Another new wrinkle in the scientology world generated by outside pressure.
It is a PR exercise of course, and will be of no comfort to the broken families around the world who have members who have been declared. But it is an indication that scientology is feeling the heat about breaking up families and Sea Org members who are unable to take any time to visit with their relatives over this holiday season.
Of course, they will also use it as a way of making money and recruiting (hence the “special presentation”) but I have never seen anything like this before (though the posting says “another”) — a “banquet” for those who have family in the SO at Flag. It does not EXACTLY say that those family will be able to see their children/siblings/parents, but the implication is very strong and I think it would be a major flap if they held their banquet and the SO members were not in attendance.
This is further evidence that continuing to put the word out about the abuses of scientology does eventually seep inside the the bubble. The changes may be incremental and they are incredibly slow coming, but there ARE changes. It’s a tiny step, but worth noting.
Are many sea org at Flag the children of higher level members, particularly those who have moved to be near Flag? If so, I think that might explain why it seems like there may be better treatment in this situation.
It’s interesting the girl in front is wearing an Apple Watch. You can read a lot of entheta on that baby.
The Sea Org is still around????
Well but wait, what if your Sea Org family member disconnected from you? It doesn’t say you can’t come – I think everyone should show up who has been disconnected!
BTW the friend who got my sister in back in 1972 or so quit after a year because they wouldn’t let him go home to see his family for Christmas. Wise move. Sadly my sister has been in all that time. She hasn’t seen family for Christmas for more than 30 years and is now disconnected from 2 sisters, parents are passed away, husband blew in 2004.
Thanks Mike. Like you said, “… it’s a tiny step…”
(Snark alert) I hope I’m alive when it’s announced that david miscavige has passed away and all are invited to his funeral (You know… just so a head count can be done on the tens of thousands that show up. I wouldn’t mind being part of that headcount.) The amount I’m told he drinks and smokes, it could happen!
He drinks a Very spécial MacAllans single malt. It kilos all bacteria around and it keeps you in good spirits.
To: Mary
From: Midshipman Shanaynay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org speaking for Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
Re: spreading entheta
It has come to the attention of Our Beloved COB that you suggested on this blog that he is going to die. It is simply impossible for this to happen as Our Beloved COB has gained extraordinary powers having passed through multiple past lives. As a result he has transcended the conditions of MEST to which ordinary wogs are subject. Our Beloved COB insists that you submit to us an amends project which includes a sizeable contribution to the IAS McCallan Scotch Fund which will enable us to purchase large quantities of this refreshing beverage which Our Beloved COB loves to serve to IAS Freedom Medal winners.
We await your comm particle.
Midshipman Shanaynay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org on behalf of Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
To: Office of Miscavige scotch swilling ……aah, the hell with it!
To: Shanaynay
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle.
So you’ve resurfaced. How the hell did you get out of Midtown Jail? Probably busted out. At any rate, go tell that scotch swilling moron that the only thing we look forward to is seeing him arrested and put on trial! As well as seeing you sent back to Midtown Jail!
Transcended MEST conditions! Ha ha!
No love at all,
One reason I would never route into the Sea Org was because I really noticed its callous attitude towards families.
But you are right, Mike, even small steps of improvement should be acknowledged. …Even though the motive seems to be purely public relations, this may benefit a few people in the S.O. and who knows where this might lead to.
But I must admit that I would be more impressed if David Miscavidge showed up with his wife Shelley, his older brother Ron Jr., his twin sister Denise and his niece Jenna. Then his war would really be over.
My parents used to take me out for breakfast during CSP time almost every week (at a CLO, never could have happened at flag). People used to be like “how dare you be so off purpose”. Fuck this cult
I remember those days at CCNashville. If you wanted to do something outside of the cult you were ‘off purpose’. Only the aims of the cult mattered. Off purpose, out tech, out ethics, on and on and on. I got sick of it!
BFD. I’ll bet you any money that shut-ins at your average state prison are allowed more visiting time. And the food is probably better.
Wow. Definitely a PR move but I’m glad people in the SO with other family in the SO may get to spend some time together.
Empty chairs at the dining table at Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving and special family occasions… It’s easy to find yourself with a ‘thousand yard stare’ trying to grasp this post.