Anyone who paid attention to the Masterson case Preliminary Hearing last week got a glimpse of the triggering experience of recounting a rape for the victims.
After hearing their testimony, Judge Olmedo ordered that Danny Masterson to stand trial for rape. The role of scientology in the matter was not lost on her.
Which makes the order of Judge Kleifield in the civil court virtually next door even more egregious.
The same women who testified as victims in the criminal case are also plaintiffs in a civil suit. Their civil case was filed before the criminal charges were announced, when they had been fighting for years to be heard, and it was the only avenue they had at the time to get any form of justice. Scientology itself is not charged in the Masterson rapes, but scientology IS being sued by the women for what they did to prevent them getting justice, and subsequent Fair Game harassment they have suffered after they went public.
Scientology did what it always does. They bombarded the court with high-priced lawyers filing lengthy legal papers, arguing they are being persecuted blah blah blah
They persuade overwhelmed Judges to take the easiest way out. And in the case of these plaintiffs, they argued that the plaintiffs had signed agreements that required them to be sent to “religious arbitration.” I have written about the insanity of this previously. Scientology “Religious Arbitration” – Giving Kangaroo Courts a Bad Name and More on Scientology “Religious Arbitration”
But in light of the ruling in the criminal case, this takes on a whole new level of grotesque.
Remember, the documents scientology is relying on are “Enrollment Agreements” which are required when someone signs up for auditing or training in scientology. If you have a dispute about the course or the auditing or how much you paid or whatever, it is supposed to be sent to arbitration to resolve. Slid into the fine print of this lengthy legal document is the statement that ANY dispute will be sent to arbitration. I don’t think someone signing up for the Purification Program expects that if they are raped that this would be covered. Judge Kleifield disagrees.
In fact, he quoted the specific language in his order requiring the plaintiffs to participate in scientology “religious arbitration.” You tell me what you would expect? He also says that the agreement does NOT “require someone to be a believer” to justify how non-believers can be required to participate in a religious ritual, again, read the introductory 12 words in all caps. This is the quote he included in his order (in ALL CAPS):
Nor did it trouble him that someone who is no longer a scientologist — in fact someone who has been declared a Suppressive Person and expelled from scientology and is no longer entitled to any rights in scientology, and according to their policy should be destroyed utterly — is being forced to sit in a “religious arbitration.” Aside from the undeniable fact there is no such thing as “religious arbitration” anywhere in scientology “scripture,” scientology argued that their procedure of a “Committee of Evidence” was their form of “arbitration.” It bears no resemblance to an arbitration. Yet they assert courts may not inquire into matters of religious governance, and if they say this is what a religious arbitration is, then that is the final word. What about the rights of these victim to NOT be subjected to a religious ritual they have rejected?
Unfortunately, all of this is not the worst thing Judge Kleifeld did.
He also ruled that Danny Masterson can participate in the “religious arbitration.” Can you imagine? DJ Donkey Punch gets to sit in on the proceedings to further try to intimidate these women. Given his recent track record, he will probably make some Instagram jokes about it.
Apologies if this was already discussed here.
The British paper The Sun has a story online with a headline that tells how a woman (Scientologist) was told that reporting rape (accusations) against Danny Masterson to the police was a high crime by Scientology officials!
So much for “the most ethical group on the planet”!
It’s pretty hard to square that circle of ” we don’t allow you to ruin the good name of highly ethical Scientologists, especially famous ones, by reporting the RAPES they commit! ” Good luck with that!
Now, more than ever, what you’re doing is absolutely essential. Thanks.
Long time fan of the show and podcast, first time leaving a comment. You often say that for Scientology to lose its tax exemption, the ills of the cult need to be covered widely by major press outlets. Perhaps this criminal case (and the civil cases being appealed) will be a tipping point?
One can always hope…
Two can always hope as well.
There have been a few editions of this blog recently that discuss how ordinary people can help to expose the cult’s abuses and hasten its demise. I certainly haven’t done as much as people who have prepared documents to send to federal politicians, but I have sent a few Emails to TheDrudgeReport (my favorite site for news about the USA). I’s like to show you three Emails that I sent to them:
1) Thu, May 20, 1:21 PM (7 days ago)
Here is an interesting item concerning the church of Scientology. In his blog today, Mike Rinder accuses the church of an outright lie by saying:
“The Los Angeles Times story includes a response from spokesperson Karin Pouw. Of course, Karin is just a name that is used to mask the statements from David Miscavige when he doesn’t want to get too close to a controversy.”
