Scientology seeks to infiltrate various parts of society with “LRH Tech,”
What is sincerely held “religious belief” and “scripture” inside scientology, is transformed into “secular”, commercial “technology” in the scientology front groups.
Hubbard insisted these organizations — like Narconon — be “secular” for one reason. To be able to get grants from the government. Due to the First Amendment, the government is restricted from funding religious organizations. There are PLENTY of religious based drug rehabs, education programs and others. But Hubbard, the staunch opponent of “hand-outs”, “welfare” and all things government in general, wasn’t unwilling to take their money.
I have always believed this was a short-sighted approach. That the protections afforded religious organizations would have helped Narconon far more than the hope of getting government funding (I am not sure they have ever gotten any — but I may be wrong on that score, though I am not wrong on the protection they didn’t have in all the lawsuits that have been filed against them).
These front groups at times hide their affiliation to scientology — at least they don’t promote it. They always claim Narconon is NOT a recruitment vehicle for scientology, but that is disproven by the former staff who have exposed the truth about it (including the former President, Luke Catton who appeared on the Fair Game podcast).
But that truth is pretty evident in this issue which one of our readers sent to me.
And in the graphic that David Miscavige used to illustrate his “ideal orgs” announcement at the top of this post. And in the fact that the organizations that run all these front groups (ABLE International and WISE International) are staffed exclusively by Sea Org members, operate out of the Hollywood Guaranty Building (Church of Scientology International) and are answerable to the Watchdog Committee of CSI.
These sham “secular” groups are just scientology with a secular coating. They are all part of the grand scheme to “clear the planet.”
$camology is a giant spiral cone. All the money spirals inward until it ultimately lands in Dwarfendweeber Munchkinmonster’s off shore bank accounts and is never seen again.
True Kronomex. Nothing connected to scientology is remotely religious; It’s all a money-making scheme designed to flow the maximum amount of money in to the center of the web, which is Dwarfenführer these days. AFAICT, no one else benefits from the ill-gotten gains, except peripherally and sporadically, based upon however DM feels any particular day.
The IRS should be very interested in those “secular” claims since just about all of the front groups got their tax exemptions by being considered part of $cientology in the once secret 1993 ‘Closiing Agreement’ between $cientology and the IRS. Note the definitions of what constitutes a “$cientology-related entity”, in particular the last paragraph of the definitions:
From the Agreement:
VIII. Definitions.
For purposes of this Agreement:
A. “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time.
B. “Entity” includes any corporation, limited liability company, trust, association, committee, partnership, or unincorporated organization, as well as any “person” (other than an individual), as defined in Treas. Reg. sec. 301.7701-1 through -4.
C. An entity is a “Scientology-related entity” if that entity is described in one or more of the paragraphs set forth below:
An entity is a Scientology-related entity if it is a signatory to this Agreement or is identified in section III., paragraphs B. or C. or section IV., paragraph D.2. of this Agreement or Exhibits III-1 through III-35 of this Agreement.
An entity is a Scientology-related entity if it delivers religious services to parishioners in a manner prescribed by the works of L. Ron Hubbard and as authorized (directly or indirectly) by Religious Technology Center, Church of Scientology International or other entity described in another paragraph as a Scientology-related entity.
The social benefit and other public benefit entities discussed at pages 1-28 through 1-42 of the June submission along with all subsidiaries, subordinate chapters, subordinate organizations, or sublicensees thereof (e.g., organizations that are permitted to use particular names, copyrights, service marks, and/or technologies) are Scientology-related entities.
Thus, for example,
Citizens Commission on Human Rights,
National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice,
Scientology Defense Fund Trust,
Association for the Better Living and Education,
Applied Scholastics Incorporated,
Narconon International,
The Way to Happiness Foundation,
and the Foundation for Religious Freedom are Scientology-related entities.
Pages 1-28 through 1-42 are attached as Exhibit VIII-2 to this Agreement.
Any entities subject to the ecclesiastical direction or general guidance of Church of Scientology International or Religious Technology Center, directly or indirectly, including but not limited to any trusts, that hold assets (including but not limited to intellectual property and mortgages) for any other Scientology-related entity or for the advancement or protection of the Scientology religion whether or not those entities were discussed at pages 1-43 through 1-56 of the June submission are Scientology-related entities.
