This is a recent Email sent out by a public scientologist in an attempt to help AOLA get some new recruits.
It speaks for itself. It is an amazing glimpse inside the shriveling world of scientology.
I could never imagine in my time in the Sea Org that anything like this would have been sent out by public scientologists… Maybe I was simply too removed from the day to day happenings at org level?
It seems to me that back in the day, it really WAS considered within the SO that “Many are called, few are chosen” and that the Sea Org was an “elite corps.” Nowadays they are apparently so desperate they will do almost anything and take almost anyone to man their Titanic as they sail on towards the iceberg.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Craig Culver says
Back in 1983 when I was high school. I was subject to high pressure tactics by S.O. recruiters to quit school and just join the S.O. (Once you get in the S.O., you just couldn’t put in a notice and leave.) I did joined the S.O. after I got out of high school. After spending 1 week on EPF, I told them that I want to leave. To make long story short, after 2 week on EPF I just packed my bags and walked out from INCOMM. That is the best decision that I ever made in Co$.
To get any S.O. recruiters off from your back, just tell them you have taken LSD.
NN Grad says
Who is this guy Jerrol?, what a bad PR comming from an AO Staff, he deserves a couple of seasons in the RPF.
But there will be good news sooner than i thought, maybe in this lifetime !!!!! if this kind of flunks are happening everyday.
Sorry but if i had to invest 4000 for a couple that can not handle 600 bucks for airplane tickets or just set up on craiglists a garage sale for this weekend to get some money or be the humanitarian needed by calling the salvation army to freely get rid of their stupid and unnecessary mest you can bet that they simply dont qualify.
By the way, theres a SO guy at ASHO in Pac base that will pay for the tickets if you just attend a personal briefing, his name is Joaquin Jimenez, he promisse to help and pay even from Mexico or South America, thats so 1.1 because once there theres no way out.
So DM realize that the only SO slaves that will not blow are the DB’s or diletants and even better if those also came from far places.
How far is Wiomming from LA? because it looks as a pattern
Fink Jonas says
I’m so sorry for the people “packing their house in Wyoming ” so very sorry, so sad their life is doomed, I wish I could stop the train wreck but nobody can ouch!
BKmole says
Desperation. That’s what I see in that email. As I’ve said before. Sick and sad.
Old Surfer Dude says
Huh? I always thought it was sad & sick. This modern world confuses me.
Computer Guy says
Dear Scientology – Here are the Needs and Wants from the members and ex members:
1. Produce ONE fucking CLEAR!
2. Stop destroying families.
3. Give Refunds to those who want their money back.
4. Stop LYING about L Ron Hubbard and Scientology – TELL THE TRUTH!
5. Stop David Miscavige from reigning his terror on his slave labor camps. Stop the BEATINGS! Stop the private investigators and sleazy attorneys from harassing anyone who speaks out. Stop FAIR GAME.
6. Free the Sea Org Slaves.
7. Sell your buildings and give people their money back – you are a FRAUD.
8. Admit you are a fraud and revoke your own tax exempt status.
9. Shut down your cult for eternity.
10. Tell your members the whole thing was a cruel and inhumane hoax.
Old Surfer Dude says
I cleared out my sinuses. Does that count for anything?
Doug Parent says
Can you imagine the cult coming clean? The walk out that would ensue and then the law suits… By then Miscavige will have made his clean get away with the cash and leave the rest to figure it out on their own.
Danielle Belle Eau says
Wow, crowdsourcing the Project Prepare! Desperate times indeed. Back in my day, one had to take care of their own debt and if you can’t pack up your own house, good luck on the EPF. Or maybe that’s cushy now too. Can’t see these people sticking around long if they need this much hand-holding (she said with a twisted sense of pride). 😉
Badafuco says
I’m not in the Sea Org or even a Scientologist any longer but I’ll help the people up in Wyoming. I’m not busy. Lol.
Old Surfer Dude says
You’re a good soul, Budafuco.
CMO Lost says
Mike, you must remember this!
