It gets cornier and cornier.
A “surprise party” for “Mr. Rabey”…
This “caper” is going to be filmed for Maiden Voyage.
Who in their right mind would miss this opportunity to feed themselves to the reg lions at ASHO so they could be on video for MV and surprise Mr. Rabey?
And not only that, this is “from the desk” of Anne Mintz. Such gravitas.
Funny how they are promoting this with a “free” meal and a seminar. When a WISE member does one of these money-making seminars they always charge money for it and they don’t give a “free” meal. Must be desperate when they are trying to attract OT VII and OT VIIIs with chicken nuggets and a plastic cup of coca cola. Seems like trying to catch a whale with a minnow on a bent pin for a hook. Or maybe there are enough of them out there that no longer have two dimes to scrape together and any free food is like catnip to Felix.
As the old saying goes — desperate times call for desperate measures.
January 7, 2015 From the desk of Anne Mintz: We have known each other for quite a while. I hope this email finds you well and flourishing. We have a GREAT group of OT VIIs and VIIIs here in Los Angeles. I am counting on you to arrive on Friday, January 30 at 7 PM at the ASHO Chapel to connect up and start 2015 with a BANG! You see Mr. Rabey is coming to town. He has helped each of us so much that we want to surprise him with the largest gathering of OTC members and OT 7s and OT 8s EVER! Are you game? We really need you as part of this caper. Please let me know that I will see you Friday January 30th, okay? We will be sending up videos and photos for Maiden Voyage and we want you in it! Best wishes, Anne |
Excellent piece on the S African blog this morning describing the experience of a “VM” doing some disaster relief work. What a disaster….
Clive should bring along The FSO AO Solo Nots DoP , Becky Kelsey, for some added punch.
Hi Mike,
Just to let you know, some of the comments to this article do not have a “reply” button. I wanted to post a reply to indie8million’s comment to tell him how much I agreed with the points he made, but could not do so for that reason.
“Seems like trying to catch a whale with a minnow on a bent pin for a hook”. I hate to be a bore but Mike you must write a book. 🙂
Clive talkin’
You’re telling me lies, yeah
Clive talkin’
You wear a disguise
Clive talkin’
so misunderstood, yeah
Clive talkin’
you just ain’t no good
As performed by The Clive Aces
You’re gonna be
Ohhh teeeee
if you do it my way
Clive talkin’
You just gotta pay
Backing vocals by the Clive-ettes
I’m afraid if Mr. Rabey fails to make his arrivals quota, he will be C/Sed for a clivectomy.
The real question Mike, should be “who in their right mind would SHOW UP ” for another opportunity to be fed into the “reg grinder” and of course the answer is “no one in their RIGHT mind.” Which tells you what you need to know about the mental state of the current customer base in the good old CoS (and the “OTs” are the craziest and most easily controlled segment of that customer base, they firmly reside in the land of the completely other determined).
Slightly off the topic: I was in town yesterday and after doing what I had to do I made my way to my local comic shop (once a fanboy always a fanboy) and saw a sign outside the Launceston Life Improvement Centre which said there was a talk starting at 11 and everyone was invited. Collected my weekly fix of comics and wandered back up the street (it was about 11.20 by this time) and saw a whole FIVE people inside the gloomy L. I. C. and they were the same five $cientologists that I see in there every week, all of whom are probably in their fifties and over. $cientology is obviously not a booming business here which seems to put paid to the 47x nonsense they’ve spouting.
Sounds like Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and A.C.T orgs, Kronomex.
how come he wears glasses?
Overts of course!!!
Or he needs to find his word.
Watch out for the locked doors. “Mr.” Rabid, I mean Rabey loves to lock the doors and make sure everyone gets some good old fashioned crush sell regging before the night is over!
Yes – that’s from whom I want to learn everything I need to know about money. A guy who seems to not know the difference between “flourishing and prospering” and raising someone’s credit limit.
Would love to hear reports from some UTR people who are still going in to the orgs. I haven’t been in in so long, they’d tackle me and route me to ethics before the event. ha ha ha!
Me too! hahaha!
Hey, Hallie Jane!
