New episode is now up. Below are the documents we refer to.
The Chuck Beatty Handling Program
This is the report about getting Chuck fired from his job.
The issues referenced as the “policy” being followed in this program:
Something Can Be Done About It
New episode is now up. Below are the documents we refer to.
The Chuck Beatty Handling Program
This is the report about getting Chuck fired from his job.
The issues referenced as the “policy” being followed in this program:
The only way to stop this evil cult may be if enough victims persuade their Congresspersons to start pressuring the IRS to revoke this monstrous organization’s tax free status. But I expect Miscavige handed out many, many bribes to try to prevent that from happening…
So this what tax free status is financing?
Too bad the IRS does not have the courage to investigate illegal activities funded, in part, from tax exempt status.
Do OSA programs like this have to go through AVC/RTC for Issue Authority?
Thanks for making this public as evidence for posterity what Hubbard’s regulations cause the official Scientology Sea Org OSA branch to carry out.
These OSA “Handling Programs” are so irreligious, but absolutely are proof of the “new religion of Scientology” tactics to ineffectively silence someone who was just trying to tell Scientology’s inside history.
Particularly what irked me at this time was Miscavige’s violence against other Int Base staffers.
I think the turning point when I got my “Handling Program” as explained to me by older guard critics, was when I was stirring the Int Base ex staff who had received personally Miscavige’s beatings.
That was the kicking their hornet’s nest and they can’t even just say this, in my program, they only briefly mention the black PR on COB.
it’s not black PR even by their official Scientology definitions, because Miscavige was beating up his staff for two decades off and on, and it was worse right during the time in 2005 and 2006 when I heard about it from Mark Fisher and Jeff Hawkins, and from Amy Scobee.
The “black PR” on Miscavige wasn’t untrue, it was true history others were telling about Miscavige’s violence.
I was just trying to get it into the media, and get more people to confirm seeing Miscavige’s beatings and violent rampages, and the other horribly demeaning things he ordered done to top Scientology staff who always have been the most dedicated and loyal to the cause, only to be horrible mistreated by Miscavige.
So “Handling Programs’ are all deflection, off of usually the fact that the person getting that “handling program” has done something related to Miscavige’s nasty history against other top loyal Scientologist staff who get scapegoated.
Hubbard set the blame regulations, always blame staff for failures of the Scientology quackery and exorcism not being a success. OSA plays the Hubbard menu of attack and blame the “enemies” and attempts to shift attention on the “enemies” and muzzle, silence or destroy them.
But back at the ranch, the Hubbard quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism is what’s been deflected off of.
Why didn’t Hubbard just set up training centers to train those wishing to do the Hubbard past-lives pseudo=therapy and exorcism, and just leave it at that.
No need for their OSA wing to even exist.
Back in 2005 and 2006 it irked me that the scapegoating and demeaning anti staff, and the Miscavige violence, and then the whole Miscavige tough guy era, which came starting with the Hubbard 1982 nasty orders, like the one where Hubbard stated “…..and if you see WDC SMI spit on him for me…..” (that’s the Hubbard order that always was one of the last breaking straws for me—why would Hubbard even figuratively ever utter such foul remarks to “spit on [someone Hubbard was scapegoating] for Hubbard”—and Miscavige I learned was the one most determined to do this spitting for Hubbard.
Scapegoating and deflection “Fair Gaming” to dodge off of Hubbard’s own scam quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism which if that pseudo-therapy and exorcism were just openly simply offered without any glitzy marketing, if people want to do past lives pseudo-therapy and exorcism, then just explain to them how to do it, and if people want, they can do it.
Subject Volume 3, Subject Volume 4 those two have the “processes” (lists of the questions that the pseudo-therapist trained “auditor” asks of another person) to get them to supposedly “Clear.”
Then the OT Volume has the basic theory of the Hubbard exorcism procedures.
That’s all Scientology is, it’s supposedly this “case” (case in the sense of a person’s soul memories extending into their past lives and these memories are unconsciously debilitating to us) and the Hubbard Scientology spiritual procedures are simply pseudo-therapy and exorcism to eliminate the soul memories which are debilitating to us. The exorcism removes supposedly invisible souls off our human body, and once removed we lose any of the debilitating soul memories those souls were leaking onto us, and all the “case” of those souls is removed from us, supposedly resulting in our spiritual rehabilitation.
If that sounds good, then go seek out Trey Lotz and Tom Martiniano and other decent natured splinter Scientologists and try out this pseudo-therapy and exorcism if someone wishes. (It’s not my cup of tea.)
