!
I truly believe the ongoing work that you and countless others have dedicated so many hours to makes a real difference, every day. May the time come soon when such sterling efforts are no longer required..
This is not a comment about the show, but about Mr. Rinder. I wrote Mr. Rinder a letter off this site. I have never been exposed to the church or know anyone in it. Despite that, I am fascinated by it and when I am fascniated by something I research the hell out of it. I did not know a thing about the church till the 2007 BBC special with John Sweeney. I have read everything possible since. I wrote Mr. Rinder due to my son. He is 7 and has Asperger’s syndrome, which is on the Autism spectrum. He is very high functioning and it is hard to tell unless you know him. He is also highly suggestable and I am afraid when I am no longer to protect him this cult, or a similar one will get thier hooks in him. He will also inheret a decent nest egg, but I have decided to put it in a trust.
The point of my letter was encouragement. To stand up to a multi-billion dollar entity that is not afraid to use every resource to destroy you takes a fortitude I find very few people have. Mr. Rinder, Mr. Rathbun, Mrs. Remini, Mr. Haggis and a few others have this remarkable ability to dig in and fight back against impossible odds. And they have fought the good fight. It is starting to show.
Well, I never expected a response from Mr. Rinder. I know he is busy as hell, and I am not a former member of the cult or had ever been exposed to it. Imagine my surprise when I opened my email this morning and got a reply from Mr. Rinder!!! Made my day!!!! This should tell you about the integrity of this individual. To take time out of his schedule to reply simply because I was worried about my son’s future. This man is a true hero. To get the living crap kicked out of him by the church for over 10 years, producing shows, traveling, yet to take the time out of his day to reply to, well, a nobody.
In any event, the focus of much of the fight against the church seems to focus on getting members out and reuniting families. This does hurt the church. The other side of the coin, is that through this exposure, it is causing people NOT to join. While members leaving hurt, people not joining is what will bring this horrific entity down. I hope that by the time my son is old enough to go out on his own, this church will be a smoldering ruin.
Finally, I did tell Mr. Rinder I like his accent, never heard anything like it. Of course it has Australian undertones, there are other parts to it as well. I know he is happily married, but I did tell him that accent must make him popular with the ladies! LOL. Sorry, such a serious subject can use a little humor from time to time. Anyone agree?
Well, to you Mr. Rinder, keep up the fight. You have effected so many people and changed so many lives, for the better. You will never know how many people you have touched as most will never write or let you know, but it could be millions. Thanks for all you do to help those effected by this horrible church. And thanks for the reply, it really did make my day.
Yourself and Leah were absolutely brilliant in the documentary. So were all the other participants in this episode and the first one.
I must say you are VERY restrained on the use of the bad language!! After having gone through all that you have with the cult, I’m surprised that the “beeps” aren’t a major feature……. If I was narrating there would only be a couple of allowable words through the whole episode………
By the way, I’m in the UK and quite a few of the YouTube films aren’t allowed here. This includes this series.
If you do an advanced google video search for what you want, and EXCLUDE the words “YouTube”, then you’ll find some sites which slip the net. Or couldn’t give a damn anyway!
I used a channel called RuTube. Works for me in the UK.
Thanks for everything you do Mike. Would love the pleasure of meeting you sometime.
Mike, I just was able to see Episode 2 a few hours ago. Extremely well done.
You are a man of high integrity. To me that means that you honestly confront your past while having the courage to stand up for and fight for what is right in the present. I salute you for that.
Leah is a total ass kicker. Not only very tough, but extremely smart, capable and full of compassion, and like you, willing to fight for what is right and fight for people who may not be able to fight for themselves. She does the old neighborhood (Bensonhurst) proud.
Good job!
Of course , as show is growing as much Scientology wrongs will be published.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Mike.. do you know what has happened to Darius Wilhere? A few years ago I thought I read that DM had banished him to Australia or some such for some imagined crime. He and KL were such best buds when they were little. Anyway.. I thought I had heard he was not doing well. I hope he is ok.
It’s a long story. Will tell you when I see you. Short version. He was suicidal. Sent off the base. Ended up in CLO Mexico. Married, has a child (or maybe more). At some point I think had a very bad car accident (like his mother). Still drinking the KA. Think he is now in LA somewhere but not in SO. May have some of this incorrect. There are readers here who know and can correct me if there is something very astray. He was like a big brother to Benjamin when they were growing up. Benuamin idolized him.
Is the cult harassing Ms Reminis filmteams? Does anyone know?
I’m asking because Alex Gibney talks about the ” Fair game”-policy in an interview in today’s Dagens Nyheter ( one of Sweden’s largest dailies), about scientologys ways of “trying to break their victims psychologically”.
-When I arrive in Los Angeles nowdays I am met by “filmmakers” claiming to do a film about me, says Gibney.
And here is something very interesting from Gibney:
-I also know that Tom Cruise helped the leadership of the scientologychurch work out a strategy to get to us.
You will see some of this in upcoming episodes. The leopard cannot change its spots.
For anyone else who, like myself, has cancelled TV long ago, the A& E episodes are available online here…
I watched first two episodes via that link and was very impressed.