Mike Rinder is one of the leading critics of the Church of Scientology. You may know him as one half of the team that presented the Emmy award winning TV Show: Scientology and the Aftermath with Leah Remini and MIke Rinder.
But here is a picture of Karin Pouw from another website. I suppose this picture may be a fake. But if it turns out that she is a real person, you might be interested in this story of him falsely accusing the church of lying when the truth may be that he is the one lying.
I have no idea whether the Wikipedia entry above is a fake or not. I hope you know some way to find out.
2) Fri, May 21, 3:52 PM (6 days ago)
ABC news has now reported that Danny Masterson will be going to a criminal trial for raping three women. The indictment is scheduled for June 5, 2021 (I think).
Are you sure you don’t want to even mention anything about the preliminary hearing (which just concluded) or the upcoming trial?
People who understand this cult believe this could become a huge story leading up to the crashing and burning of this cult.
This cult is currently worth more than $1 BILLION. If and when it crashes and burns, it will be a very big huge story.
3) Thu, May 27, 9:15 PM
Thank you for reporting on Danny Masterson trial
I had written you a few times asking you to report on the Danny Masterson trial and its implications for Scientology.
If you may be interested in reporting as things progress, I think the two best sources of info are Tony Ortega’s web site and Mike Rinder’s web site. and
As events about this cult unfold, I believe it will become more and more explosive. Please keep your eyes on news about this cult?
The best way to understand why there is such great interest in the cult is to learn about the terrible abuses (financial and otherwise) this cult inflicts on its members). The best way to learn about the incredible abuses is probably to watch the TV show: Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath.
Perhaps the best summary I could tell you is this: This so-called church is a criminlal organization that stops at nothing to extract money from its so-called members. They use relentless and aggressive high pressure techniques that you really must understand in order to understand why this cult destroys so many families and so many lives.
This case has so much emotion connected to it that it’s like handling dynamite to talk about it.
First off I obviously don’t know what did or didn’t happen regarding the defendant and his charges. I have to stress that.
I hope that no person is ever violated sexually under any circumstances but unfortunately know this is not the reality of the world in which we live. Men, women, and children get raped, probably every day, probably every moment of every day of our lives.
It’s a disturbing reality.
I think that exposing the fact that the Scientology cult is extremely likely to protect and reward an “upstat” rapist and to try to utterly ruin and destroy “downstat” rape victims is exposing a well established fact.
Think about that. How many of us know from personal experience that the organization is set up to protect guilty rapists and to deny justice and honesty to victims?
This horrifying reality, this malignant normality, malignant because it’s toxic and “normal” in that it’s accepted as routine in Scientology is a cancer on society.
Robert Jay Lifton has written about groups accepting brutality and cruelty in cults. He described the black and white thinking in which the cult divides the world into people deserving rights and people who deserve none. Scientology epitomizes this in saying “upstat” Scientology members can rape women and the organization must cover it up and utterly ruin the women!
In his eight criteria for thought reform Lifton described the removal of rights from people who are not valued by the cult.
This horror must be exposed!
Okay, how can it possibly be construed that this is a dispute arising out of a Scientology service?
The Rape Victim Gaslighting Rundown™️?
The Fair Game Processes®️?
YEs, that is exactly the point….
From Tony Ortega:
Los Angeles Magazine: Danny Masterson’s Rape Accusers Say They Were Silenced by Scientology
Multiple scientology secrets were aired in open court this week
By Ian Spiegelman -May 27, 2021
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
During four days of preliminary hearings last week in the rape trial of That ’70s Show actor and Scientologist Danny Masterson, three women detailed how top officials from the celebrity-driven church allegedly tried to silence their accusations, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The women—identified only by their first names and last initials—also aired their grievances with the church in 2019 a civil suit against Masterson, who last June was charged with three counts of felony rape by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. Although representatives of the church tried to keep their religious practices out of the criminal trial, Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo ruled against them.
In allowing the case to go forward, Olmedo found that the victims did not report the alleged attacks to the police for more than a decade because Scientology has “an expressly written doctrine” that “not only discourages, but prohibits” its members from reporting other followers to law enforcement.
As each woman took the stand, they alleged that church authorities had used strong-arm tactics in attempting to silence them.
One woman, who claims that Masterson raped her in 2001 while she was unconscious, testified that a Scientology official demanded she write a statement in which she would “take responsibility” for the assault.