Yup. I could see you and me, sitting in ethics, talking about what we read on Rinder’s blog that day – really loudly! hahahahaha!
“And THEN Rinder said that COB was the biggest sociopath in the world!!”
“That’s right, and that Leah got kicked out of Cruise’s wedding for asking why DM’s personal assistant was grabbing his ass and his wife was nowhere around! Woooooo, did she get some sec checks for asking that! 300 grands worth!”
They would have to get out the “theta disinfectant” to kill all of those ‘virus’ of doubt from the walls!! LOL!
Me’thinks that under the radar, we would no longer be. Hung out to dry, more like. haha
Isn’t the Cof$ just great? It’s where total nobodies can rise and rise and can become big even bigger and better nobodies!
Just be completely blind, reject even the slightest understanding of the written word, have no conscience whatsoever, (and my personal favourite) enjoy imparting complete misery upon others, smiling the whole time. But best of all, learn to become such the best of the best brown noser that fudge becomes your favourite food – mmm… the sugar hit of life!
Mintz & Rabey – it’s got that , you know… the right ring about it, kind of like Moxon & Kobrin – ahhh yes! that warm and fuzzy feeling one gets from being an expendable easily seen piece of cannon fodder on the extreme left field of a losing team. That sense of ‘wanna be’ must be the overwhelming desire that makes it all worthwhile.
Gee I miss all the fun.
$cientology – the only game where running away from it is 100% of the gain!
Love the picture of Kristen Wiig about to spoil the surprise party. Really funny!
I just had an idea. Has anyone seen the movie “Caché (Hidden),” made by Austrian director Michael Haneke? In it, a man arrives at his Paris home one day to find a video tape (or disc?) slipped through the mailslot, and watching it, he finds it’s nothing but a taped view of the front door of his house, lasting for hours on end. The point is, some enterprising troublemaker could secretly (and legally) set up a camera to digitally record and transmit all the comings and and goings through the front door in a single week at any Ideal Org. Then one can count how many (few) people are coming and going.
My thoughts exactly!!!
A timelaps setup that takes a picture Evelyn 5 seconds, is pretty cheap and it makes it less tedious to watch while giving a good indication no trafic
We have known for quite a while that we have pillaged your fortunes, stole your family members and taken what they had as well, but still, I hope this email finds you well and flourishing again…
Many kudos and thanks for the excellence of your work. I forget exactly who and when reference was made to the long gone Kitchener Ontario org, but do remember vividly the laughter my hubby and I shared: you see he was raised in that town and still has friends there. We both plan to go next June for a reunion of sorts and I would like to know more about whatever history it has generated to get such a terrible reputation within $cientology. Which to me speak volumes, as Co$ is a greedy animal that I know does not let go that easily of its prey. Hence the mystery for me. Also curious about the paucity of history of the Co$ in Canada, anyone?…
Kitchener is a smallish working class town and it would seem to me as very poor soil for the cult…..Can you please enlighten. We also will stay in Cambridge (20 or so miles away – no good hotel in Kit.) and plan a little visit to the $cibot home there, take pics as well and leave a few sheets of info such as: WWP, ESMB, your blog, and Tony Ortega ‘s. Thank you in advance for any tidbits.
I have over the years written to both Provincial & Federal authorities about the kult, asking for awareness campaings to educate the public about this pyramid scheme. Alas nothing to report but polite letters that my concerns were appreciated, whatever that is supposed to mean…
In closing let me wish you and all your followerd a fabulous year 2015!
Dear Shewolf the Kitchener Org is now located in Cambridge and if you stay at the Best Westren you will be a couple of blocks away .Note: Its a huge building with a huge parking lot with just 3 cars.
At least she Anne doesn’t sign off with the usual BS “ML”.
These briefings from an AO service organization about attaining “affluence and prosperity” is just more evidence that the organization has morphed into a money sucking machine…. Scientology is a distant thought in the past. It’s only meaning is to pump people up for the kill.
“Scientology is a distant thought in the past.” Robert spot on, sad but true.