Even though my 33 yrs “in” left me relatively unscathed, I have very low tolerance for corruption and what the cos system has devolved into is flat out evil and should not be supported by any intelligent being.
I’m an independent scio now still using and benefiting from the non-destructive, eye-opening aspects of properly applied tech and I’m doing better than ever. But the Co$ itself and its sociopathic leader are long overdue for being brought to justice to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you for bringing the truth to light.
Absolutely huge kudos to you Mike & Leah and others involved. Mike, you come across very sincerely and your personal story in all this communicates very strongly and does a wonderful job DA-ing COB’s hatchet job antics on you. Very gratifying to see their bullshit backfiring and being exposed for what it is!
Frankly, IMO, these two episodes I’ve seen are the hardest hitting and most effective to yet come out on the subject. This is more like what I was hoping the Ron Miscavige thing was going to be.
Certainly a very “Effective Blow” to the whack-job running that outfit that I’m aware of.
Seriously, Very Well Done!!
Thank you for the link, scn911. Just watched the second episode.
Mike, that shot of with your new born boy made me cry tears of joy. Family is nothing inside the cult. But, it’s everything outside the cult. Peace & blessings to you & your wonderful family! We’re all behind you….
Hi guys, I am so frustrated. I live in Australia and managed to see the 1st episode but cannot find a link that will work for me to watch the 2nd. The above link that scn911 posted does not work now. I will keep trying. I just want to applaud Mike, Leah and everyone involved in the series. Way overdue and you have my respect. Thank you
Hello Mr. Rinder. I have always been curious of the controversy behind Scientology since 2011 when I was able to visit Los Angeles. I remember the big blue hospital looking building with the huge sign of “Scientology” above and it made an impression on me.
When I did my research I was taken back at how many horrendous things I read about it; being a cult and how people were basically sheep within this “church”.
And being born in Cuba (a communist island for 50 decades) Miscaviges’ leadership sounds a lot like Fidel Castros regime. For example, in Cuba people cannot speak against the regimen or they will be locked up and beaten to a pulp. They don’t notice their deplorable situation because they figure atleast they always get their rations of bread and soy “meat” every week from the government. And they can’t do anything to rally against the regime because they are so busy trying to work and make an extra dollar since their rations and wages aren’t enough to survive. All that is BRAINWASHING AT IT’S FINEST! And that’s exactly how Scientology is is being run by DM.
I am shocked there is a piece of that in this country. It’s very sad that people have gotten fooled and sucked into something so detrimental as that cult.
I applaud you and Leah for having the guts and the heart to stand up for what’s right!!! How can we be in a free and outspoken country living in fear and abuse from an organization.
Episode 3 will punch them in the face
Mike, One thing not mentioned is if you or other similar ex Scientologists that were attacked : that if you do get any normal job to support your family, DM would attack your employer and Fair game you there too.
Oh wait he already did that. I am going to enjoy that DM is going to go effin nuts this holiday season and for 6 more shows.
Davis’s article is well worth a read.
“Even decades later, as she (Amy Scobee) talks about the abuse she suffered there is still an air of “I did something to deserve this” about her confession. That is how deep the brainwashing of cult members can go.”
That is an astute observation.
Media might take evidence note of Fair Game being used against Miscavige’s own family, just as it was against Hubbard’s own family. Just hearing of John Glenn’s passing, I have Quentin Hubbard in mind. I’ve put out the story of his day with my husband’s home, his father and his tour and flight at McDonnell Douglas. I don’t think the Mercury capsule was there, but several of the Apollo space capsules were as well as all the stories and wild tales. He was floating a few inches off the ground that day.
I’ve learned to recognize real heroes when I come across them, especially when you know all the nitty gritty details of the hair raising dangers involved. I heard them back then and I hear them today from a gregarious friend with puns as fun as Paul Noble’s. He worked in the programs before it was even called NASA (NACA). What they all had in common though was a fierce passion to make the world a better place and to advance the humanities. He instilled in his own family the same integrity and passion. One is a champion in the New York Appellate Courts standing for the common man and his family includes one who is still toiling tirelessly to advocate changes in the law to protect groups who violate human rights, especially cults and yes, including Scientology.
Mike, you and Leah have climbed out of some deep quicksand to rise above the muck so millions of families hear our voices. This series is a warning shot with a megawatt megaphone. I used to raise my voice in desperate anger at OSA execs and Scientology celebs alike. Today, remembering Quentin walking out the front sidewalk, smiling and waving at the same time, I believe with all my heart that if he was here now he would join me in recognizing you both as our kind of heroes. And thank you. Six decades is long enough. You’ve come a long way, baby!
Should read “who protect citizens against groups who violate human rights”
“Everyone has now seen the footage of me in the door of the church of scientology in London, looking like a concentration camp survivor.” And every time I see this footage I can’t help but think what a complete idiot and a true psycho DM really is. He is so full of himself and delusional that he couldn’t see that your appearance alone could one day come back to haunt him.
And yes Davey, it’s biting you in the ass now, isn’t it? Can’t deny true film footage. When they finally come to get you, can’t wait to see what Heber looks like. Or are you covering your ass now and feeding everybody in the hole healthy food? It’s all going to come out in the end Davey, they’re coming to get you.
