Well, the hushmail stork keeps dropping OTC reports down the chimney. I am having a hard time keeping up with them all.
And I dont have a lot of time this morning to sift through and comment on each of them. But I am sure there are plenty of readers who will highlight the strangenesses from inside the bubble.
I made a couple of brief notes from glancing at these.
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014
From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: Message of the Week & 24 March 2014 Meeting MinutesFlag OT Committee Meeting Minutes
24 March 2014Kaye Champagne, Chairman welcomed attendees.
Kaye welcomed new members Drew and Maria Robb, adding that Maria was the Solo NOTs Project I/C in LA. Maria said she would be working on that same project now from Clearwater. New member Sue Young was introduced, and announced that she is on Super Power, and will be helping out with fundraising. She will help with the East US Ideal Orgs.
Katrin representing the Freewinds announced an upcoming “Ideal Org Convention” on the Freewinds April 3rd through 13th. The featured speaker will be Lt. (JG) Laurie Webster, Super Power Project I/C. The convention seminars will cover topics such as the difference between PR and Registration, marketing and promotion tools, and handling failed purposes. Promotional flyers about the convention were handed out.
Kaye announced that this Tuesday (March 25) the speaker at the “Keys to OT” event will be Kathy Wach, who came to the front and announced that she would be speaking about the LRH formula on being “exterior to it all” and maintaining an “OT Viewpoint.” The event will be at the Sandcastle Restaurant at 7:15 PM.
Kaye reported the following statistics from last week’s production:
– Total Funds Raised (IAS and Ideal Orgs) up and in Affluence
– IAS Funds Raised in Affluence, at $428,704
– Volunteer Hours – a small drop last week, but a great affluence trend at 1,222 and a halfAnnouncements
Kaye announced that “Arrivals” is down a bit, but we have a handling for that, a new program from the Captain FSO. It is a project to contact OT Ambassadors and OT VIIIs and get them enlightened about the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown and getting onto Super Power. Kaye said there are many OTA and OT VIII public here locally, and asked that we help contact them. Tom Cummins, OTC Deputy Chair for Production emphasized that the Purif and SRD are fundamentals for the rest of the bridge. Sue Young added that the SRD gets people auditing others, and increases reach to become auditors.Kaye said there are grids made up of who needs to do what, and she needs everyone’s help. Roxanne Mele, Field Control Sec FSO emphasized that there are OT VIIIs locally who need to do their Purif and SRD, and that this is needed and wanted so they will all be ready prior to OT IX and X.
Lyle Roland, OES Flag OTC announced that Anna Paddock who is in charge of the current OTC Neighborhood Project and is the terminal for this current OTA/OT VIII Project. She can be reached via her email [email protected] to coordinate getting names to contact, or to report current statuses of people with regard to their statuses on or through Purif and SRD.
Kaye read names of people from the list, and various members volunteered to contact the ones they knew or had comm. lines with.
Roxanne gave a big acknowledgement and thanks to the group for all the help with the recent LRH weekend of events, and presented us with a wonderful group commendation and a huge “goodie basket” that will be available for consumption at our monthly meeting next Monday. Copies of the commendation were distributed via the back table of the room for members to pick up as they exit after the meeting.
Kaye announced that at next week’s meeting there will be a PINNING CEREMONY to present OT Committee pins to new members and those members who have not yet received one. Also, Gold will be there to video and photograph our group, so we need to wear our OT Committee shirts. It will also be our “Monthly Meeting” with commendations and refreshments, so Kaye asked us to “get the word out.”
Scott Superville, Dir Success FSO handed out project patter to members for the new project from the Captain FSO that had been discussed during the meeting.
Kaye read an LRH quote about “Toughness” then adjourned the meeting to production time, leading the group in a round of applause for LRH.Minutes by Carol Gulasa, Meeting Secretary
Edited and Approved by Susan Moore, Deputy Chairman
“Arrivals” is down a bit, but we have a handling for that, a new program from the Captain FSO. It is a project to contact OT Ambassadors and OT VIIIs and get them enlightened about the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown…. Clearly there is only one thing outside of “fundraising” that is any sort of priority for the “OT” Committee — getting OT VIII’s onto the Purif. And they see absolutely nothing wrong with this.
Love their “pinning” concept. I wonder if they do it blindfolded? Are the rules the same as pin the tail on the donkey?
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014
From: John Stout OT Ambassador <[email protected]>
Subject: EAST US OT COMMITTEE EXPANSION NEWS 2014: Week-ending 27 March 2014Week-Ending: 27 March 2014
East US OT Committee Expansion News 2014
Dear East US OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members:
OT Committee production in East US was UP once again this past week!!!
We had 52 Service Starts with a full 28 of those being Routes to Knowledge course starts! Boston jumped to the top of the list with 10 starts. The rest were spread across our other East US OTCs.