Caper definition:
ca·per /ˈkāpər/
an activity or escapade, typically one that is illicit or ridiculous.
synonyms: stunt, monkey business, escapade, prank, trick, mischief, foolery, tomfoolery, antics, hijinks, skylarking, lark, shenanigans
Finally, truth in advertising by the Church.
I especially hate the word “caper”. My what a hoot. On another note Cincinatti Org doesnt know I am declared apparently as they are now trying to recruit me for staff. I got an entire booklet from them about joining staff at the idle org. Interesting that they have a “Veteran Sea Org Member” with over 45 years experience running the place now. Jeannie Sonnefeld. I thought that SO members were not allowed to work at class V orgs.
Oh hang on a minute thats old LRH policy and we don’t use that anymore.
I got promo from Cincinnati Org also to join staff. Not only am I declared, I’ve never been to Cincinnati.
So did I and I don’t live there either! Desperate times…
On the Jeannie Sonnenfeld and Cincinnati, did they let her husband join her in her new outpost? David Sonnenfeld is her husband. Both used to be posted in the LA area. So I wonder if they split up that family when they sent her to Cincinnati?
As far as I know she went there with hubby David due to pregnancy.
“Receive an individual consultation on this program as part of the event”. Translation – endure a crush-reg session which will result in your being parted from your hard earned money/savings/pension and any other money they can sniff out.
Ummmm – no thanks. I’d rather stay at home and watch The Walking Dead.
… Or a blank screen.
I wonder if Clivee Poo is going to bring his sidekick Bill Batchelor along with him to slam a pleebe or two into a room so he can ‘not audit’ them with a few key questions like “Are you involved in any out ethics activity?” or “Have you been looking at the internet?” or “Do you have happy thoughts when you hear the name Mike Rinder?”
Of course this is all being done so we can help you to help the planet by speeding your progress up the bridge to total annihilation……………………….
Yo Clive,
I come bringing gifts ……………… here is a nice box of sand. Go pound it!
This is Clive “tours reg UK” Rabey – right?
The one and only….
wow the greasy gremlin been promoted to a “Mister”. Wow. Thanks for the good laugh MIke!
Mister Clive “rabies” Rabey. Ugh!
Good luck with getting any attendance.
The Surprise is a large tin foil pan of Lasagna topped with Ricotto chesse
( subliminal messege, See we don’t eat beans and rice) another tin foil pan of tossed
salad the dressing is olive oil and small basket grarlic buns ( never enough) for those who come early.
Short form of speech is always the same,give me your money and I will get you on OT 9 and 10.
Decoded is “Once you show me the money I’m your Fake Friend till the money is gone and you cannot stay away from our lasagna”.
I remembered Mr Rabey doing this type of action when arrivals were low and no many confirms had been gotten for the following weeks.
They collapse continues…tick-tock.
In the “olden days,” the Mr Clive Rabey briefings were mandatory. I received notice of one after Dr Denk’s death (2004) after I had relocated to Washington State (2005). This notice was probably sent to an old mailing list. When I didn’t attend the mandatory briefing, I was chitted for non-compliance or some such. It looks to me like the folks are trying to make the Mr Clive Rabey briefings more fun.
Yea, it’s the new Charming Kind David Miscavige tactic.
I only worry it may work because people actually do respond to kindness; except in the church’s case, I think it’s too little too late.
Love the ‘Surprise Party’ pic……hilarious!
Thanks for the tip on the SA post. It would have been funny had it not been so (1) ridiculous or (2) sad – you get your choice. Kind of truly exposed all those “official” pics with police or other officials who were *not* putting any official approval on anything.
Clive probably wants to brief them on all the wins OT 8’s are having redoing the bottom of the circular “bridge”. Maybe there is a special package only available to OT 8’s for the Student Hat Course of the month, Purif (comes with a special T-shirt) and Objectives. These people should get a cert for the permanent state of STUPID.
🙂 Yea, Mat, I got one of those certs. I never did the internship on it though; so, it expired November 2013. Whew! Almost made it to a Permanent state of stupid.
I was thinking that too Mat. With the recent plea from the freewinds for OTs to come back, I think there’s some “stategy” to get them closed to do the new/old shite. Poor things… can’t fix stupid.