It reminds me of one of the first things DM did for recruiting, or re-recruiting (although since I was in CMO PAC at the time, I didn’t know for sure if it was him or R that ordered it – figured out soon it was DM).
DM was in charge of the “recruiting” project. This was the first time I saw DM in PAC (he was normally at my previous location, SU). His project was to re-recruit folks who had previously left the SO, even those who had been labelled SPs, to get them “back into the fold” and accomplish his mission of getting a beautiful LRH Office built in EVERY Scientology organization in PAC and elsewhere.
As I had previously previously been assigned the project of creating these LRH offices in PAC by “WDC”, and had failed due to lack of resources (as the organizations were totally in debt and staff had been eating rice and beans for months…) I was DM’s favorite target.
CMO PAC’s DCO’s office was emptied out (of the DCO and his furniture) and hundreds of PC files were stacked in it for me and a small crew to go through. These were the prior SO member files of those who had left, and/or been expelled. It was our “mission” to dig through the files and find most recent contact information. All of those who previously left, or labelled as SP’s were granted an amnesty. The amnesty was granted for the sole purpose of having a large EPF crew to work on the construction, painting, etc. of the soon to be “beautiful LRH offices” in every organization.
A ruthless person (who had been expelled years before as an SP for inappropriate sexual relations) came back. Not only did he come back, but fitting in well with DM’s idea of “leadership”, he was put in charge of the construction/remodels.
With the power now granted to him, he drove the organizations further into debt, ordering supplies on their behalf.
Hi did get the job done
I hear he was shortly after expelled again…
Chee Chalker says
“Any ideas?”
Oh yeah…..I’ve got a bunch
Old Surfer Dude says
I’ve got a bigger bunch.
Alcoboy says
Of what? Bananas?
I Yawnalot says
Co co nuts…
Old Surfer Dude says
That’s the one!
John Doe says
Sea Org recruits! Many are called, but few get caught! We are racing against time to get as much money and free labor before the church collapses!
In the Sea Org we’re rolling up out sleeves for:
• 7 days a week, 16 hour days, 364* days a year!! (*Christmas day off not guaranteed)
• Barely edible food!!
• 50.00 a week cash money, when the Org makes FP!!*
(*results not typical)
• minimum 6 roommates guaranteed!!
• leading the U.S. national averages for sleep deprivation to all-time highs! This is one area where we are really making an impact!!
• experience seething resentment toward your customers, the Public Scientologists, when they CSW time off course to go on vacation, go to the movies, family reunions, and other dilettante fish-frying events!!
• enjoy impossible targets assigned with no resources or personnel to help, managed by arrogant program operators with no real-world experience!!
• enjoy overcoming the extraordinary obstacles we provide towards having a relationship, as marriage is strongly discouraged! Oh, and no sex/heavy petting outside marriage. And one more thing, did we say that we consider masturbation to be a crime as well? C’mon 15 year olds, It’ll be fuuunnnn!!
• all your bridge paid for up to OT 9 and 10!!
Mmbwahahahahaaa…er…sorry, that just came out.
Old Surfer Dude says
Gosh, John, you make sound so inviting! I might just re-up!
CMO Lost says
Well said John Doe!
Alex Castillo (ex Flag Evaluator 1975-1981)7 says
In 1971, while I was a Hubbard convert disseminating (for free) out in the field, one day I received a telegram from Apollo missionaires that read ” Ron needs your help. Come and join us”. . Next thing I was selling my possessions and in no time I was signing my billion year contract. That’s all it took. I was 30 then.
Now I can easily say THE SEA ORG IS DEAD! Thank goodness,, Mike Rinder, Leah Remini and many others for that! Carry on people:))
Old Surfer Dude says
Very glad you’re out, Alex. You have your old life back. Acid got me out.
Alcoboy says
Maybe I should try a hit of LSD. That way the Sea Org can’t recruit me.
Just kidding.
Alex Castillo (ex Flag Evaluator 1975-1981)7 says
As a clarification, when I joined I did it to help make this world a better one using what I thought were effective tools. Oh well, live and learn eh?