Official Scientology is the full Hubbard nightmare trap no one ought venture into.
That’s my conclusion about it all.
I was always just trying to get “What Is Scientology?”
You work 20-25 years in Scientology and I never really got that Scientology had this whole exorcism part, the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of Scientology are the exorcism part. (Xenu the bad space leader ended up mass murdering and implanting the dead souls with bad R6 implant ideas, releasing those souls to roam earth and today infest all humans, requiring the Hubbard OT 3, 4 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps to supposedly alleviate a person of their infestation of these Xenu R6 implanted souls which leak the R6 implant ideas back onto our minds, even if we are “Clear”.
It’s all so bogus, but I could see how it could be true. But there’s absolutely no need to have an OSA counter attack branch, that’s hateful evil and inhumane.
Hubbard should just put out his pseudo-therapy and exorcism procedures for others to take them or leave them.
No need for the durned Hubbard marketing and all the Hubbard administrative giant operation and then the OSA nasty branch wing of the giant administrative multi bureaucratic Hubbard setup.
The Tom Martiniano’s and Trey Lotz’s of the world don’t need the other Hubbard irreligious time wasting stuff that abuses the Hubbard Sea Org paperpushers who should not even exist in the first place.
If someone wants to do Scientology, go find one of the pseudo-therapists and exorcists who does the Scientology pseudo-therapy and exorcism. All the rest of the Hubbard movement administrative personnel are all unnecessary.
Subject Volume 3, Subject Volume 4, and the OT Volume, that’s all anyone needs to judge whether to do this stuff or not.
It’s all quackery to me, I’d skip it all, it’s a huge waste of anyone’s time and money. (But again, if you are going to “do it” go find one of the single shingle person’s who offers to do it on you, but I’d read over the 3 books above first to see what the questions you will be asked are, and you can imagine what all that will do to your mind.)
And I learned ultimately it’s a pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice, and official Scientology is so full of Hubbard’s insanity you don’t want to go near official Scientology.
get other ex’s to publicly get to the media and expose Miscavige’s violence, which did eventually come about in the St. Pete/Tampa Bay Times article, “The Truth Rundown” which exposed the Miscavige staff beatings. And then Anderson Cooper’s show on the Miscavige violence which is available for all to see.
Miscavige’s staff beatings I guess is why they gave me the Hubbard “Handling Program”. Good old L. Ron Hubbard at his best, and why no one should ever do official Scientology.
If someone wishes to find out about Scientology, I recommend they ask Scientologeek (they have a Hubbard materials studying channel on YouTube) how to get hold of Subject Volume 3, Subject Volume 4 and what’s known as the “OT Volume” whch are on the internet, and read the Hubbard pseudo-therapy quackery and the exorcism quackery and judge what Scientology might be doing to your mind if you do this stuff on yourself.
There is absolutely no need for a real religion to have an OSA/Hubbard character assassination/destroying their “enemies” branch.
Scientology ought just be clear about their subject’s practices, make it easy for people to do these practices, and let the public decide if they want to do the Hubbard quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, or not.
No need to have a whole “church” “Fair Game” branch with “Handling Programs” attacking “enemies” of the Hubbard quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism, or “attacking” the leader(s) (really it’s just Miscavige who one learns is the most irrational of the “leaders” of Scientology, and really Miscavige isn’t even a practitioner of the quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism and the way other practicing religions operation the highest boss or bosses of other religions are normally practitioners of the religion’s spiritual practices.
Scientology’s got a whole massive administrative “boss” system, and this OSA “defense/counterattack” branch system, just wholly unnecessary.
The only Scientologists I recommend the public go meet and talk with would be the splinter Scientologists who have on their own dispensed with official Scientology’s nastiest of Hubbard’s regulations and “Fair Gaming” tactics.
People ought go seek out the Trey Lotz type of splinter and ex official Scientologists if they wish to find out about Scientology.
Official Scientology is grossly anti human rights and in decline rapidly since the word of mouth is completely out on official Scientology’s decline and nastiness.
It’s be good if some new OSA defectors went public to give us the latest of the decline of OSA which is the nasty branch.
Per your latest other video with Marc Headley it looks like OSA is collapsing from attrition.
It’d be great if some OSA staff nabbed some of their incriminating paperwork and went to local prosecutors and the FBI with that incriminating paperwork that points to OSA’s potential illegal activities.
There used to be a Guardian’s Office, and I think it continued with OSA, they have their “Legal Rudiments” checklist they have to do weekly. On those various “Checklists” which I think OSA in LA has to authorize the steps of that checklist, will be steps that are pretty close to obstruction of justice.