How come Super OT Clive is wearing glasses? Is he not cause over his MEST eyeballs? Anyway, I took some short footage (I am new to camera work so it is unscripted, off the cuff and unedited because i have not learn how to edit yet) of the near death and history of Adelaide org in South Australia. There are 2 Facebook links so if you are not on FB they won’t come up and this is Part 2
Jeff as you know adelaide org is as dead as a door nail. When we were there it has been going downhill towards abyss for sometime. Myrna Safra as ED helped a lot in that respect.
LOL, you are right Invisible Man. I was not around from the time Myrna took over and onwards but I remember before she was a staff member and when I was on staff that she always told me some juicy bits of ”entheta”, so she has been in doubt about Scn. for a long time.
If you could go to the link i shared and get on to FB and contact me on Chat, that would be great as I would like to know what happened to Scn after i left in 2005.If you are not on FB you can contact me on [email protected] Thank you.
Hey, are you the same Jeff Brown who got lost in my garden at Warradale, with Peter Sparshott and Rob Walker, one night in 1992? Glad to see you’re out of the jungle now and blogging.
Yes David. I remember you as an agricultural scientist or botanist or something similar [you have a beard if I recall right] and I remember going out to your college at Wattle Park. I remember Rob [who has long since left the Sea Org] and Peter [who is pushing up daisies on Boot Hill] but I don’t remember getting lost in your garden LOL. if i did i would have pinched all your carrots, onions and tomatoes as i was that poor and hungry as a staff member. Good to hear from you.
jeffleebrown – Super OT Clive Rabey is wearing glasses because he dramatizing getting old. He had better stay clear of being in David Miscavige’s holy presence.
It doesn’t say the word “mandatory” in the invitation. That is strange. They won’t need much food, therefore. A bag of chips shared among the attendees might be enough.
Yea, I think it has been FINALLY realized that the word “mandatory” was overused. Too many really stupid, nonsensical “mandatory” events shown up for, only to leave with your wallet empty.
Wow, I bet Mike Rinder drives the People In OSA crazy. How do you stop Rinder from posting your “confidential” e-mails on the ‘net.? The COS is obviously shrinking, and e-mailing members or former members is a great way to get info out and solicit money and attendance at their shrinking events. How to do this , while at the same time keeping Rinder from getting it and also trying to find the leak. It has to keep those poor Sea Org slaves up all night trying to keep wraps on their ridiculousness. Great Job Mr. Rinder, thank you for this blog. It has been very informative and enlightening and continues to be.
I’m curious if anyone knows how many attended the 2015 “new year” event in LA . Without the photo shopping or extras of course. I always look forward to watching DM squirming on his bullet proof podium to deliver the latest read from his Sherman tank of drivel.
I didn’t attend, but I got a look at the hot-off-the-press “New Year’s Commemorative Edition” of International Scientology News! “A Whole New World. YEAR ONE” blares the headline.
Attached the back is a DVD entitled “EPIC WINS.”
Below the DVD are the instructions: 1. WATCH THIS DVD NOW 2. TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP UP THE BRIDGE
Oh, boy!
As I thought to myself, “GO FUCK YOURSELVES” it occurred to me that I was in Non-Compliance, and CI to Command Intention. Oh well. I’m so much happier that way.
And I haven’t played the DVD. I’d need to splice the mainbrace with a few Martinis before I could even contemplate that special hell.
Gus — you seem to be the first person who has received their copy. Lucky you. When you are done with it, would you mind mailing it to me?
Oh, and in my new little game of Spot the Fatman (I flip through and see if there are any pics of LRH and note the ratio of LRH to DM), I see that the first pic of LRH comes on Page 64. It’s small – much smaller than the glorious and numerous full-page shooped photos of Dave… Then finally Hubs is there on the last page. Two pics. It’s all Dave now, baby.
Overall, the mag is 114 pages of pure bullshit.
Hi, Mike, you got it. I’ll email you momentarily (I couldn’t reply to your comment directly – sometimes the reply button doesn’t show)
Natas Em, If you rearrange the letters of your name it spells “Namaste”
Did you try spelling it backwards ?
