I attended the premiere of Second Act last night and it is a movie worth seeing.
It’s also why there are no Thursday Funnies this morning.
Second Act is funny, touching and uplifting without being corny.
Leah of course brings the laugh out loud humor that is her trademark. Spontaneous, plenty of ad-libbed moments and yet always her heart shines through. Watching her in the movie is a lot like hanging out with her when she is not on screen. Fun, funny and endearing.
But there is more to the movie than Leah. A great performance by Charlyne Yi was a standout for me – she is really funny and I was not familiar with her work before seeing the movie. JLo and Vanessa Hudgens are not huge stars by accident and they are both perfect for their roles. Milo Ventimiglia I should tell you is a big fan of The Aftermath and sought me out to tell me so. It is a large and excellently cast ensemble of characters, all of whom contribute to the cohesiveness of the movie.
This is a RomCom/chick flick/date movie. It’s not Lawrence of Arabia or Citizen Kane. Admittedly I am biased in my opinions because Leah Remini is one of my dearest friends — but I was entertained and left the screening feeling better than when I walked in. It has a message that is uplifting and empowering.
It is opening in theaters next week.
Just had an idea:
Can someone email this picture to Ed Parkin?
I’d do it but I’m tech – challenged and don’t know how.
Perhaps someone else can send this to Ed.
You know, so he can post it on the STAND website?
I don’t think he’ll be able to STAND it.
I know I can’t! Scribe I can’t stop laughing. Too funny. You always make me smile. ?
IIRC I reported the big list to them, as it is obviously bigoted and all that.
Never heard from them.
Looking good, and keeping some very good-looking, famous and talented company here!
I will definitely see this film.
Eat your hearts out, OSA …buuuuahahahahahaha…..
Wow – some beautiful people there and powerful SP’s.
Just think – poor David Miscavige has to hang out with washed up has beens like Tom Cruise who has ruined his career with being in Scientololgy …
Leah Remini has never been more popular (WON EMMY) now that she is OUT and letting the World know she is out – Season after Season after Season.
I am so happy J Lo is there with Leah and Mike. Looks like disconnection does not apply to J Lo’s Dad. Pay attention Lurkers and OSA. Pay attention!
I thought people were supposed to fall apart and die if they left Scientology?
Leah has never been more popular. Mike Rinder is on top of the world.
What other lies were you told OSA and Lurkers?
The World is falling in love with Ex Scientololgists and Ex Spies for Scientology,
Come on Ex Attorney’s for Scientology. If you worked for the Church of Scientology and later realized you were committing crimes against humanity and hurting families – COME ON OUT. We want to hear from you too.
Tick Tock David Miscavige – better start shopping for a Blue Bird Trailer.
Your ending is not going to be as pretty as L Ron Hubbard’s.
You may be locked in the Wog Hole for LIFE. We hope so.
To: Idle Morgue
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: making generalizations
First, Tom Cruise’s career is not washed up! In fact, it is better than ever! All because of my stupendous GAT tech which man-wife, um, er, I mean Tom uses to much success! Second, Leah Remini sucks in that movie ‘Second Act’. Have I seen it? No and I never will because she’s in it! How do I know she sucks? Because she is Leah Remini and Leah sucks at everything she does including that stupid show on A&E! Lastly, Mike Rinder is being his usual stupid self by going to the premiere! So stop making up generalizations about people and be a theta being for once!
Mike Rinder is just a pathetic “yes man” who went from doing anything Miscavige ordered to anything Remini ordered. Is it just me, or is anyone else getting sick and tired of watching a bunch of whiny cry babies play victims, in spite of their large and numerous overts and withholds? Leah is just a low-class, no-class trailer park trash talking bitch who’s trying to revitalize a career in middle age. She pretends to care for her interviewees, but in reality only cares bout her ratings. Rinder will do anything for the money, including getting on all fours, and that’s been proven. Just ask Marty.
Wow — this is really the best you can do? And anonymously? How brave of you.
You are really going to get a kick out of the Mike Rinder “Yes Man” bobblehead coming soon! With a special note of thanks mailed to True Leader for every one sold…
Well Meat Body No-one can accuse you of having that problem. You clearly don’t give a fuck about anyone. Explains why you don’t care about ” Disconnection”. You don’t have any friends or family to be disconnected from.
Meat Body, if I don’t like a show I change the channel and it’s gone. You obviously cannot do that. You HAVE to watch the show . This means you are either paid to watch it or were ordered to.