Old Surfer Dude says
We all did. We had dreams. But, we were ultimately sent to the Gallows.
Todd Cray says
In a very twisted way, this actually makes the cult look like a real church! Real churches have a long tradition of members helping each other in times of need; on occasions such as loss of a job, death of a bread winner or raising funds to help someone with their medical bills.
The unique twist here is that the funds are to be raised to help a member enslave themselves to their “church.” Not to mention the fact that the church itself would ordinarily step up to help a member in need. And your typical church most certainly does NOT have the billions of $$$ that this “church” does!
Badafuco says
Very true about it sounding like a real church by helping its members. But for all the wrong reasons as you said.
However, I have been to the Vatican and I can assure you the Catholic church also has billions. Lol.
Todd Cray says
I also have been to the Vatican and have noticed its opulence; how could you not. However, the Catholic Church has helped millions of people and continues to do so with innumerable charitable activities.
But the reason I mentioned “billions” had nothing to do with the Catholic church. It is twofold:
The “church” of scn HAS billions and wouldn’t lift a finger to help anyone. On the contrary ,they would financially exploit anyone of their parishioners even in the full knowledge that they are ruining this individual/family.
And there are thousands of churches that engage in lots of charity work despite the fact that they may be not very rich at all. And yet they use their scarce resources to help!
PeaceMaker says
And this is after they apparently downsized the SO by around 1,000 in recent years, reportedly “offloading” the RPF. I’ve wondered why we haven’t heard more about that, but it occurs to me that many of those may have been the aging old-timers no longer able to pull their weight, who may have ended up in senior care never to be heard from again.
I wonder how much a special “red Planetary Dissem Unit” set someone back?
Reade Adams says
Senior care? $cientology provides senior care? [Concerned about my brother who is 69 and his wife who is 82 on staff in Clearwater]
freebeeing says
Planetary Dissem meter: 10 grand if I recall correctly
peterl says
The end is near , so sad …. Not
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m stocking up for the party.
peterl says
It,s going to be a big one , we should all dress up as sea org members and do exactly what they were not allowed , kinda like a toga party .
Old Surfer Dude says
That’s the best idea I’ve heard yet!
nomnom says
Does Miscavige ever wear a Sea Org uniform anymore?
It’s been decades since any photo of him in uniform has been published.
Old Surfer Dude says
He ditched the uniform because it made him look short.
Alcoboy says
He needs a pseudo-naval uniform to look short? Wow.
Shirley Hubbert says
Nope he wears $800 suits instead. Soon hopefully jail jumpsuit
Skeptic says
Bet those suits are closer to $2500.
Computer Guy says
Shirley – David Miscavige spends our hard earned money he bamboozled out of us with Hubbard’s manipulation tech..
Miscavige spends $5,000 on John Lobb shoes and more than $5,000 on his tailored suits (each).
He has a personal chef that prepare up to 10 meals a day. He eats baby lamb flown in from New Zealand…the finest fishes, crustrations and beefs from the world….and lives a lavish lifestyle whilst the Sea Org Slaves, members and Staffers all “Go Broke”.
The leader, David Miscavige, uses Hubbard’s manipulation and deceit tech to get people’s money and work for free.
Miscavige is clearing out BANKS – one account at a time.
That was the command Hubbard implanted in his faux psuedo science “Dianetics” and the command is repeated over and over and over until it works.
“Get rid of your Bank” and “Clear the bank”….and members do – they clear out their bank accounts and most file BK and lose homes and businesses and have to start over – getting up that Bridge to No Where.
A bunch of degraded beings regrading the bridge – going up to come down to go back up – for 60 plus years.
Valerie says
I’m in Wyoming and would gladly show up to help that couple. By the time I left, it would be my fondest dream that they would have decided to stay in Wyoming. That is how I can help.
Jere Lull (37 years recovering) says
I’m still trying to figure out what RPEC means. No idea from the context.
NOT that I’m in any way a prospect.
Martin Ottmann says
RPEC = ‘Repair of Past Ethics Cycles”
Bob G says
“Repair of past ethics conditions” … something like that.