The cherch is truly a Suckular Organization which is in keeping with its management directives.
In my life, that has to be THE dumbest pun I have EVER heard – I mean, just THE worst – and yet, I am laughing.
Yup, it SURE sucks it all in indiscriminately, don’t it?
It never ceases to amaze me that Dave’s minions can keep pulling the wool over the government’s eyes so consistently, for so LONG. SOMEone’s HAD to twig on it all by now. We aren’t the only ones who see the scam so clearly, are we?
So scientology’s religiosity is determined by a trademark.
“Exclusively religious” scriptures and services are neither exclusive nor religious if they can be secularised simply by using a different logo.
Oh, mwesten, if ONLY it were that simple!
But nothing can ever be simple in scientology, can it? It’s designed to be complex and un-learnable, I guess.
If you have not joined this cult, do not have anything to do with them or they will ruin your life.
On the other hand, if you have joined, turn around and flee. Do not answer any of their phone calls, emails or other kinds of messages. If you should answer some kind of call by mistake, just hang up and turn off your ringer for as long as you can handle that. If they keep calling, change your phone number. If they can still reach you via email or other method, just keep changing all your accounts until they no longer bother you.
Several people have reported that if you just keep on changing your accounts and other ways people contact you, eventually they will stop trying to suck you into their scam.
Bottom line is to refuse to communicate with them in any way. Eventually, they will stop bothering you.
There are two short phrases in OEC Vol 1, in one of the policies, I know, students who did in the US apply for welfare, did use that PL, and I was shown it by them. (Pgms Chiefs in the FB tried to get the staffs to not work, not be on welfare, but LRH did say that welfare could be used by staffs, but of course LRH also said and ordered that staffs ought to make their orgs work so well as to not have to rely on welfare.)
Also, in PAC, for decades, using the free medical system especially by the PAC RPF, has been routine. Even when I was INCOMM staff, and broke my finger, I applied for assistance with the state of California, got it, and got my finger operated on for free, all based on my status of “religious worker” and being paid that basic allowance, which was 35 bucks a week at the time I needed by finger operated on.
The actual fixing properly fo the staff pay, fixing everything, is just a huge long range problem that is being put off, but it could all be fixed.
It’d take some drastic steps, but it all could be fixed, all these secular / church problems.
Miscavige has the authority to get these things fixed, but it’d take using outside smarter minds to fix these things, not the staffs, and LRH’s intentions would have to take a back seat.
But, considering that LRH said some really dreadful “treasonous” things in the end of his life, when he admitted to Sarge that he’d failed, and told Sarge he is going to go do the OT running program on himself, and that he’s not coming back.
LRH not coming back and saying these things he told Sarge, actually ought to give Miscavige even more leeway to fix the secular and church mashup.
There’s really no need at this time to make a problem and Miscavige ought just hire some outside smarter legal minds to fix and separate all the secular stuff out from under Int Management (church management).
Scientology has so many problems, very little chance with their personnel, to fix themselves, and with all the problems LRH demands of them, it makes their movement a mess.
They ought to just do a massive refund repayment project, see how much money they have left after giving all their advanced payments back to all their members and ex members who want their advanced payments back, and then downsize.
I wonder who has ever had some decent conversations with him about all the options and problems LRH left the movement.
When Miscavige became COB RTC primarily, I know back at ASI, that on the ASI computer, he still retained his COB ASI logon, and it was there all the way until Dec 1995 when I left ASI.
Shelly too, she has her COB Asst ASI logon in the ASI computers, I know, I saw it daily when I was the ASI computer guy.
I wonder who Miscavige pow wow’s with, on these bigger issues, and his role or hats.
From what I read, the Spcl Pjt Ops advices/orders, and the ASI orders, from LRH, do give him leeway to solve these secular and church management problems.
He could still fix it today, but I think outside legal smarter minds need to be given the job, and don’t rely on any Sea Org persons, maybe there are a few really smart Scientologists who aren’t Sea Org who might be able to help sort it out.
Chuck, I don’t see DM as wanting to “fix” anything, It’s all working just fine in his book: Money’s still flowing into the accounts under his control, and there aren’t any future liabilities, like, maybe, perhaps, delivering services!