East US Ideal Org Fundraising continues in dramatic fashion, with the big 3 from the previous week showing up again. Atlanta in particular continues to lead East US, and, in fact lead the world! Detroit and Miami had very strong weeks, and New Haven made the list with solid production as well.
The total number of Active OTC Members was highest since LRH’s Birthday at 265 total. This stat continues its uptrend and that’s resulting in higher production.
You’ve heard the good news: 26-27 April is the East US Ideal Org Ultimate Alliance at Flag! Start lining up and confirming your delegations today!
ML John Stout
OT Ambassador East US I/C
52 Service Starts with a full 28 of those being Routes to Knowledge course starts. Wow — 52 for the entire continent. These guys seem so proud of themselves for the feeble volume they report every week. But even more disheartening for the powers that be in “Command” is that EUS just doesn’t seem to be the with GAG II program. How can more than half of their starts be for something other than Student Hat/Purif/SRD? Well, the secret is that the Route to Knowledge “starts” include people who tell them they are doing a “Book Extension Course.”
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014
Subject: Chairman’s Update: Event Help NeededHi Team,
Now that AOLA and ASHO are Ideal we have many more events at all the PAC Base Orgs. We need to expand our event personnel. If you’re interested in helping at events at any of the orgs, please contact Valeria Valliere to get more information on how you can help!
We are also looking for booksellers. If you have ever had the desire to sell books but don’t know how, we will train you! It is fun and very rewarding. Please contact Doug Brown or Bobby Johnson.
We have a huge OT Convention coming up on April 5th with Mr Clive Rabey and Senior C/S Andres Rodriguez. We will need as many of our members as possible helping with this event. Please let me or Claire Taylor know if you’re available to help.
We have launched a new Starts and Comps Game. The goal is 125 Starts and 112 Comps by MV. The prize is Mexican food! The Latino Dissemination Team will be making the recommendations to ensure it is the BEST!
Thanks for all you’re doing and keep up the great work!
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
A “huge OT convention” on April 5. I would be willing to bet an entire month of SO pay on the over/under of attendees. My money would be on under 50. But that may well qualify as “huge” for these guys I guess? They are “shooting for” 125 starts before JUNE…
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014
Subject: What is a Vanguard?Hello team,
The Pac OTC has taken on the game of moving up our status in the Ideal Pac Bridge to Vanguard. So what is a Vanguard?
According to the Random House dictionary, this is the definition of Vanguard which fits our game:
“The forefront in any movement, field, activity, or the like.”
So that is us, we are at the forefront of the Ideal Pac Bridge movement! We are putting the rest of the Ideal Pac Bridge there!
Now that we know what our beingness is, it is time to move on to our doingness. The status of Vanguard of the Ideal Pac Bridge project comes with a donation of $10,000. We have already donated $5,000 to become one of the Founding Alumni, so we only need to donate another $5,000.
Any donations you want to make, or you collect from someone else for our Vanguard, can be made to myself at 213-500-8962, or can be called in to Abi Reitze at 323-681-2472.
Nick Lekas
Co-Chairman, Pac OT Committee
“Only another $5,000″… Then another $10,000 after that to become a Vanguard Rearguard Guardian Protector.
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014
From: John Stout OT Ambassador <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: EAST US OT COMMITTEE EXPANSION NEWS 2014: Week-ending 20 March 2014Week-Ending: 20 March 2014
East US OT Committee Expansion News 2014
Dear East US OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members:
Last week was the first production week following the LRH Birthday and already the production is eye-opening!
We had a massive week of East US Ideal Org Fundraising with world leader Atlanta so far out in front it is gathering the attention of the entire planet! A huge VWD to Joel Benk and his OT team for producing at the correct order of magnitude and closing in on completing their Ideal Org fundraising! Miami had a big week also — clearly the South is rising again!
There were 51 East US Service Starts, including 22 Golden Age of Knowledge course starts. You guess it — New York OTC was the leader with 11! Boston was #2 with 9 starts and Chicago had 8.
East US IAS support was big also, with Detroit — a consistent IAS headliner — in first place! New York OTC also had a good week!
Yes! The weekend of 26-27 April is the East US Ideal Org Alliance at Flag! Every EUS Org will be represented as we make a gigantic step towards completing every single Ideal org on the continent!
ML John Stout
OT Ambassador East US I/CDate: Mon, 24 Mar 2014
From: CC Int OT Committee
Subject: CCI OTC Meeting Minutes – 2014 03 21CCI OT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – MARCH 21, 2014
Carol Espinoza led the meeting and read the purpose of the OT Committee from the OT Ambassador Program.
Carol attended the OT Committee conference at Flag last weekend and went over what she learned. A large part of the plans for OT Committees has been and still is raising funds for Ideal Orgs. The WUS is very near becoming the first ideal continent! Current focus in the Los Angeles area is on the PAC Base auditorium. Carol also let us know that the Santa Barbara Org has found their building.