Bruce Ploetz says
It stands for “Repair of Past Ethics Conditions” and is just as stupid as it sounds. If a recruit needs RPEC it basically means they have been screwing it up pretty badly, so much so that the normal harsh “Ethics Conditions” aren’t enough. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
TrevAnon says
Repairing Past Ethics Condition?
Googled it and found this:
nomnom says
Repair of Past Ethics Conditions. An action to fix any upsets or lack of results from previous applications of Ethics ‘Tech’. (It doesn’t work.)
Robert Almblad says
In the past 30 years I noticed the usual spattering of older Scientologists signing up for staff at Orgs (because they have been drained of $ by the IAS and can’t buy services anymore). And, when I was last at Flag in 2005, the second generation Scientologists were either already recruited or had wised up to the SO recruiters tactics, so getting the prized young, 2nd and 3rd generations into the SO was getting harder and harder to recruit. (The rampant disconnections made close knit families very wary about their son or daughter joining the SO.)
Educated college students and young professionals that flocked to LA 40 years ago are gone. By the looks of the Flag staff buses I see everyday at Flag, it looks like 80% of the new, young people are foreigners, probably looking for a better life in America.
BOLO-Be On Look Out says
I go off topic too much when I post. But I admit I don’t have the depth of knowledge as others here. What I do see very clearly is a high level of desperation. From “behind enemy lines” it even seems hostile at times, as if the scientology people must somehow make it known they are not the stupid ones.
Gravitysucks says
Panhandle to infinity!!
WhatAreYourCrimes says
LOL! That about sums it up, Gravity. Scientology is pathetic.
Cia Later says
and beyond!
Old Surfer Dude says
Way, WAY beyond.
I Yawnalot says
One thing I can say on this is… thank God for LSD! That was one trip worth taking back in the day. No SO for me.
I have trouble reconciling that I once wholeheartedly believed in the Scientology organisation at one time. Emails like this make me cringe a little. I must be getting old, I practice catch and release more and more in my fishing as I feel sorry for the creature I fooled (wife’s not happy though, she loves fresh seafood). Anything and everything Scientology catches goes into the pot.
Chris Shugart says
Yeah, LSD was my ace in the hole. It was guaranteed to keep those SO recruiting conversations short and sweet. Every now and then a recruiter who wasn’t ready to give up would ask, “Are you sure it was LSD?” I’d say, “Well, after the 11th or 12th time, I was pretty sure.” Then I’d have to suppress my giggling.
Old Surfer Dude says
You and me both, Chris, you and me both. A Flag team came roaring into the Honolulu mission. They suddenly focused on me. But, I had an ace in the hole: LSD! I’m so grateful for that tab.
Newcomer says
Taking that tab of orange sunshine may have been the best decision of my life!
Newcomer says
And years later a reg said to me “well maybe it really wasn’t Ell Ess Dee ….. you ought to look at it”.
I said …… It was for sure LSD! Even if I had a doubt I would not have let on to the reg! Last place in the world I wanted to be was living a life in the See Ogre!
Yo Dave,
You, your organization and your cult in a word ……. suck! So glad I’m not a part of any of it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Way to go, pal!
Still Laying Low says
Ha I remember when we used to hear about someone who couldn’t join because of LSD, when I was in! We were always saddened that one “mistake” could ruin someone’s whole future… Because of course it was ALWAYS a mistake… I see that in a whole new light now. Life Saving Drugs!
Todd Cray says
Lron in the Sky with (his minions’) Diamonds…
WOW, I’m speechless really.
Python Swoope says
HEY! What is a “Red Planetary Dissem Unit Meter”………Can it catch those space cooties before they suck all the blood out of yah?
Also ….I’m looking for an 18 year old female S.O.’er to help me get over the drama of hillary losing the election…..
Aquamarine says
🙂 Python.
Python Swoope says
Hey! They can’t All be “Dancers” at local Girlie Clubs…..
DebInNorCal says
I am totally up for a trip to Wyoming!
Old Surfer Dude says
I am totally up for a trip, back to my favorite surf spot in Waikiki, Oahu, Hawai’i.