Want to bet? I can see the COS response now. “Rinder was fine, he looks bad because the cameras caught him from bad angles.”
Of course no one who sees what Mike looked like will believe them, but the eatoin shrudlu COS will still say it.
My guess is that they will have to use DNA testing to see what Heber looks like. Thats too bad as he is a friend of mine. In 1989 during Maiden Voyage he was the only one who noticed that I was not on the ship.I was in the hospital getting the blood transfusions that gave me AIDS.
If El Cobo ever ends up in a courtroom on criminal charges, his best option will be the insanity defense. But, of course, that violates his personal policy of always attack. What a dilemma! Since I’m considered an SP, I will ask a suppressive question: Dave, do you still beat your wife?
The problem with news media in general these days is the proliferation of fake news. Scientology engages heavily in fake news with its creation of websites, false press releases, and even fake news magazines. They went so far as have people lie without flinching on national TV programs, even when there was corroborating evidence to the contrary. Heck, they even Photoshop the pictures at their events to make it appear that more people are attending. These tactics make it really difficult to determine what is true and what isn’t. Leah’s program is full of clear evidence – testimonials by actual people, videos, etc. – which make it reasonable to accept what is being presented as true. I thought by far the best portrayal of the harassment that Scientology engages in was the recording of the group that John Sweeney captured over Rinder’s phone. The screaming, the threats, etc. Scientology has used the fake news strategy for way too long and, with the Trump election, people are starting to see how widespread this tactic is and the damage that it can cause. The tide is turning on this.
“…you might well be watching the beginning of the end for one of the biggest scams in religious history.”
To read that. Absolutely brilliant… Christmas has come a little early this year.
There is no escaping the truth Miscavige, the world is watching you now, (you’ve come into the focus and the curiosity of the masses of TV hungry reality show viewers) and every day your influence is getting smaller and smaller. Just like one of Hubbard’s fictional characters, Sultan Gris, he found out no amount of money will save a complete sociopathic moron such as yourself. You are like a disease that has thrived on lies and profited from the brutal & unmerciful treatment of your peers. Your systematic exposure is developing itself across the airwaves of the world. Your PR just confirms that everything is indeed true about what they say about you. Defend yourself the only way you know how, the more the better. It’s like throwing gasoline on the fire in an attempt to put it out
Oh what a joy it is you witness your demise.
I would think the toughest job for Dave these days is figuring out who to punch.
So many choices, so little time…
Good thing there is not many people left at INT these days. Now they can all (except Dave of course) fit in the hole.
Because he’s too short to climb back out!
He could always look in his mirror and punch his reflection…
I just can’t believe that the COS is still mud slinging all of its critics the way it does. They just don’t learn.They obviously have no concept of the effect that this creates on the general public. It shows all what a vengeful, spiteful, immature, hateful bunch that they are…. Miscavige anyway. I think most Scientologists, despite the Kool Aid, would disagree with this, and would find this kind of thing repulsive and unfitting of a “church”. It is nice however that Miscavige is helping his critics bring him down. See, he’s not such a bad guy. Maybe he really wants to bring himself down as much as the rest of us.
What really stands out throughout all this drama, is the sheer gutlessness of Miscavige. HE WILL NOT APPEAR IN PUBLIC! HE WILL NOT SPEAK IN PUBLIC! HE WILL NOT TESTIFY IN COURT! His display of cowardice should be enough to encourage all who have been damaged to speak out publicly whenever possible. Even the Pope appears in public! But not our Cowardly Custard. This fact alone should already be known to those still in…if they know anything at all.
Of course he won’t appear in public. He’s WAY to cowardly to do so. He’s a little dwarf who’s afraid of the outside world…
I watched this episode twice….and it was heart breaking both times. It makes it even more wrenching….that this has been going on in my backyard. Flag….the Nirvana of Scientology …. that was built off of the blood, sweat, tears, wallets, and The backs of disconnected and destroyed families. Abhorrent is an appropriate word.
Mike….was this the first time Leah had been back to Clearwater since she left the Church? It must’ve been very surreal for her.
The one thing that I also noticed as she was driving around Flag…. is that I did not see any people other than Sea Org members. Where are all of the people doing services? If they are as busy as they say….I would have thought we would have seen people walking around outside.
it is very clear why you and Leah are doing this.
Keep Going.
Ok, you have two choices here: Either they’re all hiding…OR, they don’t exist. I’m going with the latter.
FLAG – forgotten, lost and gagging.
Public – what does that mean exactly in the Scientology mindset? It must vary depending what part of the bullshit you tread in at the time. Nothing good comes from being a member of that group, public, staff or SO. However, Scio Lawyers and PIs… now there’s a career for the asshole inspired.
“Adding to the drama and thrill is knowing that you’re not just watching just another reality show…you might well be watching the beginning of the end for one of the biggest scams in religious history.”
I sure hope so…
We all do, Tara.
We might all be meeting at your beach party sooner than we thought OSD.
The sooner, the better…
Mike, this has to be your best blog post ever. You have really come into your own with respect to progress in doing away with the CoS abuses – culminating with the brilliant teaming up with Leah Remini. Today’s blog post today also shows what a professional journalist you’ve become, to boot!