I seem to remember reading that Narconon got the Covid stimulus checks and money for business owners by lying and saying they had many more “employees” than they did and thus getting more money with which to pay these “employees”. And yet they have told officials in court depositions that they are NOT employees and instead are volunteers. To lie and say you have more employees than you do just to get more money is fraud. And to say they are volunteers and then later say they are employees violates their qualifications to be called a church and thus get out of paying taxes because they are a church is also fraud.
Cinduy, it doesn’t matter. They’re just grabbing “wog” money while the getting’s good. Any time they can re-direct” (steal) from the “wogs”, it’s the greatest good and all that.
In addition to the pr advantage of distancing themselves fron the toxic reputation of the Church of Scientology (COS), the purportedly “secular” front-groups serve an important legal purpose.
The COS greatly benefits from the protection afforded by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. However, the COS can be hindered, if not thwarted, by the limitations imposed by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment when it comes to delivering services in, funded or sponsored by government entities. This is particularly important regarding services delivered in public schools and prisons.
COS front-groups are generally not protected by the Free Exercise Clause, but are also generally not limited, hindered or thwarted by the Establishment Clause. Thus, whereas Scientology cannot be taught in public schools (other than as a purely academic subject in a comparative religion class) or prisons, The Way To Happiness arguably can be.
No better example of Scientology’s duplicitousness in this area is Scientology front-group The Way To Happiness. The rough timeline is:
L. Ron Hubbard founds a religion, Scientology. (Leaving aside the issue of whether he ever intended it to be a religion and the bona fides thereof.)
L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of a religion, drafts a “secular” moral code, The Way To Happiness.
The religion of Scientology then uses The Way To Happiness as the foundation for a religious pastoral counseling (i.e., auditing) practice, The Happiness Rundown. Payments for that religious practice are tax-deductible. How can a religion base a religious pastoral counseling practice on a secular moral code?
And everyone, including the courts, is supposed to ignore the fact that this is base and transparent manipulation.
LRH in the 1982 “Spcl Pjt Ops” orders to Miscavige, and also LRH in his orders to ASI, if you look at how LRH suggested things, there were things, like the AVC job, which LRH stated probably ought to go in ASI, but suggested that that might be legally flawed and LRH left it to Miscavige to figure out.
There are these secular and church things, that needed “sort out” and the whole “Corporate Sort Out” looks like it long range was flawed.
So, in truth, if one were a true blue LRH options operating Scientologist, with the authority to fix things, as LRH did give to Miscavige, it ought to be fixed today, still.
It truly needs better “sort out” than what was done when LRH left it up to Miscavige and the “SU” Special Unit, to sort these things out.
Int Management just simply ought not have secular oversight, because Int Management is church, and secular management ought just not be under church management.
But, I know nothing of how other religions do this, and it might not even be an issue, and other religions already have been there done that, and Scientology’s “sort out” might be fine.
This is really beyond me if the corporate sort out that Scientology did (Mark Ingber I think was one of the main persons, he I know authored a good deal of the blue booklet that listed out all the WDC sectors which included ABLE as a sector, and that just was the way it’s been all these years, and I don’t know if that is wrong or not).
It seems wrong morally, but it might be legal.
I wonder if anyone knows who the lawyers were that signed off on the WDC Sectors including ABLE sector being management by church Int Management?
I lived through some of these years, from July 1983 thru fall of 1984 I was on a project in Del Sol building which housed Int Headquarters (WDC and CO CMO Int on the top floor of Del Sol) and Exec Strata and other parts of CMO Int on the ground floor, of the two story Del Sol building which was essentially the top two management councils of Scientology (Watchdog Committee, and Exec Strata). Plus Senior C/S Int Office was on the ground floor also. WDC Files Bill Funnel had his cabinets of LRH orders in one office on the ground floor. For a time even LRH Comm International was on the ground floor. On the second floor was Marc Yager and his wife, Michele Yager, she was Ron’s Traffic Liaison (RTL) and she kept a pristine set of filing cabinets with all of the relevant LRH orders to the Int Base.
A person, were they to sort out again, if needed, the corporate setups of church and secular management of the Scientology “sectors” would just need to do a long reading project, and read all that LRH wrote.
You’d also need to read the RTC traffic that LRH wrote. And you’d also need to read the ASI traffic LRH wrote, and possibly any traffic that went to the “Ranch” people, Pat and Annie Broeker, if there is a trove of that traffic.
