The selection of short, out-of-context LRH quotes is endemic in Radical Scientology promo materials. They need to somehow give the impression that what they are doing is based on LRH Policy. This is a struggle since any kind of fundraising other than selling services and books and meters was severely forbidden.
This is a great example.
Looking at this you would think that LRH is telling people to spend millions of dollars on new buildings. Read the promo and then read a next few sentences of the same policy.
The actual policy states:
By showing a good org mock-up, we are living examples of what Dianetics and Scientology can do.
There are several zones which comprise the org image.
1. Premises, particularly the entrances and interview and service areas. These should be neat, not cluttered up with baggage, paper, tattered notices or unsightly things.
2. Public comm lines. Letters and mailings should be correctly addressed with the right name and not sent to several addresses for the same person……
and it goes on to list staff appearance and attitude to the public, service delivery — a list of 13 things.
But let’s not clutter the minds of the sheeple with confusing messages like service delivery and group expansion.
We need to make them believe that LRH wanting areas to be neat means spending tens of millions on new buildings.
And in fact, this is pretty much a fait accompli. Every single one of the people who hand over their hard earned cash to this scam would assert to their graves that they are the true, dedicated, on Source Scientologists and they have put their money where their mouth is. It is perhaps the cleverest trick that Miscavige could have pulled.
What is really so amazing is that he has convinced people to give him hundreds of millions of dollars on the basis that he is “doing what Ron wants”. This would be relatively easy to do if it only concerned “tech” (which he has also done) because the hidden data line is so easy to exploit. But it is astonishing that he has persuaded everyone that this fundraising is “on source” when there is plenty of well known writings by LRH to the contrary. He has never come out and said “we found this lecture that had been buried in a basement for 30 years and LRH says we should fundraise.” He has taken a longer approach — constantly positioning himself as the “finder of lost tech” and the “most on source person on earth” and then equating his intention to “command intention” which sort of means LRH intention but in reality just means what does Miscavige want. And to top it off, the ideal org and IAS scams are provably NOT doing what they claim.
This is quite an accomplishment,
I think at least part of the reason why Miscavige’s Idle Morgue real estate scam has “worked” so far, in spite of the “sheeple” already being regged to death by all sectors of Scientology, is that just donating money is more confrontable for some people than doing the real activities of clearing the planet (such as disseminating to new people, auditor training and auditing). I think the public that are still left in the bubble, i.e. the “sheeple”, have mutual out-ruds with Miscavige – for instance, when was the last time Miscavige did any of those things (disseminate, train, audit)? He’s much more concerned with how HE looks in front of the kool-aid drinkers. Would he ever admit publically that the Idle Morgue scam is off policy and not working? Never in a million years. He would blow or drop the body before that happened.
BTW, very astute observation about how the C of $ uses selective quoting. However, I think this habit started long before the Idle Morgue scam. It’s a bad habit among scientologists. There’s also the tendency among cult members to “quote instead of think”. Jefferson Hawkins has written a good essay on his blog about this.
Another joke they didn’t mean to tell. Above the photo of this room are the words “What do you get?”
Well, at first glimpse I read the title “What do you get?” and then looked just below it at the room and said to myself “Yuck…BEIGE!!” Beige, blandness, put me to sleep why dontcha.
So to answer the question, that’s what I got.
It’s empty.
At so many levels this is wrong.
Move up in status? Run like hell !!!!!!!!!
What do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
St. Peter don’t you call me cause I can’t go.
I owe my soul to the company store.
I’m of the same mind as you, KFrancis. Whatever LRH was, he was not a wimp or a quitter. He was and I feel still is a very good being who we are very fortunate to have come into contact with.
And as for Dir Proms and positioning tech – when I saw that picture above of the (empty) hall at Miami Org I thought immediately “well, that is telling the truth straight away!” So dishonesty on the one hand with out of context quotes and then exposing their own crime of emptying the Orgs and displaying the emptiness blatantly if unwittingly (?) on the other hand. You couldn’t make it up! Hopefully my comment here has just gotten that Dir Prom a Comm Ev. But then he deserves it for being a lying asshole!