“Natas Em” spelled backward = Me Satan
Oooooh, I’m scared now! But you’ll have to arm wrestle DM for that title.
I have noticed that the musical chairs in Scientology is spinning faster and faster – there is a constant stream of new people trying to get others to come to the Atrium for their drivel speeches about going OT blah blah blah.
No one went when I was in – I would see the Chap there waiting…and waiting…. and waiting….NADA.
Yes Mike – they are desperate when they pretend they honor a Sea Org Slave and throw parties for the poor soul that will end up in the HOLE because no one will come and they just can’t get Scientology to work for Slappy’s lavish lifestyle. NO one is coming in!!
I just talked to another person who left and is healing from the trauma. Scientology Organization is all dried up. Most people have left the building!
Idle, the next time you speak to that person please let them know that there are many people who are happy for him/her. We wish them the best in their healing and we will be cheering for them as they move forward. Also sending lots of (((hugs))).
Thanks Nolagirl – I will do that. Big Hug to you too!!
She feels so alone and shattered. Confusion is the state Scientology puts these poor souls in…but I am helping her by sending her to the internet where she will connect with all of you fine outstanding people who have regained their compassion for humanity. Thank you all for being here. You are saving lives and as my good friend Moo Goo Gai says – “Doing the Lord’s Work”…LOL
One thing she mentioned is after serving on staff – she felt so degraded and bad. She could not let herself have anything either. I could relate to that – it happened to me too!
Scientology – where the able get disabled.
I was Div Six at AOLA. There was one such event where a “top exec” was in town and instead of letting the public leave the org after course the staff all lined the main entrance and blocked the exit so the only place to go was the Atrium. They provided food and the poor “keyed out OT’s” were forced to endure their break time sitting being regged. IAS Events were lockdown too. It was always the same old tired faces only there for the free Zankou Chicken. There was always some sucker staff member who would donate their weekly pay to get the ball rolling. Shitty thing was they took it too.
Agree. For no more than staff make, they should be exempt from giving to the Ponzi scheme.
Been there – done that. This was rampant at Flag and the Ship, also.
Mike, who the hell is this Clive Rabey? He seems to be appear in a lot of promotional materials. Is he some sort of opinion leader for churchies? What is he so famous for, really?
He is the D/CO for the AO and has been for many years. His main claim to fame is as the international cheerleader for the 10,000 on Solo NOTs target for planetary salvation. How he stays on post when this is total fail is a bit hard to understand. But probably it’s because it is primarily a symbolic post so the OT VIIs and VIIIs don’t bother the real CO FSO who is a full time reg.
In other words Mike – He is the “smoke and mirrors” stable terminal for the Oat Teas?
Yes, Mike. It is amazing. It is a “cult of personality” type of thing, IMO. Clive is a very likable guy, and believable. There is a value in that. Like the mafia – “They guy is making us money. Don’t nobody kill him.”
In Clive’s case, maybe he’s the only believable guy they can send down.
One thing I wanted to add is that I saw Clive many times over the years. In about 2011, after not being at the AOLA for a while, he came to do an event again and he looked gaunt and drawn. Also, he wasn’t as ‘nice’ as he was before.
Early on, he was happy, and playful and so likable because he was in a spirit of play about it all. When he returned (possibly after some RPF or ‘ethics’ handlings) there was more force toward the audience/public. A little more make wrong for not making it go right.
He’s pretty inherently theta so may not be able to ‘grok’ that anybody could be that evil. That DM is actually an SP and that he’s contributing to and SP/Squirrel purpose.
To me, that’s the blind spot of the truly social personality.
Also, he’s an old-time Scientologist and knew what it was like before DM took over. No matter what the LRH haters say, the ORGS were filled with people who were doing their best to help each other with the standard tools that were available. We believed in what we were doing and that we could really help people. And we did. Clive, along with many other old timers who are still in, do not realize that they aren’t talking about the original Scientology paradigm any more.
@ I 8 M, it’s not that a social personality has a blind spot. Everyone does it, Margaret Singer[1] goes so far as to sat “we obey people we like.”