Another woman, who was born into the church, said that when she planned to report Masterson in 2004 for allegedly raping her in 2003, a Scientology lawyer appeared at her family’s home to warn them that she would be excommunicated if she did so.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
On page 9 of his ruling, Kleifield states that Scientology’s arbitration has “a religious component” but is not exclusively religious.
And yet…on pages 11/12, he quotes the CoS: “[the] beliefs, teachings, practices and services of the Scientology religion are exclusively religious in nature…including without limitation…the application of Scientology Ethics and Justice technology, which are both exclusively religious components of the practice of the Scientology religion…”
Per the CoS, arbitration/comm evs are exclusively religious components of the exclusively religious practice of the exclusively religious religion of scientology.
Kleifield also cites the Lynn Farny declaration that arbitration is neither ceremony nor ritual.
And yet…the practice of scientology requires strict adherence to and exact sequential application of LRH scripture.
The CoS defined its arbitration (submitted in the Garcia case) as a “proceeding” to be “conducted in accordance with the Scientology Justice Policies as written by L. Ron Hubbard using Scientology justice procedures.”
The Garcias were also frequently denied the ability to provide evidence due to scientology’s claim it violated their religious beliefs (“THAT’S ENTHETA!!!”).
Per the CoS, arbitration is an exclusively religious proceeding, requiring strict observance of both religious dogma and the exact sequential application of LRH scripture.
Sorry for shouting but ffs! 😠
COS “religious arbitration claim” should hold no water & have no limitations on Justice being metered out to Masterson.
Bill Cosby was held accountable for his actions. Even the Catholic Church Priests were found liable for their molestations & rapes of children DECADES after the fact.
The OTHER issue at hand is continued harassment of the VICTIMS on behalf of the PERPETRATOR as in “scientology IS being sued by the women for what they did to prevent them getting justice, and subsequent Fair Game harassment they have suffered after they went public.”
Adding insult to injury is ““Masterson does not object to participating in the arbitration and may therefore participate.”….Nothing like the VICTIM having to FACE their RAPIST in “religious arbitration”…..
What comes to mind is the young girls who were raped by COS older adults…WHERE is the JUSTICE for THEM…..they’re left, like these VICTIMS to swing in the wind & just HAVE to ACCEPTED what was done to them.
As I’ve often said…Forgive is one thing….FORGET A SEXUAL ASSAULT>>>THAT NEVER HAPPENS…………
Excuse me while I face plant in a pillow & SCREAM.
Hello Balletlady,
I’m sad to hear you feel like screaming into a pillow. I can certainly understand there is plenty going on these days to warrant you feeling that way.
But there are many WONDERFUL things going on as well:
1) The Rapist is going to trial.
2) There are two chiropracter brothers who made millions (Jay and Jeff Spina) by cheating the health care system and they are also going to trial.
3) The California Supreme Court has admonished the judge (Kleinfield sp?) who forced Valerie Haney to the farce of the cult’s forced arbitration to justify his decision and it sure looks like they will overturn that decision.
4) The Supreme Court of the USA has agreed to hear Valerie’s appeal.
Oh dear! I think I may have mixed up one of the above items for something else. But I’m just feeling giddy because there are so many wonderful things happening now.
I can’t remember a time ever before when this viscous, filthy and abominable cult was taking more hits than now. There is just no predicting what will happen. But all kinds of things appear to be happening now that spell real bad news for this cult and it’s miserable little leader.
So, please take heart! There are so many good things happening. Or at least, there are so many bad things happening to the cult that translate into good things happening for the world.
Please reconsider and please feel better?
Dang! Why does this spell checker not like the way I spelled “abominable”?
The CA Supreme Court agreed to review the ruling of Kleifield in the Masterson victims civil case.
A petition was filed with the US Supreme Court to take up the ruling of Judge Burdge in the Val Haney case. Only a tiny percentage of such petitions are granted. No idea how long it will be before they decide whether they will agree to hear her case or not. But the California SC deciding to take on the Masterson case may have an impact on that.
Thank you. If you look at the times on our recent posts, you will see we both were writing to correct my mistakes at the same time.
Great minds think alike
Oops! I found my mistake. Valerie Haney has petitioned the USA Supreme Court to hear her appeal. Apparently, they have not yet decided.
But the defeats Valerie has suffered all seem as if they came from that book by Kafka that contains crazy and insane events happening to good people. So, I would guess things are really looking up for Valerie. I hope I got the name “Kafka” correctly.