All paperwork OSA keeps which points to OSA’s obstruction of justice is what OSA staff who flip and go straight, they should take that incriminating paperwork to prosecutors and FBI at least for keeping authorities informed how close OSA is coming to engaging in misdemeanors or felonies, which are prosecutable.
If we had the whole OSA paperwork files history, that’d be dismal to read through, it’s so irreligious this whole wing of Hubbard’s official Scientology, I dread even asking for anyone to study it all, but it’d show the history of Hubbard’s obstruction of justice branch of Scientology.
Thanks so much for chiming in in this Chuck!
I LOVED the “Eyes Only” label.
It is the same label that was written on the envelope containing a CSW to Mary Sue laying out all the steps to take in bringing all the foreign born Apollo crew to Florida illegally. And yes, she signed it. Duh!
Thank you Mike
for showing how the Cult of Scientology, Inc operates towards the trusting dedicated members who gave up everything to serve this evil entity – while at the time not knowing how truly evil it is. Chuck – no one believes the lies this Church tells about anyone who has left because we all know they manufacture lies to get the cult members to discredit them so the non-profit religion can continue to commit crimes while they sit on billions of extorted, bribed and coerced funds they illegally manipulated fraudulently out of their poor victims trapped in the bubble of delusion.
Tick Tock David Miscavige and the tiny cult of Scientology….
Your days are numbered as you shrink …dwindling down to being nothing ….as you are a failed religion that no one wants or will go into… thanks to Mike, Leah, Aaron, Marc, Claire, Amy, Matt and all of the other courageous SP’s featured on SPTV!!
I am proud to be part of your group
I am proud to be SP!!
Thank you
Hi Chuck,
I do very much and have appreciated your writing for some time. I started out posting on Mike’s blog as Espiritu but eventually decided to “Chuck it” and just use my real name because I don’t like hiding who I am from anyone. Thank you for the inspiration.
I was an active student and volunteer for some decades in the cherch. One reason why I never joined the Sea Org was because I observed how many “seniors” sometimes treated their “juniors” with disrespect and dramatized emotions like antagonism and hostility towards them. I didn’t know about the int management beatings until later.
…But one thing I still don’t understand is how has Miscavige gotten away with it? He’s not the biggest guy in the world. Does he always take a horde of enforcers to protect him when he decides to beat someone up? How come nobody has ever surprised the twerp with a retaliatory punch in the face? I would have! 🧐 (❤️)
Your question deserves a research paper. Miscavige is the one who is quite selective, and those who get beaten, know if they react, they are jumped upon by the Miscavige entourage people who’d jump on anyone who fights him back.
It’s a pretty sick atmosphere, and he doesn’t get away with it, people who take the slapping and slugging and throttling, are right for not fighting back.
It has come back on Miscavige, just by telling what he did. Even if he’s not prosecuted, note that he has never tried to sue to disprove all those that have told of his beatings.
He cannot refute the beatings other than in words, he will never sue over it.
It’s also something that kind of is such reprehensible human conduct to discuss.
In one interview with Karen, the ex Classs 12, she tells of how he has had this problem all his life of flying into rages like he’s having a psychotic fit, totally out of the blue at times. He loses his mind and goes nuts at people.
He’s mentally ill on this point of his rages and slugging people. He needs proper therapy and now that his violence problem is known, if he does do it again, it will be more likely able to be prosecuted. there are so many people who could testity. And there’s just plenty of history showing how people have not ever gone to police, for that would get them kicked out, they’d lose all their stature.
The Hubbard reference is a 1959 lecture, called “Individuation” where Hubbard says when a top executive goes nutso, or tries to escape, then get them given the Hubbard transgressions quackery. Meaning get them to fess up, and calm then down. But that is quackery, in real life, it’d be prosecution and criminal penalty, and then therapy on his rages somehow.
(When I was on the RPF, one other person there told me of a bully they’d know of growing up, who didn’t stop being a bully until some of that bullies enemies in another gang, beat up that bully so bad he was hospitalized, but that did neutralize him, and after his recovery in the hospital, which was lengthy, lots of broken bones, etc, the bully turned into a better natured person. That’s illegal too, to gang up on a bully and pulverize them and hospitlize them. Better to get them prosecuted, do their penalty, and therapy for un-raging them. I don’t know much about that, but Scientology has no effective quackery to fix this, that’s for sure, witness Miscavige’s history. There’s not been new news of Miscavige beating up people that I know of in recent years, so maybe he’s stopped.)