What I find amazing on these uses of out-of-context promo is the conscience and ethics of the Dir Promo or whoever it is HFA that has concocted them.Now as they obviously have picked up “rumors” that some public or staff have disagreements with the Ideal Org program and that they are not based on any LRH Policy they then sit down and deliberately mock up out of context quotes to justify their overt. What are they thinking when they are committing this dishonesty? Now, if you as a staff member found yourself doing this – lying intentionally and by mis-quoting LRH – what would you think of yourself? Are these people then ex- insurance salesmen or investment bankers or stockbrokers or whatever, that they think that lying is somehow “ok”? Obviously they do. And obviously the meaning of “greatest good for the greatest number of Dynamics” (which they use to (falsely) justify their overts) actually of course means now “greatest good for the greatest number of someone else’s or DM’s inverted Dynamics”. And do they think that Joe Public will not spot the discrepancies in the “logic” used?
But maybe now that all the sudents on th “new” Student Hat have gone by Mis-Us on the first policy no one is worried anymore as they can’t read anyway? I thought KTL was supposed to fix this thing of not being able to think in concepts (and thus also spotting out-of-context usages). Ah! But KTL has been shunted to the background. It just goes and on – the insanity that is.
Typo: t just goes on and on
What I don’t get is why anyone would put an EMPTY room front and center and then call it “Mighty Miami”.
The Little Emperor has convinced his parishioners he is actually wearing clothes.
in other words people are not going to listen until they are ready to hear and won’t see until they are ready to look. one can only patiently point to the truth until others are ready to be open minded about it and figure it out for themselves.
1) My favorite out-of-context LRH quote (out of so many to choose from) to justify multi-million dollar buildings:
“You shall have golden palaces”
–Hymn of Asia
This from the being formerly known as Frank Zurn before trading in his testicles and successfully transitioning from powerhouse to rodent.
2) A little Shakespeare seems to be in order:
“The Devil quotes Scripture for his purpose.”
3) Threefeetback: Dylan’s house is actually stunning. You just can’t see it from the road. He purposely built it that way. (I’ve been inside)
Say what you will about God, Lord Buddha, or LRH. But use Dylan’s name in vain and you’ll hear from my attorneys. (If I had any)
Happy 4th to one and all!
The one and only honest point in the RCS’s promo is the photo of the Ideal Org auditorium. It’s empty and will remain that way. However, the entrance into it will probably be clean like LRH said it should be.
I also like that underneath the heading “What Do You Get?” is a vacant hall. Yep, that’s what you’ll get.
Could the RCS be having a moment of truth?
Could the RCS be having a moment of truth?
Probably not, they no longer know what the truth is.
All they have is the “truth” they get from COB & his minions.
Apparent authenticity……..
So true Mike. There are the policy and plans and programs of Miscavige. He pushes them down on orgs.
Next to him is a bucket of quotes that he reaches into, selects one, and slaps it onto his latest plan, to give it a connection to his audience.
Context of the quote used has no bearing on the plan. The quote is only there to provide some appeared authenticity to the plan, which is a con. The plans we see the outcome of.
It is a crime against everything the old man stood for, however imperfectly, but his nevertheless.
Miscavige is a truly despicable human being.
Plain Old Thetan died
I didnt post your comment immediately Niels as something like this I like to get confirmation before passing on. POT be at peace and go well. You were a valuable source of information about the church and your wit and wisdom shall be missed.
Adios POT…..happy trails to you….see you on down the line.
A very Happy Independence Day to Mike and all the posters. Hey, ain’t it great to be out! To not be in the insane asylum? I do feel bad for those who still have not achieved independence, though. I hope they can break through the crap and see for themselves! I’m sure all the Idle Morgues will be open until late tonight. But, we can go watch fireworks! Have a party! Be with REAL friends! Eat hot dogs. And basically experience the joy of pure freedom! When I got out it was, literally, like a 10 ton weight lifted from my soul. I wonder what the general tone level is inside these empty buildings? Sucks being on staff. Sucks squared being in the SO. Sucks exponentially being the psycho dwarf. Have fun today, everyone! It’s YOUR right!