LRH did give Miscavige leeway to sort things out. IT just needs repeating, if warranted. But someone smarter about it all.
Me, since I don’t believe anymore, and I don’t think Scientology’s pseudo-therapy and the exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of body-thetans is a worthwhile activity, I don’t think it really deserves any more “fixing” to make this whole subject and practice succeed. It’s quackery to me.
But for believers, if they were in Miscavige’s shoes, and if the believers in the “tech” had access to all of the materials from LRH which are at CST, which is all of the raw LRH traffic, then they could just do a new “sort out”.
If anyone deserves to have access to LRH’s CST trove of originals and the raw LRH traffic, it is the believers of the “tech”.
What is so nasty is LRH didn’t let the movement lower members really have access to all his top level traffic, so the running of Scientology has this flaw of being only as good as those that have been given the responsibility to run Scientology by LRH’s rules, and that closes off the members and believers in the “tech” from the full LRH detailed leeway given to “top management” of Scientology.
The only way believers in Scientology can fix their “religion” is trudge through the ranks of Sea Org, move up to the high units, get access to LRH’s actual leeway traffic orders, and give it a try as to how to fix their movement’s problems.
That’s just too much for average Scientologists, and they don’t even know what exists of the full filing cabinets of LRH orders from the final years of LRH’s life.
How do you fix your own quackery cult? You don’t. You quit really. Since even if you get to the top, and have the reigns to fix things, you still can’t fix the fact that the quackery (the “tech”) does not really do the great things that LRH claims the “tech” will do for people and for the world. The “tech” is the final letdown problem at the movement’s core. People of Scientology are not becoming OT superpeople (those that are exemplary members, were great people to begin with, and doing the pseudo-therapy and the exorcism quackery of Hubbard’s wasn’t what made them exemplary good people).
The great and good Scientologists, are carrying this quackery cult. The cult isn’t making them the great people they are.
MustSavage & Tubby didn’t have to worry about morality and such because it was for the “greater good” and all. Ron pursued the religious angle ONLY to make even MORE MONEY, and did it in as close to illegal a way as possible to yet again put something over on the Governments. It’s a shame he didn’t work nearly as hard to create something that actually worked as advertized. If he had, perhaps we’d all be scns today, not watching the too-slow implosion of what’s still sorta, kinda there these days.
I think Hubbard ought to have stuck with fiction writing, period.
Scientology is a “Prison of Belief” as Lawrence Wright pegged it.
I think all the public needs to know, is that Xenu earth dumped zillions of “body-thetans” onto earth 75 million years ago during the 4th Dynamic Engram, for which today Scientology has five long levels of exorcism to rid themselves of their infestations of Xenu’s earth dumping of these implanted “body-thetans.”
The Xenu story is the most relevant theory a public newcomer to Scientology needs to hear as soon as possible.
I would guess that half of these things drive people nuts while the other half claim (but fail) to help bring people back to sanity. They could be collecting govt funds with both hands with all of our money going straight into TWERP’s secret offshore bank accounts.
It is my fervent wish that some clever govt person will figure out what is going on and shut down the entire scam and all of its sub-scams.
It’s kind of like the Evil Empires from 1960s TV. Remember KAOS from Get Smart? This scam operates something like that. Where is Maxwell Smart when we need him?
Scientology acutally creates insanity and then convinces you that this is an improvement.
Based on actual results which is SCIENCE, Scientology needs to rename that front group called “ABLE” to “DISABLE” cuz that is
what Scientology does to people.
They should put this on all of the letterhead and Policies, Bulletins etc – on everything.
A sort of black box warning mandated by the CIA, IRS, FDA, NRA and anyother US goverment entity that should be protecting people from the harmful side effects of L Ron Hubbard’s Cherch :
“Scientology and Dianetics; Disabling the Able since 1950” LRH
If you want to have a laugh, re-read Keeping Scientology Working, and every instance of the words: Scientology, tech, technology
just replace them with the word: quackery
That kind of short circuits the whole Scientology thing.
Funny, when you mentioned Keeping $cientology working(K$W). It made me laugh out loud,, literally! I watched a video last night on Utube at ‘Growing Up $cientology’ and Aaron Smith-Levin addressed ‘K$W’ during part of a clip of Tom Cruise.
It’s one of Aaron’s funniest videos lately.