It takes a coercive environment to turn this behaviour into a control mechanism, for instance by making lack of instant agreement a point of conflict rather than the starting point of a healthy debate. If you cannot ask questions without your personal qualities being brought into question, the environment is a controlling one. (Yes, I’m having a go at the ARC triangle, and the way it stops thoughts.)
[1] “Cults in Our Midst” Janja Lalich and Margaret Singer
All ya gotta do Peter, is get onto New OT VII. Then you’ll know who he is.
Like Mike said, a figurehead.
Love the use of the word “caper” as a gamey thing. Like how much fun this will be to surprise Mr. Rabey. Also, love the ploy of “we will be sending up videos and photos.” This is either a scare tactic (as in, if you don’t show up for this we’ll know who you are and call your ass in for a sec check) or a get recognized by all the beautiful people (David Miscavige et al.) that show up for Maiden Voyage. Either way, most people know the church to be devious in whatever it does; so, this little playful note from Anne Mintz won’t be trusted – unless your mind is gone.
I’m pretty convinced that all Scientologists, to some degree, feel trapped.
McCarran, you said it! Spot on on everything you said. I noticed too how 1.1 it was to couch it in terms of a “caper” to “surprise” Clive Rabey. The surprise will be if anyone shows up.
Great comment, Mary. Scare tactic or to PR the beautiful people. Anne Mintz says, “he has helped each of us so much”. Yeah, Anne, he helped us mortgage our homes, give up our kid’s college educations, retirement funds, go into bankruptcy. Thanks a million. Let’s give Clive a surprise to show our thanks. What a bunch of dweebs. I hope no one shows up.
I wouldn’t minimize the kind of role Rabey has by labeling him just a figurehead though (people say the same thing about Queen Elizabeth). Actually “goodwill” and “cheerleading” can be a very vital PR function. Someone like Rabey is used periodically to pump up and soften up the customers by raising their affinity as much as he can before they are turned over to the salespeople to take their money. And yes, folks, the ARC Triangle DOES in fact work and after their affinity/emotional tone level is raised (temporarily of course, sometimes VERY temporarily), their willingness to agree is also raised for a while and that “for a while” is when the racketeer asks ” which credit card will you be giving me?”
You are right Mike. His official title is Deputy Captain AO for Delivery & Exchange. When the arrivals to AO for services go way down, he leaves Flag for a day or two and goes to LA or another city to “generate” more arrivals to OT’s. The guy is always tired and sleeps on the plains, the only time he could get some rest. RTC orders him left and right and CO Flag screams at him at every opportunity. I witnessed too many times, when the arrivals are low, Clive came into the Solo HGC and was ordering all the Solo Not’s Ds of P to stay all night and get arrivals, even those who are not due for their 6 month check. When I mentioned to him that it wasn’t our hat to get in arrivals, i was immediately sent to Staff MAA, who was supposed to “get my Ethics In” and be “with The Program” and follow “the Command Intention” Blah-Blah. Clive passed all the pressures and suppresion that was run on him to Public as well and was very inpatient to public who had questions and not part of the sheep.
He is in NO position now to experience any theta now. A total slave. How sad.
Yossi, I remember you as a very kind and caring person and am so glad to know you and your wife got away from the SO madness. We worked together for a fanatic kool-aid drinker on Drew, and we’re both lucky we got out of there too. LOL
Hello Maureen, glad to hear from you. You had the guts to do it way before me. Yes, we are lucky, but also more sober. All the best to you.
Yossi, looks like MISTER Rabey has become an asshole to others, which makes him JUST an asshole and frankly he gets absolutely NO sympathy from me at all. I will never accept the excuse that one can abuse others because of his seniors having abused HIM. He can always say no. One day he will have to take responsibility for HIS actions. (sleeping on the plains again? must be during those long layovers in Nebraska or Kansas)
Joe, I completely agree with you that HE IS responsible for HIS action. I don’t have any sympathy for him either. It was interesting to read how he transformed from a freindly Flag executive to a robot machine. He, like others get no mercy from me. Just curious, how long will it take for the public to discover.