No country is perfect, but, for me personally, I’m forever grateful to have been born in the U.S.
Thanks Old Surfer Dude it’s great to be out and away from The Bubble.
Enjoy your 4th and to everyone else. Today I remember my great +++ grandfather Moses, who fought in the Revolutionary War during The Seige of Boston. We were colonials then living in an infant country.
Here here Dude…..I have already downed a couple fat juicy hot dogs!
Nice big bowl of ice cream. Sitting in my chair watching the Tampa Bay Rays
play the Detroit Tigers. Happy 4th to all.
Words of wisdom, Mike. DM is a smart CS bitch. But it is much more ingrained in the sheeple anyway. About a year ago I was suggesting to a girl who was working actively for the RCS that the Idle Org Bullshit (IOB by COB) was against the policy, and doing that a couple of times I got her one day coming to me with a victorious smile pointing to a reference where in one paragraph LRH had given some brief ideas on how important it was to have some assets for the org. I read the policy and it was about O/Ws of staff and some other ideas about the organization but the part on the property was obviously some unrelated philosophical kind of stuff, I mean they will go to whatever lenghts it has to take to preserve and protect the bubble cultish dub-in reality because it has replaced the truth and rightness. And for me, seeing them mostly very intelligent people having such a deeply flawed, if sincere from their view, and aberrated mindset, was boggling my mind until I realized it was simply so – they are so and want to be so. So they will welcome this out-of-context stuff but in fact giving them a piece of shit pronouncing it the latest tech breakthrough would make no difference. They would happily begin putting it into their book shelves or their pants or wherever you would tell them to put it. So my point is they are actively creating it not that they would be only victims of Devil Mighty. The promo is a nice trick but it is much later on the chain some would say. They also have given up their 6th sense – emotion perceptions, I remember watching you, must have been some 2003 or 2004, an event and you speaking for the CCHR, me still in the bubble but knowing for sure there was something wrong, the same perceptions watching DM talking about IOBs. And I could go on. Still it is worth trying to show the truth as some day it may impinge. Yet per my experience, as long as majority of them are not hit hard in a sensitive or vulnerable spot, no immediate effect is to be expected.
I have visited several of the Ideal Orgs and they are “ghost towns.” The piece of the puzzle that is missing, for me, is — HOW are they keeping the lights on? There has to be a substantial “nut” each month to cover things like: mortgage, utilities, insurance, supplies, payroll, taxes etc. Even when the orgs were selling services, most of them had a hard time paying the fixed overhead and they often fell months behind on the mortgage while running out of supplies like toilet paper etc. So….how the heck is it all working now that they sell very few services and mostly fund raise for Ideal Org and IAS? Does the local org keep a portion of these “funds” to pay for expenses?
re: “Mighty Miami Ideal Org Auditorium”… Oh, please. When I started at the Miami Org in the summer of 1975 it was on Brickell Ave. in downtown Miami. It was a converted OLD house with shaky AC and 103 staff members. Lots of public got auditing and the org produced well trained auditors. Go figure. Average weekly GI was around $8,000. There was no auditorium and nobody cared. Years later the org moved to a business address in Coral Gables and paid off that building. Ever since CEO sent in the Finance Police in the early 80s, its been downhill from there. Miami has still not moved into their new Ideal Org property that they were forced to acquire long ago. They can’t afford it. And if they even have 20 staff members currently I would be amazed. At least two of the old timers who are still there have been on staff for over 30 years each. There is no shortage of money in the Miami area. There never has been. There is only a lack of interest in Scientology as a result of all the insanity that you read about on here everyday.
Trying to expand Scientology within the rcs these days would be like expecting to convince Pope Francis to join forces with Al-queda.