A lengthy discussion ensued on mocking up our OT Committee so that it is very productive and flourishing. One component of that is that we need lot of new members holding and creating their posts, along with the other component of lots of activities arranged where we work together as a team to align with the OT Ambassador Program to produce results.
Trish Crandell spoke to the group and let us know the following:
CC Int is preparing for renovations and is looking for (and has nearly settled on) a temporary location for the org to temporarily relocate near CC’s current location.
There will soon be festivals coming up when CC Int will need our assistance.
The time to meet CC’s IAS quota for the period was extended to Saturday, March 22, so headway is being made on that target.
On Wednesday, March 26, CC is sponsoring an IAS event in the Renaissance Restaurant. OT Committee members are encouraged to attend to help and give supprt.
We then went over confirms for the LRH Birthday event. As of the meeting, Andrea Ross-Greene leads the game with 42 confirms, with Andrea Doven confirming 38!!!
Carol Espinoza said that Chick Corea’s opening music for the LRH Birthday event is out of this world, as was the data about LRH before he begin investigating man and the mind.
Carol then read an LRH quote and the meeting was adjourned.
A large part of the plans for OT Committees has been and still is raising funds for Ideal Orgs. Now there is some new news for everyone!
Current focus in the Los Angeles area is on the PAC Base auditorium. Hmmm, if the focus is on Ideal ORGS, why would the focus be on an event auditorium? These are not the same thing…. Though in reality they are. They are BUILDINGS. The Ideal Orgs, despite the hype are like empty auditoriums. So, what the hey… Org, auditorium, what does it matter. It is MONEY!!! And MEST!!! (The vulture culture always puts exclamation points after these words to show just how important they are).
Go team! Rah rah. Three cheers for COB!
Got it on everything, Mike, and thanks very much. No ads for books. I’m having a “duh” moment. What an elephant of an Omitted, that I didn’t spot. Wow.
“We are also looking for booksellers”.
So much to comment on here and I don’t intend to derail the essential purpose of this thread, but I’m dying to have it explained to me by somebody why, instead of volunteers shlepping around with tables and chairs doing stress tests in malls and so forth, efforting so much to sell a few measly DMSMH’s, LRH’s books are not sold in BOOKSTORES, where people go to buy ALL KINDS of BOOKS. Forgive me, please, if this is a really dumb question to which every one else knows the answer, but when I was still- in I asked it and no-one could or would answer me, and to date I still wonder about it so if someone could throw me the Why in a few short sentences and put me out of my misery 🙂 it would be greatly appreciated.
But, if a few short sentences won’t suffice for an adequate explanation I’ll wait for a post on it in the future and survive somehow 🙂
And, Mike, REALLY good news as re your origination that you can hardly keep up with all the leaks!
Simple answer. There is enormous competition for space on bookstore shelves. If you have a book that doesn’t sell, it doesn’t get space. If you don’t even have an advertising campaign designed to get people to go into bookstores to buy the books (coop or cooperative advertising) to give them the hope your book will sell, you have no hope. Back in the old days of Jeff Hawkins doing advertising and Mark McKinstry doing the liaison with the book chains, Dianetics and other titles were on the shelf in every major bookstore in the US. But they, and many of the others involved with making this a success were declared SP. Since then, even in CLEARWATER where there is a SINGLE Barnes and Noble left and “12,000 scientologists” you can hardly find a single LRH book on the shelves.
By now the rounding-up-of-OTs-for-their-next-step-briefings should have been for OT 9, 10, 11 and 12 ! But it’s for the Purif ? Just sadly pathetic. You can’t make this stuff up.
Hahahaha! That is so funny, Jimmy. The BS was flying so thick that I didn’t even notice this one! I guess their fancy hyperbole just done went and got away from ’em, huh?
OK, old-timer Scientologists…..imagine that you are Rip Van Winkle and you have taken a nap sometime in the late 1970’s or early1980’s. You wake up and go to your mailbox and find a copy of these minutes by these alleged “OT Ambassadors” in an envelope with a Church of Scientology return address.
I can imagine Rip saying, “What is this?” “What the f— are these people babbling about?” “How long have I been asleep?” It’s 2014?!!!!! “My God, some SP must have taken over the church!” “Where have all of the Scientologists gone?” “Where’s Ron?”
And reading a little further saying, “They have destroyed the whole organization, the bastards!”
And finally I can hear him saying, “I don’t know how this happened, but I do know that SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT.”
Meanwhile, outside the bubble…..
“The WUS is very near becoming the first ideal continent!”
Is a significant portion of the Western United States on the verge of breaking off into the Pacific Ocean? Will this suddenly rogue landmass have an area sufficient to be declared a new continent? Most importantly: WILL IT BE IDEAL?
Tune in next week to find out, on an all new episode of Mike Rinder Presents: Operating Thetan Committee Minutes!
I bet a certain someone is thoroughly incensed that these OTC minutes are still ending up here. I think they’re falling into more generalities and less specifics since you began posting them.