P.S. Valerie? If you are reading this, I hope you will be awarded millions and millions of dollars in your civil suit. If you do, be sure that you know about “PRENUPS” should you ever get married. You will need to protect those millions. There are a lot of sleazy con men out in this world now and you have suffered enough from con men (and con women).
Valerie? If you should happen to read this post, please come on by and say hello to all the people here who love and support you. I’m sure we’d all love to hear from you.
Skyler 23, the SCotUS will usually only take a case like this if there are others from different jurisdictions (outside the 9th Circuit in this case) that have conflicting decisions on that level. Otherwise, they prefer that it climbs to the State SC level then to the nth Circuit court of Appeals.
OK. Thank you.
Would you like to make a prediction what will happen in this case?
Nope, no way I can as I don’t know what the lawyers will do if they lose. The appellate road is long and winding IF taken.
Hello Balletlady. I just want to show you the headline from Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker today. It is:
Ten Days That Shook The (Scientology) World: Dave and Danny’s very bad predicament!
Apparently, the events that happened in the last ten days are kind of unprecedented in the world of this cult. My take is that he means the cult has suffered many hits during these past ten days that are more damaging that during any other time.
Of course, there was a time in the 1970s (I’m estimating) where a bunch of these idiots broke into some FBI building and stole a bunch of documents which resulted in people going to prison. Tubbard’s wife went to prison as well and was essentially never heard from again after that.
The leaders of this cult really don’t treat their women very well. Do they? The TWERP locked his poor wife away – never to be seen again. In any case, I’m feeling pretty happy at what has happened during these past ten days.
It’s been freaking MONUMENTAL!
It has given many of us many reasons to be HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY!
So, please consider being happy?
It may not have been very P.C. for me to use the phrase “their women” above. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. But it might have been much better for me to say, “their wives” instead.
Oh thank you friend Skyler23……when I think about Danny Masterson possibly going to jail & maybe “sharing a cell” with “Big Bubba” as his buddy….I can’t help but smile. To finally HEAR & SEE that at LEAST he’s standing in front of a Judge & Court of Law where he can’t charm, smile or talk his way out of his crimes so easily.
Oh yes, stand in front of COS sanctified mandatory Arbitration….like some OTHER cult religions run the SAME WAY….the VICTIM is to blame for it all.
To think that if he SHOULD be paired up with a rather large man as his cell mate…there just might be A LOT of “hair pulling” & other nasty deeds going on ummm….hmm….let’s just say “BEHIND DANNY”S BACK”…………lol!
When I think of lovely Valerie & the other lovely ladies having to be tortured over & over again with those intrusive questions about their rapes… heart aches for them.
Justice was served in the Bill Cosby case….he REMAINS IN PRISON as his parole was denied after he refused to participate in a “sex offender program during his nearly three years in prison in Pennsylvania.” Cosby said “he’d rather remain in prison than have to take the sex offender program & “acknowledge his wrong doing” even if it means he has to serve the full TEN year sentence.
Wow, Cosby is 83…..has 7 more years to go on his 10 year sentence….makes me wonder if he’ll get out early eventually because of his age. His refusal to admit “wrong doings”…..what a joke.
Danny Masterson better hope for solitary confinement possibly 23 hours a day spent in a tiny cell with 1 hour outside for exercise. At least he won’t be someone’s “bitch”.
I hope & pray that JUSTICE is served & Danny gets some time “away” to think about what he might consider his “sexual conquests”……….maybe when he shares a prison cell HE will be the VICITM of the same thing.
Ladies….stay strong…stand up for yourselves & don’t let Mesereau intimidate you.
HEY DAVEY…..Aren’t you going to go testify to Danny’s outstanding & sterling reputation???? Guess not, YOU might be arrested as well huh?
Recently, a Canadian judge sentenced a skell who had murdered two women to life in prison. What he said to this creep was just about perfect and I would hope the same would apply to Cosby and WeinStein and all the rest. Here is what he said:
“Your moment before us is done. You will never be seen in public again. In time you will be forgotten…you will simply be gone.”
Wow Skyler23…..Awesome statement by that Canadian Judge. We can only hope that Danny Masterson receives his just due……that somehow, someway a Judge is able to tell him “that for the safety of the female public you will be spending time behind bars”.
As I noted Cosby still will not accept blame for the physical & emotional damage he’s done to numerous women. His wife still stands by his side thinking he’s innocent. This TV SitCom man walked on water or so many people thought….his TRUE nature came out when he was able to drug, molest, rape several women.