Dave was right in one regard re his wake up call missive after 9/11 – all the still ins should have booted him out on his delicate dwarf-sized derriere.
The auditorium in Miami is obviously IDEAL – it’s empty, like all other IDEAL Co$ spaces.
So in theory it would appear that showing the policy in full would handle a person into just looking.
Not so. The MAAs are so “in” on the scam that they thoroughly confuse the person then show them the policy that says an sp will use “policy “to stop.
The person by then is unable to read the whole thing and notice that the word policy is in quotes.
Perfect, there you go ,before the official declare , when one still has a chance to show policy , the stigma is in place already and the person is scared to look at anything the “almost sp” presents.
What a system!
Oh yeah, been accused of “using policy to stop” many times. Especially when I wrote several KRs on how the Golden Age of Tech violated the HCOPL Drills Allowed.
Basically you have what they call “HCO” and OSA (which like the IAS actually doesn’t exist in policy) these days used to enforce out tech and off policy promoted by the highest echelons of the Organization.
What I call reverse “ethics”.
This IMHO is the reason for the mass exodus of highly trained trained tech and admin personnel from Church of Scientology.
In other words it’s Dave’s way (or whoever is advising the furry lil’ rodent) or the highway.
Quotes from policy or tech are basically used as window dressing or boiler plate for no other reason than to give the false and misleading impression that they are a Scientology Organization.
In reality it is now nothing but a Government Approved false flag operation.
Happy *Independence* Day!
Check out the PL in Vol 7 called the Department of Official Affairs. It’s from 1961. It lists the functions performed by OSA exactly. The only reason it was not called Official Affairs is the acronym is DOA. There is no policy remotely sanctioning the IAS but it is sort of foolish to say OSA “doesn’t exist in policy” because it is Dept of Official Affairs or Department of Government Affairs or Dept 20 on the org board. If you want to pretend it doesn’t exist legitimately because the name is not the same, that is what I would call literal foolishness.
I’m familiar with both policies.
Actually in my opinion DOA would have been a more appropriate acronym than OSA 😉
Fact is IMHO that OSA doesn’t carry out the functions of either of those departments but instead attempts to emulate the old GO as covered in HCOPL 1 March 66 with the exception of Long Range Promotion and Policy Enforcement.
While being totally hampered in intelligence or information gathering with fixed ideas or service facs. Thus never knowing or able to predict which way cats will actually jump which is the reason for their many “foot bullets”.
Also most of the NWOs (an appropriate acronym ) were originally GO Dirs or GODs.
Sure those policies exist and have never been canceled but in my opinion like the Org, OSA does not actually operate off them.
As far as I’m concerned OSA is just another False Flag Operation.
You shifted from “OSA can’t be found in policy” to “you don’t even have the right policy, it’s the Guardian PL” and “it’s just a false flag operation.” Whatever Robin. You are ALWAYS right, even if it requires completely shifting the argument.
Mike wrote:
“You shifted from “OSA can’t be found in policy” to “you don’t even have the right policy, it’s the Guardian PL” and “it’s just a false flag operation.”
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Well done, Rinder!
That Dept 20 there on the Org Board is really hard to erase.
But a believer can do it!
It’s a great example of a cognitive dissonance reduction technique: shift the argument to something else completely whenever the facts become inconvenient.
And then completely erase in your own mind what you were JUST SAYING moments before!
The 3 main cognitive dissonance reduction techniques are:
(1) reduce the importance of one or the other conflicting beliefs,
(2) add more non-conflicting beliefs so they outweigh the conflicting beliefs,
(3) change the conflicting beliefs so that they are no longer inconsistent and conflicting.
I think you just spotted Cognitive Dissonance Reduction Technique Number 3: completely ignore the factual information on the org board and completely ignore your own original statement!
Internal Dissonance from inconvenient facts dissipated.
Internal Consonance restored.
What a relief! Eh, RemoteViewed? (:>
Come on, RemoteViewed, have some intellectual honesty.