You have given us a veritable smorgasbord today, Mike. Many thanks!
The biggest problem I have with the cult’s “condemnation” of Mike is that it’s so thoroughly cookie-cutter. Every “bitter defrocked apostate” has to be condemned with the same bland “crimes”, “crimes” that no one outside of the cult believes are crimes or, hell, believes at all. If Mike was guilty of malfeasance, wouldn’t it benefit the cult to specify the nature of those malfeasances? Of course, they can’t do that, since Mike would immediately lawyer up. So, they keep it vague and “threatening” and do nothing but see if the shit sticks to the wall.
Too bad, culties. The good guys have facts on their side, and Leah is laying them out to a worldwide audience on a weekly basis now. The media are slowly stopping their tame poodle act and actually asking questions. What happens when the defenses no longer work with the wogs? Davey can’t throw another spokesperson to the wolves; he’s already done that with Mike and Tommy and taken over the identity of Karin Pouw. Dingaling’s not working anymore.
The end is near, and everyone can see it from the outside.
I have more empathy for a squished cockroach than I ever will for Miscavige. His playbook with its well thumbed pages is all he has, and it has at last become the playbook of his enemies. There isn’t anything he can do that can’t be predicted well ahead of time. Spend up big Davy while you can, It’s the money that will soon be the only thing targeted by your inner group. I get the feeling a lawyer assisted demise in on the cards for you. Trust no-one!
Ms. Davis gives a more appropriate review of the show than some of the silly TV reviewers who probably wish they were serious literary critics for the New York Times. TV criticism is down there with rock music criticism when it comes to status as a writer. They want to talk ‘television as an art form’ so when they regard some of the story-telling devices Leah uses as being “done before” and that sort of thing, the nincompoops aren’t appreciating the show’s aim and purpose. Their minds are focused on the ‘little’ picture.
But even they say the show is entertaining.
What we have here isn’t just one show but a full-season mini-series on how bad the church of scientology is. You know, a SERIES that kicks the church of scientology. This is a true milestone, not one of those fake scientology milestones. It’s a safe bet DM begrudges those responsible for it. Blames them. Perhaps even wishes he could torture them with sharp instruments on a bed of hot coals.
The show is an entertaining means by which the viewer can actually meet the people wronged by the church and hear detailed accounts of the church’s behaviors personified by David Miscavige. He IS the church. He made himself the church and now he is handcuffed to its fate. All the stories come together to form the framework of understanding of the church. The understanding is simple: it is run by a maniacal bully who exploits the diminished capacities of the followers and his staff. Widespread knowledge of this is the silver bullet to the beast. That’s what the show does and Ms. Davis gets it.
Mike, Great post. Point by point you disprove their ridiculous claims full of generalities and no facts. They are the REAL SPs! Again great job to Leah and you!
Not a word from the midget hisself. Not a squeak. But of course this is understandable, he not having anything to do with the day to day operations of the cult.
Nothing. He has absolutely nothing to do with day to day operations. He wakes up around noon, and starts drinking. Heavily I might add. He screams at people for a few hours and then passes out.
It’s tough being at the top – so much drinking to do, so little time.
Yep! That’s one of my problems, too.
$cientology is so 1984 ish ness. When ever anything happens, they consult the Manual of Newspeak and exclaim that ‘We have always been at war with East Asia’. Never mind that only one hour before there was a ‘Love East Asia’ documentary on the Big Brothers TV station. This is why SuMP doesn’t put out any product. They can never finish any production because the actors or writers or someone connected to the show escapes and they have clean out all the ‘entheta’ that was in the show.
The format and content of any $cieno statement has been laughable for the last 10-15 years. Laughable in the complete sameness of each pronouncement. I have to believe that Karin Pouw is the first person to have had their personality and consciousness placed in a robot. Or was the ronbot placed inside her? That distinction does matter.
‘$cientology, the Aftermath’ has and is educating more and more. The pool of potential new clams is shrinking faster than a union officials job at a well known heating and air conditioning company under the new El-presidente…
George Orwell would recognize $cientology very easily. Why doesn’t everyone see that?
Agreed totally, Ze. They’d absolutely love for OSA to be the Ministry of Truth. Thirty years ago, they were. They were able to control information about them to keep up their public image as some kind of weird combination of Mystery Cult and the Justice League. The problem is that their policies on information control were developed by someone who was stuck in 1948, the year Orwell released 1984. Ron, with all of his quadrillions of years of knowledge, didn’t anticipate the Information Age.
If you want to delineate a starting point for the collapse of Scientology being able to control information about them, it’s definitely 1991 and Mark Ebner’s Time Magazine story. The full-page NYT ad and the legal astroturfing didn’t stop Time. The laughable attempts at astroturfing and shitposting on Usenet didn’t work. They weren’t able to stop Andreas at Clambake. They weren’t able to stop Karin Spaink from making their deepest, darkest secrets public domain in court records. It took thousands of times the effort to defang the LMT that the Trust put into exposing them. And most wonderful of all, Davey said to his coterie in March 2008 that he would “handle Anonymous”. Yeah, that worked well.
