CCHR has gone “stealth” to reveal the REAL story that psychiatry is behind the pandemic…
Not sure why they would not want everyone in the world to hear their vital message?
Maybe it’s such garbage they are afraid they will be laughed at? Only the already brainwashed will accept the drivel they dish up.
You can bet there will be a heavy pitch for money.
Every “briefing” in scientology is an attempt to get money for one thing or another. At the same time this pitch is happening, you know the IAS is sucking money out of people for exactly the same thing. Their regges are doing “closed door briefings” on how your contributions to the IAS are exposing psychiatry as the true source behind the hoax pandemic.
They should have used spell check.
“Only the already brainwashed will accept the drivel they dish up.”
Its astounding what some people will unquestioningly believe, no matter how outlandish, no matter how obviously untrue. But then, they’re “already brainwashed”. They’ve already made up their minds to believe or disbelieve. And if they’ve decided to believe, well, that’s it. And if for whatever reason they’ve decided not to believe, they’ll reject it. Facts, evidence, proof of all kinds, for or against – none of this will matter. They’re “already brainwashed”. Possibly they’ve washed their own brains. Its kind of disturbing to observe this, not because their opinion differs from one’s own but because one can almost see that there’s an automaticity to it; they’re running on a circuit, sort of. Hard to explain, but dogs get trained this way. You kind of “install” circuits into them and eventually they respond the same way – to the red ball, the biscuit, the pat on the head, saying their name in a warm approving tone, or “No! in a low, stern tone – with patience and repetition, to each separate circuit installation the dog eventually responds the same way. Always. Every time. Eventually you have a well trained dog. Wow. And there are people like this. And they vote.
I was wondering how the cult was going to spin the Covid pandemic. Who is behind this horrible thing, really? The Fake News Media? Big Pharma? Nope. Looks like they’re going with their AllStar SP Favorites – the Psychs. And what is their agenda? How does the pandemic serve their evil purps? But of course, its a no brainer. Get people hooked on psych drugs because they’re out of work, mourning the deaths of loved ones, worried they might have it because they haven’t been tested…yeah. These psychs, they never give up; they’re tireless in their quest to hook ALL of us on psychotropic medication!!!!
I just warned a UTR friend of mine to expect calls and emails SERIOUSLY pressing the “help” button, calls in which he/she will be made SERIOUSLY wrong for not “caring about the 4th dynamic”. This person is now PREPPED.
Thanks for this helpful, enlightening article, Mike. In fact, as always,
“…as always, thanks for what you do.”
Grammar so bad as usual. First sentence has gone going…can wrap my head around that!
You know that’s Mike’s error, right?
The ONE HUGE mistake and point of irresponsibility is that they didn’t lock up Hubtard when he tried to get psych disability because he was too stupid to make a living in America.
The “mental health system”?
It is already a generality in itself.
If they had written ‘everyone wants to suppress us’ it was the same.
It seems to me that the only ones who really want to take advantage of this situation are THEM!!
In addition, they should have talked rather about the pharmaceutical ‘system’ (which lately has less revenue and is now targeting vaccines). However their public doesn’t surf on web so any given TRUTH is ok.
But the good old psychs are always a good selling item.
So, just what is the policy of this Human Right thingy. That no on has any rights? Pretty impressive org in name only. The cult does not offer basic human rights to cult members except to work 24/7 and the honor of letting them hand over their savings, property, family, dignity, all to serve one person and one person only , DM.
Peggy. Smiling. They stand for human rights as Mussolini or Stalin stood for democracy and freedom of thought.
One is free and has rights until he does what the leaders want.
CCHR REG: “We need you to step up in a big way right now because the psyches are using this pandemic to create panic in people and then make billions off of hooking them on anti-anxiety psych drugs. They don’t give a fuck about anybody getting sick or not, they just want to make as much money as they can off of this.”
SCN PUBLIC: “Um…okay, but aren’t you doing…”
CCHR REG: “So will that be check or credit card?”
It was all made up by a guy who made up stuff for a living and who was always full of sh*t.