Concede that Mike was right about your original argument.
Here’s more on what happens when a believer is confronted with dis-confirming evidence and inconvenient facts to their belief.
It isn’t really a matter of being “right” as Hubbard wrote about.
It is more about “holding your position in space”.
“When Prophecy Fails” was a book released in 1956 by social science pioneer Leon Festinger while observing a religious group that a cult leader started in the very early 50’s after being involved with Hubbard and Dianetics. The woman predicted to her followers that the world would end at a very specific data and time. When the world didn’t end, Festinger and his fellow social scientists were there to record what happened.
Low and behold, the cult leader’s followers became even more fervent believers!
I am confident that Hubbard knew about Festinger and his work because it is concurrent with Hubbard’s early development of Scientology, and Scn tech is strewn with Festinger’s concepts, although never acknowledged by Hubbard.
The really good part of that short article is about the 5 conditions which must be present for a believer to become more fervent in his belief after being confronted with evidence which refutes their belief. (Think Tom Cruise after Marty’s handling of him)
So don’t give up, Mike!
RemoteViewed will eventually come to see the light!
So keep plugging, buddy!!
If nothing else, it is highly entertaining!!!
Alanzo (:>
I see you’ve developed your own religion over the years.
Now go file for 501ciii status.
And have a pleasant evening.
RV wrote:
I see you’ve developed your own religion over the years.
Now go file for 501ciii status.
And have a pleasant evening.
So you’re not going to just acknowledge that Dept 20 is on the Org board, and always has been?
I don’t understand what point you are trying to make as I never said that Dept 20 didn’t exist.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” – Lewis Carroll
Considering the cult’s fixation on Alice In Wonderland, is it any surprise they’re behaving like this?
The accomplishment of a criminal with evil intentions, so, it sucks to be Miscavige.
Of course Scientology is not the only religion to do this. Example, the oft quoted Gen 4:9 “Am I my brother’s keeper?” used to justify all kinds of social programs, when in context it is the sarcastic rejoinder of a murderer being accused by God.
There are references to “Ideal Orgs” but they are almost all about servicing public, expanding delivery and so on. To call an empty shell without even enough income to keep the lights on “ideal” is quite a stretch. Makes you wonder what is going in Dave M’s head. Has he completely given up on LRH returning and leading the cognoscenti on to glorious new heights? Is he truly a failed case running his own ruin on everybody else? Or does he believe in the return and just wants to be able to say he did something useful so all the inrushing floods of new people have a cool place to do their new LRH courses?
I’d hate to be the one to tell Dave this, but LRH ain’t coming back. He didn’t come back to Phoenix, DC, Philadelphia or any of the other organizations and groups. He only came back to Saint Hill long enough to scare up a crew for the Sea Org. He only came back to the Int Base long enough to condemn his old house as smelling of mold, then he was off again. Revenimus is the Sea Org motto, not for LRH. No matter whether you believe the story about moving on to “Target Two” or not, Dave is stuck with the Tech he has. He got rid of or neutered the only trusted Tech terminals who could have carried on (David Mayo, possibly Pat Broeker, Ray and Gelda Mithoff). So he is up the proverbial S creek without a paddle. Rediscovering lost semicolons will only get him so far.
As Bob Dylan said: “He not busy being born is busy dying”.
David is counting on LRH not coming back. That would be the last thing he needs.
Has a withhold been missed? Big time!
If LRH’s word is sacred scripture, he told Sarge that he was a failure and isn’t coming back. As for Dave, his self-created S creek is circling the drain. And, one drive by Bob Dylan’s home, makes it perfectly clear that he is not into opulent buildings either.
” I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission with another Identity. Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some distant star in some distant galaxy, it appears that is one dream that will have to wait.’ – LRH ( some say no )
I think Scientology is going to be a long, long game and we’re just witnessing it in it’s clumsy infancy stage. It has fallen on it’s face on its first attempt, like things often do but there is a lot that has been learned and we have a whole bunch of time out in front of us to get it right.