They lived by the sword. Now they’re dying by the sword. And Davey is feeling every little cut. Couldn’t happen to a nicer sociopath.
That was Richard Behar’s Time article
True. My mistake. For some reason I was thinking of Ebner’s fantastic work in Spy magazine (a publication I loved back in the day).
Hi Zemoo, yes the 1984’ish similarity is so amazing. I have just started reading this book and cannot believe how close it is to reality especially in the Sea Org and even more so, the SO in the last 30 years. Wow.
Lowie, wait until you get to the Room 101 scene. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but if you’re recognizing the similarities now, you’ll definitely recognize them when you read that.
YES, there is a vast conspiracy to drain your swamp and rattle your cage.
You drain my swamp and you rattle my cage
And you do this to me every single day
You want to fight, well that’s alright
Goodness gracious small balls on fire
Ha! Good one, OSD.
I hope they didn’t change Benjamin’s name and send him to another country, like they did with Cassavius Tabayoyan to keep him away from Andre & Mary. Cassavius became “Michael Pryzbylski” (not positive of first name) and was sent to Denmark, as directed by David Miscavige.
Yes, that is right Amy. Forgot all about that. But these days, you are just a click away no matter where you are in the world. If you can get a phone or a computer you are instantly in touch and I am not hard to locate. Google will track me down in an instant!
Michael departed the Sea Org. He maintained disconnection from Andre his father. When his Mom died, I was unsuccessful in having him make peace with his father to offer her condolences.
And he does state “Golden Era Studios” in his Linked In profile.
I followed that link to his profile. He lists this:
Hubbard College
BA Equivelent, Management
1993 – 2010
Apollo Training Academy
High School Equivelent Certification, High School
1981 – 1985
Is there a Hubbard College? Did he attend for 7 years? Does he have a degree equal to a BA? Does anyone else see why I doubt the value of his ‘education’ due to the glaring problem with this profile?
Ok, I’ll point out the error. He can’t spell equivalent correctly, and apparently does not know how to use spell-check.
Wow, that was one good article.
Me thinks he doth protest too much.
“fess up to your sexual abuse problem and clean it out, keep away from children…”
Teaser for next week? Shelly or…..?
Yes.. what’s this all about? hmmmmmmmmmm
I love the show. It has a cliffhanger aspect, kind of like “What’s Next!?” The spacing of the show to once a week allows the emotional impact to sink in, although I’d be happy to binge watch the whole thing. Each episode shows a lot, but not too much, preventing emotional overload or “eyes glazing over” as someone mentioned yesterday.
I wonder if the main topic for each of the six remaining episodes is available. Wait a minute! Maybe I don’t want to know – the anticipation is exciting – lol It’s sort of like waiting for the next weekly episode of “Superman” on tv or the Saturday morning cartoons. (which shows my age)
“Ultimately, the intervention of the ecclesiastical leader was needed to clean up Rinder’s final and greatest mess, resulting in his removal in disgrace in 2002.”
Was this the handling of the Lisa McPherson case that Dave was so pissed off about that they are referring to? I guess they forgot to mention that it was Dave’s own “case supervising” that started the whole mess. Quite typical that Dave would blame you for the disaster he started. – sick
And, of course, the biggest question here isn’t answered: if Mike was “in disgrace” because of the McPherson situation, why is it that Dave let him out of the Hole to try to clean up the shitshow that Tommy Davis was making of the John Sweeney situation? Apparently Mike wasn’t in too much disgrace. Of course, that backfired marvelously when Mike did a runner from London.
Perhaps the biggest felony crime that lil davey has escaped justice from was his personal case supervision of Lisa M.’s auditing, and the technical errors he made as her untrained, uncertified case supervisor that preceded her psychotic break, subsequent false imprisonment and the horrific neglect leading to her death. The removal of DM’s case supervision notes from her PC folder and the cover up that ensued represented a clear case of obstruction of justice.
It is an absolute travesty of justice that lil davey the fake CS was not prosecuted for his key role in her manslaughter death. But even beyond that, his actions in case supervising her auditing without having the required training or certification would be considered a high crime even if it didn’t result in such a serious consequence. Anyone else would have been booted out of $cn and declared an SP for an offense that severe. Lil davey is not only a criminal with blood on his hands who’s escaped civilian justice, but a criminal within $cn’s own internal ethics system for acting as Lisa M.’s case supervisor without the training or certification required to do so.
“Anyone else would have been booted out of $cn and declared an SP for an offense that severe. Lil davey is not only a criminal with blood on his hands who’s escaped civilian justice, but a criminal within $cn’s own internal ethics system for acting as Lisa M.’s case supervisor without the training or certification required to do so.” Oh yeah!
After training over and over what an overt and suppresive act it is to f*ck up in session and/or c/sing a pc, etc. etc. Any trained auditor here can understand the thought of missing a read and/or an f/n – god forbid. I had nightmares.
Lil Dave that Karma train is comin to get you!
Great show, Mike and Leah et al. Admirable for both the courage and the art.
Question: Do you think Miscavige actually allows anyone other than himself to read these comments?
Maybe just lawyers searching in vain for something to litigate?