” I am amazed at how much the CCHR Int gets done….” No you are not amazed. You are a shill.
I am a retired NY State Office of Mental Health employee. Around 2005 I was at a meeting with 3 of our hospital directors and the psychiatrist who was overseeing the forensic side of OMH activities. All had heard of Tom Szasz and one even knew him personally. None of them had heard of the CCHR and when I told them about the $cientology/CCHR connection, they all laughed.
The CCHR exists only because of the butthurt the psychiatric community put on the hubster in the ’50s. And in true $cieno fashion, butthurt can be monetized.
I can see it now. In the future, we on the planet Earth have a collision with space debris, meteorite, comet, or some such thing. Massive trouble. CCHR closed door briefing on how the psychs did it. Oh wait, massive drought. Closed door briefing. Earthquakes. Closed door briefing.
I believe there is a very real need for a group that investigates psychiatric abuses.
Placing psychiatrists in schools and handling out Ritalin and other bad stuff to kids is an unprecedented, irresponsible and foolhardy social experiment IMHO.
Even Bill Maher (hardly a friend to Scientology or any other religion) has said as much in one of his shows.
The problem is that Scientology has so little credibility and is held in such low regard that it has dragged down this whole issue with it and, as such, has been a positive boon to psychiatry.
It has become difficult to make the case against this without having someone say:
“Oh, you are the same as those crazy Scientologists. Ha ha!”
And while CCHR has effectively torpedoed this, I doubt they are even attempting to take any meaningful action themselves.
These days, all 4th Dynamic activities are just smoke and mirrors used to solicit donations.
“These days, all 4th Dynamic activities are just smoke and mirrors used to solicit donations.” Exactly. And very telling is the fact that they order then to NOT put any of this on social media. They know the huge blow back they will get it word gets out they are twisting the CV-19 pandemic to be the work of psychiatrists. I hope someone infiltrates that meeting, records it, and posts it all over social media. That way the world will see what idiots the church really is. This is just a way to use their conspiracy theory to reg people for donations. Any non optimum thing happening and the IAS uses it as a way to get money out of people to “fight this!”
All they do sometimes is SAY something is non-optimum —without giving any indication what IS optimum— to intimidate the clapping clams to “donate” until it hurts. That way, the marks do most of the convincing themselves (which is ‘WAY more effective a brainwashing technique.
Jere, So true what you said. The thought stopping and things the clams say to themselves to convince themselves of the rightness is far more effective than mere brainwashing. And to think we were once part of this.
For Xenu’s sake and the sake of every man woman and child on the planet it is Command Intention that every single scio on the planet donate everything and I mean everything to this cause. Drain all your bank accounts, empty all children’s piggy banks, scrape up every line of credit, beg, borrow, steal every cent you can. We are man’s only hope, never forget that. This ain’t some minor little game we’re playing and besides Dave needs a couple dozen more John Lobbs not to mention the MaCallan stock is running low.
In the last month, I had the experience of two people “freaking out” in fear of the virus. it never occurred to me that the psychiatrists were causing it. Thee people had no contact whatsoever with them.
That is the power of psychiatrists – they can make you freak out with only the power of their minds.
Or, the concept of an invisible colorless tasteless odorless silent random killer is stressful and causes high anxiety.
Now wash your hands.
That fits the Hubbard scenario. Did not think of it.
They can’t quite “get” that it’s not random, but that people without symptoms can spread it to others in the area …. Sadly, that makes it all very mysteriious to them. That’s okay, though, as they’re used to the mysteries running – and ruining – their lives.
Ever seen an evil villain in a fantasy movie plotting and grinning about their evil magic? This must by how die-hard believers must think the “psychs” are.
Bwa-ha-ha, etc!
AND CCHR is crowing with glee their “accomplishment” —which is naught but another conspiracy theory. HOW did I allow myself to sorta believe such drivel when I was “in”?Now that I’ve become an “un”, I can hardly believe that.