There are plenty of people who have given up on LRH but I don’t think he created Scientology only to walk away from it just because the going got a little tough here.
Interesting KFrancis.
Unfortunately, his history was replete with walking/running away, living in hiding, being pursued by his government, abandoning his family. He died in obscurity, virtually friendless, sick, grossly overweight (as he’d been for years), addicted to drugs and alcohol and loved only by legions of Scientologists who did not realize who he really was.
Although many of us had wonderful gains in Scientology, we tend to give the credit to LRH when, in fact, the credit belonged to us, individually. We were the ones who studied, who sat in the pc’s chair and dug into ourselves to find greater awareness, greater freedom, greater happiness. We were the ones who sat in the auditor’s chair and gave years of our lives helping others attain what we had attained.
And huge numbers of us, after watching the vicious and illegal destruction and theft of the PRIVATELY OWNED mission (FRANCHISE) system, walked away in the thousands. LRH knew of it, but he’d already abandoned ship. He spoke and wrote of toughness, but when the chips were down, he went into hiding, discarding his family, running away from his self induced troubles.
As many have before, he succumbed to his success and became a tyrant. Remember his article, “What Is Greatness?”. Read it again in PT and decide whether he followed its precepts.
It begins:
“The hardest task one can have is to continue to love his fellows despite all reasons he should not.
And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue.
For the one who can achieve this, there is abundant hope.
For those who cannot, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair. And these are not the things of which greatness—or sanity or happiness are made.
A primary trap is to succumb to invitations to hate.”
Wise words.
Then he designed, wrote and enforced an “ethics” system guaranteed to create hate and loathing of anyone who did not agree with him…completely. We learned to abandon friends, justify injustice and walk away from unpleasant situations, thanking our stars that the injustice hadn’t happened to us. We learned to ignore and justify outpoints and off policy actions. Can any of us who knew him well actually believe that John MacMaster was a traitor? Or David Mayo? Or any of the many who had given their lives to establish Scientology, mass declared by the hundreds? Don’t think for a moment that LRH was somehow not aware of what was happening. It no longer mattered to him. Only his own safety was his concern.
What we are seeing now is merely the most obvious outcome of his inattention and personal cowardice. Though it appears to be still functioning, bolstered by shiny empty buildings, Scientology long ago came to rest on the bottom, oozing out tech, viciousness to those who point out its outnesses and criminal activities.
Will the “real” Scientology die? I don’t think so. As long as there are the indies, using the best of the tech to help others and train their replacements, the movement will continue. What will it become eventually? None of us can know for sure. But most on this blog knew of the best of what could be and would love to see that continue. I’m one of those.
KFrancis – Yes, you’re right. “Black Panther” posted above about the ineptitude in handling mailings – that same ineptitude has affected C/Sing, auditing, and training. (I just realized how perfectly facetious that is!) – Carcha.
thegman77 wrote to KFrancis:
“Although many of us had wonderful gains in Scientology, we tend to give the credit to LRH when, in fact, the credit belonged to us, individually. We were the ones who studied, who sat in the pc’s chair and dug into ourselves to find greater awareness, greater freedom, greater happiness. We were the ones who sat in the auditor’s chair and gave years of our lives helping others attain what we had attained. “
Excellent point.
Scientologists are trained by LRH to call someone a “victim” who complains about poor treatment in the Church, or losses with Scientology, and to ignore their complaints as just bank dramatizations. Complainers of poor treatment are even singled out for sec-checking because they are blaming someone else and not “taking responsibility” for their own experiences in Scientology.
Well you can’t have it both ways.
You can’t be prohibited to blame LRH or Miscavige for the abuses in Scientology, and then turn around and make LRH responsible for all the “wins” you got out of Scientology, too.
Somewhere in the middle – between LRH’s teachings on being a “victim”, and the total worship of LRH for everything good in your life – lies the correct estimation of cause for what you experienced as a Scientologist.