It really baffles me that any “scientologist” reading this stuff could miss the obvious fact that it is Dave himself who is destroying their organization.
I thought OSA had to read all of the blogs so as to keep up on how best to distribute the forces of ‘ethics’ onto the bitter defrocked apostates clinging to the fringes of the internet? That must be getting to be a tough job on little to no sleep. BTW OSA, we haven’t seen many of you trolls commenting about all of us liars out here; what’s up with that?
Maybe Dave will want to litigate the defamation of His Cult due to the lies presented on A & E.
Yo Dave,
Better take your best shot good buddy, there are a lot of us waiting to testify.
The lack of trolls was what made me suspect that Dave won’t allow even OSA to peruse these pages. And, of course, the lawyers don’t care how corrupt Dave is as long as keeps the money flowing to them.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh……LDW! Let’s keep it our little secret, and the dwarf fuck everything up.
According to the Co$ you, Mike Rinder, are the worst person to walk the face of the earth. Amazingly, you were in their SO for years, and for 20+ years were head of their OSA, and yet after +47 years of being a large part of their organization they now claim that you, like all the other X- scientologists, are the worst person alive. It’s sounds to me like any involvement in the Co$ eventually results in ALL x-members becoming total scumbags, according to the Co$. Sounds like a great advertisement for Co$’s philosophy & beliefs.
“Amazingly, you were in their SO for years, and for 20+ years were head of their OSA, and yet after +47 years of being a large part of their organization they now claim that you, like all the other X- scientologists, are the worst person alive.”
This is a point I hope is going to be given more emphasis. It’s a nuclear foot bullet or a knockout punch if there ever was one, whichever way you want to look at it.
Not the best time to choose body routing as a career.
Good time to be a comedian, though. 🙂
Always. ?
Did someone say…comedian?
Some people resonate with the word. 😉
I don’t know about that, they are going to have to do something with all the dead bodies; someone is going to have to route them. Either bury them on the golf course or use ovens; no, that would not work, the EPA would be all over them because of the smoke. I hope that this does not turn in to a repeat of Jonestown; you know what he did when the end was near.
I agree with this. But it needs to be brought up in conjunction with the total failure that is PTS/SP Handling Tech.
Not sure what you are referring to, Espiando, but the description of an SP is pretty much the same as psychologists describe psychopaths today, and their victims are very much like PTSes. In spiritual teachings, SPs/psychopaths are sometimes called psychic vampires. Teal Swan describes them in this video:
What I was referring to was their total inability to spot SPs that were at the top of the organization while in, from John McMaster to Bill Robertson to Mike and Marty, and their failure to “handle” them once declared. Didn’t Ron print up a list of 36 different things to be done to them, with Disconnection being #36? If PTS/SP handling was part of the flawless, 100% works 100% of the time Tech, why didn’t it work with all of them?
The reason the PTS/SP “tech” didn’t work was that it became a political tool to declare someone SP. Those declared “SPs” weren’t “spotted” for the simple reason they weren’t actually SP as per the original, technical definition.
…or “Brooklyn vs Beast”
There are thousands of Fair Game stories on the net. How many more human beings does it take, how many more human rights denied, how many more inhumanities inflicted before religious persecution Whistleblowers get their own Protection Act? Scientology persecutes people who refuse to practice Scientology and harrasses and threatens and persecutes people who report on Scientology activities. They commit hate crimes and practice reverse religious persecution. There are numerous categories for Whistleblowers but none for religious workers. For those writing their Congresspersons and Senators and Santa, you might want to add this to your list. Scientology says that’s naughty. I think it would be nice. Real nice.
“There are thousands of Fair Game stories on the net.” And there are just as many additional stories of families that have been harmed and destroyed by the cherch’s despicable policy of coerced disconnection as well.
This is a key point because, if the cherch under lil davey the demonic’s absolute control had any sense at all, their defense strategy here would be to cast the folks featured on Leah’s series as an infinitesimally small group of individuals whose experience in $cn is in no way representative of the (ha!) millions of other parishioners who, like John Travolta, have only had positive experiences. And whatever the truth of their allegations against the cherch might be, those difficulties were as a result of lower level employees acting on their own and without the approval or knowledge of cherch leaders. By seeking to mitigate the damage to the cherch by emphasizing how few the number of disaffected actually are and how any mistakes that were made in the cherch’s handling of their valid concerns lil davey + evil minions could at least partially defend and deflect this full-force frontal attack and not just look ridiculous and self-incriminating as they are now.
Of course that would be all bullshit and lies, but if you’re going to lie like a rug anyhow, then at least do so in a way that is semi-plausible instead of lying about church-directed behavior that needs no interpretation because it was captured live on video and audio tape (doh). Once you’ve been busted out like that, then continuing to try and deny it just makes folks feel certain that you’re hiding more of the same and that you’re unwilling to come clean about anything at all.
Fortunately for all of us here who’d like to see the corporate cherch either fundamentally reformed or disbanded, lil davey – this year’s Foot Bullet Gold Medalist – has been sticking to the same old “always attack, never defend” strategy that is clearly no longer working for them and hasn’t for years. Just in case that changes, though, widening out the story that Leah is telling to show that the folks featured on her series are but a tiny fraction of the thousands that have been similarly mistreated by the cherch would be an excellent extended plan of attack. And it is important to continue to make it crystal clear that their mistreatment is not some sort of anomaly or mistake, but a purposeful decision and a longstanding policy of the cherch which is scripturally required and has been ruthlessly enforced for more than a half century now.