CCHR’s delusional and pitifully laughable fight against psychiatry is about as effective as a gnat trying to fly a tiny ice chip towards the sun to cool it off … but yes, it does suck more moolah from the sheeple …
GOOD catch, Joe: It IS like a gnat trying to fly an ice chip to the sun to cool it down; completely useless, even IF it were a possible job.
My dad was in CCHR. I’m not sure what he did, but it was clandestine.
Scientology has an interesting formula. Offer pretend actions for real money.
You’re exactly right B or E: It ALL was pretend, from Day one of Book one.
“Believe or Else”. Damn! This sounds like a threat!
Believe Or Else: Great quotable quote, “Scn offers pretend actions for real money.” That’s as good as the gnat flying a piece of ice to the sun to col it off. We are really hot and cooking with gas today.
It’s gotten to the point where the church of scientology has painted itself into a box. It has to try and disseminate to its members and/or try and get new members or new money without letting anyone know some of their harebrained ideas that can go viral or get negative press. Before the internet the church could get away with so much more drivel and nonsense.
Once dave is gone, it’s in the lawyers hands. Hang in there dave; you can be ruler over your tiny, stupid hurtful little domain til you die – in a few more years. Then it’s over, but what do you care; you don’t believe your own bullshit anyway.
“…without letting anyone know some of their harebrained ideas that can go viral of get negative press.”
That ship has sailed.
NO ONE (generality, but true) under forty (and many over forty) engages in something without looking it up on the internet these days. It’s just too easy to see what’s noted for a restaurant, a play, a movie, a store, a religion. And, THAT is something the cherch cannot get around.
Hmmm…isn’t there something special happening this week, Mary?
Mary, I don’t if that thing is smiling or frowning. Either way it’s creepy.
And it’s not even because they’re suspicious that they’ll look something up. If you don’t know what something is, you’ll go to the internet to find out what it is.
I “innocently” did a search for the term “Scientology”, to demonstrate to my brainwashed Mum how you would look for information on a subject, any subject. I just picked something near and dear to her. The first three Google results were paid ads and glowing. Everything below that was entheta. I was “shocked” at how much bad PR was out there, and indicated that people not knowing anything would run into that immediately, and not go into Scientology. It didn’t penetrate the brainwashing, unfortunately.
Very true. I work with young adults in my business. They are my “market”. Mostly 20 somethings, some young thirty somethings. Ages 24-32 mostly. Let me tell you, they google EVERYTHING. Big things, small matters, serious questions; just for fun, idle curiosity, bets, whatever. Continual internet searches on everything and everyone (including my staff and me before they engage our services) for all kinds of reasons. Anything they’re about to do which has import in their lives, they research beforehand, you’d better believe it. Anything I tell them, they fact check! They’re millennials; this is how they operate, and (mostly) their parents too! Say what you will about millennials, they’re sharp and thorough this way, in my experience. They don’t swallow what you say because you’re older or an authority figure. Better make sure what you’re telling them is correct; they’ll check and let you know if it isn’t! Which is fine with me.
Yeah, and the NSDAP said the Jews are behind all the ills in the world.
The actual truth. CCHR is a big donation point for the IAS. The truth. I was told this PERSONALLY by the president of CCHR. The IAS does not cover any CCHR travel, hotel or operating expenses and yet the IAS gets a huge portion of their donations because of CCHR as a pitch point.
CCHR has to solicit there own donation for their operations. The IAS occasionally donates a grant for printed material or videos. Both of those are created by the church’s in house publishing facility’s.
It’s one BIG SCAM.
This is exactly correct based on my personal experience. CCHR comes under OSA Int. I know about their finances — they are ALWAYS short of money. The IAS regges heavily on CCHR “accomplishments” and scare tactics. That’s why the FIRST speech and IAS Freedom medal EVERY IAS event is “CCHR”
Yes, I got it directly from the President. At the time I was still in Scientology. It really surprised me. It was a part of my wake up call.
Yup, it’s all a scam. And the SCAM started with Book one. Everything since has been built upon the original SCAM.