Aquamarine says
Waikiki – not Pipeline?
Old Surfer Dude says
I surfed the Bonzi Pipeline back in the mid 70s. At my age now, I just watch the younger generation.
Aquamarine says
Got it. . So you did your thing at Pipeline back in the day? I’m impressed, OSD. That was one awesome group.
LDW says
The US military is offering a large sign-on bonus, up to $40,000. You only have to serve 4 years and then you get a free college education.
The US military saved the planet from Hitler and Nazi domination of all Europe. Can’t name a comparable accomplishment for the Sea Borg..
It is so interesting looking at the culture these people decided to create.
Ammo Alamo says
$4,000 to induce someone to join SO, seems right to me, as long as they get a one-month contract instead of a billion years.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’d gladly sign a one month contact for $4,000.
WhatWall says
The fate of the planet depends on these SO recruits. /sarc
John D. Stone says
Your blog is riddled with lies, Mike Rinder.
Professional Scientology TV is coming now and you and your mislead supporters can’t prevent it.
Mike Rinder says
Oh, what an honor to be blessed with the presence of “John D. Stone” (not a real name of course…)
Everyone is so looking forward to the debut of “Professional” scientology TV. I for one, am very excited about the potential material it will provide.
BTW — can you cite a lie or two in the interest of not speaking in generalities?
Ms. B. Haven says
I too can hardly wait for SMP to start broadcasting. There hasn’t been much opportunity for J&D since Princess Joy Villa has gone silent.
Mike, I agree with Mr. John D. Stone on one thing. While I don’t think there have been any outright lies or attempts to mislead on your blog, mistakes have certainly been made. When this happens, I have always seen you take responsibility for them, make corrections or apologize. That alone shows you have shed your cult personality. Those characteristics weren’t present when I have seen you in your position as spokesman whilst you were still serving out your billion year sentence.
I hope that Mr. John D. Stone is ready for the massive onslaught of public demand for scientology services once the long awaited SMP dissemination campaign begins. I don’t know how the orgs are going to be able to provide that volume of service even with all ideal orgs being double St. Hill size. The raw meat public is going to be so disappointed.
Aquamarine says
Add me to the Greek Chorus chomping at the bit to watch ANYTHING coming out of SuMP. Any predict on when this will occur, Mr. John D. Stone? Not holding my breath for your answer and with much love, Aqua.
Valerie says
“John D. Stone” I remember (and not fondly) the times I was forced to spout angry generalizations at critics believing I was making an impact. I hope soon you have those types of memories as well.
kitty says
Yo, John D Stoned – I am ROFLMAO. What you been smokin’?
Old Surfer Dude says
I admit that I got John D stoned. He was much more mellow afterwards.
Aquamarine says
Kitty and OSD, LOL!
SOMEBODY got this Dwarf Dweeb into an altered state. I wonder whose job it is at the HGB to read this blog every day, and I wonder also if it has to be summarized and submitted to the Dwarf on a daily/weekly basis…or hourly maybe?
Rick Pyle says
Prevent Sci TV? LRH forbid! We’re all looking forward to it. Imagine the original comedy material that will gush from it like an overflowing sewer!
Gravitysucks says
I was gonna say that! I have several suggestions for programming….
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, I’ve got a shit of suggestions!
BOLO-Be On Look Out says
Scientology TV, that should be interesting. Sure, Mike Rinder has some impact, but so does the slew of other people with their real testimonials that all seem to paint the same picture. The Internet must surely be the ultimate enemy of scientology. It becomes difficult to hide the mountains of scientology carnage.
Chris Shugart says
Nice to see that they’re still keeping the Kool-Aid chilled and tasty.
Old Surfer Dude says
That is pretty nice.