It is my opinion that this so-called-church isn’t a church at all. It doesn’t involve the premise of which I was taught at least. God, truth, and the Bible, in my teachings.
It’s premise is money, money, and money. Involving people in a cult following of misdoings and lies. It saddens me that a singular person could write his own rules and regulations to be followed by its robots within.
L.Ron Hubbard and David Misgavidge(sp?) are sociopathic, narrcassitic, psychopaths.
Bravo to Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, and the team that is exposing this “organizations” behaviors and practices.
I want my second home of Clearwater, Florida back. I am disgusted and creeped out EVERYtime my husband and I pass the Flag building. Many of my family members are residents of Clearwater.
Shut them down and run them out! It’s time.
Thank you for all the blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish all that you do.
If Scientology was actually run (I’m assuming as Hubbard intended) with top level management operating as a team with full measures of checks and balances, these “bad PR” occurrences would be minimal and could be swiftly resolved. People who were wronged could seek redress and they could either stay or leave quietly happily with their “donations” returned to them. If such a management team were in place that genuinely cared about the well being of the movement and, took pains to correct internal matters instead of denying and covering them up, the Scientology movement could have quietly rolled along as a fringe cult for decades. As it is, by actual witness of the churches “PR responses” in the media today, it amounts to a clear admission of guilt. David Miscavige is in fact making it more likely that Scientology will lose it’s tax exemption, that it will continue to hemorrhage members, and encourage more people to speak out.
Thanks to Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, their families and ALL of the other caring people and former members who are willing to take a stand and clearly say NO MORE. I hope that for the Scientologist, they understand that we are actually speaking out for THEM and for others who feel they cannot hold the church accountable. For the fact is they live in FEAR of being denied their “eternity” (they actually already lost it) and they live in fear of being found out their inner most thoughts and suspicions about church management, the sole dictator David Miscavige, who has successfully driven off the most talented minds Scientology ever had. All of the best Tech people have been out in the field for decades. I am hoping for a grassroots effort of Scientologists to examine the data that is being presented in this ongoing A&E series with Leah Remini, and objectively evaluate this accusations against their experiences. Bypass the “Doubt Formula” because it is rigged by virtue of the assumption that “Scientology is the greatest good” COME TO PRESENT TIME. Scientology has NOT been engaged of activities calculated for the greatest good, it is making calculated decisions sole based on what is best for it’s financial well being. David Miscavige never cared about anything except how much money he can get from you. WAKE UP and CONFRONT.
Doug, you are incorrect. “these “bad PR” occurrences ” are a result of correctly following LRH policy. Disconnection, slave labor, harsh ethics, the church never being wrong are ALL policy
So you’re saying, Mike, that because they follow Hubbard’s words, it’s all going to Hell in a hand basket? Can we make it go a little faster?
I think that if RTC gets REALLY on the ball with applying KSW; “we’d rather have you dead than incapable.” it could happen…
Well, of course they want you dead rather than incapable!!! You can hide bodies…
Oh, that’s not what KSW says anymore. DM says that was a mistranscription. What it really is is “We would rather have you dead than capable”. Certainly the people behind Leah’s show are very capable and DM would not shed a tear if they turned up dead, would he?
True Bill. But that is also true of Hubbard. Remember him trying to attack that child holocaust surviver to her grave for being capable enough to see through his scam?
All the friends of his at Old St. Hill he had declared SP because they were too capable and threatened HIS position as “The One”. Trying to kill the C/S who saved his life because he had too much popularity in the church…
When I see Leah, I cant help but think of Jack Nicholson in a Few Good Men, when he delivers the line, ” You FUCKED with the wrong marine ! “.
Dave, you fucked with the wrong Scientologist.
Yeah but unfortunately Tom Cruise can’t handle the truth.
Excellent post, as usual.
Every time Scientology uses that ridiculous “we expelled them” nonsense to defame critical ex-members, it’s laughable. As if they would ever expel any living, breathing person who is still willing to give the cherch all of their time, energy and MONEY!
At least there is insane written policy that is followed so you can always predict their response to your truthful allegations. Makes life easier in that respect.
So does a bottle of Merlot…
Hey Mike, you must be doing something wrong. I still get my monthly check from Big Pharma. 😛
I hear you, but mine are made out in Marcabian dollars. I’m sure it’s just an administrative oversight, but it’s so hard to reach head office…
Thank you so very much Mike and Leah. You have and are, giving me and others, hope again that justice is forthcoming and truth will be told. You are doing what those of us can’t and are thanked daily for it. God bless you and your family!
I think She already did!
Dear Media,
The Hubbard instructed his minions to manufacture evidence to destroy critics. This is not hearsay, it’s church scripture to be followed without question. This is what the are doing to Mike and Leah.
“If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 15 August 1960, Dept. of Govt. Affairs
It really is a great show. In the midst of hearing about all you are being put through, seeing you with your family in episode 2, I couldn’t help but feel really happy for you. Here’s to that implosion you predicted happening SOON!