A.B.L.E: Association for BADDER living and education, and someone else’s origination: NarCONon, emphasis on CON.
scientology: making the able less able since (whenever)” And that task went into overdrive whenever he formulated “study tech” to bedevil those of us who dared to have the ability to read and understand what Ron couldn’t, like Maths and science.
The ABLE logo looks like the last moments before the child loses their grip on the adult’s hand which is letting it go. The Narconon logo looks like someone caught in a trap.
Ah, The Two Faced Messiah. Nowhere in the history of Scientology has money never trumped all management decisions & spiritual aspirations – yet for the followers handing over a constant supply of it is the only way the door is ever left open for them.
Scientology is a huge contradiction of itself if you can be bothered to look & not listen.
There’s more freedom & truth attainable by following the “Wizard of Id.” Having a dwarf leader and all…
For Hubbard and MustSavage, there’s not a whole lot of “Id”. It’s all EGO gratification.
On March 10, 1982 I enlisted in the United States Army. The recruiting station was a former service station on the corner of 20th St. and Central Ave. It was snowing that day. When anyone at Fort Benning inquired where I was from my usual answer was, “the Soviet Socialist Republic of Minnesota.” The Cold War was on at the time. As a combat riflemen (MOS 11 B) I opposed conscription. I did so in 1982 and I’m doing so now. Some people have a problem with persons acting on their conscience. I don’t. When I was enlisted in the United States Army the Army was going though several transitions. The Army was transitioning from the M1 steel pot to the first generation of the K-pot helmet. The Army was transitioning from the M60A3 tank to the first generation of the M1 Abrams tank with the 105mm rifled gun. The Army was transitioning from the M113 APC to the first generation of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The Army was transitioning from the Huey helicopter to the first generation of the Blackhawk helicopter.
Unlike LRH I served my country. LRH served himself.
Thank you for your service protecting our country, Otherles.
otherles stated:
“Unlike LRH I served my country. LRH served himself.”
So true. and thanks for your service
Dang, that sounds too trite:
You didn’t HAVE to volunteer, though, so it AFAICT, was a selfless decision to do right by the country, of which I am a small, but appreciative piece. Our all-volunteer military is a wonderful proposition, and seems to have worked out well — absent a certain President who made volunteering and military bad words back about that time, IIRC.
Conscience is the expression of the ego in the moral realm. To make a moral judgment and to act on it are basically selfish acts. It’s the self that sees through its own eyes and acts on its own knowledge of right and wrong. You couldn’t be selfish if you can’t live with yourself. Rational Selfishness as defined and advocated by Ayn Rand was limited to acts which benefited one’s self but caused no harm or inflicted a cost on another person. The narcissist, especially in the political realm, isn’t concerned with the injuries and burdens inflicted on other people. In fact, the more destructive the consequences of obedience to those who obey the narcissist, the better. Human sacrifice with beating hearts cut out and victims flayed alive, that’s great. Millions worked to death in slave labor camps in Siberia, as far as the narcissist is concerned that’s better. In order for me to say, “I, Leslie Bates, do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America…” I have to say “I”. That was my ego speaking when I took the oath of enlistment.
In 1988, I met a reformed alcoholic who gave credit to Scientology for getting off booze. As Miscavige took over, Narconon lost its purpose and became a scam. My bout with alcoholism ended after I joined Alcoholics Anonymous so I had empathy for this man. The same with Dianetics. I had wins with it in 1972, but Scientology simply went to the dogs of greed.
Anybody wondering what a “Learning Accelerator” is? (One of the listed trademarks).
No, not the paddle that used to grace every teacher’s desk in archaic times, for the application of the rod that unspoils the child.
One of the Scientology ideas that really makes the brain creak is the concept that all these secular “sectors” cannot be religious but have to use the religious “technology” of Hubbard to succeed.
They have to walk like a duck, talk like a duck, look like a duck but be a platypus.
Thus the idea that the Applied Scholastics sector needs to use an E-meter to find misunderstood words but cannot use a religious artifact.
They needed a device that walks like a meter, looks like a meter despite the decidedly banana-inspired esthetic meme, works like a meter but isn’t an E-meter. Voila – the Learning Accelerator. No hint of the Hubbard name anywhere, has its own patent (one of my first Scientology patents), uses a different circuit, but works just like an E-meter.