“Scott Superville, Dir Success FSO handed out project patter to members for the new project from the Captain FSO that had been discussed during the meeting.”
I don’t know if it’s normal for OTC minutes to be so extremely vague about a program that was actually discussed at the meeting. The last few Flag OTC minutes both referred to this new program by Captain FSO with exactly zero specifics. Either this is some new super secret program or something that’s going to tick off Clearwater. They can’t even tell members not at the meeting about it because they know they can’t keep anything from showing up here.
One of the announcements read: “The WUS is very near becoming the first ideal continent!”
After all that auditing, these folks’ IQs must be in the four or five digits. And they have looked up and clay demoed most words in the known universe.
Yet somehow, they don’t know what a continent is, and that the Western US if _not_ a continent?
This reminds me of something Miscavige once said about Scientology’s huge and massive expansion on all seven continents. Oh, really? Scientology is a going proposition on Antarctica, too?
The hyperbole is dwarfed only by the mindless and self-delusional misuse of language — George Orwell’s 1984 vision met and exceeded.
He needs to include it so next year he can declare Antartica the first cleared continent……….the one with no ideal orgs! No $camology either so it truly will be clear; clear of the Cult.
“If you have ever had the desire to sell books but don’t know how, we will train you! It is fun and very rewarding.”
First if all there is very little fun involved except perhaps the self congratulatory “win” when one does finally sell a book. Woopee!! Second, I have to wonder how many out there really want to sell books but don;t know how… hmmm. Fruity.
“CC Int is preparing for renovations…”
WTF? WTF for? That entire building was redone beautifully! Historically accurate, the whole shebang – they spend a fortune on it! What the hell are they renovating it for?
Unless they’re talking about the shitty white apartment building at the NW corner of Bronson and Yucca streets. They bought it maybe 5 or 6 years ago and it’s been sitting empty and derelict ever since. This last weekend, they bused in a bunch of people to empty all the junk out of it. There was a big roll-off dumpster and they filled it. It looked like old junk left by the former tenants (they evicted them all after buying it). The crew was in civvies, so I don’t know if they were staff, SO, or public “volunteers,” but there were maybe 20 of them or so.
I loved the little “name drop” of OT IX and X that got slipped into one of those things – all the OT VIIIs have to re-do their bottom of the bridge so they can be “ready.” Bwaaaaaa ha ha! Riiiiiight!
I bet they were RPF….. only 20?
Times may be a changing……. Not
GTBO, I agree, they were probably RPF but were ordered to wear civvies (regular clothing) so that no one would see that the church is using RPF prisoners for rennos. It is because of internet scrutiny from things like Mike’s blog that makes DM change the way things are done for PR purposes. Before Mike’s blog bringing light to the RPF, he would have had the RPFers working in their black clothing and black arm bands right out there for all to see. Now he dresses them up as “regulars” and has them do the same hard labor. Kind of like taking Heber out every now and then, cleaning him up, putting a tie on him and winding him up to speak at an event. He unfortunately is a shell of his former self. What a big travesty that is. DM has such bad overts on so many that Karma it will follow him for lifetimes.
Gee, if it’s true that there are nearly 10 million scientologists around the world, then these statistics really suck.
Of course, there aren’t anywhere near even 100,000 scientologists worldwide. But even then, these stats still suck.
Some people sure are skilled in the art of kidding themselves.
“Well, the hushmail stork keeps dropping OTC reports down the chimney”
You’re killing me Mike….
Well, I’ve been saying the same thing for years. Earthlings love cults, the more hideous, perverse, psychotic, dangerous, the better. History is strewn with examples. Anything truly helpful is usually attacked. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Want to create a rich cult, do as the Catholics do. Create a religion that is so far away from the original intention of the founder, that it’s barely recognizable. The C of $ is doing what the Catholics do/did. Good grief. Time for my evening vespers.
we’re all in a cult of one kind or another.
Totally disagree. The criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology could not continue to exist without breaking the laws of the land. All organised religions run the risk of hiding the criminal activity of individuals, but the Co$ is intended as a fraud. IMHO, of course 🙂
I have been off S.O. staff for over 32 years…as I read the above.. from the OTC members… I am VERY puzzled. Aren’t OTC members PUBLIC? WHY are they having to have stats? Are they now the registrars for the Base and beyond? I have been following things here and elsewhere for a while.. and the more I see.. the nuttier it gets.
The OTC’s are Miscavige’s hand-chosen standard bearers. He gives them their marching orders each year on the Freewinds (except when he cancels it) and sends them off to do his bidding. They are very proud of what they then do, and are run sort of “SO style” as the “superior beingings” who are on a mission from God.