Zardu Bafflemaff says
Oh Johnny boy. Rinder doesn’t lead us. We found his blog and we support him because the greater public knows that you and your ilk are full of shit. Who is going to watch your “professional Scientology “ TV? Your minions and deluded subjects ,of course. As an outsider looking in,observing and watching the Congame that is Scientology,I can assure you the general public laughs at your pathetic attempts to recruit and “ clear” the planet. As Captain Kirk says in the movie ,The Final Frontier,”I don’t want my pain taken away .I need my Pain!” Screw your audits ,your brainwashing efforts ,your bilking innocent people of their livelihoods and your constant efforts to bully people who you think are afraid of your organization. Scientology’s days are numbered.You can count on that fact,jack.
Gail Shourds says
Well said…..?
disco george says
Bruh, if you’re going to troll, at least TRY next time.
Gravitysucks says
I love the trolls!! Bring on the trolls, it makes my night. Corporate $cientology shows his desperation. (Monsieur Pompadour that is!!)
Wynski says
Stone, either you forgot the /sarc after your comment or you are stark raving mad.
BTW, people really don’t watch broadcast TV anymore. They access video content from websites via smart TV’s. 😉
Kronomex says
Now that you have made your hard shitting…I mean, hitting, comment and put all us brainwashed by Mike Rinder cattle in our places you can have an extra bean with your rice.
Aquamarine says
🙂 Kronomex.
I Yawnalot says
Oh wow! We’ve got a live one.
Newcomer says
No kidding I Yawn. Just when I was thinking that Dave was running low on trolls we have a live one. Great to see that there are one or two who have not starved to death or gone mad due to sleep depravation.
Yo John,
How did you like the rice and beans today?
Andy Poole says
Hi John , we cant wait to watch your new tv station , are you really allowed to read Mike Blog and respond its sounds like youve got bad ethics , go and tell on the emeter you may end up in the same place Mike was the RPF – which is 10 times worse than the place your in. Hope you enjoyed watching Leah and decide to get help
Alcoboy says
Hey, John D! Why don’t you go and………….
Hold on. Something’s coming in.
To: Commodore L Ron Hubbard
From: Captain David Miscavige
Re: the end is near.
Just to let you know, lardass, I spiked your morning oatmeal with cyanide. In just a few minutes you will be on your way to Target Two and I will be at the helm of this church to rewrite the tech the way I want it.
Wow! Where did that come from? I thought that………….
Hold on. Something else coming in.
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the previous transmission
Wait til I handle this.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: you as an individual
Go shove it up your ass!
With no love at all
Now, John D, back to you.
Deanoftruth says
John! The grammar of $cientology.” Mislead” is a verb of present tense. Mike, and company has not “misled” us. $cientologist’s if you want to threaten people. I dare you to go on the internet, and look up sentence structure. Then keep digging!
Kyle says
Only the truth hurts.
I too am eagerly awaiting the product of your new media orifice. The output will make quite a splash, I am sure.
Stick around, we are in constant need of correction.
BTW, are you related to the Hemphill Stones? I dated Mary-Jane for years, we may have met at one of the family get togethers.
Ann B Watson says
I have to back up my mind and wrap it around the sorry, pathetic and begging state miscavige’s Sea Org has become. Back in my SO Day we were full of piss & vinegar sure as titanium is strong, we The Sea Org were the elite & the only hope for the prison planet. Of course those of us who managed to fling off the dragging chains of the actual reality of life as a Sea Orger, to read the, to me,really weak and sloppy needs of future SOers is like watching the old Freewinds scuttled. Very happy but @ the same time a few memories slip through. And one has to raise $4000 to join the SO!! And the AOLA recruiters have sunk in the bs muck of the cult to this level! Wow the implosion is coming!
Thank you Mike for your words, your perspective and your Wisdom.?
Chris Mann says
I think most people who agree to join (sign SO contract) have to handle stuff before they arrive. Some use these things to sabotage their own arrival. I observed a few younger, second generation Scientologists do this.
ctempster says
And some would-be recruits use the SO recruiting thing as a way to raise money and then not join and then take that money donated and buy their own personal auditing at Flag and stay at a nice Flag Scn hotel paying top dollar from money that was donated so that they could join SO. (Not mentioning any name, but a dance teacher for Scn kids.) When I politely inquired why are you not in the SO as you said you were doing, and instead are getting auditing? She said she decided it would be best for all concerned if she waited until she was through OT VII before joining the SO and that she would still join once she got onto and finished OT VII. At this time she was not even Clear. If I had donated, I would have demanded my money back and KRed her for running a con. But that is just me and lucky for me I never donated. I had already heard from one of her friends and mother of one of her dance students, that she pulled this same con about 10 years previous to this time.