KFrancis wrote:
“There are plenty of people who have given up on LRH but I don’t think he created Scientology only to walk away from it just because the going got a little tough here.”
LRH continually lied to Scientologists, in every printing and re-printing of the “About The Author” sections of his books that he ordered and personally approved throughout his 36 years as “Founder”. Every day, he had a chance to correct those lies and to tell the truth about himself to Scientologists, and he never did. He even swore Sarge to secrecy at the end of his life when he told Sarge that he had failed.
When you look at LRH’s actual behavior throughout his lifetime, there is no reason to believe that he considered your well-being, or the well-being of any other Scientologists or Sea Org members.
If he did care about you, why would he lie so much to you, and so often?
You know me, Kaye.
I’m Allen Stanfield. I picked you up from the airport in the late 80’s when you became CO of the St. Louis Org.
You looked into my eyes when I was the ED of the Peoria Mission and saw how sincere and dedicated I was in running my mission, and let me go home to run it when you were going to hold me at your org for “ethics handling”.
As an IAS reg, you sat next to me in the BC Course room at ASHO, and looked into my eyes then and told me that you were not responsible for my IAS membership being canceled in the middle of its annual term, and yet you still wanted me to take responsibility for “Germany” by giving you more money for the IAS.
You remember me, right Kaye?
I am not sure this is who you think it is…
Mike wrote:
“I am not sure this is who you think it is…
I’m not positive either. But I remember KFrancis identifying herself as Kaye Rowe.
I’m a “Clear” so my recall is perfect.
I know Kay Rowe.
So after putting up that post on your blog, I am really hoping that it is Kaye Rowe….
Alanzo (:>)
Hmmm, not so.
Mike is right Alanzo, that is someone else…..
Well the SPs are going to have a Field Day with this one.
I apologize, KFrancis, this whole time I’ve been thinking you were someone else.
I can’t imagine how my theta perceptics could have been so off.
KFrancis – in order for the State of Clear to not be invalidated, how would you like to be Kaye Rowe?
Alanzo (:>)
Hi Alonzo – I’m clear too and am also dyslexic (an oxymoron?). For me, this means I have highly developed visual skills and have pretty close to a photographic memory.
I recall KFrancis writing to me once here and signing it “Kevin”.
We’re all good Alanzo. K is for Kevin and Francis is my middle name.
Point very well made Mike, loud and clear. If disconnection and poor results didn’t kill off Scientology, over the top fund raising for Miscaviges real estate scam certainly has. Empty Orgs and scores of SP declared once-dedicated-scientologists-now dedicated whistle blowers ex-scientologists prove the point and make the case as you state it, the results are irrefutable, Scientology has been destroyed from within, and it destroys itself by creating it’s own enemies. Those stats have been straight up and vertical for decades. Fence sitters can get an honest doubt formula completed only by going on the internet and doing their own research. FACT. Anyone that tells you otherwise is seeking to keep you uninformed and under their control. Period.
Happy Independence Day to all who have walked away from, spoken up about, and withdrawn support from the criminal organization otherwise known as the Church of Scientology.
This one of the things that got me under their spotlight – objecting to out of context quotes. I was invited to have myself deadfiled because I objected to the misuse of the LRH quote “what your donations buy” on Ideal Org promo.
And as for point 2 “public comm lines”, At one point I was getting about 19 of the same thing (Impact mag, The Auditor and other promo) – all addressed to me, my family and various permutations thereof. I was personally getting 3 copies of everything. I tried for about 4 years to sort this out – to no avail, and was throwing away about 5kg’s of SCN mail a week. All those poor trees.
Then I got declared………………..Woosh! Within weeks, all mail stopped, It was miraculous. I reckon I personally saved at least a forest or two.
Promo out is a statistic. Also it is a suppressive act to remove a name from a mailing list. Stupid in practice, but policy.
TW, I don’t think I ever knew that removing a name from a mailing list “is a suppressive act”. That explains a lot. Thanks.