As in Danny Masterson’s case…for the women SO EMBARRASSING to admit that for whatever reason they were “alone with him, trusted him, so THEY are to BLAME”……
In High School my then BFF to no one’s knowledge was being raped by her step father…more her mother’s live in boyfriend while her mother was away at work. He threatened my BFF with death as well as the death of her mother IF she told her mother or anyone else.
Suddenly in mid 11th grade “Nora” vanished…no trace of her in school, phone calls unanswered, no one answered the door at home. Nora “reappeared” sometime in our Senior ;year…..looking beaten down, sad, scared/afraid etc.
When we were alone one day she told me “her secret”….her step father had been raping her, forced her into silence under threat of death, & for nearly a year sexually assaulted her & got her pregnant.
When she told her mother, her mother DENIED it all, called HER a LIAR….& threw her out of the house. Long story short, she had been sent away under threats if she told anyone the truth….”her story was that supposedly she had a one night stand with a stranger”……baby was given up for adoption, she never saw her first born baby. .
Her mother would not let her back in the household, thank God….she didn’t want to go back there, she was placed elsewhere & lived elsewhere. Shortly after that, THEN her step father was arrested as he was going after two or three OTHER young girls in the neighborhood & had molested one of them.
Nora’s TRUTH was revealed……too much detail to put in here, but her rapist ended up in prison. Her mother was angry with her for the “loss of her mother’s lover”….& never talked to her again.
Nora is a survivor…with the support of her Social Worker, Foster Parents & friends she went on to college & became a teacher…married, had two children & had a good life
FORGIVE…one can do that if they choose to do so….BUT……….
.FORGET…no one EVER forgets being raped.
I hope Danny Masterson receives “hands on Justice” in prison.
Hey Balletlady. I read your post and it prompted me to post the following:
When I was a teenager, I lived in a housing development that had about 40 houses. Two of the families had a young daughter who never spoke. One was about 10 years old and the other was about 12 years old and neither would ever speak a word.
Funny that no one ever seemed to ask questions about those young girls but years later, it came out the reason they never spoke was because their fathers had been sexually assaulting them (finger raping them).
Why would I post this here and now? Because if anyone reading this knows of a family with a young daughter who never speaks, it would be a good idea to try and do something about that. I’m no expert at telling people what to do. But maybe calling Child and Family Services and asking them what to do might be a good idea.
I can’t imagine letting young children suffer in silence for years and years.
P.S. Balletlady? Have you ever seen the wonderful documentary film about Cosby titled, “Bill Cosby – fall of an american icon”? You can see it here:
This is a fabulous documentary that walks the viewer through the events that led to the fall of Cosby. I got tingles up and down my spine watching how it took so many victims so long before all of a sudden … one day … the charges just exploded across the frontier and Cosby was suddenly screwed!
I’m certain you will really enjoy watching this doc.
The underlying law for arbitration envisions an IMPARTIAL arbitrator. THAT is the legal crux of the matter. The CA S.C. will have to rule on this to shut it down.
Right, Real. There’s nothing impartial about scientology punishment, which is the real name of what Ron laughingly called scientology ethics.
Going to the ‘ethics’ Officer is identical to being sent to the Principal’s office back in school.
No one should have to go through a RELIGIOUS “impartial” anything when it comes to molestation, rape, physical abuse. It is NOT IMPARTIAL.
A young girl I knew when I was 13, while she was in 8th grade girls at the then local Catholic School girls in that grade could switch from wearing knees socks to wearing “stockings/hose” (nowadays called pantyhose).
One girl in the the 8the grade class got a big “run” in her one stocking, so she went to the girl’s room & removed BOTH stockings. When she returned to class the Nun noticed this girl was wearing NO “stockings” and the Nun asked the girl where her stockings were.
When the girl told this Nun about the huge run in her one stocking & why she removed both…the Nun ORDERED the girl to put BOTH stockings BACK ON….in FRONT of the entire class… about embarrassment & Humiliation!
Her parents went to the school the next day & the Priest told her parents that the girl was being “too sensitive & not Humble enough before God”. Her parents REMOVED her from that Catholic School immediately & registered her for public school They also left that church as well.
Skyler23, thank you, I will try to watch the documentary…dk if I can stomach it but I’ll give it a try.
From Tony Ortega:
Does this cult claim that rape by a member is considered a service of the cult ?
As a reminder, here are some choice Hubbardian gems from his
“Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves. Elemental spirits are your slaves. You are power among powers, light in the darkness, beauty in all.”
“When you tell people you are ill it has no effect upon your health. In the Veterans examination you will tell them how sick you are. You will look sick when you take it. You will return to health one hour after the examination and laugh at them.”