Also the OTC are made up of OT VII’s who want elig for VIII or just elig to continue on VII, and part of that is a new requirement that every person auditing on OT VII HAS to be on an OTC and HAS to hold a named and actual post. It is not enough that they attend the meeting. They have to have a post on the Org Board. And when you tell them, for instance, but I don’t want to be on an OTC and I’d rather do my Criminon work, they say that whatever else you’re doing, keep it up but ADD to it being on the OTC as that is not an option. It is an order and a must that all on OT VII have to be on an OTC. So with all the 6 sessions a day, doing work for OTC, doing work for your other groups like Criminon, and working your butt off to make the money to pay for OT VII and raising kids and having a family…. it means you are harried, hassled, overworked, and overwhelmed in many cases. It felt to me like the OTC members were inducted SO members and doing the jobs that were the SO jobs.
Apologies to all who’ve commented before me. I’m so stunned by reading the first set of minutes, I had to skim the rest. Even the *concept* that those who’ve gone through OTVIII (whatever that is these days) means the same person needs to do a Survival Rundown and Objectives is stupefying. The only way for even a true OTIII is to mock-up a “bank”. That’s right out of the old OT4, but at least you got to mock it up and un-mock it in the same session. This new set up is absurd. (Again, apologies to all who’ve already realized this, but I’m only just reacquainting myself with today’s “bridge” (aka “crap”). And finally, three cheers to COB? Is this a joke? Really? DM=LRH? Okay…I get it. They really, truly, without a doubt, are a special kinda stupid.
Love ya Robin 🙂
It simply invokes a feeling of loathsome disgust.
So the IAS pulled in $428,704 for the week (Flag OT committee). Pretty nice for money for nothing.
Looks like Captain Miscavige’s gravy train is chugging along quite nicely within that group. The enablers are keeping the wheels well oiled on that machine.
That may be a true figure, Pepper. If so, I wonder how much is left over after the loss-making operations worldwide get their cut.
I’m pretty sure that without fund-raised donos, the receipts from customers paying for an actual service or product would bring the cult to instant bankruptcy.
And as for the true, marketable value of those products and services, well, the CoS would have closed down in the 80’s, around the time of the first price hike and Missions sabotage.
It’s all rather like the Christian Church of the Middle Ages, sustained solely on private donos from rich folk buying for themselves status, privilege and indulgence, while the flock were bullied with threats of eternal damnation, used as free labour, kept in poverty, and destroyed if they objected – more rival and dissenting Christians were killed during the Crusades and Inquisitions than all other people combined. Funnily enough, the whole system was based on ‘jam tomorrow,’ and were also obsessed with rolling out grandiose buildings, but at least their architecture had longevity and some style.
Yes Poet,
At least we can enjoy sightseeing in Europe and visit some of those cathedrals today. Notre-Dame de Paris is just one example of many.
I doubt any of the cheap, transparently obvious money burners called Ideal Orgs will ever last that long, including the Super Power building in CW. It will be torn down one day because it will fall into disrepair “enmest” and no one will care to restore it.
As for the rich whales who enable the farce to continue, I have often wondered what would happen if they just stopped giving money. It would be a “whole new world” indeed for RScientology.
If Flag OTC were made into a Reality T.V.Show
viewers would swear it’s all fake.
Really nobody could be that stupid.
LOL!! True for the whole Flag Base, hell, true for the whole movement. You know Jose, Der Midget could probably rake in some big bucks by using the KCET studios to create a $cientology reality show and he could just use the footage from the reg cycle videos.
Edy could be the star of the show!
I think it is funny that for many years all these OTs would not join staff. The hours, pay, berthing and conditions were just below their standards. And now look at them. They are being pushed harder than the staff because there are so few staff left and they are so demoralized that they can’t achieve anything anymore!
You go OTCs! Feel the burn! 🙂
One day, there might be a tiny group of them left, huddled in a small room with a desk, a phone and a call-in list, ringing around the entire planet to see if there’s anyone else out there. Shortly afterwards, someone will take one last lingering look around the room, sigh, ‘At least I tried,’ and switch the light off…for the last time…sob.
Absolutely, R! I do think that will be the story of a sad few.
The other, far more fun story is the one where people get out, look around and say, “AH! Here’s where all my friends went!” and get on with the show. =) You know, the show that goes on constantly these days.
Yes, Brian, ‘Adapt or die,’ as the saying goes.
It’s a great world out here, all are welcome, bring your sense of humour with you, it helps if you use your nous a little now and again, and you’ll do just fine.
Tip for those worried about their eternity: open your own self-help academy invite your mates, and have some cake ready.
Mike you get some of the best intel. Well ahead of sites like ARS, WWP, ES and OCB MBs. Places I used to go to for raw intel.
Your blog for me has become the place to go if I want to get a real time present time update on this slow motion train wreck calling itself the Church of Scientology.
Much like Agee’s CAQ before the advent of Wikileaks and all of that.
Keep up the good work.
As a comment about the latest from what I call the “False III Club” is just too funny in an ironic way.
Here they are trying to reg “OTs” back to the bottom of the Grade Chart.
The come on is so ridiculous unless you personally knew what a bunch of untrained morons these “OTs” really are.
Yeah they get to audit someone else other then themselves on the SRD.