Well, better get used to watching it. You have close to a billion years left on your contract.
Dont feed the troll!
Now, now Dave..we got it.
We GOT it, Sir!
You’re very upset. And rightly so!
Tell Lou to pour you a stiff one, and call Tom.
He’ll help you cognite as to who is REALLY at fault.
For this Leah/Mike/A & E debacle.
Because, of course, its not you!
Its not YOUR fault.
You don’t have to tell US that!
WE know.
Now, after you’ve opened a vein to Tom you’ll feel better and should be able to sleep soundly.
If you’re still a little restless, abuse a slave or two but if even that doesn’t work and you’re still tossing and turning, here’s what you do.
an Emergency Muster for the entire crew.
At 4AM
Have your guards haul every last Other-Fish-Fryin’ one of those Useless Eaters out of bed to stand in front of you, exhausted and trembling with fear.
Scream at them, curse at them, face-rip, berate, insult and threaten all of them.
Reduce them to tears: make them blubber out their apologies to you.
Afterwards I guarantee you’ll feel more at peace with yourself..
Much love,
To : Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: you running your mouth again.
Dammit, Aquamarine, this shit needs to stop!
And if it doesn’t I WILL find out where you live, come over to your house, and give you that wet sloppy kiss I warned you about! And I am fully prepared to handle the rape charges!
You have been warned!
To :Aquamarine
Re: threats from the midget.
I think you can kill him in self defense.
Seriously? If you think either of them are going to lose a wink of sleep over your pathetic attempt to discredit them, I’d venture to guess that you’re going to be sorely disappointed.
And to be honest, in my opinion, your last sentence you threw in there pretty much invalidated your entire comment.
God, I missed reading insanity from those the DM has assigned lower conditions to. Meat Body on a Stick, how do you like being roasted over DMs BBQ?
Welcome back Wynski! You were missed. ☺
Thanks Ann! Good to “see” ya again too..
Wynski, I know we don’t always see eye to eye but it IS good to have you back!
Alcoboy, if we all saw eye to eye all the time it would be like being back in scamology! OMG. 😉
Good to be back. We are on the same team though.
I agree. Thanks.
Wynski, my internet keeps going out so what I posted to you the other day didn’t post. Welcome Back!
It came through later Aqua. Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. Will be fun to read your posts again.
So Foolproof is out and you’re in! Glad you mentioned Marty in your argument as he’s a shining example of what Scientology can do for someone. As regards your amends project, I think it needs more work as I don’t see an effective blow here.
Foolproof probably got sent to the RPF for not cutting us all off at the knees. So he’s out and Meatball on a Stick is in. Let’s see how long it takes before he gets sent to the RPF.
Too true! Too true! Not delivering an effective blow indeed! Meat Body’s pathetic efforts are like passing out Christian tracts in front of a porno theater. You might win a few souls but you’re not going to get the place shut down.
Doing A-E much?
You fail.
It’s just you! We love the beauty and truth that Mike and Leah are spreading!
Meat on Body Prison Planet – whats the matter? Stats down?
You are exactly where you need to be
Still IN Scientology.
May you stay in Scientology for a billion years and then another billion years and then for eternity
You certainly deserve it
You are a hateful, small and insignificant being that is too degraded and disabled to help.
You are being nothing and a total failure
Mike and Leah are WINNING and so are WEEEEEE!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Meat Body. One day you will almost certainly realize that you made a mistake by giving your life and everything in it to a scam that just sucks everything of value out of your life and then, if you ever need help from them, they will just throw you out like yesterday’s trash.
When you realize that, you might try to see the difference between Mike and Leah versus the cruel tyrants in The Scam. If you approach Mike and Leah and ask for their help, I’d wager they will be happy to forgive you this small slight and will help you connect with some people who can help you escape The Scam (if you are still IN) and get a new life started.
That is the difference between good people and bad. The bad only want to know you for what they can take from you. The good will treat you like a human being and think nothing of offering you forgiveness. Why don’t you keep this in mind. When the day arrives that you feel the need for some help to start your life over, you will see the difference between Mike & Leah versus the cruelty inherent in Scamatology. It really is a cult. Surely that suspicion has been growing in your mind.
Skyler thank you for such a thoughtful comment. 100% true!
Your trolling fails. No self-respecting cult member would call themselves “Meat Body on Prison Planet”.
You don’t really expect anyone to buy this horseshit, do you?
My Dear Mean Body: I’m so glad to see all those thousands of dollars required to reach the upper echelons of thought, afforded only by scientology, are finally starting to pay off in terms of clarity of logic and wisdom.