Dear Media,
This below quote from Hubbard is why Scientologists behave the way they do. They consider Ron an infallible messiah and apply precisely his words.
I give you Ron’s instructions that they follow. There is no mystery to their behavior:
“This is the correct procedure: Spot who is attacking us. Start investigating them promptly for felonies or worse using our own professionals, not outside agencies. Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them. Start feeding lurid, blood sex crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press. Don’t ever tamely submit to an investigation of us. Make it rough, rough on attackers all the way.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 25 February 1966
Too bad Miscavige completely violates what it says about “actual evidence.”
Tell your Ron apology to Paulette Cooper. I’m sure she’d have some choice words.
BTW, on lookers. That was Ron that tried to kill and destroy one women with intel black ops thuggery.
Marildi, in the Playbook on Critics it says “manufacturer evidence” as well.
Look up “confirmation bias”.
I think it is a great help to people to hear the depths of twisted logic Ron apologists go to to avoid the truth. It is very revealing.
I was talking about what YOU referred to in the comment above where part of what you quoted was “ACTUAL evidence” – not “manufacture evidence.”
I know you want to paint Ron as black as possible, and heaven forbid if anyone should try to understand where he was coming from or cut him the slightest bit of slack. Nevertheless, according to indisputable records in the FOIA files, for decades there were very powerful agencies – both private and governmental – who sought to destroy scientology. And yes, Ron responded to those threats as if it was actual war. All of this was documented by Marty in his book *Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior*.
p.s. Do you have a reference for “manufacture evidence”? Or are you repeating what others have said without given a reference? The only one I know of with the word “manufacture” is in the reference you quoted above, which says “always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace.” Threatening them with manufactured consequences is a far cry from “manufactured evidence.”
” The truth is that current Church leadership never has and never would tolerate unethical conduct,…….”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…………tears, more tears……………HAHAHAHAHHA!
Yo………….. snicker, laugh, more tears…………………. Yo Dave,
I’m sure what you say is ………….. snicker, snicker…….cough, snort, ………TRUE ……good buddy. You are sooooooooo ethical.
BTW Mr. Ethicalness of the highest order ………….. what DID you say tp Paul Miller in December of 2009 when he and the other regges who were filling in as IAS regges told my wife that since she was the truly ‘BIG BEING’ that she would need to take matters into her own hands and do the right thing to save her families eternity by charging up over $100,000 on credit cards …………….and BTW, better not say anything to Mr small being hubby, after all, he just can’t see how WE are the only hope for the future of mankind.
Nice work Dave, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ……………..” Church leadership never has and never would tolerate unethical conduct”. I guess that includes you, right Dave?
Well Dave, as you recede into the backwaters of history, take good care of my daughter who remains faithful to your ethical conduct as a member of your Commodores Messenger Org. I’m sure your compassion for your cult members will carry the day for you and your shrinking cult.
Of all the BIG lies that statement from the cherch contained, that’s got to be the BIGGEST! Perhaps they were attempting to be disingenuous by parsing their own words extremely closely: It’s true that the cherch doesn’t merely tolerate unethical behavior, they demand it of parishioners through the must-be-obeyed Word of Elron. After all, it was not just some minor, mid-level Sea Orgy minion that decided on her own to order the surveillance, harassment, false police reports, intimidation, threats, etc. against select former members who speak out about their first-hand experience of abuse within the cherch, it was Elron himself who ordered that all of the perceived enemies of the cherch be treated in this way forever after.
Moreover, that statement can be taken in a literal manner when you understand that to $cilons the moral and ethical codes of behavior laid down as scripture by the founder are considered within the “faith” to be a higher level of ethics and morals than that which exists in any wog society. Thus, when the cherch says they “…would never tolerate unethical conduct,” the evaluative criteria that they’re using to make that judgement and establish those bright line limits is based on this supposedly higher form of $cn ethics and morals.
The unfortunate thing there for lil davey, the ultimate arbitrar of “justice” in $cn, is that while $cilons seem willing to accept behavior by the cherch, such as that captured live on video by Mike and others, as being moral and ethical, the larger society is not; and it is in the court of public opinion where ethical and moral standards of behavior are defined, NOT in some small and completely delusional group of Xenu-hating, space alien spirit-possessed cultists…and thank Xenu for that!
I’ve been following you Mike since I watched the Documentary “Going Clear” I love everything you are doing. You have my total respect. I am looking forward to more episodes from Leah. This is so important!!
Bravo to all who continue to spread the Truth & revel the underbelly of the cult.Scientology still with every new memo piece that lies as easily as we tell the truth,still truly truly feels it is Ron/David’s way or the highway.The blindfold over their hearts,eyes,brain & spirit deprives those still in of any light.I salute all of you who each daywho stick it to the black money heart of this group.Comets of light against the pain,rage and fear that Scientology lobs at all who dare criticize it.?Thank you Mike & Christie.
Scientology reminds me of the 1970s film ‘Nasty Habits’ with Glenda Jackson. Only in this case Leah would be Sister Felicity and Miscavige would be Sister Alexandra.