Alcoboy says
I would have said to her “Why do you feel you have to pay for auditing before joining the SO? Don’t they provide that for free? ”
It would be interesting to see what her answer would have been.
Bruce Ploetz says
Chris, in my day they called it a “Project Prepare”. It could get quite convoluted. You are not supposed to enter with massive debts or obligations, so all kinds of tricks are used.
If you have “money on account” the Bookstore Officer will “strongly encourage” you to use it to buy meters and books. In theory you won’t use any of that money for services because they are all free for staff. Ha Ha.
I ended up with two MK VIs, three full sets of the Scientology Technical Bulletins, three full sets of the Organizational Executive Course volumes, four MK IVs, other random junk. The Bookstore Officer got a very nice bonus and I got a bunch of books that were impossible to sell because they were stuffed with the old non-Hubbard Board Technical Bulletins and Board Policy Letters. These were all purged soon after I arrived in the SO. I finally got New York George to take them for pennies on the dollar. Mostly out of charity.
Anyway, a smart young second generation Scientologist will play this debt thing out for years or even decades, sensing that there is no fun in the Sea Org. Long may they dawdle, if all works out well their parents will be out soon and the issue will solve itself.
Joe Pendleton says
150 bucks for the Mac laptop right now … I’m talking cash moolah … On the Wyoming packing thing, is that a round trip ticket from anywhere in the world? If so, I’m in, baby (but it’s an eight hour day, right? Cause I ain’t a kid anymore …)
Ms. B. Haven says
Careful what you wish for Joe. Not every town in Wyoming is like Jackson or Moose. This poor sap could be trying to make an escape from Kemmerer, Rock Springs, Wamsutter, or Muddy Gap thinking even the sea org would be better than being stuck in one of those less than desirable (I didn’t say shit-hole) burgs. If they’re thinking that they are SO wrong. (no pun intended).
Wynski says
Well, by the early 80’s joining the S.O. was such a toxic idea in the minds scamology public that in PAC & FLB Wog recruiting (for the S.O.) was started. At FLB it was the Estates Org. In PAC, Pac Crew, AO & ASHO had such programs running in Dept. 1.
Since it was that bad 36 years ago, I can’t imagine what it is like now to recruit for the S.O.
I Yawnalot says
They’d ‘press gang’ if they could get away with it. In a way they do anyway – with lies and coercion. The quality of people they manage to recruit leaves a lot to be desired though. It must be miserable beyond belief in the ranks of the Scientology organisation.
Old Surfer Dude says
I can imagine it, and it’s all bad. Desperation is settling in.
Madge Filpot says
Wow. That’s pretty bad. With all the $$ the Church has.. one would think they would spend some of it to help these dedicated future S.O. members, the most Elite Beings of the Universe, get to where they want to go. Take a hint you guys….turn this around.. and just stay home. Poor thangs.
Jere Lull (37 years recovering) says
Madge: The thought that they(HE) would spend ANY money he/they didn’t absolutely have to spend, except the liquor and light bills for the dwarfenführer….. Thanks for the laugh.
Gail Shourds says
Dwarfenfuhrer….there went the coffee out the nose! That poor pathetic letter looks like somebody’s waving a flag in the desert while screaming …anybody? Anybody? How much does one of those meters cost anyway? The “special”ones?
Jaye R says
I vote for dwarfenfuhrer as the Word of the Year for 2018!
Old Surfer Dude says
Better stay away from the ‘Special’ ones. Way too expensive.
Newcomer says
Yo Jerrol,
I might be able to take the trip out to Wyoming and ‘help’ yer new recruits pack up. Call me. Julian has my number.
Speakin’ of Julian, why not have him help the marks who need some of yer unEthical services.