“Your psychology is good. You worked to darken your own children. This failure, with them, was only apparent. The evident lack of effectiveness was “ordered.” The same psychology works perfectly on everyone else. You use it with great confidence.”
You get the idea…El Con Blowhard conceived Scienbollocks as a scam. So, yes, raping, defrauding, abusing, and enslaving his adherents were essential components of his elaborate, intentional fuckery. Miss Savage has extended the legacy with expensive lawyers and other hired goons.
So theta, right?
Thank you.
Exposing the words and actions of Scientology in the organization and by David Miscavige and Scientology founder Ronald Hubbard and other members is the best protection possible.
Showing the world who these people actually are, what they have said, written, ordered and done is our chance to get justice for some people and to get freedom from Scientology for countless others.
Okay. Let me get this right. Scientology has been granted all the massive privileges of being a Religion with the full gambit of Religious protections as laid out in the First Amendment. It also has Contracts Law protections as afforded businesses in United States under secular business laws.
And they have the money to hire a cadre of lawyers to generate reams of legal paperwork defining things exactly as they want them interpreted.
Indeed, Mike, on everything you say in your blog post. I do not understand how an enrollment agreement for services inside an org extends to or includes DM2’s private behavior in his own private life. He is not an org staff member; he is not any kind of official person working for the church. The accusations are not concerning him performing duties as staff inside an org. His behaviors should be legally and logically viewed and treated as what they are: his own. What a bizarre “dot” to attempt to “connect”–back to a church services enrollment agreement for paying money to get onto a service delivered by and inside of a church.
One wonders: Was this Judge Kleifeld (civil case) bribed?
And, right, Mike: Thank you Gretchen Carlson, lending a voice in possession of no real “skin in the game” concerning Scientology… to help illuminate the non-just practice of coercive arbitration agreements. It is one of those pinnacles we see and comment upon in this blog community so often: the cognitive dissonance you can expect from this group, which teaches and preaches “You are full cause,” whilst simultaneously doing everything it can to render you “full effect” [of them].
Los Angeles Times: Scientology’s secrets spill into open in Danny Masterson rape case
MAY 27, 2021 8 AM PT
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The Church of Scientology works hard to keep its inner workings out of the public eye.
It has hired private detectives to keep tabs on straying members, and experts say its lawyers vigorously defend against legal incursions, arguing to judges that Scientology’s beliefs are not courtroom fodder.
But at a hearing last week in the rape case against actor Danny Masterson, church officials were unable to stop their practices from being debated in open court.
Three women took the stand to recount violent sexual assaults allegedly committed by the celebrity Scientologist, and each told similar stories of how church officials tried to stop them from reporting Masterson to police.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
O/T. Rev. Susan Taylor of the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office is a member of the Washington, DC government Places of Worship Advisory Board.
VIDEO: Partnership POWAB with Rev. Sue Taylor
Speak Life-The Voices Radio Program
Published on May 26, 2021
Rev. Susan Taylor, National Public Affairs Director Chruch of Scientology National Affairs Office
The Washington, DC government website for the Places of Worship Advisory Board (POWAB).
POWAB Membership List:
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR at:
How ironic, a long-term OSA goon on this board…
I watch your show, listen to your podcast and read your blog. I am amazed and angry that the government has not intervened to stop this cult. I live in the very Deep South of the United States and yes, it’s true, we all have pickup trucks in the driveway, love our mamas and have guns…maybe that’s why I’ve never seen an ideal org in my neck of the woods. I pray you are successful in your brave fight against this evil cult. Please keep speaking out and defending the victims of Scientology and their abuse. My small way of supporting you is that I no longer watch any movies or tv shows which feature Scientologist…not really hard for some – Tom Cruise lost me years ago, couch jumping jackass. I digress. If you and Leah ever come way down south, know you have have many, many supporters here!
I have hopes that the Garcia appeal will bare fruit. I also have hope that the victims appeal to the California appeals court will bare fruit. If that doesn’t happen, perhaps an appeal to the Supreme Court can be done. I would contribute to a go fund me if that is necessary. Justice is dish best served hot and spicy.
I apologize for the question but what was sentenced by Judge Kleifield is still valid or not?
After the testimonies given by the three women last week, just trying to talk about religious arbitration again would be shameful.
Yes, Kleifield’s ruling is still valid. So is the one in Val Haney’s case by Judge Burdge.
Thanks Mike. Understood. Now it’s more clear to me.