On only your four millionth reincarnation on the prison planet as a sci cultivar you have risen from the bottom of the tone scale to the low ones. Congratulations. Maybe you’re now @1.15 – overt hostility?
It’s too bad though. I’d love to offer you the chance of cleaning my toilet and compost bin with a recycled toothbrush but I can’t wait another thet-illion years for you to graduate to that level of expertise.
mmm… OK… who the left the cage door open again?
Damn, we scared him away!
I Yawnalot. ?
You made me laugh
Hey Meat Body, or should we say Meat Head? That’s what you sound like. I will agree with you on one thing, I am sick of whiny babies playing victim – namely whiny baby/phony victim(s) David Miscavige and his sychophantologist lackeys who go around terrorizing and trying to ruin people then scream when someone stands up with the nerve to call them on it. As for the uncalled for barrage of truly mean-spirited insults your throw at Leah and Mike — you are a truly nasty person, which means you are qualified for your current active membership in the C of S and Miscavige sycophant brigade. You deserve what you will end up getting from that membership.
To: Meat Body On Prison Planet
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: recent comments
YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID 100%! Here at last on this blog is someone who thinks the way I do! For your efforts I am awarding you the prestigious IAS Freedom Medal! Come to next year’s event so that I can present it to you personally!
PS: Please bring at least $500,000.00 with you to the event as a contribution to the IAS. Without the money I can’t present you with the medal.
Sir, am I out of lowers?
To: Meathead
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: lower conditions
First of all, you dumbass, it’s LOWER CONDITIONS! DO YOU HEAR ME? LOWER CONDITIONS! And since you had the audacity to pose that question the answer is no.
Now get back to cleaning Tom Cruise’s Gold Base Suite. I want that place to shine and sparkle! And if he ever addresses you I want you to respond with “Yes, sir! Second Most Theta Being In The MEST Universe!”. And don’t forget to snap off a crisp salute when you say that.
He goes for that sort of thing.
Now I need to put leverage on C. Thomas Howell for his verbal attack on Tom.
‘Lord Cruise’. Really!
Ha ha ha!
More than any other recent photo, this picture must be creating some epic heartburn in you know who.
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Hubbard Hall.
Scribe – good one!
I can’t wait to see Second Act. I’m more of a serious, biographic movie goer, but right now I need a great comedy!
Based on this: I will go see it!
WHAAAT?? What, What, What? Milo Ventimiglia star of This is Us and supposed boyfriend of co-star Mandy ‘drinking the scio. cool-aid’ Moore, is a fan of Aftermath? and sought to speak to you Mike? Oh my, my, my. So now I ask:
– does Mandy now have to disconnect from Milo? end their relationship?
– if not in a ‘2D’ (as reported) does she now have to still disconnect from him and the number one show on TV?
– Are these just stupid questions because the celebs have special treatment?
All I know is that you and Leah are the number one SP’s now and for Milo to be there well, what can I say. And what about JLO’s dad? Is he still getting auditing and going up the OT levels? Is he still drinking the cool-aid? Still connected to JLO? Just wondering what special treatments he’s getting.
Mike, wonderful version of ‘Charlie’s Angels’ photo in today’s post.
You obviously regained the ability to have fun…good on ya!
Right. Abilities regained after leaving. Laughing. Crying.
You get it all back. Kind of like this movie’s title. Second Act.
Mike, bless you, if there was ever a poster boy for a second act, it is you.
Fortunately there will be no second act for Scientology. The fat lady, aka Hubbard, has sung his last number.
That’s really neat that Milo Ventimiglia is a big Aftermath fan. It would be great if more celebrities started speaking out more forcefully against the abuses of Scientology. Perhaps many of them are concerned to do so for a number of reasons.
I know that groups of celebrities will sometimes band together to make videos highlighting abuses in certain areas. Perhaps Leah could get some together to speak out about Scientology’s abusive practices (human trafficking, destroying families, Fair Game, child labor, slave labor, etc.) in order to increase public awareness and ultimately, apply more pressure on government agencies to actually investigate this organization and do something about it.
Milo Ventimiglia is awesome in “This Is Us” and I want to urge everyone to watch that series. If you missed the first season, view it “On Demand” or on u tube or Hulu or wherever you can and then start in on season 2 now.
Yes sir!
Ctempster I agree. It’s one of the best shows ever! Seen every episode. ☺
Thanks Mike! Now you can add movie critic to your ever-expanding repertoire. I will be seeing this movie.