Something like introducing a bunch of obsessive masterbaters to a Brothel.
retroviewed……untrained morons is so true.
I think since they did the basics and are solo
auditors they really do feel they are auditors.
And we were the blind leading the blind????
Oh my.
oops I ment remoteviewed
So true Potpie.
Not only that but they’re also given the false impression that just because they’ve done a lot of stupid GAT drills on the Solo course that they’re just as capable of auditing as any Grad V.
Not only blind but deluded as well.
“Yeah they get to audit someone else other then themselves on the SRD”
I got a chance to audit someone in “the modern way” on objectives for a month straight. God god, talk about overrun. Only the course supervisor could an call an EP and an F/N. Since they were trained in “the modern way” the supervisors couldn’t spot an F/N to save their lives. The PC lived. I’m not sure about the auditor.
I can understand the Course Super being there in case you got into any trouble but now having to tell the student the process “EPed” is beyond absurd.
I think if they were told they needed an enema before each round in the sauna they would dutifully get one.
Just as long as they had their special enema uniform on…
And of course, Davie, being the uber micro-manager, hands on kind of guy, would do the honors of inserting the enema and making sure it went right… after all he is the only one who can do it right and all the rest are CI and SCOHB.
Don’t worry Davie, it will all come out at the end.
Seems as though there is a strong need for volunteers to staff events, coordinate activities, push lazy OTS to do more services. Does it strike anyone else…. that it sounds as though they are losing a lot of staff, and are desperate to replace them? Of course anyone “volunteering” would probably be PRESSURED beyond what is humanly endurable to join staff.
Also, it seems that the OTS are now pushing each other to do more services, and the fresh meat is long gone. How long can this go on? I’m guessing until these folks reach retirement age and are living on a fixed income. Another words, a few more years at most.
“…until these folks reach retirement age and are living on a fixed income.” Don’t laugh. Having a fixed Pension income is now a big plus for potential new staff. They can afford to feed and house themselves, without relying on staff pay.
– Total Funds Raised (IAS and Ideal Orgs) up and in Affluence
– IAS Funds Raised in Affluence, at $428,704
Hm. No figure given for the alleged Ideal Orgs fundraising affluence.
Their priorities are clear. Sadly, David Miscavige has already burned through that money with his 22 lawyers in Monique Rathbun vs. David Miscavige et al., and the other, what, 6-10 lawsuits currently underway against the church and affiliated groups?
Sadder still, there will be a few OTs ready and willing to re-do their Bridge. Why? Perhaps they have become so adept at mocking things up they simply mock up Scientology the way they’d like to see it. How else can one explain why people attesting to the OT levels (and the implied increase in ethics level) do not see the outpoints? I can only assume they don’t see because they don’t want to see. That, or they are afraid of what their own church might do to them. Some power base.
“Chick Corea’s opening music for the LRH Birthday event”
I used to work for the guy back in the ’70s. He’s the real deal — a musical genius. I was never a buddy with him or anything ,and quit when I found out his do nothing “tour manager” made about 5 times as much as a hapless roadie.It was a good gig, though Toured the world, heard lots of great music, worked my ass off. Good times.
It would be great if he got out and denounced Miscavage, But he won’t. Too much red carpet. Unless they go blatant out tech on him, Who knows? Not a lot of “Stadard Tech” left in the church these days.
Hi Ashaman, we saw Chick last night on 60 Minutes with Wynton Marsalis here
One of the bits was Marcus Roberts playing like Chick but he didn’t dive into the piano and pluck the strings like Chick on a roll. I agree he is a true genius and wasted on “LRH Birthday openings” and gigs at the Freewinds.
Chick said a few words on the show but boy did he look old and tired. I can’t imagine what it must be like for him.
I spent a lot of time in his old studio, getting those old Neve mix boards back in shape etc. I’ll bet it was really sweet before we tore it up to make it “standard” according to Golden Era insanity.
One event I remember he did about’79 with Diana Hubbard playing piano. It was memorable because Miscavage was there (Before “the coup” and his rise to power). I think I kicked the creepy little shit off stage. That little fuck does hold a grudge (which is another story. . . )
Chick did look old and tired but he must be in his 70s. He got in Scientology around 1967 or so. I suspect he does now what he did then — play music all time.
The Church holds a metaphorical “body in pawn” of all members — all their deepest darkest secrets, and their commitment to wreck you if you leave. That muzzles a lot of people.
Plus as long as he is a celeb, he will get excellent treatment and his eyes will be blinded to the suffering of so many who are in.
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
One choice at the fork at the end of this so-called ‘bridge’ routes you back to the beginning. On your way back, in addition to buying the same old stuff over again, you get tapped for more dough for the project du jour.
How many times around that do-loop before you choose the other fork?
That other fork, naturally, is the SP Declare. The sooner you get it, the more of your hard earned cash you can save for your family and the sooner you can recover from the cult that hubbard created and miscavige refined.