I actually didn’t design it, but I took it from a very rough fiberglass prototype form with loads of adjustable parts to a real product in manufacture. Early 80s.
We stopped making them in the late 80s, though occasionally one would come in for repair. I have no idea how they explain the shake-and-bake MK VIII meters that must be on the desks of Course Supervisors and Word Clearers at the Spanish Lakes Applied Scholastics facility. They can’t be using 40-year-old Learning Accelerators.
When does a religious technology, protected as a religious practice by the First Amendment, suddenly become not a religious technology because it is being used for profit by secular organizations? Can they really have their cake and eat it too?
Bruce, Great spotting, that they might be using “church” Emeters at Narconons/Fresh-Starts.
That would require some explaining why staffs of these places use “religious” artifacts while doing the secular sauna practices.
They need outside intervention completely unaffiliated outside consultants to fix their secular front groups.
In the past eras, LRH’s intentions were primary, everything was done to comply with LRH, and not comply to the letter of the law, which is how they have to reform all their secular front groups.
They need a whole reworking and even take several of these “secular” sectors out of the “church” management, and set up a secular management totally divorced from the “church” to run their secular sectors.
I wonder what the old lawyers thought of the hodge-lodge, and “I told you so” probably was on their minds, although they never got the chance to put their foot down and insist on slicing all the “secular” sectors out of the “church” management.
The old Command Channels booklet of the 1980s, which was Mark Ingber’s main project I believe he headed up that.
The problem was LRH wanted them as sectors under Int Management, and Int Management was “church” so they bent the laws from the start complying with LRH, which was a mistake, and they ought to (Ingber ought to have listened to the lawyers, or maybe they didn’t have a lawyer to stand up to this point and insist the secular sectors be NOT under any type of Int Management).
Complying with LRH when LRH’s was ignorant of the problem he was creating. This is an LRH mistake carried out by Int Management trying more to comply with LRH than with the law.
There is a precedent LRH advice to fix this major secular/church problem of the WDC sectors, which is in the ASI advices. There is a point when AVC was being placed in ASI, and LRH comments that that might not be legal, and it wouldn’t be. That is the identical problem, of having our orthodoxy/editor/overseer in a for profit company which oversees the church.
This church and secular division of duties ought really just have an overhaul per the laws and get new legal consultation and change things to be legal.
But that Learning Accelerator, I remember it, and played around with it, I had some students doing drills using it. There were all sorts of problems training people to use them, and I think the whole history of the use of it was uncontrolled, and I think it was mostly not used.
It’d be interesting to interview some of the old ABLE founder staff people on all their problems, and their staffs’ problems.
They have the money today to reform their secular front groups, and rework a totally separate management of those groups.
One thing, also, when I was at ASI, (May 1992 til Dec 1995) for that entire time, David Miscavige retained his COB ASI logon into the ASI computers. And Shelly Miscavige retained her COB Asst ASI logon into the ASI computers.
My guess is they have always retained some legal presence as members of ASI.
That would give in essence for Miscavige at least, a double hat, as this public person on top of being the boss of RTC.
Miscavige I believe due to the gist of the ASI orders from LRH to him, and the gist of the LRH orders in Spcl Pjt Ops orders, it gives him latitude to solve any of the problems that LRH was making with things.
The secular and church management arrangement does still proper fixing, and Miscavige being the one man band, ought to get it solved.
Personally, I tell everyone who asks, if they ask details, that the Narconons deliver the identical services as Scientology does, and that even in Scientology, a full treatment for an addict would mean that that person does the special exorcism level, OT 4/IV, to rid themselves of their “body-thetans” relevant to their addiction. And that the Narconon program isn’t considered fully complete for a Scientologists until that Scientologist does do their OT 4/IV exorcism of “body-thetans” related to their addiction.
That kind of makes the full point.
There’s really no one wishing to do Scientology, once you spell out what the upper levels of Scientology will be required of a person to do, a whole lot of exorcism of “body-thetans.”
“Complying with LRH when LRH’s was ignorant of the problem he was creating. This is an LRH mistake carried out by Int Management trying more to comply with LRH than with the law.”