Yes, I will too.
It is funny that when I was in the cult
I had an adversion to rom-com movies.
Now I really enjoy these flicks. What
It makes me happy to know that so many actors are now clued in to the ugly truth about scientology because of The Aftermath. The show is shining a light, and there will be no going back to the days when they could rope people in with phony come-ons about helping your acting career and that kind of thing. Keep up the excellent work, Mike, you are making a meaningful difference doing what you do.
Also, it’s great to see how Leah’s career is only getting better since she left the cult. I know that has to really frost Miscavige’s ass, and that is delightful!
So true.
Let’s celebrate with a cup of hot chocolate.
It is on our list to see along with “Mary, Queen of Scots”. Love chick movies that show the power of a woman, comedy or drama. The episode this week on the Nation of Islam was informative and insightful. Keep up the good work. Christmas wishes and blessing to you and your family.
Great endorsement Mike and I look forward to seeing it. You do realize however that Scientology is going to lambast you for being a biased ‘movie critic’. lol
It appears to me that she’s not flipping burgers at McDonald’s. How do you like them apples Dave?
The thing about flipping burgers at McDonald’s? It pays minimum wage. Working on staff or in the SO does NOT!
Yes, definitely an improvement from Sea Org indentured servitude.
It’s like I’ll always tell people about how I financially “made it go right” by leaving staff and getting a job at Goodwill which paid far more than being on staff. When McDonald’s and Goodwill pay far better than Scientology, there’s something wrong.
The average McDonalds burger flipper can produce more VFPs in one day than DM can produce in a decade. S/he will also have a comprehensive benefit package that includes generous holiday entitlement, healthcare, dental, life insurance and various other perks the average Sea Org member can only dream of. What’s more, they don’t have to pay back the cost of their training should they ever leave. Miscavige may scoff but his arrogance belies his own incompetence…and possibly even resentment.
Yeah, but they don’t have all those musters!
Unless the McDonald’s franchise is owned by a Scientologist.
They could open up a brand new fast food franchise with menu items like rice and beans and call it McSavage’s.
Ha, ha! And their main clientele will be SO members!
SERVER: Welcome to McSavage’s. How may I help you?
SO MEMBER: I’ll have the Rice and Beans Value Meal with a medium water.
SERVER(RINGS UP ORDER): That will be $6.50
SO MEMBER: Can I pay in cigarettes?
SERVER: You’re Sea Org, aren’t you?
the blame goes to L. Ron Hubbard. His rules cause the “out-exchange” life Sea Org staffers get shackled within, with the lure of them getting “OT” quack therapy that doesn’t work, but they think it does, for “free.” The layers of deception of the system for staff doing their duty for the cause of creating the “OT” perfect people is the bigger fraud that all scientologists play along as seekers, pretenders and staff dupes.
Bullseye, Mwesten!
I am thrilled Milo Ventimiglia is a fan of Aftermath! I’ve loved him since Gilmore Girls and he’s amazing on This is Us. I can’t wait to see Leah and Jennifer together. Vanessa is awesome as well. That’s a lot of talent for one movie. I’m so there! ☺
I’m a huge fan a Milo too – so happy he loves Aftermath.
With so many stars being fans of Scientology: The Aftermath, makes you wonder if those lame seminars at CC Int on “How to break into the acting business” will pull in any actors or actresses anymore. I think not. Word is out.
Given that most of these seminars are conducted by washed up has-beens scraped from the bottom of the barrel, it’s no wonder that they’re not pulling in anyone.
Jess Mariano is one of us, lol!
I know disco george and I’m lovin’ it! ☺
Question for J Lo: Since your dad is still drinking the Koolade in the church and since J Lo is connected to Leah Remini as a friend and a colleague doing a movie together, did DM make J Lo’s dad disconnect from her because of her connection to Leah? If not, then we know the rules are only for people who don’t have access to millions.
ctempster I have been wondering about that myself.
For celebs they get to break all the rules.
And Tom Cruise is proof of that. Remember the event when Tom got his IAS Freedom Medal Superduper Glorious or whatever it was? Remember the intro where Pomerantz praises Tom for having visited numerous world leaders? Well, some of those people had to be SPs! Yet Tom has suffered no negative actions as a result!
Oh, well. The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, I assume.
Hi I seen your show with leah Rimini and it was brilliant and heartbreaking please keep do what you are doing and tell the world how bad Scientology is,,keep up the good work Mike
Adam roberts