As for the whales, a friend once told me, “You can tell what God thinks about money when you look at who he gave it to.”
Bystander: who did God give the money to?
All those whales who continue to support the criminal enterprise, the poor clubbed seals who hand over money they don’t have, you name it.
Hi Cindy,
Who did God give the money to?
Whales. Whales who might as well burn their money when they give it to the RCoS, IAS or any other associated corporate affiliate.
God obviously doesn’t think too much about money or whether someone has it or not. God looks at the person himself, not his money or possessions.
And we know that taking the “church” branch of the forking road leads nowhere.
These should be called the “Say meetings”. Why? Because Kaye said, Tom said, Lorel sail and so on.
Lots of saying, together with the main subject of rip off, sorry, fundraising, makes these meetings solid despite having the Vanguard Beingness. It is an empty game, is a pretense and they have to keep it going otherwise ‘to ethics baby’.
They are blind to the fact that the game they are playing and its purpose has been given to them by dear leader so he can amass money; they are NOT themselves creating it.
This is what is called out of valence, that is possibly why the can’t see; each of them has no personal viewpoint, they look at things from the viewpoint of the one who ‘gave them’ that responsibility/game.
Enlightening the OTVIII’s on STARTING OVER – go back to the beginning and START – yeah, that is going to work! LOL
Well really, they just hit the top of the spiral, went out the top, and are now at the bottom of the next higher harmonic of the whole infinite range of trainings.
And number of times over the material equals certainty.
And the more the Church defines this crap by invalidating people to make them start over, the more it conditions them as dependent, uncritical, controllable, and exploitable.
“Kaye welcomed new members Drew and Maria Robb, adding that Maria was the Solo NOTs Project I/C in LA”
When James Byrne was the ‘Get PAC basics in project I/C in late 80’s, Drew Rob was the Captain ASHOD. I guess he had been found sleeping in his office (probably taking a nap after nights of no sleep). So Mr Byrne got him up in front of the morning muster on top of parking structure and ripped his insignia off and demoted him in front of the crew. This is called hazing as far as I know. So when I left staff (kicked out after 19 years) I phoned Rob to apologize for doing nothing to correct this. He said basically he deserved it.
There always seemed to be a different reality on applying Admin/Ethics tech I had no knowledge of = hidden data line. Makes it hard to have agreed upon stable datums when on staff.
And “Lyle Roland, OES Flag OTC announced that Anna Paddock who is in charge of the current OTC Neighborhood Project and is the terminal for this current OTA/OT VIII Project.
Isn’t this the gal that was heckling Marty and Mosey in Marty’s video?
Thanks for your reporting Mike – I know it must keep you pretty busy.
I believe the crazy lady heckler is Joanne Wheaton. I know it isn’t Lyle Roland. Wheaton not only took the red and blue pill but OD’d on koolaide from hell.
Would that be the Joanne ‘We are above ethics’ Wheaton?
So right P13c.
As far I know Joanne ‘We are above ethics’ Wheaton used to be USGO and was hooked up with John Carmichael some time back.
Knew her back in the ’90’s when I managed the Franklin House which she and Karen Mangiamele owned.
Actually when I knew her back then she was a pretty cool person and actually not bad looking.
It amazes me what a wacked out hag she’s turned into.
Sad really.
Yet it pretty much proved to me that the new direction the Church has taken under (in my opinion) the ostensible “leadership” of David Miscavige leads toward deterioration and destruction.
I mean all those fancy “Ideal Orgs” just can’t seem to cover up this fact.
Like putting fancy cellophane over a rotten apple.
Anna Paddock (formerly Stilo, Anna used to be a WDC Member too, and Anna almost did 10 years on the RPF, I was on the RPF’s RPF in PAC, when she routed out of the PAC RPF just a couple months before me, and I bumped into her on the streets of LA around the complex, in 2003).
This video is important to see how well Mosey handled Anna. To me it strengthens Mosey’s case in my mind!
Anna was annoying and unnatural in her “mission” to talk with Mosey. Particularly there were several points when Anna should have left, and not continued to ask Mosey questions, and the fact that Anna kept asking, kept trying to make her points to Mosey, to me, is where the harassment comes in.
Mosey’s reactions are very normal, she’s hesitant, she sees right through Anna’s little mission, and Anna if Anna were a normal citizen, wouldn’t even have come knocking on Marty’s house door when Marty was away. It obviously to us ex members, is a setup of Mosey, to try to get Mosey to think about things that no normal door knocking next door neighbor would do.
Anna actually lies, since Anna lives in LA, not Texas, and certainly not near Mosey and Marty, so Anna starts with a little lie.
Anna was a long term Sea Org member, WDC Member, busted, to the RPF, and on the RPF for almost 10 years, then routed out, good for her to get out, but that meant of course divorcing Glen Stilo. I’ve seen her daughter Donna’s name on Sea Org promo here and there.