Chuck, you know how fruitless it was to try to educate the old man when he’s got his mind set on something. Couldn’t teach that old dog any new tricks like actually listening to sound advice. Ron just loved flouting “wog” law anyway, so would have wanted to take things as far as he possibly could. IIRC, he lost scn’s tax exemption by getting a little too close to evident illegality, particularly inurement. Though by all reports, he lived fairly frugally, his most visible error was being surrounded and served hand and foot by a bevy of nymphettes in hot pants 24/7. He so did love those unknowing slaves, didn’t he?
And he was SO incognito in foreign ports, wasn’t he? surrounded like that wherever he went. He could have only flouted laws and customs more by requiring the Messengers carry him in a litter. He would have needed more messengers to do that, as if the number he had wasn’t already too much.
The platypus analogy is growing on me since it *almost* works, just like scientology itself. Of course the government flunkies are hamstrung since scn claims “religion” or “secular” seemingly randomly, as the mood strikes any particular day; and the revenuers can’t even try to sort it out as that’s too close to determining (establishing) what is or is not part of a ‘religion’. I know which side *I* fall on, but I can’t change the Constitution from my comfy desk chair, here.
And lest we forget the likes of Rena Weinberg and Laurie Zurn, President and Vice President(?) of ABLE, a group that has so little to do with Scientology that the heads of it ended up in the Hole, Scientology’s VIP prison…
It’d be so great if Rena and Laurie and Frank wrote books, or at least were interviewed with other ex staffs of the secular front groups of Scientology.
Yes, I agree. Though, of course, if they’re still in the cult in some manner (let alone the Sea Org) then there’s no way they’d ever be in a position to do so.
Has anyone actually seen those folks for a few years? Is it possible that the “SP Hole” ceased to exist like the RPF has been rumored to have been? I’ll believe the RPF’s dissolution only if the little guy says so in writing AND we hear from some inmates who were freed thereby. The RPF was/is just too good a punishment mechanism for the punching pontiff to let go of; and he can’t be faulted by us out here for squirreling in keeping the prison detail going which Ron established and thoroughly documented. It’s failure is that there’s supposed to be a defined way to “graduate”. If so, I wasn’t informed of it when I was an RPF inmate. The Hole was a spur-of-the-moment “bright idea” which was not nearly degrading enough, even though it had a number of characteristics in common with the RPF. AFAICT, Dave hasn’t made much of a mark differentiating it from the RPF other than the folks in the Hole aren’t let out to get work done. Perhaps getting out from the desks to work in the wider world of the Int Base would seem too much like freedom? Or is it more likely that too many of the prisoners aren’t physically capable enough any more? That didn’t stop him from trying to run David Mayo into the ground, of course. BTW: Is David Mayo still alive? I kinda liked the guy — when I wasn’t terrified of him, of course.
It’d be great if they ALL could get OUT. Their stories would be the cherry on the top, of course, but David’s Minions would find some way to spin it in Davey’s favor, discrediting the inmates as he’s done with every ray of truth about his little fiefdom which has escaped scientology. That would be a fun set of events to see documented so outlandishly as previous reports were “DA’d”.”Inch-spouses”, anyone? I’ll take the bet that they will appear; the tactic worked SO well the last time, didn’t it?
This graphic is another utopia born from the hyperactive mind of DM always looking for something that no one had thought of yet.
And this too will never catch on or give results (see the various golden ages, ideal orgs, etc) but will further mess up the scene.
The only thing in fact are the myriad of front groups behind which scn hides that manage to enter schools, involve members of institutions or groups for social improvement etc.
What amazing it is that they want to hide who they really are (they should apply enemy condition), while giving an “acceptable truth” to believe in.
Falsehood brought to its finest level.
Agreement LmR. scn is in an Enemy condition — with the civilized world. The “Utopia” they/he would try to enforce makes “1984” seem like a carefree summer camp. And the tiny tyrant is in a state of “Besotted”; formula: “Sleep It Off.” then Confusion:Find out where you really are.” He knows exactly who he is, never any doubt of that.But does he know exactly WHAT he is? [Jury’s out on that, I suppose.]
LmR observed:
“Falsehood brought to its finest level.”
At the risk of repeating myself redundantly: scns lie, must lie, can’t not lie. It’s at the core of their “scripture”. nothing works in scn as promised. If they ever realized what the truth was, they’d be out here with us.WE care more about KSW and what DM’s done to what used to be scientology than his circle of minions does.The rank and file just follow along — or ELSE.
Jere. Right!