Mosey asking Anna to come back when Marty was there, is totally in line with Mosey’s case, and to me, this video is proof of Scientology’s rightfully charged harassment of Mosey, simply for being a way to get to Marty, but Scientology has no concept that doing so is wrong!
“5. Talking to somebody about another derogatorily.”
Anna was supposedly just doing what her religion “Levels of Ethics and Justice Actions”, page 362 of the 2007 edition of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book says to do.
But the OSA written programs that were written on Marty, need to be made public knowledge, and Scientology should produce the program and info that Anna read when Anna was briefed to go talk to Mosey when Marty was away!
Anna is in the fear band in this encounter and she
knows what Mosey is talking about plus being so
impolite by keeping her sunglasses on. Wonder
if she got her signatures, as Mosey did such a
wonderful job in deflecting Anna’s points.
Yes Chuck this is harassment and should be
used in the court case.
Lars thank you for that video. Mosey was fantastic in it. Ana was no match for Mosey. And the irony of that is that Ana is probably a Pro TR’s Graduate and OT and she was no match for a “mere wog.” Mosey rocks and I loved her handling of this idiot at her door. I hope they use it in the court case as direct proof of harrassment.
You gotta hand it to Dave… He has managed to reduce his “religion” to simply passing the plate around the pews.
In it’s own weird way it’s at least honest.
What’s interesting is that anyone is still involved.
Each to their own I guess.
Never have I been so happy to be on the :disaffected” list! I no longer get these stupid event invites, pleas for money and them more pleas for money and then pleas for volunteer time and on and on and on. It’s the exact opposite of anything resembling spirituality. It is madness.
“…there are OT VIIIs locally who need to do their Purif and SRD, and that this is needed and wanted so they will all be ready prior to OT IX and X.”
This probably explains their obvious disaffection.
Or that Flag’s GI is falling to where they need a sudden injection of cash so they don’t get creamed by DM.
“I would be willing to bet an entire month of SO pay…”
I see what you did there.
And there will be a “goodie basket” at the next meeting. That’s some high level data.
“goodie basket”
defined as a bag of old pretzels buried under some lemon rock candy. Enjoy sheeple!!!
Please! The goodie back will be SWAG: FSM slips, “I am a Scientologist” luggage tags, hordes of promo for GAT 2 items, like Mark VIII warehouse EZ-Bake E-meters, re-dos of Objectives, re-dos of Purif, re-dos of Grades, running around a post (with NO data on the biochemical effects of exercise in the body, which floods the brain with endorphins…the origin of the “runner’s high” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/27/health/nutrition/27best.html?_r=0
Yes but these stale old pretzels and hard old candies aren’t so bad when you have Kool Aide to drink them down with.
Pinning? Status levels? BS achievements…….Sounds more like a bunch of
Amway meetings.
“It is a project to contact OT Ambassadors and OT VIIIs and get them enlightened about the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown and getting onto Super Power”
Wow! What an outpoint. I’ve always considered OTAs and OTVIIIs to be at the top of the public food chain. The fact that there are enough of them “unenlightened” to warrant a program from the Captain FSO does not reflect well on the Flag field.
“…there are OT VIIIs locally who need to do their Purif and SRD, and that this is needed and wanted so they will all be ready prior to OT IX and X.”
This probably explains their obvious disaffection.
“Now that AOLA and ASHO are Ideal we have many more events at all the PAC Base Orgs.”
Oh boy, I take that as a warning. What exactly is the EXCHANGEABLE VFP of their events?
“Now that we know what our beingness is…”
It seems to me that the “beingness” of these OTCs is planning parties, dinners, playing games, and general “event” busy work. Oh, and supporting the real estate borg…
Statpush wrote:
“Now that we know what our beingness is…”
It’s BE, DO, HAVE!
Scientology is a path to destruction for a majority of those who walk it.
Some get off before the edge of the cliff.
Others just keep going right on over.
Dave, Your “REASONABLENESS” is astounding.
“….with world leader Atlanta so far out in front it is gathering the attention of the entire planet!” Snore!!!!
These folks are actually hallucinating. And they are all near the TOP of the current chart? Utter madness.
Indeed. But the inmates themselves rule that assylum and made up their own chart.
Because I am not homo novis and therefore only have 24 hours in my day – about 8 spent sleeping unless I’m glued to “Scandal” (another post entirely) — these stork messages serve a great purpose.
In the unlikely but possible event that I meet up with one or more of the aforementioned people I won’t even bother to have a conversation with them. Only crazy people talk to rocks.
I follow the same “rule” when on the various anti-sites, indie sites or Facebook etc — comments help me determine who to engage with and who to block or just scroll through.
You Mike (and Marty and Karen) deserve sainthood because only a saint could possibly endure the torture of reading this tripe … or attempting to wake up the dead.
OMG Windhorse,”You Mike (and Marty and Karen) deserve sainthood because only a saint could possibly endure the torture of reading this tripe … or attempting to wake up the dead.” exactly!!!!!!!